In what can only be described as a crushing defeat, Republicans have seized the Senate gaining full control of Congress. Course, it doesn’t really put your mind at ease when you hear about shenanigans like these in North Carolina:
Percy Bostick, 69, of Greensboro said he tried casting a vote for Democrat Kay Hagan — who is locked in a tight battle with her GOP opponent — however the machine, located in the Old Guilford County Courthouse — assigned his vote to Republican Thom Tillis….According to Bostick, the machine finally recorded his vote for Hagan on the fourth attempt….According to Guilford County elections director, Charlie Collicut, his office has received 14 reports of voting problems since early voting started Oct. 23.
Go, ‘Murica. Sigh.
Team Blackness also discussed the street harassment viral hashtag #DudesGreetingDudes, the story of a child who found crystal meth in her Halloween candy, and a Craigslist ad asking for “cool black kids” to hang out with someone’s bullied son.
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There are also stories about Repub votes being switched to Dem. I think the takeaway here is that electronic voting machines are expensive and problematic. We need to stop using them. The experiment has failed. We should use paper, even though it’s more of a hassle, more robust processes can be put into place to ensure people can vote accurately.
Kay Eye
This kind of stuff has happened to me in Austin. First time, early voting, my whole ballot (straight Dem ticket) flipped to Republican just before I pushed the “Vote Now” button. I yelled for the election judge. We fixed it. She assured me that I just mishandled the voting machine. NOT. By the next week they were cautioning everyone to double check their ballots before casting their votes, especially if they voted for Democrats.
I’ve never trusted those Hart voting machines since.
I voted here in Greensboro NC…and I was watching my machine like a hawk after I read about that incident.
Medicine Man
A Craigslist ad asking for “cool black kids” to hang out with your bullied son? That’s an interesting manifestation of the “magical negro” phenomenon. There could be a business opportunity there.
Bobby B.
@Medicine Man: There was a “Cleveland” episode related to that, wasn’t there? Or maybe a “Simpsons”. I need to keep my News Sources organized.
The tech problem is solvable, it’s really the question of the secret ballot. If you have a receipt of who you voted for, pay for vote schemes become the new problem, and if you thought money in politics was a bad problem before…
The Black Box Voting Machine scam has been in place since early Bush II admin. It has always swung to the GOP and they have been shaving votes in close elections all those years. The Dems know it but have taken the tack that if they publicize it voters will loose confidence in the process and it will backfire on Democratic candidates.
Imagine if the Dems were running this scam. The GOPers would be raising the roof and justifiably so.
At this point I just don’t know what else to say. And that is the problem.