Wow. Here I am behind the curtain at Balloon-Juice. [[surveys surroundings]] And it’s just like you’d expect, full of libruls and DFHs.
Since Anne Laurie has somehow been shutout of the blog (harrumph) it has fallen to me to actually post my own recipe exchange. Enjoy. Play nice. Here are the recipes for tonight:
What a week we’ve had here. I retreated to the kitchen often, cooking truly reduces my stress and helps me refocus. And since everyone needs to eat, I have a perfect excuse to retreat and regroup.
Cool weather blew in today, signalling the start of soup season, a great time of year. I have quite a few soup recipes and I began the season with one of my favorites, Tomato-Spinach, pictured above and recipe here.
Next up, Pumpkin Bars, because I needed something to share with friends and this recipe makes a lot. Click here for recipe and photos.
JeffreyW went to the Farmer’s Market and made Refrigerator Pickles, there are plenty of great photos and the pickle recipe here. He went on to use the beans he purchased to make Three Bean Salad, here.
And finally, for the pet lovers, some Bixby pictures and a bit of an update.
It’s the last official weekend of summer, how will you usher it out? What’s on your plate for the weekend? We are going to head up to the mountains to take in some color, which is predicted to be a short show this year.
For tonight’s featured recipe, I decided to experiment with flavors I would have never thought of on my own. Facebook and blog friend Michael F, shared a recipe on Facebook from Italy, in Italian no less, and the photo intrigued me. I let google translate the recipe (which was a hoot) and went about putting my touches into it.
It was so unusual, my most reliable recipe testers politely declined my dinner invite. Totally understandable. But I will tell you I was pleasantly surprised how well this turned out. If you like pork and apples, this has a similar flavor palate. It was also quick and easy to prepare. I’m glad I decided to experiment.
All right, if you’re up for something new and different, here you go, tonight’s featured recipe.
Sausage and Grapes
- 8 links Italian sausage (I used spicy, but you could use any style sausage you favor)
- 1/2 sweet onion, finely diced
- 2 tsp fennel seeds
- 1 cup green seedless grapes, washed, dried and halved lengthwise
- 1 cup red seedless grapes, washed, dried and halved lengthwise
- salt and pepper to taste (I used none, didn’t need it)
- angel hair pasta
- freshly grated Parmesan
Slice sausage links into four pieces each, add to skillet and fry on medium high for about 10 minutes. Add onion and fennel seeds, cook another 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until onions are translucent. Add grapes, stir until well mixed, cover and let simmer for an additional 10-15 minutes while pasta cooks.
Cook pasta according to package directions until al dente. Drain well.
You can toss with the sausage mixture, or serve separately. Serve with Parmesan.
The pasta was my addition. When I asked Michael what would be a good side, he suggested eggplant or roasted potatoes. Roasted zucchini spears would probably work well, too.
That’s if for this week. Hope I didn’t screw anything up. Have a great weekend. – TaMara
p.s Thanks John and hurry back Anne Laurie
Corner Stone
That’s…uhhh…not actually what I’d expect.
A few hours ago the wife asked if I had any more soup recipes after we made red beans & rice, some kind of bean soup, and split pea soup (which is to die for).
I had no recipes. But now I do. I’ll see if it piques her interest.
TaMara (BHF)
@guachi: Explore here and see all the soups JeffreyW and I have come up with, something might work.
schrodinger's cat
Is that radioactive soup? How old is that Fiesta Ware?
My sausage and grapes is a tray of Trader Joe’s sweet chicken sausages, good olive oil, grapes, balsamic vinegar.
Prick a few vents into the sausages, dump in a pan, poor a tablespoon or so of oil and roll around in the pan to coat both to avoid burning. 350 to 375 depending on how soon you need to have ready. Cook for about 20 to 15 minutes based on oven temp. Pull the pan out and check for even cooking. If needed, add a bit more oil. Add a bunch of the seasonal grapes of your preference. Splash with a couple of tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and return to the oven. Cook another 10 to 15 minutes. The grapes may burst. 8th The meantime, in a small pan, Cook About 1/4 Cup Of Balsamic Down To A small, thick, syrup. When the sausage and grapes are done, drizzle with the syrup and serve either as whole, halved length-wise, or coins for entrée, side or whoresdivorce.
You added beef to a perfectly delicious-sounding tomato soup? You meat-eaters are weird.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I thought that got debunked the last time this came up. Are you rebunking or just joking?
@benw: I like the tomato soup recipe: doesn’t seem to be too sweet like a lot of them. I am a meat eater, and agree with you on the beef, but adding Italian sausage intrigues me greatly, and I would like to subscribe to the newsletter. To keep the intrigue but lose the meat, maybe add fennel seeds, garlic, sage and (if you are a dill man) some dill weed. That would give the same herb tastes, I think.
Edit: and experiment with a little spicy red pepper, for bite.
“Rebunking” is possibly the most cromulent thing I’ve seen in weeks.
(Just Googled, and it is apparently a legitimate word, or at least a legitimate back-formed neologism; for whatever reason I had never seen it before, and I love it!)
schrodinger's cat
@Steeplejack: The newer ones are not radioactive but the older ones did use radioactive dyes, especially the red ones. We even used to use them to demo the concept of half life by using a Geiger counter and Reddish Orange Fiesta Ware.
@SiubhanDuinne: Is there a difference between ‘rebunk’ and ‘undebunk’?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
That recipe sounds pretty fucking awesome. Your tasters were fools to pass it up. Tastes vary, of course.
@jl: Ask one of our resident squids.
schrodinger's cat
Pre-1950s red Fiesta ware has appreciable amounts of Uranium oxide.
@schrodinger’s cat:
From the ’30s through the early ’70s, actually — with a gap during the war years when the oxide was more difficult to come by.
It did?
Of course there is. Didn’t you ever study Latin?
Let’s hear it for the War years!
TaMara (BHF)
Just to reassure everyone. While I do have a beautiful 12 piece set of multi-colored Fiestaware (none red), that cup and saucer were purchased for a few dollars at Target last week, so should be non-radioactive.
I like to eat my soup out of a cup, so the giant cup was irresistible and I had to buy it.
Steeplejack (tablet)
I seem to remember first encountering it in regard to Michele Bachmann. (Hard to believe, I know.) It is a useful word in the current political climate.
I wonder if I could sub sweet potato for the pumpkin in the bars. I live in the #1 producing sweet potato state and always seem to have them even though my family doesnt much like them. The dessertier, the better. I know I can do pie, of course.
Undebunk seems ungainly, and I haven’t seen it used. Rebunk is a great word to convey the sense of the original bunk-er doubling down.
Jefferyw inspired me to make nachos this week… does anybody have a good recipe to make their own taco seasoning?
Edit: I am going to be rude and ask that question and then turn off the computer for the night. But just in case someone answers, I will check for recipes in the morning. thanks.
TaMara (BHF)
@jibeaux: That’s affirmative. Just run them through the blender to make sure they are smooth. Sounds awesome.
I just took the pumpkin bars out of the oven. I had forgotten how yummy they are, not too sweet, very moist and really don’t need frosting.
TaMara (BHF)
@WaterGirl: Here is the one JeffreyW made.
@schrodinger’s cat:
NotMax on August 26:
Your comment above about “radioactive soup” is what made me ask rebunk or joke.
@jl: There are some pretty tasty fake-meat spicy Italian sausages for sale now. I’d probably either make the vegetarian soup, or follow the meat recipe, but with the faux sausages.
@benw: Do you have any recommendations? I tried a tofurkey version once out of curiosity, and it was at a fire sale price. I was not very impressed.
Edit: I have had better luck with veggie breakfast sausage links. Maybe through in some Morningstar or Boca links and add some fennel to cut the sage. But, I wouldn’t make the recipe often enough to matter, so would probably put in whatever unhealthy meats tasted the best to me.
schrodinger's cat
@Steeplejack: Uranium is an alpha emitter with an extremely long half life, so it would be ok to display it but I still would not eat off it, if it was produced prior to 1943.
OT: a good friend just got stopped for no reason whatsoever while driving. Guess his skin hue.
Fortunately he’s okay. Just really confused.
Via @Steeplejack:
Not so. A dental x-ray exposes you to about 100 μSv. Vintage Fiesta red can give off that much radiation per hour: alpha if you are eating acidic foods off it; beta if you touch it; and gamma if you’re even just near it.
Over time, it can be … unhealthy.
Incidentally, Fiesta was not the worst offender, not by a long shot.
schrodinger's cat
@Steeplejack: Also, lead is the final product of the Uranium series which not radioactive but not something I want to eat off either. Uranium oxide was between 15 to 20% of the glaze.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Lead is an additional danger, yes, particularly if the item is cracked or chipped.
Please, that was a direct quote from NotMax.
I have no pooch in this hunt. The August conversation was left tilting slightly to the debunked side (I thought), hence my question to Schrodinger’s Cat.
Hence my “Via.”
Mike in NC
We’ve been in Charleston for the past few days and have found several recipes we want to try at home: shrimp and grits, carmelized pears, she-crab soup, etc.
@Mike in NC:
Bon profit!
Chat Noir
I made the beans and rice recipe (sans pork since I’m vegetarian) from last Friday and it turned out great. I bookmarked it for future use. Thanks, TaMara!
@jl: Most of the fake-meat that comes frozen like Morningstar Farms or Boca is okay to grill as a burger or sausage, but not really a good meat substitute in a recipe. (The exception to this is Quorn, whose frozen fake-meat products are absolutely delicious.) But a lot of places are selling non-frozen fake meat now. We use Field Roast brand vegan sausages in a bunch of stuff, from spicy chipotle soup to smoked apple sausage stuffing and it’s all delicious. You can also find refrigerated baked tofu now, that have a lot of flavor like Teriyaki or Italian that are much easier to put in a recipe than plain firm tofu.
Steeplejack (phone)
I saw that. I suggest “From NotMax, via Steeplejack,” would be clearer.
Let’s go straight to The Straight Dope:
Easy to get a reading on a Geiger counter from such other mundane items as tile, kitty litter, granite countertops and a well-stocked banana display at the supermarket. Doesn’t necessarily mean it is a danger.
Sorry about the typo in your nym, Steep. My bad.
In another thread I accidentally typed schrodinerf instead of schrodinger, but caught that one. :)
@benw: Thanks, I will try your suggestions. Even though I am a meat eater, I look for good vegetarian stuff if I feel the urge for a binge coming on, to keep things reasonable.
I’ve found frozen Boca breakfast links to be very adaptable, and I love that sage breakfast sausage flavor. So, if I feel like making a lot of soups or bean stews, I chop them up and throw them in.
Steeplejack (phone)
Good to see you! Let’s you and them fight.
My digital ears were burning. :)
Can’t we all just get along?
Steeplejack (phone)
Why are you having to type nyms? Reply function not working?
Have always typed them, and cut and paste the link URL for the nym. Always type code for html stuff, too. Because of the way I prefer to have my browser configured, Reply doesn’t function and the html aids aren’t there either.
Steeplejack (phone)
All righty, so you’re like a digital prepper, then? LOL.
It’s second nature from my blogging years. Just the way I roll.
Steeplejack (phone)
If you want to stay under the radar, you need colons at the end of your nym links.
@jl: You’re welcome. Remember, meat is murder!
Omnes Omnibus
@benw: Not The Smiths best album.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nor the best Psych episode.
Never saw the point of the colon (nor the @ sign, for that matter), particularly as I put the body of the message into a new line.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: That seems labor intensive.
Not really. As said, it’s second nature. And don’t have to keep futzing with browser settings.
Well, heck, now I’m hungry. Dammit.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: But, of course, I am not Steep.
@Omnes Omnibus
Can we be absolutely certain of that? :)
Steeplejack (tablet)
Jeez, you’re decompressing right before our eyes.
ETA: And now your link at 59 doesn’t work at all.
@Steeplejack, not Omnes
Just funnin’ y’all.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Did Steep launder all of his bedding today? Because I did.
@Omnes Omnibus
Want a really head-shaking moment? Also habitually web surf with images turned off. Should there be a picture that I’m curious about, will load only that one.
@Omnes Omnibus
Did a little (just a little) silver polishing today. A job I despise and shun, but eventually it has to be done.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I did wash the housecat’s faux sheepskin throw yesterday. She slept on it all day today.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): Okay, I am definitely not you. I was pretty sure, but….
@TaMara (BHF): thank you!
@TaMara (BHF): Your pumpkin squares sound intriguing. Are they more like cake or like pie?
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Glad we could clear that up.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): So am I. It will make the weekend so much easier.
I wrote a short film and I’m trying to make it. So far I’m short a full crew and only women are responding to the casting call. There is way too much paperwork involved in making a film. 6 weeks before shooting begins.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t see how, but I’ll take your word for it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): I have guests coming tomorrow. If I were you, I would be in the DC area (which would have some advantages in my life) and that would inconvenience my guests.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
But then I might be there to entertain your guests. Problem solved.
Kind of slow around here tonight.
Howzabout an anti-Shakespearean sing-along video from one of the shows seen during the NY trip?
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): I am not sure you could deal with my dad. No offense. Plus you don’t know where the coffee is. Dad will want tea, but brother will want coffee.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
What’s the problem with your dad?
Omnes Omnibus
Cole is randomly trying to pick Twitter fights right now.
Steeplejack (tablet)
I’m out. Night, all.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): He is who he is which is wonderful, cranky, brilliant, obsessive, generous, short tempered., and, if he chooses to be, utterly charming.
No more 700+ threads?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Sounds just like me. We should get along swimmingly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): I can’t even….
Let’s play a game: guess the shooter’s sex, race, level of education and/or intellectual prowess, feelings of positivity toward government, general attractiveness level, and whether or not firearms were given to him/her as a child.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: I don’t think I shall play. It wouldn’t be fair to the other contestants.
Teaches political science
Adonis/Venus on his/her best day
Crafted from scratch using the My First Forge playset
(assiduously scratching “profiler” off the list of possible late in life careers)
@NotMax: LAWLZ.
Amir Khalid
It’s tough to work one’s way through 700-plus (or in the recent case, 800-plus) comments.
Anybody else out to play?
@Elizabelle: Like we have a social life besides this blog, heh.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Hey Bill! I should be sleeping, but insomnia and have to get up in about 90 minutes anyway.
I’ve been reading about the canyoneering people in Zion Park who got caught in Keyhole Canyon, and thinking there but for the grace of Dog. Nature can surprise one, terribly.
You got a good hike planned for today?
@Elizabelle: Nope, too damned hot for the weekend. My hiking partner(aka the kid) is looking at Monday or Wednesday(we may get rain on Tuesday).
Wish I could send you some of our weather. It’s glorious in DC area. Ciao for now.
Amir Khalid
Good news. I can see the sun shining! The haze seems to be lifting a bit, and my eyes don’t sting as much now.
Keith G
Since this is, at root, a food thread, allow me to recommend a nice change of pace breakfast. One egg over easy on wheat toast and a half link of fresh Cajun boudin. Cafe au lait and listen to this Spotify playlist: George Ezra’s Sunday Service.
Yummy. And now it’s off to work.
@Amir Khalid: I guess the haze gave new meaning to the phrase, “What color is the sky in your world”. I remember, back in the late 80’s, when I was on the 46th floor of our building and couldn’t see the ground here in LA. The air quality here has greatly improved in the last 25 years.
Man, I slept until 6!!!
Tamara’s original vegan recipe for the tomato soup is on the menu for tonight, with the pumpkin squares looking highly likely to be dessert.
Locating halal or even kosher meat is next to impossible near me, so we’re doing a lot of vegetarian foods. Portobello mushrooms are invaluable meat substitutes, I have found, but I’m starting to dream of steak.
Steeplejack (phone)
You were up late. Thought I saw you posting after 10:00.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Suzanne: “Whoever said my son is the freeway shooter is a moron”
And still people hate the government.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
That article is behind a pay wall so I didn’t read it but the governor gave the defense a gift by tweeting “we got him!”. Is every AZ politician an idiot?
@Baud: Well yeah, FREEDOM!!!!
Kentucky deputy clerk casts doubt on validity of Kim Davis’s marriage forms
ps: I miss Anne.
And yeah, FREIHEIT!!!
Volkswagen under investigation over illegal software that masks pollution
@OzarkHillbilly: I read that last night. I hope they throw her ass back in jail.
Freedom to emphysema.
Anne Lairie is missed.
Well, all of that pollution was the government’s fault. Had the government not built all of the highways and roads there would have been no place to use all the cars and therefore no car exhaust. You see it isn’t all that difficult to figure out that the government is responsible for everything that’s wrong.
BTW I actually had someone use a similar argument when I suggested that the highway system was something of value that the government built. It was their contention that if the roads needed to be built private companies would build them and pay for them and then the government wouldn’t be responsible for maintaining them
@Baud: just like the vaccination contremps: people forget the bad stuff that’s gone like smog and measles deafened 5 year olds, and bitch about being made to do the slightest thing inconvenient to themselves because they don’t see the common good. Especially since one major political party has spent the last 45 years saying there shouldn’t be a “common good”.
Private companies could never build roads for the simple reason that it requires the exercise of the eminent domain power, which only the government has. Without it, road companies would have to buy off thousands of land owners, which would be cost prohibitive.
I’m sure they would just buy the land up at the market price because obviously if the road was worth building it was worth building right.
I honest to god do not know how anyone over the age of 13 could be a libertarian
They believe in the common good for privileged people.
A Central Texas man who claimed anti-police vandals had attacked the family pickup truck has been arrested after police believe he vandalized the truck.
Scott Lattin, a disabled veteran, told Whitney police on Sept. 8 someone tagged his truck with “Black Lives Matter” and other graffiti because he displayed pro-police messages and symbols on his pickup.
But on Friday afternoon, Whitney police arrested Lattin on a misdemeanor charge of making a false police report.
Lattin’s arrest warrant affidavit said Lattin admitted damaging the inside of his vehicle for insurance reasons.
A Lattin family relative started a Go Fund Me account to help pay for repairs to the truck. In addition, car dealers and body shops even offered to help.
The police chief is asking people to stop sending the family money. He’s working with the district attorney’s office to see how to handle the Go Fund Me account that raised nearly $6,000 and hopes to get the money back to duped donors.
“One of the social media pages said ‘My husband is an officer, I can give you $25 because that’s all I can afford.’ That just ripped at my heart,” Bentley said.
In FOX4’s initial report Lattin’s 18-year-old son Jason, who wanted to be a police officer, was interviewed. After his father’s arrest, neither he nor his mother wanted to talk.
Ha. It’s the backwards “B” all over again.
@Baud: The power of Eminent Domain has been used a number of times here recently for the benefit of private companies in the name of “improving the economy.”
I am taking it easy after four straight weeks of relatives visiting, who fortunately stayed other places.
Our autumn show is spectacular every year.
While it is short in any individual spot, the great part is that we have such a variety of elevations and microclimates that The Peak is available within an hour’s drive for six whole weeks.
I once got lost, this time of year, coming back from a meeting. And stumbled on a back road which wound through trees and it was a spiritual experience.
My favorite time of year.
@OzarkHillbilly: Kim Davis needs to be impeached.
The current Supreme Court has even ruled that its a tokidoki thing to do, take private land under eminent domain and give it to private companies to make a profit. Even the little 5 non thinkers on the court thought it was okie dokie
But it must be delegated by the government.
People forget ten years ago, much less a century.
I think the constant flow of information keeps shortening the vulnerable’s attention span. Their fragile knowledge of history is also diluted by outright lies constantly coming at them from dubious sources.
I keep my perspective by reading a lot of history, and extending my “arc of understanding.”
Actually it was a liberal opinion, when Stevens was on the court. The conservative justices voted against it.
The liberals were probably right, BTW. Limiting eminent domain power is not good in the long run.
@WereBear: I’ve always been a little jealous of your northern mountain Autumnal colors. They always comes in a big technicolor blast. Our Ozark colors are nice, sometimes really nice (depending on the weather) but they are more drawn out and so feel a little muted by comparison.
@Schlemazel: Nothing pi$$es me off more, to the point where I don’t think I will ever watch another NFL game as long as I live. (stadium deals- same issue in a different package)
Read enough history and you’ll only become depressed learning how nothing ever changes.
New England weather (which extends to the Adirondack Park and up into parts of Canada) favors just the right mix of trees. Our palette runs the table with yellow and gold, through rust and reds, right into purple.
I also think our foliage is the best, because there’s acres and acres of it. Many places can have a distracting human element, but we also offer SWEEP.
It’s always been my favorite time of year, and to live in a place which has the best is a sweet surprise.
@Baud: And in this world of unlimited political donations, that makes a difference how?
@OzarkHillbilly: Just like prohibition and fear of dietary fat were giant social experiments, so we are living through one now with Unlimited Political Cash.
Imagine the documentary the future Ken Burns will do.
Then we should all become libertarians.
I remembered it is being a split decision with some of each on both sides. And obviously nothing can get through the court unless one of the little five agrees
My old man was born in 1923, the youngest of 10. Whenever one of his sisters or brothers came for a visit there was always the after dinner hour of reminiscing about the ‘old days’. One of their memories that always struck me was of black snow. It would fall pure and white and within a day or 2 turn black with soot from all the coal furnaces. Not all their memories were good.
Kennedy switched.
@Baud: Bullshit.
The NFL and its 32 teams split six billion dollars last year just TV revenue. This year they’ll split 9 billion dollars and they’re projected to go up to 25 billion dollars a year in the near future. Yeah they can build their own damn stadiums. And ultimately the other professional sports while not as wealthy are in the same arena pardon the pun
I don’t see any other option to deal with unlimited corporate contributions. Either we work to reduce the power of money or we work to reduce the power of government.
@OzarkHillbilly: Today would have been my dad’s(and his sister’s) 96th B-day, it’s also my 5th anniversary of abstinence.
So I gather you have a pretty comprehensive porn collection?
@Baud: That’s an excellent idea, sir. I’ll get on it right away.
@RK: Abstinence from the boozy stuff, we won’t get into the existence or size of my pron collection.
A powerless government is the same as one owned by corporations, no protection at all. We need to reduce the influence of money and make government the counterbalance to big money it should be.
Without government individuals are at the mercy of the powerful.
@Baud: That’s what our enemies want us to do: reduce the power of government.
Because that is our only power.
If a person murders someone, or is negligent, or drives carelessly or under the influence, they are severely punished.
But if a corporation murders and maims thousands of people, they are punished only when the victims manage to hire a lawyer, win the court case, and sting them with money.
Which is a miniscule amount of what they reaped by the murder and maiming.
We have to change that, too.
Congratulations on that! Keep on keeping on.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I knew what you meant. Was just kidding around.
@Schlemazel: @WereBear:
I agree. That’s why I’m not a libertarian, even though I recognize governmental power can be abused, whether it’s the eminent domain power or the taxing power or the war power.
You’ll move up fast in my administration with that attitude.
@Steeplejack (phone): Just.
Oh THAT kind of abstinence! In that case, carry on.
@WereBear: you said it better
@RK: @Steeplejack: Thanks. One does have to remember to be precise around this crowd.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Congratulations on 5 years! One day at a time adds up.
Abhorrent, monstrous, despicable.
Horrific testimony heard at Mountie’s child abuse trial
I just reread all your statements above and… Huh? You are saying it is OK for gov’t to use it’s power of Eminent Domain for the benefit of private individuals. I say it is not because in this world of unlimited political donations the gov’t can and will be bought. Your answer to that is we should all become Libertarians? The people who think gov’t power is just another good that should be for sale? (their anti-gov’t ethos is at heart that power should be unfettered, hence gov’t is for the powerful to wield as they see fit). I said BS and you come back with this?
I’m sorry buddy, you left something out.
@Schlemazel: Heh, I’m pure of mind and heart unlike you all.
Hey, I have a tech question. My Win 10 tablet’s Generic PnP Monitor driver doesn’t recognize my external monitors max resolution. Any suggestions on the best way to fix that.
@Baud: I did figure out the floating desktops in Lightning, they’re activated via gestures as I though.
ETA: One could almost do Virtual Desktops like Windows 10 with it.
It’s only 8:51, the girls are still sleeping, and I am almost ready for a nap after being up since 5 am. Becoming a mom to teenagers after a 13 year hiatus is more tiring than I expected. But we are having fun.
Did you know Muslims are supposed to ritually wash seven times if they get dog saliva on them? Even I may not have enough soap.
Gawd! We got all new layers of upper management after last fallls unpleasantness and I have never seen such a bunch of apple polishers in my 50 year work life. Had an hour long meeting yesterday and it was all “oh that is exciting” “I’m so excited” “excellent idea”. I was seriously thinking I might puke the shit got so thick
@NotMax: All the more reason to never give police an automatic pass. It creates monsters.
No legal principle supports that. All eminent domain power must be for “public use.” The Kelo case was about whether the eminent domain power could be used to to transfer property to private companies as part of an economic development plan. The libs + Kennedy said yes, and the conservatives said no. I believe the libs were correct because, otherwise, you could have a handful of holdouts completely stymie economic development projects. I recognize that power can be abused, especially in a world of unlimited corporate contributions, but the solution IMHO is not to deny the government this power because it would not be a good thing over the long run. In other words, I don’t adopt the libertarian stance on how to deal with this issue.
@Schlemazel: Heh. I can’t do it either. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will not achieve the level of career success I would have liked because of it.
@Baud: Check to see if the monitor manufacture has a driver, even if the don’t, right click(press and hold on a tablet) on the windows ‘button’ on the taskbar. Select device manager, expand monitors, right click on ‘generic pnp” and select update drivers. You’d then need to select the second option, browse my computer for diver software. In the next screen either select the location of the driver from the manufacture or “Let me pick from a list…” and then uncheck “show compatible hardware”. That should allow you to force a different monitor. It’ll give you a list of manufactures and models and additional generic drivers.
Thanks. I’ll try that.
Me too but not that much. I realize early I would not be a good manager, I fix things really well but have no ability to fix people. The result is I became a technical star so they need my skills and I (eventually) learned to not make fun of the polishers(out loud in their presence). I have done OK and, under the few good managers I have had even had fun.
Amir Khalid
As there is no actual scriptural authority on the cleanliness or otherwise of the canine kind, Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia generally follow the guidance laid down by Imam al-Shafie on matters like this. But I should point out that there are Muslims who follow the guidance of other teachers and don’t regard dogs as particularly dirty; indeed, some Muslims do have pet dogs. Also, Imam al-Shafie’s been dead twelve centuries. It would only be common sense to review his rulings to see if they still make sense today.
Nice, I see what you did there. You said there was no legal principle supporting the transfer of property from one individual to another, then you cite one. I well understand all the reasonings behind Kelo and it is all just horsesh!t semantics.
As to:
Bullsh!t. Doesn’t stop the Chinese.
@Amir Khalid:
Hey! Come on now! As an American I am required to know that all Muslims believe what certain TV preachers and American politicians tell me they believe. ALL. If you don’t believe that then you must not be a true Scott . . . er Muslim.
Also too I am required to explain to Believers what they actually believe.
Omnes Omnibus
@OzarkHillbilly: The Chinese are bound by the US Constitution?
schrodinger's cat
@TaMara (BHF): I somehow missed your comment last night. Should have read it before extolling the dangers of older Fiesta Ware.
@Amir Khalid: Thanks Amir! My exchange daughter from Indonesia is the one most concerned, though my Bahraini daughter isn’t much enthused about sloppy doggie kisses either.
@satby: Satby, that made me laugh, but that’s so sad.
Do they actually feel that they need to do the ritual washing? (really hoping the answer is no.)Edit: I see that my question was answered a few comments down.