Oh, Rudy, I can see your hood:
Later in the argument Giuliani argued that while police officers are only present in certain communities because black people are committing crimes.
“It is the reason for the heavy police presence in the black community,” he said. “White police officers won’t be there if you weren’t killing each other 70 percent of the time.”
Dyson shot back at Giuliani and said, “this is a defense mechanism of white supremacy at work in your mind.”
Note the implications of what he actually said- tacit admission that we are still a long way from an integrated society, accidental acknowledgment that police forces are not comprised of people who “look like” or understand different communities, and the racist statement that the white man is there to save the black man from himself. And no doubt “civilize” them and learn them the one true religion and how to speak English, I bet.
He’s so cute when he goes off script.
Especially driving or walking the street while being black. These heinous crimes just never stops.
And 84% of white murder victims are killed by whites.
So the fuck what?
I fucking love how white-hot enraged they get at the very thought of Big Gub’mint telling people what’s best for them… unless it’s applied to [insert any demographic that isn’t white, Christian, Anglo and at least middle class]. After all, this is also how they defend colonialism – “yes, yes, it was imposed on you against your will, and yes, a few people died, but look at how much good we did for you with the roads and the health care and the governance!” – the very same argument that they accuse the left of using on them.
Nothing infuriates them more than being treated exactly the way they treat… “these” people.
Radio Raheem
Also, this.
Iowa Old Lady
@Chris: We vagina-Americans apparently need the govt to guide us too.
Most murder victims are killed by someone they know, ie someone likely to be of the same race. True for whites too.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Whoops, sorry.
Yes, should’ve added “male.” Should’ve added “straight” too, come to that. And probably quite a few other things.
Paraphrasing another one of the great civilizing forces
We are pursuing a comprehensive strategy to win the war on crime. We’re taking the fight to the criminals there so we do not have to face them here
Fight The Power
Obviously we need black cops patrolling all the white neighborhoods, including those of the wealthy. It’s the only logical conclusion.
With that 84% statistic, it’s time we implement stop-and-frisk on whites to save them from themselves.
So, non-white police officers not up to the task of preventing people (tacit “those” noted) from commiting crimes? They just hired for all that PC Required window dressing? It’s KKKristmas! unwrapping his little statement.
Oh, my.
/George Takei
Snarki, child of Loki
Hey, it’s not as if white folks started two world wars and killed millions and millions of civilians…
Wait, what?
@Belafon: The police had better be prepared to shoot first because we are an armed society.
@JPL: Exactly. And you got to be careful of those white children playing with guns.
@JPL: an armed society is a polite society
Thor Heyerdahl
Let’s go back in history shall we, since Mr. Giuliani is willfully ignorant to history of the US against people whose name ends with a vowel.
“It is the reason for the heavy police presence in the
blackItalian community,” he said. “White police officers won’t be there if you weren’t killing each other 70 percent of the time.”Bruuuuce
Rudy Giuliani was full of it as mayor of NYC, and still is. If we can somehow extract it and sell it as fertilizer, we could be wealthy.
Uh Huh
Uh Huh.
My aunt’s grandson wanted to become a cop so he could chase the n-clangs. (sigh).
Giuliani’s comments have certainly unleashed a firestorm on all the major networks. He is after all America’s Mayor.
Hagel stepping down under pressure… wtf
If Hagel is stepping down, does this mean that the President wants to escalate the war against ISIL?
link http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/25/us/hagel-said-to-be-stepping-down-as-defense-chief-under-pressure.html?module=Notification&version=BreakingNews®ion=FixedTop&action=Click&contentCollection=BreakingNews&contentID=23585540&pgtype=article
@JPL: I was wondering, because I am not seeing that news anywhere else.
Obviously, black cops can’t prevent black on black violence. Since they’re black, they would just join in the violence. Duh.
@Belafon: I just googled Chuck Hagel and it’s only on the the NY Times. hmmm
“Do you want to be a cop, or do you want to appear to be a cop? It’s an honest question. Lots of people want to appear to be cops. Gun, badge, pretend they’re on TV…”
“Lot of them just want to put a n/gg/r’s head through a plate glass window.”
“After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, he signed up for the National Guard so that he too could shoot college students. But the National Guard recruiter was out to lunch, so he ended up shooting Panamanians instead. Which was almost as good as college students, only Panamanians shoot back.”
Giuliani ought to be relieved black-on-black crime exists, if a remark made 20 years ago still holds true. Travel writer Fred Reed, who was then a police reporter, was interviewing a high-placed member of the Gangster Disciples or Lords (in Chicago, if I remember right; it’s been a long time since I read the story). He asked why they only killed other blacks and the gangster, apparently seriously, replied, ” We’d like to kill whites but we know we’d be arrested if we did.”. (Not the exact wording; again, it’s been a long time.)
More like White America’s Mayor.
@JPL: We’ll never know the real story on why he is leaving, but one comment in your link certainly rang true:
It’s debatable whether waffling is an asset or a liability in a Defense Secretary, but Hagel was certainly good at it.
@Thor Heyerdahl:
Rudy knows full well about Italian crime. He made a name for himself, as NYC’s US Attorney in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, in taking down / prosecuting the mob.
What he’s saying about police officers is fucking scary in the light that he worked for the DoJ as a Federal prosecutor and therfore was involved with law enforcement.
If Giuliani had simply observed e.g. that the reason police presence in some neighborhoods is so heavy is that they are high-crime areas, that would have stated an unarguably valid without overlaying unnecessary racial baggage upon it. It is also true that many predominately black neighborhoods are among those afflicted by relatively high crime rates, and that crime within those neighborhoods is predominately black-on-black – but that’s rooted in the underlying socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhoods (low-income, bad schools etc) rather than inherent racial characteristics. Giuliani saying heavy police intervention inn minority communities is necessary to catch black criminals unavoidably comes across as tying the roots of criminality on the perps’ blackness, especially when he mentions that’s why white police officers are on the beat to control it. Giuliani’s personality is in the same mold as Gov. Christie – simply being a total asshole is so fundamental an element of their personality, it’s hard to say where simply being an asshole leaves off and actual racism begins – I suspect it’s 90% pure abrasive asshole in both cases, though even an asshole would be more careful about how they said stuff like this, unless there was an element of racist garbage embedded within their personality as well.
The speed with which Giuliani went down in the 2008 primaries still makes me smile. As does the story that was running around back then that his son was endorsing Obama on Facebook. As does the “noun, verb and 9/11” joke. Can you believe there was a time we were told that 2008 was absolutely certainly going to be Hillary/Giuliani?
There’s actually a meaningful question hiding in there in terms of to what extent cops in our society actually prevent violence and to what extent they’re basically just another gang, with sweeter uniforms and gadgets.
Regrettably, not a conversation we’ll be having at the national level any time soon, and if it did, it would be phrased exactly the way you put it.
@Mandalay: My father worked at high levels in the DoD. Not sure he could ever be the head of the Department, but he had something to say I think smart. That sane, smart people would never want to serve now. You don’t want to be attacked and savaged. He is smart enough to get other jobs, why take this one?
@Mandalay: Is waffling an asset or liability in a SecDef?
I’ve never forgiven, nor will I, RG for countenencing the Police Rally/Riot at which officers gave each other fliers describing then mayor David Dinkins as a washroom attendent. Sorry guys but the mayor is your boss and you are supposed to show a certain amount of deference to him.
I think they’re sick to death of dog whistling.
Yes, they could, easily, have just said something about high crimes neighborhoods that would cover their ass – but gosh darn it, they shouldn’t have to. It’s just another form of politically correct thought control morality police crap. Everyone knows that black people are violent and need to be cracked down on hard, and damn it, it’s about time that reasonable people be able to say it plainly instead of jumping through hoops and using euphemisms so those mad liberals won’t jump down their throats.
@Pogonip: lol
Zero critical thinking skills Cole continues his unhealthy obsession with Ferguson because …..news.
I believe it. The ridiculous degree of politicization and cronyism was evident enough in the Bush years, and it’s been happening for quite a while.
No, no, NO!
The CORRECT answer is “Could be.”
@Chris: I talk a lot here about my family. My father might be the best person you can find to be in public office. Told he can win mayor or the Congressional seat. He won’t run. He can’t stomach politics today. He is the guy that if somebody went totally negative on him he’d smile and not fight back.
Ooh, looky looky! SFB troll still can’t figure out which thread he’s in. I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tells ya.
Iowa Old Lady
@Chris: Actually, anyone who wants to have sex better check with the govt on who they can have it with and what birth control they can use because politicians are obviously the ones who should be deciding that stuff.
@ Chris…black people are violent and white people are….? You make a statement, but of course, it is a one-sided statement. I’m sure that if you had it your way, we’d all be sent back to Africa as “indentured servants.” Oops…I stand corrected–the actual term is “slave.” So, whites don’t lie or kill? Is this your assessment? Before making such ignorant, objectionable and STUPID remarks, please perform a fact-check. Don’t get it twisted…whites are just as violent I’m sure. The overall issue is that ALL races, creeds and colors have experienced & created violence. Remove the “halo” from the Caucasian race. Assigning blame is not the correct way to handle any problem. RG statements are his own opinion. I guess that he’ll blame 9-11 on us, too.
I suppose I should add a “/wingnut” tag to the end of these kinds of things.
I’m not saying that black people are more violent than the norm. I’m saying that Giuliani and his peeps believe that black people are violent; that “everyone knows” this and only says otherwise in public because of political correctness; and that they are sick of doing that. Hence, people like Giuliani blurt out things like that instead of using a less blatant line. They’re tired of living the charade, because to them all it ever was was a charade (see also Lee Atwater).
@Chris…by the way, I’m African American. You stated that “everyone knows that blacks are violent.” Who is the “everyone” that you’re referring to? I’m an African American female; served 23 honorable years in the military & well-educated. So, does “everyone” know that I’m “violent?” Ignorant and uneducated comments such as yours only exacerbate the ongoing problem that America has faced since slavery. Also, if it hadn’t been for “violent black people” like myself dawning that US Army uniform & fighting for you, where would you be? I’m going to need you to “marinate” on that for a minute…& digest it to get the full meaning of my point.
I believe it.
Also have a father who worked in a government department. He rose… just as far as he could go without reaching the point where he’d have to be confirmed by Congress, and then retired. Very specifically because he didn’t want to go through that whole fucking shitshow.
And heck, there wasn’t even a Tea Party Movement yet at the time. Imagine now…
Fred Clark at Slacktivist wrote a great essay about author GK Chesterton’s anti-Semitism and how it parallels the way many Americans view Black Americans. It’s a good read.
The Thin Black Duke
@Rita: I’m African-American too, and I clearly understood what Chris meant to say. O.K.?
Why would you want your SecDef to be hanging around for months into years under a cloud that he no longer really serves at the President’s pleasure?
Way to get the blogosphere and maybe cable off of Ferguson, for a while.
Chris is saying what Giuliani thinks, not what Chris himself thinks.
Matt McIrvin
Is he off script? Or is this the new script?
Villago Delenda Est
Really amazing that once you become “officially white” your memory of how your grandparents were treated evaporates.
See Arapiao, Joe, as well.
And why exactly do we care what Giuliani thinks? Jesus when was the last time this guy held elected office or was an appointed official with any responsibilities ?
Villago Delenda Est
@SFAW: Personally, i’d give that a qualified “maybe”.
Villago Delenda Est
@JCT: We just like to point out how eminently tumbrel worthy the vile shitstain is.
@Matt McIrvin: Anything other than ‘Nine-Eleven’ is off-script for Giuliani.
Wally Ballou
@Villago Delenda Est: No, see, it isn’t that they’ve forgotten. It’s just that they figure, hey, now it’s their turn to kick downward.
@SFAW: Let me be unclear…
I have a theory that Obama will nominate a black woman to be the next Secretary of Defense and it will have nothing to do with tweaking John McCain’s blood pressure.
I could be wrong but…
This is my theory that I have. Which is mine.
Ta-Nehisi Coates, today:
The Gospel of Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani, one dick pony.
grandpa john
@JCT: Yeah. In an imaginary world where the media actually lived up to the professional integrity they give lip service to while ignoring completely, Turds of waste like Rudy when once shit into a cesspool of public irrelevance would remain there and be allowed to decompose into utter anonymity
@samiam: Is someone making you read Cole’s thread?
Another Holocene Human
@jibeaux: Irish cops let Irish kids get away with all kinds of criminal stuff (but it’s mostly under-age drinking shenanigans). So in the vein of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION obviously cops of color in communities of color would be letting all kinds of crimes go unpunished such as loitering, slinging gang signs, letting gangbangers patrol the ‘hood and you know they’re gangbangers because they’re obviously Messican, and causing noise disturbances hanging out on their stoops and porches … there goes the neighborhood.
Another Holocene Human
@cmorenc: But that wasn’t the point. Giuliani had to tell ME Dyson and the world “about the Negro”.
Also, crime & punishment including policing in disadvantaged neighborhood is a complicated issue and Giuliani doesn’t do complex.
Another Holocene Human
Prelude to the contempt with which Obama was treated — “You lie!” and SOTU and so on.
Giuliani’s a joke. And these people will always talk shit about Dinkins and Obama. Just a bunch of useless, pinhead pricks, every one of them.
Another Holocene Human
They’re suffering now, though–Dinkins’ boy deBlasio won NY Mayor in a blowout!!
And I doubt despite Cuomo making deBlasio’s life hell right now that he’s giving them a hell of a lot to fap to. Cuomo is #1 about Cuomo and will shiv, fuck, roll anybody who gets in Cuomo’s way. But when he does start talking shit about people, he talks shit about social conservatives. Hardly red meat for white flight surburban/Staten Island grievance junkies. They want that pure Moynahan report fix.