I've read this like 19 times and it still doesn't make sense http://t.co/hhtBorL2gJ pic.twitter.com/wz1InmpQYY
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) June 12, 2015
And you thought your weekend looked unappetizing. From the Time article, “Rich Republican Donors Get VIP Retreat Treatment“:
Call it Club Med for the political mega-donors…
The event offers high-profile and high net-worth individuals the opportunity to gather in picturesque Deer Valley, Utah, and the chance to meet with at least six presidential candidates.
Graham and Rubio will be joined by former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. According to the schedule… only Rubio and Graham will lead “enthusiast sessions” — the early morning extra-curricular events for the approximately 250 attendees.
The conference was born in 2012 as a way for donors to mingle with Romney, the then-presumptive Republican presidential nominee…
… but this year, it’s the official rich-WASP GOP-Establishment “Anybody But That Bumbling Retread JEB” donor symposium. Rubio’s handlers will attempt to burnish his shadow-JFK cred with a dawn game of flag football, Graham will attempt to burnish his macho cred by shooting skeet, Mitt will introduce the rising generation — both his son Tagg and Gilead Handmaid-in-Waiting Kelly Ayotte — to his fellow Wall Street machers during forced marches dawn hikes. And Anne Romney will lead the well-toned wives in Pilates, with the assistance of quasi-journalist and premier Media Village Idiot Mark Halperin. I’m rooting for injuries, or maybe just expecting them (c’mon, Marco playing tackle? Lindsey with a gun? Crazy-Eyes Taggart on a lonely trail with a bunch of jetlagged, hungover hedge fund managers?… )
For the less athletically inclined (or physically capable), Scott “Sockpuppet” Walker will be given a fair chance to assure the assembled moneybags that he’ll show them the same level of care & consideration he’s notorious for providing the Koch brothers, while Fiorina, Christie, and Kasich serve as comic relief / backup pole performers.
Or maybe…
Mitt Romney has two things to tell the other candidates at his retreat:
1. I'm running
2. I poisoned your Eggs Benedict
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) June 12, 2015
I love the way these pampered, wealthy GOP snobs pretend to be “outdoors” people. I’m sure their butlers will be hiking with them to carry their iPhone and Coach fanny packs. Pathetic. And they think they are the authentic Americans. I just cringe at these out-of-touch aristocrats pretending to be normal folk.
I could see Mitt II happen under the following circumstances: Jebbie uses his apparently not quite $100M stash of PAC money to bath his declared opponents in liquid manure during the summer/fall but just doesn’t take as a candidate himself.
In addition, the SC guts ACA in non-exchange states and against the GOP’s expectations the ‘blame Obama’ strategy doesn’t work.
By the end of the year every ‘electable’ elephant candidate running is thoroughly soiled and panic breaks out in GOP establishment circles.
Mitt offers to ‘sacrifice’ himself as an emergency candidate and as reeks the least gets crowned for run II.
Any feasibility to this from the pov of registration time lines for the primaries?
You’d have to pay me a lot of money to engage in any kind of exercise with Mark Halperin unless it was to exercise my insulting skills, on him. Then I’d be happy to do that for hours on end, free of charge.
“Sunrise Pilates with Ann Romney and Mark Halperin” – this is from The Onion, right ?
No, it isn’t, I went to the Time Magazine link, and there it is.
I’m sitting in a TGV station in the south of France, about to begin the long trek back to California. But no matter how wretched the prospect of twelve hours on an airplane is, it is good to know, that, during those twelve hours, there will actually be a worse place, which Deer Valley, Utah with this bunch of entitled snots.
Words fail me:
Bounty hunter kills country singer Randy Howard in Tennessee gunfight
Iowa police officer kills unarmed man who ‘walked with purpose’
Imagine Chris Christie doing Pilates with Ann and Mark.
Mustang Bobby
@JPL: Yeah, thanks for that image.
If the gathering were a democratic event, Fox News would have a hissy fit.
@JPL: I’d rather not.
Why is somebody who claims to be a journalist leading activities at a Republican fundraiser? Why would anybody even want him there? I understand wanting face time with a candidate, but why is the hired help being treated like he matters?
@JPL: Yeah… I’ll pass.
More ‘words fail me’: Police foil $100,000 criminal ‘mastermind’ Lego shoplifters
Another Holocene Human
@Zinsky: One of their favorite gimmicks is to eat vernacular food (but not too vernacular, not trailer trash food) at their fundraisers. And yeah, I think it’s to borrow authenticity.
They want that aura of blue collar authenticity without getting their hands dirty…
Another Holocene Human
@OzarkHillbilly: Was the wild west this wild?
Another Holocene Human
@JPL: I’m imagining the pissing match between Christie and Ann Romney, since he fancies himself an athlete and she fancies herself a Duchess.
I’m picturing Christie at Ann’s Pilates event. In the best version I can fantasize, Halperin ends up drawn and quartered on one of those instruments of Pilates torture.
Yesterday, we started thinking about a trip from Paris to Strasbourg, down through Alsace to Colmar then into Franche-Comte, to Lyons and back to Paris. So I looked up hotels in Besancon and in the (Jura?) countryside. Guess what? Today every inset ad on every website on my iPad is touting hotel prices in Besancon, of all places. What a coincidence!
Dear God tell me this is the onion. If not, this must be the culmination of a nefarious RW plot to destroy satire. Ann Romney and Mark Halperin are going to co lead a Pilates class?
Mark Halperin doing a Richard Simmons impression…I am rapidly losing the will to live due to the images this post engenders.
On the other hand, I saw the first fireflies last night. Summer has begun, never mind the date of the solstice.
Willard is waiting for Jeb to flame out.
Did they say when the foie-gras eating contest with Christie starts? (no hot dogs for this crowd.)
@nanute: And to think, a President of the United States once served hot dogs to the King and Queen of England.
What the hell is Pilates?
It’s what rich people call pole dancing.
@Baud: I saw some of that pole dancing a few weeks ago. I don’t think Ann and Mark will do as well as Lana Violet.
And Mark Halperin will be on “Morning Joe” and Bloomberg giving “objective” reports about the President and Hilary Clinton the next 18 months.
So when is Mark Halperin’s week-long, Stephanopoulos-style apology tour going to happen?
Yeah; I’m just kidding. I know it’s far more likely that the next time Stephanopoulos says something newsworthy, Halperin’s will be among the first to wring his hands on TV about how terribly compromised Stephanopoulos is.
I guess I’ll note that the ‘hot air’ balloon doesn’t need a designated host. Also, yikes + wtf + not the onion.
In terms of the amount of money they’ll earn, they’ll do better.
Here is the a Wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilates
@Gene108: No way Christie does that pose… Although he does have a lot of support in the middle.
@Baud: I wouldn’t be too sure about that. There was quite a bit of cash on those stages.
@Baud: I left some myself and took a lot of pictures.
Just to add that no one should ever forget Alex Pareene’s definitive description of Mark Halperin: He’s worse than a mere horse-race reporter; he’s a TERRIBLE horse-race reporter.
Okay, I think my fridge died. Is it easier to get a new one or get this repaired? It *is* about 18-20 years old.
@PaulW: Get a new one, there’s quite a bit of energy savings.
ETA: Just bought a new freezer, almost half the energy usage as the old one.
Amir Khalid
Get a new one. Quite aside from the issue of difficulties/expense with repairing the old fridge, the energy savings from the much more efficient new one will make it worthwhile.
@PaulW: Get a new one.
The Outlaw Jersey Whale standing over him with a knife, fork and bottle of A-1…
“Outlaw Country!! WOOOOOOOO!!!”
– Cherlene Tunt
I don’t think so. I think Republicans gave him some weird, unearned “elder statesman” role as a kind of consolation prize.
It’s like he’s… half a former President. Maybe it goes back to their belief that elections are invalid unless they win. Just taking that to the next logical level.
@Botsplainer: Okay that is just more that I care to imagine.
Amir Khalid
Mitt’s a piss-poor choice for elder statesman. Unless the Republican party’s criterion is that elder statesman should resemble Herman Munster with money.
Thinking of the photos I’ve seen of rich GOP donors. I’d love to see them working on their Pilates in the morning.
Germy Shoemangler
Wasn’t Halperin suspended for calling Obama a d**k? Or was that a different villager?
I was surprised to read that Bollinger’s white. This incident reminded me of the African American who was stopped by Detroit cops because people saw him walking with his hands in his pockets.
@Amir Khalid: Mitt reminds me of Thurston and Ann is the perfect Lovey.
No offense to animal lovers on the blog is intended.
I don’t think Mitt is doing the elder statesman thing. Hanging around with all those dopey hedge fund managers has got to be the most boring thing in the world, and Mitt has enough money not to need those people for anything.
And I don’t even think he’s doing the “groom the son” thing. Mitt is self-centered and selfish enough, and has enough daddy issues of his own, that I don’t think he’d be all that happy to have a son succeed some day where he failed.
He wouldn’t do any of this work unless their was benefit to him. I think he’s running.
Germy Shoemangler
Ann Romney horses are a tax write-off because they make her feel good.
Can I declare my cat?
In addition to the energy savings, your city might pay you to give them your old fridge. My town will come and cart it away and give you $50.
Amir Khalid
They were full of rich-people airs, the Howells, but they were never mean-spirited like Mitt and Ann.
Germy Shoemangler
A battle between Jeb & Mitt could turn ugly.
@debbie: Yeah, just a reminder that it happens to white people too, tho not at anything near the rate it happens to folks of color.
@Germy Shoemangler: Yup, that was Halperin.
Germy Shoemangler
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’m sure all the villagers have said it, but Halperin was caught on mic.
low-tech cyclist
@Princess: I won’t say he’s running, but I bet he’s at least seriously reconsidering his decision to not run.
I think your logic is good, though. As elder statesman, I could see him putting together an event like this and giving the participants the benefit of his elder-statesman wisdom in his opening and concluding remarks. But he and Ann are putting themselves out a bit too much here for that.
I’m sure that by now, he thinks he can easily supplant Jeb, though he’d probably give Jeb a bit more time to demonstrate his feet of clay and do his own chances in before jumping into the race.
My thought is that this gives him a chance to see both Walker and Rubio up close and personal, and get a gut feeling of how easy or hard they’d be to dispatch.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Had to be more to it than that. Calling people a dick is what they do.
Germy Shoemangler
If Mitt runs again I hope he has the foresight to compose a concession speech this time, so as not to hold things up.
@OzarkHillbilly: In the village, calling the President a D*ck is OK, you just DO NOT do it on live TV.
Still more words fail me: Greg Gianforte, aspiring Republican governor of Montana,
Speaking at the Montana Bible College in February, Gianforte told students, “There’s nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it’s been an accepted concept in our culture today. Nowhere does it say, ‘Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach.’ It doesn’t say that anywhere.”
“The example I think of is Noah,” Gianforte continued. “How old was Noah when he built the Ark? 600. He wasn’t like, cashing Social Security checks. He wasn’t hanging out; he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical.”
It’s even worse than it sounds.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Live TV is different from print?
@Amir Khalid:
I don’t know: he’s smart and he has actual policy accomplishments and ideas. I agree that he was a horrible candidate but as an elder statesman they could do worse. I can’t think of another possibility, actually.
It’s a funny situation because George W Bush would fill that role, but he can’t. They can’t just rely on completely corrupt, fake-smart Newt Gingrich for all eternity.
As usual with Mitt Romney it comes down to “who else?”, just like it did in 2012.
Mitt has now seen all the wannabe candidates flame out and all the things that led him to keep running in the past are still there. Also, wealthy donors are his natural constituency. Also, this is his last chance. Graham will be his VP choice.
When’s the seminar to teach people how to transport dogs on top of vehicles?
@JPL: So, help me here. Bleach doesn’t seem strong enough to scrub that image out of my brain. What would you suggest?
Betty Cracker
Good news on the dog front: My suddenly fat and lethargic boxer girl has hypothyroidism as we suspected and is now on meds that should take care of that. I’m not glad that she has a lifelong medical condition, but I am relieved it’s not something worse, which was my fear. The vet is optimistic that she’ll respond quickly to the meds to regain her energy and drop the poundage in due time. Maybe she can join Anne and Mark for pilates to kickstart her weight loss plan.
I thought that Halperin was doing the Reach Around seminar?
@Betty Cracker: There it is!
@Emma: I know a good surgeon.
Germy Shoemangler
@Betty Cracker: Thank you for the update. Good news.
She’ll be a happier and friskier girl.
@Kay: That’s a great point – owing to the impossibility of W serving as former president/statesman, Romney covers that role for the GOP. I’m sure he is (mentally) just waiting in the wings for Jeb to not catch fire and all the other clowns clown it up so that he can be begged & pleaded with to step in and save the GOP.
@PsiFighter37: I’d throw lawn darts at Halperin. Neat to see him get the point at least once in his career.
@Germy Shoemangler: Compared to what? Barbara Bush is a formidable adversary, but Jeb!?
Only in the GOP can a loser be a leader.
Germy Shoemangler
If you fight one Bush, you fight the whole family. It’s the Hell’s Angels mentality with them.
romney aint runnin
that’s some major league griftage going on tho
Comrade Dread
Huh. They left out the “Hunt the most dangerous game of all… with Dick Cheney” activity.
@JPL: Mitt reminds me of Thurston and Ann is the perfect Lovey.
I don’t see it. Deep down I always thought the Howells were caricatures, playing millionaires who played at being millionaires. But basically they were decent people. The Romneys seem like elitists who truly look down on the little people because they just don’t matter. If they were stuck on island with five other normal people they would just tell them that they would give them a few million bucks to be their servants. The Romenys don’t seem like decent people at all.
In the good news category, a therapy dog was allowed in the courtroom with an adult, in New York. They have allowed children to have them before. NYTimes link.
Germy Shoemangler
What we’ll need at this event is a bartender or waiter with some professional-grade recording equipment.
I bet they’ll be frisking the help. Anyone caught with a recording device gets a one-way ride on the hot air balloon.
Roger Moore
If it’s that old, you should get a new one. The newer models are much more energy efficient than the older ones, so you’ll wind up saving a lot of money on power.
Amir Khalid
Four of the tourists who stripped off on Mount Kinabalu not long before the earthquake have been sentenced to three days time served and fined 5,000 ringgit each for public indecency. They’re going home ASAP. Police are still looking for six others in the same group, who may or may not have already left the country.
@Another Holocene Human: Is that why Lindsay Graham wore latex gloves to eat ‘finger’ food at some event recently? Wants to seem ‘working class’ but can’t really go all the way to eating with his fingers.
@Germy Shoemangler: I imagine they will be searched, but it is a good idea.
Maybe a drone can capture some pictures.
Roger Moore
Isn’t that what Dick Cheney is for?
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: From what I’ve read, the “ringleader”, a guy from Canada named Emil Kaminski, sounds like a real piece of work.
Gin & Tonic
@PurpleGirl: Wasn’t that Scott Walker, eating ribs or something? Although I could totally see Graham doing the same thing.
Pilates with Ann Romney for mega-doners shows us how far Sarah Palin has fallen. My niece in Anchorage reports that Palin often shows up at her yoga class on Sunday mornings. So the niece gets yoga with an actual failed candidate for no extra charge while the mega-doners have to pay and pay to get Pilates with a failed candidate’s spouse.
Maybe they are. They have the money and leisure to do whatever they want.
@Gin & Tonic: I really couldn’t tell who it was but the picture seemed to be the portion of the post about Graham. Either way, I thought it was crazy to eat finger food with latex gloves.
I usually agree with you. But, Willard is egotistical enough – he was going to run until the Bush Crime Family told him to go somewhere and sit down, which had to be hard for a Master of the Universe like Willard.
PLus, never forget the Prophecy…he really believes that mess.
Query what the minimum ante is for a potential donor to get themselves invited into this event at posh Deer Valley – and which ultra-posh resort hotel they’re hanging at – my guess is the St. Regis, which is like a giant stone castle on a hillside (and the elevator up to get into the hotel from the parking lot is more like a cross between a ski gondola and a funicular railroad).
@Emily68: Wait… yoga on a Sunday morning? Shouldn’t Palin be in church, like all day on a Sunday?
Family in Judaea. Husband was Prefect. His First Lady, Procula, was an avid proponent of physical fitness.
Where in the south of France?
@Punchy: not to contradict our learned friend @Baud but Pilates is really more like a combination of Yoga and basic ballet workout. A lot of it happens on a mat so I don’t think it can be likened to poledancing at all
/workout pedant
@PurpleGirl: excellent point. Why wasn’t she at Church?
Roger Moore
Anyone sensible would be using nitrile gloves anyway.
I knew he was white, because I hadn’t read about it on Twitter.
Cops shoot (and tase and beat) white people on a fairly regular basis.
Complete with mustard.
Get a new one. It will then break in less than 5 years, guaranteed.
Are you thinking of Scott Walker wearing gloves to eat ribs?
Can you elaborate? (Thanks.)
LMAO! The first time I saw the word “Pilates,” I pronounced it exactly like ole Pontius’ last name and got some strange looks.
I thought their usual cardio-vascular workout was synchronized full-throat mockery of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program.
And now they’re sneaking out with ballet yoga on the down-dog-low?
Good Lord, yes. Gotta feed the Rugged Individualist myth, doncha know. (Like Sarah Palin’s wolf hunting, which IIRC had a few real hunters going “that’s not how you hold a rifle… that’s not how you skin a wolf… OH GOD PLEASE JUST FUCKING STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF!”
@Another Holocene Human:
Do they ever eat ribs at these fundraisers?
Pilates himself called it “contrology,” which may explain why everyone else calls it Pilates.
Hot air balloon ride? The jokes write themselves.
i notice though that they don’t say who you’ll be trapped with on that excursion
@Betty Cracker: No matter what I fed her, or how much, one of my cocker spaniels was huge. And she had terrible skin. I finally suggested to the vet that it might be a thyroid problem, so she put her on meds and the pounds just fell off.
She was like a puppy again with a new lease on life. My crystal ball predicts similar results for your girl.
Has anyone gotten a good look at Scott Walker’s hair? I saw him during an interview yesterday and he has some major male pattern baldness going on with additional receding hairline. I couldn’t see it very well because they only filmed him from his good side, but it looked like some type of comb over. The hair also looked very dry like when you use a cheap dye job. He will not photograph well on the campaign trail unless he is very careful. He would do better to buzz it all and be natural. Maybe I am just prejudiced, but he does not look like presidential material at all.
Texas regulates its lemonade stands more closely than its fertilizer plants: never know when those dangerous dangerous little girls might get up to or let fall down and go boom.
He is also a creationist and anti-LGBT rights, surprise, surprise.
According to wiki, he started a business in his basement which turned into a multi-million dollar company. He’s obviously not worried about his retirement. He probably believes that everybody can do what he did if they would just get off their sorry asses and take responsibility for their own economic situations.
maybe all of the guys in the bottom four events are in the hot air balloon. Then Lindsey takes Dick Cheney along shooting, and he takes a shot at a clay and misses wildly…
sounds like something l. ron hubbard scribbled on the back of a cocktail napkin back in the 50’s.
Mike G
If this happened in California or Massachussetts, John Stossel would have a spittle-flecked rant in heavy rotation on Fox.
Mike in NC
Rmoney will run again, bank on it. He’ll probably jump in around July or August 2016 when JEB! starts to crater.
@PaulW: When you say “died”, are you at all handy? I am, but didn’t know that extended to “I can fix a fridge” until I had to. Plenty of online resources and advice from Sears, which may be about the only unique advantage they have nowadays.
And, what’s not working on it?
That said, I’m with the others: It’s probably not worth the $ to have someone else’s labor put into an 18-y.o. device. And also the energy savings of a new one will be noticed, especially since you’re in Florida.
That was actually Scott Walker wearing the latex gloves while eating barbeque.
@Gin & Tonic:
I thought this too, but am now convinced it was Roger Ailes, Murdoch, and Fox that did it. If it was the Bush crime family, they have since collapsed into incompetence ( not impossible, but unlikely).
@Mike in NC: Given that the GOP convention is set for June, 2016. July-August, 2016 may be a little late to start. I do agree that Romney still wants it and hopes they ALL crater. But that is very unlikely. Not impossible, though.
@AxelFoley: I should have figured this out sooner: Guaranteed victory for the first R who shows up wearing a cap with this cannibalizing pig on it.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
It can be one hell of a workout if they put you on the reformer. After my first one, it hurt to breathe for three days because all of the muscles around my ribcage ached so much.
But given that MS patient Ann Romney is in the class, I’m suspecting it won’t be a very tough workout.
Mike in NC
If Chris Christie poses like Vlad, bare chested on horseback, please don’t provide a link.
@ThresherK: I think Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary has an entry for pigs which says it is an omnivore, but unlike humans, it balks at pork.
OTOH When humans are on the menu they are listed as ‘long pig’.
Except Joseph Pilates developed the technique using machines as a way to treat returning WWI vets when there were not enough therapists.
Using a mat is a recent change to the technique and not the program Pilates created.
@MomSense: Very true. Also The Reformer is one cool machine. I just wanted to make sure we got away of discussing Pilates as poldancing.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): yes it’s probably the most targeted workout I have ever experienced. My legs were like noodles after it.
@catclub: Okay, so not that. But if my interest in century-old poster art has taught me anything, it’s that a pig will serve itself to me!
ETA: From Stephen Granade, “Choosing A BBQ Restaurant”, via TVTropes.
@ThresherK: and THAT reminds me of the cow which asked Arthur Dent which part of the Cow that Arthur would like to eat, in the Restaurant at the end of the Universe!
Cheers! Bon Appetit!
This is the kind of stuff I’m talking about:
We already had trade assistance. They’re now claiming restoring the trade assistance we already had is a benefit of the trade deal and voting “no” on the trade deal is denying trade assistance, the trade assistance people already had but lost in 2014 when they didn’t reauthorize it.
In a way it doesn’t matter because trade assistance is just a way for Democrats to act as if they’re responding to the disruption caused by trade deals, it’s a tiny amount of money in the scheme of things, but can they not even get THAT? They have to double count?
@SenyorDave: the Romnamovs
@Cervantes: washed his hands in public a lot. was otherwise a proponent of torture and an agent of imperialism, so he’d fit in with the R crowd.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The pilates thing with Ann Romney and Mark Halperin…. I think this is when the young people say “I can’t even”
I often thought during the Bush years that if you were writing a dark comedy about American politics and war, you couldn’t keep up with the reality of Bush/Cheney. This is less dark, but just as much reality surpassing satire
” while Fiorina, Christie, and Kasich serve as comic relief / backup pole performers. ”
The parallelism in that last sentence, and Fiorina’s recent history, both suggest that she will be doing the comic relief, and Christie and Kasich will be pole dancing. Ughh. Is AL sure about that?
@PurpleGirl: That’s what the niece’s husband was wondering.
Dang, I was hoping for Mark Sanford.
Tree With Water
@Chris: I find photos of the pre-WW2 British ruling class fascinating to peruse. Photos of Churchill, Halifax, Baldwin, and Chamberlain, et.al. hobnobbing in their bird hunting gear, or atop horses before a fox hunting romp, or sitting in a drawing room sipping brandy and smoking cigars in dinner jackets. Their forebears had honed that act for centuries, and they had it down.
This weekend’s gathering swineherd in Utah are low rent, cheezy, American aristocratic wannabes, cut from the same cloth as the southern ante-bellum slave holding class- an embarrassment to every man, woman, and child in America.