Ted Cruz, professional comedian:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) poked fun at Hillary Clinton’s use of private email by suggesting she was responsible for the New England Patriots’ under-inflated footballs.
“Let me start by saying — Tom Brady was framed,” the presidential candidate said during a weekend stop in Massachusetts. “Now I’m not willing to pander on much, but on that … Tom Brady was framed.”
“And I will say this: I have it on good authority that Hillary Clinton did it. Why do you think she deleted her emails?” Cruz joked.
What’s even funnier is Clinton leads the guy by 10-15 points in the polls, but hey, deflated balls!
Open thread.
Oh gee, another stupid Ballghazi thread.
(Thanks, Ted Cruz!)
“Hur dur hur, Hitlery deflates lots of balls, nowhutimean??”
Expect the slobbering hordes to pass this joke around like a goat at a gathering of Mickey Kaus impersonators.
Matt McIrvin
Josh Marshall is fretting about Hillary Clinton’s “honest and trustworthy” poll numbers, and suggesting they took a real hit from these attacks:
The question to me is whether the drop is mostly among people who were never inclined to vote for her anyway, or if this is cutting into her base.
They are so afraid of her. I’m no Hillbot, but the fact that they are so afraid of her and her skeery ball deflating skills makes me like her more.
Was this a joke? It doesn’t even make sense and I’m a Pats fan.
Putting aside the suckitude of the policies, are any of these candidates even tolerable let alone likeable?
If I were hiring a sales team for a product or company I wouldn’t hire any of these candidates to represent my brand.
Amir Khalid
As absurd and unbelievable as the story is, I’m sure there are people who will cite it in the months to come as another example of what a monster HRC is.
@geg6: One of the reasons I would like to see her as the Democratic nominee is to hear the Republican say “A man would do it like this.”
Culture of Truth
Conservative humor is the best humor.
Omnes Omnibus
How does this man even rate among possible presidential candidates?
@geg6: I was working with a couple of your online peeps yesterday.
Mustang Bobby
He’s soooo funny.
That’s not “funny-haha” but “funny-sheesh.”
What’s not-so-funny is why Cruz can attract even 10 or 15% total in a poll, let alone come close enough for it to be the differential vs any sane, responsible candidate.
Wait a second: we have a Texan Teahadi rooting for the New England Patriots? Doesn’t that qualify as treason below the Mason-Dixon?
Yes dear, we all can see that high school was your glory years and the locker room your stage of dreams.
In other news, war never changes.
Keith P.
“I just heard that Milli Vanilli was arrested for impersonating a McNugget.”
Not funny, should be 100 to 0 percent. In a sane and decent world, Cruz should not have one single vote.
Ugh. Hil just fills me with the dread of eight more years of of a slowly spiraling status quo.
Seems this needs the traditional Wonkette response of:
So you know who else has deflated balls?
@cahuenga: As opposed to another 8 years of ANY Republican clusterfuck? Thanks but I’ll take Hillary in that case and like it.
open thread… okay.
what’s that they say about karma being a bitch?
Win or Lose, the irony is delicious that a foe of Zimmerman may get off on the same defense Zimmerman wanted to use. and yea know, judge or jury, will have Zimmie’s whole SYG notion in the back of their minds.
Hill or a Republican is our only choice. The things I learn here….
@Matt McIrvin: Marshall notes that the CNN poll tends to underweight Democrats, so the move seems to be among those probably not terribly inclined to support her anyway.
the Conster
I’m no Hillary fan, at all, but Mr. Conster and I both agreed that this next election will involve ZERO qualms about voting (D).
Omnes Omnibus
@cahuenga: So vote for someone else in the fucking primary.
Gin & Tonic
@cahuenga: Well, Lincoln Chafee is due to announce today.
Why are people laughing?
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Is HRC really polling that well against Tom Brady?
“Hey, I’m only pandering a little bit, ha ha ha.” Senator Cruz is showing some uncomfortable self-awareness. And he thinks it’s funny. Ha ha.
Amir Khalid
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I hear Tom Brady hasn’t made any serious effort to put together a campaign organisation.
@Omnes Omnibus: He has a sugar daddy, thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and once closed the government for kicks? Wouldn’t that endear him to you as a candidate?
I kid, I kid.
I think according to the GOP those are excellent qualifications. Which I think is the whole problem, there is absolutely no standards required anymore to be a presidential candidate.
Paul in KY
@cahuenga: As opposed to complete ruination/damnation that we would get from any Repub?
Edit: See Kindness was on top of it.
Days without Inane Hillary Clinton Post at Balloon Juice sign reset to zero.
Previous number: 3.
@Knowbody: Well, except this is a Ted Cruz post.
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: He’s relying on his buds the locker room flunkies to do all the heavy lifting.
And outpolls Obama elsewhere. The pendulum of history swings.
Omnes Omnibus
@Belafon: Dude’s not all that bright. Be kind.
@srv: Most people are not very good at judging art.
The Other Bob
Am I the only one here who thinks HRC could totally blow the general election? I think liberals are way too cocky and HRC is really a shitty campaigner.
How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti and Built Six Homes
Even as the group has publicly celebrated its work, insider accounts detail a string of failures
NPR June 3, 2015
THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF CAMPECHE sprawls up a steep hillside in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince. Goats rustle in trash that goes forever uncollected. Children kick a deflated volleyball in a dusty lot below a wall with a hand-painted logo of the American Red Cross.
In late 2011, the Red Cross launched a multimillion-dollar project to transform the desperately poor area, which was hit hard by the earthquake that struck Haiti the year before. The main focus of the project — called LAMIKA, an acronym in Creole for “A Better Life in My Neighborhood” — was building hundreds of permanent homes.
Today, not one home has been built in Campeche. Many residents live in shacks made of rusty sheet metal, without access to drinkable water, electricity or basic sanitation. When it rains, their homes flood and residents bail out mud and water.
The group has publicly celebrated its work. But in fact, the Red Cross has repeatedly failed on the ground in Haiti. Confidential memos, emails from worried top officers, and accounts of a dozen frustrated and disappointed insiders show the charity has broken promises, squandered donations, and made dubious claims of success.
The Red Cross says it has provided homes to more than 130,000 people. But the actual number of permanent homes the group has built in all of Haiti: six.
@cahuenga: I don’t get this. How is the status quo not better than it was 8 years ago? Or even 30 years ago?
Amir Khalid
From what I know, Ted Cruz likes being an asshole to the Republican Senate caucus. After he crashes out of the 2016 presidential race (and he will, I’m all but sure of it) I don’t foresee him fitting right back in there.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I caught Ted’s JFK impersonation and came to the conclusion that he’s a weird mofo. Not that he isn’t a scary lizard-brained zealot with an apocalyptic agenda, but some part of him is simply feeding off the attention, the laughter and applause. Kinda like Brian Williams or a pre-9/11 John McCain.
10-15 points? That’s pretty sad and pathetic.
@Knowbody: Days without an inane comment from Knowbody reset to zero.
@rikyrah: What’s wrong with 22,000 people living in a house. Geez, some people are never satisfied.
@The Other Bob: Anybody could blow the general election. And Hillary is not the greatest campaigner in the world, but I am seeing a difference between Hil2008 and Hil2016 for the positive.
@The Other Bob: There’s an orange website where a lot of people think that way. You’re also not alone here.
But there are differences between 2008 and now. For one, Penn is not running the campaign. Two, Hillary can learn which is why she’s talking to more people now.
@cahuenga: SCOTUS, enough said.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Yup. Including the voters, the bastards. I believe a combination of ISIS and Ebola got the GOP at least two Senate seats in the last go-round (Colorado, North Carolina and damn near New Hampshire). As the poll posted indicates, and it’s not the first one I’ve seen showing Dumbya in positive territory, the American people have short memories and often lack perspective.
HRC could indeed blow the election. So we should put our faith in….?
Wouldn’t it be more about busting balls, rather than deflating them? If you got inflated balls, and you ain’t playing football, you got a problem.
@The Other Bob:
Blow? I see what you did, there.
I liked the recent New Yorker cover, showing Hilllary outside a locker room door, looking on while the various GOP candidates are in various stages of preening themselves.
This cover nicely inverts the sexism, depicting the men as airheads preparing themselves for the political beauty contest of the primaries. Hillary is a better woman than any of them will ever be.
@The Other Bob:
You are not the only one. You are so not the only one thinking this.
@rikyrah: What they did here in SoCal after the 2007 Cedar fires should have made them a nationwide laughingstock and put them out of business for good.
Instead, the media flat-out buried the story and they’re still stealing to this day.
Eric U.
@lamh36: everyone knows that SYG is not a valid defense if you miss
I really wish there was a way to give blood other than the Red Cross. I’ve become convinced that it’s part of the republican grift machine. Not only that, but they always treat me like crap when I donate
I didn’t realize that Alaska was dealing with a potential government shutdown.
Sarah Palin can see chaos from her window.
@Amir Khalid: yes I am sure his colleagues in the Senate loathe him. I am also sure he will use the hatred of the rest of his colleagues to prove he is the only real conservative™ standing up to the RINOs
Iowa Old Lady
@Brachiator: I went to the link. That’s an impressive list of potentially shut down services. What’s going on in Alaska? I thought they were awash in oil money.
Iowa Old Lady
@Valdivia: He strikes me as a guy who always sees himself as worth more than the situation he’s currently in. So after he’s not elected president, where does he go? Governor of TX maybe?
@Eric U.: Here in the DFW area, there are other places to donate blood.
This is insane. I think I stopped giving to the Red Cross years ago, but this puts them on my official “they need to be stopped” list.
@Iowa Old Lady: Budget showdown. Typical politics.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Iowa Old Lady: I remember reading that the story in TX was that he never expected to beat the establishment candidate (Dewhurst?) in the primary for Senate, but was building up his name and fundraising lists to run for governor.
@The Other Bob: I totally think she will blow it. I really don’t know what to do… I’m mainly praying for a PBO2 to show up, but that seems unlikely at this stage… I may vote for Bernie in the primary. Weirdly, some of my republican-light/apathetic friends like him, while they loath Hillary with the heat of a thousand suns. I don’t know if that means they would vote for him, but if the republican is particularly heinous, they might stay home. Overall I am not nearly as optimistic as most people around here… I’m pretty sure that it will be a big clusterfuck though.
Amir Khalid
@Iowa Old Lady:
The way oil prices have been lately, not so much. Malaysia, an oil exporting country, has been having the same problem.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader:
I only know this: Bill is no Gisele Bündchen.
@The Other Bob:
You are not alone, but expression of doubts about her is not well received so I mostly don’t say anything. I’m not crazy about any of the candidates so I’ll hope for someone better and eventually figure out how I will caucus (if I haven’t moved by then).
Really? Who?
@Amir Khalid: Yeah, the Alaska Permanent Fund is starting to look a lot less permanent.
But even taking this into consideration, Alaska’s budget is a mess.
Iowa Old Lady
IMHO, expecting to be crazy about any of the candidates is unrealistic. It hasn’t happened often in my long voting history. I pick the person with better policies (at the national level, always a D) and hope they’ll be competent and reasonably honest.
Better than the other guy. That’s my standard.
Senator Sylvia Allen Suggests Debate: Mandatory Church Attendance On Sundays
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2060532/senator-sylvia-allen-suggests-debate-mandatory-church-attendance-sundays-video/#PAkofSxw25lukUJ1.99
And the people that beat her in 2008 are now running her campaign.
Iowa Old Lady
@raven: The hell you say.
Tree With Water
Cruz’s “deflated e-mails” reference is right up there in George Castanza “jerk store” territory.
@Matt McIrvin:
The stuff about her email secrecy and potential conflicts of interest between State Dept and Clinton Foundation are hurting her because they confirm what a lot of voters don’t like about her – she’s secretive, isn’t trustworthy and has ethical issues. Issues like Benghazi BS won’t impact her because voters view her as competent and a strong leader.
That’s beyond a lead balloon, that’s a depleted uranium balloon.
That’s only temporary. As soon as the American people realize that Cruz is a completely insane, narcissistic sociopath (aka a real Modern Republican) they will flock to him like he is the returning Messiah himself. Only Ben Carson poses a real threat to Cruz. The voters will have to decide which of the two is the dumber, more insane smart person. Or is it the smarter, more insane dumb person? The only solution may be a Cruz-Carson or Carson-Cruz ticket — the most attractive Republican pairing since Ted Bundy-Charlie Manson (or was is Charlie Manson-Ted Bundy?). One thing is for sure, the Cruz-Carson pairing will have a much higher death toll than the Bundy-Manson combo. Considering unnecessary wars, people thrown off health care and Food Stamps, and a descent into full-blown 3rd World Country status for the US under their inspired Biblical leadership, Cruz-Carson might even top Bush-Cheney.
Germy Shoemangler
Guardian UK: Famous Japanese hot spring closed after string of orgies revealed – Hot spring Fudo no Yu, near Tokyo, was being used by exhibitionists, according to authorities who have now closed it down
Cruz isn’t the only one making stupid jokes:
Because concerns about security and her setting up a private serve to circumvent FOIA requests/transparency are hysterical.
Can you imagine how that would actually happen? That is a be careful what you wish for you just might get it situation right there.
Amir Khalid
@Germy Shoemangler:
@Brachiator: I’ll see your partial gov’t shutdown and raise you furloughed workers.
I’m guessing somewhere, Laffer is laughing at his assholery. If there were a just god, he’d contract Ebola.
Mike in NC
Ted Cruz is the proud owner of a pair of balls the size of raisins. He’s as appealing a candidate as Freddy Krueger.
Hungry Joe
@Tree With Water: Except that “jerk store” was so wildly unfunny that it was hilarious.
Humor is … odd.
@Shakezula: I’m so innocent I didn’t even get the joke until you pointed that out. I have an embarrass.
@askew: Take a fucking chill pill. really.
I’d be in jail for beating his ass for calling the cops on me
June 3, 2015
How far is too far when it comes to disciplining children?
Last month, Antonia Antoinette Folsom, 34, was arrested after being accused of forcing her 13-year-old son to sleep outside of her Augusta, Georgia home on a concrete patio. According to WJBF, the mother of four refused to let the teen into her home on the night of Monday, May 27 because he repeatedly stayed out past curfew. Officers responded to the home around 1:30 p.m. the following Tuesday after the boy called and told them that he had been locked out of the home since 9:15 p.m. that Monday.
The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office says that the teen’s curfew was 9:00 p.m. “but he did not come home on time. When he arrived home the doors were locked and his mother, the subject, would not allow him into the residence even after he knocked multiple times. She came to the door and told him that she was tired of him coming home late and for him to find somewhere else to go. She kept all of the doors as well as windows locked so that he could not get in the residence.”
At some point Monday night, police say that the teen’s older brother snuck outside and “gave him a pillow and blanket without his mother’s permission.” He claims that he “continued to knock on the door with no response and was forced to sleep on the concrete patio in the back yard.”
When deputies arrived at the home Tuesday, the boy’s older brother told them that the teen “had come home late and was locked out of the residence for breaking curfew, and that the subject would not let him in even after he knocked on the door numerous times and spoke to her briefly. He also added that the victim told his mother that he was having trouble breathing and she told him ‘Now you know how I feel’ and refused to allow him in.” Folsom returned from work Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. and told investigators that she had not seen or heard from her son since Monday night. She reportedly told police that she had instructed her son to come inside of the house around 11 p.m., but he ignored her and left.
I’ll vote for Bernie over Hillary, but if Bernie doesn’t end up being the nominee, then I’ll pull the lever, mark the spot for whoever comes out of the D primary process. I’ve seen the poo poo platter of R options and frankly they scare the ever-lovvin crap out of me, especially the sneaky evil sorts like Kasich, who talks and looks sane but is just as beholden to the same sociopathic bastards that run the GOP agenda these days.
Don’t be. If that was the joke Cruz was trying to tell–he failed at it. That would have been a much easier joke to tell.
Wait, isn’t that Dick Nixon?
@Germy Shoemangler:
What else would you ever want to use a hot spring for?
If that really happened it would confirm the Apocalypse.
@Punchy: Now we know what’s the matter with Kansas.
Evidently, they expect some magical wizard to come along and rescue them.
@Brachiator: Obviously, their economic plan is to win the Power Ball jackpot.
Scott S.
@Knowbody: How many times do they have to ban you, schmuckbunny?
The best unintentional comedy I’ve seen today was Rick Santorum telling Pope Francis (MS in chemistry) to “leave science to the scientists”.
1. Bernie Sanders has higher poll numbers than ANY GOP candidate.
2. I am reading The Hunting of the President, it starts in 1989 when Lee Atwater identifies Clinton as a likely 1992 top Democratic candidate. If I were his Democratic equivalent today, I do not even know which one I would want to hamstring.
Tree With Water
@MomSense: Or Cruz could have genuinely stirred the pot with something recklessly vicious, inflammatory, and in keeping with his utter lack of character. Such as, “The examination of Clinton’s secret e-mails makes sense of the last message sent Benghazi that read, “Are you certain you’re under attack by Muslim terrorists?”. Since Mr. Texas had obviously given his lame remark at least some thought, I only wonder why he didn’t.
The only electorally serious GOP candidate close to Clinton is Walker of WI in most polling.
And he is going so far to the right, so blatantly hard to see how he can triangulate later, and doing so with plenty of sound bites. Last couple of days he said women going to pregnancy clinics should get ultrasounds because it is such a cool technology, wowiezowie! Then he criticized media for misquoting him and then repeated the exact same thing.
Now I see he thinks that rape victims only worry about the pregnancy in the first couple of months, then the whole downer mood kind of wears off.
And the 20 week abortion ban bill he is going to sign (or just signed?) does not really have an exception for medical emergencies. It has some language about medical emergencies that is tricky, and puts getting the fetus to birth the doc’s highest priority, even with a medical emergency.
I don’t think the polling means much when some of the candidates and their policy positions are not well known to the public.
Amir Khalid
I checked Pope Francis’ Wikipedia entry:
No mention of a masters degree in chemistry.
Karma is sure busy today…
@lamh36: I can’t wait for the case where two trigger-happy assholes draw down on each other, wound each other, file criminal complaints on each other, and they both site Stand Your Ground. I hope that their heads explode, when they realize what’s happened, and what the other sonofabitch got off on. Then they will probably shoot each other again, on the courthouse steps. Rinse, repeat……
@lamh36: Karma? Or the Kulture of White on White fraternal violence?
@Amir Khalid: Wikipedia article might be incomplete.
From biography in Catholic Herald:
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio: a profile
Catholic Herald,
” He studied and received a master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Buenos Aires, but later decided to become a Jesuit priest and studied at the Jesuit seminary of Villa Devoto. ”
I read other places he studied philosophy and psych as an undergraduate, and taught it later. I don’t see that in the wiki article either.
Edit: and a technical high school education in many countries, especially with European educational systems, is quite a bit more than a US HS degree.
@Matt McIrvin:
The gender gap is interesting. It’s in blue after the polling for Clinton v each Republican. It’s big.
The only candidate who makes it up by “taking” male voters from Clinton is Rand Paul. He has the same huge gender gap, but it matters less because her “male” number goes down against him.
@MomSense: Fuckers did that to us in the Army. Chapel or police call.
Neither is she, when you get right down to it.
Tree With Water
@brantl: That’s what I find so surreal about the idiot states and their irresponsible gun laws. More and more shootings and murders will be their lot in life, until there comes a time when the sane among them will realize they’ve enacted some very stupid laws, and finally repeal them.
Gird your loins guys.
Here’s what gives me a deflated sense of humor, and I think its implications are worth their own thread.
NY Times today: Last Task After Layoff at Disney: Train Foreign Replacements
Regulated immigration strengthens our country. This practice, though, is ridiculous. For all but a very small percentage of highly skilled immigrants, we could find those workers in America. I don’t believe in the “skills shortage” — it’s a compensation shortage, and disloyalty by employers.
Just don’t want to pay the going rate.
The most dangerous one, despite his ridiculously shallow thinking and out there ideas, is Rand Paul. In a conventional election with a billion dollars on each side, the electorate is going to be very polarized. But libertarian leaning states like Colorado and New Hampshire are also the tipping point states more than we’d like them to be, and they might tip towards Paul vs. Clinton.
The hell, you say. Instead of pondering how a barking maroon like her gets elected (i.e., It’s Arizona, Jake) I’ll instead invite y’all to my church, if desert push comes to desert shove. And no expensive training courses like $cientoIogy, either, your offering (collected upon entry) can be either beer or BBQ–your choice. Because that’s how we roll at the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Saab Sedan.
Now then, the Arizona wackaloon was somehow addressing the topic of guns with her mandatory church idea while at the same time Texas is about to make guns legal on their college campuses, despite the direct opposition of their head, who is an Afghanistan combat vet.
Arizona and Texas are hereby invited to go do unspeakable things to themselves.and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: One of the things I noticed about Hillary Clinton even back in 2008 is that you’d greatly underestimate the level of support for her by looking at stuff people say on the Internet. Both the Internet left and the Internet right have a lot of vocal opposition for her, and her supporters seem to be quieter online.
Lately I’ve been wondering how much of that is just explained by gender. The political Internet is relatively male.
@Eric U.: I give blood through the Stanford Blood Center. There are others in my area, too.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: I’m 9-3 synod.
@BR: No. He won’t even make it past the primary. He’s absolutely no threat at all. Besides, even if he did, like Barry Goldwater he’d have some kind of public meltdown. Far from posing a real threat to HRC he is going to expose himself for the kind of loon that middle of the road republicans can’t vote for once they are faced with it.
@Matt McIrvin:
The political blogosphere is representative of nothing but the political blogosphere.
For instance, over at Democratic Underground, which has a much bigger following than BJ, their online poll of members had Bernie Sanders leading Hillary 90-10.
@trollhattan: If the mandatory church thing produces a beer-n-BBQ church, that would be a real contribution to American culture.
But, which BBQ? That debate could lead to devastating religious strife. So,maybe not, but I am willing to risk it, as long as the kerfluffle is a thousand miles away from me.
@Matt McIrvin:
I jjust thought it was interesting. I agree that “the internet” probably undercounts her support.
I was going to call the difference re: Rand Paul where she dips w/ men “the dudebro factor” but it probably needs further study :)
Also? Sensibly and rationally, women hate Chris Christie in that poll.
Tree With Water
@Matt McIrvin: I have to take issue with that. My recollection is that Hillary had ample support throughout greater democratic blogdom in 2008. I say that as one who opposed her nomination that year, and often posted expressions to that effect on various blogs, expressions that with rude consistency were contradicted in rebuttal by swarms of her supporters- every time.
Modeling it a bit after the Unitarians, we’ll have but one guideline, taken from some holy book or other: “Verily, if It be kissed by fire and smoke, it be barbeque. Selah.”
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think all these many years in I’m down to about Synod 9^4.5. But it lives, it lives!
Hungry Joe
@aimai: Your line about Rand Paul — “Far from posing a real threat to HRC he is going to expose himself for the kind of loon that middle of the road republicans can’t vote for once they are faced with it” — rings true, all right. But for which GOP candidate DOESN’T it ring true? They’re all loons, every man jack of them. And Carly, too.
Walker and Rubio rank on the lower end of the loon continuum, but they’re full-on weaselly dopes, and that will count for something. Every time I think about how HRC could blow it, I tell myself that one of these guys will be busy blowing it even worse. I’m even starting to believe that My Man Bernie, the Socialist, could win, were he somehow to snag the nomination.
@Iowa Old Lady: Yes, governor sounds like something he would want given how spectacularly he’s going to crash running for president. Then again I think a lot of these guys will make a career of running for president every 4 years. Though one does not preclude the other necessarily.
@Hungry Joe: Well–its not that I think any of the Republicans are not loons, but their crazy is absolutely in line with the majority of hard right religious voters: creationism, fixation on abortion, overt hatred of the poor and minorities, huge chip on shoulder when it comes to the educated “elites,” climate denialism, warmongering. So those guys can’t appeal to middle of the road republicans who are sick of the crazy. Those people are going to vote for HRC or the Democrat, probably. Those are also mountain west types.
Rand has not gone over well with evangelicals or war mongers (at the moment) because he’s running against the security state and more invasions. But when he lets the mask slip, if he gets that far in the election cycle, he’s going to go full bore militarist and that is going to spook the remaining moderate republicans. So he’s not going to get over on the far right christians and war mongers up until the primary is finished, and when it is he is going to blow his contra and libetarian cred by sucking up to whatever billioniare agrees to fund him.
Barking loons they all may be, Walker and Kasich can probably be groomed into bland, non-threatening types for the duration of a campaign. Worked perfectly for Bush the younger, and it can be done again.
The rest of the lot, I don’t believe can be collared for the required eighteen months.
so why should the typical Alaskan worry?
The most dangerous part of democracy is when people treat elections like popularity contests. That’s asking for disaster.
Remember those “Bush seems like the kind of guy you’d enjoy having a beer with” poll results and pundit ejaculations? And those Al Gore eye-roll obsessions?
Whenever people start talking about the “likeability” of a candidate I know we are well on our way to fucked.
THIS IS NOT A HIGH SCHOOL POPULARITY CONTEST YOU IDIOTS. They’re not running for Prom King or Prom Queen. Fuckin A!
I give zero shits about the likability or unlikability of Clinton or any of the clowns in the clown car. Elections for president are about choosing someone TO EXECUTE THE LAWS. So, you pick someone who you think will most faithfully and competently execute the laws and conduct foreign policy, because that’s their job. Not to have a fucking beer with you or be your friend.
And not to create policy either! As for policy, THAT IS CONGRESS’S JOB. Not the president’s job. So you’d damn well better be working doubletime to make sure you somehow get Congresscritters in place who will pass laws that implement the policy you want and need. Yeah, I prefer Sander’s policy positions to Clinton’s, but they’re both moot with the useless Congress we’ve got right now. I think the most important thing about Sanders’ candidacy is for him to win enough delegates to get his policy positions into the Democratic platform, for everyone up and down ticket to run on and then implement.
I understand now why the Founders set up a federal republic with all those checks and balances, and not a direct democracy. They were terrified of humans succumbing to human nature and turning elections into teenage popularity contests, and they went to great pains to contain the damage that could be caused by that. Of course they could not have forseen our useless corporate media, cable television, and Citizens United.
@raven: I went to Navy boot camp at Great Lakes, IL; no coercion to go to service, just time to catch up on boot-polishing and such. Thence to training at Orlando FL, site of the co-ed boot camp. The recruits there told me they all went to church, not only for the break, but because that’s the only place they could “fraternize” (such as it was) with the opposite sex.
@Hungry Joe: Wasn’t “The Loon Continuum” a cold-war thriller by Ludlum?
Mike G
Conservative ‘humor’:
SomethingSomething HITLERY did SomethingBad! HurHurHur
Cruz is about as funny as Rush Limbaugh, whose ‘jokes’ usually consist of laughing at the misfortunes of the poor and powerless.
Tree With Water
@Hungry Joe: The California republican party has been running the same caliber loons (as today’s presidential candidates) for the past twenty years, and look where it’s got them. Even the people in Kansas will wake up and smell the coffee sooner or later; and when their like minded republican brothers and sisters across the country do likewise, the GOP as a national power will suffer correspondingly.
@Tree With Water: Not sure about that. California voters started deseating GOPers before the party went loony. The trend started when sour sullen bitter old white man bean counting type dudes lost their seats in SF Bay, around Sacramento and in LA. Even in California the loony GOPers in the loony districts kept their seats, particularly crazy House GOPers with a taste for graft and corruption.
The crazies took over the CA GOP after the party started losing seats in state and federal legislative and state executive branch elections.
Now, non-loon GOPers are starting to pop up in some races, like for the upcoming Senate race, but they are not prominent, and don’t seem to have much backing in the GOP.
I think there is something a little different about voters districts that elect the current crazy reactionaries, both in Kansas and California. Not sure what it is.
I guess some women have a problem with the GOP being all up in their uterus
Full metal Wingnut
Reminds me of a Lewis Black joke re Bush. “If you find yourself drawn to a candidate because he seems like the kind of guy you’d like to get a beer with, make sure he still drinks first!”
Death Panel Truck
@The Other Bob: No, you’re not. I’m awaiting the day when she welcomes Mark Penn back into the fold with open arms. We all know how well that worked out in 2008.
Paul in KY
@fuckwit: Right on!!!
Clinton’s doing a voting rights event this week, This is actually something she knows a lot about so let’s hope it’s not overly stage-managed!
OMFG cut her loose, campaign staff. Nothing catastrophic is going to happen. She helped DRAFT the HAVA. She doesn’t need handling.
@Elizabelle: Not only that, but these positions are perfect for abusing the workers, because if you get fired, it’s back home to India for you.
Looks like he he’s trying to copy the John Stewart strategy. (And many others on the left—like Al Franken. Remember Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them?) An acknowledgement of its effectiveness and of the need for conservatives to use more than scare tactics to get out of their rut and attract young whippersnappers. There may be lots of new job opportunities for conservative-bought joke writers and comedy shows. (O’Keefe has got a natural talent of course, but he’s sadly incapable.)
@Elizabelle: One more case (flipping the Duggar story) of being content with an undereducated, underpaid US work force / consumer base, exporting the high-skill work to cheaper locales, and maximizing the [remaining] profit. The corporate sphere just does not grasp that lower salaries translates to fewer workers able to afford the product. The H-1B story is decades old: when it was impacting IBM nobody cried; when it blew through the dot-com the workers got little sympathy; now it’s hitting Disney, and few will notice. It takes affecting someplace where customer dollars, time on a customer service call, or a major data breach or service outage at the outsource, are impacted for anyone to notice – and by then it’s usually too late. I often wonder whether packing up and heading for someplace that provides those high-skill jobs isn’t a good idea: even at the 60-70% salary cut, the standard of living at the equivalent pay rate is equal-or-better and the level of wingnuttery encountered on a daily basis is equal-or-lower (this is the long form of my “Kuala Lumpur looks better every year” comment).
@sparrow: If I’m reading the story correctly, the “back-home-to-India” happens once training is finished regardless of whether the contractors are still on the payroll. The only thing happening on Disney property is the training and handover: once that’s done, the outsource goes live – back at the outsource’s home offices.
And Rand won’t be the nominee, and if lightning strikes all the other candidates and leaves him as their only choice, his rare combination of batshit insanity and pathological flip-floppery will finally be held up for scrutiny beyond saying his batshittery and opportunism merely make him “interesting.” And he’ll lose just as badly to Hillary as any of them, maybe worse.
Well, they’ve already pissed off the media because they are putting them in a holding pen, not allowing any questions and making them use special designated bathrooms. I get not liking the media, but this is just stupid. Half of the media coverage is going to be about her hiding from the media. The actual policy isn’t going to get much coverage.
The Clinton Foundation’s history in Haiti is equally as bad. They collected millions, made tons of promises and have done almost nothing.
I can’t be the only one watching “Veep” who finds it one-third satire, two-thirds documentary. The level of message (mis)management means nothing launches unscripted. Of course, scripts can’t anticipate events and flawed humans.
Yes, it was a very effective slogan to rid him of negatives (oddly enough, even the negative of drunk driving). And it pisses me off that those “Push polls” got labelled polls.