interesting – Clinton history viewed as positive for HRC, while family histories viewed as negative for Bush + Romney
— Rick Klein (@rickklein) January 22, 2015
This might have something to do with the Clinton years being pretty good and the Bush years being disastrous
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) January 22, 2015
Media Villager asks: Why would the peasants prefer a sweaty, used-up, striver-y ol’ Democrat party to the ooh! shiny! of a buzzy new JEB! roll-out?
And then he wonders, out loud, why people say cruel, mean things about ‘the media’?
For those of us with memories longer than that of the average goldfish, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Stupid fucking anti-vaxxers may have gotten our teambuilding field trip to the Happiest Place on Earth canceled. Yet another reason for me to hate their idiotic guts.
Amir Khalid
“I’m not part of any agenda. I’m here to solve this, just like you.”
— Agent Scully, pilot episode, The X-Files.
Could you repeat the question?
Klein is Jon Karl’s boss but appears to be even stupider than his stupid employee.
But not to worry, he’s only ABC’s Political Director.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to succeed in corporate America?
Read about poll results someplace earlier today. HRC beats all the GOP would-be contenders by 15 points.
The new Mitt says he is very concerned about poverty. As soon ol’ Huck finishes his Old Testament prophet introductory act (smiting Beyonce and lying about how uncensored Nugent acts were that Huck put out himself), he might restart his Christian economic populist schtick. I think they all will try to jump on the economic social conscience bandwagon.
But it works both ways. Why would people vote for a fake Democrat when they can vote for the real thing?
Edit: especially fake Democrats who are about as appetizing as squirrel brains cooked in popcorn poppers, old cardboard, and transistors (hi Mitt!)?
Southern Beale
Just heard that Saudi King Abdullah has died. Does this mean the one who owns Fox News is the new King?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
@jl: Mitt runs so far to the left of HRC that he appears on the right.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I HATE ANTI-VACCERS. Cannot deal. Seriously. House arrest.
Obama is sending troops to Ukraine, so there won’t be a White House for Hillary to occupy now.
Also, the Jane Hamsher’s of the Left were Right:
Howard Beale IV
@Southern Beale: Nope. Different Saudi Prince has stake in Fox (Prince al-Waleed bin Talal)
My agenda is to wait for a pupdate. And wait, and wait, and wait…
@Southern Beale: Can’t find any info on that on NYTimes or Guardian website. Maybe not confirmed yet? Or premature?
@Elizabelle: BBC has it.
“Saudi King Abdullah dies aged 91
Breaking news
Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died in hospital, state TV says.
The announcement, made early on Friday, said his brother, Salman, had become king.
Before the announcement, Saudi television cut to Koranic verses, which often signifies the death of a senior royal.
King Abdullah, who was said to be aged about 90, had been in hospital for several weeks suffering from a lung infection.
The king came to the throne in 2005 but had suffered frequent bouts of ill health in recent years.”
Howard Beale IV
@srv: Obviously those senators didn’t get briefed by the Mossad-otherwise they wouldn’t be going down this road.
Howard Beale IV
@Elizabelle: has it.
Does teh stoopid start in Journalimism School or is it a corporate media employment requirement?
Is Bandar Bush next in line?
Another whoocoodanode. From The Guardian:
This about three days after a five-year old in Missouri killed his 9-month old brother with (I think Grandpa’s handgun) found in a bedroom. In that case, their mother called 911 saying the child had used a paintball gun. But no.
And how well secured is a gun if a 2-year old can open the glove compartment?
Would these parents have suffered enough if it was a neighbor child playing around in the front seat?
BBC has it:
Edit: Naturally, Raven got there first. Oh well.
Another edit: His death means that Queen Elizabeth II is now the oldest reigning monarch in the world. Today is the anniversary of Queen Victoria’s death, and in September, assuming she survives another eight months, QEII will become the longest-reigning British sovereign in history. I know we don’t do kings and queens in this country, but I think that’s kind of cool.
Howard Beale IV
Here’s a place to keep track of anti-vaxxers, woo-meisters, and Talebangecals:
This should be included on the blogroll.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
PHEW! False alarm. Our boss decided to go ahead with it since we’ve all been appropriately vaccinated and the employees at the Park who were affected are being monitored and/or are on paid leave.
But I stand by my statement that stupid fucking anti-vaxxers ruin things for the rest of us.
Mmm… baked lemon chicken
@Howard Beale IV: Thank you.
And good to know re because I refuse to ever click on CNN, after they treated Obama like a missing plane re the Charlie Hebdo march.
Steve Kornacki had some round table discussion about Jeb and HRC’s legacies a few weeks back. The contention by one of the guests was in essence that they were both legacy candidates and therefore the whole suggestion of political dynasties were cancelled out with Jeb and Hillary as their parties candidates.
I thought this was amazingly short sighted because it overlooked the fact the HRC as First Lady, who then went on to forge her own career is not the same as being the third Bush in as many decades to run for President. The Bush name is massively tarnished to say the least, with George H being seen as an unremarkable President who couldn’t win re-election and Shrub as a disaster. Outside of Vince Foster conspiracists, no one cares anymore about Bills scandals and Hillary is largely untouched by them.
If it comes down to defending their relatives, I think HRC has a much easier time than Jeb.
Amir Khalid
@Southern Beale:
The real problem, as far as the succession is concerned, is that the throne currently passes from older brother to younger, instead of from father to eldest son. The princes in the line of succession are all as old as fuck: Abdullah succeeded to the throne at 80, and the new king, Salman, is 79.
@Suzanne: @Mnemosyne (iPhone): A friend of mine who is an evangelical Christian told me a some point last year that she wishes she hadn’t vaccinated her kids because they use aborted fetuses to make the vaccines. Yes, really.
I seriously do not know how to respond to that kind of thing. Mind boggling.
WaPost and Guardian have King Abdullah death up now; nothing on NYTimes front page yet.
ETA: Ah, NYTimes has it in their “watching” column. AP item. I always look for the banner, not up yet.
Interesting article today said two of the Dinnyland measles cases were vaccinated children and cautioned that the first vaccine gives 95% effectiveness and the second is over 99% effective, proving yet again that it takes a goddamn village.
Howard Beale IV
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Just like the Talebangicals started from the bottom up to usurp control, it’s time to take control from the anti-vaxxers at the local school level.
No proof of vaccinations, no attendance at the pubic school-no exemptions, no exceptions. Time to take control at the schoolboard level like they did.
Even better still-all vaccinations will be administered by the school district as proof.
@Elizabelle: Is that a joke? It’s like every gun owners/investigating authorities negligence excuse rolled into one sickening blurb.
I’d say it to their faces with no shame: you killed your kid.
@Elizabelle: From the quote:
Motherfucker. No, they have not. They didn’t secure their gun. Someone got it. In this case it was their kid. Could have been anyone, even the dog. They are at fault. They are not responsible gun owners and should be punished accordingly.
“Haven’t they suffered enough?”
That poor, poor boy.
Amir Khalid
I remember some pundit, whose name I don’t remember, claiming that people would hold Bill’s infidelities against Hillary. I’m still not sure how the pundit figured that.
sm*t cl*de
said his brother, Salman, had become king.
Ah. The one with dementia. Reassuring!
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
There are also people who never develop the antibodies even if they’ve been vaccinated, which is another reason herd immunity is so important.
Don’t read the comments sections on any articles about the situation unless you want to read a hundred repetitive comments about how this is all the fault of illegal immigrants. Because Nice White People could never transmit the measles, don’t’cha know?
I know. It’s insane. Also: grieving grandfather is a retired police detective.
The Guardian covers American toddlers shooting themselves and others avidly. US papers, not so much.
Howard Beale IV
@Violet: There is no such thing as an accidental firearms discharge.
I believed Bill Belichik today. I did not believe Tom Brady. I feel dirty.
Also, I don’t really care at this point. Does this make me a homer?
@Elizabelle: CBS news announced King Abdullah’s death but have now moved on to Jeff Gordon’s retirement from Nascar.
@Amir Khalid: perhaps there’s some perverse angle to be made that Hil doesn’t “put out enough”… and yet if so, wouldn’t you think that would make her the perfect candidate for our religious busybodies. Myself, I think Bill was simply a horndog who let the little head do way too much thinking for the big head. That ain’t exactly an unknown failing, neither is being a complete dolt, and the latter was a damn sight worse for the country than the former.
@Violet: A stunned look, a smirk and “You do know that’s not even remotely true, don’t you. Because if I have to send you the medical breakdown of a vaccine, I will do so.” Which is why even my damned foolish relatives withhold their stupid from me.
@Amir Khalid: Sheesh, it sounds even worse then the Papal succession.
@Violet: Sadly, they are in such a state that they are lied to constantly, and if they question it, they will go to hell.
What, indeed, can be done with a situation like that?
Do you think Elizabeth II might step down in favor of Prince Charles once she’s past Victoria’s record? Because her own mother lived to be 102.
I feel kind of badly for Charles. Can see that throne possibly passing straight through to Wills.
@Bostondreams: Good news though, high school science teachers are now testing air pressure at different temps. Eli Manning has his footballs made so Brady’s comments don’t concern me. The NFL has to bring out a dozen footballs that both teams use. If the NFL wanted integrity, bringing balls to the game would have been norm.
Eric S.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): This really irks me. I want laws that fine parents for not getting their kids vaccinated. No vaccination? No state college admission. No college financial aid. That’s just of the top of my head.
holy f..k.. King Abdullah dies and Yemen’s government steps down and what does ABC lead with.. deflated balls. geez.. also.. Jeff Gordon is going to retire.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Eric S.:
I’m okay with genuine medical excuses, like “my child has an immune disorder.” It happens. It’s the “I read online that vaccines cause autism” people who make me ragey.
Amir Khalid
I think the word from the Palace has always been that the Queen will not abdicate for that reason. After all, Victoria’s son Edward VII had to wait too.
Howard Beale IV
@Violet: The only difference between Evangelical Christians and ISIS are the fact that ISIS fighters wields weapons, leaves the US to fight for their beiefs and believe in martyrdom, while Evangelicals whine like babies 99.95% of time-the 0.05% shoot abortion doctors. .
This! What it really means is “I’m an incompetent dumb shit who should never be allowed within 3 miles of a weapon.”
@Eric S.: As far as I am concerned, these people are raising biohazards, not children. If they want to recreate the 17th century with its astronomically high childhood mortality rates, they ought to remove themselves from 21st century society.
@Violet: The short response to something that deranged is to say, in a calm voice, heavy eye contact, with conviction, “That’s not true. Good for you, though, for taking your children’s health seriously enough to get them vaccinated.” Then smile, and offer her another cup of tea.
@JPL: Tom Brady is a lot better looking than King Abdullah so there’s that at least.
Davis X. Machina
This is unpossible, because No True Democrat will be able to bring him or herself to vote for her, leaving her vulnerable to the adherents of Morgoth… if she isn’t one herself, that is.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
I genuinely don’t know, but if the kid had managed to shift the car into neutral and run himself over, would the parents still “have suffered enough already”? There is no rational reason for guns to have a special dispensation when it comes to deadly accidents.
Hungry Joe
A century ago a woman named Mary Mallon became known as Typhoid Mary: She denied she was a typhoid carrier (she was) and refused to have her gall bladder removed or to refrain from working as a cook. She was confined twice, the first time for three years; she was released when she promised not to return to her old job. She did anyway, and infected dozens more people, several of whom died. Eventually she was caught and confined until her death more than 20 years later.
We have the right to respond to threats to public health. I’m not talking about confining anyone, but unvaxxed folk are a threat to infants, older people, people with compromised immune systems, and a small percentage of vaccinated people who (for whatever reason) are not protected by the vaccine. No public school, for sure. Maybe no private school, either — those kids need to be kept away from groups. Not sure what to do about Disneyland-y situations, though; suggestions?
@beltane: So we know that temp can change pressure and we know that Brady’s balls were on the field more than Luck’s balls, that were inflated higher to begin with, so would that make a difference. Does defense even matter at that point. I actually read that a science teacher in MA is having his students test footballs under different climates. That’s cool.
Eric S.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I agree there can be medical exceptions. I’d want the fine means tested. Enough to make it hurt. there might be legal issues with that.
@Hungry Joe: Any child with anti-vaxxer parents is already growing up in La La Land so forgoing a vacation in Disneyland is hardly a sacrifice.
@JPL: That is cool. It is also important to remember that the Colts just plain-out sucked.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
It’s just so sad that public health people worked so hard and long and they succeeded! Everyone was getting vaccinated!
It must be crazy-making. It’d be like if it became fashionable to stop using baby seats in cars. “Just hold the baby. Hang on if we crash.”
Jesus. Again they have to convince all these new people?
Howard Beale IV
@efgoldman: To which I say
(politely) sorry, we can’t educate your child until you show up proof of vaccination.
(not-so-politely) Teach your diseased spawn yourself, you satanic whore! No way am I letting your Typhoid Mary near my kid!
Anne Laurie
I think that’s been the plan at least since Charles was “given permission” to marry Camilla. Being able to take his one true love to public events was supposed to be the consolation prize, IIRC, once his kid had a kid. Not a fan of the British monarchy in general, but as the Saudis are demonstrating, there’s much worse ways to run what should be a figurehead bureaucracy!
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I have a family member with an immune issue and she can’t have live vaccines. There are people like that. Those people depend on enough other people to be vaccinated so that they are generally protected. I agree those people should be not be punished twice by being kept out of school.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Completely agree. Guns are dangerous, just like cars or motorcycles or knives or fireworks. Why do gun owners get a pass if someone else gets access to the gun and kills themselves or someone else?
There is so much win in your question. Kudos.
@JPL: ABC’s going after younger viewers. David Muir as anchor, people.
One of these days they’re going to lead with keyboard cat.
Howard Beale IV
Indeed-it appears the car was NOT secure, contrary to media reports. I would find it highly unlikely the toddler would be carrying around a keyfob to unlock the vehicle.
Cliff in NH
glove compartments Can be locked, it wasn’t secured.
no trigger lock (those are free many places) it wasn’t secured.
Simple facts of the case state that it wasn’t secure.
@Anne Laurie: Yup. You got to hand it to the Saudis for that.
@Hungry Joe:
Sadly, in California there is an exemption on “religious grounds” big enough to drive an ambulance through. And now that the wingers have taken the antivax torch and are running with it, the madness has spread across the state.
As with the Utah law that says teachers can pack heat and no, you can’t force them to admit it, I damn well want to know if my kid is 1. going to school with unvaccinated kids and 2. has a teacher packin’ heat. In either case I want her in another class.
I had measles 52 years ago. My son, who’s never had it, was advised to have a booster shot. I guess I’ll ask if I need one too.
@Cliff in NH: There was a bullet in the chamber….
I know. So defensive.
If a serial killer was knocking off these small children, rather than their parents’ unsecured and loaded guns (the real “preciouses”), CNN would never have to look for another scary headline.
But, as Violet points out, guns get a pass.
Howard Beale IV
@Cliff in NH: Not necessarily-my Prius has two glove compartments, but they are not secured by keys.
Which invites an obvious question to ask Romney while he is in front of a camera: “What specific actions have you taken in the past four years to address your deep concern about poverty?”.
@jeffreyw: recipe now or pistols at dawn
@trollhattan: In Vermont there is an exemption on “philosophical grounds”. A couple of years ago we had a whooping cough outbreak at the high school because of some people’s “philosophy”.
Maybe states should set up an online registry for people who aren’t vaccinated. Like they do for sex offenders.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
IIRC, here in California you can state that you have a moral or ethical objection with no religious belief required. That’s why you have dumbasses driving around my neighborhood with “I Believe Dr. Wakefield” bumper stickers.
Howard Beale IV
@Baud: Now that should be fucking mandatory. No vaaccination should be public knowledge-for their own safety, naturally.
@Baud: That’s a great idea!
Howard Beale IV
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Ah, yes. Wakefield. Just like the GOP. Some folks are just unteachable.
I don’t for one minute think she wil actually abdicate the throne, although she has increasingly been handing over more ceremonial duties to Prince Charles. But “abdication” is a dirty word in that family, thanks to her Uncle David (King Edward VIII), and I would bet a large sum of money that it will not happen.
As for the Prince of Wales, I expect he realizes that in many ways he’s a lot better off not being King. Once he is Sovereign, he won’t be able to express his opinions on architecture or organic farming or poverty or any of the other causes he’s taken on over the past 40+ years. He’ll actually have to forfeit quite a lot of freedom and, well, sovereignty, once he is under the same constitutional constraints that keep his mother from expressing any but the most anodyne views.
But then, IANAB. If litlebrit or others are around, I hope they will weigh in.
@Elizabelle: If that toddler had died from being left unattended in a hot car, the parents would be up on reckless endangerment charges, at the very least. But leaving a gun where he could shoot himself….” just one of those things…”
Yup, that gun was mightily secured in that glove compartment, unless, you just happened to pop the button.
@Cliff in NH: My glove compartment can’t be locked. I’m not happy about this but all the new cars seem to be like that.
Stupid people should not have weapons–or vehicles, for that matter.
I predict: Parents are white. I feel like I am the Amazing Kreskin.
Amir Khalid
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Someone should point out to them that Andrew Wakefield’s not even a doctor anymore; he was struck off the roll precisely for promoting this anti-vax nonsense.
I’m sorry, I know this sounds awful and heartless, but I cannot feel the slightest bit of grief, sorrow or sympathy for gun nuts whose totemic bang-toys wind up killing their kids.
I think those incidents as pro-active Darwin Awards.
@shelley: Great parallell about the hot car. Yes indeedy.
And notice how quickly the nuclear scientist killed by her own gun by her own toddler in a Walmart story faded from view.
Nothing to see, folks.
Amir Khalid
Apparently, being negligent in securing one’s firearms is not criminal wrongdoing.
They don’t. Someone was charged last week:
Now I could be barking up the wrong tree, and it makes no sense at all, but is it possible that the rules are different for gun owners named Jaleel? Or maybe the gun owner being an uncle instead of a father makes a difference? Or perhaps the police are genuinely concerned that Jaleel hasn’t suffered enough already? It’s all such a mystery.
@shelley: Not necessarily. The classic case is a rich bitch in Ohio, if I recall correctly, who repeatedly left her toddler in her hot van. On the 3rd or 4th try she managed to kill him.
LaShaundria in the hood would never have been able to leave HER kid in the hot car 3 or 4 times; on the first time he’d have been taken away from her. Ditto Destinee in the trailer park. I don’t know why this nation doesn’t do the honest thing for once and just decree “If you have X amount of money the laws do not apply to you, do as you like.”. The rich bitch mentioned above was a school principal. She had a HISTORY of leaving the kid in her hot van and the law did nothing.
Amir Khalid
Then again, would Charles dare refuse the throne for quality-of-life reasons? The nation might consider he was deserting his duty, again like his great-uncle.
Hungry Joe
Royalty: The descendants of a warlord who, a few hundred years ago, managed to kill other warlords before they killed him. At some point he put a jewel-y thing on this head and threatened to murder anyone who didn’t call him “king” — and instantly the blood of everyone in his family, now and forever, turned blue. They are … ROYAL.
Please. Enough. Make them go to work.
Cliff in NH
Really? wow I’ve never been in a car that didn’t have a lock on the glove compartment.
Of course if there was no lock on the glove cpt. it was not secure without a trigger lock.
Or if there was a lock and it wasn’t used, it’s still not secure.
So, either way, it wasn’t secure.
@Mandalay: Wow, totally baffling. I can’t imagine what the difference could be.
Howard Beale IV
@Pogonip: Just like when it comes to the Espionage Act: “Only the Little People Get Indicted.”
Open thread!
I am happily click-clacking away on my new Das Keyboard 4, which arrived yesterday. My fingers haven’t enjoyed typing so much since the original IBM PC. I got a great deal on a “refurb” from Woot, but it appears to be brand new; it was probably a return.
Although I am a super speedy touch typist, I will admit that I wasn’t ballsy enough to get the Ultimate model—with blank keycaps.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
How did your “crucial conversation” go?
Why would someone want a blank keyboard?
@Cliff in NH: And who leaves a hot round in the chamber anyway? Do you even do that in a combat zone? (I would suspect not, what with all the running, ducking, climbing that goes on in a combat zone. I will be seeing a combat veteran this weekend and will try to remember to ask him.)
Roger Moore
@Amir Khalid:
He dislikes Bill and Hillary and will hold anything that Bill did, even things he did behind Hillary’s back, against her. Therefore he assumes that everyone else will, too. I think that you can generally read most pundits’ broad generalizations about how “people” will feel about something the same way.
Apparently you’ve never worked with dick-measuring programmer types.
Howard Beale IV
@Steeplejack: Lucky you. I had a IBM keyboard that was part of their slimline series that had the nib on it before the Windows key before IBM sold that division off.
@Baud: I wondered about that too. The site said experienced typists never look at the keys so why put letters on them.
I have to look at my work keyboard when I start off because I’ve been using it so long the little nubs have worn off the F and J keys. But after thinking about it a moment I realized the keyboard site was right; once I start I don’t look. I have been typing for 40 years. (I’ll get that letter finished one of these days!)
Major Major Major Major
@Pogonip: iirc Cole once told the story of how, at the base in Iraq, the stationed guards not only had nothing in the chamber, they even had tape over the top of the magazine so that any shot fired had to be super deliberate.
@Steeplejack: You can’t measure a dick with a lettered keyboard? :D
Howard Beale IV
@Steeplejack: Back in the day, IBM keyboards were built like brick shithoueses, long before before the advent of mushy rubber-carbon-conductive domed smushboxes that last as long as as cat-hairs don’t get trapped into ’em.
They still command a premium in the second hand market.
@catclub: Yep. Kaleb was a little blonde kid, with 23-year old parents.
And this is another little white kid killed in Elmo, Missouri, this week. 9-month old Corbin, shot by his 5-year old brother with grandpa’s gun. Corbin was in his playpen.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
It went okay — my boss warned me that said person felt like I was trying to manipulate her if I talked about my emotions, so I had to re-tool everything at the last minute. She’s still doing things that annoy the shit out of me, but at least I feel like my boss understands that it’s a problem from both sides, not just a problem I’m causing.
Somehow, she managed to half-convince herself and our mutual boss that I was out for her job, which I wouldn’t do on a bet, so that had to be straightened out as well.
@Steeplejack: “Those idiots sent me a keyboard with letters on it!”
Lucky for you.
I don’t mean to be such a Debbie Downer about the toddler gun deaths, but do you think the incidence is increasing, or are we hearing about them more due to the internet?
Be nice if our government kept records, but I’m not sure they do … or if Republicans would allow them to do so.
Gun deaths are just unpredictable tragedies.
@NotMax: What question? I don’t remember any question.
So blank keyboards is just like hunting big game, eh?
@Major Major Major Major: Doesn’t surprise me. The Army, at least, has always been careful with weapons. This is partly because the Army knows half the population is below average intelligence and they plan accordingly.
Roger Moore
@Hungry Joe:
Actually not true. Only the most senior line of descent is royal. The rest aren’t even automatically noble. The younger children of the monarch are generally given titles of nobility, but their younger children (i.e. younger children of younger children) don’t get any title of nobility. That’s why Zara Phillips is just a MBE even though she’s Elizabeth II’s granddaughter.
@Elizabelle: I wish NBC news would take that baby’s picture off their web site. Thst’s a heartbreaker.
Howard Beale IV
@Elizabelle: Ammosexuals get what they deserve.
“Guns themselves are not dangerous. …uh, WRONG, asshole,
@Amir Khalid:
Oh, I never thought of that but I can’t see his forfeiting the throne. More likely, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry are well primed to continue their father’s interests seamlessly, and the PoW can coach them behind the scenes, so to speak. Regardless, his reign as King will be a relatively short one — he will turn 67 this year, and if The Queen takes after her own mum, Charles might well be in his early 80s before his accession. Even Prince William is now, what, about eight years older than Princess Elizabeth was when she became Queen in February 1952. Barring disaster, it will be generations, maybe centuries, before another really young heir inherits the throne.
@Howard Beale IV:
Dude, I’m telling you, Das Keyboard feels exactly like the original IBM keyboard: it uses mechanical switches, it’s loud, and it feels great. Plus it’s a mini-USB hub (two outlets) and it has some useful “media” buttons (volume, mute, play/pause, forward, reverse).
I got the “blue” option with the clickiest feel. Sheer luxury!
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Roger Moore:
… in Great Britain. The rules are different in other parts of Europe, which is why Germany was once notorious for having an overpopulation of minor princelings.
I considered the blank-keycap model. I am a serious old-school touch typist, but I need labels for the “exotic” keys I don’t use much and that are in different places on different keyboards: Alt, Ctrl, Del, PgUp, PgDn, etc.
Anne Laurie
What I’ve heard so far is that people ‘born before 1957’ almost certainly had the measles, and don’t need to worry. People like your son, who were born after the first less-than-totally-protective vaccine but before the improved MMR — from about 1957-74 — need a booster.
I was born at the end of 1955, so I got measles, chicken pox, rubella (while my mom was pregnant with my youngest sibs!), and even ‘mild’ scarlet fever. Within a few years, as genetic engineering advances, I’m guessing us old peoples’ blood is gonna be declared a weaponizable biohazard!
@Roger Moore:
Zara’s MBE has nothing to do with her place in the line of succession, though.
@Howard Beale IV:
the original ibm keyboards also felt like they weighed about 5 lbs.
never knew you could get a second hand one that would interface with a usb pc.
Anne Laurie
Well, the exploding-head noises would be entertaining. The ‘da gummint has no right to keep track of my private stuff’ anarcho-libertarians overlaps considerably with the anti-vaxxer crowd. There’s a subgroup of anti-vaxxers who proclaim that the vaccine registry is just a front for the Illuminati to keep track of “their” kids, and a (hopefully smaller) sub-subgroup that thinks vaccine protocol include GPS trackers.
They have—or used to have—little adapters to go from keyboard plug to USB outlet. I held onto a couple of IBM keyboards as long as I could, but they’ve been gone for 15 years or so.
sounds intriguing. i’ll keep my eyes peeled on woot.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
True, but IIRC in Great Britain, unless you’re the current holder of a noble title, you’re legally a commoner. That’s why you sometimes hear about “Lord So-and-So of the House of Commons” — the “lord” is a mere courtesy title and legally the guy is a commoner, not a member of the nobility. That’s why Prince William’s wife is a duchess, not a princess — his title of “prince” is a courtesy title and his “real” title is Duke of Cornwall.
I only know the rules for GB and not the rest of Europe, because it’s all so darn complicated!
They’ll have to pry the recently purchased three dimmer level backlit keyboard from my cold, dead hands. Also has all of those media button functions, and more.
For those nights when Insomnia comes to visit, kicks off its shoes and settles in for an extended stay, no longer any need to turn on any lights in the room (which in this room means the ceiling fixture). That there newfangled ‘lectricity stuff is expensive.
Hungry Joe
@Roger Moore: Well, that shows what I know about royal blood lines. But then, it’s all a bunch of hooey anyway.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Since John is apparently not going to grace us with puppy pics, I offer a local puppy cam.
I like having at least a small lamp turned on, otherwise the contrast between the bright screen and the dark room gives me eyestrain.
Anne Laurie
@Hungry Joe:
Well, it’s not work-work, but there’s an argument to be made that it’s better for the rest of us to have a Brit-style “Royal Figurehead” who can promote the nation’s image at state funerals & corporate ribbon-cuttings, separate from the person(s) doing the actual work of Government. We Americans have had a problem, going back at least to President Adams the First, with people getting outraged (deliberately ginning out outrage) over our Presidents either “acting like royalty” (the First Lady bought an expensive designer dress!!!) or not acting royal enough (she wore shorts! in public! at a campground! in the summer!). Apart from the strain on our elected officials, the figurehead gap encourages too many people (Arianna Huffington, Carly Fiorina) to screw up political races in an attempt to become media-famous.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
That sounds like a win to me. You can’t automatically fix everything by using the “right” technique. But it seems like now things are seen more clearly by at least one important party (your boss). That will give you ammunition if/when problems arise down the road.
Cliff in NH
I’m getting the Corsair gaming one with the brown switches which are not quite as clicky as the blues, I can’t wait for it to come! I always use the programmable macro buttons for gaming and work (on my G110)
If anyone is trying to buy the corsair they are shipping the new RGB illuminated ones finally – use camelcamelcamel to get a good price alert emailed to you.
Hungry Joe
@Anne Laurie: You’ve convinced me … but the (figurehead) head of state position needn’t be hereditary. We could elect them to, say, ten-year terms. I nominate Willie Nelson. Do I hear a second?
Roger Moore
@Anne Laurie:
Not hardly. The whole point of getting immunity is that your immune system can completely eradicate the viruses from your system. Once the infection is over, most of the adaptive immune cells (T- and B- cells) involved in the response go into senescence and die, but a few survive as memory cells. If and when you’re ever exposed to the same virus (or a close relative, which is why cowpox protects from smallpox), the memory cells spring into action and give you enough of a head start on fighting the infection that you rarely even notice it. So your blood would be useless in producing bioweapons. The only exception would be for diseases that produce chronic infection by evading immune surveillance, like malaria, herpes, or HIV, and you wouldn’t be any exception in having chronic infections with those guys.
Not an immunologist, but I do work in a Department of Immunology, so I do have some idea what I’m talking about.
Does it have that nice “chunk” sound when you hit the keys?
schrodinger's cat
@Anne Laurie: India has a President who is the ceremonial head of the government, elected by the state assemblies and the equivalent of the Senate and Congress here (Rajya sabha and Loksabha) and the Prime Minister who is the executive head of the government, usually the head of the majority party in the lower house of the Parliament.
Cliff in NH
putting a light facing the wall behind the screen can help with that
@Anne Laurie: I was born in 1959. A very good year. Son is 1979 vintage, he’ll need a booster.
Hell, yes! What part of “clicky,” “clacky” and “loud” is unclear?!
ETA: Listen and enjoy.
Cliff in NH
here is a review of the various cherry switches with the sounds of each and a buckling spring type
@Cliff in NH:
I used to use a small Tensor lamp pointed down at the desk near the screen, but now I have a tasteful old-fashioned lamp that casts a nice diffused glow. Plus the housecat likes to floss her quarter-panels on the edge of the shade.
I suppose that means the world has a decent chance to be spared a King Charles for another eight months.
Here’s the blue sound in Cliff in NH’s video.
I kinda like this story about a remote controlled model airplane crashing in a supermarket parking lot, with six pounds of meth aboard! Imagine some stoner wheeling his grocery cart out, laden with Cheetos and Mountain Dew and thinking God dropped manna on him from Heaven! Ha Ha
Cliff in NH
Cute kitty, I just get dog head laying on my feet or lap depending on what she wants. A firm head press in my lap and licking my hand means “I wanna go outside!”
@Cliff in NH:
That’s not my cat. Just found a video to demonstrate the technique for the catless.
Cliff in NH
Ahh… =)
My doggy does something quite similar when she has rolled around in some foul dead thing or particularly stinky poop.
She is learning that doing that means it’s bath time .. . . but if it’s “Extra Special” she can’t seem to resist, even if it means a bath.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
BTW, if anyone is wondering what the heck anti-vaxxers and Disneyland have to do with one another, here’s today’s story about it:
@Hungry Joe:
Jack the Second
The Clintons are not a dynasty: they are a power couple. If it were Chelsea running and not Hilary, then we could talk about the Clintons as a dynasty.
What if Mitt and Jeb decide to run together, a Mitt POTUS and Jeb VP ticket? That’s a chilling scenario.
@jc: Yes, it is. I’d be chilling the beer and pulling out the popcorn right away if they announced that.
priscianus jr
@SiubhanDuinne: assuming she survives another eight months, QEII will become the longest-reigning British sovereign in history.
Her mum, born when Queen Victoria was still on the throne, made it to 102. Queen Elizabeth is a mere 88. Long may she reign.