From sports website Deadspin:
Earlier today, we reached out to the Sacramento Kings to find out if they really were running an in-arena promotion with disgraced ’80s relic/wingnut Dinesh D’Souza, as D’Souza had claimed on his Twitter account. The Kings told us they were not affiliated in any way with D’Souza, who then sent another tweet promoting a similar partnership with the Philadelphia 76ers….
May all Republican “triumphs” be as illusory as D’Souza’s jeenyus marketing, she said piously. Apart from lying liars, what’s on the agenda as we wrap up the weekend?
Worth noting that the Sixers themselves tweeted in the response string of his tweet, and he still hasn’t deleted it.
Guy is under house arrest, you’d think he’d have time to get to it, especially considering the NBA has a good legal budget.
Ripping streaming audio do a hard drive for easy transfer to a usb stick for listening in the car. Beats the radio all to hell.
Spawn the Younger is having fun at a friend’s birthday party, which she deserves most assuredly after getting a black eye and her candy bucket stolen on Halloween. Spent a few hours yesterday doing some canvassing. I went to Costco this morning, and I tried to get there right as they opened to beat the insanity (had to get a tire fixed), and it was crowds and madness by 10:15. A flavor of holiday craziness to come.
I will spend the rest of the day at home with only a possible trip to the dog park to interrupt it.
Mike J
Pity he’s not in prison where he belongs.
@Mike J: The rate he’s going right now, give it time. He is under a house arrest, any shenanigans will get his sentence re-evaluated fast.
EDIT: of course I thought the same thing about James O’Queefe, so take that for what it’s worth.
Hungry Joe
About a generation and a half ago the only place you’d see people like D’Souza would be at a county fair, in a small booth off the midway. It’d be manned by a couple of wound-tight guys with crappy short haircuts wearing crappy short-sleeve shirts. They’d hand out poorly printed pamphlets — the blocks of paragraphs were usually askew — spewing the same whacked-out idiocy that the Sunday gasbags now emit on-air to our media elite, who respond with sage nods.
In a just world (“Interstellar,” anyone?) D’Souza would be a weekend assistant night manager at a Rite Aid. Then he’d get canned for incompetence and general assholery.
gogol's wife
Someone mugged your daughter on Halloween? That’s terrible!
Snarki, child of Loki
D’Souza just got mixed up on his events.
He’s booked in a huge event with the “Washington Racial Slurs”.
Keith G
After two decades away from such things, I have decided that I want to buy a gaming console. I like single player RPGs. After a quick look around, the PS 3 (500GB) seems to be at a good entry level price for me.
Any suggestions?
Jebediah, RBG
Any of you not already following Elon on Twitter, the #dudesgreetingdudes has been pretty funny.
Hungry Joe
Agenda? Today, a little phone banking and some yard word. Precinct walking Monday and Tuesday.
Volunteer. Everybody. Even if it’s only for a couple of hours.
Howard Beale IV
@Mike J: Maybe this little event might make the judge rethink his sentence. Contrition? ummmm-don’t think so.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Hungry Joe: A rave review from a girl who read Anyway* and has demanded her father buy her younger sister her own copy!
Much more interesting than neocolonial nutjobs.
Well, when Dinesh isn’t appearing on Fox he’s got to do SOMETHING to yell, “Look at me, look at me!”
Hungry Joe
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): If they send it to me, I’ll be glad to inscribe it. You know how to get in touch.
You keep making my day with your support for my book. I gotta take you to lunch next time I’m in your neck of the Midwest.
I was cooking all afternoon – Norwegian potato dumplings, plus molasses brown bread – and my mom had CNN on. Four hours of trying not to listen to this inane horse-race garbage –
David Gergen: “This election will show Obama that he has to stop being so stubborn and such an obstructionist and do whatever the Republicans want.” (I’m paraphrasing) – –
with not a single minute – not ONE – spent examining the actual policy implications of the election.
– and I think the Republic is doomed. Shit, I know it is.
and its the fault of the idiotic media. And the idiotic voters. Who, when they find themselves ruled by a Republican Senate and House, and in 2016 a Republican president (the Koch-owned media will make damn sure of it) –
will get exactly the country they deserve. Hope the serfs remember that they VOTED for it.
Meanwhile, what do the rest of us do, in the country they wrecked?
Before you yelp – I did GOTV phoning yesterday, I’ll do it again tomorrow – and in North Dakota, it ain’t fun. I’ll DO it – but oh, Lord, I wish I was a Canadian now.
@Keith G: I do all my gaming on my PC, with the games mostly bought through Steam sales. I think particularly where RPG’s are concerned, you’re better off upgrading your PC.
Avoiding political commercials by watching Rick Steves on Ga Public Broadcasting. Am really uninterested in returning to work tomorrow, but did not win the Powerball, so back I go.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Enjoying a rare evening at home. The weather was tolerable so Doglius got his walkies. Minor yard work. Ongoing negotiations on a kitchen rehab and the ruinous costs there of, to say nothing of the inconvenience.
Listening to old classical records and chilling before the work week starts. I’ll be 1000 miles away by noon tomorrow.
Iowa Old Lady
You know that mailer someone on here got that listed the names of voters in his neighborhood and whether they’d voted? Paid for by the local Republicans? Someone in Kansas just posted on my FB list that she got a similar mailer paid for by the Kansas Democratic Party. WTF?
El Caganer
A partnership with the Sixers? As if they didn’t have enough problems already.
@Keith G: Get a LAW instead of an RPG.
@reality-based: Kumla?
@Jebediah, RBG: He is doing yeoman’s work fighting off all the assholes.
My daughter sent me this: Next Time Someone Says Women Aren’t Victims Of Harassment, Show Them This.
Corner Stone
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
Ahh, Dwight Yoakam.
A Thousand Miles From Nowhere
well, in my neck of NoDak, we call them Klub – my old Norske ancestors must have been from the “Klub” section of Norway – but whether you call it Klub or Kumla, it’s the same ball of ham-broth-boiled potato smush – heavy balls of boiled carb, smothered in butter.
Love the stuff.
Mustang Bobby
Great review on my newest play:
Thanks, Mom.
@reality-based: My grandmother, Ingeborg, made it. My peeps were from Stevanger.
Bill Murray
@Keith G: I liked Skyrim as a single player RPG for the PS3
Mike G
Gergen makes me want to throw a brick at the TV. He was touting the “new generation of politicians who will compromise with the opposing party to get things done”, then goes on to name several conservative Dems who will give up the store to the Repukes. Right at the end he throws in, “Uh, there are Republicans who will compromise too,” but somehow can’t think of any names.
@Keith G: After two decades away from such things, I have decided that I want to buy a gaming console. I like single player RPGs. After a quick look around, the PS 3 (500GB) seems to be at a good entry level price for me.
The good part of that idea is that the PS3 has a lot of games available – the bad part is the PS4 is newer and incompatible with the PS3. So if you’re doing RPGs and NOT FPSs you should be OK. Just be aware that over time the new games available will dwindle pretty quickly.
[‘But if you’re OK with old (maybe new right now) games, you should be fine.’]
The Kings told us they were not affiliated in any way with D’Souza, who then sent another tweet promoting a similar partnership with the Philadelphia 76ers….
Fraudy invocation of a trademark? That might get his probation revoked.
Karen in GA
Nothing much going on today. Iggy veers between hyper and asleep — happy to be free after a month of confinement, but he needs to get his strength back up.
Hit Teavana yesterday, bought a Perfectea Maker. For anyone who doesn’t know what it is, it’s a 16 ounce cup thingy with a lid and a strainer — you put the tea in, then the hot water, let it steep, then rest the thing on top of your cup and the tea pours out the bottom. Cute, simple, and works exactly as advertised. Also got four tins of different teas that I don’t hate. I’m feeling very antioxidized at the moment.
And I bought a Groupon today for a photo workshop next Saturday — basic “here’s what those buttons on your DSLR are for, because you can’t be bothered to read the manual, you moron” stuff.
Getting out of the house is nice.
Howard Beale IV
@max: He apparently listed a whole bunch of other places he’s got the same schtik going down at. I hope the NBA/NHL/arenas is paying attention to his Twitter feed and finds out who is really behind this operation- probably the media company; I think a nice cease and desist letter from NBA/NHL legal to these eejets might put a crimp on Mr. D’Souza’s profits.
Howard Beale IV
Played Goat Simulator yet?
I’m nearly immobile with despair and reading things like this don’t help:
Not getting any creative work done this weekend and my knee hurts when I try to do a decent workout. Not exactly pain but a feeling of weakness and not being in the right position. This life really isn’t going to get any better is it?
Howard Beale IV
Christmas is coming too early-Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever trailer is out.
Omnes Omnibus
FWIW, I just got an email from Scarlett Johansson urging me to vote and to get people I know to vote. She also says I should pass on her personal thanks to anyone who goes out and votes D. So, for those of you who voted or will voted for Democrats this election, Scarlett says thanks.
Since I was reared in MA, I’m a Pats fan. They are up 43-21 with 8 plus minutes to go and I’m still afraid Peyton and Broncos are going to win. Are there shrinks out there that can help me?
Karen in GA
@reality-based: @raven: Jeg elsker Norge! Spent two of the best weeks of my life there, riding a meandering route on a rented motorcycle. Started and ended in Kristiansand, went to Laerdal, Lom, Alesund, Bergen, Stavanger, and other places. At one point I actually got annoyed with how gorgeous the place is — I rounded a bend and there was a rainbow right in front of me ending amidst the trees and waterfalls, and I snapped. I literally yelled out loud, “What, no fuckin’ unicorns?!”
Jeg elsker full-face helmets, too. For safety, yes, but also for those spontaneous yelly moments.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Your email list is superior to my email list.
You know, I hope he actually does this, so that Philly sportsfans may greet him with the warm hospitality for which they are so renowned.
Johnny Coelacanth
@Keith G: I’m not familiar enough with the software landscape of the PS3 to say there are or are not a lot of single player RPGs (Mass Effect? Skyrim?), the 500gb PS3 is great as an introduction, and to help you decide if you want to spend your money on upgrading to a PS4 or a regular PC (or, who knows, an XBox4). If you’re a Netflix or Amazon prime customer, you can access them via the PS3, also. I am under the impression that there are more RPGs on the PC side of the PC/Console gaming divide, but that impression may be out of date, depending on what you really like to play.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah? Well, she told me she liked me better!
Karen in GA
@ruemara: But how many total millennials said they were definitely voting? Because it looks like the problem we always have — the right’s batshit crazy voters are always more motivated.
Wait — I’m not really helping, am I?
Johnny Coelacanth
@Omnes Omnibus: Next time you see her, tell her I said “No problem,” and to call me in Las Vegas. I’ll need her number to text mine, thanks.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: What can I say?
@Citizen_X: I rather doubt that.
@Johnny Coelacanth: I’ll do my best to pass on your message.
Thor Heyerdahl
Spent time in Norway too (roots in the Hamar & Lillehamer regions – my nym is not by accident) on a couple trips. Loved Stavanger. Took a trip up north and spent time in Alta, Hammerfest, Nordkapp & Tromsoe in June. Experienced midnight sun at 130AM in Tromsoe. Had to watch for reindeer at the side of the road driving between Alta and Hammerfest.
Expensive but really beautiful.
El Caganer
@ruemara: I thought it was us olds who were supposed to carry the GOP across the goal line.
@Keith G: Hold off a bit and buy a Steambox when it finally appears next year. Best of both worlds.
Mike E
@Karen in GA: Miss E got me that contraption, it’s my green tea maker and I love it. I took Tommy’s suggestion and got the aerobie coffee press which is an ingenious double shot espresso pump, makes a nice cup of coffee with a little added water.
I spent today making gotv calls while nursing a really badly bit tongue. Which one a yous cursed me?!…it worked :-(
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
She’s such a hussy — she wrote me too.
And Barack called me last night.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mustang Bobby: Moms always know best. :-)
True desperation. We much prefer Savvy Traveller, and Jacques Pepin, and just cannot stand Rick Steves.
NBC Nightly News on midterms interesting tonight. Good setup piece on which did not once state that Obama is unpopular. Such standard fare I missed its absence.
And then Chuck Todd up, telling us there’s enthusiasm on both GOP and Democratic sides. His latest polling is GOP 46 Democrats 45.
They went with the Des Moines Register poll showing Ernst with a 7-point lead, and Ernst saying she will be Senator for all Iowans. I hope she finds herself a mom, military vet and hog castrator, but not Senator-elect when she wakes up Wednesday morning.
NBC closed with soft piece on Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois in rehab, but never once identified him as a Republican.
Interesting times. They’re hedging their bets.
Jebediah, RBG
@skerry: that comic is worth passing around…
@Keith G:
I have both the xBox 360 and the PS3, mostly because of exclusive titles on each. The PS3 is a great system, and I probably play it more often now than the 360.
Mark sure you check out the games “The Last of Us” and Dark Souls 1 & 2 …
Animals do not give a shit about DST. When it is time to eat, it is time to eat, damn it.
@Elizabelle: Why not? They’ve already set the narrative that all the signs (that they made up) pointed to a Republican Senate. If the Democrats do pull it out, they can spend the next two years interviewing crackpots who scream about voter fraud.
D’Sleaze-a brings to mind my variant of the old “pick two” thing:
Crazy/Stupid/Evil – Pick Three
Of course, that applies to most of Your Modern Republican Party
Oh, and Omnes? Scarlett signed and perfumed MY e-mail, so take a back seat buddy.
And the Jets crushed the Chiefs today.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
A friend just had a gun pulled on her in Wall Mart (Milwaukee, WI) and was chased around the store.
Iowa Old Lady
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): Holy cow. Is she all right? Did they arrest the gunman?
3rd and 33. Love it.
KS in MA
Ha! and “D’Sleaze-a” is inspired!
Karen in GA
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): WTF?
No jail at Lincoln Financial Stadium, what were they thinking?
I see the ‘Sixers spox mentioned D’dip’douch’s unauthorized use of their logo, which that is some lame-ass amateurism right there.
And also, what’s with calling America ‘her’? Leave us out of this. Go enjoy your sausage party, wingnuts — you’ve earned it.
@Bill Murray: There’s tons of mods for Skyrim, and I presume other games, that you need a PC to take advantage of, and they can add a lot to the game. I’ve just started playing it again and messing around with different mods is half the fun.