So the symptom of our ailment is that people like Anne Laurie and Betty Cracker can’t access the site from their home PCs, but they can from cell phones on a different network, or work computers. Of course, nothing whatsoever was changed on the site (the redesign is still in progress).
If you can access the site on one computer / phone / tablet / steam-powered viewscreen, and can’t on another, please comment below. I’ll add another thread for anything else above this one. And if you do have a problem, tell us the Internet Service Provider(s) you are using.
This is me on my home computer.
This is me on my android phone.
This is me on my Win 10 tablet.
I’m good.
Funny, I just watched Godzilla last night. I’m inspired.
This is me on my iPhone waiting for th damn Metro.
I’ve actually had this problem for a while now (six months, maybe). On my home PC (using Chrome) the page becomes “unresponsive” when loading and I have to kill it. I do not have this problem on my iPhone or iPad. Note, also, that this doesn’t happen all the time. Every once and a while I can move down the page without it freezing, but it’s rare.
SiubhanDuinne (phone)
Me from my phone.
This is me on iPad
Me from my iPad.
(I just sent a message from my iPhone but it’s in moderation — probably because I’ve never posted from the phone and FYWP doesn’t recognize the nym SiubhanDuinne (phone).
From android phone via 4GLTE
Did they just upload Windows 10? Microsoft was due for another crappy system that includes lots of unnecessary and unwanted bells and whistles while completely messing up your old system.
This is typical of the ISP hosting the site having BGP routing issues. Some networks are reachable and some are not. It will probably just go away when the networks converge.
If you want to report this to the BJ ISP, a better question is what ISP do they have that is not working.
From iPad via DSL
Me on a laptop. This thread the ‘bold’, italics, link, and quote buttons are back.
I am able to access the site from home (Optimum) and on my phone (T-Mobile), so those two networks are apparently ok.
I have had experiences in the past with something in the routing chain being “helpful” by blocking IP addresses which appeared in some spam blocklists. I think some of the newer home routers and some ISPs fall into that category. It might be something to keep in mind. I’m using an old RT-N66 with Shibby’s version of Tomato, fairly recent version.
This is me in the corner, losing my religion. On my Kindle.
Last night I was unable to connect from my desktop for about five minutes. Then it started working again.
Paul in KY
This is me on good ole work computer.
Chat Noir
iPhone 6 plus. No problem accessing the site from here.
constitutional mistermix
@jeffro: Both AL and BC are on Verizon, so that’s a possibility. I’ll put it in the post.
Couldn’t get on for a little bit yesterday, using Firefox. But then I could.
Jim C
Try clearing out all the website data in Chrome on the machines having the problems.
Viewing from a hamster-driven PC (IE). Haven’t had any of the described problems with the BJ site, but occasionally with some others (e.g. Kevin Drum at MoJo). Usually shutting down and re-loading did the trick. I think jeffro may be onto a hot trail.
Jim C
Click to edit comment just kicks me back to the main page but it appears I can leave this comment. I’m on an iPad Mini, 1st gen and the iPad layout is enabled.
I can access the site without any problems on both my desktop and my iPhone 6 Plus. I’m using Verizon FIOS. I also use Verizon for my cell service and I tried the phone using the LTE connection (rather than wi-fi) and had no problems. I use the desktop version of the site on my phone if that makes any difference.
El Tiburon
What do you mean “people like Anne and Betty…”?
You mean people with lady parts?
I see misogyny still runs deep over here.
No problem accessing from my Macbook Pro.
Fine from my macbook air on Comcast.
Fine from my iPhone 6.
Fine from my iPad 2 air with wifi and comcast.
Host is Charter, on a mac, works fine.
On a maybe related note had to trouble shoot an FTP connection (which we had to use because email was borked, see below) yesterday on a work computer and it turned out to be IE. It would/could not find the source. Loaded FF and it works perfect. Same computer corrupted the same file attached to email using windows live mail or Verizon web mail. I do believe that microsoft is, if not the center of suckage in the universe, at least one of the major sources.
Betty Cracker
Fucking Verizon. I’m 100% certain they’re behind the problem.
My LTE link is VzWireless, my DSL is Vz POTS (plain old telephone service). Both desktop & mobile sites AOK.
@Betty Cracker: Are you and AL FiOS?
@p.a.: I’m using FIOS with no problems whatsoever.
@peej: Especially since one is Fla. and the other Ma. a system wide trouble is unlikely, and 2 mirror image local troubles even less likely. Did they pay their bills? :-o
Betty Cracker
@p.a.: I am. Don’t know about AL.
For what it’s worth, my Macbook is fine, home and work. But I updated my iPhone to iOS 9 last night and now the formatting of BJ is all messed up in Safari with the entire site forced into a narrow column on the left 1/4 of the screen, and whitespace everywhere else. All other mobile sites I’ve accessed look ok.
Reluctant Militant
Using an iPad 3(IOS 9) I can pull up the site just fine in Safari. However, I can’t refresh. I have to close out the tab and open a new one to get the latest.
There was a minor update to WordPress a day or two ago that would have auto-updated, might be plugin conflict which is what always plagues my site.
I’ve always had issues with the site on certain browsers–chrome I think–it just locks up. Could be a routing issue, but I have a feeling its an ad or some script going loopy.
I use Chrome on my Mac and also on iOS for iPad and iPhone with no problems so far.
However, I have not updated to iOS 9 on my iPad and iPhone and my Mac is old so I am still running OS 10.7.5.
Edit: ISP is a local network, not one of the big brand name companies.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
This is me from ONE work computer, which I can only occasionally access. I can’t even get BJ to load on my own, just endless circling until I have to kill it to get anything else to function correctly. There especially seems to be an issue whenever any recorded track is posted to the site, as in the TWIB posts, but lately it’s become the entire page, all the time. It’s getting to the point where I don’t even bother to check BJ most days, ’cause not being able to even read the damned front page is too frustrating.
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: I think you’re on to something. I could only very briefly get it to lock up, and from what I could tell it was on the TWIB player and only in Chrome. Once I started logging and such, though, I can’t reproduce it.
Bill Tucker
Not sure how helpful this will be, but the site works fine on my Mac (Chrome & Safari, Mac OS 10.10.5) and iPad (iOS 9), connecting through my apartment building’s network (I think the ISP is MekongNet), and also through my iPhone (iOS 9) via Mobitel Cellcard. Those are in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
I can see it fine on both my laptop and my phone. I use Chrome on my laptop and Safari on my phone. And they are both old as dirt, if that matters.
M. Bouffant
Working fine for me, on Chrome & Microsoft Edge, via TimeWarnerCable, using Windows 10.
FlyingToaster (phone)
This is me from my iPhone via Sprint. So far as I know, I’m fine on my laptop from RCN and from my tablet via the School’s ISP (probably Comcast).