Apparently the Washington Post learned nothing from the New England Patriots, and decided to set up a feature where you can make your own Trump Hat:
Last week, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio decided to poke a little fun at Donald Trump by unveiling a branded ballcap of his own.
Instead of saying “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” as Trump’s hat does, de Blasio’s said — get this — “MAKE AMERICA FAIR AGAIN.”
At first we thought, Man, we can make better jokes than that. We thought, Let’s make hats for all the 2016 candidates. And then we thought, Well, actually, maybe we’re not that funny. And then we thought, You know who is funny? America. America is funny. I mean, mostly, anyway.
So instead of making our own hats, we’re going to invite you to make one — for yourself or for Bobby Jindal or for Martin O’Malley or whoever. So go make a hat.
I decided to make two.
Make sure you tweet your hats to @pbump and @thefix
I had to scroll back to the top to make sure this wasn’t a DougJ post.
Keith G
That’s the John Cole that one time sent little starbursts through my monitor.
@Keith G:
Does he have a musky smell and sun-tanned chaps?
Keith P.
“I’d rather push a Bentley than drive a Rolls.”
gogol's wife
I think “Let’s Make America Fair Again” is very good. But the problem is that any “Let’s Make America . . . Again” implies that Obama’s two terms have somehow made America worse, which I emphatically do not agree with.
How about: “It’s not his place”
Or: “Sally Quinn works here”
Matt McIrvin
John Kerry tried quoting Langston Hughes’ “Let America Be America Again” (which had those parentheticals about how it never actually was that America, for Langston Hughes).
But he just got Red-baited for Langston Hughes being a commie rat bastard.
“We’re Sorry About Jen Rubin”
or, perhaps
“Oops, We Forgot George F. Will Even Worked Here”
“Baud! 2016!”
Bobby Thomson
Ombudsman Schmombudsman
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: As your campaign manager, I have to advice you to go easy on the exclamation marks, or people will confuse you with Jeb!
schrodinger's cat
on the Potomac
schrodinger's cat
@Keith G: TMI
@Turgidson: Our OPED Page Likes Climate Change Deniers
Love the overall concept, except it should be “Our OPED Page Loves War”
@schrodinger’s cat:
As his campaign tr- enthusiastic online supporter, I must concur. Slow and steady wins the race.
@schrodinger’s cat:
But I use two.
And I’m the one who doesn’t have W. campaigning for him.
I need a slogan as catchy as Trump’s.
How about “Let America Be America”?
What does this have to do with the N.E. Patriots?
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m often left wondering why the Soviet-style naming conventions never caught on in the west. How awesome would it be to walk past a newsstand and pick up today’s copy of Truth or News, or even Facts and Commentary. Instead you have silly names like The Sacramento Bee.
America to WaPo
‘You are already dead.’? No, that’s Fiorina’s.
‘But Mommy, it’s my turn!’ No, also taken. Hmmm.
How about ‘Fuck you, I do what I want.’
schrodinger's cat
Ben Carson has outdone Trump as the most idiotic candidate ever.
Roger Moore
I went for the boring, predictable “Make The Post Great Again”.
Too John Cole.
On Real Clear Politics, Ben Carson has now beaten Clinton in 3 national polls announced this week, including a CNN/ORC poll that gives him 51% of the vote. I think I am moving to Canada, although that is probably to close and he might invade to liberate Canada from their single payer nightmare.
He is surging behind quotes like these:
Does this sound crazy to you?
“In one of his signature Facebook Q&As Monday night, Ben Carson again weighed in on the Oregon shooting, writing that he had operated on victims of gun violence “but I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”
Yep, more horrible then the 5 year olds shot to pieces by Adam Lanza’s military assault rifle.
Also, I expect he will call for the invasion of Australia and the U.K. to remove the tyrannical regimes that have taken away the precious gun rights of locals.
@schrodinger’s cat:
So you’re saying he’s ahead in the polls?
Their app strips all the punctuation.
Tells you the value of polls right now.
‘Baud 2016: You can’t get less establishment.’
Felonius Monk
Make WaPo Relevant Again? Was It Ever?
schrodinger's cat
@Sherparick: Being ahead in a poll/s more than a year away from elections means nothing.
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
Commies wear red hats. I don’t do twitter so its on face place.
‘Baud 2016: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet’
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
There are plenty of newspapers out there called The News or The Daily News, or something similar. I would argue that The Times is also a pretty good name for a newspaper.
Shorter, for bumper stickers
Baud 2016: Definitely Not The Man.
Awesome. That may well be perfect.
schrodinger's cat
That’s an ugly hat, Trump needs it to keep his hairpiece in place. Why is the Post giving him free publicity.
Shape of the Earth: Opinions Differ
Donald Trump has a trucker hat. De Blasio has a baseball cap.
I think that Trump wins in real America because no one really cares about baseball except Mets fans and Red Sox fans, and they only care because “Yankees suck!”
WOODWARD and that other guy
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: I don’t like it either, because fair could also be interpreted to be white, as in fair skinned and/or fair haired (blonde).
What’s an oped page? I’m not sure I know how to ope anything.
I’d wear a hat that said “Official WaPo Democratic Campaign Insider”.
It’s like a blog comment section except less intelligent and less funny.
Shuck and cover
Roger Moore
O/T in western water
warpolitics this is a BFD.Cadiz BTW is owned by limey Keith Blackpool, who is one of Arnie’s buddies and has been trying to exploit barely regulated California groundwater for years.
Make America
Fart Again
We Love Beans
Also get a load of
How high my hat
Is Holy Shit It’s like
I have a silver platter
Up in this bitch
@Roger Moore: Yes, I mean it’s all Latiny and all.
It’ll appeal to Latinos!
What does this have to do with the New England Patriots?
@Baud: I’m not the outreach dude for nothing.
You’re doing a stellar job.
Gin & Tonic
@Roger Moore: I like them, Slavic-style, without the definite article.
@Gin & Tonic:
Maybe Cole should rename Balloon Juice Blog.
Sm*t Cl*de
Own-brand, plain-pack no-frills BLOG.
Patrick Thompson
“I am a funny guy.”
Mike in DC
Make America Hate Again
Patrick Thompson
Also too:
Warren Terra
Celebrate Broder By Fence Sitting
Baud 2016: Stand With Clippy!!
Brady Hat Trump
@Warren Terra:
“Rockin’ A Fence-Split Ass 4 U”
A guy
People who are out earning their keep are getting in the way of people who think it should be given to them. Fair?
A guy
Quit worrying about what others have and take care of yourself
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@A guy:
You clearly haven’t seen the recent profits of daily newspapers if you think the Washington Post is “earning its keep.”
And if you think Donald Trump, the guy who managed to go bankrupt running a casino, is “earning his keep,” I bet he’ll sell you that bridge in Brooklyn you’ve had your eye on. You’re clearly both the same caliber of financial genius.
Felonius Monk
@Baud: Fight Voter Fraud, Vote for Baud … Again and Again and Again…
Sm*t Cl*de
Vote for Baud, Early and Often.
Home of Bibi’s
Neocon Thugs
Couldn’t resist a silly one.
@BubbaDave: I thought the same. Good for John to move from his usual outrage to a bit of snarky evil
A guy
I’ve got a lot of respect for a guy who went bankrupt in any business and recovered. At least he is not afraid to get in the game. Most folks just sit on the sideline waiting for the government to give them something. Or wait for the trumps of the world to take the risk they can’t and give them a paycheck. I’ve practiced bankruptcy and reorg law for 26 years. I can honestly say I admire trump for never giving up. Be it ego or pride or whatever, he doesn’t stop. And he’s the type who contributes to making america great.
And one for Baud 2016.
Warren Terra
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
ten or fifteen years ago when the crisis in newspapers started, newspapers were making enormous operating profits, twenty or thirty percent of revenues. This was disastrously insufficient not because of actual newspaper expenses but because the newspapers were highly leveraged and faced ridiculous capital costs. I assume the decline in subscribers and collapse in classified ads has changed this, but even so I distrust the newspaper industry when it complains about revenue – there is a long history of the industry making big money that then basically gets thrown on the bonfire instead of spent on reporting.
@Felonius Monk: @Sm*t Cl*de:
You two need to find middle ground.
That’s beyond awesome.
Howard Beale IV
No Red
No Blue
Go Green
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@A guy:
Dude, if you’re practicing bankruptcy law, YOU are making your money off the government. Your job wouldn’t even exist without the government. How stupid are you to not realize that and think you’re some kind of entrepreneur?
Donald Trump inherited $40 million from his slumlord father and managed to go bankrupt anyway. And yet he’s your role model.
Ohio Mom
@Warren Terra: My BIL and his wife are newspaper writers and what you said is what they’ve been saying for as long as I can remember.
Well that, and a lot of putting down the Internet, which is only jealousy, really.
One Per Center:
The kind you don’t like at first –
but grow to hate.
(Feel free to substitute something else instead of One Per Center – Republican, Fox, AIG, Monsanto etc)
Trump Pump:
Bottom Feeder
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
More than that.
Moreover, his father, like many, lost a lot of money during the Depression — and was able to re-build his business only after obtaining subsidized loans from FDR’s FHA.
@A guy:
If you are, indeed, well-versed in bankruptcy law, then you know it would be more honest to say that Trump used the law in order to get out of his (inconvenient) contractual obligations. His bankruptcies did not just happen to him — he engineered them for profit. Nothing illegal — so why not be honest about it?
How about we just decode the original Trump hat:
“Make America White Again”
Villago Delenda Est
@A guy: It’s the way American Corporate society is structured, shithead. Parasites stealing from the people who do the actual work.
Roger Moore
We don’t want to make it too white, or who will do all the grubby jobs white people don’t want to do?
Sm*t Cl*de
Has anyone been appointed ‘Chairman of the Baud” yet?
@Morzer: I have absolutely no idea what you mean by that. Please explain.
Link, please? Hunting CNN finds plenty of ORC polls from September, none mentioning Carson.
In my own sample set, 0% of orcs would vote for Carson, favoring instead defeated candidates Walker and Saruman, 36/63, with 1% undecided.
@A guy:
Well, good for you, because he’s gonna beat the shit out of your little low-energy loser Jeb!
I know it’s not the same paper, but I would still go with “Suck on this.”
@A guy:
He did go bankrupt. And how, exactly, did he recover so splendidly? Assets liquidated, creditors paid, and yet somehow Mr. Trump managed to bounce back quite healthy. Any interest in how that took place, and the context in which it occurred? Perhaps the smoke and mirrors are sufficient for entrepreneurs such as he, and the people who think so highly of him.
Who, exactly, will cover his gold-platedness when he bankrupts America? That’s the easiest question you’re gonna hear all day, any day.
@Citizen_X: Oops, mistook you for the other dumb troll. Sorry!
Both Sides Do It
@ShadeTail: Besides the Brady / Trump hat thing. I think a few months (year or two) ago, the Patriots did the same thing where you could have a slogan / name written on a patriots shirt (on the Patriots Facebook or something) and people trolled it with same racist Boston memes (i.e. “I hate n*ggers”, etc. on a Patriots shirt online).
I found this link (sorry my linking skills suck):
Yeah, it sits at the end of bar, hollering at anyone who will listen, insisting the bar tab has been paid, shaking its fist at the world. Thanks for warning us, SBNation!
@Trump used the law in order to get out of his (inconvenient) contractual obligationsCervantes:
Exactly this. It is what is wrong with too many “businessmen” that think that exploiting the letter of the law , while ignoring the spirit, is just good business. It is not, it is unethical, and sociopathic, and it screws many people out of their hard earned money. Had dinner w/ a guy last night whose company lost millions in one of Donald’s manufactured bankruptcies.
Yet fools like yourself admire scumbags like him.