Remember this sweetie? Well, here’s the good news from commentor LF:
Thanks so much for your help. We had an offer of a UK home from a Balloon Juicer, along with four other offers via Facebook and two from neighbours. We had just decided that, despite all these offers, we would keep her ourselves … But it doesn’t matter because this morning, Fudge was reunited with her real family!
I posted about her on our village Facebook page, and someone told me they’d seen the same cat posted as missing on another local Facebook page. I checked and sure enough, it was her.
Within an hour, I had tracked down her very tearful and happy owner. They live 6 miles away and Fudge is apparently 15 years old and much loved. This morning, mum and two little boys came to take her home for a well-deserved rest.
(We’re deep into ragweed season here, so I have an excuse for my eyes welling up.)
Patricia Kayden
How lovely!! Glad to hear of a happy ending for the cat and her owners.
I’m glad Fudge got home.
that’s so sweet.
I hate ragweed. Hate hate hate. And now this research:
It’s great that there’s a happy ending to the UK cat story.
OT stupid question. Why does Obummer make Republicans go crazy? I know the basic answer, but isn’t Rob Portman supposed to be sort-of-sane? Doesn’t he realize he’s doing the crazy dance? It would be amusing, except that it’s depressing.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Yay! I’m so glad Fudge was able to be reunited with her family. If she was the one who had a microchip with a bad phone number, you definitely need to let them know they need to update that just in case she decides to go on walkabout again.
Oh, Fudge! Always such a relief to hear when theres a happy reunion.
In the original post though, didn’t you say she was chipped?. Ho w come that didn’t work?
Joy in FL
a rare and sweet happy ending : ) So glad for everyone concerned, especially Fudge.
Best resolution possible. Wonderful news.
Betty Cracker
Awww, that’s such a wonderful ending. What an adventure for a little old lady — go Fudge!
OK.. I’m teary. Pizza, harpsichords and lucky cat all in one day. Is this heaven?
Happy for that sweet kitty and her family. Those little boys must be super happy! And kudos to LF for tireless efforts to find Fudge a home/reunite Fudge and her family.
What a wonderful story! Long live Fudge!
Sweet. My wife, who went gaga over the first set of pictures, is happy. She just got home from an annoying day at work and this perked her right up.
So, IIRC, Fudge is chipped, and the actual “staff family” aren’t the contact shown in the database?
It reminds me that we moved last year and I should call my vet about our chip database info.
Here’s the thing about chips–they can just kind of migrate inside a cat’s loose skin somewhere they can’t be found and then, when you replace it, that one can migrate away and the old one is suddenly the one the vet finds. The lesson here is you need to change your address even on the chips the vet says she can’t find anymore.
But boy did this vet kinda blow the age thing. The vet says she’s eight but she’s really fifteen?
Woo hoo!
And definitely a cat of many colors
Great ending for Fudge’s big adventure!
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Not necessarily. It’s always kind of a crapshoot guessing an animal’s age. Our oldest cat is 9 and the vet says he wouldn’t have believed it without seeing the file for himself. I think they’re used to seeing found kitties who have not been well taken care of and make their estimates based on that.
Oh I’m so glad – I’d already been discussing this wth my big boy cat here in Scotland, and he wasn’t looking too pleased, but I was contemplating over-ruling his territorial issues – now I can feel guilt-free until the next UK cat-bleg comes along!! (yes, I donate food etc. to local cat homes/shelters, etc., so don’t get after me)
The little boy on the right petting her is the best.
TaMara (BHF)
My Zander is chipped and I’m his third person. I’m not sure why. But the humane society assured me they did everything to find his second family (his first family surrendered him at a year old).
His chip is now in my name and phone number.
Yay for Fudge finding her way home. My first calico had a mark on her white furred mouth that always looked like she’d just finished a fudgesicle, Fudge would have been a great name for her.
YAY! A tortie so lovely deserves to be home. *snif*
Patricia Kayden
@MattF: “Why does Obummer make Republicans go crazy?” Please don’t blame that on President Obama. They were crazy before him and will be crazy long after his presidency has ended.
That’s such good news — her humans have her again now and all is right with the world (at least their’s).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MattF: I just watched a clip of Kasich talking about this nonsense and it looked for all the world as if he were forcing himself to pretend to give a fuck.
ETA: I didn’t have my stopwatch but I would guess the talk of the reason for Obama’s trip to Alaska (climate change) got about 1/5 the amount of discussion as the name the hill nonsense, which got the two or three minutes this sort of silliness merits. Ah well, I guess this show (Hardball) is supposed to be about politics-as-sports.
Aw, I love that picture! Thanks for the update. So glad she’s home.
Mike J
@MattF: Did you know the Ohio congressional delegation has introduced legislation every two years since the 80s? The Board of Geographical Names won’t make rulings on anything that had pending naming legislation. Ohio stopped them by just introducing a bill that never got voted on at the start of every new congress.
Scarlatti’s Cat Fugue for harpsichord.
Yay Fudge! Oh, this does my heart good.
the Conster
Yay for Fudge going home, where she belongs. The highest and best purpose of social media is for stuff like this.
Chopping onions. That must be it.
Hooray for Fudge and for a happy reunion with her family.
I’m still haunted by my lost kitty and I don’t think I’ll ever fully get over him.
the Conster
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Wingnuts will of course freak out (duh) about Obama doing the thing with that Bear Gryllis guy, but you can be sure, he’s doing it to show climate change in real time. It will make a huge difference.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I understand the people who are nervous that Kasich might somehow manage to pull it out and get the Republican nomination, because he seems to actually have one foot on Planet Earth and understand that reality does not necessarily conform to what conservatives want. That makes him dangerous in the general election.
However, that’s exactly the reason why he’ll never get the nom — Republican primary voters don’t want to hear that the Two Santa Clauses aren’t real and they’ll never vote for someone who obviously thinks they’re idiots like Kasich does.
gogol's wife
So great. She is a beautiful kitty.
Omnes Omnibus
@SuperHrefna: OT: Tom Levenson was still engaged with the flying monkeys on Twitter a couple of hours ago.
okay, then
Best news I’ve heard in four months! Thanks for the update.
Happy Day! She’s a beauty.
Those two little boys are adorable. Happy family. I’m sure there were many tears while Fudge was gone.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes, if it’s something that can be shared, what flying monkeys and what’s the Twitter engagement all about? (I don’t tweet and wouldn’t begin to know how to go about figuring out how to find the thread in question.)
And efg, I think that must have been at the Watertown (MA) meet-up last September, yes? Tom is not only a polymath and a terrific writer, he is also just plain one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting (yourself and Mrs. efg included, of course).
Since it’s well off-topic for the English kitteh discussion, I’m happy to wait until someone puts up an open thread. Just idle curiosity on my part.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: A discussion of something Tom wrote about sexism in science. Defenders of Tim Hunt have been at him constantly. There is more back and forth, but that’s a thumbnail.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: In the Globe this weekend.
Sexism in science leads to willful blindness
Fudge had eight offers for a new home before her people were found. I’ll just say a big thanks to all who were willing to take her. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: That’s it.
Mike J
@efgoldman: You’re not trying to tell me they read the Herald, are you?
Iowa Old Lady
@Bex: Good for you for doing this, Bex. It’s nice to make a little pocket of happiness in this world.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: I think he is suggesting that we don’t read.
Iowa Old Lady
Walker is so not ready for prime time.
The Supreme Court ruled against Kim Davis.
Mike J
Paging Kay, story from the AFSCME blog:
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: No, nothing quite that bad. But for what it’s worth, we can and do make our own maple syrup. Many places around the state serve poutine.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good god.
Christopher Hayes @ chrislhayes 2h2 hours ago Manhattan, NY
GOP congressman visits 2nd graders, traumatizes them by telling them stories about 7 year old Iranian suicide bombers
Matt Salmon of Arizona
This makes my heart happy. Do your fucking job or get out.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
WTfuckingF? Seriously?
Mike J
Papi goes yahd!
Not that it matters at this point, but beating the FY is good even a million games back.
@Origuy: From the article at your link:
(emphasis mine)
I bet she folds. If she lost her job she would lose all her power, and she holds a lot of power in her current position. Also, the fact that they are deciding whether to prosecute and that she could get a year in jail… I don’t see her risking all that. I guess we’ll know in the morning!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah, thanks. I read, and posted a link to Tom’s Globe article on a BJ thread yesterday, but hadn’t made any attempt to follow comments/fallout.
the Conster
@Iowa Old Lady:
It’s really something when we get to witness delusion colliding with reality. It all comes down to the fact that because Obama beat the Clinton machine and the Republican/Bush establishment machine, every two bit nobody with a resume thinks because the black guy with the funny name won twice, it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy, instead of learning the lesson that Obama is a once in a lifetime politician who has shifted the ground they stand on.
@efgoldman: Hmm, I see have differing opinions on what this woman will do. I still think she folds.
Are you a betting man?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Trump is right.. We need to make our country great again and get rid of these assholes.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Repost it upstairs. Just wow.
Omnes Omnibus
From the article. The county attorney did the right thing.
@efgoldman: I see your point. I think she folds, god tells her to follow the law or something that will allow her to keep her job.
Apparently this position has been in the family for a long time, maybe she has an heir apparent?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
From all of the reports I’ve seen, Davis is the only county clerk doing this in Kentucky. Everyone else is obeying the law even if they don’t like it. So the state has a bit of incentive to make an example of Davis.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): But the county attorney does business with the county clerk everyday. There is a real conflict of interest and the county attorney recognized it.
Anne Laurie
@WaterGirl: It’s Kentucky. I can’t imagine she’ll have much trouble finding a doctor to certify that she needs to go on disability for the “debilitating emotional stress” of being required to associate with Squicky People Whose Behavior Makes Jeebus Weep — especially if she’s from an “important” local family.
She collects disability while the hot potato of her suit is passed from attorney to attorney, and (guessing her age, just from the photos I’ve seen) in five years or fewer, she can get that doctor or another one to certify her for Social Security.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: It’s an elected position not a civil service job. If she is unable to perform the duties she was elected to perform, she should resign.
@Anne Laurie: All while decrying big government and handouts to “those people”. Ugh.
Mary G
Great job, commenter LF! So nice to hear a happy ending to a story like this. Fudge is adorbs, so I’m not surprised so many people wanted her.
Totally understand how you feel. When I moved, one of my kitties got out a slit in a screen I didn’t know was there. He had no clue this was his new home and was gone for 7 agonizing, heart-slicing weeks. Someone miraculously found him. But I know how much you hurt and am so sorry you do.
However, chances are high your lost boy is enjoying a life just like Fudge was about to have. Over the years, 6 kitties – including the miraculous returned one – just showed up at my door. They were and are beloved. They used to belong to someone else – the females were even all spayed – but for whatever reason, they lost their way back. And became mine.
Fudge has a happy reunion. Which is wonderful! But my life has been blessed and forever changed by all these sweet kitties coming to let me take care of them. Sometimes I have even tried to beam out thoughts to the former owners – they’re okay, they’re loved, everything is fine.
Yey. What a sweet old cat, and it’s great to see her back home.
Happy ending to a great story! Well done LF!
J R in WV
Every night, when Spike goes to the back bedroom door and insists on going out into the dark forest, I open that door, and tell her “Now be careful out there! There are Owls and Coyotes and they are bigger, faster and meaner than you!” and she looks at me, and walks into the dark.
And every morning at 4 am, when she comes in I am relieved, because her brother Roscoe didn’t come home after his nightly prowl. Sometimes I shed a tear for Roscoe, who was a very loving and cuddly tom cat.
But when you raise your cats and dogs in the deep woods, and allow them to go for walks with you in the woods, because they insist on going along, all you can do is tell them to be careful, and that you love them.
@J R in WV: What about all the lives they take in the woods?
@the Conster:
Hillary Rettig
Moral – always check online first. We found a little dog a couple of months ago and spent the afternoon knocking on doors, bringing her to the vet for a chip scan, etc. Finally I thought to look on Craigslist, and there she was! A happy reunion ensued, and I would have saved a few hours.
fyi for all you Poldark fans out there, she was auburn, so we temporarily named her Demelza.
West of the Cascades
The ragweed is blooming this morning in Oregon, too.
@J R in WV:
I think it was a fox. He had been a little under the weather so I had made an appointment for him with the veterinarian for the next morning. Even though I was trying to be careful to keep him in the house, he slipped out and never came home. We have fox, fishers, and coyotes here so it could have been any of them but I think fox since there is a den close to our house.