Hat tip to Citizen Commissar commentor Morzer for the TPM link:
Rosetta project scientist Matt Taylor happily showed off his tattoo of the Philae lander to the media on Wednesday, as the spacecraft approached what would be the first ever landing on a comet.
But it was Taylor’s colorful shirt adorned with images of scantily clad women, not his tattoo, that ended up drawing the most attention — and not in a positive way…
Turns out a friend made Taylor that shirt, little knowing that he would fail the “time & place” test..
I made a shirt for one of my close pals @mggtTaylor for his b'day. Did not expect this!! #shirtgate #shirtstorm #Rosetta #Shirt #sewing
— Elly PriZeMaN (@ellypriZeMaN) November 13, 2014
As a fabric collector, I’ve seen plenty of “hunks & hotties” novelty prints — here’s a source for the print in question.
Or you could go with the beefcake selection…
But, seriously, there’s a ton of astronomical & astronaut-themed prints that won’t get you in trouble, including spacefields with metallic accents or glow-in-the-dark stars (note the little girl astronauts in the retro print):
… and that’s just the big commercial retailers; if you want something really arcane, check out Spoonflower, where you can even design & print your own (trading cards! space otter!) yardage:
Hmph! No “valued” “cherished” or “widely admired”for me? I am a mere comentor toiling on the liberal plantation!!! I blame Alinsky Benghazi Obama!!!
I do like the #shirtstorm tag, although I question the lady’s fabric pattern choices.
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: I am sure that the lack of honorific was meant as respect for your adherence to egalitarian ideals. Honestly, I think she should have used “Comrade.” Or, to be old school, “Citizen.”
Blizzard is suffering through a DOS attack. I’m suffering from not having the chance to take a break from jawb huntin’ for one danged night because every world is locked, or down. maybe I should go work on something. Also, seriously, did she give him instructions for when NOT to wear the sexy BDSM vixens shirt? Although I would like the space astronauts shirt.
Edit to reflect that: the space one without astronauts is really more my speed.
Steve from Antioch
Whoever made that shirt should be sent to the same reeducation camp as the wearer.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Bah! Surely I have risen to Citizen Commissar by now? Some revolution this is!
Anne Laurie
You should definitely give Spoonflower a look. Lots of ‘independent’ graphic artists there…
(I’ve only been a buyer, not a creator, so I don’t know how the artists get treated, but the company produces quality work on good material.)
What happened to liberalism?
They are now attacking people for comics, video games and music videos. And now silly clothing.
They turned into 80’s conservatives.
What the fuck happened?
Anne Laurie
@Morzer: okayokayokayokay… fixd!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Grazhdanin!
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: Well done. Let’s just hope it doesn’t go to his head.
@Anne Laurie:
I think the People’s Revolutionary Tribunal can be assured that justice has been done.
(And the Dolphins are beating the Bills,so Amnesty Decree!)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I trust you are not becoming a counter-revolutionary running dog in the manger, comrade.
Surely you know Prokofiev, Rachmaninov and Kremlin?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Okay. Google Trans did nothing for me on this one.
@Morzer: Honestly, I would probably have been a Kerensky guy. I could have become a waiter in Paris.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hey, don’t give up on your dream so easily. Buy those plane tickets and head for le bistro!
The Patriots had a bit of an embarrassing day today, when some idiot with a hatefully named Twitter account was publicly thanked for being their millionth follower!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Kerensky lived to be old-ish. Trotsky, otoh, was different. K was a democratic socialist.
@Morzer: Is that for real?
Hey dudebros, check out #shirtgate Elly’s pics!
Hubba hubba…
And not to be just a dudebro, but what ever happened to Sarah’s vintage naked guy posts? Is she trapped in Allepo or something?
TaMara (BHF)
As I said yesterday, it’s not really the shirt, it’s wearing in a work situation. Although, if I saw a guy wearing that at a bar or party, I’d steer clear, but that’s just me.
I am guilty of hanging a shirtless firemen calendar (charity calendar) in my home office. So, both sides.
@efgoldman: Grazhdanin!
Citoyen. I think grazhdanka is closer.
(Political commissary – commissaire politique. ‘political commissar’ – politruk. ‘assistant commander for political work’ – pompolit. ‘deputy for political matters’ – zampolit.)
[‘I expect Morzer is operating as a pompolit here.’]
@Nemo_N: ’80s conservatives were all “DOWNFALL OF CIVILIZATION! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!”
Liberals now are like “Um, can we have less dudebro and more equality here?”
I know it’s hard for some people to see the difference between an attack and a critique. But that’s what’s happening here: critique.
dance around in your bones
I don’t give a fuck what the guy wore – and I am a femme.
Of the female persuasion. What the hell????? Why are we talking about this?!!!!
I’m more interested that we landed on a FUCKING COMET!!!!!
THAT is coolio.
Steve from Antioch
Stone her, stone her … she’s a witch.
Sadly, yes. The Patriots have apologized, saying that their filtering system screwed up.
@Steve from Antioch:
Stoned witches make for maqic munchies.
Liberals are also going “think of the children” with the “what if your daughter saw that shirt!” paternalistic bullshit.
Gin & Tonic
@max: Grazhdanin is correct. Grazhdanka is the female form.
Interestingly, perhaps, the word at the root of that, город, means “city” in Russian and “garden” in Ukrainian.
@Gin & Tonic:
Grazhdaninka, I think, not grazhdanka.
@Morzer: That’s crazy. And sounds like total BS. It’s not even like some variant of the word, like “pr0n” is, which might make it a bit harder to filter. And seriously, if you’re going to publicize your one millionth follower, it seems like rather than have it auto-post it might go to some actual human first.
Just stupid all around.
I do love seeing the name of the Twitter follower on the jacket, though. That kind of cements the whole idiocy. What a bunch of dumbasses.
@efgoldman: I know that feeling. Up one branch of my dad’s family tree, they changed their names when they left Triest, again when they reached Southampton, and one more time when they got to Philly. We can only assume there were tax men, Metternich’ spies, or Illyrian gangsters that they wanted to avoid.
By the time their grandkids made it to Kansas, they’d lost seven syllables and any relationship to the original name.
@Nemo_N: No, not really. I couldn’t care less if my daughter sees this (and she probably will).
WarriorGirl would just be disgusted with him for not having rockets on his shirt.
I would guess they had no idea when the millionth follower might pop up, so automated it in order not to “miss the moment”. It could have happened at 3 in the morning when no-one was around. It’s a decent guess that someone saw that the moment was coming and set out to sign up in the most embarrassing way possible for the Patsies. I wouldn’t be totally surprised to learn that multiple accounts with dumb names suddenly magically signed up to follow the team all at once.
Gin & Tonic
@Morzer: Sorry, but no. One gets 965k ghits, the other 19k (and Google corrects you.)
I KNEW Brady and Belichick were involved!
@Morzer: I’m sure that’s what did happen. But if they were going to do a stunt like that then someone should be assigned to manually check the name of the millionth follower before it was allowed to go live. Have these people never met the internet?
@Morzer: Don’t buy that their “filtering system failed.” Sounds like PR speak for “we’re dumbasses.”
@efgoldman: Do you have to hear your name pronounced to know where you are?
Also, I thought that Lev Davidovich got it with an ice pick. Checked it was an ice axe. I guess it depends which end was used.
I’d like to think that the people giving the guy crap for wearing a shirt with images that they dislike are actually conservatives trying to make liberals look like idiots. Sadly, I think they’re for real.
I don’t find the fabric offensive, just ugly. I often wish dudes would dress better.
@Suzanne: My mom used to take me to this fabric place. Stuff stacked up 18 feet high. She’d go in and buy a ton of stuff. I never understood.
@Suzanne: I agree with the ugly certainly and arguably inappropriate. Otoh the hippest dresser I knew in college wore reverse print Hawaiian shirts, all floral designs. It took me 20 years to get to Hilo Hattie’s to buy a set of my own. That to my mind would have been cool. Personally I would have worn a bird of paradise (flower) print on a white background, in polyester, the pride of my collection.
joel hanes
I’m pretty sure that around 1959 my maternal grandmother made me a pair of flannel pajamas with that blue kids-flying-saucers print (pinned-on paper pattern, probably from Simplicity, treadle-driven Singer console sewing machine she’d had since the Depression).
I liked them better than the yellow-and-red cowboys-and-indians print ones.
dance around in your bones
Where the hell is everybody??! I’ve had a day from hell and I want to bitch about it!!!!!
Where’s Omnes? Play me a tune, dude, before I go insane!!
Oh well, I guess I’ll just relieve myself with Jeeves and Wooster. There are worse things in the world to reduce stress,
@dance around in your bones: Well this happened.
@dance around in your bones: Bitch away, my friend. Don’t hold back!
@dance around in your bones: read your rant in the Linda Greenhouse thread below – bitch away up here you deserve it. We’re the late night/west coast crowd.
dance around in your bones
@Tommy: Ok, that was pretty cool. I love those spontaneous events!
I will say, however, that I always think of bagpipes played on a grassy field close to the ocean. Just my opinion.
I had a dear friend who played accordion in Canada, and both me and my best friend sent him a New Yorker cartoon with an accordion player sitting on the street with a sign saying “Will stop playing for money”.
We both thought it was hilarious, but he was seriously good at playing the accordion and pretty good in bed, too :)
dance around in your bones
Suzanne takes you down, to a bridge by the river – you can hear the boats go by, you can spend a lifetime with her, Suzanne,,,,,
I prolly got the got the lyrics a bit wrong but I always think of this song when I your comments, because they are so free and honest.
I am exhausted by my endless walking going to the ortho doc and back again and I don’t feel like talking about it anymore except to say FUCKING DOCTORS WHO ARE SO SCARED OF THE DEA THAT THEY WON’T PROPERLY MEDICATE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN SEVERE PAIN can just suck my dick, if I had one
@DivF: This is for you, too DivF – except the Suzanne song. Well, I could be wrong on that part, no?
Tree With Water
I hope Elly cashes in and makes beaucoup bucks selling her T shirts.
Anne Laurie
Also, note that she’s a laser tattoo remover, so she has professional experience dealing with unfortunate design choices…
Since it’s an open thread – finally just got to the Leverage series finale. Great show all around. I know the cancellation wasn’t planned for, but it turns out to work pretty well – they were dropping hints all through the last season of the two “adults” leaving, and I wouldn’t have wanted to watch a radically redesigned team. All in all, most fun (and timely) show I’ve watched in quite some time. I like that it managed to be less serialized than so many of today’s shows, without being completely episodic like the classic seventies and eighties shows it was based on.
So, now, looking around for a new show in the same vein. Person of Interest is probably going to be it. Anything else I ought to be looking at?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@TaMara (BHF):
As I mentioned at the very end of that thread, the head of our division at the Giant Evil Corporation is well-known for his vast collection of Hawaiian shirts that he wears for all but the most formal occasion. I’m sure that he has shirts like that in his collection, probably given to him as gifts over the years, but I cannot imagine IN A MILLION YEARS him wearing one in a work situation. Because it’s not fucking appropriate for work.
I challenge all of the guys here defending it to wear a similar shirt to work on Monday and see how long it takes before your boss pulls you into his/her office to discuss appropriate work attire.
Viva BrisVegas
I suppose you’ve already tried what was fairly obviously the inspiration for Leverage? Which was Hustle. It features a host of UK character actors, plus Robert Vaughn.
It’s nice to see the Man From Uncle guys still working, albeit on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
@dance around in your bones: Yes it is pretty cool. I don’t know how hard my parents looked to find a person playing the pipes at my grandfathers funeral (many years ago).
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
You might like “The Americans,” which my spouse has been getting me hooked on. It’s extremely morally ambiguous and frequently has you cheering on the Soviet spies. Since it’s a period piece, there’s also that extra frisson of knowing what the characters don’t know, which is that the Soviet Union is going to collapse by the end of the decade, leaving them and their ideals high and dry.
You’re a fabric collector? As in “she who dies with the most swatches wins” quilter?
@Gretchen: My wife is, swatches and bolts everywhere!
I think I’ve got the motion detection part of my home automation system working. It involved some creative thinking to determine if I had left the house so I don’t get text messages every time I move around in my den.
Viva BrisVegas
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
They have to get through Able Archer first.
Keith G
She does good work. I am glad her friend found a way to get her to a broader audience. Hopefully she’ll have a good Christmas season.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Did they run Ozark?
But you gotta admit, for adolescent, hokum cheesecake it is well illustrated and has a certain panache. And it’s just plain funny too. As politically incorrect goes it isn’t beyond the pale.
@raven: Ozark?
@BillinGlendaleCA: Hillbilly.
@raven: Don’t know, haven’t seem him around. Then again, spent most of the evening upgrading my old cell phone to jelly bean from gingerbread.
@BillinGlendaleCA: He made an offensive comment a few days back and got hammered. I think it was snark but I don’t blame the target for being upset. He’s not the only one who has done something like that here and I hope he comes back.
OH said he was leaving for vacation in the thread where he made that comment. He might not even know of the reaction to that comment.
@Baud: Ah good.
Joe and Mika pat themselves on their backs for being extremely tough on Republicans like the Romneys who didn’t take offense and also pleasant enough to Republicans that they come back on the show and we have Scott Walker appearing with us this morning.
@Chris: Well Dean Devlin and John Rogers the producer and show runner or Leverage are behind The Librarians tv show thats coming up. That’s got possibilities.
I don’t know how Republicans can stand the pressure. They are a tough bunch.
Ha, ha.
Iowa Old Lady
@bemused: I can’t watch Joe and Mika. I wake up in enough despair already.
@Viva BrisVegas:
Haven’t, actually. Though I hear it’s quite different. It will be checked out.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I’ve heard of that, but not watched any of it either. All I remember is that it sent a couple of my Facebook wingnut acquaintances ballistic for some reason, so, based on that alone, it can’t be bad. (Besides, 1980s espionage).
And that actually looks friggin awesome, though I’d never heard of it either. Vaguely Warehouse-13-ish, but that’s not a bad thing. I don’t know most of the actors well, but Christian Kane from Angel and Leverage plus John Laroquette from West Wing and Boston Legal are both great reasons to watch. Will look for the premiere.
@Nemo_N: not patrrnalistic. Hostile work environment.
@Gin & Tonic: I took Russian in college 45 years ago. I’m pretty sure that Gaspadin meant Mr. and Gaspazha was Ms. That’s what we college students were supposed to call each other in class back in the day. I have no idea how they’re spelled in Cyrillic or what the official English spelling would be, but this is how we pronounced them.
@Baud: Sounds like Mika’s a bit miffed at her friend Chris Christie, not talking to her at cocktail parties and all. Funny thing, here in LA one of the local TV stations has a news chopper pilot name Chris Christie(I think the last name is spelled differently). First time I heard them cut over to him(probably for a car chase), I thought I’d be kind of dangerous for a guy of that size to pilot a chopper.
Iowa Old Lady
On a writers list I belong to, someone was happy because her husband got a raise. And first, they live in CA and he was making 30K, so god knows, I’d be happy about a raise too because now I could stop raiding garbage bins for food.
But she also said she hoped they actually didn’t take home less now because of the tax increase. That kind of ignorance makes me crazy, so I just tried to explain graduated income tax. We’ll see if it took.
She’s one of the few conservatives on that board. I’ll bet she thinks rich people pay too much in taxes.
@Emily68: The one thing I remember from taking Russian for my last quarter of undergrad was “Pravda ne ivestya, ivestya ne pravda”.
@Iowa Old Lady: It is truly amazing how many people think that if the top tax rate is 60%, you pay 60% of your income in taxes. As a corollary, if I make more money and go into the next tax bracket; I’ll take home less pay.
Iowa Old Lady
@BillinGlendaleCA: That’s exactly what she thought.
I also roll my eyes when Rs complain about how “overcomplicated” our tax code is, and how the solution is to reduce the number of brackets. For most people, taxes aren’t complicated at all. For Mitt Romney, yeah. Every complication in the code is there because someone benefits.
@Iowa Old Lady:
There’s a lot of material there for a comedy film. Will Ferrell should play Joe and Amy Poehler play Mika.
@Anne Laurie: I’ve posted a bunch of designs on Spoonflower (check for them under “skobby”), and designers get 10% of sales in store credit or a PayPal payout. And my first thought upon seeing that shirt was that I could have whipped up something more appropriate in about a day’s time. Besides, I don’t like aloha-shirt patterns in which the elements are that large; I think 4-5″ elements, tops, look best.
@DivF: GAAAACKK!!!! You went to Hilo Hattie’s? That joint has the worst aloha shirts on Oahu, all really cheap polyester. You want the real thing, then go to Bailey’s Antiques (http://alohashirts.com/), or at least the Reyn Spooner store in Ana Moana mall. Seriously, Bailey’s, which specializes in vintage aloha shirts and Hawai’iana is one of the coolest stores on earth. And the fabric stores in Hawai’i carry fabrics you won’t find elsewhere retail.
And yes, I’ve given you a pretty good idea of what I do when I’m in the islands rather than lie around on Waikiki.
@BillinGlendaleCA: This should really be being taught in schools. Basic consumer-level math and microeconomics for everyday life.
Dude that was the best troll ever. Amazing.
@Iowa Old Lady:
While it is an ignorant statement, I do not know whether a raise changes the amount of withholding on a paycheck in such a way so that it appears to be less total takehome pay. If so, then the confusion is understandable to some degree.
@Baud: I think the number of people who understand how taxes and tax returns work is minimal. I have the feeling that millions upon millions experience it as The Government trying desperately to take your money every two weeks, and then on April 15 you try your hardest to rip them off as payback, using various dimly understood arcane arts that only your smart friends and paid companies can even attempt.
@FlipYrWhig: And which, you find out years later, that you’re screwed because you let your “friend” help you.
Oh for christs sakes. They landed a fukin probe on a comet hurling through space and all you people can focus on is a shirt some scientist wore. Talk about missing the plot!
Why don’t you start your own scientist fashion critic website or something!
@Belafon: But your friend didn’t screw you, The Government did. IRS dread is A Thing. Way out of proportion to the reality. You add and subtract, you multiply small numbers, you look up a number in a table. I can’t believe how many not-well-off people apparently use tax preparers because they find the whole thing so intimidating. SMH.
Betty Cracker
@samiam: Fashion isn’t the point. Sexism is. Reasonable people can disagree on whether or not the imagery on that shirt contributes to a hostile workplace, etc., but YOU’RE missing the point if you think it’s about fashion.
Matt McIrvin
@Nemo_N: Sexual harassment and rape are epidemic in the field sciences. That among many other things suggests to people that there is a cultural problem in the sciences in general. Arguably wearing a shirt with scantily clad ladies all over it on a celebratory occasion is a de minimis offense, but doing so in such a public way contributes to the general feeling that science is a boys’ club.
@Tokyokie: My last visit to Hilo Hattie’s was twenty years ago. At that time, the selection and quality was pretty good.
@divF: I haven’t been to Hilo Hattie’s in a while, either, and it’s a good place to go if you just want kid-sized apparel. Other than that, I thought it was pretty appalling.
Another Holocene Human
How is it paternalistic bullshit when it’s actual fathers (patri) thinking about the impact on their actual daughters?
Unless you believe, confirming the MRA’s worst fears, really, that Dads Are Always Comically Wrong?
@Betty Cracker: Haha….I can see how one might wonder about that. However, the only thing he is perhaps guilty of at this point is poor fashion sense. Other than that he can wear whatever he wants.
What they are doing is all over the news and the only fukin thing you chose to focus on the the fukin shirt? Get a life!
@Another Holocene Human: How is it paternalistic bullshit when it’s actual fathers (patri) thinking about the impact on their actual daughters?
So, when right wing fathers worry about the impact on their children of seeing gay folks on the TV, that would also be perfectly fine with you?
Ye gods.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Careful what you wish for; I am currently working in a company that is going out of the way to make work endurable for everyone; The problem is with when you have a work force made up of people from six different countries that means no joking, no small talk and no pictures on the walls and pretty much acting like personalityless drones all the time when we are at work – because as the VP put it, something is almost certain to offend someone. . I have to say they have one of the most professional and nicer management teams I have ever worked for, (which is a bit of shock since the manager and the VP are Chines and my previous Chines bosses were less than professional, to put it mildly) but hey, there is the brave new work for you all; sit down shut up and get to work for 8 to 12 hours a day.