Eers vs. UK.
About the only good thing ’bout this, I am afraid, is that I will get to see Ashley Judd, and I just love her.
Also, I am so over having puppies. I am ready for them to move on. We have any takers for Thurston? Mary still interested in Ginger? They have got to go. They destroyed the two pillows made by one of the readers for Tunch, shredded four new pee pads) (although shredded may not adequately cover how thoroughly they ripped these apart), and have spent the last 3 hours underneath my feet as I try to work play fighting with Rosie making an unGodly ruckus. At one point I was whimpering and pleading with them “will you please just go to sleep and be quiet for five minutes?”
I don’t know how you breeders put up with kids for 18 years without killing them.
Carolina misses their throws, Wisky won’t.
Because kids change. When you are ready to slay the toddler, they morph into a cute preschooler.
Tired of that, they transform again.
Post college may be a different story tho
Corner Stone
It’s fucking 9PM CST you punk fucker.
Aite, no way I want to stay up for this mess so it’s DVR and AMF.
Corner Stone
I’m going to get Popeye’s and then come back to watch the UK match.
Fuck you, Cole.
@Corner Stone: It’s almost like you knew what I was going to say!
Iowa Old Lady
We watch Larry Wilmore’s show and he’s worried KY is going to win. He has this thing going whereby he has to do various dares depending on who wins. If KY does, he has to be a baby bird and let someone else chew up his food and spit it into his mouth.
John, Maybe one way to convince folks to take the pups is highlight their good qualities. just sayin
So that post a while back about how you were seriously considering exploring options to adopt a kid is now non-operative?
I don’t know about the other breeders, but I had routines and rules and expected people and animals to abide by them. It worked most of the time.
David Koch
Anyone a fan of the famed, iconic tv show “The Wire”?
Obama had a fascinating conversation today on the failure of the drug war with David Simon, who created the show.
Mike E
Nature makes’em adorable to stop you from cooking and eating them.
I’m talking about children, of course.
Cole, 3 things:
Did you ever see the email messages sent by someone who had a rescue contact that could arrange a home visit for Mary G. for Ginger. He tried in several threads and sent you multiple messages. I hope you saw them.
My worst day with my puppy left me calling him a fucking tyrant – the fucking was silent, but I was sure thinking it. The next day things settled down quite a bit, so I have hope for you.
So glad to see so many Cole threads the last couple of days!!
I have no idea what you are talking about.
@efgoldman: I’m about to become a grand breeder in a few months and am so looking forward to it.
There’s a hands up, don’t shoot jest that suggests, but not about to go there.
Cole, I’m sorry about the Tunch pillows. Irreplaceable. That makes me sad.
West Virginia’s being very sneaky here…
Any second now…
18 years? Ha!! (And I don’t have kids but she does..)
@LT: Yup .. that’s it. Make Kentucky feel like they have the game and then attack.
As the mother of a particularly ornery 7-year-old, it can get very tiring. This evening she broke her sled (it was 3 years old and after this winter on its last legs) and got sent to bed without supper.
We have rules and recognized punishments — 1 swat for breaking things and she’ll have to earn a replacement next year (work, work, work). 1 Hello Kitty confiscated for not staying in place and paying attention during violin classes. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Puppies are harder because you can’t connect to their hind brains, and they don’t speak English. They’re easier because they don’t argue back.
Cole, I’m sure I’m talking to myself because you’re watching the game, but do you not have crates for the puppies?
I would not have made it through these last 4 months if there hadn’t been a crate for the pup so everybody can get a time out.
@efgoldman: You may want to talk to TaMara about the “cheaper to feed” part. I’m thinking Bixby might be pretty expensive to feed, particularly during growth spurts.
gogol's wife
I felt this way about having three kittens in the house. Kittens are mega cute, but never again. It’s like their whole raison d’être is destroying stuff.
@gogol’s wife: Three kittehs?
Meant in the nicest way possible, Mr. Cole, but the post of pack leader is not your forte.
What a game. At half time what should the coach of WV tell his players?
In the house, the pups should be by your side, on a leash, most of the time. You keep them with you, they look to you for permission. They pay attention. They can’t wander off and get into their natural mischief. You do this until you feel you can trust them. You’ll know when. A crate, as has been suggested, for those times you can’t be tied to them or for when you are out. An invaluable tool for puppy training.
Corner Stone
UK is just abusing WVU.
@JPL: …eeeeeeny second now…
mai naem mobile
Years ago SO and I took my two nieces and one nephew out to the mall. Ages ~ 1.5, 4 and 8. We lasted less than an hour, ran back home , cleaned up , fed them quickly and delivered them to their parents. My nieces and nephew weren’t particularly bratty kids either. I have no idea how parents do it, especially nowadays where there seems to be so much more to get in trouble over with serious long term consequences( drugs/internet/social media.)
Corner Stone
Great half, guys! Let’s do our best to not lose by 40 after they put their also-rans in.
@efgoldman: Yeah, the whole “growing boy” thing can be pretty shocking to witness up close.
@Josie: Was never a rule or routine type, but was and am a BOUNDARY type. I learned that if I recognize my boundaries and defend them vigorously, I never feel put-upon, abused, or overwhelmed. And if I respect others boundaries then they tend not to attack me either.
Corner Stone
I think Cole should show up in a WVU jersey and just start nailing UK players.
At this point, couldn’t hurt.
Except Cole’s shoulder, maybe.
Arizoooonaaaaa, bear DOOOOOOOWN.
Spawn the Elder is a very sensitive kid, and she saw some creepy shit on the series of tubes, and is having problems sleeping now. It is a joy.
@efgoldman: Already paying tuition (private school); cheap-ish to feed (insanely picky eater, just like my dad was); I’m worrying about finding a high school and I’ve got 7 years till I need one. Not thinking about college yet.
That was me as a teenager. I would eat Thanksgiving dinner at our house, then go to my best friend’s house and eat Thanksgiving dinner with them. Ah, youth.
Good widdance, Tarheel scum. Now to wait for the NCAA and SACS to drop the hammer on them.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Josie: Am I the only one that finds “breeders” in that context offensive? I have no kiddos, but I’m straight, and when gay folks I know use that term, it’s not used kindly.
As to puppies, I once wrangled 11 Borzoi pups; I was staying in the whelping apartment, so I wrangled for rent. It was interesting. The pups had to nurse in shifts, complete with charts of who ate when. Mom got tired of nursing right quick, for obvious reasons. All pups thrived, but then I only lived with them for about 3 months. Then they moved to the big dog barn, where they had their own pup room.
Let’s go Xavier! #OhioAgainstTheWorld
I kept getting confused about why the United Kingdom was playing in the NCAA, but I think I understand now.
If you spoil kids or puppies, you get spoiled kids or puppies.
There’s a little monster whom her grandparents, who live in the apartment above mine, spoil rotten. She’s pre-school and I hear her running around and shrieking at midnight. She has this evil, fake laugh that she can do for several minutes straight. She does it often, for fun (huh-huh-huh-huh-…). The only time she really laughs is when she knocks something over and her gramma says, “Now, Adriana, that’s not nice.” The one time they got mad at her was when they caught her hitting her baby sister, a toddler. Yes, I need to move to a new apartment, where I can’t hear every footstep and word said above me.
You need to puppy-proof your home by putting up all of your cherished and remotely chewable items on, say the top shelf of a closet. Of course the puppies will find curiously destructive and imaginative ways to remind you of what you missed. Also, in a 2 birds/1 stone notion, you might wrap something fuzzy and chewable around the legs of those end tables that Suzanne hates so much – amirite Suzanne? – I smell an opportunity here! Also, Nagel prints make excellent pee-pads!
You may have inadvertently come up with the sole worthwhile use for the execrable T&H “art.”
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
No. That’s a classic microaggression. The folks who use it more than likely do it unconsciously, with no actual intent to offend, and it would be interesting to see what would happen if you reacted to its use in a conversation.
@seaboogie: Dude, I seriously hate those end tables. They remind me of the stuff that was in my college apartment, which came furnished, and was designed to survive frat parties and their attendant stupidity.
Nagel prints are odious, but have some kitsch value. They are okay to enjoy IRONICALLY.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I find “breeders” mildly offensive, but I also try to remember that it’s typically marginalized gay people using it and that it’s generally punching up. It does belittle the act of parenting, though, and it would be nice if we could respect that parenting is difficult and important, and not just a consumer choice, even if one doesn’t want to be a parent oneself (which is also totally valid). I think it also tries to reduce women to their reproductive capacity, and that is sexist in nature. However, I am more appalled by the number of gay men who call women the c-word. FFS. THAT is offensive.
@WaterGirl: It was me. I got Mary G’s email addy and passed it on to my rescue friend. Haven’t heard from either of them. Mary G seems to be very busy with remodeling and sort/purge duty on her mom’s stuff.
My friend explained to me that a child grows by sucking the life force out of the parent year after year, until the parent is a withered old dry husk and the child leaves home.
I had friends whose parents didn’t treat them like a mistake or a bother, or actually seem to hate them. They set boundaries and so on but expected that their children wouldn’t always abide by them. They respected their children as people, not possessions. These kids and their parents didn’t seem to be the type of people you describe. Not that everything was always smooth sailing but at the end of the day this seemed to work damn good.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Clearly, you do not read enough childfree forums that refer to children as crotch fruit
In that context, breeder becomes so much less offensive.
sm*t cl*de
Pharmaceuticals. Lots and lots of pharmaceuticals.
I may even have taken some myself.
sm*t cl*de
It’s more a case of Stockholm Syndrome. This tiny alien overlord comes into your house and takes over your life, ordering you around with strange, capricious demands delivered in its own inexplicable language. After a few weeks of sleeplessness your resistance crumbles and you find yourself treating it as Master Who Must Be Obeyed.
Rainy Day
Can your puppies escape from your fenced in yard area? If so, you can pick up a roll of chicken wire and a staple gun. You can make a temporary holding pen for them outside. Or you can buy/borrow a small pen that you can move in and out of the house. If you have a safe place to contain them when you need to do other things, bliss will be restored quickly.
I don’t know how you breeders put up with kids for 18 years without killing them.
I ain’t no breeder, and somehow ended up with 4 kids anyway.
Basically, their fleeing skills go up just enough faster than their antagonism skills.
My mom had 9 kids in 9 years. She used to say, “Sometimes, you just have to dress them In their cutest outfit and pray to God you don’t kill them before bedtime.”
I feel your pain, it’s easier to find things in our house our younger dog hasn’t chewed on. The worst were a) a couch cushion, luckily it was a small part of the corner and I was able to fix it, b) the corner of the coffee table my husband made, he had to take it apart and fix it, and c) our Persian rug, he chewed on it in three places. I thought my husband was going to kill him over that, only it wouldn’t have fixed anything. Our dog Max has gotten better with age, although I still don’t completely trust him to be alone in the house.
Crates, John, crates. And puppies, like babies, can’t really be left unsupervised The last batch I had, when out on their puppy proofed doggie play yard in my kitchen, ripped up and chewed the vinyl tiles off the floor. In 15 minutes (there were 5 of them).
They need to play, WE need to prevent mayhem.
Tom Traubert
You hit your kid and sent her to bed without supper for breaking a three-year-old sled that was “on its last legs”? Glad I’m not your kid. Jeez.
Paul in KY
@JPL: Don’t embarrass our school.
Great song by Bill Burnett, titled The Guest, about having children. (Puppies works too.)
(Top left of the page.)
@Tom Traubert: For realz. Breaking things is part of the learning process. It’s kind of what you’re supposed to do as a kid. Punishing that is like punishing cats for scratching up furniture. Redirect yes. Punish no.
Tom Traubert
@slag: And who the hell punishes by hitting and withholding food from a seven-year-old? Parenting styles are individual things, but FlyingToaster probably shouldn’t have had kids.