From the Washington Post‘s Style section, “He’s got a ‘Downton Abbey’-inspired office, but Rep. Aaron Schock won’t talk about it“:
… Schock, 33, is one of the rising stars of the Republican Party. He’s young, has six-pack abs that landed him on the cover of Men’s Health and is a prodigious fundraiser. He’s also one of the most media-savvy members of Congress, with an Instagram feed that features him surfing, hiking across glaciers, tangoing on the streets of Buenos Aires and smiling next to duck-faced pop star Ariana Grande.
An office decorated in a unique way would hardly be surprising; it would just be another interesting fact about a congressman who has built a brand as not just another politician. So why was this a crisis?…
Why, indeed?
Bright red walls. A gold-colored wall sconce with black candles. A Federal-style bull’s-eye mirror with an eagle perched on top. And this is just the Illinois Republican’s outer office…
A blond woman popped out of an inner office. “Want to see the rest?” she asked.
She introduced herself as Annie Brahler, the interior decorator whose company is called Euro Trash. She guided me to Schock’s private office, revealing another dramatic red room. This one with a drippy crystal chandelier, a table propped up by two eagles, a bust of Abraham Lincoln and massive arrangements of pheasant feathers…
I checked the website, where Euro Trash boasts of its “50,000 square foot inventory warehouse in Illinois, “ so you can’t complain Rep. Schock isn’t supporting his district. And, as an elitist coastal snob, I have to admit that basing one’s office design on a television show seems very Peoria…
another Holocene human
Stop giving this shit the attention he craves.
Villago Delenda Est
A bust of Lincoln? The vile tyrant who brought down the Confederacy, the country the teatards want back?
Hell, this guy has RINO written all over him!
At the risk of immediately violating Godwin’s Law, the Nazis also had lavishly decorated offices too. Fascists are often human peacocks, proudly strutting and preening, while dishing out hate to those beneath them.
I read the description then thought, “Was this the guy in the pink shirt?”
Sure enough. Gotta wonder how long this guy lasts in the GOP.
Clearly Aaron Schock is missing an “l” in his name after the “h”.
And, in not wholly revelatory news, Rand Paul manages to exceed his previous ignorant kook limit:
Lasts in the GOP? I wonder how long he lasts in the closet.
Also, Croatia is the New Red Menace:
Doubtless Joni Ernst will fearlessly opine that we must stop this tide of common sense before it steals all our golfs.
@Schlemazel: That’s what I mean. There are no out GOP members are there?
Mustang Bobby
@Schlemazel: I’ll bet Lindsey Graham just happens to pass by the Congressional gym showers just as Aaron is soaping up. “Oh hi, fancy seeing seeing you here…”
The entire GOP cast of bastards just plays to the ignorant set don’t they? I mean I guess I knew that but when stuff like this comes along I am shocked to see how low they can go. This to me at least is the tell that it is lie not ignorance that they deal in. Even Crusty the Clown from NJ is not so stupid as to believe not vaccinating is a good idea. But maybe he thinks a small percentage can get away with it so peddling this brain damaged bullshit is good for him & his no-nothings, But Ayn here had some level of medical education and has to know better.
But I noticed this idea played well with some younger guys at work who not only don’t know measles or polio but even their parents can’t tell them about the experience. So they think that not vaxing is the libertarian dream – I sort of agree but the ‘dream’ is really a nightmare.
Mustang Bobby
To quote Mrs. Doubtfire, the place simply reeks of taste.
I’d be interested to hear a journalist ask Rand Paul what the difference is between freedom and irresponsibility in his philosophy. I am guessing it has something to do with the white sort of people being freed from Federal tyranny.
@Mustang Bobby:
Young Master Schock has managed to find the Drakkar Noir of interior decoration styles.
Sorry I missed the subtlety, too little sleep. It is obvious in retrospect.
Well, there are the not out not outs, the out not outs, the not not outs…..
@Arclite: You know, it takes a real man to wear pink.
Especially spandex.
Mustang Bobby
@Morzer: That sounds like the Jesuit college where I taught for a year. There were more flaming queens on the faculty than the Fourth of July at Fire Island. Bless me, Father…
@Mustang Bobby:
In the name of the Prada, the Son and the Holy Spirit…
What, no liveried servants?
Mustang Bobby
@Morzer: in nomine Patris, et Fili, et Dolce Gabana…
Not in front of the rabble, darling.
@Morzer: Believe it or not, I always wore spandex (or a type of) when caving. It was good insulation, shed water quickly, did not restrict movement, and in the colors and patterns my friend made them with,
Ooooo, la la….
Just got a text from a friend who has been stuck at JFK after returning from Spain! She KNEW I’d be up to pick her up from the shuttle!
Did you tell her to go Galt and escape the liberal plantation?
@raven: Isn’t JFK a little out of your way?
Culture of Truth
I have yet to read an article on this guy that does not mention his abs
@OzarkHillbilly: She flew into the ATL and is riding the shuttle Van from there. But you knew that!
@raven: Oh. I was going to say, “WOW! She must be a really good friend!” ;-)
Keith G
Looking at photos of the offices in question, what I saw was the type of deign elements (a knowing over-the-top-ness) that were highly valued by gay professionals with money (and those who pretended so) during the 1980s.
@Culture of Truth:
One way to help with ab definition is to continually be lifting one’s legs.
Liberace would love his office. And the Representative, too. For what it is worth, John Aravosis over at has been following Schock with special attention, primarily because he pretty much suspects Shock is deep, deep in the closet, and cannot bring himself to come out of it.
Tenar Darell
@Morzer: @Schlemazel: Did you see this statement in his CNBC interview?
Not positive, but it reads as coded language about religious/family primacy.
an Instagram feed that features him surfing,
But not wind surfing, right? Because that would just be weird like that French guy John Kerry.
There’so no real story here except for the fact that Schock’s PR person really didn’t want Terris to write a story about his office decor. You don’t paint the walls red if you don’t want them to be noticed.
If parents own the children, I’m not seeing any way it is possible to be anti-choice on abortion. How can the state force you to have a child that you can then kill with measles?
@Schlemazel: Forever in this district. The corporate and blue-haired sets here love them some Aaron no matter what.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
It’s all about being allowed to refuse the HPV vaccine. If they have to let idiots refuse the MMR to keep the HPV form turning their daughters into sluts, well, collateral damage.
@Tenar Darell:
I am sure that’s part of the deal – and it is characteristic of Rand Paul’s concept of “liberty for me, but not for thee”.