Cop charged with assault:
A 13-year veteran of the St. Louis County police force was suspended without pay Friday after being charged with second-degree assault for breaking a man’s hand with his police baton.
County Police Chief Jon Belmar said Dawon Gore, 44, has not been at work since the April 21 incident at the North Hanley MetroLink station. Gore had been serving as an officer in the MetroLink unit.
“I want to make it clear that the department stands by our officers who are required to use force as we conduct our duties,” Belmar said. “However, this alleged unprovoked use of force — outside the bounds of department policy and without cause — cannot be tolerated.”
Belmar said the department first became aware of the matter on April 25 when the alleged victim, 24-year-old Pierre Wilson, called the department requesting payment for his medical bills.
Two days after birthing a no indictment of the man who killed Michael Brown, this happens. Who says Bob McCulloch doesn’t have a sense of humor?
BTW, here is Dawon Gore:
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that it never crossed anyone’s mind to put all the evidence out there in a Grand Jury in this case. That’s reserved for the special cases. Not to brush off what Gore is alleged to have done, but I don’t think I have the stomach to look up what Pierre Wilson looks like because I’m afraid of what I will find.
*** Update ***
My bad, this is an old story.
We all know now that witness testimony is worthless.
Oh for fucks sake- in the article the police chief says that a police report wasn’t done – as if that’s a bad thing! They’re just trolling us now.
*throws things violently*
definitely still playing the PR game. plus the incitement game. Look how lackadaisical they were with either doing anything (beyond the apparently rapid silent dump of officer, they didn’t stand by him and hustle him away to an unknown safe location) until it became expedient to do so on the other metrics. And yet they still come off looking like hobbists indulging in their least favorite pursuit when it comes to investigating, documenting and building cases. Not a clue that isn’t the heights of professionalism.
Eh? This story is dated July 25.
There are systemic problems out there. Here’s hoping that the DOJ investigation results in a Consent Decree for the region that has teeth – at the very least.
John Cole,
You are simply Good!
Nice to see you clowns are giving this cop the benefit of the doubt you denied Darren Wilson… Remember to get your LULZ the next time someone on the right says the left are the ‘real racists’.
I also notice you left out this part, John: “As the verbal altercation came to an end, Gore allegedly charged Wilson from several yards away and hit him with his police baton.”, as well as the fact that part of the incident was recorded.
A mercenary contract usually involves bonds and bullets for bodies. I just want to know the details.
Two days after birthing a no indictment of the man who killed Michael Brown, this happens. Who says Bob McCulloch doesn’t have a sense of humor?
AHEM. Note the date, Binky.
That said, I liked Chief’s Belmar’s announcement (on the 25th of July) of the charges:
Agony and Irony, dude.
[‘I couldn’t find out if Pierre Wilson was white, but he appeared to be from out of town.’]
John Cole +0
@max: Yeah, I updated it. /slinks away sheepishly.
@jrg: Um, yeah: the point you’re missing is the denial of equal protection. Of course, some people are more equal than others.
Well, at least with this post we didn’t get a whine about President Obama not hitting Cole’s rhetorical g-spot. Because, clearly that was the worst part of this whole business. (Nope, not letting it go yet.)
John Cole +0
@Hildebrand: Really? What you’ve taken way from months of posting is me thinking Obama was flat the other night was the most important thing ever? He was. The images of the rioting while he spoke was no help, but he was just bad. Last night he was pretty damned good and back to form.
The things that work some of you up never cease to amaze me.
so, the PR element does down a notch, but I’m still not impressed by the consistency of the department.
@John Cole +0: “Obama just gave the worst speech I have ever seen. Flat, detached, and making no sense. Sounded like Bill Cosby ten years ago before we knew he was a rapist.” Yep, can’t see why this kind of comment would ever irritate some folks. God, they are just so pissy and small-minded.
Meanwhile 2 FBI agents have been shot dead. You happy now Son of Sam Cole the one man angry mindless mob? You going to defend the shooters and try say it was because the FBI agents did something wrong for just trying to do their jobs?
Go back to the Republicans where you belong you idiot!
@John Cole +0: And I will let it go after this, just needed to vent my spleen when I knew you might actually be around.
John Cole +0
@Hildebrand: I wasn’t clear in that, which is why I deleted it. I wasn’t comparing Obama to a serial rapist, I was comparing his speech to Cosby’s famous pull your britches up speech. I can totally understand why someone would be furious about the former interpretation, not so much the latter. Regardless, I edited it shortly after posting it to avoid the confusion, so I’m still surprised when people keep throwing that in my face.
@John Cole +0: As I noted above, I actually am over it. It was simply a jarring moment on an ugly night, and frankly, I have higher expectations of the front-pagers here. You folks do a good job, and thus when one of you gaffes, it is all the more noticeable.
@samiam: The two FBI agents are not, in fact, dead. One was shot in the shoulder and one in the leg, and they’re both going to be fine. They were serving an arrest warrant at the time, and the shooting was “not directly related to the Ferguson protests.”
Want to try again, sport? Actually, please don’t.
Scott S.
@samiam: This kid needs a hobby.
@Scott S.: He’s just spelling impaired, sadiam is. spelling- and logic-impaired and lownly.
@John Cole +0: Yeah, I updated it. /slinks away sheepishly.
That’s OK, I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet got in ahead of me. Took me awhile to read all the stories, and no one mentioned if Pierre Wilson was white.
[‘Bet he was though. And a tourist. Moral: you can beat the black locals mercilessly, but don’t touch the out-of-towner white folks. That’s bad for business!’]
Lurking Canadian
Irony’s been dead these forty years. But every now and then somebody still digs it up just to give it a bloody good rogering.
because somebody has to say it, amirite?