Another young man has been shot and killed tonight in Ferguson. I don’t know the details, but one individual who filmed it was arrested, and rumors are the victim was handcuffed and still breathing and denied emergency care. Again, the details are sketchy.
Here’s a livestream I am watching.
To serve and protect….
Jesus Christ.
the STLPD twitter says officers were fired upon and have pictures up of bulletholes in vehicles.
oh and the young man who was arrested has been released.
Regardless of whether the officers were fired upon; once the suspects were subdued, denying them medical care is several bridges too far.
ETA: A kid who lived not far from me was similarly denied medical care after being shot by police in NYC. He had supposedly lurched his car at the police, but by all accounts was a very nice kid.
Steve from Antioch
Don’t worry, this former Sarah Palin supporter is probably already flying there in her invisible justice helicopter:
I blame Bernie Sanders.
Too soon?
@efgoldman: yes. he posted 2videos to twitter
Victim looks to be alive (for now) per Search4Swag
@mtiffany: Yes.
@Steve from Antioch: Makes sense, like a whole lot.
the video from young man who was arrested
in one u see man handcuffed on ground and appears to be shot. the other video is the filmer screaming from bout 20ft away behind a fence, for police to help the guy because he is still breathing and needs help
Villago Delenda Est
John, you’re absolutely right about the lesson learned by the cops in Ferguson.
That’s what has to change. But it’s going to be a serious son of a bitch to change it.
mai naem mobile
@mtiffany: Wrong…according to Ron Fournier, its Obamas fault because hes not leadering Hilary to do her leadering thang.
Steve from Antioch
While the details are sketchy, I think we can all agree that the young man shot had just arrived from out of town to take a new job, that he had his hands up when he was shot, and that he was shot in the back.
Villago Delenda Est
@Steve from Antioch: Sorta like Salvador Allende.
Injunction against what, and on what theory? Injunctions aren’t like saltines, you don’t get one automatically just for ordering soup.
In order to get a preliminary injunction from a U.S. District Court the moving party has to, at an absolute minimum, show a probability of success on the merits of the case laid out in the complaint. What complaint are you asking the USA to file, and based on what facts that you know you can prove? See Fed. R.Civ. Proc., Rule 11(b).
Can we possibly just slow down until we actually know something?
Steve from Antioch
Get an injunction against racism !!!
The facts are clear. He was clearly within his rights. The videotape was edited.
@Lamh36: The second video really stood out to me. It was absolutely crazy how that officer kept making demands of the man taking the video; even as he was, in fact, leaving. Also, how does one get arrested for resisting arrest? Circular reasoning at its finest.
Nathan Tyree
my god
@Kropadope: yeah. apparently they released him soon afterwards, I suspect they wanted to get the video from him but he had already published it on Twitter and maybe Instagram
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Steve from Antioch:
You just can’t get an erection unless someone gets shot dead, can you?
Nathan Tyree
On twitter people are saying two shot. looking for details
@Mnemosyne (tablet): Well, the human body does feel best at 70 degrees.
Steve from Antioch
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
And you can’t get an erection unless you are making up stupid insults to post on the inter webs.
You ignorant gobshite.
Shouldn’t you get some sleep so you can get up early and schedule some appointments or make some copies or whatever the fuck it is you do when you’re not regaling the folks on Balloon Juice with fascinating, really fascinating, stories about your fucked up family.
Go eat some cottage cheese.
@Steve from Antioch: Go fuck yourself. I’m sure I can find a rusty pitchfork for you.
Deray’s twitter feed is wild; still a whole lot of confusion.
Early in the chaos, he was in a back-and-forth with Hillary’s press person, who was disputing some of what he had been saying about HRC’s positions vis-a-vis the Black Lives Matter agenda. Deray was actually trying to interact with her while watching out for gunfire. He would have probably continued trying to multitask, but to her credit, Karen Finney said you have bigger issues at the moment, let’s resume this tomorrow.
Steve from Antioch
@Suzanne: Fuck Colonel Bernie Sanders and his Vermont Fried Chicken.
The power of social media is evident and is changing the world, right before our eyes.
Cam someone decipher this for me?
Nathan Tyree
@sharl: Wow! It’s surreal.
Nathan Tyree
@RK: Yeah, that’s idiot talk for “I have nothing useful to say”
@Steve from Antioch: Go home, asswipe, you’re drunk.
? Martin
So, tuning in now it sounds like everyone is listening to the NRA and standing their ground, and since the police destroyed their trust in the community, there will never be a resolution to this.
Welcome to our government sponsored Thunderdome.
Steve from Antioch
Scowl mansard.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
“Another innocent black kid has been murdered and my dick is soooo hard!”
Jordan Rules
@? Martin: Yep. heavy sigh
Mike G
Standard unwritten practice for cops.
In the Isla Vista shooting spree last year, when Elliot Rodger finally crashed his car and shot himself there was an injured, bleeding kid lying on the hood of his car who Rodger had just deliberately run over. The cops, thinking the kid was Rodger’s accomplice, threw him on the ground and cuffed him and didn’t bother getting him medical attention until 10-20 minutes later they worked out that he wasn’t a suspect. Very unprofessional. He’s suing the cops and I hope he wins.
@burnspbesq: Don’t you have a tax shelter for some hedge fund douchebags in the O.C. to go work on or something?
There is a press conference scheduled for 2:30am – Central Time, I presume – by SL County Police Chief Jon Belmar.– see ETA below[As noted in one of the tweets Lamh36 posted above, it was a SLCPD officer (not Ferguson PD) who shot someone.]
There will be no help from dashboard cameras, since the police department discontinued them over the past several years. And body cameras for the force are still a matter of discussion. [Link to January story on local TV.]
Unfortunately, local activist Search4Swag got video only after the shooting had already taken place (though glad he didn’t get shot by virtue of being in the area). Unless someone else captured it, a video record of the filming may not exist.
Here is LA Times’ reporter Matt Pearce’s list of Ferguson tweeters, from when he was there doing (very good) reporting in the aftermath of the killing of Michael Brown. It’s still pretty informative IMO, even though Pearce acknowledges it is somewhat out-of-date.
Finally, sounds like Deray has – sadly – reached ‘grizzled veteran’ status:
And glad to hear BBC just now saying that Ferguson events were peaceful all day before the shooting broke out. I’m not optimistic we’ll hear that bit on CNN and so many other domestic “news” outlets.
ETA: That tweet I linked about the 2:30am CT police presser has now vanished. Cancelled maybe?
Maybe they should do the same thing with these police departments that they do with teachers.
Who is shooting who.
Jon Swaine of The Guardian has also been doing a very good job covering this beat since Michael Brown’s killing, not just in Ferguson, but nationwide.
He is saying that the SL County PD is trying to disperse everyone now, including the threat of deploying “chemical munitions” (i.e., tear gas, CS, or whatever they call it these days) if people don’t leave willingly.
When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road
Just like the time before and time before that
In Paterson that’s just the way things go
If you’re black you might as well not show
Up on the street
’Less you wanna draw the heeeeeeeeat
Villago Delenda Est
@BillinGlendaleCA: That’s not going to happen. The PDs are controlling “those people”.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
We’re doing this again.
This evening I have discovered that I can still be shocked by this stuff.
Thoughtful Today
re: the odd comments about Bernie
Bernie Sanders > Issues > RACIAL JUSTICE:
Thoughtful Today
[Below is from Sanders website ]
Physical Violence
Perpetrated by the State
Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Rekia Boyd, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Samuel DuBose. We know their names. Each of them died unarmed at the hands of police officers or in police custody. The chants are growing louder. People are angry and they have a right to be angry. We should not fool ourselves into thinking that this violence only affects those whose names have appeared on TV or in the newspaper. African Americans are twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.
Smoke and tear gas has been deployed in Ferguson – this tweet includes a rather grim video (Vine) of some of that.
From Jon Swaine: Legal observer from National Lawyers’ Guild just picked up spent smoke grenade with his hat, which melted. Ferguson. [includes photo] — those just-fired things are HOT.
So looking at the reports from these reporters, activists, and local politicians – e.g. Ferguson’s Democratic Party Committeewoman Patricia Bynes – it’s really sad that they’ve become kinda experts on chemical and smoke munitions through these experiences.
@sharl: Heh, the press conference from SL County PD chief Jon Belmar happened after all. From various tweets on ongoing presser:
Man shot by police in Ferguson is in “critical, unstable” condition in hospital and undergoing surgery says @stlcountypd chief Belmar
Belmar says man shot by four plainclothes detectives from an unarmed vehicle in Ferguson after he shot at them repeatedly at close range
StL Co Chief Belmar called it “a remarkable amount of gunfire.”
Belmar says the 4 @stlcountypd officers involved in shooting are plainclothes detectives but wearing vests; on admin leave now.
I’m out. Please don’t forget that these folks successfully organized and conducted a day-long peaceful commemoration and protest yesterday, before this other shit happened. I’m afraid that this will likely be forgotten by our ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ media.
@sharl: Oh, it’s unmarked vehicle, not ‘unarmed’ vehicle. Jon Swaine and I regret the error.
Four plainclothes cops riding around in unmarked car get in a fire fight with a guy who, for some reason started shooting at them? So I’m wondering how this got started. How does the guy know this is a police car? Did the police pull up and start threatening the guy? Pull out guns? Or did the guy just decide to start shooting at a random passing car that just happened to be a car full of cops. Amazing coincidence that.
Almost sounds like a gang drive-by shooting.
@Steve from Antioch: hey troll, stop being such a fucking spaz.
Tony J
@Fred: All good questions.
It’s usually worth waiting to know something before jumping to the worst case. According to the front page NYTimes story, there were criminals using the occasion to loot stores; two groups started shooting at each other; and when the police intervened one man tried to shoot them.
Steve From Antioch
Shhhhh… We all got our righteous indignation on. This is about how the police didn’t learn their lessons.
New slogan: Hands up, don’t you dare shoot back!
@Steve From Antioch:
And people SHOULDN’T be righteously indignant?
Steve From Antioch
@gwangung: about what, specifically?