You’ve all been good, so treats for everyone:
Actually not sure where Ginger was in this pic, since she is such a chow hound, she never misses treats. Rosie, of course, is throwing shade at the camera. Such a bitch.
Here are Thurston and Lily taking a nap:
Thurston is such a ham- as soon as he knows there is a camera, he eyeballs it. Notice how they form perfectly to the contours of my belly. Also note that my formerly beautiful terry cloth robe now resembles a ghillie suit after six weeks of puppy claws have shredded the hell out of it.
I’ve been waking up the puppies all afternoon so they sleep throughout the night. We’ll see if that works.
Also, the new Forte comedy the Last Man on Earth was actually pretty amusing.
Jerzy Russian
No treats for Steve? Hasn’t he been a good kitty?
Sandia Blanca
Puppies! And big dogs!!!!
Mike E
I would imagine a treat for Steve would be ‘alone time’.
That’s some serious side-eye from Rosie.
Awww, the babies are sitting pretty for their treats! Cuteness overload.
Ok, so is this a deal or not…$139…
Samsung 24″ Class (23.6″ Diag.) 720p LED HDTV.
I’m looking for a tv for my second bedroom. So it doesn’t have to be large, just adequate. I also like that it’s a Samsung as it’s my preferred brand.
I have a 51′ Samsung in my living room and both my blu-ray players are Samsung.
My tv I bought for my bedroom, I bought in texas and it was a steal for a 40′ Vizio so I bought it quick
Thanks for ultra cute pet pix.
And as long as the topic is treats, perhaps I had some precognition of the previous Garcia themed post. Saw some shelled hemp seeds at Trader Joe’s earlier today, and something just made me buy them.
Directions say you just sprinkle them on whatever you want like oat bran or wheat germ, and I thought it would be a nice change of pace for the morning mush. (yeah, I make me some hot mush and eat it every morning. People got a problem with that? No, they do not.)
But, will I get busted if I have to get a blood test for some reason?
RobertDSC (Quad Intel Mac)
Rosie is just rolling her eyes at the disgusting Ravens slippers that Shawn has on.
Those hands dont look near fat enough to be JGCs….who’s the mystery dog feeder in su casa?
Omnes Omnibus
@RobertDSC (Quad Intel Mac): I get more of a “I’ll cut the next motherfucker who takes a picture of me lined up for food with these shitheads” vibe.
Yay! Puppies! And a Lily and Rosie sighting! Good dogs!
This is some of the best photojournalism I have ever seen on Balloon Juice.
The pups all sitting politely for their treats is getting bookmarked. Rosie sighting, and fair Lily in both pics.
Thank you!
@RobertDSC (Quad Intel Mac):
The pics are better than usual. The top on has kind of a Dutch old master’s glow to it. So I thought, maybe Cole didn’t take them.
The Ancient Randonneur
Shorter Rosie: I wish a motherfucker would …
@Omnes Omnibus: I interpreted it more as :”Hey, what? Those other punk dawgs are getting treats? That one’s mine too.”
Edit: Or maybe ‘If that fat white cat was still here, he would help me snag that one over there.”
@jl: I know Mythbusters did a test with poppy seeds, and if you eat enough, YES.
ETA: Both my wife and I had oatmeal and raisins this morning, nothing wrong with mush in the AM.
@BillinGlendaleCA: OK. I’ll find out how good they are tomorrow morning, and will see if I need to be careful.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Impressive that the wee ones have learned to sit for treats already.
What’s with Thurston’s funky bent tail?
@jl: Let me know how they work out, might make my Quaker Oats more, eh, interesting.
Mary G
Rose’s glare cracked me up. “You KNOW I hate having my picture taken, Cole. You’ll get payback when you least expect it.”
Tenar Darell
Aww cute pups to cheer me up! So over this snow.
what kind of treats do they get to help change a video card? (those are for a power supply, right?)
RobertDSC (Quad Intel Mac)
Bent tails are a staple of Cole household life. Lily has a corkscrew tail as well.
It’s funny how memory plays tricks on you. I moved to California after graduation in June 1978. I remember going to a concert at Spartan Stadium in San Jose and coming back to find the rear window of my rental car smashed. I have long remembered that the headliner was the Grateful Dead, but I couldn’t remember the other bands. The previous thread got me wondering, so I tried to find out. Turns out the Dead didn’t play there in 1978; the concert I went to had to have been Jackson Browne, Warren Zevon, and Jimmy Buffett. I must have gone to the Dead concert there in 1979 and gotten them mixed up.
they look so cute.
Rosie’s a sweetie
TaMara (BHF)
Puppies are adorable.
BTW, things not to watch before going to bed: Discovery Channel simulation of asteroid impact wipes out earth
I’m sure there won’t be any nightmares after watching THAT.
Omnes Omnibus
@Origuy: You guys make me feel young.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: One has heard things… Are you okay? Healthwise?
Omnes Omnibus
@TaMara (BHF): I am about to do some Nyquil – the way it affects me, I’ll sleep well.
I ended up (semi-accidentally) watching The Last Man on Earth, which is something I would have sworn I would not do. Not convinced that I didn’t hate it, and yet I couldn’t look away. I could see Kristen Schaal’s character potentially getting unbearable really fast.
Also watched Battle Creek, Vince Gilligan’s new show. Kind of hard to get a read on it, but I think it’s got potential.
Any updates on Nya?
@Omnes Omnibus: I didn’t sleep well last night, must have been guilt about your Mickey Mouse joke.
ETA: Then again, it could have been being jazzed over getting my code to work, or my neck hurting due to moving my neck between my code and the debugger.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Karma is a bitch.
Puppies are fabulous.
However, Rosie is my favorite. Love her attitude.
I spent a big chunk of the day making beef bourguignon, mostly with Julia Child’s recipe. We had a rare chilly & rainy day here in Vegas, so it fit well. Yum x 1000. Well worth the time & effort.
@Omnes Omnibus: I got my code working this evening, so it’s all good. I still have to make the web page not look so dump truck ugly.
Omnes Omnibus
@cckids:Do you have leftovers? I have a car that can do a steady 100+mph. I can be there, let’s say, Tuesday morning-ish.
Omnes Omnibus
I have no idea what that means, but I hope it is a good thing.
@Omnes Omnibus: It means: functionally everything works, it just looks crappy.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Aha. Thanks.
Aww yeah, Idris Elba back on the set for a new season as John Luther!
Is it sad how excited I am about it!
Love Luther and last series was really good. Can’t wait for this one.
Allegedly some US net is supposed to be trying to bring a version of Luther to the US, ala Broadchurch, but honestly, John Luther is Idris Elba. It would be like hiring another dude as JR Ewing other than Larry Hagman…it’s the man that made the character!
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, some of them are heading to my daughter, but there will be more, so, sure!
Hey! I moved to California in 1978 also, too!
Gawd, that flooring always brings back memories…
Good pic, John.
How’s the puppy placement coming along?
On the mend (and at my most blah feeling this weekend was feeling nowhere as poorly as some around these parts), just in time to bake some cocoa stout cupcakes.
Last time I tried putting some left-over batter in a sprayed disposable mini-loaf pan, only to find out the insides would not finish while the extremities were quite done. I chalked that up to the non-circular shape of the pan and the slightly higher level of batter than in a cupcake or layer cake pan.
So I’m asking all fellow BJers who have one “dress” apron and another one with the chocolate or tomato stains which will never come out: Is this mini loaf pan idea worth trying again, or should I just go get a couple of 6″ mini-cake pans? What’s different about cake batter v. a quick bread which might cause this?
Let me know how they taste please. I have oatmeal a lot (make big pot of steel cut because I love the heartier texture. I’ll freeze doses of it to microwave if I want ‘instant’). I change up additions to the mush, nuts, seeds, berries and fruit so it’s never the same thing.
Not sure about the consistency of your batter but you could try a water bath, Put the cake pan in a larger pan & fill the larger pan with an inch or two of water then bake about 25 degrees lower. It will take longer so timing with be trial and error till you figure it out but a bain marie is the classic way to deal with the problem.
@Schlemazel: Hmm, sounds worth a try. (And I like throwing around culinary French to boot.) Will update with results in a couple days.
(As far as consistency, this is hand-mix only recipe and I take care to not beat too much air into it.)
BD of MN
When we bake cakes we use baking strips, soak them in water and wrap around the edge. Levels the cakes out and keeps the edges from drying out…
I’m spending my waking minutes looking at Aurora pics from northern MN on the facebook, apparently there was quite a show last night. One professional photographer has a great shot of dancing auroras taken over a snow covered field with an old tractor in the foreground, and I thought “Hey, when did Cole buy a tractor?”
6am swim and now an nice vegetarian breakfast at Southern Adventist U. The demon pretty committed to whatever they are committed to but no one has bugged me.
“There’s no wrong way to use a margarita pool” is my new mantra.
Why has nobody told me about Peaky Blinders?! It’s like Downton Abbey meets Boardwalk Empire, but with an artistic sensibility more like The Wire.
Stumbled across it yesterday during the ice storm, and zoomed through almost the entire first series. Amazingly good!
It really is good.
The puppehs are so sweet all together. Are they as calm as they look in the photos? I’ve only got one and she is tearing it up all day long.
Love those little pupcakes, sitting for their treat.
If I were to be in the market for a puppy, I would pick Thurston. Those bright and mischievous eyes get me every time.
Ben Cisco
New week, looking at a potential provider change for our cell phone contract, and looking at the various model phones we would use. I’m dreading the word getting out b/c i know i’m going to wind up dealing with a bunch of whiny gits that will scream for the highest of the high-end models until their throats crack. They seem not to understand the phrases “limited budget,” “basic functionality,” “not your personal toys,” and “you ain’t at home.” As far as the bosses are concerned, the phone only need do the following:
– Dial out when you dial
– Ring when someone dials in
– Access your voicemail
– Send and receive texts
– Send and receive emails
All the rest is fluff and with a list price of (for example) ~650 bones for an iPhone 6 (750 for the 6 Plus), I’d be a moron to suggest them. Ugh.
Patricia Kayden
What happened to Ginger? I must have missed when she got a forever home.
Anyways, such lovely photos of the doggies.
@Patricia Kayden: From John’s post
Actually not sure where Ginger was in this pic, since she is such a chow hound, she never misses treats.
Maybe John will post additional pics later of Ginger. I wouldn’t mind an update on how she is doing.
gogol's wife
Great way to start the day before going out into the gd snow. What a change of pace, snow on a Monday morning.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I am better. Just have to take better care. Thanks for asking.
Glad to hear it.
i would think the consistency of the batter would be the problem. The air bubbles in the thinner cupcake batter would collapse sooner than in a quick bread. I wonder if lowering the temperature would help.
WTF kind of defense is this?
@rikyrah: Hey, taking better care is a great lifelong habit to get into.
It is ironclad.
I keep waiting for the infamous liberal media to kick in.
Don’t wait too long. In the Village, Fox is a legitimate news channel, except when they need to be held to ethical standards.
Right. I remember all of a sudden there was this distinction on Fox about what is opinion and what is news and apparently anchors are really opinionators which means they don’t have to be accurate.
@MomSense: Even local fox news channels are under the entertainment division in order to thwart lawsuits.
If memory serves me, and these days it might not, Canada won’t allow Fox news because of that. Maybe one of our Canadian friends will pipe in.
Quite some toothsome offerings coming up soon on TCM:
The Artist Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.
The King’s Speech Tuesday, 10:00 p.m.
The Queen Wednesday, 2:45 a.m.
Also, at 10:00 a.m. today is The Hurricane – a product of its time, certainly, yet the special effects of the storm (from 1937!) compare more than favorably with what can be done today. Oh, and hunky, shirtless Jon Hall for those whose tastes run that way.
Amir Khalid
Late, so I don’t know if you’ll see this reply. But if Bill O’Reilly can’t tell having seen a photo of something from a memory of the actual incident, doesn’t that give Fox News medical grounds to dismiss him?
@Amir Khalid: Why would they want to dismiss him? He makes a lot of money for them.
Phoebes in Santa fe
It’s all very nice, Cole, but where’s the CAT?
Are those Beggin’ Strips? Beggin’! BEGGIN’!
bag the political posts, just post puppy pics every 4 hours and we’re good…
The Moar You Know
@Ben Cisco: I do. Moto G or E. I have the first gen Moto G and it does all you need and more for $200. The new Moto E is almost as good as the first gen Moto G. Really like my Motorola.
But really thinking about jumping another rung down the ladder. I want a dumb phone with no camera that can text. Does that exist any more?
@debbie: I guess I can say I was at the moon landing cuz I saw it on tv.
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: Thanks. Missed that.
Joel Hanes
But, will I get busted if I have to get a blood test for some reason?
Well, you might, because false positives are far more common than the drug test champions would have us believe.
But the plants from which those toasted seeds came are probably actually “hemp”, the ultra-low-THC cultivar that was widely planted during WW II for rope fiber. My, uh, friend who grew up in an agricultural state can tell you from repeated experience that such hemp has so little psychoactive content as to be a complete waste of time — unless one is making rope.
I believe that such seeds, sterilized to prevent germination, can legally be sold as bird seed.
Ben Cisco
@The Moar You Know: I don’t know, I forgot that my people do need camera functionality. But yeah, the prices are sick.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Joel Hanes:
Somebody posted a story a few months ago about a nice old lady in the UK who contacted a botanist about a strange plant growing under her birdfeeder. It turned out that the hemp in the birdseed had not quite been sterilized enough. The local bobbies stopped by to pull the weed for her, but there was no talk of prosecution since it was so obviously innocent.
Those photos make me smile!