Please enjoy “Pine Grove Blues” by Beausoleil:
I’m still working — boo! But I’m almost done — yay!
What are you up to this evening?
This post is in: Domestic Politics, Open Threads
Please enjoy “Pine Grove Blues” by Beausoleil:
I’m still working — boo! But I’m almost done — yay!
What are you up to this evening?
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Going to the campaign kickoff for my state senator. I know I’ll see lots of folks I know and it’s in the historic Fairfax town hall. Go Chap!
Tenar Darell
Was on my way to hear Simon Winchester, the author, and had to cancel because my driver’s side window got stuck just as I pulled into the garage on the Red line. Now at fave local Italian restaurant after taping it up and re-scheduling tomorrow. /old fashions are good
Working late also….I love Juniper Networks, but sometimes I really hate Juniper Networks
Cleaning. Mom’s coming over Thursday. I don’t want her to run screaming, because I got really bad about cleaning during the winter.
On a different note, 12 years ago today I tried killing myself. I’m usually not quite right today, like my body/brain recalls how crappy that day was, but for some reason I just don’t feel as off as I normally do. It just seems like another day.
I guess that’s progress.
@Shana: You have more civic spirit than I do. Great to hear.
Warming up some chicken and rice leftovers and sipping a gently priced Cab Sauv.
@gene108: Sounds like progress to me!
@gene108: It does sound like you made progress and good for you.
I got two very nice things in the mail today.
Back last summer, the minute I heard about the installation, I ordered two ceramic poppies from the Tower of London display “Blood-Swept Land and Seas of Red.” The poppies were on display from the first day of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I through November 11, Armistice Day. There was one poppy for each British or Empire soldier killed in the Great War, and all proceeds go to British and Commonwealth veterans’ groups.
Anyhow, the first of my two poppies arrived today, and the second should be delivery tomorrow. Really gorgeous, and beautifully presented. I’ve waited a long time for these — thought for several weeks they had lost my order — but they are well worth the wait. I’m thrilled.
Also, as you may know, I’m an opera fan (especially Wagner), and a FB group I belong to, Met Opera Live in HD Fans, recently decided to offer t-shirts with the slogan LIVE LIKE A VALKYRIE. HOJOTOHO! So of course I orderd one (in bright red!) and it also arrived today.
Sure makes a nice change of pace from utility bills and advertising flyers.
Congratulations. Definite progress. {{{Hugs}}} and continued good wishes to you.
Just took a bunch of pics of the flowers and trees. The boss won’t let me near the flower beds with the weed eater so she’s out there on the case.
Enjoying a lovely breeze through the windows and reveling in
the fact that Spring break is only two work days away.
@gene108: Aww, gene, I’m sorry. But better is always better.
Doing tonight? I see the movie ‘Wild’ is finally up for rental in OnDemand. (For weeks it was ‘buy’ only. I bet they lose a lot of money that way.)
Anybody seen it? I’m a big Witherspoon fan.
David Koch
Remember how Cole and his fellow DudeBros fell in love with Baby Doc.
Good times.
@shell: She gets eaten at the end.
Spoiler alert.
@David Koch: I love that quote.
The next question to him should be: “Now, how can you conceive of a “free market” without basing it on behavior?”
These guys are so fucking stupid.
Here’s one.
And here is a re-purposed sewer ring.
@Xboxershorts: You should try Palo Alto. We did. I swear we got the East Palo Alto versions instead…
You people are the only ones who understand the dark underbelly of pet ownership. My long-hared tortie, Mugsy, has a huge mat of fur right under her poop hole. She would rather be boiled in hot wax than let me touch it (did I mention that she’s a biter too)? She now stinks to high heaven and is sprinkling noxious dribbles everywhere.
So I called the vet and will have to shell out some hundreds of dollars to have her sedated, bathed, and shaved. And as soon as I bring out the cat carrier, she’ll run under the bed. Sigh.
What’s the over/under until Mike Pence announces his run for President in 2016 and goes immediately into the lead amongst Republicans?
David Koch
Geez. It’s get worse by the hour. Baby Doc doubles down saying Teh ghay will trigger Armageddon.
Dudebros, how’s that Paul is the Messiah working out for ya
Yo, Pence! I saw what you did, there…
@BGinCHI: By animals or zombies? Ya never know.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: We are no longer “progressives”. We are now “populists“. Please adjust your internet rantings accordingly.
Tree With Water
Here’s a San Francisco Chronicle headline you too might enjoy:
“Jeb Bush defends Indiana law as he seeks Bay Area funds”.
@jeffreyw: My crew is watchin from the south!
Just logging out of my work desktop and heading home – to either leftover roast and loaded baked potatoes or fish’n’chips. Kudos to Shana and all going out to the campaigning.
@Tree With Water: Something tells me at least one of those efforts of JEB’s will not end as well as he’d like.
David Koch
@BGinCHI: No joke. I was looking at the front pages on Newseum’s web site yesterday, and most of them were favorable and in support of him (the noted except being the Indy Star).
He’s been playing to the fundies throughout. While his performance on sunday was disastrous to average votes, it played to great applause with fundies who already suffer from a percussion complex. I saw a clip today of Fixxed News and they were portraying him as a victim of the media and teh ghey agenda.
This won’t help him now, but it will make him a frontrunner with Cruz for the nomination in 2020.
With Warren benched, 538 tells O’Malley to Serpentine Right:
You liberals are so screwed.
David Koch
@different-church-lady: It’s hilarious how emoprogs have repeatedly touted themselves as the base, when data says they couldn’t be more wrong.
Tree With Water
@different-church-lady: I actually much prefer that term, as terms go. Just like the Republicans should have adopted the moniker, the Free Soil Party. I wonder if the other connotation of the word ‘soil’ had anything to do with that?
Mike J
Wal-mart’s CEO asks Arkansas governor to veto religious freedom law, says it undermines the ‘spirit of inclusion’
Fuck Herman Cain and Michael Steele, boot lickin, uncle tom oreo motherfuckers.
What will I do with all these bumper stickers?
@Tree With Water:
What could possibly go wrong?
I blame Obama, incidentally.
@David Koch: Okay, it’s comments like this that help me understand how Anne Laurie feels about you. Don’t go over to the dark side!
Making plans to pick up Lovey.
@raven: That’s very cool.
@Mike J: The fundies would boycott Wal-Mart except that doing so would violate their religious beliefs.
Resting my poor overworked feet for more punishment on London’s streets tomorrow. Time to figure out the buses…the air quality in the Tube is making my asthma flare up.
And I can’t wait to see King Johns tooth at the Magna Carta exhibit…those crazy Brits.
@WaterGirl: Sucker was really heavy, I was able to roll it down to the patio but I don’t think it’s going anywhere else!
David Koch
Serious question: if economic populism is such an awesome mighty political weapon why did John Edwards only get a measly 17% of the vote in New Hampshire and only 17% of the vote in his native state of South Carolina?
@geg6: how exciting…new puppy!
There’s a quote (possibly apocryphal) I’ve been trying to work into a RFRA diatribe, but can’t quite make it work:
WW I French general: This hill is worth ten thousand men!
One of his battalion commanders: Generous bastard, isn’t he?
@jeffreyw: That is so cute.
@raven: Whoa! Very serious looking crew you’ve got there tonight.
@gene108: Congrats on progress…sometimes it moves so slowly that you don’t realize something’s changed. But it sounds like it has for you.
Roger Moore
We’ll be hounding you for pupdates once the handover has taken place.
@David Koch:
Emopops. EmoPOPs. “Please adjust your internet rantings accordingly!”
@David Koch: Because there are two americas and only one of them gets to vote?
@geg6: Congrats! Are you taking Thurston too, or is Cole keeping him?
Once you get her please submit pupdates!
Gin & Tonic
I’m thinking that the guy in Maryland who had his wife’s car stolen by the two cross-dressing guys who tried to crash the gate at NSA HQ, and whom he’d spent the night with at a motel, might be in a bit of an awkward spot today.
@WaterGirl: Their mommy was in the lower garden and they couldn’t get out. This is very concerning to them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: Emopop…. Kombucha with ginseng and St Johns Wort? Mike’s Hard Lemonade? or just Jolt! cola?
That is gorgeous. Breathtaking.
@22over7: You and Cole can form a support group.
Maybe you’ll post pictures and pupdates.
@geg6: Wahoo! Now maybe we will get some pics of Lovey.
Amir Khalid
Has anybody seen this yet? (Via Salon.) It’s about Facebook.
@Amir Khalid: That’s impossible: only the NSA does things like that!
David Koch
@WaterGirl: economic populism is good policy. But when you read blogs, they make it sound like it’s the Ark of the Covenant and anyone who uses it will be invincible and derive great power of a biblical scale, yet there is no data to support that..
Mike J
@Amir Khalid: I saw a tweet saying “Facebook makes the NSA look like the EFF.”
Tree With Water
@Gin & Tonic: It’s like the Gary Larson cartoon, in which the husband bear is standing on his porch at 3AM with tranquilizer darts hanging all over him, with his wife in her bear nightgown standing in the open doorway saying, “This better be good”.
Not only his teeth but a thumb (bone).
More interesting, perhaps, is his will, also on display.
man, does that ever shave the cat’s ass.
@David Koch: You just know that one of the Klowns is going to run on a Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage, specially after the Supremes hand down a pro same-sex marriage decision, and that the other Klowns will follow immediately. And the Democrats should hammer them on that, and make them say that they will disband existing same-sex marriages, considering 60% of the US population, and increasing rapidly, supports same-sex marriage. By November 2016, the bigots will probably be down to 27%.
@geg6: Yay! Can’t wait for more pupdates!
It’s not just another day, though. It’s another 4,383 days so far — and I wish you many, many more, as happy and fulfilling as humanly possible.
I enjoy your insights and appreciate your presence. Thank you for … being here.
David Koch
@different-church-lady: but, but… the NSA can send you to jail (even though no one has ever gone to jail for surfing the net)
[/hysterics] [/paranoia] [/conspiracy theory]
Cliff in NH
I see from the timestamp on my DVR that you were watching hardball, I agree with your assessment totally.
@22over7: Bring out the carrier now, open it and set it someplace out of the way. Ignore it. Pay loving attention to her until just before vet time. Start a treat/petting session, scoop her up, put her in carrier and off you go.
I’m not trying to be coy, but I can’t say anything yet (don’t know much, and it’s not very public anyhow), but I am just reeling because just learned the teenaged son of an acquaintance/friend has been killed in a drug-related shootout. So awful. I am heartsick for the family. (I don’t know the family well, but they are close friends with people who are close friends of mine.)
He’s going to announce the same day that the Rolling Stones cancel their scheduled July 4 show at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, in order to achieve Maximum Martyrdom.