Actually, Tom, make that three shootings. Downtown Louisville.
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by John Cole| 53 Comments
This post is in: Gun nuts
Actually, Tom, make that three shootings. Downtown Louisville.
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a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
It’s beyond ridiculous. And tragic for the victims.
But what Pierce said today is kind of chilling:
Will the ammosexuals in this country ever figure out that their love of all things gunmetal is not healthy for the rest of us? It’s making me tired.
Second Amendment Patriotism is bursting out all over.
ETA: “not healthy for the rest of us”?! Welcome to their entire point.
Multiple emergency agencies responded to Jefferson Community and Technical College at Eighth and Chestnut streets on a report of an active shooter.
They are doing a floor-by-floor sweep of the building, but nothing has been found. link
I’m not saying I want this to happen, but if these shootings started happening at Ivy League schools as opposed to JC’s, it might wipe out quite a few future hedge fundies.
@Rusty: hey, I’ve met some very nice people who went to Ivy league schools. Let’s not wish this on anyone
Well I usually say Oh, Shoot! so I avoid the other sh word that will put me in moderation, but that sounds too much like encouragement.
I’ll just point out the day isn’t over yet.
Patricia Kayden
It’s exhausting just to hear about all these shootings. Feel so sorry for the families impacted by all this violence. Sigh.
Gin & Tonic
@Percysowner: Moderation? You can say shit all you want. It’s Balloon-Juice.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: People talk shit around here all the time.
God fucking bless America, land of the mass shooting.
Not That Guy
So we solve the problem of guns by adding guns. I guess that means we solve the problem of drugs by adding drugs. And we solve the problem of terrorism by adding more terrorists.
Do I pass the class?
This is great! Everyone can talk to themselves and prove how smart they are and not one fucking thing changes.
From the NRA hivemind:
shooting…two shootings…several shootings demonstrate the need for Patriotic Citizens(tm) across the Republic (GodSaint Glock bless it) to arm themselves against the Evildoers(tm).–“Amen”
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Are you new to blogs?
3 in 24 hours.
I don’t like Mondays, either.
The only thing that can stop a Bad Guy with a Gun is gun control.
@Omnes Omnibus: Tired and cranky. . .but then you knew that!
@raven: Phone numbers for US House and Senate. Everyone can call your reps up and tell them you’re sick of this shit. I just did. It’s a start.
Also, I am very, very smart, too.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Honestly, part of the reason we saw things get worse after sandy hook is the gun industry’s marketing of paranoia any time a democrat is president. between Clinton and Obama they’ve had almost 15 full years of selling fear of mass confiscation (and of course concentration camps- it’s part of the gun-nut ideology) and the gun nutters think a background check is the first step to the gas chamber. they are THAT propagandized
I’d like to see Obama do is invite the surviving members of every family that lost kids to mass shootings at schools to the national cathedral for a prayer service, and photo opportunity. there are enough to fill the building, and many of them have tried to get gun control legislation moving. (and the ensuing nutjob open carry protest at a memorial service will help marginalize the gun nuts)
sm*t cl*de
None of them seem to be campaigning for open-carry gun rights within Congressional buildings and the Supreme Court. Why do they deprive themselves of Freedom?
Gin & Tonic
@benw: My Congressman is confined to a wheelchair as the result of a firearm accident when he was 16. He is a firm supporter of gun control.
Roger Moore
I would say that it’s really hard to stop a Bad Guy with a gun, so step 1 is to keep the Bad Guys from getting guns. This is apparently too challenging of a concept for the ammosexuals.
Weird – this was the first I heard of it. Looks like an unsub report right now. Location is about 15 long blocks from my office, not on my commute.
We had a false alarm at UMaine Augusta yesterday. They sent out a cryptic warning message but nothing happened.
I’m still trying to figure out what to tell my son about their active shooter protocol. It doesn’t conform to the latest recommendations. We talked about it but he is a follow the rules type of kid (unlike his siblings) so he doesn’t like the idea of going against the instructions.
ETA Middle school and the drill is to clutch your backpack in a dark, unlocked room and hope the shooter doesn’t enter.
Has President Obama left Oregon yet?
Can we have a happier thread? A pet picture? Something that’s not about anger and dysfunction?
@Roger Moore: Yep. The surest way to stop a Bad Guy with a Gun is to make him a Bad Guy without a gun.
I’m pretty sure the lie of NRA’s whole “good guy with a gun” approach to solving these problems is found in the fact that their last round of laws have prohibited law enforcement from asking people to show their publicly carried weapons are licensed. Which presumably is one way we’d have to tell the good guys with guns from the bad guys with guns and one way we’d be able to, you know, actually take guns away from bad guys.
When I walked in the door, the pup went nuts wagging her whole hind end. Her nickname is Miss Wigglebutt. It’s so cute. If I posted a video the cuteness would probably break the internet.
Villago Delenda Est
Moloch is not satisfied! More sacrifices!
@Gin & Tonic: I’m fairly observant on congresscritters; my wife is either amazed or scared that I can ID many of ’em by sight on TV.
That said, I have no idea who your Congressman is, and why he is not on TV more.
The NRA wants to turn the contemporary United States into a frontier Western from the 1870s at a time when the only law was the gun in every man’s holster. Some of the more strong-willed women who could shoot, too. Where homicide was justifiable if a dead man was one who “needed shooting” because it’s just too difficult to expect the sheriff to be able to timely capture every bad hombre before he does bad things to someone.
The shooter in Arizona is an 18 year old freshman who loves his guns and like to post photos of himself draped in cartridge belts and flags while holding high powered rifles. So a fight between a couple of groups of college students, hardly a unique event, ends up with one dead and another facing life in prison. All because one of them had a gun. American exceptionalism in action
A guy
Meanwhile black thugs in inner cities cap each other with considerable more frequency than……
I can ID them by voice. Too much c-span is probably not healthy.
Not That Guy
Ironically, most of those frontier towns had gun control.
@A guy: Which in your eyes makes them hyper-patriotic and and of superior politeness! Too bad your white-wonder-bread ‘merman culture warriors and their quivers aren’t keeping up.
And to think, some people have the temerity to say we live in the stupidest country on Earth!
@MomSense: I could get into seeing video of Korra Wigglebutt.
A guy
Scab- no. Just makes them murdering thugs. And to be fair theirs more than enough white cracker thugs to go around as well. The diff is they ain’t on a college campus so nobody cares
I’ll try to capture it tonight and send to AL.
@sm*t cl*de: Seems like a reasonable question to ask.
@Gin & Tonic: I figure even calling up the ones who support a particular issue and telling them you appreciate that support helps, too; but yeah, on gun control sounds like you’re good.
Feudalism Now!
More Blood for the Blood God! More Skulls for the Skull Throne!
There is no will for gun control in the United States of Armedmerica. There is abject apathy or irrational resistance to common sense.
So I guess it is Warhammer for all.
@D58826: Why no one wants to admit that shootings are a masculinity problem is just mystifying to me. Then I remember, oh yeah, patriarchy.
We are teaching our sons all the wrong things.
@A guy: Mmm, new schtick pretending to be a caring part of “majority” opinion. You are bottom scraping.
@Suzanne: lol… Earlier my adult son was over and said the same thing but not about me.
@MomSense: Jim Langevin – Rhode Island.
@MomSense: Yay! Wagging tails make everything better.
I love (most) dogs, despite their questionable tastes. Although even that’s not all bad. Antarctic explorer Roald Amundsen constructed his latrines so the huskies could get in and, er, clean them, thus saving the men the job.
Speaking of dogs–who has Thurston?
And before you cat people get all smug, I just finished reading the interesting, though sad, memoirs of a forensic pathologist. She says that if you should die alone with your pet, and it’s a while before you’re discovered, a dog will rarely eat its master unless it’s close to starvation, while cats usually start chowing down on the deceased as soon as he quits kicking. So it’s not as if dogs have cornered the market on disgusting.
And I still like cats, too. What the hell.
Roger Moore
If cute pet videos were enough to break the internet, I think we’d know by now.
Villago Delenda Est
@cmorenc: The NRA imagines the old west was like that, but what they think it was like was invented in Hollywood, in the 20th century.
@Roger Moore: Pfft. Next you’ll be claiming there are untruths on the Internet.
@Suzanne: yup, and it is appalling