First off, congrats to Jerome Bettis, who will be inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. Bettis is one of the few players I know who even people who hate the Steelers managed to like.
Spent the day napping and took a trip to the grocery store, as we are expected to get hit with a snowstorm, so I went to go get some stuff in case the predictions turn out to be accurate or worse. The other day, I read a bunch of people sneering about French Toast snowstorms, because people rush out to buy eggs, milk, and bread. Apparently, some people are too cool for school. Granted, there is no reason much of the time to freak out, but I thought the sneering kind of betrayed how out of touch some of our pundits are. The reason a lot of people rush out for these things is because many people live in areas where even if the highways are open in DC/NYC the next day, things might be all kinds of messed up in the hills and hollers for quite some time. Additionally, the reason they get bread and milk and eggs is because these are things that you can do a lot of things with- you can basically bake pretty much everything with this combo if you have a kitchen stocked with staples like seasoning, sugar, and flour. I just thought it was a weird thing to sneer at, but I guess I am part hoarder to begin with because I always have a bunch of certain things on hand (frozen chicken breasts, canned tomatoes, potatoes, onions, etc.). I don’t have kids, but I do have the fraternity boys popping by from time to time, so it’s nice to be able to feed the masses cheaply and quickly.
Having said that, the grocery store looked like a bomb went off- between the impending alleged snowstorm and the superbowl, apparently everyone in the upper Ohio Valley went to my store today. The beer cooler looked like the PX after my cav unit returned from three months in the field. There was a stray hard lemonade here, a Mickey’s big mouth there, and some shitty box wine. I’d forgotten the Super Bowl was another excuse for the rookies to get hammered (the pro’s like I was don’t need excuses).
Speaking of the alleged storm, around here there is a running joke for when a snowstorm is predicted and nothing happens. Those of us who have been around a while, well, we all call it Jay’s storm. It’s named after Jay Rockefeller, who was the newly inaugurated Governor, and the weather service predicted that the state was going to get decimated by a winter storm. So Jay, wanting to do the right thing, basically shut the entire state down to avoid disaster. And then nothing happened. Maybe an inch here, an inch there, but no real accumulation. Hence Jay’s storm or Rockefeller’s blizzard (not to be confused with an Irish blizzard, in which you are promised 8-12 inches the night before and only get three).
On to the only thing you people care about. A pupdate. They are doing very well, and Ginger is turning out to be a red menace. The dog does not STOP EATING, and she is constantly underfoot. You make one step into the kitchen, and old Ginger is in there begging food. We’re going to have to hit Petco soon to get more food for her (I seriously have never seen a dog eat like this), but more important, we need to get some bells to put on her collar because she is so silent she has almost killed both of us multiple times weaving in and around our legs. She also is potty trained, but I think having bladder issues because of her pregnancy, and she has little accidents all the time. She needs to go outside every hour on the hour to potty, and unless we lock her in the playpen over night, we’ll wake up to piddle spots on the floor. My Bissell spotbot is on suicide watch.
Ginger and Lovey were not feeling photogenic, but Thurston was out on the prowl and I snatched him up for a picture:
Just a happy little piglet.
AND FYI- Anne Laurie named her thread AFTER I started writing mine as a draft, so she was just begging to be stepped on.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I usually have a fair bit of canned goods and frozen stuff, but I’m always forgetting to pick up a few gallons of bottled water, just in case…
La Caterina
When can we expect more pics of Ginger and Lovey? They deserve equal time.
Puppy! I’m really hoping that there will be no more snow, waiting for last week’s storm got on my last nerve. I was having Sandy flashbacks. I was really lucky though, I ended up right on the border of two feet of snow and one foot of snow and I ended up with just over a foot. But I’m done. No more snow! I have to have a biopsy on Wednesday ( consequences of a dodgy mammogram) and I’ve been spending all my energy staying calm about that.
Hopefully, the snow storm is a bust so you don’t have to shovel. just sayin!
I binged watch The Fall on Netflix with a friend earlier, so now I’m searching for something light to watch, so that I can’t sleep at some point tonight.
@SuperHrefna: That’s not fun but in most cases, it’s nothing. happy thoughts.
Bigfoot away; many of us will cheer.
In Boston, our local newsblogger set up the French Toast Alert System years ago; there’s a banner at the top of the main site from whenever the first snow happens until about May.
And you’re right; the reason people want Milk, Eggs, Bread is that with those fresh staples we can use our frozen/dried/canned stuff for quite a long while.
Right now we’re trying to figure out where the F we’re going to put another foot of snow. We got 25″, then 4″, then 1″, and now another freaking 12″?!?!?!
Thank goodness we don’t have school on Monday (parent-teacher conferences, which may have to go to telephone); I’ll be outside with the snowblower and shovel and trying to clear a one-shovel-path over the sidewalks on our postage stamp.
@JPL: Thanks! They say there’s a low probability that the masses are malignant, but since there are masses, and they’re growing, we have to check it out. I’m trying to maintain a firm ” no flipping out until there is something to flip out about” policy but it’s easier some days than others.
Yay Pupdate! Thank you. Are you feeling better?
If you were nursing big old Thurston, you’d be famished too. Have the pups mastered their four feet yet? Are they barking adorable itty-bitty puppy barks?
I am delighted to report we are expecting an Irish blizzard tomorrow, after earlier predictions of 8 inches.
I know ZERO about doggies, but Thurston looks like my Great Aunt Bertha’s dog, Peanuts. Aunt Bertha lived to 7 days before her 99th birthday and while Peanuts died way before her, he still lived to a ripe ole age of 17 years.. Peanuts was a miniature Doberman and he loved me (well when I was, like, 7 years old) I’d stay with Aunt B for 4 weeks in the summer and when I left Peanuts would spend hours after I left searching all the rooms for me.
All of that to ask: Is Thurston a Doberman?
Howlin’ for more Thurston.
A pupcake twice the size of Ginger…no wonder she eats like a horse!! Thurston is adorable.
Four open threads in one day.
@JPL: Pyscho-pass
He is the Cutest Thing. I’ve said before, I’m not really a dog person (don’t dislike them, just prefer cats) but that Thurston Howl is one adorable PUPPEH.
@Helen: I think he looks like a fruit bat.
@srv: After watching the series, I scratched Belfast from places to visit. This week the NYTimes has a feature on Belfast, I’m still not going.
I love his enormous feet. Reminds me of my child.
Thurston seems to take to the camera. Rightly so–he’s just so cute! Gush, gush, gush.
@JPL: Have you seen After The Wedding? Great movie, an old fashioned family drama by Suzanne Bier. Or there’s always something short and funny like Archer or Portlandia.
@SuperHrefna: Waiting sucks.
Just added it to my list. Thanks
Luther M. Siler
Expecting a foot plus of snow tomorrow, and not planning on watching the Super Bowl, so I’ll spend the day beating my new novel into shape and trying to convince people to buy the last one. Or maybe I’ll just catch up on episodes of SLEEPY HOLLOW and GOTHAM; who knows.
Iowa Old Lady
@JPL: One of my favorites among the books I’ve read lately is Adrian McKinty’s COLD, COLD GROUND, set in Belfast during the troubles. It’s not tourist bait either, but it is so, so good.
@SiubhanDuinne: His adoption should be an easy process. It will be Ginger that will be more complicated. Not that we’re foolish enough to think they’re going anywhere.
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: Hahaha! He does!
@SuperHrefna: Almost 20 years ago they found two small masses in one breast. They kept telling me it was nothing. I had stereotactic biopsy done and it took both lumps out. They were right, it was nothing. Ten years after, the mammograms don’t show the scar where the lumps were. They can’t even find it now.
If you need to get out here and howl, go for it. Maybe it will nudge JC to post more piglets.
As you probably know, the Boston Globe did a piece on Jeb during his years at Philips Academy. It appeared that he was a bully and pot smoker. Rand Paul took the bait and called him a hypocrite for wanting to continue making pot use a crime. I figure that Jeb is now preparing a speech saying this daughter has suffered from drug abuse and he doesn’t wish that on anyone. At the end of the speech, people will have tears.
The bully charge will just disappear.
@JPL: Erm, Psycho-pass is an anime. But maybe not lite.
I’ve hiked Ireland. Lot of sheep shit.
Tree With Water
My neighbor is an artist with wood, and recently built me a beautiful dry goods cabinet for my kitchen. I now need to educate myself about such staples as you mention, and more importantly learn how whip up meals from scratch using them. My father, who was a depression kid before there was a depression, was that type of artist in the kitchen. To this day, I’ve never tasted better pancakes or fried potatoes than the ones he used to make. I wish now I’d paid more attention..
@Betty Cracker: Ears aren’t big enough, though they are in the right position.
I am pleased to report that our winter storm watch has been downgraded to a winter weather advisory.
I’m going (back to) bed. Goodnight!
Mike in NC
@JPL: Apparently Belfast is extremely trendy these days, unlike 20-30 years ago. Passed on a chance to go there via ferry from Scotland once since it meant a 6 AM departure.
@SWMBO: Thank you, it helps to hear other people’s stories of nice benign masses and scar free biopsies! I’m hoping to have my own such story in the near future.
And puppy pictures definitely help too. It’s impossible to look into that sweet little face with its great big earsies and not feel calm and happy and full of squee :-)
@Tree With Water: Whatever happened to large tin bread boxes? My kitchen trestle has become a dumping ground for dry gooderies (minimal cupboards here).
But I can’t find such tinanimals or wood boxes, even amongst furniture stores catering to the demi-antique.
I will call in a will-edit to mom, but nothing she has will fit in carry-on.
OH NO NO NO. Did not read the NYT article. Will do it now. But it is an awesome city. My Mom was born there. She died when I was young and I went there first when I was 31. It is a fascinating city with lots of history. You HAVE to see the City Hall.
My first time there was 1993. I was real scared. That was before all the real fighting stopped. I remember walking around with my Aunt and saying “I expected it to be all crumbled and burned out because that’s what we always see on TV ” And her AWESONE answer was “Oh yes, it often is, but as soon as that happens, the Brits come in and build it back up. They don’t want anyone to see that.”
Another remembrance of my first time there: I was falling asleep and I heard a BIG BOOM. The next day I woke up and say to my Granny “I heard a loud bang last night’ and she said “Oh you were just dreaming.” Nope. Turns a bank was blown up about 7 blocks from her apartment. She was so used to it, she slept right through it.
Mike in NC
Friends in Tampa recently went to Lake Tahoe and said they loved it so much they can’t wait to go back, so we’ve agreed to meet them there in July.
@Tree With Water: Good for you! The world needs more people who can cook from scratch. I have a ton of cookbooks but for confident beginners I’d go with the old standby of a nice copy of The Joy Of Cooking, it’s what I taught myself to cook from as a latchkey kid and it is just bursting with great time-tested recipes for most ingredients.
( For beginners lacking confidence I’d suggest the illustrated edition of Bitman’s How To Cook Everything – not nearly so many recipes but each one has all the steps fully illustrated)
@srv: I took one more peek at irresistible Thurston and saw this. Try thrift stores run by churches; they get a lot of stuff from deceased elderly members. St. Vincent de Paul and St. Francis are the best ones in my neck of the woods.
@Iowa Old Lady: Thank you. I will pick it up. I can tell you so many (second hand) troubles stories. From my family who were there. And no one can tell stories better than the Irish!
Even I have “troubles’ stories. I have said to many Irish immigrants here in NY – “Oh my Granny lives in Divis Towers, do you know it?” and almost all of them said, for 20 years, “The towers are coming down”
And they never did.
@Helen: The article has a video clip, that shows how beautiful the city is, and even in the series on Netflix, it’s portrayed as a clean, beautiful city. Unfortunately, the chef that the times article highlighted, looked like a relative of one of the characters.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Ginger is always hungry because she is nursing, and Thurston Howl I looks to be a whopper. So feed her plenty.
I know a bit about this as I was once the live in companion of a Borzoi bitch who had 11 puppies. I was crashing in the whelping cottage at the time. The puppies had to nurse is shifts, complete with charts recording who ate when and for how long. Mom was always hungry, understandably. And sometimes she had to be, ah, encouraged to nurse – led with a leash across the room to her pups. Again, understandably.
TaMara (BHF)
Totally OT: I just popped back into the Terri Shaivo thread to see how it all ended and you guys are a riot. Thank you for coming to my defense. I just had to walk away – talking about that day and what happened with my brother totally takes me back there and I can’t even breathe, one of the worst and best days of my life. Arguing with an ass about it was not worth it.
Now on topic: PUPPEH! So adorable.
@Mike in NC:
Hard to have a bad time at Tahoe. Unless you’re Fredo Corlione.
Two hour drive from the valley, bet it was 60 degrees there today.
TaMara (BHF)
@JohnCole: Did you find out more about her mass and I missed it? Is she gonna be fine?
@JPL: So why don’t you want to go there? I assumed you were scared of the civil war. What is it?
@Helen: To say that The Fall is intense is an understatement, so part of my comment was in jest. It was unusual, though because they portrayed all the police officers wearing bullet proof vests. I know that’s becoming more common, but it’s not something I see everyday. I was raised in MA and because of the large Irish population, I’m familiar with the history but it wasn’t that.
That’s some belly on that puppeh!
@JPL: We have a few to go, my bride is not happy watching it so we have to watch Rosemary and Thyme after so she can come down.
@JPL: I will watch it. But I get what you say. My first time there I came off the train from Dublin and there were soldiers in tanks outside the train station. Granny lived in Divis Towers at the end of the Falls Road (BTW hats off to the commenter here who called Peter King “R; Falls Road”. Identify yourself please; I might be in love with you). I have pictures looking out Granny’s window down Falls Road into the main town square. Tanks everywhere.
The weird thing was I was not SUPER scared. Because I had an American passport. If the Orange stopped me, we were politically on their side. If the republicans stopped me, America is where the IRA got all their money. I actually felt pretty secure.
@raven: I love Rosemary and Thyme so I definitely agree. Grantchester is pretty good and about the same level of tension as ‘Rosemary and Thyme. It was a little disconcerting at first because the villain in Happy Valley is now a Father in Grantchester.
Rainfall totals for San Jose for the month of January: 0.00 inches. Good thing we got drenched in December. I should get rid of the sandbags I got to keep my utility closet from flooding; then we’d get some rain.
@Helen: What a fascinating story. Decades ago, I had a neighbor who would visit Israel, and felt safer because of the protection. Since I went to an Irish Catholic School and church, my history when I was young, was a tad skewed. This is where one might comment, you think.
In the words of my Staffordshire County Nana, ” Ta, Duck, that is a lovely Babbie”
@JPL: It’s pretty corny but it’s ok.
Mike in NC
@JPL: “The Fall” is set in Belfast and it suggests the regular police there routinely carry firearms, unlike other parts of the UK. Was in London in 2003 when a lot of the cops posted around landmarks like the Houses of Parliament carried automatic weapons due to the Iraq war.
Jacks mom
I only read the first two or three comments but i must ask ” how the hell do you put up with us John”?
The local news is covering Bobbi Kritina’s (whitney’s daughter) hospitalization. According to the ajc she’s in a medically induced coma. How sad.
@Mike in NC:
The first time I was in the UK was 1993 (same trip as I talked about above) and I shit you not – I got easily within 20 feet of “10 Downing Street” It was a cool landmark.
Next time I went there – 2002 – not so much.
@TaMara (BHF):
sorry you had to deal with that garbage in the other thread. at least it picked up after a while, eh? lol.
@SuperHrefna: Keeping good thoughts for you too! Virtual hug!
Tree With Water
@srv: I lucked out, in that my neighbor is an artist with wood. For example, I have a large oak slab table parked in the only spot in my house where it can fit. The wall behind it needed a picture or something. I wanted to avoid hammering nails into the newly plastered walls, so conceived [what I call} a table top- basically, a shelf secured to a heavy base (measured perfectly for table and wall) by vertical supports of some kind. That’s what I asked him to build.
This is what my neighbor delivered: The base is an two foot by 8 inch by 3″ slightly jigsawed redwood slab, and the shelf above it is 4 feet long by 10 inches wide, likewise redwood.* But it’s what binds the two that makes it a work of art. He took the strongest part of a 26 inch manzanita branch, sawed it perfectly in two, and split apart the branches to secure base to shelf. He the applied multi-coats of varnish, and it came to life. I still can hardly believe how beautiful it is, and it immediately became a cherished possession. Maybe there’s an artist in your neighborhood that Mr. Google can track down for you.
*(Not only redwood, but 700 year old pieces of a redwood tree that perished in a 1963 fire hereabouts. My kitchen cabinets are made of the same tree. I bought a big section of it, had it planed, and handed the raw boards over to a artist-cabinet maker who came highly recommended. He did not disappoint. The wood is marked by the growth of centuries- there are tiny worm holes throughout that were being chewed as Sir Francis Drake was sailing just offshore here in Northern California. I love the look, and people assure me it’s a highly valued one. Which matters not to me, because when I leave this house for the final time it will be feet first).
Omnes Omnibus
@chopper: Wow, it even had “fake Cervantes.”
we’re expecting 6-10 inches. What was definitely on my list today at the store?
milk, eggs, bread among other things..LOL
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: We are looking at the same a few miles to your north.
@TaMara (BHF):
You brought up the subject of what happened to your brother. Because there was an ambiguity, I asked a question about what you meant. Your reaction to my question seemed perfectly reasonable, as did your ensuing silence, so I was amused by all the people coming to your “defense” — when I saw no evidence you even needed one!
Anyhow, I’m sorry if my question caused you distress because it was indelicately put or caught you off guard — but that’s all it was, a question.
Sleep well!
just not drug abuse, she was a criminal
Doug r
@SuperHrefna: you could give Bojack horseman a try
Doug r
Comment fail three times, with page load fails to boot. Is it 1995?
Omnes Omnibus
@Doug r: No, I ain’t 30 no more.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Okay, so we have established that it is not 1995 anymore or that there has been a temporal anomaly. It’s a pick’um.
Howard Beale IV
@rikyrah: That be a issue a la Roger Clinton.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Who are you calling a worm, sir?
@Omnes Omnibus:
1995. An awesome year.
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: In what way? It was my second and least favorite year of law school. The girl I was dating turned out to be an unstable stalker type. One night, she called and called me and left more than 20 more and more threatening messages. I had simply gone to bed early on a Saturday night and turned off the ringer on my phone. It wasn’t my favorite year.*
*OTOH, I prefer to view my favorite year as one that is yet to come.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m just sad I’ll never get to chaperone Errol Flynn around NY.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: “There’s out, and there’s out.”
Thurston is getting so big! Love his coloring. Can’t wait to see more of Ginger and Lovey. And the rest of the piglets, of course.
OMNES @ 75:
Yeah. I really don’t have favorite years, In “The Way We Were” RR and his friend are in a sailboat and they say “Favorite year?” Yeah I thought, in a sailboat you can say that.
But – everything is relative. I have had an “interesting life” truly in the Chinese proverb way. 1995 was calm for me.
So sorry about your crazy girlfriend. Really. I haven’t had a crazy boyfriend but I have had a crazy ex-girlfriend of my current (now ex) boyfriend. So, I feel your pain.
And you are absolutely right about your favorite year is yet to come. I hope that is true for me; but I also hope that I am not living life while making other plans. h/t John Lennon.
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: Cheers. Despite the mis-aimed reply.
@Omnes Omnibus: I re-aimed it! Sorta
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: It’s all good. Let’s each look forward to happy days, okay?
Try Slings and Arrows
@Omnes Omnibus: YUP
Omnes Omnibus
@elis:No, I shall take arms against a sea of troubles.
” As you probably know, the Boston Globe did a piece on Jeb during his years at Philips Academy. It appeared that he was a bully and pot smoker. ”
I think this will be the critical crisis, a critical juncture, THE ultimate and also did I mention totally critical test of Jeb. How he handles this will mean EVERYTHING for his entire future of EVERYTHING, and he looks kind of inadequate (probably will eff it up)!!! (Sorry, the the press approach to Obama got me to talking that way sort of automatically. I will try to reform myself).
Jeb Bush’s Former Classmates Say He Was A Hash-Smoking Bully
TPM blog
‘ Tibbetts told the Globe that he regretted a bullying incident where he and Bush sewed a short classmate’s pajama bottoms shut. ‘
‘ [Bush told the Globe] “I don’t believe that is true,” he told the Globe. “It was 44 years ago and it is not possible for me to remember.” ‘
“It is not possible for me to remember.”? Gawd almighty. Jeb is a worse liar than GW or Mitt.
And, Jeb wore jammies in HS? That will be fatal, fatal I tell you. THAT is why he claims he can’t remember anything. There is no excuse for it, unless the brass had jammy inspections before bedtime, and that will be fatal too.
Jeb? We talking Jeb as bigtime candidate? Seriously? Mitt would have done better.
Edit: Problem with Jeb is that he will be the second ‘blah’ presidential candidate in 8 years. And ‘blah’ is not a euphemism in this case.
Also too, in addition, thnx to Cole for puppic and excellent and comprehensive long-form pupdate.
Who says blogs don’t do good journalism?
wasabi gasp
Take it from a dead guy.
I admit that I could be completely wrong. My political instincts and general savvy on campaigns and political appeal is not good. I admit that.
But, from what I have seen of Jeb!, I think he might well have, on the national stage, the charisma and political instincts of a jar of library paste. So, just on the off chance that my political instincts are not completely wrong. I will chronicle the missteps of Jeb! and every misstep will have a Title.
The dope/jammy shorting episode is ‘The Mendacity of Dope”.
Tree With Water
@jl: Whenever I speak knowingly of any politician’s ruin, there’s a little voice that reminds me that I once lost $50 on a bet I wagered election night, 1980. “No way will the American people re-elect this idiot once they get to know him”, said I. 4 years and $50 later, Walter Mondale was buried in the greatest landslide in presidential history.
John…we blog-followers need moar puppy in our lives. This country – nay, the world – needs more puppy. Puppies are a natural antidote to near every toxic or unpleasant thing in our daily lives. There is very little that cannot be ameliorated by the presence of puppies. On my deathbed, I want someone to up-end a basket of puppies on me, and I shall die with a smile.
KS in MA
@Omnes Omnibus:
The reason you caught so much grief in that thread (and in others recently) is your general insistence on being incredibly condescending to everyone.
In that vein, “I was just asking a question” is the common self-defense of people called on being incredibly condescending.
If you want to avoid all the grief it’s a simple fix. It may be difficult for a personality type such as yours, though.
I hate the steelers and I don’t like Jerome bettis.
Thurston Howl is so squeeable. He has definitely doubled or more than doubled his birth weight, which is as it should be. He’d be great in the Puppy Bowl, amirite.
ETA: And he has a sexy belleh, perfect for snorggling and kissing him. Of course, once he grows a lot more, he’ll be too big to pick up and snorggle.
Did you know that Eskimos have forty-seven different words for condescension?
I hadn’t thought about that. Not sure what I’ll do if I have to start asking fewer questions.
Thanks for the advice — but I do wonder if you notice anything about it.
@Tree With Water:
Well, you may have lost a hundred dollars but at least your heart was in the right place. Those were cruel and difficult years, a triumph of nothing so much as cynicism.
See, this is just more of the same. You just put up this patronizing pseudo-intellectual facade to avoid admitting any fault or addressing criticism, or to deal with the inevitable byproduct of your almost complete lack of normative social skills.
gogol's wife
Rushing to get ready for church, no time to read the thread yet or even the whole post, but thank you for your words about the sneering TV people. You are absolutely right.
The point, which you either blithely missed or are struggling not to acknowledge — not that I care which it is at this point — is that “condescension” is very often in the eye of the beholder, the last paragraph of your advice to me being a case in point. You see that paragraph one way, others might see it another way.
You appear to be obsessed with proving my point.
As the old saw goes, when three people tell you you’re drunk, sit down. In your case there was an entire thread of people telling you so.
So in your case, to put it another way, there were a whole awful lot of beholders. Maybe that should tell you something.
@SuperHrefna: @Tree With Water: Betty Crocker and Better Homes and Gardens offer good basic cookbooks, too.
I grew up with a deep pantry and I’ve maintained that over the years. People come to my house and ask where the food is, utterly perplexed by “nothing but ingredients.” I also have a stand-alone freezer, stocked with more ingredients, breads, and leftovers frozen into lunches.
What’s that again that you want to say about your paragraph of advice? Nothing? I see.
More seriously, summaries and synopses don’t help me very much because generalities (by definition) hide relevant detail. Some people were complaining, yes, and others were not; make of it what you will — it’s what I did.
Whereas if you want to call attention to something specific that I said, or some particular exchange, please do and I will discuss it with you until the cows come home (if that’s what you want).
It’s probably been mentioned upthread somewhere, but nursing bitches require a lot of food so it’s not surprising she is hungry. She’s still eating for 3. BTW, they are such sweet puppies. You’re a good guy to take in mom and kids. It sounds like she needs a loving place to nurse her babies.
John, I recently had a foster girl who had issues with her bladder …we think she was a breeder dog and she came to me with a bladder full of stones we had to get rid of. She had issues holding it for over an hour or two. She was adopted out before I found this website:
Apparently they work really well.
In all honesty, at this point I think you’re better off sitting down and talking with a therapist.
Because you aren’t providing specifics? No, that neither disturbs nor surprises me!
@Tree With Water: I thought that in 2000. Whenever someone else says that about any American politician now I always say ‘don’t underestimate the apathy and stupidity of the American people.’
It would seem you would ignore them anyways. It’s not like you have a habit of considering other people’s arguments.
Honestly, I’m done here. If I really want to get my fill talking to someone with your sort of behaviors, I’m just seeing patients all week. They’re more interesting anyways and at least I get paid for it. Why work on the weekend?
Now you’re just being silly.
But if that is what you’ve surmised, then you’re right: you probably should focus on your day job.
Joy in FL
@SuperHrefna: hoping for you to have a good report. And you’re so right, the waiting is really hard. Good vibes coming to you while you wait for Wed and the results.
No, some of my patients are silly. You’re just tedious.
But please, you do go on.