We get it: Bobby Jindal is desperately trying to be relevant. But man has he chosen a horrible way to do it. The Louisiana governor blamed the Oregon community college shooting on video games (we’re desensitized to violence), abortion (we don’t value human life) and bad parenting. And what he had to say to the shooter’s father, who is dealing with a great deal, is just cruel:
“This killer’s father is now lecturing us on the need for gun control and he says he has no idea how or where his son got the guns.” … “Of course he doesn’t know,” Jindal said. “You know why he doesn’t know? Because he is not, and has never been in his son’s life. He’s a complete failure as a father, he should be embarrassed to even show his face in public. He’s the problem here. He brags that he has never held a gun in his life and that he had no idea that his son had any guns,” Jindal continued. “Why didn’t he know? Because he failed to raise his son. He should be ashamed of himself, and he owes us all an apology.”
So much for a compassionate conservative.
Team Blackness also the murder of yet another trans woman of color (that makes 18 this year), more stupidity out of Ben Carson’s mouth, and Obama’s apology to Doctors Without Borders.
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Patricia Kayden
Hopefully, President Obama does more than just apologize for the hospital bombing. There needs to be an investigation and assurance that such unnecessary mistakes won’t happen again.
A guy
Good for jindal. A society that kills unborne children certainly breeds a lack of respect got human life that leads in no small part to these mass shootings
Mike in NC
@A guy: English isn’t your first language, is it?
C.V. Danes
Perhaps someone should inform this idiot that the father was not the custodial parent, and that the person who was the custodial parent is the one who is a f’king gun nut.
Just sayin’
Let’s run this through the Wingnut Dogwhistle Translator, shall we?
Hope that helps.
So if he had properly raised his son, he would know that his son had guns. Then what? The implication seems to be that if he knew, he would have taken his son’s guns away and prevented the massacre. Is Jindal saying we should take people’s guns away?
The father was white. The mother was black woman and an apparent gun nut. Your supposed Dogwhistle Translator is busted.
I don’t know, maybe she had fantasies of seeing herself as a Sarah Connor Terminator type mom.
But it is too easy to jump to conclusions and dumbass stereotypes. Somewhat understandable as part of the frustration over the issue of guns, but still wrongheaded.
The mother was a nurse, answered a boatload of questions online about Aspergers, seemed to move her son to Oregon so he could be more in nature, and (except for the gun thing) did not seem to be oblivious to her son’s difficulties.
ETA: Bobby Jindal is still a fool.
A guy
Mike in nc- you are making fun of immigrants. I speak broken English. U are a racist
C.V. Danes
@A guy: I think he was just politely commenting that what you wrote was nonsense…
“Have you no decency, at long last?”
@A guy: No, he’s making fun of idiots. Like you.
It’s really very simple, just as the PPACA is the worst thing since slavery (thanks to Idiot-Savant Ben Carson), people who favor gun control are worse than mass murderers (Carson came close to saying this the other day). Jindal, like all Modern Republicans is incapable of rational thought on the subject of guns. In Jindal’s pantheon, surely no one is more exalted than those who have given their lives to the 2nd Amendment (that is “to” not “for”) — the only truly essential right, and surely the one most dear to Jesus. As long as everyone is armed and has plenty of ammunition, there is no injustice that can’t be rectified by a gun nut willing to stand his (or her) ground.
Paul in KY
Bobby Jindal is a pathetic piece of shit. That is all.
Paul in KY
@A guy: If you want to thrive here, you need to improve your English. Speaking & writing.