I just love the, "Look at this bullshit I put up with" expression here. pic.twitter.com/oAljohPoXE
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) September 3, 2015
.@JohnKasich, at Ohio presser, told @realDonaldTrump signed the pledge: "I gotta figure out if I'm going to sign." Then, basically: JOKING
— Chrissie Thompson (@CThompsonENQ) September 3, 2015
I am glad to see @realDonaldTrump capitulated and changed course after our debate.
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) September 3, 2015
Does Mitt Romney have to join in that "no 3rd party run" pledge?
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) September 3, 2015
Trump is now doing better against Democrats than the 'electable' trio of Bush/Rubio/Walker: http://t.co/sCTc7qMooU
— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) September 3, 2015
…. Because a guy who’s proudly, publicly, walked away from four business bankruptcies and three marriages is gonna take Reince Preibus’s piece of paper so very seriously.
Give me a million dollars, in cash, right now, and I will sign a pledge to lose fifty pounds before the 2016 election. Hell, I’ll do it for half that — as long as the only penalty for failure is “Multiple pundits will make frowny faces on the teevee when I fail to honor the agreement. Also, a sternly-worded letter has been released.”
Apart from taking delight at the fervor with which the Republican Party drives to enclown itself, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Fantasy football draft in 1 hour! 18 team league, very difficult. I’m drafting 11th which is not good, but I must manage. I’m hoping I can draft a top 3 QB at 11.
Also, I love The Donald. Not to win of course, but as Shiva, Destroyer of the Republican Party.
Germy Shoemangler
Imagine if dems forced candidates to sign loyalty oaths! The Stalin comparisons would be flying out of the villagers’ mouths faster than speeding bullets.
This morning I saw this hair-raising video on CBS morning:
Cat rescue from the outside of a building in Brazil.
Meanwhile, on the homefront, Mrs. Shoemangler is battling a trumpet vine that the previous owner planted next to our house. She wants to destroy it, but it keeps popping up, invasive as hell.
How do you get rid of a trumpet vine? You can’t. . . I told her there’ll come a day when she thinks it’s been eradicated. And then there’ll be a tapping on the window. A tall vine yelling “Hey bitch!! Remember me???”
Earlier I noted a new google time waster. Type Fun Fact in the google search box and get a trivia reward.
Something a little more elaborate:
What’s on my plate for today? Just relaxin’ and wasting time.
pacem appellant
@Germy Shoemangler: I got rid of one one. I hacked it back to the root, then stopped watering it. It helps that I live in a drought-stricken area. Bamboo, now there’s a plant that I’d love to know how to kill.
pacem appellant
@Brachiator: I did the survey twice. Once as myself, and the other time as myself 20 years younger.
@Germy Shoemangler:
I just watched that video with a bunch of 20 year olds and even they were stressed out. Wow, that was an intense video.
The only, the one and only, sole, and totally completely single, unique, ONE thing holding Trump to his pledge is how many of his supporters will leave him if he breaks it.
Everything he’s done and everything I heard him say this morning is consistent with that proposition.
And Trump will keep that in mind in all he says and does during the GOP primaries and caucuses.
I hope that I never have to win a victory over, and suffer a capitulation like that from, an opponent in this life or the next.
“Enclown”. I like that word.
Germy Shoemangler
@pacem appellant: Our trumpet vine nearly destroyed our fence. It’s spreading like crazy. She thought she’d killed it, but it was only waiting.
Previous owner had a habit of planting trees right next to the house. Literally inches from the house. The trumpet vine is about a foot from the foundation, and it wants to spread everywhere.
We get a fair amount of rain and sun, so it has everything it needs to blanket the earth.
Amir Khalid
I seem to have maligned a dweebish but beloved comic-strip character by comparing a Republican presidential candidate to him.
Germy Shoemangler
@MomSense: Scared the crap out of me. I don’t like heights. The cat apparently bounced out of the blanket they spread, and ran into a parking lot.
The screaming of the onlookers added to my stress level.
Brave rescue guy was lucky to have a harness.
@Amir Khalid: This insult will not be forgotten. lol.
Amir Khalid
If anything, I expect Trump to win even more supporters if he breaks the pledge.
One day in the future, somebody will teach me how to use the computer on doing fantasy football drafts.
I can’t figure it out.
@Botsplainer: What’s the issue?
@Germy Shoemangler:
My Mortal Plant Enemy is a wisteria planted right on the property line, four feet from my house and coincidentally, the electricity service, which it tries several times/year to rip from the wall. It’s the only thing holding up the neighbor’s pergola so I can’t just slice it through at ground level. Fragrance is nice 1wk/year, the other 51 are war.
@Amir Khalid:
Dagwood at least invented a sandwich.
Yes, but why does it look like he signed it with a kid’s Crayola marker?
@Germy Shoemangler:
I screamed, too.
The world is working well for me today ….
I don’t have a lot of family members. One my parents had not seen came to see my parents two weeks ago. CA to IL. She slept the first day.
They thought jet lag or something.
Learn her husband is very sick and she cares for him. This was the first time she had to relax and not do shit just for him in years.
I reached out to her on Facebook to say thanks, well thanks because it was like the event of the last few years for her to come for mom and dad and if they didn’t say it I wanted to. That is what they told me, giddy about it.
She was like thanks for the thoughts, but you don’t even remember me do you?
No I don’t.
See she went to CA to become a hippie liberal. Join a commune. As I have noted here many times military family. Military family vs. commune. Do the math.
She now lives on a mountain in CA where it takes her an hour or so to get down. She has five dogs, many cats, sheep, you name it. When she heard I am a walker/hiker she was like “I don’t even know where my property ends walk all you want.”
We’re working on flights!
@Germy Shoemangler:
Even worse than trumpet vine and purple loosestrife is bamboo. I have struggled with that @#@#$^##@ stuff.
@pacem appellant: After much research I was able to rid my yard of bamboo.
Since the neighbor still has bamboo, I have to be vigilant making sure that new shoots are not popping up.
The recommended approach was a backhoe which was not possible. I used the second approach, which is the most expensive round up you could buy. I cut the bamboo to where it was six inches high and within seconds poured two tablespoons of round up into the opening. It helps to have two people, which I didn’t always have because if you don’t pour quickly, it seams close. After a few weeks, I chopped further and if there were signs of growth, repeated. I had at least a hundred, if not more and it cost me, a little under $200.00.
Several months later, I was able to dig up the root system and replant.
@Amir Khalid:
Is the Blondie comic strip still around?
Dagwood has had a weirdly long life, and survived a few transformations. I guess most people who still remember the strip at all see him as a middle class office drone who loves sandwiches, with a lovable, slightly ditzy wife.
But the character was originally out of the roaring 20s. Dagwood was the son of a rich tycoon, who disinherited him when he married a lower class party girl, the flapper Blondie.
They should bring him up-to-date again and make him an embittered suburban guy whose been laid off a couple of times and has become a vocal Trump supporter. Blondie could canvas for Sanders. Hilarity ensues.
@Amir Khalid: Yup. He’ll negotiate with the GOP apparatchiks like he’ll negotiate with all foreign powers. Yell loudly, sign anything, and make sure they’ll pay for the construction of the wall with the fancy door that lets his chosen few (there are a few good ones, he assumes) through.
Definitely go visit. My kids did a lot of hiking in CA this summer (and everywhere) and loved it. Besides, reconnecting with family is always a good thing.
Is that thing on his head mutating?
@Amir Khalid:
” I seem to have maligned a dweebish but beloved comic-strip character by comparing a Republican presidential candidate to him. ”
You, Sir, have insulted one of our great cultural institutions.
Did you not know Sir, that there is a sammich named after Dagwood? That is right, a sammich, one of our most beloved sammiches. And we love our sammiches!
Edit: it is a special sammich, because the big strong all-American male must make it all by himself, rather than demanding it of the little wifey.
Edit2: and that making of the Dagwood sammich is a very special private late night early morning ceremony of the all-American male, almost as precious as other special ceremonies of that species.
I am appalled! May the Good Lord forgive you, for I may not have the strength to do so.
And, I have always said nice things about durian.
Don’t show me the crowd at the tv station in the student union when the stands are half full at the game 1 1/2 hrs away. Where’s Corner???
Sounds promising. Any idea where this mountain is? It’s a big place, California.
Germy Shoemangler
@pacem appellant: Bamboo. I’m glad we don’t have that growing. The trumpet vine is enough.
@Brachiator: Blondie is still in syndication. Dagwood now has a modern, slim computer on his desk at work. Blondie runs her own catering business. The daughter and son are on their smart phones. Dagwood still carpools.
I remember about thirty years ago, we were cleaning out an attic. We lifted some old flooring and found perfectly preserved newspapers from 1947. Stopped our work and read them all. The comics section was fun. Blondie was there. Some other strips that didn’t survive.
So Trump (besides having said a lot of vile stuff), has taken some fairly leftish positions on a number of economic issues like universal health insurance, social security, and the carried interest tax loophole. If he were to become the GOP candidate, wouldn’t it be rather problematic for the billionaires behind the GOP if the two major candidates would more or less agree on those issues (which are the ones they really care about), and the general public opinion would shift left on those issues, because there would be no one arguing the right side of them? Wouldn’t it be better for those billionaires to give up on the presidency and have Trump run third party so that at least Bush3/Walker/Kasich can argue for starving grannies and letting the poor die so they can buy another yacht?
I just can’t get over just how completely the GOP has fucked up here with this pledge.
Are the Kochs even still alive or have their heads exploded? They spent all this money to buy the GOP and Trump has just stolen it from them. For a fucking piece of paper.
Joy in FL
I love the word “enclown.”
In my future, I foresee a spate of neologisms that will begin with the prefix “en-”
Bravo Annie Laurie!
@MomSense: I could ask a ton of questions about hiking on the West coast. Done more than a little, but in the ballpark of being an expert on the East coast.
With that said family!!!!!!
She is pushing back only a little. I think somewhat that I see where she lives. That I would judge. I would so not do that. I could care less.
They threw that nut case in the slammer. Here comes the wurlitzer.
Germy Shoemangler
@Joy in FL: I think today is the day that the GOP was entrumped.
Shaun Appleby
The pair claim they were “exchanging documents”. Oh, Lordy, spare me.
Very much so. His son took it over.
Dag is still the middle class drone. getting fired by Mr. Smithers every other week and still no raise on the horizon. The one change was Blondie starting her own business, a caterer, with her next door neighbor. (At the time there was much whinging bout it.; Seen as too house-wifely.)
And he still builds his occasional Jenga-size sandwiches, usually late at night, in his bathrobe. Life wouldnt be the same otherwise.
You could offer to camp or stay nearby. Is she near the Mojave Desert?
Germy Shoemangler
@shell: He still likes taking long naps on his couch with his back to the room. And the weird neighbor kid still wanders into his house to annoy him.
@Germy Shoemangler:
Indeed, although if there had been a sore loser law or binding loyalty pledge in Connecticut in 2006, we might have been spared the trauma of Joementum’s last Senate term.
@Shaun Appleby:
Exchanging documents is the new hiking the Appalachian Trail. Wasn’t there a bible study excuse at one point? Sen. Ensign?
Mike J
@Shaun Appleby: Examining her briefs?
Germy Shoemangler
Pearls Before Swine addressed the “Blondie flashing gang signs” controversy.
as long as they believe it, i am ok
Not wanting to out her. Around Modjeska. Which is strange because I did a web site for a community in and around that area. Community. .gov kind of thing. I did it first will a total liberal guy. The liberals lost the election and a far, far right party took power.
Guy was like you are a liberal we can’t work together. I am like slow down. We can worked together. This is business. In the end he was like “dude you are kind of cool.” I said I was like trying for that ……
Well, considering that elected Republicans seem to think they’ll be struck dead by lightning if they break Grover’s pledge, Reince would be quite pleased if Trump had the same respect for this oath. Somehow I doubt he does. He can tell the GOP down the line to cram that oath right up their asses and probably not lose more than a couple points in the polls, if anything. A lot of his supporters would love it if he did that.
Shaun Appleby
@Mike J: For the win, sir.
@Germy Shoemangler: And his enthusiastic singing in the bathtub, which often has odd interuptions like the mailman walking in.
And lets not forget Daisy the dog.
Germy Shoemangler
@shell: Blondie and Dagwood still have their living room chairs arranged so their backs are to each other.
Maybe that’s the key to their successful marriage!
Trump’s got the same look on his face that Thurston did in that picture Tuesday night.
Go Illini!!!
Joy in FL
I found the quote below when I was scrolling through my Tumblr feed earlier today. The post from Liberals Are Cool quoted it from a Dan Savage piece, but he was quoting John Corvino from the Detroit Free Press.
Most of you are way more informed than I am about details of current events. I haven’t seen this article referred to in BJ comments, so I’m sharing it because I think it is really insightful, blunt without being mean-sprited; I love how reasoned it is. I think some of you will find it worthwhile. I’m including a quote, so you can see if you want to click to the article.
“She has chosen a job that requires her to grant licenses in accordance with civil law. She is no longer willing to do that. She should not expect to keep her job, any more than a military commander would keep his job if he became a pacifist, or a surgeon would keep her job if she became a Christian Scientist and refused to perform surgery. Religious liberty does not entitle the bearer to line-item vetoes for essential job functions.”
@Shaun Appleby:
Sounds like a euphemism from a middle-school health class.
Gin & Tonic
@Tommy: I’m not from California and seldom visit, but might you mean Modesto?
@MomSense: LOL. I can do that. But she slept in like a 18 century feather down bed at my parents. I’ll take her kitchen floor and not complain for a second, but made to sleep outside, only worse case.
@Germy Shoemangler:
Are there any bedroom scenes? Do they sleep together or in separate beds?
DVR Alert!
Just happened to see that TCM is running three good W.C. Fields movies tomorrow night—one of which we discussed briefly a few nights ago. The Bank Dick is at 8:00 p.m. EDT, followed by It’s a Gift at 9:30 and You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man at 11:00. Good stuff.
A little something on the huge problem of refugees in Europe
Little Iceland, of all places, is trying to do something humane
gogol's wife
God the hair is even worse than I realized.
@Gin & Tonic: No I don’t. Google it, I can assure you it is a place.
joel hanes
@pacem appellant:
Bamboo, now there’s a plant that I’d love to know how to kill.
Cut all the stalks as close to the ground as possible with loppers.
Run a heavy-duty mower over the stubble.
Dig a trench around the patch that includes all the culms, two feet deep or deeper.
A Ditch-witch is really good for this.
Cover the entire area within the trench with two layers of heavy-duty black plastic
to deny both light and water to the living culms. Leave the plastic in place for
two years.
During those two years, treat all invasive sprouts outside the plastic as follows:
– let it grow at least a foot tall to suck energy from the rhizome
– cut it off as close to the ground as possible, or dig down and cut it below ground-level
– if you like, you can apply herbicide to the cut end
I cannot believe how cheesy that Pledge looks. Really RNC!?
David Koch
Meanwhile, Obamamania is running wild through Alaska
Germy Shoemangler
@redshirt: I just did a google search and learned to my dismay that there was a whole industry devoted to x-rated blondie cartoons. I swear to god I had no idea.
@Brachiator: If anything, invading Syria and Northern Iraq to eliminate ISIS would be a gentle balm for the world.
Shaun Appleby
@benw: Looks like Trump signed with a whiteboard marker.
” Trump’s got the same look on his face that Thurston did in that picture Tuesday night. ”
Any obedience school that would take Trump? If so, might be worth a try.
Omnes Omnibus
@Germy Shoemangler: Rule 34.
Germy Shoemangler
@Steeplejack: I remember reading about one of W.C.’s ad-libs.
The scene is on a train. He is reading a telegram out loud to his assembled acting company. At the end of the telegram, for absolutely no other reason than he liked the name, he added: “Signed, Sneed Hearn.” He enunciates this very lovingly.
If you look closely you can see the extras laugh at this.
LOL as a fellow Illini. I can almost hear them saying, “this makes no sense, bare with me, but it is the how the Americans play this sport.”
Gin & Tonic
@Germy Shoemangler: Rule 34.
@Germy Shoemangler: This is really really worth a look.
Honest John
@Gin & Tonic: IIRC, the line ‘Let’s go to Modesto’ appears in Naked Lunch.
Gin & Tonic
@Tommy: Huh. So it is. You learn something new every day, especially here at B-J.
@Tommy: When I was doing my masters here at Georgia we had a Chinese student do a presentation on his experience at a football game an it was hilarious. He ended up with “they say toot toot toot a Burdog Win”!
David Koch
Bo and Sunny are gonna be jealous when they see these mahlemuit puppies.
Germy Shoemangler
@raven: One of my favorite scenes. And that guy listening to the story, he shows up in a bunch of Fields films. He’s the dimwitted grocery store assistant in “It’s A Gift.”
@Germy Shoemangler: The Margaret Dumont of WC!
@Gin & Tonic: About my favorite phrase. I learn something new everyday. I would have said exactly what you said to me, if I didn’t know or had that client.
” I cannot believe how cheesy that Pledge looks. Really RNC!? ”
The RNC good conduct completion certificate looks much nicer, and will come with a little trophy, if Trump is a good boy and keeps his word.
An incentive. And I think a good idea, you need a carrot along with the stick.
@Shaun Appleby:
The whole thing is so middle-school-esque. Donald’s expression really looks like he’s in on the joke.
Gin & Tonic
@jl: It seems you are mistaken. I just learned that the full text of Naked Lunch in searchable PDF is available on the Web. Can’t say it’s a book I look forward to re-reading. Sounds like it could be a Fear and Loathing quote, though.
@raven: I guess a chance for me to learn a little about the language. For those that can speak both languages the telecast will have to be laugh out funny.
Germy Shoemangler
@raven: Tammany Young. He died in the 1930s, and from what I’ve read Fields went into a deep depression:
An interesting character, to say the least.
One of many things I love about Fields and his contemporaries is the length of time they’ll take to develop a joke. True artistry at work.
@Germy Shoemangler:
Whatever you do, do not Google Minnie Mouse.
This is how the Trump – GOP thing is going to end
Germy Shoemangler
@trollhattan: I read the book his grandson put together, a collection of letters, articles and scripts they found in his old trunk.
Fields had to fight the idiot movie studio heads over every scene. It’s a miracle he made films like “Bank Dick” etc in the ’40s, because by that time the “experts” had taken over and ruined most film comedy.
@Gin & Tonic: @Tommy: Modjeska Peak and Santiago Peak form what is called Saddleback in the OC.
ETA: Saddleback can be seen on a relatively clear day from any mountain in the basin, it really stands out because it’s pretty much the tallest thing in that direction(SE).
Germy Shoemangler
@Steeplejack: Blondie I’m attracted to. Minnie Mouse is the same as Daisy Duck. I just can’t get into her.
@Gin & Tonic: NOOOOOO!! Say it ain’t so.
I don’t want to sign up for the ‘tree’ stuff I so I’m not downloading it.
Did you search it?
I don’t remember being able to get through the whole thing either. I remember a friend showing to me in a book of Borrough’s writings a long time ago. It was of interest since Mo-town was just up the road from where I lived at the time. Maybe it as in something else he wrote. When I have nothing better to do some day, I’ll try to track it down.
@Germy Shoemangler: Really, how cool. Ever hear of Leigh Whipper? We watched The Vanishing Virginian because it is about Lynchburg and he’s prominent character. I recognized him from The Oxbow Incident and found that he was really something.
@Germy Shoemangler:
” a whole industry devoted to x-rated blondie cartoons ”
Like Betty Boop and Jessica, it’s not her fault, she’s just drawn that way.
Germy Shoemangler
@raven: Never heard of him, but I recognize him after seeing his photo. Hollywood was a tough place in those days for black actors. I notice he lived until 1975, but his last movie was in the 1940s.
I remember seeing a clip of the great Fats Waller. They had him playing an elevator operator.
will also look handsome displayed next to Santorum’s “RNC Participation Medal” and Rubio’s “RNC Perfect Attendance certificate”.
pacem appellant
@joel hanes: Your strategy would not insult our organic garden. @JPL‘s method is much faster but more toxic. I’d better start soon regardless. We’re either going to get drenched this winter, or go deeper into drought. Thanks guys!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@pacem appellant: Is it weird that I read
and had no idea why you’d water someone else’s site in the first place?
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Most things around here are weird.
gogol's wife
@Germy Shoemangler:
When I was 5 or 6 my older brother told me he had the hots for Olive Oyl. I thought he was serious. It blew my mind.
@pacem appellant:
I got rid of a stand of yellow groove bamboo by hiring a guy with a front end loader to rip up the mat and take it away. I have a feeling that he didn’t dispose of the mat properly. Which would have been to let the roots dry out and then burn them. For two years after I dug up the stragglers. It’s not an easy job and you have to be vigilant to get it all. Frankly though, raspberries are more difficult to keep under control than bamboo.
Gin & Tonic
@gogol’s wife: I’m impressed that you knew what “having the hots” was at age 5.
Germy Shoemangler
@gogol’s wife: Olive was cute, but so fickle!
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: 輸掉十場
john fremont
@Joy in FL: I wonder how the right wing would view a sheriff who would refuse to issue concealed carry permits citing religious liberty. IIRC, there was an Army staff sergeant that refused to return to Iraq about ten years ago who stood a court martial because he said the Iraq War did not meet the requirements of the Just War doctrine of the Catholic Church.
@MomSense: bamboo: nuke it from orbit.
@efgoldman: in Cantonese, but perhaps something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6VYJ16m8r0
@Germy Shoemangler: cut it down, leave about an inch above the roots, paint it with undiluted roundup or triclopyr. repeat as necessary.
is there a powder to sprinkle into the carpets to vacuum up fleas? Starting to get a problem with that.
Right to Rise
The knives are coming out for Kasich.
Kasich is the year’s John Huntsman and not a true threat to Jeb at all. His conservative credentials are even weaker than Trump’s.
@PaulW: Not sure about what to put on the carpet, but go to the vet and get cap*star for every cat and dog in the house. One pill kills every live flea in a day. That will at least help stop the cycle while you get things under control.
If you have a vacuum with a bag, you have to take the bag out every time and throw it away. (Or put an old fashioned flea collar inside the bag.) If you have the kind you just empty, be sure to empty into a plastic bag, tie it up and take it directly to your outside trash.
gogol's wife
@Gin & Tonic:
He didn’t use those exact words.
@Germy Shoemangler: Welcome to Rule 34.
Gin & Tonic
@PaulW: There are powders. You’ll find a selection at your local pet store; I think they’re mostly the same. But as WaterGirl says, you have to take a multi-pronged approach and be really diligent.
Rick Taylor
So I guess this means Jeb Bush and all the others have sworn to endorse Trump should he win the nomination?
Bobby Thomson
@jl: Could be a moot point if Jeb continues to define himself in such unappealing ways. Or that is to say, Trump could be the one seeking to enforce the pledge.
Anne Laurie
@Germy Shoemangler:
Not gonna google, but I assume that Rule #34 trope goes back to the earliest days of the strip (cf, Tijuana bibles). Remember, Blondie started life in the 1930s as a working-class party girl who seduced a rich man’s playboy son!
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie:
I can’t remember what I never knew.
Amir Khalid
I never have.
@Germy Shoemangler:
I started my day by taking that! I wonder now if my answers would be appreciably different if I were to do it again. Tried to save all my responses, but when I checked it out, it was just the quiz again, with no answers.
@pacem appellant:
Ha! Ask JPL about bamboo sometime.
Rich (In Name Only) in Reno
Why does the phrase “a mere scrap of paper” come to mind?
And I see JPL addressed it in #23! (And FYWP for not letting me edit, you bastard.)
Anne Laurie
I second WaterGirl’s recc — Cap*star is a #*@% miracle drug, you will actually see the fleas crawling away from your cat(s)’s fur to die half an hour after administration.
Powders will need to be sprinkled into your carpets at least three times at weekly / ten-day intervals, per my vet, because you need to get the stragglers & new hatchlings.
Since you can’t count on a hard frost, if lesser solutions don’t work, you may have to resort to aerosol foggers. We have, please goddess, only had one nasty flea infestation since we moved into this house 20+ years ago, during a season when all the local vets ran out of flea-killing supplies. The Spousal Unit is very sensitive to flea bites, so when the Capstar & the powders couldn’t finish the job, we boarded the cats, took the dogs to a hotel with us overnight, and fogged the whole house. As a fussy Virgo, he took complete control over stashing food/dishes/hard toys before setting the foggers off, and came back to wipe down all the counters & other surfaces before letting the rest of us back into the house.
By all means talk to your veterinarian, see what s/he recommends, because our vet practice says that all the common pet parasites seem to have developed local pockets of immunity — brands that work in one area don’t work 50 miles down the road, and vice versa.
Bobby Thomson
@Anne Laurie: Oh, it does. My dad did his doctorate at Kinsey and, well, there were some interesting books in his home office.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Words to live by.
Is Tommy still around? And is jeffreyw here?
Would like to ask both of them about possible availability for a coffee, drink, or other form of Balloon Juice meetup in southern Illinois in a couple of weeks.
Tommy and jeffreyw, if it’s easier to email me, please do so at [email protected]. Otherwise, hope to see your responses in this thread. I’ll check back from time to time.
@Germy Shoemangler: I use a stump and vine killer I get at the local plant store. Cut the vine, put one drop on the cut vine in the ground, and no more vine! Good luck!
I could just see the thought bubble above the comb tracks:
“Look, I did what you asked. Are you satisfied now?”
Like he took out the trash or fed the dogs or something actually fucking useful.
@pacem appellant: “Bamboo, now there’s a plant that I’d love to know how to kill.”
Chop it back to underground, then lay on some black plastic. On top of that lay a 6 inch layer of salt, then another plastic sheet, some topsoil and sod.
Then sell the place in the week it takes the bamboo to come back :)
It would be fun to see My Little Chickadee again!
Let’s call this thing by its proper name: The Trump-RNC Non-Aggression Pact.
@Germy Shoemangler:
When most people think of Fats Waller, they think “Blueberry Hill.” But this is what I think of:
And just in the last two days, I am overrun with ants. I have no idea where or how they’re getting in, but they are evidently thirsty as they are everywhere in my bathroom, especially around the taps.
Donald Trump is not rich and successful because he was such an astute businessman or because he was so hard-working. He is rich and successful because his father was rich and successful.
Democrats better start telling this to voters.
Gin & Tonic
@Zinsky: That Vox piece is idiotic. Yes Donald’s father’s real estate group was worth $200 million in 1974. So? The old man didn’t die until 1999. Sure, he grubstaked the Donald once or twice, but we don’t know how much and when. Assuming, as that article does, that Donald had control of his share of Dad’s pot in 1974 has no basis in fact.
@SiubhanDuinne: I just sprayed because they were in the house. Yep, they are looking for water.
Thoughtful Today
re: Dagwood Sandwiches
Speaking as a long time supporter of Dagwood Sandwiches, we’re Bernie Sanders’ supporters.
@Gin & Tonic: The article may make assumptions but the point is valid – Donald Trump is NOT a self-made man. The piece of shit would probably be a grumpy fish seller on the piers of Manhattan if daddy hadn’t been filthy rich.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The idiots in the GOP made Trump out to be a martyr.
I am wondering if it’s less showmanship with Trump and more like some conservative who wants to stop the bullshit in the GoP by dragging it all out in public? (yes, it’s politics so their will always be BS, but the GoP off on some bizarre tangent by even those standards)
Dead thread but my $.02. To get rid of fleas, ants and cockroaches, mix boric acid and baking soda and sugar. Sprinkle on carpets and leave overnight. This will give dogs/cats diarrhea if they lick up too much so you either keep them out of the room or take them out of the house. Vacuum up in the morning. Wash their bedding when you do this. Wash with boric acid or borateem and a capful of lysol concentrate. You have to do this every week for 6-8 weeks. If you know where the ants and roaches are coming in (most likely a sewer drain or vent stack for the sewer) put it near there. You can leave it on the counter if you put it in a plastic tub with a lid. Poke holes in so the bugs can get in and pets can’t. If they take it back to the nest, it kills the queen and larva. You just have to be consistent until the nest is gone.