New Daily Show is going to take on internet outrage culture, because what that needs is more amplification.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) July 30, 2015
All across the valley, tech startups are asking one question: how do we monetize these online mobs?
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) July 30, 2015
Well, the hardworking staff of the Atlantic will be right there, taking notes!
How DARE you suggest that I’m outraged!!!!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The new Daily Show… Last week they did a bit about homophobic preacher all worried about The Gay getting rammed down his throat, I liked it precisely because it felt like the old Daily Show, when the fake correspondents used to do more.
Tree With Water
A winner should be chosen from among the entries, and awarded the Kaiser Sosai trophy for “best performance in outrage one-upsmanship”.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
As usual, I think Kevin Drum has the best commentary on the issue. It’s not that I don’t agree that Walter Palmer appears to be an asshole who should probably be extradited to Zimbabwe to face justice, but the lynch mob aspect of what happened is disturbing, and Balloon Juice was right up there among the places bringing the rope.
@Tree With Water: maybe the trophy can be a bronze rendering of Alan Rickman flipping his table….
I think it’s hilarious/ridiculous that, of all of the social plagues infecting the masses today, someone thinks SomeoneIsWrongOnTheInternets!!! could possibly rank in the top, oh, I don’t know, 1,000?
FFS. It’s just some fucking tweets. It matters not at all.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
Palmer deserves to be made to experience what it’s like to be hunted by people who want his scalp for a trophy – even though the scalp in this case is his professional and personal reputation, his ability to live among decent people without being shunned. And unlike the lion, he at least has the possibility of eventually earning redemption from being figuratively “dead” to everyone.
Well, Wonkette was able to pity-finance a new server, so there is money out in the left blogosphere. And for financial scamming there’s a clear asymmetry–, libertarians have bitcoin, conventional right-wingers have gold– but where are liberals? Has anyone tried to construct CDOs out of tofu futures?
Splitting Image
“Internet Outrage Culture” is a funny way of spelling “Angry White Male Culture”.
Amir Khalid
Palmer already knew, long before the backlash from his killing of Cecil, that people (and prospective dental patients) disapprove of trophy hunting. Which is why, on his social-media profile, he lied about himself: he said he was an avid photographer of wildlife, rather than that he was a hunter.
yet another jeff
Sheesh…it’s not like we’re talking about ethics in gamer journalism or something…
@Amir Khalid: Well, he did shoot wildlife; he just left out the dying part.
Culture of Truth
If by ‘rope’, we don’t mean actual rope and actual killing – which the dentist actually did – but fake rope and fake killing and in fact strangers being mean to him – well that happened in colonial times and in WWI and with Joe McCarthy and it’s always happened. But liberals are mean!
Culture of Truth
People shouldn’t be mean to strangers — never mind that’s what the media does 24 / 7
Culture of Truth
I’m only up cause I was watching that Rousey beat on that Brazilian who mocked her dead father.
Culture of Truth
If you agree that the dentist should be extradited to Zimbabwe, then I assure you a few tweets are the least of his problems.
Can’t someone please shoot an arrow into Twitter?
sm*t cl*de
Ethics in big-game journalism.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Culture of Truth: It has nothing to do with liberals. It’s toxic in all directions. This sort of feeding frenzy is a sad commentary on our culture, liberal, conservative, or apolitical.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Culture of Truth: And if you think this is restricted to this one incident, you’re deluded. Sometimes it’s properly targeted and in proportion, but that’s unusual. And the internet mob doesn’t have any sort of track record of being able to limit itself to deserving targets.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: I’m cynical enough about the outrage machine to have wondered if the false report of Jericho’s death was to get the mob ginned up again.
Another Holocene Human
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Lynch mob? A group of strangers made a peaceful protest display at the door of his business.
I think the ghosts of the lynched want to have a word with you (and Kevin).
Another Holocene Human
And if a grown-ass man or woman does something horrible and gets pigpiled on twitter–what of it?
It’s better when a slimy tabloid writes a somewhat exaggerated and misleading front page crime story and people run to call names on Yahoo! News and Facebook?
Oh, I see, it’s worse because “the internet” did it, not the approved gatekeepers, however slimey.
An unidentified man ran into the jail lobby screaming for help, saying that his wife was out to kill him. The man was later identified as Joseph Hutcheson.
Multiple witnesses said several deputies were on top of the 47-year-old man; a knee was seen on Hutcheson’s neck.
“They had him in handcuffs, he wasn’t fighting back, he wasn’t, not letting them restrain him, he was saying, ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breath,'” said April Berryhill, who was also waiting in the jail’s lobby.
“One of the officers had him down on the ground with his knee on his neck.”
The county says a nurse was called while Hutcheson was handcuffed and unresponsive. CPR was performed until Dallas Fire-Rescue paramedics arrived to take Hutcheson to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.
Another Holocene Human
@Suzanne: I disagree. I happen to have some interaction with the youngs. For some of them, this is their social life. The real crap is happening on tumblr, not twitter.
Some of what is going on is very dangerous, I would say especially psychologically. Some people in my life have gotten very messed up by what some evil people have been saying online in so-called “progressive” space.
I’m concerned it will be a dude bro take on it. MRAs have been concertedly trolling progressive spaces on tumblr and elsewhere with varying degrees of success.
Another Holocene Human
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: “the” internet mob
No, sir, you are mistaken.
Another Holocene Human
@Gimlet: It’s not bizarre, this is what these motherfuckers do.
On some level, societies are going to enforce their mores.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: This sort of feeding frenzy has existed since biblical times. Is human nature shitty? Yes, it can be. But lets not forget that there used to be actual lynch mobs in the US. Murderous mobs form in many other countries. It isn’t our culture or our times that are particular. People are often stupid, angry, frightened and/or depraved.
Thankfully people are also often kind, caring, and engaged too.
It’s complicated.
@Gimlet: Apparently law enforcement officers are unprepared to deal with confusing, urgent situations.
How the f* are these people considered professionals? “I need help!” is met with violence?
Here’s your modern day lynch mobs. They wear badges.
@Another Holocene Human:
My kids have told me about some of the bullying behavior and meanness that goes on. I think they have both mostly withdrawn from a lot of online media because it is so full of awful.
Bobby B
When THEY get angry, call the riot police and kill them all. When I get angry it’s God’s infinite justice speaking through me. Get away from me with that straitjacket you socialist Alinskyite!
J R in WV
Guy runs into LEO-staffed space shouting for help and they subdue him with excess violence and he dies!!?
1) Murder in the first degree for everyone as far as I’m concerned.
2) Stay the f out of Tejas – always!
@Another Holocene Human: Calling this a “lynch mob” is borderline Godwin. FFS.
A guy
I am 49 years old. I was bullied in high school from 9th grade to 11th by one guy. I never complained and I ended it.
patrick II
It seems his wife’s nefarious plan worked.