ATTENTION INTERNET: Please update your memes now.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 22, 2015
I’d be curious to see if there are any Republicans out there who think this is going well for them.
This post is in: Clown Shoes
ATTENTION INTERNET: Please update your memes now.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 22, 2015
I’d be curious to see if there are any Republicans out there who think this is going well for them.
Comments are closed.
Is there a link for the Gowdy pre-lunch meltdown?
Asking for a friend.
That tweet is awesome.
At least now we know what Hillary’s “My God, I’m listening to a moron” expression looks like.
Tim C.
They’ll all *say* this is going well for them…….
Brother Dingaling
Expect to see the gif of Hillary brushing off her shoulder everywhere tomorrow
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Lynn Westmoreland asks for a play-by-play of what happened in Benghazi. I guess he’s after a year plus on this committee he’s never found time to read about it.
GA’s own Lynn Westmoreland is proving his ignorance.
I’m sure the Romans thought they were doing the right thing when they ordered the roundup of all those Jewish troublemakers in that garden area.
You can see Gowdy in here somewhere:
The Moar You Know
Go read the Fox News Facebook feed. It is not going well for them and the “common people of the earth” are utterly outraged.
The most hilarious thing I’ve read over there was a bunch of mouthbreathers who couldn’t understand why “Democrats on the committee weren’t helping Republicans get to the truth, which is all we want!”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Which nitwit picked this posse of nitwits? Boehner or Gowdy?
@The Moar You Know: Outraged at the waste of time, or just mad because they don’t think the committee is going to “get her” because Gowdy and Jordan are cuckservatives like Paul Ryan?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I guess he wasn’t paying attention (add joke here) when she described the events on 9/11/12 in the hearing this morning.
@JPL: Just a reminder, he’s the guy who couldn’t name the Ten Commandments after saying he wanted them posted everywhere.
As an aside, I think a lot of Republicans are getting blackout drunk tonight.
I eagerly await Ron “Severe Dementia” Fournier’s thoughts as to how both sides made themselves look bad, but Hillary is the real monster because OMG EMAILS. I imagine he’s already scheduled to be on Morning Joke tomorrow so that those two dipshits can engage in their usual self-satisfied circle jerk of pompous ignorance.
O/T a brief break in the Hawt, Heavy Kommittee-on-Kandidate Action to cite
old manRepublicans yelling at cloud.Well bless his heart. We’ve got, what, a month at least to go build a bunch of dams as we guess in which drainages the storms–presuming there are storms–will track over. Or, we can order lots of those Home Depot orange 5-gallon buckets. Easy peasy, Devin.
Villago Delenda Est
@The Moar You Know: “The Truth” being, of course, some fantasy of theirs that the evil Hillary, cackling like Margaret Hamiltion in The Wizard of Oz, created the terrorist attack to kill those four Americans because they knew something they should not know about Whitewater, and Sydney Blumenthal was her point man on that nefarious scheme.
Just a little reminder that these hearings not the only bit of stupidity in the news
Past winners include Vladimir Putin and Fidel Castro, who was praised by the committee for “speaking out against nuclear warfare”.
Keep the base frothing in rage dialed up to 11 and everything’s good.
This is not going to hurt the Republicans in the House at election time.
It will give fodder for their voters to get angry and stay angry.
The upside is Hillary makes a gaffe with all the cameras rolling, which could help them in the 2016 Presidential election.
I fail to see the downside for Republicans in this.
Sidney Blumenthal does not have my email address.
Baud! 2016!
Trump really needs to look forward now, to helping build up a new party with new candidates who will replace these cuckservatives with real ones. The Post-Bush, Post-Obama, Post-Clinton era is just beginning.
NYT’s makes Uncle Joe look all Gowdy:
Just another old, angry Democrat.
” It also asks if the agencies would lift regulations that have limited water exports from northern California to central and southern California. ”
That might be the real point of this idiocy. Drought ends or not, gotta take water from someplace for on the cheap for their constituents.
That sentence jumped out at me because there is very good reason to believe that this El Nino will bring a lot of water to SoCal, but even severe El Nino’s may or may not bring a lot of water to NorCal. What I have heard is that all the meteorologists know is that it is > 50% chance NorCal will have above average rainfall. That is why they are still pounding the drums on water conservation in SF Bay Area.
So, either these goofs have no clue what they are talking about, or this is just a pretext to fnagle themselves somebody else’s water for themselves.
Seriously, if you’ve seen the movie the Watchmen, you have got to go over to Lawyers, Guns & Money and check out SEK’s adaptation of Rorschach’s great line . . .
@gene108: I know it’s fun to believe that everyone on the right is either snidely whiplash evil or w stupid, but right now 3 quarters of the country already agree this is a political farce, so mathematically that includes a lot of our deluded friends on the right.
some guy
Breaking: Jeb Bush still clinging to fourth place in current polling in Florida.
Developing ….
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Lee: John Scalzi is awesome.
The downside would be meh Hillary supporters becoming strong Hillary supporters.
Robert M.
Why not both?
If I remember correctly, there were numerous predictions of decent rainfall last winter, and other than one big storm, we got basically none in the Bay Area.
Point being, it’s encouraging that a big El Nino year is expected to bring rainfall – which they are now more confidently predicting will sweep over Nor Cal too – but I’ll believe it when I get soaked by it.
And hell, the drought is so deep that not even an extremely wet El Nino winter is going to cure it, though it will hopefully be a huge help.
Felonius Monk
Does he want it?
@Felonius Monk:
He will, FM. He will.
@trollhattan: Sponges. Lots and lots of really big sponges.
At long last, have they no shame?
Sadly, no.
Attacks that Congressional Republicans investigated less than Benghazi (8 times):
9/11: 2 investigations
USS Cole Attack: 2 investigations
Boston Marathon Bombing: 1 investigation
Khobar Towers Bombing: 2 investigations
OKC/Murrah Building Bombing: 0 investigations
Americans killed in the above attacks: 3,184; Americans killed at Benghazi: 4
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Did this really happen? T. Bagger Gowdy III and his band of buffoons have erased the lines between snark and history
People may be right that this won’t hurt GOPers. Likely right.
But Hillary’s strength and resilience are sure as shit emboldening to those of us on the left that want a fighter, someone equipped to take these motherfuckers on and best them at every turn.
Yes, Hillary is hawkish and sometimes triangulatory for my tastes, but goddamn when she turns and fights the “enemies” (and they are enemies), she has ALL my support.
Today was another in a series of how smart, prepared, knowledgeable, experienced Hillary WILL FUCK YOUR SHIT UP.
I love it.
M. Bouffant
@Turgidson: Also, doesn’t most of the water we Californians use come from the snowpack, not rain?
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@jl: What all of California needs is snow, lots of snow in the Sierras.
A guy
Are u kidding? Hillary is getting her ass kicked. Thing is the media won’t report it. A video caused this? A video? Lol! And the roll of Blumenthal? Lol! She should be indicted.
As a side note, here’s a nice take on how to handle societies myriad ills-
“At the end of the day, it comes down to parenting, And it starts when they’re real little. Teaching right from wrong. Steering them in the right path. And also you have to set an example. If your mind is right, it’s a good chance your child’s mind will be right. You have to stay focused as a parent and make sure you steer them toward positive people, positive influences. And that deals with TV, music and friends in general.”
Actually, the poll said 73% – so that leaves 27% believing the hearing is unbiased
Never saw the movie, but presumably it is the same line as in the award-winning comic book maxi-series from which the film was made.
Rivers don’t need no stinkin’ surface water run off and neither do the plants and animals that live around those rivers.
Get some big buckets, so all the rain can be kept for human use and human use alone!!!
I am surprised the Republicans did not call this whole thing off. It is giving Hillary a lot of free and positive air time.
@M. Bouffant:
Yep. San Diego getting flooded all winter won’t do bupkus to break the drought.
@A guy: What color is the sky in your world?
Mike J
@dmsilev: Rep. Nunes isn’t sponge worthy.
From an Accuweather story:
It would take El Nino and a bunch of brother Ninos, to significantly relieve the drought.
Felonius Monk
Somebody over at LGM said it first, but I agree. We need to have a congressional investigation into Trey Gowdy’s haircut. In my opinion, it is definitely anti-American.
Gin & Tonic
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne): That’s what I’m looking for, good pow in Tahoe in January, so I can go skiing. Don’t really give a shit if people in LA have nothing to drink. Skiing in the Sierras has sucked the last few years.
Gin & Tonic
@A guy: I’m so old I can remember when the trolls here had some understanding of English spelling and grammar.
Apparently whatever color it is that countenances quoting Huckabee as a font of insight and direction.
Mike J
You left out the 39 attacks on embassies, consulates, or embassy personnel that happened during the Bush II presidency.
@M. Bouffant: @Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
Hey, I done larned things from reading newspaper articles about the drought.
Northern California has two ( count ’em 2!) types of reservoirs, one type deigned to catch rain run off, and one type designed to catch snow melt. Most of the difference is location, but some differences in construction and how tied into state water system, since the profile of available water over seasons is very different.
So, that is one of the problems in just building out old plans for every storage dam project that has ever been considered for the Sierra: a lot of them are for snow melt, and we are not sure how much more years Sierra will have any of that even half the time.
Dang, you do learn things when disaster strikes, even a slo mo one like a drought.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@M. Bouffant: Yes. It comes from snowfall and when they get a lot it is sometimes called Sierra Cement because it takes a long time to melt. That is the ideal.
It doesn’t matter if it rains in SF or not because they get their water from a canal called the Hetch-Hetchy; the canal comes from a valley that was dammed to create a reservoir for SF’s water needs, and the records say that Hetch Hetchy was like Yosemite but even more beautiful.
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
‘Zackly. If Tioga Pass opens before July, then the El Nino was just a bandaid on a metastasizing tumor.
@A guy: We’re sorry, you have argued for a reality that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you believe you have sought this reality in error, please check your medications and try your post again later.
80% or something blamed the Republicans for fucking up the economy during the 2013 government shut down. It doesn’t matter.
75% of the country dislikes Republicans. 25% approve.
Those 25% will vote for Republicans.
This leaves in a high turn out year, like a Presidential election year, another 30%-35% of those voicing displeasure to possibly turn out and vote and not all of those 30% to 35% will vote for Democrats.
I’m sorry, but what people want and what government does has diverged greatly in recent years.
From a Sept 14, 2014 article.
Republicans could murder babies on national T.V. and they’d still have their dedicated core of voters, who will turn up to vote for them every single time.
John Cole @ Top:
I’m sure some are, because every Republican Representative questioning Sec’y Clinton is so disrespectful and insulting that I want to punch in their fucking faces. And that’s what Conservatives like – insulting Women/Blacks/Hispanics/LGBT/Non-Christians/Anyone-Not-White and pissing off liberals.
@M. Bouffant: @Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
Yes and yes, it’s snow and a lot of it that gives us our one enormous reservoir around which the water delivery system was designed. There’s no geologic formation, nor concrete/rock enough to build a lake that would capture and hold as much (the obvious ones are already built, anyway). Discussed today are one or two new “offstream storage” reservoirs to hold water pumped uphill from the valley when rivers are running high with winter/spring runoff (San Luis Reservoir being the most prominent example). That’s not the same thing at all–it adds systemwide flexibility but not really any “new” water.
What El Nino brings are warm, intense storms that produce little snow. What’s needed are Arctic storms tracking south into the Cascades and Sierra. Been four years since we had many of those.
Bubblegum Tate
The wingnuts I know–frequent BENGHAZIIIIIIII!1!1!!2! screamers, all of them–are curiously silent on this. Instead, they’re all aboard the “we hate Muslims so much, we’re starting to exonerate Hitler!” train.
Was it two years ago on New Years you could drive to Tioga Pass and ice skate? That was freaky.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Gin & Tonic: Wow. You’re nice.
Meanwhile, the National Forests in Southern California (yes, we have them) are dying for lack of both rainfall and snowpack.
And all this fuss about people watering their lawns in California? They use less than 10% of the total water consumed in the state (I think the total is @8% but the number is a moving target). Meanwhile, fracking and water-bottling facilities are free to continue using water, unrestrained. Nestle has stopped taking water from the bottom Strawberry Creek in the San Bernardino National Forest and is now taking it nearer it’s source, which means all of the terrain below their pipes is dying. Their excuse is that they only take 1% of the water in California.
Felonius Monk
@A guy:
Your parents were/are probably decent people, but when it came to you, they failed on all these counts and raised a mediocre, at best, troll.
@Turgidson: The anticipation last year was that a modest El Nino would probably bring more rain last year. Instead, the El Nino kept gathering strength but did not move eastward. Now a record El Nino has developed and is clearly coming. Odds are the rains will be significant starting in the latter half of the rain season (2016). Nobody knows for sure, but the current measurements peg this as the second strongest event (97-98 season holds the record) since they began gathering the data that defines El Nino (last 30+ years which is sea surface temperatures in certain portionsof the eastern Pacific). Each El Nino behaves differently and the data set is small to define clear trends, but above average rain is a good bet.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good christ
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It did, yes. I heard it, and sputtered and snorted in a most unladylike way.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@burnspbesq: When we lived in the East Bay we used to cross over Tioga pass to get to the eastern Sierras in the summer, and we’d watch to see when it opened each year. That was a beautiful trip and the kids loved it even if the east side of the pass was a little scary the first time we saw it. Just a gorgeous place. We used to rent a cabin at June Lake and take them fishing throughout the area.
Gin & Tonic
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne): That was aimed at humor. Although, indeed, the skiing in Tahoe has been terrible.
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
Tioga Pass road opening and snowpack since 1980.
ETA re. my earlier question, it was 2011-12 that the Pass didn’t close until mid-January.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@gene108: And it’s not just that. I’ve heard people say they can’t stand the other Republicans in Congress but their own Rep is just fine, (even though he voted with all of those other Republicans). He came to their house and shook their hand, or he set up Grandpa to record his WWII stories, or he was at a grocery store opening. It’s “glamour”.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Cool. They’re demonstrating her fitness for the rigors of the presidency.
A guy
A video? Really. She’s either a liar in a cover up or incompetent. There’s no middle ground. Btw anybody want to hear my thoughts on parenting and the only way it will ssve the world ?
Man, the Republicans are provoking that expression so frequently that I hope Clinton’s face doesn’t get stuck that way.
@Felonius Monk:
Probably an illegal alien from Mars.
A guy
And the beauty is blumemthal in his email was asking for help for a business interest in Lybia. I bet the dead folks interests were divergent to hers and SIDS. Lol !
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@trollhattan: We aren’t getting them in the Cascades, either. Washington state is having problems, and in the western part of the state where most of the rainfall happens, our trees are dying from lack of rain. We are losing birches and possibly some pines, but there are older trees in public parks that are dying in Seattle, trees that survived previous droughts.
I still own a cabin in the mountains in Southern California, almost exactly one mile in altitude, and they haven’t had much more than a dusting of snow the past two years. We bought the place in 2008 and in November of that first year the first storm dumped 5 feet of snow. It was glorious, and it wasn’t the only big snowstorm we had there that year or the next 4. 2012 there was a bit less and it’s been disastrous ever since.
Is it just me or do all these Republicans remind you of Monday Morning Quarterbacks? Years later they have all the answers but you know, if they were there in real time, they would flounder.
A guy
Ok I’m out for a bit. I’m in my deer stand hoping to murder a doe . Back layer
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne): Nearer its source. I hate autocorrect.
Since Cheney / Bush made torture all legal like and everything, couldn’t they have just waterboarded HRC to find out the real truth(s) of Benghazi instead of subjecting us to this torture?
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Felonius Monk: What he describes is not a bad template for parenting and it’s what we tried to do, and all three of our little darlings are Democrats, and now so are we. Where did we go wrong????
@trollhattan: What a moron. Look at the pictures of the empty reservoirs, which have declined each year over the past three years (after getting partially filled each winter). Now, imagine them completely filled! Amazing…
Also, San Diego just finished raising a dam. It took five years of construction, and several years of planning and geotechnical investigations before that (always good in a state with lots of earthquakes). But why not do something like that in a month and see how well it actually holds up to torrential downpours?
Somehow I doubt other countries are this f***ed up when it comes to governing and investigating things. Why do we Americans tolerate it? The GOP has now spent close to $5M of OUR money for the 8TH (!) “investigation”. Good grief!
Compare and contrast:
8 Republican Congressional investigations of 4 American deaths at US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya at the hands of Muslim foreigners…
0 Republican Congressional investigations of 168 American deaths at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, USA, at the hands of two corn-fed Caucasian US citizens.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Robert Costa suggests the hearings are not making a lot of congressional GOOPers happy, and I suspect he was understating the case
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Gin & Tonic: Ok, my snark meter as well as my humor register both need recalibrating.
Been taking too much heat from people who don’t understand California’s water issues recently, mostly from people who just generally do not like California or its residents, even though they’ve never visited much more than Disneyland and Universal Studios.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
IIRC, the El Niño signs had faded away by this time last year, but are still on track for this year, so it’s looking pretty likely. Though, as others have said, what we need for drought relief is a lot of snow, not a lot of rain.
That sounds right.
Family went to Bracebridge in 2004. Yosemite Valley with no snow in December is just wrong on every possible level.
Fournier is the one who sent an email to Karl Rove urging him to “keep up the fight’ regarding the Pat Tillman hearings. It is amusing the MSM is treating him like some kind of independent pundit.
You’d think the American soldier being killed in Iraq would be newsworthy. BBC World News has been all over but all I see on MSNBC and CNN is this freakshow
Jebediah, RBG
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
Like we can spare it. Those assholes!
West of the Cascades
@A guy: how will it ssve the world?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
I, too, am tired of the Hur-hur, that’s what you get for trying to grow food in the desert! crowd. As though the entire freakin’ state of California is one giant desert. Morons.
(Not referring to G&T as such, of course.)
@Kyle: Thanks. I guess I don’t really see too big a deal meltdown-wise, but I was enjoying the former Secretary of State’s command of her expressions.
Villago Delenda Est
@A guy: The whines of butthurt on the Faux Noise twitter feed belie your assertion that “Hillary is getting her butt kicked”. On the contrary, she’s only improving her chances to be in the White House come January 2017.
Corner Stone
Does this Roskam guy actually exist? Or is he really a character in an Oliver Stone movie?
Check that: a Tarantino movie.
Oooh, always wanted to go! Daughter unit had a week-long middle school trip to Curry Village last December. Dry and bare, and all trails open. At least the falls were running. We were there in August and most were dry. Water over the lip of Vernal Fall was less than an armspan wide.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
For the interested, here’s the NOAA story about the expected El Niño:
Ummm, that’s not how any of it works.
Plus even if rainfall in CA goes back to moderate levels for several years, the state is still screwed. Agriculture is pulling out too much water from the ground even if not in a drought.
Republicans repeatedly veto the cost of extra security at each embassy.
I think they deliberately kept embassies under-staffed, knowing something like this was going to happen – so that they could attempt to pin blame for it on a Democrat.
Also, “a guy” – Do you actually realize this entire day’s testimony is Hillary saying “How’s My Ass Taste” – to you? You, personally?
Because, you see, you’re 100% wrong. But, hey, keep lying – eventually, when you look in the mirror, someone will agree with you!
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I had a guy say that about Southern California and I corrected him that it is historically a Mediterranean climate, and not a desert. I guess I was a bit vehement in my educational attempts because he was somewhat chastened and thanked me for the information.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@trollhattan: Wow. I’ve never been there when the falls were that low.
We applied for the Bracebridge dinner every year for several years in the ’80s but never got tickets. My sister and her ex got them every damned year. Yosemite is one of my favorite places and I haven’t been there since the 80s, other than the route over Tuolumne Meadows and through Tioga Pass.
A guy
I really love the fat gay looking dude over Hillary’s left shoulder and the black chick over her right. Their expressions confirm she’s getting her ass kicked
To be fair, this complex story is still breaking. Originally, I heard that 70 Kurdish soldiers had been rescued.
But currently
John Revolta
@A guy: Dude, I hope you’re not gonna drive in that condition.
Jebediah, RBG
@A guy:
You are quite special, aren’t you?
Gin & Tonic
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne): A few years back I went to a conference in Palm Desert. Purely by happenstance, I ended up drinking a few beers with an engineer from the Coachella Valley Water District. I learned a lot about SoCal water resource management that evening.
@Pie Happens (opiejeanne):
Another Mediterranean area chiming in.At the ass-end of Africa, we get the backlash from your nice El Ninos. Just finished a bad winter in terms of rainfall. Local reservoir at 40%; water restrictions already in place and summer hasn’t started yet. I see drought coming up fast.
Gawd, I hate climate change. And politicians. And oil companies.
I wonder if they award is posthumously. Then maybe Pol Pot and Hitler could be considered
West of the Cascades
Senator-to-be Duckworth doing a nice job playing the “straight woman” and asking the sort of intelligent questions about “what did we learn and what did we do about it and what more COULD we do about it” that, presumably, have been asked in previous investigations and would be appropriate if this weren’t a political kangaroo court.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Seanly: Their straws are starting to make that “bottom of the soda” sucking sound.
We drive the I-5 (Yes, native of SoCal) from Seattle to LA several times every year and are somewhat amused by the signs exhorting us to impeach Pelosi because of the water shortage and the government-induced drought, and in the background are new groves with baby trees, or fully mature groves in perfect health.
In the 90s I used to fly from Oakland to Ontario fairly often and if I was in the air on the right day, the central valley floor looked like a mirror for miles and miles because the orchard owners watered by flooding their land. Back in the 90s they were whining about being asked to cut back on their usage. All of the new groves are on drip systems and many of the older ones are too, but there are still some farmers who have water rights going way, way back who still water by flooding.
They’re within 2 weeks of default and 6 weeks of no budget! They can’t get basic legislative work done but they can always manage to hold hearings about something or other. Throw the bums out!
Corner Stone
Damn IN Congresswoman, where did you steal late ’80’s Meg Ryan hair?
Corner Stone
@West of the Cascades: “So Sec Clinton, I need to ask you. Do you possibly have a detailed list you could read from that shows all the things that were improved after this horrible event you are not in any way at fault for? Oh, you do? Please read them into the record.”
Corner Stone
These people are just the worst. The fucking worst.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Yeah. There are a lot of Republicans who think this is going well. Go over to Facebook, and you can read all kinds of posts from idiots who think that Clinton is hanging herself and that the Republicans are supermen and superwomen. It’s funny and sad at the same time.
@A guy:
Apparently your parents did a piss poor job on you because you’re a dumbass. Maybe you should have a little chat with them and show them some of the BS you write. They’ll probably hang their heads in shame.
Hopefully it doesn’t breed with whatever rabid opossum took up residence on Trump’s melon.
West of the Cascades
@Corner Stone: It almost looks like they’re … organized.
Felonius Monk
Today’s “Troll_Hammer” award winner without a doubt.
Yesssir — Totally agree —
They gave her an opportunity to show how she can handle all they got to give in this round. Oh I know, it aint over — they will come up with more shit, but I love how she has handled herself.
In another but related vein, Bill Clinton is nowhere to be found, thanks be — no informal opining, nothing. This is HER show, and has to be HER show and she is doing it. Period.
@trollhattan: We have been saying that the storm water should be collected and saved all my life (69 yrs so far). It has always been too expensive and/or too disruptive. Even when the state had lots of money to spend, and Republicans could work with Democrats for the good of the state. Flood control saves buildings, and probably lives, and it does that by moving as much rainwater as possible out to sea as fast as possible. So now they want us to run it in reverse?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@A guy:
I think so, too! What kind of roll did Blumenthal have, and when did he have it? Was it a dinner roll? A hoagie roll? A biscuit? Americans demand answers, and, by God, I think Americans deserve answers!
A guy
Rl- my parents never approved of calling somebody a dumbass, yours apparently did. Were your parents divorced?
@Ripley: You just caused some of my evening glass or wine to be ejected toward the computer screen. Still chortling (while mopping up) & definitely passing that comment on.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Ah, but it wasn’t just the roll! Dontcha get it? Did the roll have butter or mayo? Did she have to cut the roll? What was ON the roll, for Pete’s sake!
@A guy: Mine emphasized speaking the truth. Yours, apparently, encouraged fantasy. You should use this gift for envisioning alternate realities to write fiction.
Germy Shoemangler
Esquire did a photo list of all the bad haircuts of Trey Gowdy, with suitable titles for each style:
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I think that we can indeed agree that these are all legitimate questions, and, until Hillary Clinton can answer them to our satisfaction, she should be killed. Indeed, there are rolls of many, many administration figures we need to know more about. Whole wheat or white rolls? Butter or some other spread? Meat or egg salad on the rolls?
@Germy Shoemangler:
Holy fvck, Gowdy is James O’keefe’s baby daddy!
Corner Stone
He bade her farewell this morning at the DC home in some jeans and a tucked in polo shirt.
Note to WJC – don’t tuck in your polo shirts.
Corner Stone
Could Congresswoman Roby *BE* any more incredulous?
ETA, wrong moron Congresswoman. There are so many.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Looks like the Republicans have just flat out given up on even trying to do anything worthwhile here any longer. Now Martha Rody or whatever her name is from Alabama is just asking little, nitpicky shit, and the only reason I can fathom at this point is that they hope they can trip her up by getting her to say that so and so left the office after she left on the night of the attack, when, in fact, he left before she did, and try to get her prosecuted for perjury or some dumb shit like that. It’s just sad.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Seriously. She’s asking who was at the office when she left for the day, and what time they all left. What else could they be shooting for?
That part’s bad enough, but he also has absolutely nothing interesting to say. Everything he writes is the same, and based on what he damn well knows is a false premise. Obama can’t lead. Hillary can’t be trusted. Both sides do it. Every fucking thing he writes is jammed into one of those three templates. I call him Ron “Severe Dementia” Fournier because he writes the same thing over and over again, oblivious to context and recent events. Traffic on the freeway? Both sides are to blame. Coffee’s too hot? Obama failed to lead. Get a nasty little papercut? Hillary’s secrecy caused it.
Fournier is perhaps the single most egregious example of everything that is wrong with our elite political media – and that’s saying something. He’s insufferably smug and completely certain in his ignorance (particularly when he starts saying stupid shit about the debt/deficit, a topic he knows less than nothing about), his political analysis peddles almost exclusively in dishonest false equivalence, and he pretends (badly) that he’s a concerned above-the-fray nonpartisan observer when he’s obviously playing his role in the GOP wurlitzer. I can’t adequately describe my disgust for that useless piece of shit.
Patricia Kayden
@A guy: Why don’t you find yourself a hole and bury yourself in it? We already know that Republicans are the big losers for attempting to politicize the death of Americans. Nobody is being fooled by your side of the aisle. Absolutely nobody.
Would love to see the post-investigation polls to see if Secretary Clinton gets a big jump in polls after today.
And I’m sure the “fat” gay guy and black chick looking over Secretary Clinton’s shoulders are much more attractive than your pale White ass.
@Corner Stone: “When Harry met Sally” was the last movie she saw. I thought her hair looked like an oddly trimmed string mop until you brought up the Meg Ryan reference. The thing that struck me about Meg mop head is that apparently Sec. Clinton was supposed to be all the ambassadors’ mommy and call them once or twice a week.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): The congressperson wanted to know why Hillary didn’t talk to her people before they were interviewed by the FBI. Of course if she had talked to them before the FBI did then they would criticize Hillary for trying to coach the witnesses.
@A guy:
They didn’t approve of it? If true – not that anyone believes you understand the concept of “truth” – it’s probably because they understood the concept of “projection,” and thought it would not be a good habit for you to adopt. Apparently, you did anyway. By the way, has your father stopped beating your mother?
Patricia Kayden
@A guy: It’s “Libya”, you tool. Why can’t Republicans spell correctly?
Patricia Kayden
@A guy: But your parents approve you calling someone a fat gay dude though, right? ***rolls eyes***
Corner Stone
Congressman Smith getting his time and thoughts re: this cmte on record.
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: The black chick is Congresswoman S J Lee from TX in case you’re not watching this fail fail.
It’s so bad they have now failed at failing.
Here goes Jordan…
@A guy:
You and Racism Above should get together: he can tell you how Jeb!’s numbers are “surging” (from 17 percent, all the way up to seven percent, at last check), and you can tell him how Hillary’s getting her ass kicked. Then you kiddies can tell each other how wicked smart you are, and then trade stories about your jobs as CEOs of a couple of Fortune 20 corporations – all of which will have the same Truth_Value as anything you’ve written.
But I hope you two kiddies have a nice time on your date.
omg.. Jordan is such an ass……
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Whatever Dem comes nest needs to thank the distinguished cranky toddler from Ohio for reminding the committee and the American people that this hearing is about Hillary Clinton, not Benghazi
ETA: did they just go from Jordan to Westmoreland? aren’t they supposed to alternate parties?
@JPL: Did i hear that correctly? He wanted her to list the search terms that were used to search her emails? How can he not realize how crazy he sounds?
@dedc79: That is what I heard. I had to mute for the fine idiot from GA.
A guy
Hard to spell when you are in a deer stand looking for the wily and elusive deer. Righte
I hope they don’t make any babies. The gene pool is in bad enough shape without any further pollution.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think it’s RRDRRDRRD…..
@A guy:
Are you on Xbox, Wii, or PS-whatever? I can see how spelling correctly could distract you from that. Maybe before you switch to GTA27, you could spell-check.
Agreed, but I’m guessing it’s anatomically/biologically for those two boys two make a baby on their own – not that they won’t try, of course.
By the way, did you watch the game last night?
That looks a little like one of Terry Collins’s lineup cards.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I’d never heard of the guy, but damn, I was just struck. How big a dick do you have to be before even Republicans won’t vote for you? A bigger one that that guy, it seems.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I missed this. Can’t decide if I ‘m glad or not. If it was funny, I”m sure someone will make an internet thing
Liam Stack @ liamstack 42m42 minutes ago
Rep. Roby just asked Clinton if she was “alone the whole night” on 9/11/12. The room burst out laughing. Roby keeps saying “it’s not funny!”
and from the second most Very Serious Republican Voice on Foreign Policy
@SFAW: Think Murphy can make it 7? Normally I’d welcome the time off so the Mets could rest their pitching, but I hope Murphy doesn’t cool off during the long wait.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Damn. Does Gowdy sweat a whole lot, or is he just a greasy guy?
Don’t know if Murphy can, but I would never have thought he would make it this far. When he was at 2 or 3, my brother and I were joking about how he reminded us of Al Weis (another Long Island boy, by the way) in 1969, only more so. But he’s gone far beyond anything Weis ever did.
I’m a little worried about the layoff, but I figure it can only be beneficial for the rotation, plus allow Cespedes’s shoulder to heal, plus maybe see if Duda is back on a hot streak. It’s up to Collins to keep them sharp, I hope he does.
Let’s Go Mets!
Corner Stone
I just can’t look at Gowdy anymore. That is truly disturbing.
A guy
How bout the video? Can u look at that?
A guy
“At the end of the day, it comes down to parenting,” Ellis said. “And it starts when they’re real little. Teaching right from wrong. Steering them in the right path. And also you have to set an example. If your mind is right, it’s a good chance your child’s mind will be right. You have to stay focused as a parent and make sure you steer them toward positive people, positive influences. And that deals with TV, music and friends in general.”
A guy
Hmmmm. Who is Ellis?
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Suezboo: El Ninos are not nice. I remember one in the early 80s that left us with a too-cool spring. Probably 1982, now that I think about it. Snow had just melted in the mountains in SoCal at the end of June, in the flat-lands roses refused to bloom in April, or May. By mid-July we were ready for some heat, and went camping in Zion National Park. It was pretty hot there.
@A guy:
How are you in a deer stand but also posting on a liberal political blog AND watching Congressional hearings?
It’s impressive. No chance you get a deer though, loser.
@A guy:
Impressive deer stand posting and sourcing.
Holy Fcuk America…this has been going on all day. Who are these creeps? This sh*t show doesn’t look, nor sound good for America. Hillary has put up with such BS, bordering on harassment. This is utterly ridiculous.
I wish I could campaign and vote for her. ENOUGH!
Huggy Bear
@A guy: when you are trying to appear all manly, it’s probably best to stop using well-worn euphemisms for gay bars and related activities.
A guy
I’ve an incredible capacity to absorb information. And other things.
@A guy: Where are you hunting after dark in your fabled deer stand?
@A guy: You do know that Congress has had more hearings on Benghazi then the attack on our country. You do know that under Bush, 9 Americans died when our embassy was attacked in Saudi… There were no hearings. Maybe those lives don’t matter to you but they do to me.
i guess assholes have to be assholes..
@A guy:
Hunh. I’ve never seen “spout bullshit” spelled that way before. Just another reason I come here – I “learn” something new every day.
Watched and I couldn’t get this sort of image out of my mind (NSFW):
Maybe there were informants to protect? White, native-born terrorists only merit a criminal investigation with no extra helping of politically motivated congressional hearing? Hmmm.
A guy
I left my stand at 7:30 est. Sunset was at 6:38 and you can shoot for one half hour thereafter. I stayed up to scout a bit in the dark no way to shoot that late plus it’s illegal. Got down rode the four wheeler around a bit before getting home.
@Huggy Bear:
I didn’t realize that all gay men were effeminate.
A guy
Upl—I do know that. And I also know that a video was not used to cover up the real story
Roger Moore
That will prove useful if we elect her President but don’t give her a Democratic Congress to work with.
@A guy:
Boy, video games these days really DO try to create an immersive experience, I guess.
Why is Gowdy so shiny?
He thought that Pink Floyd was giving him grooming instructions? (“Shine On You Crazy Dickhead”)
@A guy:
You mean you staid up there to post some more political hot takes, right?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Jesus Christ, these assholes just don’t know when to give up. I swear, every half a second that this clown show drags on, they lose another voter for life. What the fuck do they think they’re doing for themselves here?
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
The sad part is, where California is growing stuff in the desert (Sonoran desert – Imperial and Coachella Valleys) the water used did not fall in California as rain or snow – the irrigation there is from California’s allocation of Colorado River water. (And that agriculture has priority over the cities that also use a small fraction of that water.) Where California agriculture is using water that falls in California it is not growing stuff in the desert.
Pie Happens (opiejeanne)
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Aren’t they going to break for supper?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Same thing they did to themselves trying to impeach Bill Clinton. Apparently lessons were not learned.
Paul in KY
@BretH: That would be an improvement over current do.