Working on a bunch of stuff, so almost no time to blog, but in eavesdropping on a Twitter conversation about the various awesomenesses of the Scots, combined with the lethal power of bagpipes, I came across this:
You can thank me later.
In any event, it seems to me we could use — certainly I can — a daily leaven of the absurd to help confront the weight of all the stupid/evil that so dominates the rap, Jack, these days.
The thread’s most indeed open, but if anyone wanted to list favorite lethal song morphs, I wouldn’t mind.
(PS — tagged this “music.” Not sure if I should have.)
Oh, here you are! I said downstairs I saw an O/T but it disappeared. Always so mystifying when that happens….
Keith P
“It’s A Long Way To The Top” might have been a better choice.
I’ll also take this opportunity to give a shout-out to my terrific Scottish publisher who won the Saltire Society Publisher of the Year award for 2014.
Spent a week there in June for book promo stuff and had an amazing time. Wonderful people and a beautiful country. Also great food and beer.
OH, I feel cherished. thank you.
Baboomska McGeesk
“Because I Love You”
They say what you don’t know – won’t hurt you
and I believe that’s so – so don’t tell me
that you’ve found someone new
to go through life with you
Because I love you – my darling
my dearest – I love you
you’re the one I want nearest me
I love you – and I hope that you love me too
I’d rather die thinking you love me
than to go on through life without you
and you with someone new
to go through life with you
@BGinCHI: The haggis was good, was it?
Baboomska McGeesk
Paul McCartney and Buddy Holly medley
Villago Delenda Est
Scots rawk (full disclosure: I am of Scottish ancestry on my dad’s side…the surname is a variant of a prominent clan name).
The only way that could be improved is if David Cameron were standing right behind him to get his just reward for welshing (pardon the ethnic slur to another group oppressed by the English (yikes, that’s my mother’s side, there!)) on all his promises to Scotland prior to the independence vote.
@Villago Delenda Est:
honestly, the term isn’t supposed to be an ethnic slur against the welsh. it sure sounds like it is tho.
Betty Cracker
The fire-breathing pipes were a nice touch. First time I wasn’t hoping for a breeze to reveal what’s beneath the kilt — it might have set his mohawk on fire!
Kryptik, A Man Without a Country
I was sold as soon as I saw the fire come out of the pipes.
@chopper: Yes, it is actually. Welshing refers to the propensity of the Welsh to be cheaters and thieves–supposedly. A base canard!
Anyway that is a great video. The flames were very unexpected. You are more likely to see that with accordian playing polka guys.
Kryptik, A Man Without a Country
Also, to contribute, this isn’t as amazing as flaming bagpipes, but classical guitar cover of Propane Nightmares is close.
@Pogonip: They are doing things with haggis you wouldn’t believe.
Tom Levenson
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah. Didn’t want to bigfoot Richard.
“And, like all bagpipe music, it was hard to tell if it was good music played horribly, or horrible music played well.”
Ron Howard, Arrested Development
Tom Levenson
@BGinCHI: I’m going to accept that as true under just about any possible interpretation.
For some reason that clip reminded me of Bill Clinton saying he didn’t inhale. Is that what happens to people who do inhale?
You can thank me later.
That was pretty damn good. But then I like bagpipes. And accordions.
[‘I wish I still had hair so I could have a mohawk again.’]
Apparently this guy calls himself The Badpiper and was on Australia’s Got Talent, so I assume he’s an Aussie.
Apparently this guy calls himself The Badpiper and was on Australia’s Got Talent.
Paul in KY
@Villago Delenda Est: Aye, ye be from the MacDelendaest clan! Highlanders from north of Scapa Flow.
Paul in KY
@aimai: Reading some history about 15th century England & when Henry V died, his wife was 20 years old. She wanted to remarry, but the powers-that-be would not let her, as she was a very wealthy landowner & who she married might destabilize the political situation.
So she decided to marry a person who had no legal standing in England, could not own property, and was a political nonentity. He was a Welshman named Owen Tudor. They had 3 or 4 kids, and that’s where the Tudor dynasty sprang from.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Ghu, I needed that today. Thank you.
Iden Hill
I liked the version of Thunderstruck by the 2 guys on cellos, better.
Tone In DC
“It’s a Long Way to the Top” would indeed have been best. A close second and third would have been “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” and “Jailbreak”.
I’ll listen to “Black Ice” on the way home. Also, gotta grab the band’s new album. Given what’s been going on for the last year or so, it may be a while before another one comes out.
Awesome? Awesome losers.
If I dared to look up”flaming bagpipes” in the Urban Dictionary, I wonder what it would say?
Villago Delenda Est
@Paul in KY: We tend to wear water wings a lot with our kilts.
Amir Khalid
The bagpipe seems appropriate for AC/DC music, given that the Youngs migrated to Australia from Scotland.
Love bagpipes. And that was before I heard jazz bagpipes at an old Jazz Festival down in Maryland outside of DC (Bowie?), decades ago. If I recall, the musician was a Black female (but I could be confusing her with the Black female jazz violinist – was a hectic period!).
Ronzoni Rigatoni
@aimai: “Welshing refers to the propensity of the Welsh to be cheaters and thieves–supposedly. A base canard!”
Well, Maybe. Read this in Taffs Well:
Taffy was a Welshman,
Taffy was a thief.
Taffy came to my house
And stole a side of beef.
Loved the Welsh. And they absolutely hated Margaret Thatcher
Paul in KY
@Villago Delenda Est: I’m assuming there is only water ‘north of Scapa Flow’! Loling!