So, a slow-dance country-music ballad of jealousy in a long, long tradition…
… I want her long blond hair, I want her magic touch
Yeah cause maybe then, you’d want me just as much. . .
… turns into another battle in the culture wars, per the Washington Post:
Alana Lynn, a morning co-host on country music station 104.3 FM in Boise, Idaho, was excited to play Little Big Town’s latest single for her listeners. “Girl Crush,” a powerful ballad about a woman envious of her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend, seemed destined to be a hit…
But when Lynn played the song on the air, she didn’t anticipate that she would get furious phone calls and e-mails accusing “Girl Crush” of “promoting the gay agenda” and threats to boycott the station. The last time she heard this much outrage from listeners? “The Dixie Chicks’ President Bush comments,” Lynn recalls, referring to when the trio’s career imploded in 2003 after making critical statements about the president…
There’s a deep chasm these days between what’s popular on country radio — still the genre’s most powerful platform — and what fans are actually buying: “Girl Crush” is No. 4 on iTunes, but lags at No. 33 in radio rankings. And while country music is seen as more progressive now — with explicit lyrics about sex and casual marijuana use — significant portions of the traditional audience will not tolerate a song that they even wrongly assume is about a same-sex relationship…
Although it does confirm my opinion that 95% of what “everyone says” about what goes out over the public airwaves is not about content (much less context), it’s about signalling one’s tribal allegiances. And it’s not even — despite what the talk radio mavens insist — about resisting the vile opposition; it’s about making sure one’s own tribal neighbors don’t start to suspect one isn’t sufficiently loyal to the proper shibboleths. Scared little gated community rabbits, eyeing each other nervously over the white picket fence.
Apart from SMDH, what’s on the agenda for the day?
I can’t seem to find my tribe, but I am pretty sure they aren’t listening to country music, especially the modern variety, if “modern” is even the correct word.
we don’t make a party out of lovin
cuz we like holdin hands
and pitchin woo
And, as far as the Dixie Chicks career “imploding”
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have time to go ’round and ’round and ’round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.
Thanks to my parents’ radio taste, even in my northeast suburub, I knew what “Jolene” was about.
This new song doesn’t say, directly, “Please don’t take my man just because you can”, and that’s where the misinterpretations come in?
Maybe these folks going off half-cocked need a megamix: Nothing on the radio for six hours except “D-I-V-O-R-C-E”, “The Pill”, and “Harper Valley PTA”. Yknow, Tradvals!
@Schlemazel: Aren’t quote marks required this early in the morning? Some of us aren’t awake enough yet to interpret without them!
say wha?
Ever seen those mashups where they simultaneously play 6 modern country songs in sync to show that they’re all the same. Hilarious.
The latest National Geographic makes this point rather strongly in the cover article on science denialism. It’s all about where one fits in, facts have nothing to do with it.
To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran
Immediate presidential frontrunner.
Mustang Bobby
John Bolton has gone all Buck Turgidson, writing in the NY Times that the only way to get a nuclear deal with Iran is to bomb the shit out of Tehran.
@raven: Gee, what could go wrong?
Mustang Bobby
@raven: GMTA.
@Mustang Bobby:
I’m in favor of sending Bolton to Iran as a one-man commando.
When has any war ever gone wrong?
I thought it was so well known that they were not required, sorry, I’m still working on my first cup of the day too
You have to ask yourself, is Bolton really that stupid? I mean, does he believe this bullshit or is he just a huckster too?
Sure Johnny, lets pile a couple hundred thousand dead Iranian’s on top of the Iraqi dead, no problems.
Certainly Johnny has never misfired on any war he promoted.
Randy P
@Baud: I searched out a Youtube a couple of days ago of “Take this job and shove it” because my wife and I were both in kind of that mood. I was surprised to discover that even THAT song managed to be “my woman done left me” and other traditional country-song woes.
John Bolton gives psychos a bad name.
Found it.
Nonmobile version
@Baud: For the 101st Chairborne, never!
@raven: As in, I love a good inside joke, and I’m quick on the uptake–or decently so–but at 6am, even with caffeine dispersal system in hand, I’m not my sharpest self.
And @Schlemazel: I’ll roll that back to “suggested”. I cede my demands back to whatever the Strunk and White for the internet says. What, there’s no Strunk and White for the internet?
PS Real contribution time: Isn’t Boise the most metro area of Idaho, and what is the demographic breakdown of the country station listenership? Boise area has some 620k people, and Boise State has 22k enrollment (plus all those communist professors, administrative assistants, and janitors).
Country music exudes all the charm and finesse of a dozen farts in a phone booth.
Honestly, these people just want to find things to fight about.
Major Major Major Major
Omakase time!
As times move forward, and they do not, it is increasingly obvious that they have to find another hill to differentiate upon.
However, since they are all about denial, they won’t.
Heh, I was actually going to put it in a quote bubble but figured everyone would recognize it. It was lazy on my part.
The stunning thing about the Bolton rant to me is the obvious inability to learn or gain any humility through failure. Most people may think they have the right answer but when they charge ahead & get tens of thousands of people killed and 15 years of blood shed with no end in sight they would maybe second guess their basic premise and show more caution the next time. Not these boys though! No siree! They double down & say just a bunch more killing and more endless war with needless suffering will fix their previous screw ups. They are insane and half the country believes them to be the way, the truth and the light.
You could have skipped the title and just put the byline, you know if John Bolton wrote it the piece will advocate bombing somebody.
For ten points, what WaPo editorial writer would pen a column titled “How income inequality benefits everyone”? I’d offer the hint that the writer is a complete douche rocket, but that isn’t exactly a distinguishing feature among Post staffers.
Edit: you have to guess, no cheating by looking!
Bolton mentioned that Korea and Pakistan have the bomb and if Iran does, Saudi will want one too. Well guess who was president when Korea and Pakistan got the bomb. What an idiot.
@ThresherK: All in fun grasshopper !
@Raven: But it’s not in fun! Grammar is serious business! :-)
I’m an engineer who’s never owned a dictionary, but I’m a natural born grammarian: Can’t diagram a sentence to save my life, but can write pretty damn well.
@danielx: What WaPo editorial writer would pen a column titled “How income inequality benefits everyone”?
“What is almost any of them, Alex?”
If ThresherK were John Bolton, he would have to bomb you.
I haven’t read the overnight thread, has sooner posted? Moore OK had damage due to twisters.
Specific. One must be precise about these things.
Iowa Old Lady
@OzarkHillbilly: Who someone votes for seems to me to be increasingly about tribalism. It goes a long way to explain voting against your interest.
Bolton is aiming for SecDef. And don’t forget, he was Bush’s UN ambassador.
I know the answer because I saw it mentioned somewhere else. Is it the “perfect equality is bad so increasing inequality must be good” argument?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
India had successfully bowled out every side they’d faced in the World Cup. Today they got bowled out as Australia beat them by 96 runs. That gives us the Battle of the Tasman Sea in the final. Go Kiwis.
@MattF: Powell was suppose to go to No. Korea for diplomatic talks and rumors were, Bolton stopped that from happening.
@Baud: Now wait just a rootin-tootin minute. I’m not the “the meanest, toughest, rip-roarin’-est, Edward Everett Horton-est hombre what ever packed a six-shooter!”
(Edward Everett Horton made his coin and his name playing effete best friends of the leading man in the 1930s.)
@raven: Also a form of tribal signaling. Bolton was the kind of person Sherman was thinking of when he wrote this:
“I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of fighting. Its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing to me for sons, husbands, and fathers … it is only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated … that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation.”
OT, but in anticipation of a UK victory, fire persons in Lexington are going door to door asking students to please not burn cars, throw glass bottles, etc. in an effort to forestall. as the local announcer said on my teevee, a “potentially rowdy celebration”. Predominately white student bodies engage in “potentially rowdy celebrations”. African Americans protesting injustice, well, you know.
Anne Laurie
@JPL: He’s posted on twitter:
(You can read Twitter without having to sign up.)
@Iowa Old Lady: Often it feels to me like we just crawled out of a cave. Of course, in my case it’s true.
I didn’t bother to read it; I imagine it’s on the lines of that John Kenneth Galbraith quote about how “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
By the way, someone pointed out the a few days ago (I think it was one of the folks at Lawyers, Guns, and Money) the outrage that would boil up if a similar column calling for a first strike on Israel to eliminate its nuclear capacity would appear in a leading newspaper in Tehran or Moscow or Peking.
@Sherparick: ding
@Anne Laurie: Thanks. He must be pleased that he had the shelter installed.
@Baud: I second the motion. Like Slim Pickens, he can ride down on the first bomb/drone.;_ylt=A0LEViWp8RNVE_0ApgMnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTB0b2ZrZmU3BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1lIUzAwMl8x?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&sz=all&va=slim+pickens+dr+strangelove&norw=1&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001
Presser says the co-pilot did it on purpose, normal breathing until impact.
Hmmmmmmm …. so the Gay Agenda has been temporarily delayed? (or whatever). I thought that the culture warriors were concentrating on fighting the deadly Trans* folks now, but it’s back to the trenches against teh Gehz?
More seriously, I think all of this is a rear guard action; it will become more desperate and frantic as these folks begin to die off and their ranks decline. That said, I don’t think they can stop themselves, what with being on a mission from G*d and all.
The American photographer Heidi Levine, who is based in Jerusalem, has been chosen by the International Women’s Media Foundation to receive the inaugural Anja Niedringhaus courage in photojournalism award for her work in Gaza.
Powerful stuff.
The “Girl Crush” incident is an example of how the “sin”-obsessed see it everywhere. “No, we can’t have hot dogs for dinner.”
This is how you wind up wearing burlap in the desert, hoping the next root has maggots on it. And they are welcome to get started NOW.
@Mustang Bobby:
He’s beyond Turgidson. He’s even beyond Curtis LeMay.
@Schlemazel: …The stunning thing about the Bolton rant to me is the obvious inability to learn or gain any humility through failure. …
The only thing the neocons learn from failure is they need more firepower next time.
I appreciate Larison’s taking these folks on from the right, and doing so relentlessly. Even so, they seem to control the foreign policy of the Republican party and have allies among the Democrats. Which makes me wonder what is wrong with our foreign policy establishment? Why does a depraved foreign policy enjoy this support? They even talk (again) about “preventative war”. It seems not to matter this has no support outside the Beltway. I suspect this goes all the way back to the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations, and the lack of a real “enemy” becomes irrelevant when you conclude you’re omnipotent.
@raven: Some commentary from James Fallows:
The main point is “First guesses are usually wrong.”
Fox News host Andrea Tantaros warned on Wednesday that healthier school food was already “causing mental problems”
I agree. It’s clearly driving her crazy.
Or a missile. He’s nothing if not a warhead.
@MattF: Yup. They identified the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, a German national.
American exceptionalism.
OT but wow the French are saying the co-pilot deliberately flew the airbus into the mountain. The Captain was locked out of the cockpit. They have no idea why but aren’t calling it terrorism or suicide; at least not yet.
@D58826: How about calling it murder.
@OzarkHillbilly: It’s slow, but the right-wing stance of reflexively running away from liberals will eventually get them eating pesticides and licking electrical sockets.
@D58826: You and this sorry asshole Mika. Oh, she’s just “putting this out there”.
geeze, I bet they really hate Jimi Hendrix “Excuse me while I kiss this guy!” and, of course, AC/DC “Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep”
John Bolton always goes commando??
@raven: at the very least it is mass murderer/suicide. If there is a political/religious motivation then it is terrorism. The French just don’t want to label it till they have more information. I realize for some not jumping to a quick conclusion is a weak-kneed Obama like response but others would prefer to wait till there are more facts avaiable
@OzarkHillbilly: Tantaros is clearly a nutbag, she comes up with crazy shite that is weird even for Fuxx noise.
Edited because my Kindle didn’t like her name.
Paul in KY
@Kathleen: I am sorry that I never orchestrated the burning of a couch back when UK won in 1978 (my freshman year). Would have gotten away with it that night!
@D58826: Mika is literally screaming about “terrorism” as if the fucking investigators have no idea what they are doing.
Paul in KY
@Sherparick: The Offspring have a great song called ‘Slim Pickens’. Has a longer name, but you should be able to locate it using just that name.
Paul in KY
@qwerty42: They don’t think what they did in Iraq was a ‘failure’.
It’s been over 24 hours and the investigators still haven’t blamed Obama yet. I can understand Mika’s skepticism.
I’m watching CNN and good old cool as a cucumber Richard Quest. I guess if the act was deliberate and you want to use the most expansive definition of terrorism., then yes it is terrorism. The passengers were certainly terrorized in the last few moments of the flight but that degrades the word terrorism. I’m sure a bank teller is terrified during a robbery but it certainly isn’t terrorism
Germy Shoemangler
A KGB officer is walking in the park and he sees an old Jewish man reading a book. The KGB officer says, “what are you reading old man?” The old man says, “I am trying to teach myself Hebrew.” The KGB officer says, “why are you trying to learn Hebrew? It takes years to get a visa for Israel. You would die before the paperwork was completed and processed.” “I am learning Hebrew so that when I die and go to Heaven I will be able to speak to Abraham and Moses. Hebrew is the language they speak in Heaven,” the old man replies. “But what if when you die you go to Hell,” asks the KGB officer. The old Jewish man replies, “Russian, I already know.”
Terror is one thing but “terrorism” implies a political objective.
Germy Shoemangler
@ThresherK: And I remember his cameo in the Batman series from the 1960s. He was elderly by then, playing an Indian chief.
Matt McIrvin
Am now earwormed with ZZ Ward’s “Put The Gun Down.” (The thing I always notice about that song is that she’s got a powerful case of the curl/coil merger, which I thought had almost disappeared from American accents. She’s from some town in Pennsylvania near the New Jersey border.)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
More like significant portions of the the traditional audience are closeted gays.
Germy Shoemangler
Eddie Cochran’s “Drive In Show” was banned on some radio stations because they thought he was singing “Bet my penis to a candy bar” instead of “peanuts”. I kid you not.
His name is Andreas Lubitz, That doesn’t sound like a name from the middle east and we all know white men don’t commit terrorist acts.
North Korea = Bush, Jr.
Pakistan (and India) = Clinton.
Neither Pakistan nor India ever signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), so they never voluntarily opted out of having a right to build nukes. Israel also never signed the NPT. That’s pretty much all the countries on the planet that opted out of the NPT.
North Korea was a member of the NPT. They had rumblings of a nuclear program in the 1980’s, which Bush, Sr. started trying to get them to halt. Then they looked to start it back up int he 1990’s. The Clinton Administration hammered out a deal to get them to stop their nuclear enrichment program, in exchange for assistance in developing a civilian nuclear power infrastructure, as well as other forms of energy assistance. The Clinton administration dragged its heals on civilian nuclear power aide to North Korea, but in the end North Korea halted its nuclear program and stayed compliant with the NPT.
Bush & Co. came into office and decided, unilaterally, the Clinton approach was not “tough enough” and told North Korea to fuck itself and the they would not honor the Clinton bargain and started saber rattling, such as including North Korea in the Axis of Evil.
In 2006, North Korea detonated a nuclear device.
Bolton and Company were the architects of Bush, Jr.’s North Korea policy, which was an utter and total failure, which does not get reported on because of the bigger cluster-fuck going on at the same time in Iraq.
Any rational media would point out how Bolton and Company fucked up royally with North Korea and how the NPT has been important in preserving whatever peace we have on this planet and having countries opt out of it sets a bad example and could undermine the treaty, therefore they should STFU about Obama’s Iran policy because they totally failed on North Korea.
No one, who failed so totally in their fucking job, anywhere else would be treated as a serious voice of alternate policy in almost any other walk of life.
It’s like some guy at Apple, arguing that Apple should never have scrapped making printers and never set-up iTunes, in 2005. That guy would no longer have a career.
@Germy Shoemangler:
Not to mention his voice-work in Rocky and Bullwinkle.
There’s a version of a 45 RPM “Jolene” single played back at 33 RPM that continues to make the rounds on social media. It works.
Not the first time a pilot has deliberately crashed a passenger jet. The NTSB determined that Egypt air 900 was a deliberate act of the co-pilot. Egypt never accepted that verdict. There was a crash in Asia that was blamed on a pilot suicide but I forget the details.
You are not looking at it from his point of view. Any “failure” you see must have come from: (0) your not appreciating the correctness of the result (e.g., look at Halliburton’s bottom line); or (1) your not fully implementing his grand designs by forcing him and his gang to compromise with liberals and Democrats (e.g., 2002-2008); or (2) your undermining his brilliant strategy by not being him and pursuing it courageously (e.g., 2009-present).
Once you make these necessary adjustments in your so-called thinking, you will see that he did not fail.
Actually India detonated its first nuclear device in 1974, but did not officially become a nuclear weapon state until 1998. India had a civilian nuclear power program for several decades.
Pakistan, on the other hand, went from having no nuclear program to a nuclear program in a very short while after India declared itself a nuclear weapons state.
The song actually does play a bit with the “straight guys think lesbians are hot” thing:
Paul in KY
@D58826: There was one here 15 or so years ago where a crazy/murderous former flight attendant got on a plane & then broke into cockpit (pre 911) and shot the 2 pilots to death & crashed plane.
“Operation Smiling Buddha” and “Operation Happy Krishna.”
IE, anger and insecurity, a search for new victims to hate because increasingly they can’t get away with abusing the people they already hate. Oh, and liberals like peace, so fuck that.
See above. If you refuse to give them their fix of self-righteous anger and an excuse for their everpresent fear, Republicans get thoroughly pissed.
@debbie: Yes. Fractured Fairy Tales. Great stuff.
@Paul in KY:
Are you thinking of Pacific Southwest 1771?
That was nearly 30 years ago.
Well said. Thanks.
@OldDave: Parton also does a vocal stunt where she sings a song in full chipmunk mode:
Just remarkable.
Paul in KY
@Cervantes: The years, they do move on ;-)
Paul in KY
Need to get a UK -WVU pre-game thread going! Go Big Blue!
@D58826: Investigations of air plane crashes often take a year or more. They often take two tracks — people with design and engineering backgrounds and others who study the human factors. Right now, I’d say, the French authorities are trying to gather as much of the plane’s pieces as possible.
ETA: One of my guilty pleasures (?) is watching shows like “Air Disasters”. These investigations take time to do thoroughly.
@Matt McIrvin: The example they gave was from Groucho Marx, but it was foist encountered from Bugs Bunny here.
Hey, that actual grammar was way over my head. Is there another mid-Eastern Seaboard or mid-South thing where the syllable “air” is pronounced “uhr”? When Carolyn Peck gets really excited calling a basketball game it really comes out, and we call her “Coach Cuhrolyn”.
C-Am-F-G, like every single country song. It’s the new twelve-bar-blues. (Then Am-F-C-G, just to vary it up.)
@Matt McIrvin:
I was surprised to find that in parts of New Orleans in the ’70s. My first city editor (on an Alabama paper) had that.
@PurpleGirl: YEP. The final report is a year or so away
@gene108: Very informative. I actually thought it was later that Pakistan developed the bomb.
@debbie: Yes, especially his work as the narrator of Fractured Fairy Tales. I loved those.
As far as I know, it was documented only in NYC — and New Orleans.
Probably should point out that “chipmunk mode” doesn’t start until 3:10 in that clip. Otherwise people will think you’re slandering Dolly’s voice.
@Steeplejack: Yeah, in fact I took note of the time-to-chipmonk and then just forgot to mention it.
My first thought when I read this was a picture of Bolton in place of Slim Pickens.
Chicago Folks and Suburban Cook County Voters:
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J R in WV
I started to kneejerk David, but he’s NYTimes, so probably Krauthammer, but really, Thresher has it right, any of them.
@OzarkHillbilly: Which makes me wonder what is wrong with our foreign policy establishment? Why does a depraved foreign policy enjoy this support?
American exceptionalism.
@Paul in KY: They don’t think what they did in Iraq was a ‘failure’.
The incredibly foolish foreign policy being urged by these shameless charlatans will bring great suffering to all. How many wars have they wanted now? Back to Iraq (no matter they don’t want us). Into Syria, where we could just generally fight everyone, Libya because why not? I haven’t heard them talk about Ukraine or North Korea but …
One day, this will all blow up on us, like Vietnam, and no one will own it then.
@gene108: You’re assuming Bolton & Co want peace. WAY too many of the Reichwingnuts want Armageddon.
@rea: D’you suppose the sotto voce lesbian-sex country music is the real reason Cruz changed his listening habits?
C’mon, now you are just piling on. It is only twelve and counting in Iraq. 13 and a half tops if you count Afghanistan (nov 01).
Thanks, to you and, of course, the person who did the work to prove the point.
It’s a pathetic state of affairs.
Did any of the “artists” involved ever get asked about the sheer inanity of it all?
Matt McIrvin
I-vi-IV-V is also known as “the chords from every doo-wop song in the Fifties.” (And the second half is what some writer a few years ago called the “Sensitive Female Chord Progression,” though it’s really just a variant of one that shows up constantly in general pop songs.)
It appalls me that people actually listen to Little Big Town. I love country music, and that ain’t it..
Tree With Water
“Scared little gated community rabbits, eyeing each other nervously over the white picket fence..”
That could serve as fitting description of California’s republican state party. Their fears are genuine, they act upon them in a type of good faith, and it has proved their political undoing.. If nothing else, they are sincere people.
Matt McIrvin
@Steeplejack: Yat!