I can’t see that we’ve done an Artists in our Midst thread, or a job thread, for quite a while. Then again, I may just be too drunk to find them.
Anyway, lets combine the two and have a free thread for Juicers – artists, Etsyists, writers, job seekers, freelancers, businesses seeking workers, community groups seeking assistance, whatever, lurkers more than welcome – to give themselves a plug.
[Image – Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) The Pottery Vendor]
Major Major Major Major
Read my web serial!
Alternatively, if you need any data mining or data modeling or pretty much anything that starts with ‘data’ (or a website), I can do that too.
Relative by marriage has a tech start up called Eighty Percent Solutions that has good VC funding. They’re hiring for several positions and have been underwhelmed by the responses thus far. This is Durham, NC based, I don’t know of telecommuting is an option or not but look into them if you’ve got skillz.
Jack Canuck
Well, for once I hit one of these threads before it’s dead! I’m not trying to do any of my art “professionally” (i.e. for money) at the moment, but I do have what I think is some very good photography up on flickr. Haven’t had too much time for fresh work for a while, but there is a bit from the last year or two.
Musically, I’ve got stuff up on Soundcloud if anyone cares to have a listen. I’ve only just been getting back to music lately, working on some stuff at home and thinking maybe it’s time to try to play live and maybe even get a band together for the first time in a looong time.
ETA: Okay, so the links aren’t where I thought I’d put them, but they’re there. I’ll take that as a win this morning.
No arts, but I’m pretty good in the warm hugs department!
Iowa Old Lady
The e-book for my YA fantasy is up for pre-order on various e-retailers including Amazon:
Release is Sept 12. The paperback should be out shortly after that. My small-press publisher staggers the release that way because they make more money on the e-book.
@Major Major Major Major: They call em Dorado’s out west.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: Thank you. Small press publishing has turned out to be much more of an adventure than I anticipated. But I do love the cover they gave me. And someone wrote a nice blurb.
Seing as that I am out of scotch right now, I am soooooo jealous of you.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I would love to be able to be an author.
@Iowa Old Lady: Congrats on the book. I see that the amazon listing says 195 pages. About how many words did that work out to for you?
Major Major Major Major
@raven: Or dolphin fish. You think I haven’t researched the crap out of fish? :P
@Iowa Old Lady: Hey congrats! My friend’s new boyfriend is named Cade. Is there a sample section I could read?
(Don’t make me go to the library ;)
ETA: I did really like the cover.
Iowa Old Lady
@Jack Canuck: The photos are very evocative. I like them a lot.
@Baud: Writing is deeply satisfying.
Then write. You may never get ‘Jackie Collins’ good, but you’ll get better with practice.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: An author is just somebody who writes.
Write. Share it if you’d like. I can fire off some story prompts if you want.
@Iowa Old Lady: It’s not available for NOOK… pfft
at least I couldn’t find it
Iowa Old Lady
@mtiffany: It’s about 56.5K, which is fine for a younger audience.
@Major Major Major Major: I think that because the book isn’t released yet, there’s no sample. I’m guessing here because this is the first novel I’ve published. My website has a free short story with the same characters, so you can see if it’s your cup of tea. It’s here:
Ha! You say that like it’s not the most head-snackingly difficult thing in the world to do.
I’ll stick to blog comments.
@Iowa Old Lady:
@Major Major Major Major: Mahi.
Jon Gallagher
Not traditional authorship, but O’Reilly Media and Infinite Skills have just released my video course on using Amazon Web Service’s (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920040415.do)
Maybe there are few network administration folks amongst the Juicers!
I know I mostly lurk around this place anymore, but I’ll jump in here anyway :-)
Please read my blog! I like it, and other people seem to like it, but it sure would be nice to have more readers.
I also think I do pretty good freelance work. I’ve been writing about foreign policy and the Middle East, but I’m more versatile than that. What I also am is congenitally incapable of chasing new work, so if you fine folks know anybody looking for writers, please let me know (fasteddie9318 at gmail).
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
My novel is off on my editor’s desk for what I hope is the second to last set of edits for Part I, and a developmental edit for Part II. That’s necessitated because Part II needed a much more extensive set of re-writes than Part I did, but when I sent it to her by itself, she struggled to work on it by itself, given that it had been about nine months since the previous round of edits. I’m still hoping to have it published by the end of the year.
@Major Major Major Major: Baud could write a book about sharing.
Iowa Old Lady
@JPL: It’s not? I’m surprised because it’s on Smashwords, which pushes stuff out to various online retailers including B&N. Maybe it just hasn’t gotten there yet?
@Iowa Old Lady: Congratulations! I do like the way the blurb begins:
It evokes myths and fairy tales, my favorite reading as a kid.
Patricia Kayden
@Iowa Old Lady: Congrats!! Looks like a great book. Hope it sells well.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: That’s mahi-mahi-mahi-mahi.
That you? Nice catch. They tend to swim in pairs.
@Iowa Old Lady: Thanks, I’ll give it a peek.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Kickstarter go through then?
Major Major Major Major
@Iowa Old Lady: If we’re talking ebooks there’s like three main formats and they’re all mutually incomprehensible and Amazon only sells one of them. So formatting could be part of the delay.
Last time I posted to one of these threads, I was bragging about my Regency romance, A Feather To Fly With. Since then, I’ve published two more Regencies, a novella, Regency Road Trip, and a novel, The World’s a Stage. Soon (next month, I hope), I’ll be publishing a new Regency. You can find my books on my Amazon author page:
Joyce Harmon’s page
@Major Major Major Major: Yea, Hatteras. I actually got decent video of one jumping when she hit. I wish I had video of the yellowfin!
Iowa Old Lady
@rikyrah: @Patricia Kayden: @RSA: Thank you. I hope it sells well enough to earn back what it cost my publisher. And I hope it finds some people who love it.
I’m lucky enough that there’ll be food on the table no matter what. And I still get to write because the words don’t run out.
@Baud: I agree.
Big ole hound
@Jack Canuck:You posted some very nice photos, I like your black and white stuff with all the textures. Color is what we see but good grays are terrific for the senses.
Obviously, that should be head-smackingly. I’m no zombie.
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: Yeah, but sometimes it eats your head out from the inside too. It’s hard.
Check out my friend’s excellent blog, The Political Omnivore.
Smiling Mortician
I mentioned here about a year ago that I was working on revisions for a college-writing book that was forthcoming. A couple of the college-English-teacher types who hang out here asked for an update, and I’m happy finally to have one. The book is coming out in December from Bedford/St. Martins (MacMillan Higher Ed). It’s modestly (!) titled Everything You Need to Know About College Writing. The about page is here, if anyone’s interested.
Also, I’m looking for some freelance copyediting/progressing gigs.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I need a good editor for my comments!
@Jack Canuck: Nice work. I stayed near the opera house in Aug,1969 during the moon landing.
In the words of St. Ronnie, “Trust but Verify”.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: This one time we were out fishing with the family in uh, one of the rich white people parts of Mexico. And we hooked a Mahi (well, Dorado there :P) and almost got its partner too. And the captain is like “good news and bad news. good news, we’re ready to bring it into the boat, bad news the gaffe is broken. so somebody just grab this towel and we can fling it into you as you wrestle it to the deck.”
and every guy in my family was like fuuuuuck no so my mom was like “fine, i’ll do it.”
she still has the scars. what a woman.
Richard Fox
As a long time lurker, I would be honored to have the balloon juice commentariat view my paintings. You all give me much knowledge and joy, especially when critters are involved,
and giving some back would be a good thing. I do watercolors and oils, and have been updating my website for easier viewing pleasure. :-) –The web link is http://www.paintaglobe.com. Cheers. –Richard
@Richard Fox:
Holy cow, you’re good.
Seattle area folks…producing a steampunk play this August.
Also producing a Chinese immigrant play.
See one. See both.
And tear down that wall!
Major Major Major Major
@raven: Another my mom fishing story:
She’s pregnant with me down somewhere in the Caribbean and is talking to a fishing guide.
Her: “I’d like to catch a bonefish on a fly rod.”
Him: “Ha! I only heard of one person who did that and his name was Ted Williams!”
Her: “Who’s Ted Williams?”
Guess what she caught.
Major Major Major Major
@Richard Fox: I really like “Reflection of a Cloud.” What’s your medium?
Writing isn’t difficult.
Writing well? That’s the hard part.
It takes practice to get good. Or so I’m told. If I ever get there I’ll tell you how much it took me.
I’m taking digital commissions. All proceeds go to helping my wife battle cancer.
Germy Shoemangler
I’ve found this blog to be a valuable resource for writers. There are so many scam artists out there who prey on authors. This blog fights back.
Shining a bright light into the dark corners of the shadow-world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls. Also providing advice for writers, industry news and commentary, and a focus on the weird and wacky things that happen at the fringes of the publishing world.
Richard Fox
@Baud: I am pleased you like my work! Thank you. I’m trying to get exposure.. Shocking for a painter
, I know. :-)
Major Major Major Major
@larimegimp: I’d do $20 for a line drawing of a character from my serial. Can those be upgraded later if I like it or does that have to be part of the consideration when you start?
Germy Shoemangler
“The freelance writer is a man who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps.”
– Robert Benchley, 1928
Major Major Major Major
@Germy Shoemangler: That’s a great resource, thanks for linking it.
@Richard Fox:
Have you thought about posting a link on a real blog?
Richard Fox
@Major Major Major Major: thank you. That is an oil painting. I alternate between oil and watercolor depending on my mood, if I wish to lug my equipment around with my watercolor kit etc. or work closer to home on larger oils.
@Baud: I don’t think he really was a Republican, they all want to build a wall now.
Iowa Old Lady
@Richard Fox: Those are beautiful. I love watercolors.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: Baud don’t share.
All y’all’s talent is making me self-conscious and depressed again.
@Major Major Major Major: I think we just horsed them into the live well, I’ll have to check the vid. I’ve camped on the Sea of Cortez about 30 miles north of Guaymas where you have to be totally self-contained. Water, food, the whole enchilada. The fishing on the rocks there is awesome but can be dangerous. No pelagics though.
Germy Shoemangler
“It took me fifteen years to discover that I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by that time I was too famous.”
– Robert Benchley, 1934
Richard Fox
@Baud: at this point I’m trying to figure where to post my work so folks see it. I put them on Facebook, and also have it linked to DeviantArt. Ideally I’d like representation at galleries, but heck the kids these days with their crazy weblinks..maybe I can surmount/move beyond that model. Working on it. The updated website was a first step in that direction.
Richard Fox
@Iowa Old Lady: that’s very kind, thank you. I sort of work in a bubble on my own, so sharing is a good thing! :-)
Iowa Old Lady
@Richard Fox: I have a friend who’s an artist, and she’s gotten exposure by applying for various shows around the country. At the moment, she’s winning enough prizes and selling enough to support her habit.
Major Major Major Major
My cat can write. He likes to even.
(actual cat on keyboard)
He’ll get better with age I’m sure you can too.
If anyone is in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction and is looking for an Android app for a little help, I’ve got an app for that (free, but ad supported):
@Richard Fox:
I know a lot of DeviantArt work makes it onto Reddit. You might try some of the art forums there.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Major Major Major Major:
Yep. I’m pretty sure I have enough to do a print edition. While the manuscript is off being edited, I need to start looking at the marketing aspects. I’ve registered the copyright, and I need to buy ISBNs and a barcode. I have no idea what else I should be doing now, so I’m waiting to hear back from the woman who is helping me on the publishing end.
Iowa Old Lady
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: I’m so impressed by the way you’re handling this all yourself. I’d be on the floor gibbering.
@Richard Fox: Thanks for the link. I like the vividness and energy of your work.
Major Major Major Major
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Barcode should come with the ISBN but I’m not super sure about that. You do need a different ISBN for print and digital though. Really only one agency to go through for that, the standards body (forget the name), so it’s pretty straightforward.
Oh, and congrats!
@Richard Fox: @Richard Fox: Beautiful work, it has such a dreamy quality. I find Instagram is pretty good for image sharing.
Briefly delurking to plug my own paintings/collages…
Richard Fox
@Iowa Old Lady: wonderful. I take heart in that. I always like it when artists make a living at what they do best.
Buddy of mine wrote a kids’ book, published last month: Once the Fog started rising, the earth was covered with a deadly white mist until nothing remained but the mountaintops. Now humanity clings to its highest peaks, called the Rooftop, where the wealthy Five Families rule over the lower slopes and floating junkyards.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Major Major Major Major:
Nope. You buy them separately. And it isn’t straightforward, as there are multiple places to get them. It’s usually best to get ISBNs from Bowker, but you can get barcodes from them or someone else. With ISBNs, since I need more than one, it’s more efficient to buy ten of them and have plenty left over for other books.
JoJo Dancer
Well, for those folks writing books, I am trying to get into narrating audiobooks. At the moment anyway, I’m pretty cheap, so here is a link to my (currently kind of lame) website, where you can hear my demo reels.
For anyone interested, I can whip up a custom demo from my home studio. As I said, I am at the low end of the price spectrum for now, just starting up, so I’m a real bargain!
Richard Fox
@Baud: thank you Baud. I didn’t really know that site though have heard of it. I’ll check it out.
A Ghost To Most
A skill you are abundantly gifted at.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Iowa Old Lady: Fortunately, I have a friend that works for a small publisher, Trio Bookworks, so I’m not trying to handle all of this myself; I’m paying her to do large chunks of it (like the formatting and layout) and to provide advice on the rest. I even found my editor through her.
John E. Williams
Here’s my tumblr page, chock-full of my comics. Includes my satirical family THE MATTERMORES, and my hapless character Lucy, who has to navigate the world of low-paying and humiliating temp jobs. Hope you guys enjoy.
@Major Major Major Major: Check that, gaff.
Major Major Major Major
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Bowker, that’s right.
They don’t come with barcodes any more? Been a few years for me. That sucks. But yeah the ten-pack is a good idea.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: Replaced throughout entire book, thanks.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Major Major Major Major: You can buy a package from Bowker that includes both ISBNs and a barcode, but you don’t have to.
Richard Fox
@RSA: wonderful. That really is the goal. I want the work to practically bark out as a kind of life force. (If that makes sense..)
@A Ghost To Most:
Thank you. I’m hoping to monetize my skill by surreptitiously shilling for some right-wing group or foreign government. I’ve got some feelers out. Fingers crossed.
@Richard Fox:
Just be careful exploring Reddit. It has some dark corners.
Richard Fox
@Maz: love it! Great whimsy and beautifully crafted. Thanks for sharing. The internet is amazing, no? You are so far from me (as I write in Brooklyn!) and yet I see what you have done. Cheers!
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
Good luck! which I think I’ve said before. Back when I was thinking about self-publishing, I picked up copies of Publicize your Book!, by Jacqueline Deval, and Building an Author Platform that Can Launch Anything, by Toby Neal. Most of the advice seems to be common sense, though of course it’s easy to say that after it’s been explained to me. :-) You may know all of what’s in these books already. The main lesson I learned was that I lack a lot of the relevant skills.
@Major Major Major Major: That’s funny! I was just saying that we gaffed the mahi’s too!
Fine hand-quilting–current inventory or by commission:
Tree With Water
“lets combine the two and have a free thread for Juicers – artists, Etsyists, writers, job seekers, freelancers, businesses seeking workers, community groups seeking assistance, whatever, lurkers more than welcome – to give themselves a plug”.
Great idea.
@Richard Fox:
Yup. I don’t know if this will mean anything, coming from someone without an art background, but I love the fauvist flavor of a lot of your work, and my first thought at seeing one of your floral paintings was “Hey, Matisse!”
Alabama Blue Dot
My daughter is a brilliant graphic designer (of course I’m biased) and did a gorgeous design celebrating the Supreme Court decision on marriage equality. Please check it out and maybe buy something to help a public school teacher in Alabama. “It Is So Ordered”
So, I thought I’d jump in here. Since my husband took his life, I’ve been wandering, mentally, emotionally, and physically and have come to the conclusion that I need to change my life. So, as a retired Special Ed. teacher (students with severe learning differences) I am taking on anew challenge.
I’m going to start working part time at a shop called, ‘Chocolat on James’ which is in within walking distance of my house, and I’m super excited to learn all about chocolate! A totally new direction for me. I’ve been volunteering at the local homeless shelter, tutoring students with special needs, but I’m ready for a change. I’m a bit nervous, but feel confident that I can do this (tdespite my varicose veins!)
Richard Fox
@Baud: understood. Not surprised.
Late to the party, as usual. I make handcrafted soaps, lotions, balms, etc., mostly for friends and family. My kids have talked me into dipping my toe into ebay, so I finally put something up there. It’s a balm to make beards softer, in case anyone needs a beard balm. I will be adding some other things, a little at a time.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: Not that there are many gaff’s around what with all the fish gone.
Major Major Major Major
@ms_canadada: To quote The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, females are strong as hell. You can do anything.
(For at least ten seconds :)
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@ms_canadada: Good luck.
Richard Fox
@RSA: well that’s as perceptive a comment as folks have made to me upon seeing the work in person, so background or no, thank you. I could do worse than evoking shades of Matisse. I’m told he’s no slouch in the painting dept. :-)
Iowa Old Lady
@ms_canadada: Doing something different is a great idea. And it involves chocolate! How could it be bad?
Although what if you wind up sick of chocolate? That would be horrible.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I’ve seen hockey games that aren’t as physical as the Colombia/Canada women’s soccer semifinal at the Pan Am Games.
Alabama Blue Dot
@Alabama Blue Dot: I somehow managed to put the item link into the reply arrow – I was using an iPad and it messed something up. Anyway, the shirt is at redbubble.com; search for earthbyapril or “it is so ordered” and thank you!
Richard Fox
@ms_canadada: Very best of luck to you. Chocolate is one of the all time great inventions. Believe me I’m a shameless worshiper of the stuff. I am sure it will be a great thing to do.
@Alabama Blue Dot:
Here is a link for you.
How wonderful. Best of luck to you.
@Richard Fox:
The main Art subreddit is here. I’m sure that will lead you to others.
Richard Fox
@Iowa Old Lady: that’s a wonderful looking book. The cover is superb. I will check it out!
If you’re going to be in the NYC area this weekend, come out to Governor’s Island and see my 3D video installation piece at the Center for Holographic Arts! It’s completely free (except for the $2 round-trip ferry ticket), and the island is a fun place to wander around — lots of art, lots of old buildings (it used to be an army base), and some nice food trucks where you can buy lunch.
There’s a ferry terminal at the southern tip of Manhattan, and another at the south end of Brooklyn Bridge Park. Here’s the schedule.
[email protected]
Like Jack Canuck, I am an avid photographer that is not a professional. Here’s a link to a page on Nature Photographers Network where I post my better stuff, pretty much straight ahead nature/landscape images:
There’s a bunch of recent work from southern Utah national parks.
Patricia Kayden
@JoyceH: Congrats to you. My mind goes to Jane Eyre novels just looking at those covers.
Major Major Major Major
@JoyceH: Oh geez I missed this one. Congrats!
@[email protected]: Stunning! Oh how I love Zion. Thank you.
@DWD: Bookmarked the page so I can read it later.
@[email protected]:
schrodinger's cat
I has a blog and I caption kittehs, my lols that made the first page on ICHC and ICHC/lolcats.
ETA: Does anyone want a guest blogger/writer who can write about economics, physics and kittehs?
Richard Fox
@Baud: I bookmarked the link. I’ll take a look. Thank you!
@ms_canadada: If it is allowed, take pictures so we can drool.. Good luck on your new endeavor. We are rooting for you.
@Richard Fox.
Your seascape reminds me of a painting by John Marin, one of my favorite Maine artists.
Santorum on Rachel.
@Major Major Major Major: Sure! You can upgrade to shaded after if you like the line art.
Good job in the Berkshires. The Berkshire Co-op is looking for a new General Manager. If you have food or retail and some management experience, it’s a great store and a lovely area. A good place to start over or make a location move.
Richard Fox
@Denali: John Marin, Charles Burchfield and Arthur Dove are all heroes to me. They made watercolor more than prettified calendar art (which is how so much of it appears in my mind) and made it a serious form of expression. Cezanne didn’t hurt the cause, but these guys for me really showed how it could be harnessed. Thanks for mentioning Marin. Means more than I can express here. Cheers.
Stunning pictures of Canyonlands National Park! We tooked canoes down the Green River to just beyond the confluence with the Colorado; amazing rock art in a wild and beautiful part of the county. I want to go back.
Hillary Rettig
Thanks for the self-promotion thread!
Still selling The 7 Secrets of the Prolific at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and my site:
If you’ve read it, the best way to support my work is to leave an Amazon review. http://www.amazon.com/The-Secrets-Prolific-Procrastination-Perfectionism/dp/098364540X/
As always, I’m offering my how-to-get-a-job ebook, It’s Not You, It’s Your Strategy, for FREE at http://hillaryrettig.com/shop/
Upcoming projects:
*Russian edition of 7 Secrets (Spanish and Japanese currently available from Amazon)
*book on productivity for undergrads
*book on weight loss
@ms_canadada: {{{Hugs}}} Best wishes for your future.
Major Major Major Major
@larimegimp: Shoot me an email back to let me know you got my request. And if that’s too much reading I can just give you a character sketch (the written kind).
ETA: That was quick! Thanks :)
@raven: Santorum seems to have a problem with the how the courts work.
Santorum is now digging and digging and digging.
Well, now I feel foolish for putting this downstairs:
Also, sideways on the open thread: after analyzing sales for the last year and realizing (lots of zzz around my house today) what a boon the Juicitairat has been to me and my little bizness, I have been able to start buying supplies in bulk, and that lowers my production cost of each bar, while still keeping me profitable. Woo-hoo!
So I want to celebrate by passing the savings on with a special sale just for you all. Use coupon code NOSHIP for free shipping.
(apologies for the commercial, but hard to reach the lurkers other ways) My nym links to my Etsy store.
@ms_canadada: I was so sorry to hear of your husband’s suicide, condolences. You can do it! After years in IT management, I’m learning a new job at age 60 as well as running my own online business. It’s a challenge and it’s hard to go back again to being a newbie at something, but if you have a passion for it it’s really a chance to change your life.
And that’s a good thing!
And what a lot of great talent here! I’m working my way down and so many amazing artists are represented!
@Yatsuno: I want a hug!
I just have a lot of pictures but if any one of you needs a copy of Mocha 4 at a discount, I have a single node license I need to sell.
Can I come out of hiding to shamelessly promote my friend’s jewelry site? Her work’s absolutely stunning. Also, she’s currently having a great sale!
For you birders out there, my 1996 book on the status and distribution of birds in Orange County, CA is going for a mere $2.06 on Amazon ($69.84 new, but probably not worth the extra $67.78):
My 2006 book, Rare Birds of California, is going for a mere $260 ($665.52 new):
In my entirely biased opinion, they’re both pretty good!
May I in the spirit of the thing refer you to my novel, Phineas at Bay?:
In Kindle or Paperback–and there’s a cat in it, based on our little Elspeth, who was very ill during the writing, but recovered to attend the book party.
May I offer a link to my first novel, Phineas at Bay:
Available in Kindle or paper format…..and with a guest appearance from our cat Elspeth….
My Utopian/Real World novel about building a floating city in Portland, and floating it out to sea. Involving a certain billionaire sports shoe Exec. Pike Knight, who realizes that he has trashed the planet, and funds the exercise to make some peace for his spirit. Needless to say many cool things happen along the way, and the BIG ENDING is surprising. A hopeful piece. https://www.createspace.com/4097655
Major Major Major Major
@billb: I’ll have to give that a peek thanks :)
TaMara (BHF)
@Richard Fox: Lovely work. I liked the hats.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Sounds very interesting and intriguing. Very best of luck wit sales, if my budget allows. I will add to my own list.
Done all politics interests me, need to read many views. Looking forward to it.
@Richard Fox:
Oh Richard, I think I would like one to take pride of place in our new extension yet to be built. We purchased a highest house with our Son & his wife. They live upstairs and we down. As yet I have no kitchen and little else. Time for plans, your paintings are wonderful!
I’ve always made music and I’ve put a lot into it. I have a failing patreon suggesting nobody gives a crap, but one thing about it: I did everything myself. That would be playing all instruments, mixing, building the studio, building the instruments in many cases, writing the lyrics where there’s lyrics, singing, and making the videos. It’s actually kinda scary. Shows there’s a lot of love for doing this, even in the face of absolutely brutal indifference.
Such is 2015, and the world, it seems.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Send me the ISBN number so I might let the libraries where I work know you’re on the market.
Is your publisher with Overdrive, the ebook might be available for library leasing that way as well.
email is p.warten AT gmail
Shameless plug, which I’ve actually done in a few open threads over the week: the anthology History and Mystery Oh My! is up for an award with the Florida Authors and Publishers association this year. Big props to editors Sarah Glenn and Gwen Mayo for their work! That book includes my contribution “Dread Secret of the Battle of Los Angeles” (the stories had to be about real-life mysteries or placed in a historical setting before 1960) so I like to think I helped earn the nomination.
Link to my Amazon’s author page is here http://www.amazon.com/Paul-Wartenberg/e/B00EBZO2OU/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1437650346&sr=8-2
Richard Fox
@Debbie(aussie): That’s lovely Debbie– thank you. Bookmark my website for reference, my contact info is there. I am happy to beautify your new space. :-) cheers!
Paul in KY
@Major Major Major Major: Your mom is badass!
Paul in KY
@NewNameforMe: Sounds sorta like a Niven book. His set on another planet.
Paul in KY
@John E. Williams: Nice comics. Thanks for link.
Paul in KY
@ms_canadada: Best wishes on your new job!
Paul in KY
@FoxinSocks: Ordered a nice pendent for my mom.
Shrill from Hudson
Check out this book I co-edited a while back on the Solidarity Economy. All proceeds support the Center for Popular Economics. You can also check out my radio show’s blog.
I also do freelance data analysis. Email me!
Congratulations to all the authors! I had no idea there were so many here.
And I’m so glad to see some fellow Etsians. I picked up some new favorites today.
I sell jewelry on Etsy, here:
(And I’ve gotten some really sweet orders from Juicers in the past, too – thank you!!)
and my day job is also Etsy, selling beads and jewelry supplies:
Huzzah for the artists and the self-employed!
Paul Belliveau
My self-published graphic novel is for sale at ComiXology! Details here: http://www.pantheavenger.com