I have been remiss in my nagging duties, since Beth S. tells me we’ve only received a handful of pet pics for the 2015 Balloon Juice Pet Calendar. To repeat, here are her rules:
the usual rules apply: you have a pet (or six) and you send me a photo (or six) and your pet(s) makes an appearance in the 2015 pets of balloon juice calendar. tell me his/her/its name and i will put it on their photo. the highest resolution photo you can provide is best. i accept the usual photo formats. any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email.
send photos here: [email protected]
Deadline for photo submission is next Saturday, November 8 — you still have time to take some new pics, if you decide none of the ones on hand do your animal companion(s) justice.
Any questions, post a comment, or email me (click on my name in the right-hand column, or annelaurie (at) verizon (dot) net).
All pets welcome (if you look at previous calandars, we’ve had rabbits, ferrets, horses, turtles, at least one iguana… )
Photo of Cutter by commentor Joy.
Screwed up my clock reset so I am up two hours early instead of the one I would have been if I had just left the damn thing alone!
Work has been insane & I hope to be able to tell you all a long story about the insanity one day soon. It actually has been interesting.
Steeplejack (phone)
Housecat still on DST re morning feeding. Some heated discussion on this point. Breakfast dispensed, but this issue will be revisited.
Everyone must be waiting for a morning open thread instead of using what is available. This is the longest time till first comment and the longest stretch of “dead air” I can recall here at BJ!
Happy first Monday of Standard Time everyone!
I’ll be sending in my Koda photo today. Been a bit hard going through my pet photos the last few days. I miss my Otie! A lot! And poor Koda is really in mourning. Very sad to watch her.
While cleaning and sorting for the move we found a bunch of vintage (i.e. on film) pix which I’ll scan and submit, of previous beloved pets.
The best part is, I can do this right in front of my cat (or cat-for-now) and there’s no guilt.
@geg6: Hugs all around.
Mustang Bobby
I’ll send in my favorite of my beloved Sam who shuffled off this mortal coil in 2002 but still graces the banner of my blog.
The hardest adjustment to standard time was having sunset at about 6:00 p.m. and wanting to go to sleep shortly thereafter. I didn’t fight it.
I thought that was Raven’s dog when I first saw it.
@Schlemazel: I haven’t reset clocks yet; only reset one watch so far. Of course my computer updated itself and Time-Warner Cable nicely reset the cable box. So I have those clocks to look at if need be.
The only one I messed up was the bedroom alarm clock! Any other one would have been fine but I got that one wrong – SIGH
Never done that before, must be dementia setting in.
Thanks for the reminder. Is there someway to keep the address up on the front page? Yesterday Scott did some research to find it for me.
@geg6: Hang in there.
@Mustang Bobby:
I don’t remember sunsets that early yet when I lived in FL. Seemed closer to Christmas before it got close to 6. OTOH, fireworks were going off around 9 on the 4th of July. I remember being surprised at the very large difference between that & MN when it does not seem to be that much South. It will be dark around 4 here in a month and a half & it is light until at least 10 in July.
@Schlemazel: We lost power Friday night for almost an hour. The bedroom clocks reset themselves, so to speak.
@Baud: The bohdi is a short hair.
Mustang Bobby
@Schlemazel: According to Weather Underground, sunset tonight in my area is at 5:38 p.m.
One of the reasons I moved here was the winter darkness at 4 p.m. when I lived in northern Michigan at the same latitude as Minneapolis: 45 degrees north and I hated it. Adding just few minutes — not to mention the warmth — has made all the difference.
sent several, could send more. I have some fish that are rather photogenic. 8-)
Cutie. Seeing the two dogs side by side, instead of just in my memory, they clearly are different.
@Baud: The one of him that we are submitting is really fun. The one of Lil Bit is nice too!
Our cats are not happy with the time change. What do you mean we suddenly can’t fed at 4:30/5 am and have to wait an hour. Humans are cruel and perplexing.
Joe Schmuck was having a meltdown trying to shout out whatshisname saying big oil determines gas prices. Too funny.
@bemused: Cats and dogs all over the nation are upset.
Good morning.
I’m up and getting ready to check out my hotel in Oakland. Next time I’ll be in Honolulu!
But first I had to share an important message from the “Human Jukebox” band at Southern University in Baton Rouge .
Here in Ecuador, an informed local tells me that the drop in world oil prices is starting to sting. They can pretty much feed themselves on local agriculture and will reach 100% sustainable energy soon via hydroelectric (though drought is now an issue), but any imported stuff is very expensive. Locals are more informed about US politics than the average US citizen, which tells you all you need to know about US voter apathy.
@StringOnAStick: I’m not quite sure I understand what you are saying:
If expensive imports sting, wouldn’t the drop help them?
Betty Cracker
@raven: Awww. He looks so solemn, but he’s probably not. My goofy-ass boxers almost always look serious in photos and almost never do in real life.
I finally got off my butt and submitted pet photos for the first time ever. Both dogs, two of the most photogenic hens and my kid’s hedgehog.
@Betty Cracker: The Bohdi is serious if there is any remote chance you have a BALL!
Rand Paul wants less GOP rhetoric on voting restrictions
11/03/14 08:30 AM
By Steve Benen
More so than any other national Republican figure, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) wants to be seen as the GOP’s voting-rights champion. While his Republican brethren nationwide impose harsh and unnecessary voting restrictions, as part of a campaign unlikely anything seen in the United States since Jim Crow, the Kentucky Republican routinely tells audiences, “Why don’t we be the party that’s for people voting, for voting rights?”
On the surface, it all sounds quite refreshing. And with this in mind, Chuck Todd asked the senator about the issue on “Meet the Press” yesterday.
Paul, a likely 2016 presidential contender, said that one step towards that goal is deemphasizing voter ID as a campaign issue, although he said he still supports requiring identification at the polls.
“It doesn’t mean that I think it’s unreasonable, I just think it’s a dumb idea for Republicans to emphasize this and say ‘this is how we are going to win the elections,” he said.
The senator made similar comments on “Face the Nation,” telling Bob Schieffer, “I’m not really opposed to [voter ID laws]. I am opposed to it as a campaign theme.
The junior Republican senator from Kentucky, however, thinks he’s found Door #3: voter-ID laws are reasonable, he says, but his party shouldn’t “emphasize” the issue while talking about elections.
The problem, of course, is that Paul’s approach is a substantive mess.
The way the GOP senator sees it, disenfranchising voters – folks who tend to be lower income and from minority communities – is fine. Republicans just shouldn’t talk about it too much.
that’s a beautiful dog
@Betty Cracker
Could. Not. Resist.
#1 – #2
@lamh36: Happy jet trails!
I never changed my clocks. Just waited until the world came to it’s senses and reset their clocks to TST (Tom Standard Time).
Aloha. Unless you have a hankering for seeing some really, really stinkeroo TV, don’t watch any of the local news on election night.
One small advantage to living in a state which doesn’t change the time is never having to mentally recite “spring forward, fall back.”
Brittany Maynard ended her life in Oregon. She was one brave 29-year old woman.
What a terrible disease. I am glad that Oregon allows assisted suicide. It’s merciful.
I think I would make the same decision she did. And I would be so sorry to leave this beautiful world.
@Belafon: Ecuador is an oil exporter, they are a member of OPEC. So the drop in oil prices means less money is coming into the country.
So late in the day that I’m sure you won’t see this.
First, thanks.
Second, let me know if you want my email. So we can set up a meet up, if it’s just you and me, so be it!
you all made my day today when i opened up the email account for the 2015 calendar: 64 new emails of pet pictures!
you are awesome, all of you. keep ’em coming and thank you.