I don’t think any of you fully appreciate how extraordinarily difficult it is to replace a desktop power supply an re-wire a pc with a cat and two puppies in your household.
Woe Is Me
by John Cole| 76 Comments
This post is in: Shitheads
by John Cole| 76 Comments
This post is in: Shitheads
I don’t think any of you fully appreciate how extraordinarily difficult it is to replace a desktop power supply an re-wire a pc with a cat and two puppies in your household.
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pics or it didn’t happen. ;)
You didn’t electrocute any of them, did you?
Considering the difficulty I am having doing anything useful with a puppy in the house (the cats are elderly & couldn’t care less) I’d say brushing your teeth would be an accomplishment. I just finished cleaning up puppy’s ear as she decided to be an a$$ to the sleeping, elderly cat. I’d like to think she learned a lesson but I have my doubts.
Or should I say — electro–CUTE?
schrodinger's cat
Did you get tangled in the wires and trip?
Jay C
First World problems…..
schrodinger's cat
You need a cup of kittea
schrodinger's cat
@Jay C: More like WV blues.
Are you paying them union wage?
Pffffft. Try having two kids under the age of four with a puppy.
schrodinger's cat
You need a cup of kittea to cure whatever it is that ails you.
I’ma treat this as an open thread, ‘k?
F*@k me this false-equivalence shit has got to stop:
No. No. For chrissakes, No! One party is utterly incompetent, unable to pick a political target and hit it with a middling stream of piss from it’s own dick. The other hasn’t had control of Congress since Pelosi lost the gavel.
This kind of shit-ass commentary, this false-equivalency “throw your hands up in despair” garbage in the lead f’ing graf of a (even the librul) NYT, just makes me scream.
Shantanu Saha
A cat and two puppies are not an appropriate replacement for a desktop power supply.
Agreed. The 111th Congress got a lot done.
Oh, are we playing “Woe Is Me”…ok…
So I’m battling this cold that has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. Since about a week before Mardi Gras. At first, it was your basic cold, ya know, coughing, mucous, scratchy but not sore throat. I thought that was winding down this past week, but then last Wednesday, I had finally stopped coughing, but I was now experiencing this weird sinus congestion and small cough. By Thursday, the cough was gone, but I had major sinus and head congestion and now I was sneezing up a storm. By Friday night, I was so congestion , I could barely sleep, and I kept waking up in the night to blow my nose and try to clear my head and my throat was noticeably sore. So I decided last night that I’d go the the urgent care center in my neighborhood cause at this point it was going on too long.
So this morning at 9am I went into UCC and got diagnosed with an acute sinus infection (my nasal passage was mostly blocked on one side), an acute throat infection (he said my tonsils were swollen and red) and the sneezing and runny nose was from nasal allergies. He also said that my left ear did have some fluid buildup which he attributed to the sinus infection too.
Wooh. So they gave me two shots, a steroid shot and an antibiotic shot, and subscribed an oral antibiotic (augmentin), and prescription nasonex, also recommended was over the counter allergy medicine like Zyrtec or Claritin. So I got the antibiotic and some generic Zyrtec, but I had to say no sir to the nasonex, that shhh was gonna cost $130!!!!!! I was like hell naw. So I got FloNase instead.
While I was out I ran a few more errands. I was so tired when I made it home, I needed a nap, but I know as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’ll be dead sleep.
My problem is I hate going to the doctor’s office, so I tend to try home remedies first. They may take a lil bit longer to work, but I cut back on over use of antibiotics, and prescription payments for meds like that darn nasonex. When the OTC items don’t work, then I go on ahead to the doctor’s office like I did today.
I”m breathing a little better already thx to the shots, and I’ll start the antibiotic treatment later tonight so I can cycle them to when I’m awake.
Just Some Fuckhead
Why are you trying to rewire a PC with a cat?
I feels you. I’ve been sick for some time now. I can’t shake it.
I’m pretty sure we’d appreciate your dilemma if we had a video or two to watch.
Anne Laurie
Right now, Cole, your mom is laughing so hard.
David Koch
Cole = #HoodLife
I hate colds with a lot of mucous. All that mucous has to go somewhere clogging and deciding to take up residence in ears and sinuses. That’s when the secondary crap would hit me.
Please, I have to replace my MagSafe connector inside my MacBook and it’s only 32 steps. Challenges are good.
Ok, speaking of cats…I posted this in last night thread really late, but wanted to share it again.
This cat is straight up gangsta…lol
MacPro desktop or PC?
Highway Rob
@Just Some Fuckhead: Could be cat-5, could be cat-6. But if he’s using the wrong cat, then that’s his problem right there.
Well, at least it’s not a big ca…oh, wait.
I’d pitch in for a gopro for Cole. Could put America’s Funniest Videos and Jackass to shame. Until he breaks it. (And it would be a better use of my $$$ than my last expenxiture (see ‘stop punching yourself thread).
Mike in NC
Rand Paul wins CPAC straw poll. We are doomed!
Retrieverman.net has some new trail footage up. Black squirrels and white coyotes, oh my!
Kent, Ohio, is noted for black squirrels, although Retrieverman is in BA or WV, I forget which.
I have visions of the beasts forming a frizzled protest committee as John Cole attempts to combine naked mopping, the Boy’s Book Of Electronics and Pet Grooming 101 in one terrifying extravanganza. I suspect that it’s the closest we shall get to seeing what a McCain presidency would have looked like on the domestic front.
@Woodrowfan: those are exactly the very words that I was thinking to myself.
I hope you’re using CAT-6 cabling for your network connection.
It reminds me of a poster I saw at an auto mechanic’s shop:
I suppose we’ll have to add “If your pets help: One Million Dollars per hour”…
Roger Moore
I think the correct solution is to get Shawn to lure the piglets into another room, then close the door so you can work in peace. If you have a halfway decent case, you should be able to swap out the power supply quickly enough that the pets will barely notice your absence. If you have a lousy case, that’s your problem at least as much as the pets are.
Pics please :)
@Cole up top: I dare to say that those of us who have a new puppy (me, MomSense, TaMara, etc) completely appreciate what you are talking about.
I wouldn’t have even tried to do anything technical at this point. I mean, there were 3 weeks where I had to choose between: cook a meal / take a shower / check my email. PICK ONE
Edit: after 3 weeks, I finally asked a friend if she could come play with Henry for 2 hours so I could get 3 weeks of dishes done before I had a client coming to meet me in the home office. Two puppy free hours was amazing!
wasabi gasp
Whoa…scram. Whoa…get off that. Whoa…stop it. Whoa…get away. Whoa…enough already. Whoa…
Mobile RoonieRoo
Try doing anything with 4 cats and two dogs with one dog being an adolescent Labrador. No sympathy.
@Baud: I’m sorry to hear you’ve been sick. If you’ve tried everything else, aybe a puppy to snuggle with would help?
Tenar Darell
@lamh36: My sympathies, you did the right thing. I hope you feel better soon.
I have allergies, so when I have a “real cold” I don’t bother with a doctor for at least a week. I know exactly how long I’ll have bad congestion (like scare other people away levels) by how long my sore throat lasts etc. But if my tonsils swell to the point it hurts to swallow soup, if I feel like I’m about to get the sinus headache from hell, or I’m sick for more than a week, all bets are off, and it’s time to go to a doc.
FYI: once you’re better, remember to replace your toothbrush and disinfect all nasal spray nozzles.
@wasabi gasp:
Is that the voice of Steve defending his cat tree as Cole tries to take refuge at the top?
I dunno; trying to wrangle an inventive and stir-crazy 7-year-old while reconstructing the hard drive of an old mac laptop seems about the same level of “WHY ME? WHY ME????”. And, given WarriorGirl, the experience comes with an extra level of viciousness — plus whining.
At least most of the icicles have melted off of the house. But we’re still at a meter of snowpack and I still can’t see over the snowmounds either at our corner (city plows) or my backyard (what we blew/shoveled off our driveway).
Another 3 inches or so are due tomorrow night. And snow-icepellets-rain-sleet-snow for Tuesday-Thursday.
I just want tourist season* to come already.
*Greater Boston has two economic seasons. Student season (Sept 1 to ~June 15) and tourist season (June 16 – August 31). September 1st is Allston Christmas.
gogol's wife
The Nemtsov killing has me so depressed. It makes me think of the most prophetic thing ever said about Russia, by Archpriest Avvakum in the 17th century: “Satan has asked and obtained from God our bright shining Russia that he might purple it with martyrs’ blood.”
Every time there’s a glimmer of hope, it just gets snuffed out.
wasabi gasp
@Morzer: That is the voice of a man who really loves tootsie rolls.
Totally understand what John is going through! Have you tried stuffing a big kong with a mix of kibble and wet food and putting it in the freezer? Pup is getting two of her meals every day in kongs. 2 kongs per meal 15-20 minutes per kong of chewing. Makes it possible to take a shower and do some dishes!
@lamh36: As someone whose sinuses have been totally fucked for almost twenty years now, you have my deepest sympathies. Feel better!
And Flonase works just as well as Nasonex. Stay away from Afrin and Rhinocort, tho.
I picked up my rescue Weimaraner today about noon in Billings, currently in Bozeman then 300 miles home tomorrow. Jada is very shy and seems totally freaked out by new people, rooms, cars etc. I figure it will take a year and a half for her to settle in based on my last rescue Weim. Pictures here.
and here.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
I am once again glad I have good insurance, so my Nasonex is more like $50. There’s a new OTC nasal spray called Nasocort that has the same steroid in it, so it may be worth checking out. I used Flonase for a while, but the scent bugged me, so now I’m using Nasonex. Fell better!
FYWP and here.
@MomSense: Hmmmmm.
They have these things called doors. You should try using a couple.
@WaterGirl: Cole has a spare or two.
Roger Moore
I can think of three possibilities:
1) The scent is actually part of the formulation
2) The scent is added to mask something even nastier that’s part of the formulation
3) The people who added the scent are idiots who don’t realize how obnoxious adding an unnecessary scent is
@Tenar Darell: You can also run your toothbrush through the dishwasher.
Mike in NC
@gogol’s wife: In Saint Petersburg last year we visited the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, site of the assassination of Czar Alexander II. Political assassinations seem to be as popular in Russia as in America.
@Mike in NC:
Not forgetting the murder of journalists from the small segment of the press that has not been tamed by Tsar Nipple-rings.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Never tried rebuilding a computer with puppies in the house, but have done several with attention-hungry kittens in the house.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
The Nasonex seems to be (lightly) scented as well, but the Flonase was really strong. I’m assuming that, as Roger said, they do it to cover up a nastier smell.
@Mnemosyne (iPad Mini):
Nasocort used to be prescription like Nasonex still is but is now sold over the counter. Nasonex works a bit better for me but is far more costly especially as I have to go to a doc for a prescription. So now using Nasocort and sinuses are much calmer. Have had that 4 gallon a day runny stuff thing going on for about a week and a half, Nasocort helped a lot.
@Roger Moore:
If this is multiple choice remember it is possible to be D. All of the above.
Major Major Major Major
I presume the ground breaking technology known as “door” isn’t functioning in WV currently.
@MomSense: These would have to be itty bitty songs :-) and I’m not sure how long they would last. But there’s a bigger problem – Tucker is allergic to almost everything, and of course he LOVES all the stuff that’s bad for him. So it seems unfair for the puppy to get food that Tucker can’t have. So they eat the same thing.
@Major Major Major Major:
Obama stole all their doors to redistribute them to Detroit.
Puppies always help.
@Major Major Major Major:
Might keep the puppies out but Steve is big enough to reach the doorknob.
puppies in the way again? thanks Obama!
I suspect it may be something like the difficulty of trying to do that very thing in a house with four cats in it, except with less jumping directly into the workspace and more noise and sad eye guilt trips.
@Baud: Okay, then, picture a 10-lb ball of fluff snuggling on your chest and putting his head on your shoulder. You might want to whisper “good boy, henry” as he snuggles into you and sighs.
Fixed to keep you all current with today’s (well, yesterday’s) memery.
Doggie sighs are the best! They are always so heartfelt.
@Baud: Feel better? Or maybe your guys are smugglers, too.
They are!
@Baud: Excellent!
@Ruckus: And many cats can figure out how to work that doorknob!
@SiubhanDuinne: What did those squirrels do, to be so black and blue…
Never take cold pills and Flexaril on the same day. Zzzzz… I expected to be sleepy but not to actually conk out for 6 hours!
I have enough trouble typing with Marvin the Siamese lying on my left arm as I vainly try to keep his noggin off the keyboard.
Tenar Darell
@Pogonip: Ah. I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Currently, I’m the dishwasher, so I just replace ’em.