From commentor and kitten-wrangler Marc:
… I haz a reputation. The other kittens haven’t figured out the escape route this one found. I put her back in the corral, and she was back out in seconds. Not gonna be too long before they all are roaming the condo – barriers or no barriers….
These pics are actually more than a week old (sorry Marc) so goddess only knows what mischief the little demons are up to by now…
Apart from kittens, what’s on the agenda as we start another week?
Yikes, I need to go to bed. Did a late-ish run to Dulles to pick up some friends and drive them into D.C., and that sort of jump-started an all-nighter. Plinking away on the computer and didn’t notice the time. And the housecat has been sighing loudly and giving me the fish-eye in between trying to sleep at her workstation.
ETA: Cute kittens are cute!
Mary G
Marc is doing a great job with the little family.
I thought Cole was gonna give us updates about Vegas. So, waiting.
My elderly 20-year-old cat who basically lives on our mutual bed (which is tall and she cannot get up or down without my assistance), peed in the spot where I lie, on the waterproof mattress cover, because I forgot to put a fresh pee-pad down. So I am now going to bed to sleep on a reverse pee-pad (absorbent side down).
It’s just like a reverse Cowboy, but without a human partner and sex, plus a cat, with added cat pee. It’s a pretty small subset, but I am willing to bet that there are one or two folks out there who would really get off on such a sitch. Yawwwwnnnnn…I’m not one of them. Laundromat tomorrow for allllll the bedding.
I have started a new assignment at work, completely different area of security so I am no longer trying to prevent attacks. Interesting so far.
Anyone know what the down side of long-term antibiotic use is? It’s an issue I may have to learn about.
@seaboogie: tmi
Don’t know the latest details, but it can mess up your intestinal flora (or whatever the current term is).
Also, if you are not rigorous in taking the antibiotics and stop taking them before whatever it is you are taking them for is completely nuked, you run the risk of that thing coming back with a strengthened resistance to the antibiotics.
@raven: I know. Welcome to my life.
I’ll get an update out soon. The kittens have expanded their territory this last week, and their physical skills have grown quickly. Miri is still being a good momma, and the kittens are cute as ever – even if they make me worry from time to time with their antics.
I am having issues with reoccurring infections and they are messing with my head, cognitive and memory problems. I am going to discuss options with my doctor and one of them could be long-term antibiotic therapy. I assume my gut flora is already only those that can survive drugs as I have been on repeated courses for the last couple of years.
How are those Republican boots gonna get licked then?
@raven: I was hoping you meant ever, but I see that they’re both off. Probably over-orgasmed by the Pope. So it’s up to Plagiarist in Chief McBarnacle and Luke Russert’s competition for the Bill Kristol Earned Success Award Willie Geist to delve into the SCANDAL of HRC’s email.
@raven: Joe’s probably in mourning over Boehner.
ETA: And they’re back to Hilz email.
@Schlemazel: That’s going to call for more gut assistance than the usual advice to eat more yogurt can supply. I’d start taking probiotic supplements, good list here:
I think @BillinGlendaleCA answered your question.
I think @bystander: got there firstest but yup.
I have been reading the an anti-oxident might be necessary too am hoping someone here has had some experience and could offer insight. I am always amazed at the breadth and depth of knowledge and experience this group of misfits has!
Is there anything more appealing than a pile of kittens?
Some supplements are pretty woo-ish, but a good antioxidant almost everyone over 40 should take is Co-Q10.
We went through that with Mr WereBear. For five years. I haz resources and info.
Issues with gut flora (learn to love good yogurt!) and sun sensitivity.
@seaboogie: My 19-year old was spry one day, running around the house, and the next day, she began acting like a 19-year old. Her back legs are a little wobbly and suddenly a most vocal cat has practically lost her voice. Suddenly, she can no longer jump up on my tall bed either nor certainly get down off it. She has little problems coming down the stairs but climbing up is a challenge and I feel so sorry for her, I try to carry her when I can tell she is ready to go up. She used to rip up and down those stairs and holler like a banshee.
This has been a sobering experience and yes I am one of “those people.” I don’t know if I get off on it but she is certainly the sunshine of my life. I’m still trying to adjust to the sudden change.
Anyway, vet said she looked awesome for such an old lady and that he believes it is just “generalized weakness” – no evidence of a neurological problem. From now on, I plan to pamper her beyond all reason
That’s the thing, way too much woo-hoo around supplements. It’s impossible to separate fact from BS. Thanks for the suggestion, if it comes to it I will need it.
Would be great to hear what you have but maybe off thread? I can give you an email address if you feel like sharing what you have..
ne7minder is the account and it is at gmail. Thanks
@satby: Yes, indeed! CoQ10 diminishes in everyone as we (cough cough) get a little older.
Also helpful with an antibiotic protocol is adopting a gluten-free, low carb diet to see if hidden food sensitivities are making a person vulnerable to infection. Mr WereBear was on the Vanderbilt Protocol for a long time, and switching to a more ketogenic diet helped him a lot.
There’s also Herxheimer reactions. It’s getting rid of the toxins, though, so that’s the good side of it.
@Althea: I had a cat who developed problems at 15, and we got him to 18 with stuff like this:
Saving James Bond’s Brain
Fortunately, your cat does not have mental issues like my cat, but the nutritional and environmental tips in the articles might help.
Also, I’m a radical: I started giving him pregnenolone, a precursor to making hormones, and it helped him. When the vets can’t come up with anything, there’s nothing to lose. If this interests you, you can contact me through my blog.
@Schlemazel: Will do!
Patricia Kayden
@raven: LOL!
@Schlemazel: Yeah, don’t. But I am kinda prejudiced. My youngest almost lost his leg to a MRSA.
On the slightly more serious side, what Doc are you seeing? Your regular Doc or an infectious disease specialist? Go see the specialist. Pretty obvious you have a suppressed immune system.
Also, pretty obvious I have mentioned the obvious.
Good news for everyone who isn’t a Shell stockholder: Shell abandons Alaska Arctic drilling
Dachshund puppies. Your mileage may vary. ;-)
Mustang Bobby
Sorry to be late to the party, but it’s the day I draw down 350 budget records for monthly projections before everyone gets here and ties up the printer. Also the streaming from WIAA was fritzy so I had to find something to fill the void and ended up with Colorado Public Radio’s KVOD, so I’m a little meshuggeh right now.
Missed the eclipse; I was awake but it was raining so I decided the hell with it and went back to bed.
Some St. Louis County cities fear new police requirements are meant to put them out of business
I think they have caught on to the plan:
Northwoods Alderman Errol Bush said the cities should fight to repeal or change the law, which he said is aimed at financially destroying North County cities.
The law, beginning the next fiscal year, limits traffic court revenue to 12.5 percent of the annual budget of cities in St. Louis County. The limit is 20 percent for municipalities in other counties.
Bush, Normandy Mayor Patrick Green and others testified before the Missouri Legislature that the law is unfair and unworkable. Ferguson Mayor James Knowles said the law is consistent with efforts by Better Together, a group seeking to eliminate fragmented government, to put small municipalities out of business altogether.
Bush urged the league to adopt an official position against the law; league officials urged Bush and others to submit a written request for consideration by the league’s executive board, and action could come as early as the next general meeting, Oct. 22. Bush said that will help in an ongoing fight.
What has their collective panties in a bunch? Accreditation of their police departments.
@Schlemazel: The Mayo Clinic web site seems to have pretty level-headed information on most things I’ve looked at there, but there isn’t a lot of detail. It might be a good starting point.
Is this related to something like a persistent UTI? Those can be tough to get rid of. My MIL would get them occasionally and one of the main symptoms would be that she would begin to hallucinate. Not fun. It’s amazing how interconnected the various parts of our body are.
Keep track of your symptoms and don’t assume that if something comes up that it’s normal or there’s nothing that can be done about it. There’s still lots of options when it comes to antibiotics (in most cases, anyway).
Whatever it is, I wish you luck!
@Marc: Awww, they are adorable. WRT the antics: All kitties are going to be scampi and engage in kitten mayhem.
Would it be possible for you make a short video of them walking and/or moving in some way?
Love them kitties!
We went out and watched the first part of the eclipse, but didn’t have the stamina to watch the whole thing for three hours. It was a bit nippy out and the only place with the good vantage point involved sitting on an overturned fishing skiff. Not the best seat in the house.
But it was great to see it, anyway.
This was nice to hear about, but I can’t help but think Shell’s up to some kind of shenanigans.
Probably a result of crashing oil prices.
I’ve had issues with taking too many antibiotics over the years and the attendant side effects: I suggest probiotics and lots of yogurt.
Good. They deserve that.
I’m beginning to hear issue ads about lifting the oil export ban. This, after pushing fracking as a way to guarantee energy independence! Pigs all.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: This actually rings a bell… An old friend of mine took an antiviral medication for the flu and had a psychotic break. No specific lesson, just be aware and beware.
@debbie: A $4.7 billion write off is not shenanigans. This is for real.
Iowa Old Lady
@Althea: I was several lines into your post, horrified, before I realized you were talking about a 19-year-old cat, not your daughter. It’s early and I’m jet lagged.
@debbie:No matter what they say, it’s always about money. Always.
Yes, that’s my point. I think saying the results have been disappointing is less than genuine. They get that write-off now and then can return in a couple years to grab as much oil as they can.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: What shall we ever do without them?
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s good to hear for us and the environment.
I’m knocking on wood. Physically, I’m fine and have settled into an eating and activity style that actually has me shedding weight. Trousers are heading down toward 36, and I’m calculating being there in about 6 weeks. I have been supplementing with Turmeric to ward off arthritic conditions, a couple of gobbledygook amino acids that are supposed to help with my man thing, and I’m still on testosterone for help with adding muscle mass and sexual health (although I’m considering dropping it the next cycle – I feel like enough weight is gone and muscle mass is boosted enough that my body will be producing at appropriate levels. Plus, that stuff is expensive). Levels 18 months ago were super low, and were nearly a danger to cardio function – a doctor friend of mine told me that there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that I’d have much luck with any program of diet and exercise unless I got that supplemented, so I did.
4.7B out of the total ‘planned’ 7B just to find out there is no fucking gas there seems to be bs. You can expect the price ‘adjustment’ at the pump to off-set this yyyyuge ‘loss’.
Are you able to tell whether tumeric’s helped much?
@Botsplainer: better health is a good thing! You have a lot going on, take care of you.
@Iowa Old Lady:
“Back legs,” really?
@Botsplainer: It’s great you got the help you needed. Hormone issues are tricky, especially when it comes to finding the right doctor.
KEAs are in Marc’s house.
Kitten escape artists.
And they’re perfect for a Monday thread, or whenever they appear.
Good morning, all.
Four legs good.
@Althea: Hope you have much good time left with your senior kitty cat. Old pets are very dear.
So the mental battle raging in my head right now is whether to give notice on my job even though I don’t have another one lined up (online business and a second part time job will help fill some of the hole) or to try to hold on until I actually land another job. I know the answer is to wait, but I am so miserable as a job developer that it’s seriously affecting my performance. I loved being a job coach / mentor and was great at it by all feedback, but I really dislike trying to “sell” people as potential employees to skeptical employers. Especially since my roster of clients wouldn’t really be wonderful employees, though some might be adequate.
Iowa Old Lady
@Cervantes: That was my first clue.
Iowa Old Lady
@satby: Sympathy on the misery. We spend way too much time at work to hate what we’re doing while we’re there. But really, I always found it was easier to find a job when I had one. There were contacts, and I just looked more employable to potential hirers. Also, I could pay my bills while I looked.
Can you play mind games with yourself to make yourself happier at work?
Stick it out if you can and for as long as you can. Unless you’ve got concrete possibilities of a better job.
@amk: @debbie:
They found oil. They found gas. But not at amounts that are profitable to recover. $4,7 billion dollars of their $7 billion investment is GONE (I assume the other $2.3 is in infrastructure that can be repurposed for other drilling). They can not recover that money. Either at the pump (because markets, Exxon, BP, etc) or by going back in a few years (they’d have to put that $4.7 billion up again only this time it would be far far more).
This is unmitigated good news. It is saying that the oil and gas in the Chukchi Sea is NOT profitable now or in the foreseeable (next 20 yrs or so) future. Another oil company could take another shot at it (it won’t be Shell) but why? So they could lose their asses too at a time when the markets are flooded with oil? I don’t see it happening. Meanwhile action on climate change gathers steam. Solar and wind get cheaper and cheaper. Battery technology gets better and better making electric cars more feasible. Etc.
I know that cynicism is the default response, and I am usually the first on that bus, but business is about making money, not losing it. And I don’t care why they aren’t doing it, only that they’ve given up.
Frown all you want, I am going to wear a smile today.
Since we are sharing like the MSBNC old people health commercial, I have Blepharitis and it’s flared up.
You would not make it in politics.
Agree that if you can stick it out until you find something else, do so. It’s not as pleasing to the soul but it’s more practical.
@satby: My wife hates her job to the point that I see friends and THEY say “isn’t it too bad about her situation”. I’ve told her more than once to quit if it’s that bad but she’s been in a state position for 23 years and doesn’t want to trash the now are defined retirement.
Thank you, for the visit, Pope Frankie.
God bless America,’ Pope Francis says as his East Coast tour ends
PHILADELPHIA — Pope Francis completed his pilgrimage to the United States with a Sunday Mass on Philadelphia’s iconic Benjamin Franklin Parkway, sounding a clarion call for love and unity hours after telling sex abuse victims that God cried for them.
A huge crowd of the faithful and the curious came for the Mass from all over the country and as far away as Vietnam, Angola, Burkina Faso and the pope’s native Argentina. The service was conducted at an altar in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Worshipers took communion and knelt on the asphalt, some weeping, with their eyes closed and their hands on their hearts.
In his homily, the pope who has become beloved for his common touch, said the power of God could be found in “little miracles” of domestic life.
“Like the warm supper we look forward to at night, the early lunch awaiting someone who gets up early to go to work,” he said.
Closing the Mass, he thanked people for their love. “I ask you to pray for me — don’t forget,” he said, eliciting shouts of “Viva papa!”
The pope also made a farewell speech at the airport, where well-wishers included Vice President Joe Biden.
“This land has been blessed with tremendous gifts and opportunities,” Francis said. The love of Jesus is shown in serving “the poor, the sick, the homeless and the immigrant, your defense of life at every stage, and your concern for family life,” he said.
“God bless America.”
Earlier in the day, Francis held a private, unscheduled meeting with five victims of sexual abuse — three women and two men — at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Speaking with them one by one, he listened to their experiences and prayed with them, the Vatican press office said.
Not what I said. I said that their 4B expenses spent so far claim seems fake and it is a backdoor kept open to recover whatever actual losses + PROFITS at a later date. Free marketz doesn’t necessarily rule out collusion for prize fixing between these asshole companies. Win/win for everybody.
@Iowa Old Lady: @debbie: I’ve been doing those since July, with the decision I was going to really give this new role a solid try. I began looking at new jobs last week and applied to one, but my ability to happy talk myself into performing on this one only is lasting about an hour a day now. If I can’t place someone in a job very soon, like this week, the decision to leave won’t be mine anyway. And there’s no possibility of that happening, my closest one got to a third interview and didn’t get selected.
The thing is, I wouldn’t want to hire my clients either, almost all of them should be in some sort of sheltered workplace. But we as a society don’t do that anymore, we throw them out there to fend for themselves.
I should say this has always been a part time job, so only a portion of my income. Not all of it.
The painting is done in the addition and the Bohdi approves.
@satby: That’s tuff. As a union carpenter I never had to worry about that. If I didn’t like a job, well I could (nearly) always get another. Plus after decades living as a gypsy carpenter, I got used to getting laid off. Kept my debt levels low (like almost $0), paid all my child support on time, and saved a third of every paycheck. Between all that and UI, not having a job was no big deal. I always knew that between the Out of Work list and compatriots I would find a job sooner or later.
Trump, Carson neck and neck as summer turns to fall
09/28/15 08:00 AM
By Steve Benen
Donald Trump’s dominant position in the race for the Republican presidential nomination isn’t quite as imposing as it was a few weeks ago. The New York developer is still leading the GOP pack, but a FiveThirtyEight analysis last week noted the degree to which Trump’s support has slipped.
New poll shows Carson one point behind Trump
There’s a difference, though, between slipping and losing. Consider the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
1. Donald Trump: 21% (up two points from July)
2. Ben Carson: 20% (up 10 points)
3. Carly Fiorina: 11% (up 11 points)
3. Marco Rubio: 11% (up six points)
5. Jeb Bush: 7% (down seven points)
6. John Kasich: 6% (up three points)
7. Ted Cruz: 5% (down four points)
8. Rand Paul: 3% (down three points)
8. Chris Christie: 3% (unchanged)
10. Mike Huckabee: 2% (down four points)
@raven: That’s looking great!
ThresherK (GPad)
@OzarkHillbilly: Not profitable in the next 20 years food I’ll be too expensive? Good.
The cynic / planner in me has always wondered when all hell would break loose on that front. It isn’t enough of the general media coverage about energy, growth, effciency and pollution, but the business press pays attention to it.
It is not.
The investment in the extraction set up would have been recorded as an asset on the balance sheet, as they expected to make money off of it and charged the cost of the investment as an expense over the amount extracted / life of the well.
Since no money will be made from the investment they are treating all of it as an expense now.
@raven: Wow, an ‘-itis’ I don’t have. Who’da thunk it?
@PurpleGirl: I have a couple of clips, but they are from my iPhone/iPad, and I don’t know how to edit/convert them (I’m told BJ needs .flv files for video). Due to being a second shifter, and having regular shift family & friends, my time to research/experiment is very limited. If anyone has a quick ‘n easy guide, I’d be happy to give it a go.
(marc (underscore) d (underscore) long (at) hotmail)
Now you’re just dipping your toes in the conspiracy waters. You’re more than welcome to, but I have better things to do.
Yes, exactly this. Thanks for the info
@satby: Is it possible your soap business could pick up due to the coming Christmas season and some gift packages? Maybe that could help get you through until you find another job.
@raven: @OzarkHillbilly: Thanks. I know what I should do, it’s the rebellious 13 year old in me that doesn’t want to try to stick it out.
@Josie: Sure hope so ;)
It’s time for me to be working on that now as well.
I can give you the gory details but I get almost constant UTIs & am on antibiotics a lot anyway. They UTI are causing issue serious enough that it may be worth the risk of long-term antibiotic treatment. I am seeing a urologist because this is part of a larger problem but I am half-heartedly looking for someone with more experience in my particular situation which is rare. That makes 2 issues, one is the Drs I have used want to treat me like they do the normal guy and thre isn’t anyone with a sign up suggesting they know more about this & are willing to do more.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Well, I was just kidding. You did say you’re jet-lagged.
Anyhow, good morning — eventually!
Those kittens. I could snuggle and watch them for hours. I miss a house with pets. Half of why I took my job was the fosters making up for my catlessness.
I guess I’m going to work, although I’m up way too early. Then I need to talk to the production crew once I work out what I’m doing. I’ll do that once I don’t feel like I need a drink to even think about it.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: R2R must be weeping at Jebbie’s downturn.
It seems to be of some help. I had noticed for a couple of months that my left hip seemed creaky if I had a couple of hours of inactivity (getting up in the morning, getting up from my desk). That seems to have completely abated.
I was trying an iron supplement,but did not like what it was doing to me end-product wise.
Beautiful inside and out.
@OzarkHillbilly: Mebbe you could read the annual reports of all these poor oil companies and show me when they have actually incurred losses.
Realize that adequate is still better than most employers can find most days, so you are not doing bad work.
Not sure if it is any help but would it make you feel better if you knew that the people you are helping to find a job are much better off and need an advocate like you?
You already know the right answer as far as quit/stay but I completely understand the feeling like it would be better to open a vein than go to the office. That sucks, hope you find something better real soon.
@schlemazel: Well, I’m sorry for your pain. I avoid antibiotics as much as possible just because of what they do to my gut.
Thats a nice way of looking at this situation, THANKS!
Weirdly, it actually seems to help with issues of mental clarity, merely by elevating energy levels.
@amk: Ah yes, BP didn’t lose a single dime over that whole Gulf Oil Spill fiasco, did they?
@Schlemazel: I’ve recovered from toxic exposure that left me with crippling panic attacks, skin problems, major gut/digestion problems, headaches, brain fog, and personality changes (anxiety/grumpiness predominating) and more with little more than a healthy diet. Not a very sexy answer, but there is something to it. I highly recommend these people: They have several cookbooks and they’re all good.
It was not a quick recovery, it took about a year total to feel like myself again, though I felt like I was recovering continuously.
If you drink alcohol, my #1 rec is to stop for now. Alcohol hammers the digestive system and the intestinal flora. Coffee and tea can also be hard (depends on the person), but if you substitute chicory root tea, you get a high source of inulin which is a potent pre-biotic (good bacteria eat it). Definitely take a high-quality probiotic supplement with at least 1 billion cfus. Some people recomment B vitamins (particularly B-6), but you need to get them in a good form that is easily absorbed. Thorne supplements is the best brand with the least additives (you can find them on Amazon or Vitacost). They have an excellent probiotic with a range of cultures too.
A good diet to follow is gluten-free, dairy-free to start (you can bring these things back after things calm down) and getting something like 6-9 cups of vegetables and brightly colored fruits per day, along with organic free-range meat and eggs. I didn’t eat paleo or grain-free but I only ate grains after I got my fill of vegetables and good protein. It’s best not to be a nazi (too stressful, and stress does not equal faster recovery) but to just try to make good choices whenever possible. It is more expensive to eat like this and it requires time and planning. But I am today more or less the girl I was at 24, pre-exposure. That was an unthinkable at one time.
I don’t know if that is remotely helpful, but I hope you get better!
@Patricia Kayden:
Only if it means they stop paying him, otherwise he will ignore it.
The best news is he probably will be scarce around here for the time being so we have that going for us.
@Mustang Bobby: I’m doing Title I parent involvement and explaining to Math/Science Coordinators that what I mean by ‘no out of state travel is allowed’ in the Math Science Partnership grant is that the grant will not pay for any out of state travel. I love my job, I love my job.
@OzarkHillbilly: no chit!
@gene108: Almost forgot…. It is certain sure that I know NOTHING about corporate accounting practices. That said, I still find this to be nothing but good news and that it makes it even more unlikely any American/European*** oil company to roll the dice on arctic oil.
*** I purposefully leave out the Russians, who knows what they will do.
Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
Nothing more need be said.
Don’t get me wrong. This is certainly good news; I just wouldn’t trust the company or its motives further than I can throw them.
J R in WV
Our family doc tells me that stat-ins are powerful anti-oxidants. More so than most dietary supplements, I take the lowest possible dose of prava-stat-in sodium which also seems to control those unhealthy fats which I can’t spell correctly…
And another disease I’ve never heard of. Scary! And sorry for your illness, as well. ETA: So I looked it up, yikes!
Best of luck with it!
My shoulders are doing well after replacement surgery. And I’m nearly mostly over the terrible awful unnamed virus Mrs J picked up at her check-up. She got a flu shot, at first thought it was a reaction to the shot, but not. Respiratory virus of some sort, nothing to do but work through it, She’s doing better too, but had it worse than I did.
Any Floridian BJers have any thoughts about this?
I’m hopeful that it’s just typical Dem doom & gloom prophecies. I’d like to think that a visit from the Castro brothers (the ones in Texas, not Cuba) would get a lot of Floridians fired up & ready to go when it comes to voting. They are magnetic, and what an amazing life story they have.
Whitish kitten, top pic, is growing into a beauty as I thought he/she would.
@J R in WV:
Thanks, I have never heard of that. I will add it to the list of things to discuss
Good God, those kittens are beautiful. And this is the age where they are just incredibly fun.
Sadly, my kitten days are over – wife is dangerously allergic. But we can (and do) have doggies. Also wonderful beyond words. But they’re not cats.
J R in WV
Perhaps you should tell all of your current doctors that you want them to recommend the best infectious disease specialists they know of in your area. See if you get any duplicates.
My Dad had a persistent infection, and had been treated in the past by an infectious disease guy, which I instructed his hospital to arrange a consult with. Dr. Dhien took care of it in short order. Sounds like something like that could help. Now perhaps your current doctors have already identified antibiotics for your infection(s) via cultured bacteria testing, which is how they like to do it when it isn’t an emergency. Ask them if they have ID’ed your infection(s), and if they have found specific antibiotics designed for those specific infections.
If any of the answers are “no” then maybe you need an infectious disease guy to help… Or a PhD Pharmacist. But don’t be reluctant to look for another Dr if the current Drs are working out for you…
Even ask to go to the Mayo Clinic, or the Cleveland Clinic, or a major research hospital like Johns Hopkins, Duke, etc, Universities also can be good for hard-to-treat things. My neighbor’s niece was ill, no diagnosis, made an appointment at WVU’s teaching hospital, spent all day there. Mrs J drove them up. Got a diagnosis, treatment recommendations for her doctors back home. Rare neurological disease somewhat like MS, but not that.
Maybe all you need really is a longer term treatment – after all I’m not a Dr, just been around them too much!
In any case, best of luck!!
Tenar Darell
Lively, lovely kitties. Good to hear about the little escape artists.
Today, my neck is killing me. What? Three hours looking up at the sky from a plastic lawn chair in your driveway can be a big pain! (Yeah to whomever mentioned it got cold. By the end I was coming inside to warm up after putting on my fleece, a hat and gloves).
@satby: Way late, but the mister is trying to repair damage done by a long-term antibiotic from several years ago, and the doctor has him on a probiotics supplement (one with at least 8 different strains) and kefir. Get the sweetened kind; mister calls the unsweetened version “the devil’s mucous.”
@schlemazel: I wondered if you might be referring to a chronic UTI, too. I have a thought for something you might try: Curamin. I started taking it when I screwed up my back earlier this summer. It’s amazing stuff – in 3 days I went from more pain that the Advil could handle to not taking the advil at all. It’s great for inflammation.
My boy kitty has a chronic UTI condition and the vet has me put cosequin on his food every day – that reduces inflammation, and when I am religious about giving it to him he doesn’t get bladder infections. Since the Extra Strength Curamin helps with inflammation, if I were you I’d try that for a couple of weeks before I resigned myself to long-term antibiotics.
Let us know how it goes, whatever you do.
@J R in WV: Excellent advice!
Mnemosyne (tablet)
People who are already having digestive troubles with wheat and dairy should stay away from inulin until they figure out if they’re sensitive to FODMAPs. Otherwise, you’re just staying on the same roller coaster since wheat, lactose, and inulin are *all* high in FODMAPs:
Most of the people who don’t have celiac or Crohn’s disease but swear they have trouble with gluten are correctly identifying that they have trouble with wheat and other grains, but they’re wrong about the source of the trouble. It’s the fructans, not the gluten. Sadly, if you have trouble with the fructans in wheat, you also need to cut out garlic and onions, which are very high in fructans as well.
@schlemazel: You’re very sweet; part of the issue is I don’t feel like I’m able to advocate for them at all. I can coach and help them improve, but in the end analysis I personally would be reluctant to hire several of my clients, as they are very limited in abilities and some would need supportive employment for a very long time (which means a permanent job coach, more or less).
You’d be amazed at how much we expect even people with menial jobs like dishwashers or janitors to do now. And how fast.
I don’t advocate for them well, because I end up (silently) agreeing with the employer that they probably couldn’t keep up.
It’s the dog-eat-dog employment jungle up close every day, and I want to shoot myself after 3 calls.
BTW, statins eviscerate CoQ10, so you’ll absolutely need a supplement if you go on them. I tend to think they’re overperscribed.
@SomeDude: Thank you for your response. I don’t have a clue about making videos. Ah, well, thought I’d ask. (I think you’re great for having taken in Miri and giving a place to have the babies and caring for her and them now.)
The kittens are adorable.
@Mnemosyne (tablet): Yes, you are right & good point. The nourishing meals people I rec’d have alternatives/recipes for FODMAP diets (I know less about them cuz I don’t have that problem).