Something tells me that these two are going to have an interesting day at work on Monday, because by then everyone in the nation will know who they are:
Blackface. DV joke. But it's Halloween right?
— zellie (@zellieimani) October 26, 2014
Their son is the one who tweeted it, and if you see the hashtags he uses, you can tell he’s a real charmer and a budding young sociopath.
Having seen the Ebola nurse costume already, I’m thinking it’s still too early to label this the worst Halloween this year.
Omnes Omnibus
The hashtags on that tweet/instagram are appalling.
ETA: I find the Ebola nurse costume funny. This one is fucking offensive.
Are there no comments yet because everyone is speechless? Holy fuck this is someone’s parents. Unbelievable.
I guess this was the best plan for unloading all those jerseys.
13 people liked it, too. Hooray white people!
This is a consequence of having no Black friends I think. I mean just 1 GOOD Black friend would tell these people, no to the Blackface, just no.
What is the idea that white folk have that to dress in a character that just happens to be Black, that you have to put on Blackface?
I mean, you can dress in some suspenders, with your pants hiked up to your knees, and nerdy classses, with tape in the middle, and people will more than likely see that you are either Urkel or if they just think you are just a random nerdy character, then you say, “naw I’m Urkel”…ya dont’ have to put brown makeup to do that!!!
It’s hard not to think of the opening of Idiocracy.
I mean Black folk dress as Superman occasionally for Halloween, you don’t see them putting white makeup on?
I can name any number of famous costumes of white folk that Black folk wear all the time and yet never have to put on “whiteface” to make it relevant.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Or you could just have watched this movie. Or not been a clueless douchebag. You don’t need black friends to know that that costume combo is offensive; you just need what Cole said in the post title: social awareness ( and not even that much of it).
And I thought the ice bucket challenge costume was going to be the stupidest one I saw this year.
Gin & Tonic
Quick poll: who’s the worse human being, the kid or the parents?
Incidentally, we all know that ZA (as in zacritter) is the country code for South Africa, right?
Crowd they run with? I am assuming they saw fit to wear that to a party, and a party of friends they were trying to amuse — and that they knew their audience. Probably a lot of high fives all round and some support about those evil PC foreigners ‘n’ feminists that can’t take a joke and don’t understand the game. As for work, that’s a toss-up, depends on what sort and how big their customer footprint is.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: Why do you capitalize “Black” ?
Karen in GA
@lamh36: I would even argue that with the negative publicity blackface gets whenever some moron wears it in public (and some moron always does), a white person doesn’t even need a good Black friend to warn them away from this — just a recognition that white people aren’t the only ones whose feelings matter.
@Corner Stone: Why does it matter to you?
@efgoldman: Is that what language it was. The Youtube version was crappy quality and that was the next version I found. I guess the Poles like Mike Judge.
PS. Good answer.
@Gin & Tonic:
Why is there never a meteor strike when humanity needs one?
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: Meteors don’t work to our schedule.
Mike E
Well, sexy Ebola nurse is a variant of the whole sexy ______ costume trend in Halloween marketing…domestic violence getups, umm, not so much.
Screw these racist assholes.
Listen to The Master (Leopold Stokowski) conduct the London Symphony Orchestra in the best interpretation EVER of Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.
On his 90th birthday, no less.
How about the Halloween costumes being sold in the UK–th.e ones with bullet holes in them because they’re supposed to be American teenagers.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Some blame God, some blame human nature. Both sides do it, so what we need is a Timely Meteor Czar!
Um, what the hell is “DV” supposed to stand for? Deliberately Vile?
Omnes Omnibus
@Anoniminous: Links help. Just saying…
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: Domestic violence.
Mike E
@Anoniminous: He’s the conductor who chats up Mickey in Fantasia, yes?
Corner Stone
@lamh36: I just wasn’t sure why. Is there a reason?
@Omnes Omnibus:
So unreasonable …. ok, here
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: The ways of meteors are inscrutable to man. Oddly, dogs understand them well but don’t have a linear sense of time so it really doesn’t help.
There’s sometimes a fine line between “social commentary” and “offensive.”
@Mike E:
Yes. And the “Leopold” in the Bugs Bunny cartoon ” Long Haired Hare
Mike E
@Anoniminous: Thot so. He was an icon force in symphonic music, leading the Philadelphia Orchestra for a good while…but it was Eugene Ormandy who developed the “Philadelphia Sound” so identified with this city, the lush string section that crossed over into popular music as well. They made their recordings in a dilapidated theater up near Temple U that put the acoustics at the Academy of Music to shame.
@Corner Stone: There is no reason, but I’ve always used African Americans and Black interchangeably. So when I talk of Black folk, I tend to capitalize it, as I suspect alot of Black folk do.
As for blackface, I guess it would be more correct to not capitalize it.
El Caganer
Apparently these folks are missing the genes that give you a clue.
Mike E
@lamh36: Anybody who wears blackface is an Asshole.
@Mike E:
Never heard the PO live, only recordings. (From what you say, perhaps for the better?) When I was living in NYC every time I had the chance to go down I didn’t have the $$$ and when I had the $$$ I couldn’t break free from work obligations.
Have you seen this compilation of “Ormandy-isms?”
I am wondering what the odds are that zacritter is one of the Gamergate hate-mob. It seems like it would be his kind of thing.
Mike E
@Anoniminous: Heh, lost in translation from his original Hungarian, I’m sure. No doubt his musicians loved him.
I saw Itzhak Perlman, Andres Segovia, Pavarotti and Benny Goodman concerts at the old Academy, not too shabby at all. Great La Scala style music house.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike E: I met Perlman once when I was a very young violinist. He is a remarkably nice man – in my experience.
@lamh36: my youngest kid, tiny little blond girl, dressed as Urkel exactly the way you describe. No blackface (never occurred to either of us); all she had to do was dance and they knew who she was. I think she was about 8 years old.
I was trying to find the picture of myself in the Klingon forehead/costume from an office party many years ago. Because the friend I borrowed the forehead from is/was Black (she died several weeks ago), I had to get liquid foundation to (sort of) match the forehead so the rest of my face blended in. The forehead was specially made to match her skin shade. But I wouldn’t say I was in blackface.. Sorry folks, I found picture but it’s very dark and hard to make out the Klingon forehead.
Go to my Flickr page to see it.
I think you can see the hair best. (Bleh.)
@opiejeanne: it’s really simple though isn’t.
I mean any number of little Black boys will probably dress as Superman or Thor or Batman, and yet none of them I’d bet or their parents would make them put on “whiteface” makeup for authenticity sake.
So what is this need for so white people who just really needs to add the brown makeup to any costume that involves both fictional and non-fictional people.
@lamh36: I seem to remember from many years ago (1970s) that “black” should be capitalized because it stands in place of a definite country/geographical area of origin. For Europeans we can say Italian, French, German, etc., but for many (if not most) people of African descent we may not know the area of Africa they came from.
Mike E
@Omnes Omnibus: Dude is Jimi Hendrix on the violin…when he recently came to Raleigh, it had been prolly 30 years since that Philly concert. Still cranks the shit outa that fiddle. He strikes me as sort of like Tony Bennett, an ambassador of the musical genre who is very aware of its history as well as his place in it. Tho, I’d have to give the nicest person award to Yo Yo Ma, not having the pleasure of meeting IP.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s just it: these people don’t have social awareness precisely because they don’t need it and haven’t had to cultivate it. They probably live in a whitey-McWhiterson suburban world where they only have to deal with other middle-class suburban white people, except for the occasional retail clerk or kid’s middle-school teacher.
@lamh36: It is very simple, yes, but this is a double whammy of cluelessness. It’s not just the blackface, although that would be plenty; this is also a joke about domestic violence. None of this is funny and it’s all very offensive.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I know. I just don’t understand the people who don’t understand. They don’t come from where I did – my very first babysitter was an African woman – the younger sister of my dad’s friend. They went out and left me with her and no one gave a shit. My parents gave no shits and what did I care?
@Steeplejack: My youngest was in the cast of Snow White The Musical at Disneyland, and we lived about two miles away from the park and had season tickets so we went to see the show now and then. There was one memorable time when a lady from somewhere in Indiana got to talking to my DH and she seemed very friendly, and then she said something that stunned me, but he didn’t hear it. She asked to sit with us because she didn’t want to sit next to an African American couple and their kids because… something about where she was from THOSE people lived in the bad part of town, and made it clear that she thought they were bad people if they lived there.
I heard it and walked past her and sat on the far side of my husband so that she was sandwiched between him and the Black gentleman in the front row. She was strangely quiet while we waited for the show to start. Seriously, the whole family was nicely dressed and the kids were well-behaved, and she was terrified of them.
She probably would have wet her pants if she’d known the races of the cast members she was so enchanted with, but it was hard to tell under all the raccoon and bluebird and ‘possum makeup. They wore really heavy makeup and sometimes I couldn’t recognize my own kid.
I keep being stunned by stuff like this when I encounter it. It’s just so obviously wrong that I can’t believe anyone is dumb enough to say it even if they think it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know you know. I was just using your comment as a springboard.
I think that at this point in time that lack of social awareness, or white cluelessness, can no longer be defended as accidental or innocent. It’s a willed ignorance designed to vent the racist impulses while preserving deniability should they get called on it.
@Violet: IDK, a little more tasteful than the Urban Outfitters Kent State sweatshirt.
I mean, who doesn’t want to shoot a cheerleader once in a while? I’ve known cheerleaders that wanted to shoot cheerleaders.
@opiejeanne: Two days ago I was on the bus. An elderly man got on and sat down. A stop or two later a Black woman got on and sat next to him. Within a few minutes I saw him moving into a contorted position so that his leg would not be next to hers. I really wanted to say something, but what do you say.
I think there are still big patches of the country where it’s possible to grow up (and remain) “white clueless,” but they’re getting smaller, and TV, pop music and the Internet are whittling away at them psychologically, if not geographically. And, as I said, at this point you almost have to be deliberately “Don’t turn on the lights, I don’t want to see!” clueless to try and get away with the “Gee, I didn’t think anyone would be offended by my blackface costume” defense.
LoLs. Former Reagan aide Douglas MacKinnon wants a few southern states to secede and ban teh gays. The new country would of course be named… wait for it… Reagan!
Not Reaganland?
Amir Khalid
I remember an incident from a few years ago, when Harry Connick Jr came across non-black people in blackface while abroad. (This incident was widely reported at the time, and some others here might remember it too.) He was on a Saturday morning live TV show in Australia, guest-judging some kind of talent contest. The people in blackface were a vocal group (consisting of physicians, by the way), which the show’s producer must have approved beforehand. A plainly horrified Connick gave them zero points out of ten.
The producer had been quite unaware of blackface’s racist history in America. This would probably have been true of the typical white Aussie as well. To his credit, he did give Connick airtime to explain some things to the viewers.
Cookie Monster
@Violet: Asda’s wholly owned by Wal-Mart.
That’s appalling. You really have to wonder what kind of person would think that’s a good idea in this day and age.
@Corner Stone: The baiting… so obvious.
@PurpleGirl: Shakin’ my damned head.
I wonder if he thought he was in danger of catching something from her.
guess I’m a bit of an oddball, but I see them in their costumes, posing together in what they think is a witty thing, and then I just do a bit of voyeuristic spelunking around their home in that pic…and my only comment is to say that whatever they collect and display and dust is pretty much overshadowed by domestic violence blackface that is even more misguided than regular blackface. All that effort into curating their kind of bland homespace, and then they do that…people is just fucked up. And let us not forget that – as a couple – this appears to be something that they absolutely agreed upon….
ETA: In the seventies, they’d have had a macrame owl on the wall…and maybe they’d have gone as Charlie Manson and Sharon Tate. Stay classy, kids….
For the 70s, Donald DeFreeze and Patty Hearst.
@NotMax: Better analogy, but still the macrame owl or plant hanger with the spider plant?
You betcha.
And a sand candle.
@NotMax: Dang! Had forgotton about those. But strawberry scented for sure, yes?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
I always think of the Good Samaritan and the cultural nuances that never come through most people’s exposure to the story.
The way I learned it, the first two who passed by weren’t simply being jerks. They had real fears of contamination, of becoming ritually unclean if they stopped and touched the bloody injured man. There’s an underlying criticism of the obsession with ritual cleanness in a lot of the New Testament stories.
When someone here mentioned the study that identified contamination as a serious concern of conservatives, much became clear about modern conservatives, the fundamentalists I grew up among, and my own aversions.
@Amir Khalid: A couple years ago I was playing at a festival in the UK with a Country band and while walking from one stage to another we strolled past a group of morris dancers in blackface. Jaws were dropped, eyebrows were raised. The Brits seemed to think it was totally normal though. Very weird experience.
@lamh36: you could have no black friends and it would still never occur to you to do this. I mean, really.
that isn’t cluelessness. That is malice. they picked domestic violence. it makes them happy to point out when Blacks really did do something appalling. That gives them some validation. these people are full blown racist, not unaware accidental racists.
I don’t understand them. it’s possible their work/friend circle may not condem them, it all depends.
Actually this is just about ethics in game journalism.
@Amir Khalid: The show was “Hey Hey It’s Saturday”. They were actually impersonating the Jackson 5, so they were performing as a US band.
Did I mention that the group called themselves “The Jackson Jive”?
And they used stereotypical accents?
And this was about 4 months after Michael Jackson died?
The joke was that the guy playing Michael jumped out after the other four had begun their routine, with his face painted pasty white. Quite possibly okay in Australia, although I’m guessing not quite, but any sensible American would just think “Oh My God, Blackface!!”, and end there.
The three judges were also given a giant gong to hit to end the show early. Connick, to his credit, gave them a minute, and then hit the gong like it was a test your strength machine.
Howard Beale IV
@Gin & Tonic: I wonder if someone can run that thru Photoshop and de-blackface ’em-might make for a more definitive identification rather than relying on ‘zacritter’.
I think doubling down on bad behavior is often a form of denial; deflecting an incipient awareness that maybe this isn’t so cool. And no one wants to be the first in the tribe to question it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I wonder if these racists dipshits will draw the obvious conclusions from their costumes ; the only difference between them and blacks is the skin color.
Well, that and except that blacks are the only pure homo-sapiens on the planet today,…
Amir Khalid
I remember seeing this old British variety show on TV. It was very popular in Blighty, too.
I’ve seen this mentioned already, but it bears repeating. The blackface is offensive. The domestic violence joke is offensive. Put together, they’re more than the sum of their parts. This is a statement that black people are primitive thugs, and a black man hitting a black woman is inherent in the race. If there was any hope this might be coincidence, the son’s hashtags remove it.
I’m personally not worried about whiteface. It does not have a history of being used to mock an oppressed people.
dr. luba
Instagram account has been deleted……..
Amir Khalid
@dr. luba:
So these people can be shamed …
@Amir Khalid: I doubt they’re capable of feeling ashamed. More likely they’ve been getting some frank feedback and now they’re convinced they’re victims.
I saw Connick on Henry Louis Gates’s genealogy show “Finding Your Roots” and, as a jazz prodigy in New Orleans, Connick was mentored by Ellis Marsalis, Jr. (father of Wynton and Branford) and considers the Marsalises his second family, so he’s even more tuned into this stuff than your average famous white dude.
Lurking Canadian
@PurpleGirl: this is going to sound all #notallwhitepeople, so I apologize in advance, but I would have been squirming away from touching that woman, too. NOT, I hasten to add, because she was Black, but because I am always very careful to avoid casually touching women I don’t know. I read too many appalling stories about women being casually groped in public. I REALLY don’t want to be that guy, even by accident.
I sometimes feel a little sorry for people like that, because it’s obvious that their families (with the help of society at large) really fucked them up by filling their heads with terrifying stories of how that black family at Disneyland is going to murder them. But giving in to an irrational fear only makes it worse, so the only real cure is to force those people to have normal social interactions, not to allow them to isolate themselves.
Comrade Dread
Here’s a helpful flowchart for other white folks:
Should I wear blackface?
1. Are you Robert Downey Jr. starring in Tropic Thunder playing a clueless privileged white person or a white actor starring in a production examining the horrible racism of the entertainment industry in the past? If yes, go to 2. If no, go to 3.
2. Okay, then. Just please, for the love of God never ever talk seriously about how now you know what it’s like to a black man.
3. No… hell no. Fuck no… why would even ask that question in 2014? Sweet Jesus, are you a time traveler from the 30’s or just an asshole?
Corner Stone
@Lurking Canadian:
I thought the same thing as well. I am extremely conscious of being physically responsible in those situations.
It’s partially because around here we’re used to generous amounts of personal space, but it’s also because I absolutely don’t want to be in a position that could be misconstrued.
What’s worse than dressing up in blackface as someone who beats women?
Dressing your little kid up in blackface as someone who beats women.
@lol: first thing I saw this morning.
Villago Delenda Est
@Violet: The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
Villago Delenda Est
@Comrade Dread:
The latter.
Do I win a prize?
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: I learned that story the same way you just described, that they were afraid of becoming “unclean”.
I grew up in a conservative household but attended a mainstream church, very mild with a tendency toward liberalism.
@Amir Khalid:
Not only can they, it dominates their lives. The difference is between guilt and shame. They know when they’re being publicly disapproved of and mocked, and they hate that sensation and resent it and want to turn it around on their accusers. This is because they hardly ever feel guilt – an internal judgment of themselves as doing wrong. This dynamic is why all the projection and ‘Obama’s Katrina’ and especially ‘blacks are the real racists’ in conservative politics.
EDIT – @opiejeanne:
‘Unclean’ has a specific meaning in Judaism. It’s a temporary state that renders you unfit to do sanctified actions. That only reinforces the message of the Good Samaritan story. If you’re more worried about a couple of weeks of being able to attend synagogue than someone’s life, this heathen is a better Jew than you.
dr. luba
@ruemara: Account is private. There is a Daniel W Parks on Facebook, also nothing to see unless you are his “friend,” but his profile picture is that of an old white man in front of a confederate flag. Surprising, no?
the Conster
And I was just trying to figure out how to make one of those running blade legs for my husband to go with my long blond wig and blood stained shirt, because hilarious, amirite?
@Frankensteinbeck: That was exactly what was said in my Sunday School class when I was a teenager. We had an amazing teacher for that class.
Another Holocene Human
@lamh36: You are completely correct, but of course I don’t think they’re doing these characters because it’s Halloween and they want to be someone else, they’re doing this as an excuse because it’s Halloween and they want to do something taboo, hence all the “it’s funny” claims, it’s just a “joke”, “satire”, “ironic”.
Although really bad makeup was part of my childhood halloweens … rather than get proper greasepaint at the pharmacy my mother thought it was a great idea to smear my face in her old 70s eyeshadow when I decided I wanted to be Grover Monster. I was probably 4 or something.
Another Holocene Human
@lamh36: You are completely correct, but of course I don’t think they’re doing these characters because it’s Halloween and they want to be someone else, they’re doing this as an excuse because it’s Halloween and they want to do something taboo, hence all the “it’s funny” claims, it’s just a “joke”, “satire”, “ironic”.
Although really bad makeup was part of my childhood halloweens … rather than get proper greasepaint at the p******* my mother thought it was a great idea to smear my face in her old 70s eyeshadow when I decided I wanted to be Grover Monster. I was probably 4 or something.
Another Holocene Human
@Violet: You know, if you ever follow coverage of shootings in the UK, especially if it’s teen victims/perps, you’ll constantly hear law enforcement and community members saying “It’s like something on TV — this isn’t the United States. We don’t have this kind of gun violence in Britain.”
And statistically, they don’t.
There’s been school shooting after school shooting in the last two years here.
I feel like if we can dish it out (and boy do we dish it out on “Limeys” and I’m not worried about it, being Irish and keenly aware of the history of Anglo-American supremacy) then I think we can take it, too.
This IS who we are. A wealthy nation with guns and gun violence everywhere. This is how we are perceived. And it’s not inaccurate.
Another Holocene Human
@Mike E: A lot of people at the time considered him not a master, but a con artist.
It’s clear from Fantasia he’s got his strengths and weaknesses … but to me no worse than the much-lauded Seiji Ozawa. Some composers both of them should leave to others because they suck at conducting their work. With Stokowski I wish he would have left Bach alone. Okay, so you transpose an organ work to orchestra, that could work (I mean, it’s Bach, his music survives a lot of transpositions, although that particular piece is very “all hail the organ”-y, which makes it a bit more questionable), then you try to bravura baroque music, showing that you know nothing about baroque music … it ends up sounding like an over-dramatic teenager practicing a piece they’re sick of. Sigh….
Another Holocene Human
@lamh36: beating a dead thread here, but Black is capitalized in a lot of the academic work I’ve read. In the same works, white is not capitalized, probably because white historically was a negative category, unmarked: being unmarked is part of white privilege.
You wouldn’t make irish-american or polish lower case, would you? Or latin@ if you were talking about a person at least, maybe at all in English, certainly not hispanic. I hope that all looks wrong to your inner usage Nazi. nazi. See?
Another Holocene Human
@srv: Doesn’t HEROES start with a bloodied cheerleader who can’t (and won’t, dammit) die? I don’t see the bullet holes on the custom, those are clearly blood spatter. I’m thinking slasher movie (CARRIE?) or HEROES. But who knows.
El Cid
I know everyone has said it before, but still: I look at this and I still cannot comprehend that it is not a Saturday Night Live skit.
Howard Beale IV
@Another Holocene Human: Heroes.
@Another Holocene Human: Yes! My Music History teacher in college always referred to him as Leonard Stokes.
Racist dicks do something dickishly racist. More at 11.
Howard Beale IV
@Anoniminous: Bruno Bozetto’s animation work “Allegro non Troppo” had a nice piece of animation done around Debussy’s Afternoon of a Fawn. The recodings were done by von Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic back in the 1960s/1970s.
Another Holocene Human
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Fear of contamination (precious bodily fluids!!) has to do with the disgust reflex, and research shows that this tends to be amplified in cultural conservatives.
Another Holocene Human
@Lurking Canadian: If you sit in the side-facing seats there is going to be thigh-touching because those seats are for some smaller, lither, shorter race than Americans. He knew he was sitting there, he just didn’t expect a __n___ to sit next to him. And outer thigh pressing is not a grope. Eff him.
Another Holocene Human
@Corner Stone: Then stand, or sit in the back. Jesus Christ, people, this isn’t hard.
The Other Chuck
The domestic violence theme is crass, but there’s satire there, and good satire sometimes makes people uncomfortable.
Then they had to go and put on fucking blackface. The fuck is wrong with people?
VFX Lurker
They’re blood-spattered, but they don’t look like bullet holes to me. The footballer has a slashed/infected leg. The shirt sleeves are ragged and torn. These costumes look like they’re for ghouls who recently feasted on the flesh and blood of the living. It doesn’t look like a person who was shot, though that’s what some parents think it looks like.
I don’t think these specific costumes were meant to satirize American violence. The cheerleader costume is not labeled “American” like the footballer costume. I suspect the footballer costume had to be labeled “American Footballer” to distinguish it from a soccer costume.
For a “shot student costume,” the DIY Virginia Tech costumes that some Penn State students wore a few years ago better fit the bill.
For sheer tastelessness you can’t beat the guy who dressed as a Catholic priest with a boy doll attached to his crotch.
Corner Stone
@Another Holocene Human: Shut up, you stupid fucking douchecanoe.
Corner Stone
@Another Holocene Human: Fuck off, you ignorant moron. Some people try to respect the space of other people in a public place.