Politico says Mike Pence has succeeded in irking all the most prominent GOP contenders…
Mike Pence just lobbed a grenade into the Republican presidential field.
The Indiana governor’s religious freedom law has ignited yet another controversial culture war debate that has Republican contenders juggling awkward questions about issues they would just as soon not touch…
… Republicans are getting pummeled over gay rights issues of all sorts — and face the familiar dilemma of whether a conservative stance that makes for good politics in a GOP primary will hurt them in a general election.
A New York Times editorial called Indiana’s law a “cover for bigotry” and said “nobody is fooled” by conservatives’ misdirection as to the law’s purpose. Video of Rand Paul calling homosexuality a “behavior” surfaced on BuzzFeed. And a Democratic governor used the term “bigot” to describe Pence and by extension the potential 2016 candidates lining up behind him, who so far include Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rick Perry…
Wait ’till the Talibangelicals — I mean, Cultural Conservatives — find out about the latest flowering of religious freedom under the RFRA, per the Washington Post:
The First Church of Cannabis Inc. has been approved by Indiana’s secretary of state after the state’s religious freedom legislation became law last week.
The church’s founder Bill Levin said he filed paperwork in direct response to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law last Thursday. Secretary of State Connie Lawson approved the church as a religious corporation with the stated intent “to start a church based on love and understanding with compassion for all.”
Cannibis is listed as the church’s sacrament in its doctrine, Levin said, and he will set up a church hierarchy. The church will plan to grow hemp, he said, though it will not buy or sell marijuana….
Indiana attorney and political commentator Abdul-Hakim Shabazz wrote that Indiana legislators may have put the state in a position to acknowledge those who profess to smoke pot as a religious sacrament.
“You see, if I would argue that under RFRA, as long as you can show that reefer is part of your religious practices, you got a pretty good shot of getting off scott-free,” he wrote. “Remember, under RFRA, the state has to articulate a compelling interest in preventing you from smoking pot. I argue they can’t.”…
Since the petition was approved over the weekend, it doesn’t seem to be an April Fools’ prank…
Apart from keeping a wary eye out for japesters and low comedians, what’s on the agenda for the day?
Another Holocene Human
OT: One day off Zoloft and I feel better already. It was like it was poking my brain with a sharp stick all day long. Looking forward to sleeping tonight.
I was hoping someone would take this obvious tack to demonstrate what a ridiculous law this is. I was personally hoping it was the United Church of Satan, to watch the wingnuts heads explode, but this works. I have a shitty day ahead, presenting a product for my company that I don’t believe in, and for which I have gotten zero support, for a detached boss who thinks it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, sight unseen. I can’t wait until I can retire….
Got a real blast from the past this morn reading about The Evening Whirl, “the wildest newspaper in the country”. Back in the day I was a semi regular reader and the then editor had a real flair for the English language as applied to the street. When he sold it things seemed to go a little flat at first but the new owner found his footing eventually and it is still going strong. Glad to see it is still in print.
Joey Maloney
Now accepting membership applications for my First Martinsville Church of Miscegenation (Doing It In The Street And Frightening The Horses synod).
But over in FauxNewsUniverse, the dominant focus is not on Pence and the Indiana law, but on Hillary Clinton’s deleted email server (and the extent the emails might be recoverable via forensic examination of the hardware) and how that indicates she’s trying to hide something about Bengazi! and how intrepid public servant Trey Gowdy is going about trying to get to the bottom of all this. To the extent they’re secondarily focusing on Mike Pence and Indiana’s purported “religious freedom law”, it’s about how Pence has bumbled into creating a perception problem over a law that’s “similar to” that in place in 19 other states and a federal law (no word on critical differences in the Indiana law vs these other statutes).
(I know this because the monitor at my local YMCA directly in front of the workout machine I was using was tuned (unfortunately) to Faux last night.- mercifully reading the closed caption rather than with audio).
In short, surprise! surprise! surprise! Folks over in Fox-land are not being fed this Pence/Indiana story from the same angle or with the same kind of focus the rest of us are.
@Joey Maloney: I am a life long member of the “Church of God the Almighty and the Utterly Indifferent”, that he built the world in 6 days and on the 7th he said, “It’s your problem now.”
@cmorenc: Well, they know Hillary is going to be The Enemy next year, so why not get going on it? It’s not as if there’s anything unusual about Hillary Hate.
Amir Khalid
The Klown Kar Krashes have begun. It might not mean much for the 2016 elections, which after all are still 19 whole months away, but I’m sure the Democratic party and its supporters freuen sich sehr over the Republican party’s self-inflicted Schaden.
Kevin Hart: “Justin Bieber has the voice of an angel but the haircut and tattoos of a lesbian butcher.”
Ludacris: “He may have just turned 21, but he’ll always be a baby to me because babies piss everywhere and don’t know when to shut the fuck up.”
Natasha Leggero: “Justin, you’re so successful, you’re so rich. You’re like our Beatles. Not the band, the bugs that live in shit.”
Snoop Dogg: “You released so many horrible and unwatchable videos. You should change your name to Vanilla Isis.”
Amir Khalid
Is anyone really picking up on the deletions from Hillary’s private email server? It seems secondary at best to the original scandal, which has already fizzled out.
Another Holocene Human
Mike Pence’s voice was on BBC this morning. Indiana is now international news. He was lying through his teeth on the clip. Do they really think they can fool the country by bald faced lying like this? Who do they think they’re fooling?
@Another Holocene Human:
Never used Zoloft but have experience with a couple of it’s cousins. Those never affected me that way, in fact I often felt a little sleepy and would get Wellbutrin to help with that & the sexual side affects. They worked well except for the dry mouth. Since the radiation I can’t tolerate that so I fight the black dog alone every day now. I hope being off is OK for you. Getting a good nights sleep will be a good start
Another Holocene Human
@Amir Khalid: Well so far rat faced escapee from a dipshit Southern state lege Trey Gowdy hasn’t found any there there in the deleted emails so as far as I know they consisted of spam, those goddamn fundraising emails from the DCCC, and back and forth about moving a lunch meeting because the flight to NYC was delayed in Schiphol.
Tenar Darell
@Another Holocene Human: I dunno, Roger Ailes or Bill’O and Sean?
Major Major Major Major
@Another Holocene Human: glad to hear it!
Taipei is nice. Went to Ice Monster and the Sun Yat Sen museum today, hiking tomorrow.
Another Holocene Human
@Schlemazel: I only started, been unmedicated and dealing with major depression for decades, fortunately I’ve always had to good sense to get help when I was thinking about dying a lot.
I had a ‘paradoxical reaction’ so they are going to try a non SSRI. Turns out I maybe have two close relatives who did Lithium without any problems so as soon as I get an EKG I will start on that. (Apparently they monitor the heck out of you for that one.)
I basically had undiagnosed anxiety for a long time but didn’t get any help for it until I started having panic attacks. Thankfully, CBT and awareness meditation have helped with that big time. Unfortunately, been dealing with waves of major depression for last two years.
Part of me wonders if completely freaking out about labor law and reproductive rights in 2011, highly motivating at the time, has kind of backfired by making me more fearful and prone to despair. Not that I wasn’t set up for this by an abusive parent years ago….
Another Holocene Human
Tsk tsk tsk, those sad liberals are just freaking out over nothing, they got fooled by some stupid local reporters who didn’t know what they were talking about, our law is just the same as 1993 law signed by Clinton. It’s a perception problem and Pence will just do another press conference to fix that.
They are gritting their teeth and lying through their fake smiles. How stupid do we think we are?! There was a lawsuit about a florist in Washington State that was ruled on just last week. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. #tcot
@Another Holocene Human: Good luck. I know the black hole well.
I have a suspicion about this “Astronomy Picture of the Day”:
Another Holocene Human
@Major Major Major Major: :) Thanks for your support, especially yesterday, I was kind of flipping out. :P Feel better now.
Major Major Major Major
@Another Holocene Human: haha which thread would that be? I’m on the wrong side of the dateline and confuse verrrry easily about what day it is.
Er … “japesters and high comedians,” surely.
Another Holocene Human
@Amir Khalid: Ich werd’ mich freuen so sehr wann Jeb Bush gets roughed up a bit by his fellow GOP/cons.
I liked the 538 article that showed he’s pretty moderate as GOP candidates go which means the socons will loathe him. Also interesting, Rubio’s negatives aren’t as bad as Ted Cruz’. Since he could quite certainly lose his Senate seat to Patrick Murphy maybe he will run which will make the Jeb battle royale more lulzy.
Another Holocene Human
@Major Major Major Major: Dunno but it would have been about 24 hours ago.
Major Major Major Major
@Another Holocene Human:
aw, you can’t just give up right before the subjunctive like that :P
Spousal ThresherK went to a kneeologist yesterday and we have bad news: She is not a very good candidate for having arthroscopic surgery on her knee. If things don’t get better, the next step might be straight to a knee replacement.
For my part, I’m making her turmeric capsules, and I’ve overcome my weak constitution* to find out things about her illobital tendon, and applying my useful hands to them. There’s a lot of waaaay too descriptive info out there on the internet. Her various medical professionals are giving her plenty of the standard rest and care advice to not aggravate things, too.
Any other good advice out there from my fellow Juicers? Am I overlooking something?
(Seriously, I do so much tuning away from ESPN when they start a story about an athete’s knee. Not just the grisly slo-mo footage of something in-game.)
Major Major Major Major
@Another Holocene Human: or you could make the mistake I made and have seen “wenn” instead of “wann”
Major Major Major Major
@Another Holocene Human: at any rate, you’re welcome :)
Eric NNy
I’ve got to say, I’ve never enjoyed bigotry quite so much as this train wreck in Indiana. I’d like to thank all of the businesses taking a stand and pass the popcorn. Carry on Governor Pence, keep up the back pedaling.
Good timing, Pence. The Supreme Court will hear the gay marriage case this month and make it legal nationwidw by the end of June. Cruz and the other true believers will make sure that the GOP can’t abandon their religious base.
Everything is coming up rainbows roses.
Must…not..make..offensive joke….So ..hard …to resist….
Google maps has set up a pac man game in honor of the day. Be careful out there today.
@Baud: Ahhh what the hell, I opened the door, didn’t I?
Major Major Major Major
Does Anne Laurie sleep?
@ThresherK: Both my hips and shoulders are going to need to be replaced.
I take Meloxicam. Unfortunately I take 15 other pills each day so who knows what the hell is happening with my body.
@Major Major Major Major: She’s a night owl, but also can schedule posts.
@Baud: I didn’t make it to Amir’s garden yesterday, settled for Walt’s barn.
Still warm there?
@Baud: Been cooler the past few days, but should be warm Thurs-Sat.
ETA: I’m probably less than a mile from Amir’s garden as the crow flies, but the walk is much longer since I have to cross the LA river and a freeway.
Randy P
@Joey Maloney: I’m enough of a nerd to know Larry Niven has a word (in the “Ringworld” universe) for “sex between humanoids of different species”, but not enough of a nerd to remember what the word is.
Anyway, I’d like to start a sect of your church dedicated to that.
And please subscribe me to your newsletter.
@delk: Is that 15 pills of Meloxicam or 15 Rx pills total?
Because my wife takes a number of Rxs for different things, and the interaction chart must look like some five-dimension Rubik’s Cube.
(And the only NSAID she can take is acetaminophen–aka Tylenol–and the liver side effect things are heeded.)
@MattF: nice
Tenar Darell
I don’t remember who recommended the Fresh Air Episode with Kevin Kruse, but thank you, it was very enjoyable. You might like this episode of Virtually Speaking with Matthew Sutton about his book American Apocalypse: A History of Modern Evangelicalism.
I was looking for Balloon Juice, but I seem to have stumbled into PharmChat.
I’ll see your Zoloft and raise you two Zolpidem.
Early heads up on the creepiest movie about the war in Viet Nam ever made, Deathdream, on TCM at 2:15 a.m. Eastern this Sunday.
Chilling, gruesome zombie riff on The Monkey’s Paw story. Made on a limited budget, with a solid cast that elevates it well above schlock level.
Not a great film, but still and all a memorable one.
Major Major Major Major
@Bystander: bupropion, gabapentin, and lorazepam, top that :P
@Bystander: My stack of pills is running low. Can I write an IOU on a stolen scrip pad for this hand?
Hey, is this a real thing?
All I can think of are some Futurama-style self-aware appliances which will, of course, run amok.
@ThresherK: Could be an April Fools thing. BTW, today is Rachel Maddow’s b-day.
Ignore #45. Got my dates mixed up. Deathdream isn’t being shown until later in the month, April 25th to be exact.
@ThresherK: Right. “Uh, no. Despite what it says on that form, I did not order 1.347 tons of Tide detergent.”
Major Major Major Major
@ThresherK: no real Amazon product has documentation that good.
This is not the kind of thing we get over with a snap of the fingers. And what is that they say about depressives? They see reality clearer than most? :)
So do what you need to do and I hope you feel better soon.
Randy P
@ThresherK: Huh. Don’t see a reason it couldn’t be real. But expensive (would be my guess).
I saw a poster on the train a few months ago for a company which was offering emergency pet food delivery. You call them up at 3 am when you suddenly need a bag of kibble and for some outrageous price like $50 they’ll bring you one.
I can’t imagine this is a service that anyone ever needed, unless you’re one of the heads in jars in Futurama and need to get all your stuff ordered this way.
Here’s more about the technology:
Sounds real to me. This is part of the “internet of things” that people have been talking about for years. We have the technology to let our refrigerator get on your home wireless connection and do things. Now let’s think of some reason why you’d want that. I know! We’ll have refrigerator monitor whether you have enough ketchup in your house and always make sure you have 6 bottles in the fridge and another case in the pantry! That can’t possibly go wrong.
It’s a solution looking for a problem.
I am actually more outraged by this story where a woman is going to jail for 20 years for miscarrying her pregnancy, which basically means any woman in Indiana (but likely poor women of color) who has a miscarriage may face a criminal investigation if not a trial and jail. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/indiana-has-now-charged-two-asian-american-women-feticide-n332761 Similar laws have gone into effect across the Red States and our Tea Party Congress would love to nationalize them. I think this is an example of class and elite bias. Most upper class and upper middle class women do not expect the local prosecutor to come after them, or be reported to the authorities by their doctors, if they have miscarriage. The get the presumption since, if they wanted an abortion, they could have gotten one simply by traveling out of state or out of the country. But those moral degenerates, the poor and working class women who had “sexy” time outside of marriage or even within marriage but with financial problems or job loss, they need to feel the wrath of the state to serve as an example to others.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Randy P: Rishathra
@MattF: We recently moved into a new place, and for the first time in my life I have a washer with a computer. All I’ve previously used was some museum pieces with the mechanical knob and two switches, basically the same design since before my birth.
This new washing machine may have a spot for a CAT6 cable, but I’m not plugging it in. Nor am I typing the wifi password within its sight.
That’s how these things get started, and the next thing I know, a sentient appliance knows Judgment Day is coming and wants to hoard its stash.
The boycott hits to Indiana just keep coming. I have read that Pence and the Republicans writing the bill ignored Indiana businesses concerns about bill’s impact on their bottom lines. If true, how incredibly stupid, biting off the hands that feed them. Listening to tv clips of Pence, I kept hearing him take deep breaths between sentences. He is definitely feeling the stress.
Watching Elizabeth Warren being interviewed by Rachel last night, I thought she has very youthful looking skin for a 65 year old, not just in her face but her neck. No wrinkles! She must have inherited great genes.
Is this the same Supreme Court case that will consider the brief filed by KY’s governor, arguing that KY’s ban on gay marriage doesn’t discriminate because it forbids both gay and straight people from marrying people of the same gender?
I just read that remark in one of yesterday’s threads, and it’s the closest I’ve come to throwing my laptop across the room.
No, it’s Christian Sharia in action.
Yeah, I believe there are multiple cases consolidated into one.
@ThresherK: I think that thing from Amazon is real, it was on my Prime page. I’ve automated a bunch of stuff in my cave: lighting, heating, and locks. It really has made things much more convenient and more efficient(energy usage). When I leave the cave it locks things up and dims the lighting, when I return it unlocks and increases the light level, and when I go to sleep it turns off all the lights, locks the door and turns down the thermostat(in the winter).
The defense should be that the fetus decided to commit suicide rather than grow up in Mike Pence’s Indiana.
@Joey Maloney:
All hail!
@Major Major Major Major: Rat poison.
What does it do when you poop?
@Baud: I’ve not wifi enabled the toilet, so nothing. Don’t tempt me.
You should have it play Smooth Jazz whenever you sit down.
Major Major Major Major
@BillinGlendaleCA: the fact that it uses other brand names gives me pause but I still think it’s fake. It might seem feasible to me coming as I do from San Francisco, but there’s just no way self-ordering devices is a good idea for Amazon, and they are good at not making stupid mistakes.
There was this phone in New York that rang every week for decades before somebody figured out it was an obsolete water pump trying to fax that it was out of water. Just a random thing I remembered.
@BillinGlendaleCA: As a late adopter I am not ready for that yet. But our landlords, who were living here last year, have graciously agreed to buying a programmable thermostat that for our use even though they didn’t need it themselves (as retirees). Not a wired / connected, merely a regular programmable.
Strange thing is the place has a supremo refrigerator with separate digital temp controls for the freezer and the fridge sections. As a guy with four or five different thermometers in his kitchen, who has had to repair a fridge in my past, I am now addicted to this feature.
@Randy P:
Having a button to auto-order laundry detergent with pets in the house could be problematic. One of our cats jumped up on our gas stove turning on a burner while we were on vacation. Thankfully, our cat sitter arrived arrived before anything awful happened. We immediately got childproof knob covers for the stove and lock the electric oven controls when we leave for vacay.
@Baud: Oh, we all know how that ends.
I’m still waiting for Three Seashells tech.
@Amir Khalid:
I know that the GOP presidential contenders just wanted certain things to go away so that they could lull the electorate into thinking the GOP has entered the 21st century but gays and browns and all the issues they want to go away are all that their base wants to talk or hear about. It is how they get fired up to give contenders money. The days of the these people shutting up and just letting their betters run things is over. They will no longer just give money and vote but stay silent. They have been emboldened by many elected officials or those wanting to be elected officials and they want their seat at the table. And the GOP as a party knows that they need their money and votes because these people comprise the bulk of what they have left.
This is the natural result of the bargain the GOP made under Regan – though it goes back even longer to Goldwater (who saw the way the wind was blowing then).
I’m leery of stories posted on April 1st but here’s one about an Indiana business proudly proclaiming that they won’t cater gay weddings. http://www.abc57.com/story/28681598/rfra-first-business-to-publicly-deny-same-sex-service
How many people have pizza delivered to their weddings though?
You could just shut off the gas, emptying the line and the stove’s internals while you do it.
In the 1990s I created two churches although I did not do anything to formalize them. The first is the ‘First Reformed Church of the Practicing Heretic’ and the second one is ‘Equal Opportunity Deity Worshiper’. EODW does not have its own holidays but will practice those of other groups which find relevance and a connection to your soul and heart, for example celebrating Diwali because it is another new year, joyous, revolves around light and asks the goddess Lakshmi to grant you prosperity in the new year. Candle light and sweets — what is wrong with that.
Germy Shoemangler
WTTW-TV host Phil Ponce became the center of attention on Tuesday when the audience at a mayoral debate rejected his line of questioning regarding Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” García’s (D) son.
“With respect, a lot of voters might wonder, commissioner, if you can’t keep your own son out of a gang, how can you steer the city away from gangs and violence?” Ponce asked García, drawing enough boos from the crowd that Ponce had to turn around and scold them.
Ponce brought up that García’s son was described as a “gang member” in court documents and accused of attacking an off-duty police officer in 2013 before asking, “Is he still a gang member?”
After García explained that his son is now working in the community and raising a family, incumbent Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) also criticized Ponce.
Surely you jest with that bit of overkill.
Well, minimalism may not be your thing, I suppose — and why should it be?
Unless that’s an April 1st story, I am surprised. I figured NASCAR, with its Southern White fan base, would move all their events to Indiana.
Sneed exclusive: Urban League CEO Andrea Zopp urged to run for Kirk’s seat
Posted: 03/31/2015, 07:05pm | Michael Sneed
Getting Zopped?
Sneed has learned that Urban League President and CEO Andrea Zopp, whose resume reads like a corporate bible, is being urged to run for the U.S. Senate and is mulling it over.
Sneed also hears former White House chief of staff William Daley, the brother and son of former Chicago mayors — and others — have talked to the uber-credentialed Zopp about being a potential candidate against GOP U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk.
“Yes, I have talked to her about it and have enormous respect for her, consider her my friend, and think she would be great in government and politics — but I can’t push anybody — anyone to run,” Daley tells Sneed.
Sneed hears that a cadre of top Dem leaders are very concerned about an absence of persons of color on the Illinois Dem ticket, besides perennial Dem candidate Jesse White, whose latest incarnation is secretary of state.
“A lot of people in the African-American community are still shaking their heads they have no mayoral candidate this time around,” a top Dem party source said. “Barack Obama will not be on the next ticket, which will be the first time since 2004. And Zopp would be an exciting candidate!”
Good Morning, Everyone :)
I don’t know why the republicans wouldn’t want to talk about this issue. They won the war on women and those ever more draconian restrictions on abortion didn’t mean anything last election. I think it will be the same with this issue. Business leaders will decry it and give their money to the club for growth anyway.
@Germy Shoemangler:
this bitchazz here
Germy Shoemangler
@rikyrah: Good morning! The sun is shining here.
Check the link. Statement was released March 31.
Another source for confirmation.
@ThresherK: Yes, it is a real thing. NY1 mentioned it during one of their Wall Street reports this morning. They have a button for a few other items.
Germy Shoemangler
@rikyrah: I think his question relates to something we were complaining about last night, about “journalists” being careerist hacks more interested in impressing and out-doing each other than exploring actual issues.
Here’s Ponce’s tweet about a different interview:
“Will be asking Sen. Durbin and challenger Oberweis questions they’ve not been asked before.. ”
It’s a stupid game of “gotcha” with them, rather than providing information for voters
Driving While Black is very real
Steve Marmel
Chris Rock document himself pulled over by the cops three times in 7 weeks. I can’t even.
http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/03/31/chris-rock-keeps-getting-stopped-cops-taking-photos?cmpid=tp-fb …
Hmm …
@Randy P: They do now offer a one hour delivery service if you live within a certain distance of one of their distribution centers.
Shaun King @ShaunKing
A noose was found early this morning hanging from a tree on the campus of @DukeU.
6:57 AM – 1 Apr 2015
@Germy Shoemangler:
That is incredibly fucked up.
It has now been 30 years since the Sidd Finch article in SI. Where does the time go?
I remember being utterly and completely suckered by it. Bless you, George Plimpton, wherever you are.
Can’t these so called religious freedom laws open the door for the implementation of Sharia law?
Germy Shoemangler
@Lee: Careerist Hack “Journalist” showing off for his colleagues. They’ll all be meeting for drinks later, and dick-size measuring.
Hooisier Hospitality really is just lying there ripe for the taking. Quick vision of Mrs Cleaver in a house dress ripping away the Norman Rockwell plate of Thankgiving Dinner or Sunday Roast from under the nose of someone who has offended her delicate sensibilities. Mr. Cleaver upset because it’s one of his important business contacts. Princess duing a quick consult of the Miss IN Manners for the proper form with which to deliver the IN-RSVP (must be engraved, the INvitation Negated-RSVP, one knows). Kitten could start howling that she just Never, Ever going to get her Brownie Diversity Badge, Mother will try to pawn her off with the sixteenth Purity Badge instead and Bud will come out as Gay. Marvelous Food fight ensues, ending with Kitten sneaking Bud a few classic fork-fulls of Hotdish as he sits under the table with the dog.
The Indiana-wedding ended with the pizza delivery also has distinct possibilities. Both delivered within 45 minutes — that sort of deal.
Thanks, Obama!
If I never see that shark-eyed cement head Mike Pence on TV again I will be grateful.
At least this has torpedoed his hopes at a higher office.
After this debacle he’ll be relegated to the poor-me-liberal-media-gotcha’d-me-rubber-chicken-Buck-A-Book conference speaker circuit.
@Baud: But the trade off is that every restaurant is a Taco Bell.
J R in WV
@delk: I had my right shoulder done last Feb 19th. So far so good, although left shoulder is killing me because I had to stop using Naproxen as it can interfere with healing between the bone and the hardware.
Evidently there is considerable difference between surgeons as to outcomes, so ask several good doctors who they would have do their shoulder. If several recommend one guy, there’s your doctor. My surgeon is part of a Orthopedic group practise, and he does all their shoulders.
PT so far is for mobility. I see the surgeon next Wednesday, and hope to talk about doing the ohter shoulder. Hips good so far, can give up walking if necessary (not, 4/1/joke).
Best of luck with your joints!!
@Randy P:
It’s a solution looking for a non-problem.
I read that headline without my glasses and thought the first church of Cannibals had been established.
@ThresherK: 15 different pills total. sigh
This is my 30th year of HIV infection. Not a lot of us folks around. Medication started 28 years ago, so I predate AZT. Lot’s of folks at the 20 year mark thanks to the various combination therapies.
I have reached the point where not only am I taking medicine to manage HIV, but medicine to manage the long term use of those HIV meds. I have developed AVN , hence the need for replacement joints, and my bone density is that of a 90 year old man (I’m 53) which is why I am in a brace from two fractured vertebrae.
Amir Khalid
I waited and waited and you never showed up. I am disappoint.
@J R in WV: Heh! I have a team: a knee guy, a shoulder guy, and a back guy. All the same practice so they all know what is happening. If one orders a test he checks with the others to see if they want something imaged as well.
I’ve been going through one of those bouts when I just look at my pills and struggle to take them. I dump them on my desk and arrange them in various patterns and just can’t bear to take them. I eventually do, but sometimes it is just a struggle.
I may be able to help with that.
I have tendonitis in both arms, elbow to index finger. In addition, (long story) I self-diagnosed myself with Extensor tendonitis last week, which is inflammation of the tendon that runs along the top of your foot. Since I have been toying with making my own health and beauty products from essential oils, I looked up tendonitis and I had the oils that are supposed to help with that. I mixed some up (Friday? I think it was last Friday) and I’ve been applying the concoction every day, morning and night (several times a day over the weekend) and it feels much better. If you want to email me your address (user name at yahoo.com) I can send you a small vial and you can try it on your wife. Put something in the subject line so I know you aren’t spam.
(Re supplements-take fish oil (double the dose on the bottle), biotin, l-lysine, and collagen in addition to the turmeric.)
ETA: I hope her docs told her to ice it? Ice is your best friend when your tendons are inflamed.
I’m stoked that this whole culture war thing has blown up in the faces of the Rovians. I remember 10-15 years ago when those tools were putting anti-gay-marriage amendments on every state’s ballot that they could, to drive their Taliban out to vote for Shrub and crew.
And now…. not so good, eh?
Couldn’t have happened to a sleazier bunch of assholes.
Thresher: For pain and inflammation, bromelain (enzyme from pineapple) has been touted recently as being better than many pain killers.
It’s also used for swelling, and has been very effective for reducing my ankle swelling.
I wasn’t able to find it locally – even in Austin – as an individual enzyme, but it’s readily available online.
Get the capsules, not the tablets, to avoid sugar.
Reading the reviews for it at Amazon made me realize that people had been using it for benign pain relief for a long time.
I’m not a doctor, but I do watch the ones on tv.
@delk: Your perseverance and courage are admirable. And I’m glad for the advice.
Thanks for “been there” advice, too, from Jane and also imonlylurking.
I have a bulk spices place and a Whole Foods in the next town, so we are situtated to sample things to see what helps. Plus there is always online.
And the doctors are all over the icing for relief, etc.
Another Holocene Human
@Major Major Major Major: plenty of schools have immured servers, as well
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“The First Church of Cannabis Inc. has been approved by Indiana’s secretary of state after the state’s religious freedom legislation became law last week”
Love the ‘Incorporated’ part, finally an honest church.