Even dogs in the UK have to follow strict muslim dress codes #foxnewsfacts pic.twitter.com/JpKpkkq7AZ
— Matthew Evans (@shortarsenic) January 12, 2015
Plebs are using the hashtag #foxnewsfacts and making stuff up. We in the Conservative Party do that on the hashtag #LongTermEconomicPlan
— David Cameron (@DavidChameron) January 12, 2015
Delighted to see #foxnewsfacts trend worldwide:
"Middle Eastern terrorist gang preparing for martydom"via @ChanEpic1
— Bonnie Greer (@Bonn1eGreer) January 12, 2015
Twitter for the win! #FoxNewsFacts has forced #FoxNews to address our jokes. Awesome. pic.twitter.com/7HDrZKlaBN
— Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) January 12, 2015
First you LOL. Then you *headdesk*…
Apart from handegg & mockery (same as every night!) what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Which false facts will Fox News manage and which will they dispel? That would be useful info.
Villago Delenda Est
Fox News Press Team
What a mess of contradictions in four words.
And yet despite it all, we will still encounter wingnuts who now know that there are certain cities in England which are under Sharia law and closed-off to non Muslims. The truth never finds its way to the quarantined sectors of the information universe.
I can manage a pretty good LOL at this one: the desk may live unbruised for a good while longer. Although, if I start giggling too hard, I do sometimes pound on things. . .
Villago Delenda Est
What are we going to do tonight, Brain?
I see the Fighting Fashion Nightmares have secured an early lead. This is good, if the trend continues.
On edit: And nearly at the moment I posted this, Ohio State scores!
Hahaha, Twitter has already suspended @FoxNewsPress, which I assume* was a site set up to further parody Rupert’s ugly “news” media baby.
[*suspended before I could get to it, so never did see any content]
@Villago Delenda Est: I figured they meant “press” as used in basketball, press defense. Makes more sense that way
Raised up from the football thread, The Incredible Disappearing Merkel!
We have it on very good authority that at least one non-Muslim American lives in Birmingham. He appears on our teevee every weekend wearing the colors of Aston Villa Football Club.
At the Kos, somebody noticed that Brownback is blaming the failure of Kansas conservatism on the lack of conservative family values.
The budget is in free fall over homos and abortions.
Villago Delenda Est
@Botsplainer: Conservatism can never fail, it can only be sabotaged by faggots and sluts.
The stupid, it runs and runs.
Emerson went on Sky News to deliver a public apology, during the course of which he told the bemused interviewer that listening back to his comments was “like waterboarding.”
When the interviewer reeled back and pointed out that “some people” might find that offensive, Emerson rolled his eyes so far into the back of his head that I thought he was going to pass out, and jammered, “I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I deserved to have experienced the pain of listening to it over again.”
John Oliver’s from the outskirts of Birmingham. I’d be surprised if this doesn’t make the cut for his next show.
The saddest thing about this whole fiasco is that the Fox “expert” who started it evidently believed what he was saying about Birmingham being all Muslim. That’s a level of ignorance you rarely see outside CSpan call-in segments.
@Botsplainer: well, are the gays are demanding “rights” and
specialequal treatment under the law and that is forcing all those good gawd feering Christianist businesses to close down or sue to enforce their right tofreely exercise their religiondiscriminate.And if those wimmens would just be barefoot and pregnant like they’re supposed to be, then the menfolk can get jerbs, which is good because men make more than women because of the magic of the free market
So, yeah, totally the fault of us godless heathen hippies.
Way to go, Tiffany.
schrodinger's cat
@burnspbesq: Religion is just a way of codifying patriarchy or so it seems to me. This is true not just of orthodox Jewish people.
@Botsplainer: Maybe if they burn all the homosexuals and sluts in a bonfire, God will cause money to rain down upon them.
Villago Delenda Est
@beltane: Don’t give them any ideas.
@Villago Delenda Est:
And liberals. Granted that’s kind of redundant.
But whatever; the point is that there are never any negative consequences to conservative policies. If there appear to be such, it’s always somebody else’s fault.
schrodinger's cat
Obedience is for dogs, kittehs on the other hand has a mind of their own. My 2 cents on the events in France.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’m pretty sure they already have that one. They just haven’t figured out how to get away with using it. Yet.
The problem isn’t that Steve Emerson made a mistake.
It’s that he just flat made shit up, as “experts” like him are permitted to do without push back from Faux News “journalists”.
@YAFB: The sheer waterboarding of having to watch himself opine! One does rather wonder if the “death threats” he’s had to endure are really the twitter threads and threads and threads (they’re apparently not dead yet though). Or maybe they were only the emails from Faux execs as its their brand also getting quite the international mocking.
So, I mentioned recently that I’ve started reading the American Spectator blog because an Internet friend is writing there. The commenters are flat out amazing… On a post that mentions that Paul Ryan has the sense enough to not run for president in 2016, a commenter called Ryan a RINO and said he wants more RINOs to run so it’ll split the vote and they can get a true conservative nominee. The logic, apparently is that if they finally get that one true conservative they’ll win in a landslide.
I can’t even…
@beltane: Dude. This is Kansas. They would consider that a plus.
I’ve no idea whether the threats are true, or another of those #FOXNEWSFACTS.
Boy who cried wolf, and all that.
That hashtag’s still real lively (and largely hilarious and life-affirming). I think it’s a permanent meme by now!
Southern Beale
Steve Emerson, serial offender.
Dumped by CNN. Hired by Fox. Of course.
I live in KS, and the budget shananigans are farcical. Some judges just made him commit another half-bill or so to education cuz its so underfunded. He wont raise taxes (natch), so he robbed the highway fund. Apparently no one uses cars or trucks in this state.
I wonder if Faux News viewers could be duped into calling their Congressman for a law to ban Arabic numerals.
Iowa Old Lady
A few days ago, folks were talking about science-oriented science fiction. I don’t know if someone mentioned Andy Weir’s THE MARTIAN, but I’m nearly done with it and it’s a great read. The central character is an astronaut who’s marooned on Mars. He’s a mechanical engineer and botanist and he gives the details of chemistry and physics, and mechanics for how he modifies equipment and his environment to get food, water, communication, etc. It all has a futuristic Robinson Crusoe charm.
Quinn commutes sentences of 2 men with shaky murder convictions
iN his final minutes in office Monday, Gov. Pat Quinn granted 43 clemency petitions, including two commutations that will lead to freedom for convicted murderers whose appeals had been stuck in the courts in spite of mounting evidence of their innocence.
The outgoing governor also commuted the sentence of a man convicted of attempted murder following a shootout with Chicago police and granted pardons to one of former Chicago police Cmdr. Jon Burge’s alleged torture victims as well as to a former Peoria County man who spent three decades in prison for a double murder before being paroled.
Quinn commuted the 40-year sentence of Howard Morgan, who was convicted of shooting at four Chicago police officers during an early morning traffic stop in 2005 in the Lawndale neighborhood. Morgan, who was a Chicago police officer before becoming a railroad cop, claimed he was the victim of overzealous officers. But police said Morgan fired at them first, and testimony indicated he fired 17 times, while he was hit more than two dozen times.
Morgan’s trial attorney, Sam Adam Jr., has always maintained his client’s innocence but doubted he would ever receive clemency.
“So many politicians wouldn’t have gone anywhere near it,” said Adam. “But instead of worrying about his political future or legacy, (Quinn) did what was right.”
Howard Morgan was a ’cause celebre’ case for the Black community in Chicago. The CPD never thought he would live, so they trumped up the charges on him. His two trials were a phucking travesty. And folks wonder why the average Black person has little to no faith in law enforcement, when examples are everywhere why we shouldn’t have faith in them.
@KG: Limbaugh was banging away on a similar idea today (our NPR station is off the air, so I was spinning through the AM dial for fun – should have stuck with one of the Tejano stations) – that all it would take for Republicans to win is if they simply would nominate a true ‘Conservative’, that Amuricans were just a waitin’ for someone to speak the conservative gospel with passion and eloquence, and that that is all that it would take for the Republicans to win in a landslide.
It was damn entertaining.
Kryptik, A Man Without a Country
The problem is that said sectors aren’t really quarantined. They keep expanding, both in scope and in influence. It’s great that the international twitter folks are righteously mocking Fox for this shit. But I assure you a massive chunk of the US will take this as gospel truth even long after it’s debunked, and another massive chunk that will simply believe it COULD happen and therefore we should act like it did and treat any and all Muslims as the devil that needs to be destroyed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I see Richard Cohen, who barely a decade ago said that “only a fool, or a Frenchman,” could doubt the Bush administration’s case for invading Iraq, now has a column entitled “Obama’s Slap at France”
CNN Breaking News ✔ @cnnbrk
California Attorney General Kamala Harris to announce U.S. Senate bid. http://cnn.it/1ssAhS2 .
Looks like Kamala Harris is going to run for California Senator. Gavin Newsome says his political future is in California, not DC, so he’s probably running for Governor.
@rikyrah: Newsom passed too. Should be Harris’ election to lose
On a side note, apparently Newsom’s three kids are named Montana, Hunter, and Brooklynn (yes with two n’s). Not going to lie, that fact makes me question his judgment
@Hildebrand: I assume that’s also where they got the idea that millions (The Rock voice: and millions) of conservatives stayed home in 2012
Mike in NC
@efgoldman: There was a book on that subject called “The Commissar Vanishes”.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: well, the White House has issued an apology. So fuck it all anyway. Fauztrage wins again. I guess we have to call him Ombambi again, even though it’s not an issue worth fighting about.
Some of the funniest, and most devastating, posts on #FoxNewsFacts are the the screen grabs of goofs, and corrections, from Fox News itself.
Gin & Tonic
@Southern Beale: You know who else frequently quotes Robert Parry?
Gin & Tonic
@Iowa Old Lady: Somebody here recommended that book a while back, and I read it on a long trip a few months ago. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: The practice features in Kundera’s “The Book of Laughter and Forgetting” as well.
@Gin & Tonic: Ha!
Oh. No. Apparently Fox News has lost David Cameron. I say, if it made poor Davy bloody well choke on his porridge, that is really not cricket on Fox News’ part,, is it?
British Prime Minister: ‘I Choked On My Porridge’ After Fox News Comments
“When I heard this, frankly, I choked on my porridge and I thought it must be April Fool’s Day,” Cameron said, “this guy is clearly a complete idiot.”
Some pics here of Cameron eating porridge in the company of the least-impressed Scotsman you’re ever likely to see.
Eric U.
I learned from Tim Tebow that the analysts are actually reading from teleprompters. And I really hope that he’s never made fun of Obama for teleprompter use, because he’s really bad at it
@KG: Oh god. Those names. yikes. He should have them changed, to California, Surfer and Berkeleyy
Anne Laurie for the win! You made me LOL, needed it, thanks!
@KG: Bingo. I loved listening to Limbaugh kvetch about the fact that all of the ‘real’ conservatives stayed home in 2012, and thus Romney was doooomed. Then again, he quoted from Carville today, who is seemingly petrified of the utter awesomeness that is Ted Cruz.
Good thing Rush is on the middle of the day, because one could wreck a liver in no time fashioning a drinking game or two for his show.
Gin & Tonic
Here’s a great shot of the front page of today’s Komsomolskaya Pravda Cavuto-marking the burning question of the day: did the Americans plan the Charlie Hebdo murders?
The text in the black bar above the screaming red headline says “Our expert’s version:”
@Gin & Tonic:
“Our expert’s version:”
I guess Emerson has really been networking himself around for work.
Villago Delenda Est
@Gin & Tonic: Well, of course they did. I’m sure BiP can quote Robert Parry making the same observations in 3, 2, 1….
Mike J
@Gin & Tonic: So that’s where BiP has been.
” Newsom’s three kids are named Montana, Hunter, and Brooklynn ”
Hmmmm…. is he a distant, somewhat tonier, relation to Sarah Palin?
@jl: Montana is a weird name but Hunter is pretty common and Brooklynn was really popular a decade or so ago. How old is Brooklynn?
” You’d think the British PM could afford boneless porridge. ”
I say, perhaps Davy’s porridge is just a bit lumpy.
@YAFB: Hilarious pics of poor Davy. First one looks like he snorts oatmeal through his nose. Maybe he does, I wouldn’t know how upper crust posh Oxford toffs eat it.
@Violet: I guess I don’t travel in the same circles as Newsome. Thank goodness. But if you say so, I will apologize, profusely. Names still seem a little odd, though. I never heard of Brooklynn before in my life. And I have never actually met a Montana, though maybe I have and they were using their middle names, or something.
Sorry if this has been mentioned in a prior thread, but Romney’s in now, and Santorum is spoiling for the rematch (both as “populists”!!!). Can you say Huck yeah?! That KKKlown KKKar is getting pretty KKKrowded!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Violet: “Montana” as a first name makes me think of a Simpsons parody of soap operas “I’ll see to it you don’t get apricot one, Montana!”
Gin & Tonic
@Curt: I want to take this opportunity to announce that I will not be seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
Regarding Hayat Boumeddiene: can somebody who follows this stuff more closely than I tell me what evidence there is that she is an awful terrorist, other than the MSM, who are never wrong about anything (like whether she was within several time zones of Paris last week), having said so for several days? No idea if she is or not, but what’s the actual evidence?
Maybe the workers were appalled by the gratuitous slurping noises.
Hence the protective clothing.
@Gin & Tonic: Well, that makes you and Paul Ryan, anyway.
@Violet: according to wikipedia, Brooklynn was born in 2013, Hunter was born in 2011, and Montana was born in 2009. For the record, individually, I don’t really object to any of those names (I’ve known girls named Nevada and Dakota, so Montana isn’t so far off the map – yeah, sorry about that), it’s a totality of the circumstances thing. it just screams “our parents were hipsters” like 30-something siblings named Sky, Feather, and Justice screams “our parents were hippies.”
@Heliopause: There are photographs of her holding a firearm. Maybe she wants to be an American.
@Heliopause: I heard a news radio interview this morning with a terrorism expert (I presumed a qualified one at the time, but now I am skeptical of all of them) say that no one really knows what the extent of her involvement is, but pretty sure she must have valuable information. I have no clue what is being said on US corporate media TV.
When will we start seeing kids being named Idaho?
@jl: I’ve known guys named Hunter (as first names or at least as the name they used, so maybe middle names) all my life. Doesn’t strike me as odd.
Brooklyn or Brooklynn (spelling varies) has been popular as a girls name for awhile.
That’s from June, 2014, but I know it’s been popular longer than that depending on where you live. Also, David and Victoria Beckham named their son Brooklyn in 1999.
oh, puh-lease…I may need a doctor to help me get my eyes back in front of my head, since I rolled them so hard after reading this…
@efgoldman: The reports said she was the ex-girlfriend of one of the shooters.
@lamh36: Have we reached peak aggrieved white people yet?
Emerson: Brown grad (le sigh) and a staffer for Frank Church.
LWA (Liberal With Attitude)
Whats on the agenda?
I’m busy holding down the fort over at the Atlantic, on their gun article, asserting that there is no right to gun ownership and we should repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Good times, good times!
@Gin & Tonic: Reconsider. Download the Glenn Beck Conspiracy Generator. Run on its output. Get .85%, pocket the money.
@beltane: Idaho once, but I refused to pay her, so she left.
@Punchy: groan
@Violet: Two of my middle son’s friends, one male and one female, are both named Hunter.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Belafon: as was Meadow Soprano’s best friend in the first two seasons. Carmela once called her “Cacciatore” (sp?)
Yeah, I’m aware of that (some reports are that they were married). My question is this: CNN and the rest have been saying for days that she’s a mass murderer, but now they’re saying she was nowhere near Paris. So what actual evidence is there against her? Or are they now apologizing for telling the whole world that she’s the worst criminal on earth and now saying they merely want to ask her a few questions?
For all I know she might be completely complicit in this, but is there any actual evidence?
ugh, reading the headline, you’d think that it is the end of times, but then once u read Glenn Beck’s reasons for why you should see the film, then u just feel the need to shake off some bad juju…
Glenn Beck: It’s “Critical” That Americans See ‘Selma’
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Heliopause: I can’t find it now, but there was a lot of cell phone contact between her phone and that of one of the Kouachi’s wives
Found it
ETA: she and Coulibaly were married in a religious ceremony, France only recognizes civil marriages
OT, I’ve never been much a sports fan except in my yoot – yay early 70s Big Red Machine! – but being a Buckeye alum and all, reckon I’ll note this here final:
Wait, what? Is FAUX “News” actually threatening to sue people who do #foxnewsfacts hashtags?
Keep fucking that chicken.
George Wallace lost a race early in his political career, after which he vowed that he would never be “OUT-NIGGERED” ever again.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Therefore she committed mass murder?
I already know she was reportedly intimate with these people. I just find it strange that a few days ago CNN was telling me she was in a grocery store killing hostages, and now they’re saying she wasn’t even on the same continent. What to believe, eh?
I’ll say again, she might be 100% complicit in this. She might come out with a video tomorrow praising these guys, for all I know. But given that the media and authorities can’t get stone-cold basic facts right, what’s the evidence?
@fuckwit: The Twitter account cited as being owned by Fox and supposedly started to counter the mockery was itself a parody I suspect, though the account is now suspended. As such, it is no longer available for examination beyond the screen caps AL (and others?) have saved and posted for posterity.
My guess would be that – while they are totally evil, amoral bastards – the Fox management people are no dummies, and as such they would be smart enough to not hand a PR gift to their critics by actually going after them legally (at least not publicly).
@Heliopause: It’s pretty common that early reports on incidents get lots of stuff wrong. Doesn’t really excuse it, but that’s how it goes. I would guess that English language media was reporting what they were told by French authorities and they’d be less likely to do their own investigations because of langauge issues.
@sharl: saw a link somewhere saying it was a parody account
Meanwhile, more fun from Fauxworld. From TPM:
Wow. Kennedy. Haven’t heard from her since MTV.
Thoughtful David
So they’re admitting that Kansas is more decadent, gay, amoral, and has greater use of abortion than its neighboring states? That’s quite an admission. It must be true, since all of the neighboring states have better economies than Kansas.
If I were a smart politician, I’m not sure I’d go around admitting that the state I’ve been running for the last 4 years is suffering from seriously declining morals.
Then again, I’m not sure Mr. Brownback has ever been accused of being smart.
Lately, Glenn’s been comparing himself to Gandhi and MLK with increasing frequency. Nothing like a little early morning humor to get the day off to a good start.
@KG: Well, there are girls called Carolina, Virginia and Mary, so why not Nevada, Montana or Dakota? :)
@Heliopause: She seems to be a true believer from the pictures La Monde ran of her with the Kosher Deli terrorist. She seems aware of what they are about, and supports them. Have not seen any evidence of being guilty of anything other than association with them, though.