Can the Cubbies stop their two-game skid in this NLCS? Or will the Mets prevail and take a daunting three-game lead?
I like both teams, but I’m pulling for the Cubs because Joe Maddon is a magnificent bastard. Open thread!
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Can the Cubbies stop their two-game skid in this NLCS? Or will the Mets prevail and take a daunting three-game lead?
I like both teams, but I’m pulling for the Cubs because Joe Maddon is a magnificent bastard. Open thread!
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Been a Cubbie fan all my life but I have to admit baseball has become my least favorite these days.
Let’s Go Mets! Cespedes delivers!
Betty Cracker
Jacob deGrom is cute as a button!
@Betty Cracker: struggling so far, though
@raven: Playoff baseball is like a hundred times better than regular season baseball – which is great for background stuff on a Saturday afternoon.
@redshirt: Except they rarely play on a Saturday afternoon!
Murphy! Again! Amazing!
the Conster
Murphy is the name of the curse
@the Conster: A couple of good ones and a couple of stretches.
Gin & Tonic
Bad break for the Amazings there,
Cubs gotta win tonight. They lose tonight, it’s over. The 2004 Sox-Yankees ALCS comeback is once a century.
@Gin & Tonic: I could see them making that call if it was a liner that got lost in the ivy. But that ball rolled right at the bottom and slowly. Is the call automatic or discretionary by the umps?
It may not matter if the cubs keep doing what the cubs have always done.
Gin & Tonic
@dec79: Less relevant now that it’s 5-2 and the Cubs look like a JV team, but I understand that ivy call was non-discretionary.
@Gin & Tonic: The theme of this year’s playoffs is apparently “Obscure Rules”
Cardinals fan here.
My sentiments need not be spelled out.
More like once in all of history and probably will never happen again.
What a glorious night!
@Janelle: Was a bit surprised to see Cubs fans streaming out of Wrigley well before the game was over.
Time for the happy recap.
Chavez Ravine East?
@burnspbesq: Ha! Well, unlike LA, the Cubs fans were at least there when the game started.
Cubs really upped their game today – Schwarber almost dropping a relatively easy one in the first, misplaying the over-the-head ball by Cespedes (I think), taking his time on his throw to 2nd, allowing Wright to advance. Montero’s passed ball. All of that warmed my heart.
And, although I’d like to see Matz throw a no-hitter tomorrow night, part of me hopes that the Mets drop 2, so that they can have Steve Bartman throw out the first pitch at the next game at Citi.
Ah, screw that, I want a sweep.
Ridnik Chrome
@SFAW: Don’t rub it in, please.
Radio One
ah bugger. If the Cubs don’t win this series, I’ll probably root for the Mets in the World Series, for Jon Stewart, I guess.
Betty Cracker
@Radio One: Same here. Not looking good for the Cubbies, but maybe they’ll regroup for a miraculous comeback.
@Ridnik Chrome: