Temperatures have plunged into the 60s here in Central Florida, and it’s also extraordinarily windy. It’s a good day to make chili and catch up on chores. The mister has undertaken the chili mission and is off purchasing the ingredients.
I’m procrastinating because I can no longer in good conscience avoid two odious items on my to-do list: 1) cleaning out the office / spare room where we’ve stashed odd items since embarking on our slow-mo home renovation project nearly two years ago, and 2) washing the windows inside and out.
It must be done. We’ll have guests over the holidays, so it has to be possible for people to enter the spare room, plus I will need it as an office when the kiddo is out of school on holidays and making too much noise for me to work at the dining room table, as is my custom. It would also be nice to be able to view the outdoors without a filter of grime.
Oh, there’s football on too, later. FSM willing, this will be the last time valued commenter Raven will get to enjoy watching Georgia alum Coach Will Muschamp lead the Gators to another loss to the Dawgs in Jacksonville. A miracle could occur, of course. But I have a feeling I’ll enjoy cleaning out the spare room and washing the windows more than I’ll enjoy the game.
Auburn and Old Miss should be a good game after the Florida-Georgia debacle ends. Also looking forward to Tennessee vs. South Carolina – Go ‘Cocks! Any other games of note you’re looking forward to, or predictions?
What else are y’all up to this Saturday?
Karen in GA
Iggy’s 30-day confinement, day 30.
Very happy to see November. Happier that Iggy’s here to see it too.
I am going to vote today. Mark Warner, bitchez. Last day of early voting — excuse me, absentee voting in person — in Virginia.
It’s about 48 here with an ongoing drizzle & wind. We’ve done the grocery run; beef stew on tap for supper. A lot of counties around us are getting a dusting of snow. In SC. In November. Ok then.
My main chores today are washing the bedding and swapping out the shower curtain liner. Later is the annual test of our marriage, otherwise known as the Gamecock/Vol game. I bought a monster bottle of Merlot for the stew and for drinking. By 9:30 tonight, I probably won’t give half a damn who wins.
Psh, it’s in the upper 30s here in NYC this morning, and rainy to boot. With the polar vortex apparently back, I’m getting ready for another long, cold winter.
Aside from that, have some random outstanding wedding stuff to take care of (post wedding photos we just got back, write reviews for a few of the vendors, template the outline of the ‘Thank You’ notes, etc.). Apparently we also have to collaborate with our photographer on what we want our albums to look like…this stuff really ends up taking longer until you are *completely* done with it.
Need to run a few errands as well and do some housekeeping, but otherwise looking to keep it a relatively toned-down weekend. Maybe hit up Barcade (which is exactly what it sounds like) later this afternoon so I don’t get too bored. WIfe is out wedding dress shopping with one of her best friends for almost the entire day – gotta say that the men have it a lot easier on that count.
Oh, and college football – do not get the fascination. There’s a front-page NYT article about how hard Ole Miss parties at tailgates, but frankly – maybe a state that’s last on just about every count of anything should be more focused than on glorifying athletes who a) for the most part, aren’t getting the education that is part of their scholarship, and b) being taken advantage of by the NCAA. College sports is really hard for me to get excited about because of how wrong the whole college athletic system works and is run. Also, when you have a bonified asshole like Jimbo Fisher pretty much ignoring any infractions committed by his players, it’s hard to give two shits.
Amir Khalid
I’m having a sucky season as a sports fan too. Liverpool FC have made an absolutely awful start to the English Premier League season: Luis Suarez and his front teeth have gone off to Barcelona, and the remaining main striker Daniel Sturridge is out injured. Today they are losing 1-0 at Newcastle United Feh.
I posted this on another thread but it seems more apropos here. I am hosting a potluck dinner for the parents of my daughter’s sophmore class. That should be about 50 people. Only half are attending so we are at 25. Last time I had these people for the freshman dinner they had a blast but brought the weirdest potluck stuff so even though I had cooked a couple of entrees there actually wasn’t enough food and I had to raid my freezer and cook a few boxes of chicken fingers (which I disguised with a home made spice rub) just to kind of eke out the table. This time I am making all the hors d’ouevres, drinks, and desserts myself but one woman begged to make her super special flan dessert and guacamole (I thought: what, do they not have teeth?) and so I said yes. Of course this morning, the morning of the event, she and her husband decide they aren’t coming. Its really a good thing I’m not relying on her for any specific dish. I am so over doing this at this point. I hope I recover my hostessing equanimity before the evening starts.
TaMara (BHF)
I am in NE for the weekend. I spent last night being dragged through the streets by an over excited 60lb puppy as we trick or treated with a bunch of eight year olds. He’s going to think my life is sooo boring when we go back home. I’m going to need a new shoulder/arm/wrist.
But I think I burned off all the calories from my cut of the booty.
Husker game today, which I have no interest in, but then win or lose the best steaks ever at a local dive.
It is cold and windy, but I ventured out and did a few errands. Now I can laze the rest of the day. Hopefully, Betty didn’t jinx UGA, by discounting the possibility of an upset.
@aimai: Have fun. What’s the point of a potluck if the host can’t enjoy oneself.
Iowa Old Lady
It was 19F this morning here, Betty. Hello, November.
Also I hate time changes. I’m still recovering from jet lag from our vacation. I don’t need to change the clocks again.
Mustang Bobby
78 F and clear here in Miami; I have the patio door open to clear the stale A/C air out of the house. Going to catch up on TiVo (“The Black List” and various CSI’s and “Elementary”) since there isn’t a football game on that I care about today.
Got a robocall from Bill Clinton shilling for Charlie Crist last night, and the TV set in the barbershop was endless ads for and against Rick Scott and Charlie Crist and local races that sound more like a shouting match at a grammar school recess. Thank dog for TiVo.
After months of working with a feral cat, I’ve managed to adopt him, and give him a forever home. He’s going to need a lot of care and love, but he’s just wonderful.
Here is Kyle’s story:
We’ve got a NaNoWriMo Write-In scheduled for Bartow Public Library this afternoon from 3-5 pm! Anyone need driving directions? LET’S GET SOME NOVELING DONE.
Weather-wise it is blustery and gray here… wasn’t expecting the cloud cover to be like this, must be another cold front blowing across Florida?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Amir Khalid: Good lord. The Magpies have won four in a row, counting the Cup win over ManCity. Where did this sudden burst of competence come from?
Betty Cracker
@aimai: Holy crap, that’s a lot of people to tend to. Best of luck with it!
@Mustang Bobby: I think the Crist vs Scott ads are really the worst I’ve ever seen. But I’m feeling good about our chances of ousting Voldemort; I think that little fan was the final Horcrux! So while Tuesday doesn’t look to be a happy day for Democrats, I’m hoping you and I will have something to celebrate anyway.
Mustang Bobby
@PaulW: I’m doing my part down here in Miami. I will probably finish one of the two novels in progress this month.
BTW, I went through Bartow two weeks ago on the way to/from Lakeland for the Lake Mirror Classic. Had a nice breakfast at the Denny’s on the corner of Rt. 60 and the road to Lakeland.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Karen in GA: Iggy’s problem with homophones keeps triggering an earworm for me, a late ’60s-early ’70s vintage song called “I’m on the Lamb, but I Ain’t No Sheep”. It’s about the Mounties. Sort of.
Mustang Bobby
@Betty Cracker: The most vicious ads are the local ones for village council and such. Lots of black and white unflattering photos and creepy background music. And the woman who does the voice-overs for them can now build that addition on to her mansion in Key Biscayne; she’s been busier than a three-legged cat burying two tons of shit.
Karen in GA
@monkeyfister: Lucky (and beautiful) Kyle! How old does the vet think he is?
Linda Featheringill
@Karen in GA:
Congratulations Iggy!
And Karen.
@Mustang Bobby:
Should have tried the Perkins. Mmmmm, the muffins…
@Karen in GA: He’s about two years-old. He was a leggy little thing when he started coming by last year. I figured him to be about 6 months old then. He’s still leggy, and seems to be growing into his head. That big, round melon is not a trick of the camera!
He’s such a mellow, loving, and sweet little boy. Really taking to being loved and wanted… and fed!
Karen in GA
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Ah,, Blue Oyster Cult. I saw them at a club on Long Island in the 80s, not realizing the train back home to Brooklyn would stop running before the concert ended. Good show, but a long night waiting for the first train in the morning.
75 here in the SW desert this AM, will probably hit 83 today.
Husband got up at 4:30 AM to start the smoker for a pulled-pork dinner party tonight, woke me up, but at least I got to see a crazy-ass sunrise over the mountains. Will be making some buttermilk cole slaw, a few sauces for the pork and have to figure out the other sides – open to suggestions.
All the interesting Pac-12 FB is late tonight. Having a son at UCLA, being employed by Arizona and both of us being Cal alums makes these Saturdays really complicated. At least we can count on one of those 3 teams winning. And all of us root against USC, ASU and Stanford!
And I feel for you, Betty – since it is so hot out here during the summer I can’t even go into my garage workroom. But with the temps finally coming down I have a hell of a cleanup ahead of me.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Mustang Bobby: I just got a robocall from Nick Searcy shilling for his “documentary” The Border States of America. Oh, and informing me that if Thom Tillis doesn’t win next week, he’ll quit telling people he’s from North Carolina and claim that he’s really from Tennessee.
Karen in GA
@monkeyfister: How long can a cat be FIV+ without getting sick? If he stays healthy long enough, would that answer your question as to whether he’s truly positive or just vaccinated?
Linda Featheringill
I can sympathize with cleaning out the room. I’m working on converting our garage from a junk room into something you could actually park a car in. I’m tired of cleaning off ice and snow.
I did contract to have the driveway and walk cleared of snow this winter, so with the garage we should be in pretty good shape.
But the garage project is still a lot of work.
Karen in GA
@Linda Featheringill: Thank you! Treating myself to a trip to Teavana later today, just because I can leave the house at will now. Not sure I’ll even like what they have, but it’s worth a look.
J R in WV
Rain and cold here in West Virginia. May snow tonight, but snug inside with plenty of wood in the shed.
Gonna watch the WVU – TCU game this afternoon. No telling who’s more likely to win.
The first time I saw WVU play TCU was in the Bluebonnet Bowl – long gone now – in the Astrodome in Houston. IIRC WVU scored lots of points early and won 31-14… 1984,
@monkeyfister: What a sweet story. Hopefully, Kyle continues being mellow and he stays healthy.
@Karen in GA: Wahoo!
@Karen in GA: Dr. Reed says he can go a long, long time without getting sick– years, never getting sick. Could be a few months, too. So, every day is going to be a blessing with him. I’ve set a baseline for his appearance and health right now. Any deviation will warrant a trip to the Vet. I take him back for his Feline leukemia Vaccination booster in 3-weeks. He’ll need to see the Vet every 6-months for white blood cell checks. I’ll take Mountain Girl in in three weeks, too, just to make sure all is cool with her.
@JPL: You are so right!
@JPL: Cheers to that. I’ve really grown to love him a lot, and am very pleased with how far he’s come since I first met him.
Cold and possibly sleety here today. So much for the outdoor lunch at the beach we had planned with visiting friends. Time to cancel one reservation and find another restaurant. It’s not supposed to be this cold yet in SC.
@Karen in GA: Great news!
We need to go shoe shopping and have lunch. Such is dating when you’ve been married over a decade :)
@monkeyfister: Awesome! Shared. Bless you both.
@monkeyfister: Cute little guy, and he looks happy. Best to you all.
I accomplished a chore this morning: finding my birth certificate. A few years ago, I applied to the NYC records department for a new certificate (I was getting a new passport) and very sensibly decided to hide the document ‘in plain sight’. And then, needless to say, I forgot where I put it.
It took only about an hour to remember– I had put it in a large mailing envelope with a hotel’s logo and return address stamped on the upper left-hand corner. I’m a smart boy, but forgetful.
It’s 35-degrees right now, here in Armpit, TN ( 35 miles north of Memphis). Expecting a high of 57 today. Chilly for this time of year. I have three salmon fillets that I have brined, and are now drying to a pelicle for smoking in another hour or so. As a native Michigander, I actually welcome the brisk Autumn days. The trees are just starting to show some color.
@WereBear: @Elizabelle: He’s really quite awesome. Right now, he has two recurrent thoughts: “Where are my balls???” and “Why won’t he let me outside???” But then he gets another thought: “Oh look– more food!” and all is better.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@JCT: I can’t root against Stanford today; they’re playing the Fighting Fashion Nightmares.
J R in WV
@Karen in GA:
BIG Plus – you know he doesn’t have Ebola, either. ;-)
Karen in GA
@J R in WV: HA!
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): No joke, takes garish to a whole new level. Actually, maybe they should just play in prison jumpsuits given all of the uh, problems in the UO athletics dept.
It is finally cool enough here in Deep South Texas that we can actually open all the windows. Living in AC for 10 months a year is not loads of fun – fresh air in the house is tough to come by. When we finally get it though – it is glorious.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day (and weekend) won’t be so glorious – I have a mountain of essays and exams to grade. Geez, who assigned all this nonsense?
@monkeyfister: The turning of the seasons helps keep him inside, I figure.
@monkeyfister: I think it’s great that you’ve taken in Kyle. I hope he has a long life, I know you’ll make him happy.
Long story short: a retired racing greyhound my friends were finding a home for ran off. D and I went into a slight panic trying to find him. Finally as we were headed back up the hill to the house I saw him run down the steps to the backyard. I figured that as he ran around, he got to thinking about the last time he was “free” and he was cold and hungry. Then he thought about this new place and the doggie cookies he got and he came back for food and doggie cookies.
@WereBear: I am hoping that oncoming Winter, and the reduction of hormones will greatly curtail his desire to range. He keeps begging at the door, and seems genuinely miffed that Mountain Girl gets to go outside. She’s on the chaise out on the deck right now, he’s in the open window watching her, and whining about it. I need to get out and buy some Feliway to help him to relax even more.
My back is acting up and our daughter is attending the Cavalcade of Bands State Championship competition in Winfield, WV (she plays sousaphone). So, I opted out of attending the WVU/TCU game; my wife and two of her friends are using our tickets. Our son has been up since 6 AM with the Mountaineer band prepping for ESPN Gameday (he plays the baritone).
After the band competition and WVU game, daughter+ 2 friends and wife + 2 friends will be coming back here to a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and chili with cornbread. So its me, two big stew pots, and the pets (dog and 3 cats) enjoying a quite day out of the cold and rain.
@Elizabelle: Few Democrats annoy me more than Mark Warner. He just had an ad on Melissa’s show – the first thing he said was “We all know Washington’s broken…” His shtick the whole time he’s been Senator is trying to be “bipartisan” and “fiscally responsible”. No amount of evidence over the last 6 years has changed his public statements (at least that I’ve noticed).
I’m glad he’s a reliable D vote, but it would be nice if he would wake up to the real problems in Washington and quit trying to be “above politics” or something. Of course, being the second richest person in Congress (behind Darrell Issa) (roughly the same as Rmoney), it’s not really surprising that he voices VSP talking points so much.
And it’s working for him in Virginia (supposedly he’s the most popular politician in the state). So there’s that…
We’ll be voting Tuesday. Go Team D!
@PurpleGirl: Animals get pretty keen on where the good life is! I am glad the greyhound returned!
Sam Wang at the New Yorker on the House:
Democrats need a wave to change things. Help build the wave. Then help to change the redistricting process.
TaMara (BHF)
@monkeyfister: Best story of the day. Congratulations to all three of you. May you have many happy years together.
Well, the “moving” part of moving is done and we turned in the keys to our old place. Now the unpacking/second sort begins. G is very stressed out about all of the crap in the living room and dining room, but I’ve been trying to remind him that the reason there’s so much stuff is that at least half (if not three-quarters) of everything we own is in those rooms right now.
Just looking at the Maryland helmets gives me PTSD [thanks to autocorrect: PTSzzz]. It’s time to smuggle things across state lines.
@TaMara (BHF): Thank you!
Best thing in the whole world was telling that wretched ball of fear in my gut to fuck right off. I imagine that that voice of fear is what drives the decision-making of Conservatives. I think they give in to it all the time.
I figure FIV is just like HIV. I would never have turned my back on old friends of mine back in the 80s and 90s when I was a touring Union Stagehand and Scenic Artist– I loved my friends, and still do. So, my making that connection was a real thing for me. A l o n g pregnant pause on the phone with the Vet. I saw the faces of all the friends I knew and know who were/are HIV+, and the decision to care for Kyle was suddenly the only possible, and proper thing to do.
J R in WV
I played Sousaphone in Jr HS and High School, I attribute my excellent pulmonary test results to that experience. Carrying a 55 pound instrument for miles in parades and all kinds of stupid weather was great for my lungs and heart! The lungs of a 35 y o the nurse said last time… I’m 63.
And then there was boot camp.
Karen in GA
@PurpleGirl: Welcome back, silly greyhound!
grandpa john
@monkeyfister: yep , even wild ones. It didn’t take long for the local possums and raccoons to find the cat food left on the back porch for our cats, and we live in town but there is lot of coverage and water nearby
Salmon is in the smoker. The smell of alder smoke is wafting in the window. Another 45 minutes, I’ll add some more alder, and a bit of apple, do the same thing 45-minutes later, and brush some with dilute maple syrup, some with some bourbon and maple syrup. I love the cool weather!
@grandpa john: Yep. The local Mama Possum used to come by for Kyle’s leftovers. Bummed me out because Kyle really needed the calories. I’m out in rural Armpit, TN, but couldn’t get myself to shoot the Possum– she’s old and I’ve known her for years. Mountain Girl would sit on the chaise and watch her eat. Ol’ Possum is OK.
Glad Kyle’s hard-scrabble life is over, and now he’s worried about being bored. He really wants out, poor fella.
Crazy thought — is there any possibility you could screen in the porch (or would want to)? Then Kyle could get some fresh air but still be protected.
And, hey, if you have large amounts of money just sitting around unused, there’s always something like this.
@Mnemosyne: Perhaps by Spring I can do something like that. Would be a major thing for me, but I might do that for them. Mountain Girl isn’t overly keen on wandering too far out into the yard, anymore, at age 14. I like the outdoor cat terrarium, tho!
Your daughter is officially awesome.
@monkeyfister: Best of luck to you and Kyle. We just lost our FIV+ lovebug, Mikey, last Thursday. He was 9 years old, but just diagnosed FIV+ in June. He appeared at my back door extremely skinny exactly 9 years ago. Our vet thought he was about 5 months old at the time. We never had him tested for FIV until he got sick this past summer. The best advice I can give is to check Kyle frequently for signs of anemia. Make sure he is treated for fleas on a constant schedule. Mikey acquired several infections, including FIA, feline infectious anemia. The medications aggravated an enlarged heart causing congestive heart failure. Finally while in the exam room at the cardiologist’s, waiting for his cardiac ultrasound, he had extreme difficulty breathing and then had a saddle thrombus. Unfortunately, that was his tenth life.
Keep a close eye on Kyle. Ask your vet if he recommends liquid vitamins or a special diet. FIV+ can live a happy life for many years. By the way, none of my other cats are FIV+. Enjoy Kyle for as long as you have him.
@J R in WV: And my wife and I take full credit for our daughter’s lung capacity; were are both extremely loud and I competitively swam while wife was an A Cappella. Good to hear her capacity will last good and long!
Daughter started on trombone in elementary and early jr high, then started tuba summer before 8th grade.
Her first week learning to march with sousa at the beginning of high school, she didn’t wear a hat or beret and got a slight sunburn on her scalp from sunlight reflecting off the bell of the horn. She didn’t make that mistake again.
Without too much detail, her high school band is the last in the state to march military style .
Go Dawgs!
@sacrablue: That is such encouraging news for such a sad ending. I have right now as a “Healthy Baseline” for him, and anything that seems off will have me taking him to the Vet. Every six months, otherwise for check-ups.
It would be great to know if he did have a previous owner who vaccinated him for FIV, thus giving the positive reading. My commitment to him is to have him die of extreme old age, if possible!
@monkeyfister: The way my vet explained it to me is that very few vets vaccinate for FIV, so that it is unlikely the reason for the + result. Just assume that Kyle got into a fight with an FIV+ feral or that he got it from his mother. Mikey was a total lovebug lapcat right up til his last breath. I’m sure Kyle will be with you for a long time as well.
@Yatsuno: Let proud pop boast a bit more:
Her favorite band of all time is The Beatles. She currently is adding Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics into her rotation…which definitely includes lot of current/new music.
Great student and all around good person…and oh so much more!
Dang, now I wish my back wasn’t effed up and could watch her perform
@sacrablue: :) Cheers to that!
Yep. Dr. Reed said there are several strains of FIV, and it is difficult to vax for the CORRECT one, and since the positive result post vax forever, Vets do not recommend it, yet. So, I must go with infected for real. I am looking into vitamins, Trace Elements, antioxidants, and immunostimulants, already. Making a big long list of questions for the Doctor.
@monkeyfister: It is a fine way to honor your principles.
@TaMara (BHF):
So true. I grew up in NE before moving to S. Nevada, and I do miss the steaks. The cheap steaks you buy at any grocery store are better than the high-end stuff here.
My daughter always said she didn’t really like steak. Then we took her to Nebraska for a visit & made her get one (at a local dive). It was a revelation to her. Sadly, one we can’t reproduce often.
@WereBear: I’m probably as complicated as John Cole, but dambit, Kyle’s one helluva cool cat. His voice is so sweet, and it is very nice to hear him purr. I’m looking for perhaps tinctures/extract I can drop into his food, or squirt in his mouth with a syringe. I know that Juniper Berry is good for breaking down kidney stones and clearing UTIs in cats. Echinacea helps the Juniper. Blue Vervaine is great for dog and cat seizure control. Perhaps I can find a place that sells stuff like that. Dr. Reed didn’t offer anything. He gave me links to Cornell and Mich. State Univ. sites on the subject, knowing I like to read and fully understand my cats’ situation, and then answer my more educated questions. They mention all of the things do provide to keep him healthy, mentioned specific products, and their producers, so, I’m just copying and pasting and getting my questions ready.
Tree With Water
That cartoon reminded me of a story that a Raiders fan shared with Bill Simmons mailbag. It was a special outing, and one game a season he took his young son to a Raiders game. On the drive back home after the last one (another lopsided Raider defeat) his son asked him, “Do we have to go to a Raider’s game next year”?
I have grown to like Betty so much that it is hard to say GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was really cool. I just hope UF doesn’t start getting any crazy ideas about keeping Muschamp…
First rain of the season last night here in L.A. and this morning was glorious — clear as crystal, huge puffy clouds. We drove up to the Baldwin Hills Overlook, which is a state park only about 5 miles from our place with a fantastic view of the whole L.A. basin, from downtown thru Griffith Park, Hollywood, West LA, Santa Monica, the marina, the ocean, LAX. Tuna melts for lunch! yay autumn.