Just a fun video, one of my favorites that’s been missing from the internet for years.
Paul Simon, Connie Hawkins – Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard – SNL 1975 from Simon and Garfunkel News on Vimeo.
What are your favorite pick-me-up videos? Mine are this, some random woman singing Macy Gray in her car that I can’t find anymore, the Staples Singers in “Soul to Soul”, various live versions of “All Down the Line”, and the opening to “Dog Day Afternoon”.
Or talk about whatever.
So last night, Jacqueline Woodson won a National Book Award for “Brown Girl Dreaming“. She received the award, did her thank-you speech and left the stage. The emcee, Daniel Handler – a middle-aged, white man who professes to be her friend – took the stage and said, “Jackie Woodson is allergic to watermelon. Just let that sink in your mind.”
I often can’t get Vimeo videos to play…. argh.
One of the videos that picks me up is the PSA done to Abba’s Take a Chance on Me for the SPCA of Wake County (state ?)
@skerry: and DUMB.
Unless It’s Kicks – Okkervil River
Skating Away – Jethro Tull
Paul in KY
B-52s – Love Shack
Paul in KY
@skerry: Doesn’t sound like a friend, to me. I’d be very pissed, if I was her.
Tone In DC
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – AC/DC
I Go Wild – Rolling Stones
Don’t Believe the Hype – Public Enemy
Bulls on Parade – Rage Against the Machine
Music like this… what’s that old phrase? Gets your ass in gear.
Amir Khalid
This Gilbert Gottfried video never fails to make me smile.
The Five Meets Ten Doctor Who sketch and the Tennant teacher sketch with Catherine Tate. Both Children in Need events I think.
Music wise…kick ass live performance Springsteen videos, Jimmy Fallon with Springsteen videos, and “Still Alive” song from Portal.
@Paul in KY: Me too. Power, privilege and language coming together “as a joke” to dismiss a professional highlight.
the Conster
OK Go White Knuckles. Any OK Go video works, though.
@PurpleGirl: I had similar issues with Vimeo in the past. I think either Adblock Plus or FlashBlock was the cause. I think if you put Vimeo on the whitelist for one (or both) it’ll start working. If you’re not using either, check for similar browser ad-ons that you might be using.
@the Conster:
wasabi gasp
This is not it.
Pretty close to bullseye.
Buddy H
This brief video always cheers me up:
The song at the end predates the profound lyrics of Bob Dylan by some thirty years or so.
“His heart was set on becoming a banker, and wearing a high silk hat…”
gogol's wife
Codfish Ball:
I wish I could post my “pep aria,” “La mamma morta” from Andrea Chenier, but I don’t like any of the YouTube versions.
You stole my song.
Audience of One, Rise Against
Intervention, Arcade Fire
Shake It Off, Mariah Carey
Guilty pleasure: Hate My Life, Theory of a Deadman
Today’s news that you can throw in the face of wingers:
After giving Dems the majorities they needed, California is projected to run a $2 billion budget surplus through June 2015, with $4.2 billion in “rainy-day” reserves by June 2016.
Kansas, owned and operated by the GOP and Koch family, passed massive tax cuts for the rich in 2012, promising trickle down prosperity for all, and now faces a $700 million budget shortfall over the next two years from lost revenue.
Here’s another Tull tune that I think a nice pick me up – Life is a Long Song.
Most of Jimmy Buffett’s catalog works as a pick me up, too.
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes and One Particular Harbor are my favorites on that score. As I type this, I’m awaiting a burger in a bar overlooking Buddy’s Reef in Bonaire. The day is beautiful.
Porco Rosso
Da Doo Ron Ron by the Crystals seems pretty joyous. Phil Spector trigger warning tho.
any live video of Dillinger Escape Plan gets me up and off my ass. I dunno about ‘joyous’ tho.
maybe I’ll Fly Away by the kossoy sisters.
I only post about music and rarely at that, though I’ve been lurking since the Plame affair. If Fugazi’s Waiting Room does not get you moving, you’re probably dead.
dance around in your bones
Ooooh, I LOVE that song!
Oddly enough, I have been listening to SNL skits all morning because I cannot take the seriousness anymore. Two faves are “Dick in a Box” and “Jizzed in my Pants”….
Ok, I also listen to Leonard Cohen quite a lot, Neil Young as well, The Indigo Girls, The Roches, The Waitresses, X, Holly and the Italians…..plus this morning I went through a whole 80’s playlist that had ‘Mexican Radio’ and ‘Turning Japanese’ on it, as well as ‘Video Killed The Radio Star’ which I still remember watching as the very first video on that new music station? MTV, I think it was called?
Sadly, they only seem to run reality shows nowadays, so I never tune in anymore. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
dance around in your bones
@Amir Khalid: How do you read my mind?! I just watched that today and about died laughing :)
dance around in your bones
Oh! I forgot about Fish Heads!!!
Watch it just for the girls in the trash bags, if you want, but stay for the whole song :)
dance around in your bones
Linky, cause I dumb!
dance around in your bones
And who could forget “There’s a Party In My Pants And I Want You All To Come?”
Is it this random woman? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGpQTNXDy5M
Buddy H
This very funny young lady cheered me up:
Her name is Lauren O’Brien. She does impersonations of various celebrities stuck in traffic.
I never understand when ignorant folks say “women aren’t funny” because this woman is hilarious.
Paul in KY
2 fairly new bands that have a lot of peppy, goodtime music are Grouplove and The Mowglis. Have seen both & really like them.
Any of those delightful Bruno Ganz/”Downfall” mashup videos.
dance around in your bones
Ok, check THIS out, kitteh lovahs (and I lurve teh kittehs.)
Rickie Lee Jones’s calypso cover of “Under the Boardwalk” can brighten just about any day:
linky thingy not worky for me : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOtHByosVmM
Nina Simone
James E Powell
I like this version of Time Has Come Today by The Chambers Brothers.
I also like anything by The Replacements live where the sound is good and the band is close to sober.
@James E Powell:
The Chambers Brothers! In 4th grade (in ~1969) I brought their album in for “music appreciation” class – but the track I chose was “What the World Needs Now” because I knew the teacher couldn’t object to a song that had been covered by Pat Boone.
(It was my parent’s album not mine)
Am I old because I think “that’s from the days when SNL was actually funny”.
Although “Dick in a Box” is a modern classic.
Tree With Water
I dig Tom Petty’s cartoon of Running Down A Dream (der der der der der der der du du).
A guy playing-along the hell out of Graham Central Station’s “Release Yourself”
This 40-year-old Soul Train clip, perfectly synced to Daft Punk’s”Lose Yourself To Dance”
Betty Davis
A guy playing-along the hell out of Graham Central Station’s “Release Yourself”
This 40 year old Soul Train clip, perfectly synced to “Lose Yourself To Dance”
Betty Davis
This particular version of Desafinado
And of course
Fajita Round Up