We’re watching Auburn vs. Arkansas (Go Hawgs!), currently tied in the 4th with the Razorbacks driving. Auburn has a player named Kerryon Johnson, a blue-chip recruit. But FFS, what was his mother thinking — Kerryon??
You might as well name your boy “Roadkill!” The snarky sports beat headlines write themselves: “The Buzzards Are Circling for Kerryon,” etc. Gah!
Open thread!
Caliph Garrett
Kerryon My Wayward Son?
Tom Levenson
I read that more as Keep Calm and Kerryon.
Roger Moore
Maybe his mom was a flight attendant.
Top-ranked reader comment on NYTimes story about how Poppy Bush does not understand why Jeb! is having such a tough ride of it; what’s happened to the party?: by commenter AR:
Silk stockings filled with mud. True, and memorable.
Bush at 91: Irritated and Invigorated by ’16 Race
Betty Cracker
@Roger Moore: You’ve heard the joke about the buzzard attempting to board the plane while carrying two dead possums? The flight attendant says, “Sorry, sir — only one carrion per passenger.” [insert sad trombone sound here.]
Also there may not be votes there, even with ALL Democrats voting in favor.
Could be fun, now that the stock market is doing well, so expects no problems on this front.
Logged in to find that Levenson already said it: It’s the verb phrase, not the noun.
Or his mama is Kerri and his dad is Ontrel. I grew up with a number of kids whose unique names (LoShawn, Tondell, etc) were structured in that fashion.
(Diverse schools made this white child smarter…by exposing me to the rich naming traditions of the African-American community in the Black Power era. Also grew up with kids with Yoruba and Swahili names, but the one-syllable-from-each-parent tactic was the one that I haven’t observed in other US ethnic communities. Probably a linguistics paper or a diss in that for someone.)
Since it is an open thread, I just saw this:
Of course, Jindal could not get elected dogcatcher in Louisiana today.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Key and Peele have a funny sketch with a series of college football players solemnly saying their (obviously made-up) names.
Also, too, I’m reading Ron Chernow’s “Alexander Hamilton.” It does come across as a little hagiographic, but that may be a necessary corrective since Hamilton was unfairly maligned by Jefferson’s partisans for so long. In retrospect, it does seem that there was a deep divide between Washington’s supporters and Jefferson’s supporters that nobody really thinks about these days, but was a real and sometimes deadly feud at the time.
Warren Terra
Maybe his parents were big fans of the lowbrow comedy British Carry On film series.
And here’s another, from Matt Taibbi, after TreyGowdy asked Hillary Clinton an especially dumb question:
I don’t think I have ever pulled for TN. But go TN. Beat the shit out of Bama. LSU raven fan here and I’ll take Alabama losing today.
Arkansas and Auburn headed to 3rd OT.
Al Golden, call your realtor.
Back in the 70s there was a joke re: band names in South African trumpet player Hugh Masekela’s group.
The intros would go:
On piano, from Johannesburg, South Africa – Joe Smith
On bass, from Moshi, Tanzania – Fred Johnson
And on drums, from Detroit, Michigan – Kwame Mbutu Ulimwengu.
Because we did have a thing in the states about creating names from the Motherland back then…
@Elizabelle: My hope is that the Bush clan unleashes every last bit of dirty tactics that they’ve stored up, only to see Jeb fall short. Maximum collateral damage, in other words.
I thought it was the TSA nickname for huge dildos seen in the x-ray machine.
@Ajabu: Kids named for where they got their start:
Eleuthera, Formica Dinette.
Son, this world is rough
And if a man’s gonna make it, he’s gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn’t be there to help ya along.
So I give ya that name and I said goodbye
I knew you’d have to get tough or die
And it’s the name that helped to make you strong.
“Her mother’s name was Cleo,
Her father’s name was Pat —
They called her Cleopatra:
Now whaddya think of that?”
One of many nonsense verses to an old American folk song called Down on the Bingo Farm.
Go Illini! Go Hokies!
Corner Stone
@efgoldman: Fuck Jim Wright. Fuck him up his stupid ass.
All I’ve got say is Go Vols!!! Just beat Bama for a change! !!!
@Corner Stone:
Wow. What crawled up your ass today?
I was just about to take a shower anyhow, but now I’m doubly motivated.
Shelob isn’t quite the right analogy. Remember, she was the daughter spider, and in Tolkien’s universe the children are usually pale reflections of the parents (much like the Bush clan, actually). Ergo, Barbara really should be analogized to Momma Spider, aka Ungoliant The Unliving.
@efgoldman: They have played in hoops and could again in the Thanksgiving tourney we are going to down in Destin.
@efgoldman: Today???
@dmsilev: Thank you.
The Disproportionate Risks of Driving While Black
An examination of traffic stops and arrests in Greensboro, N.C., uncovered wide racial differences in measure after measure of police conduct.
OCT. 24, 2015
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Rufus Scales, 26 and black, was driving his younger brother Devin to his hair-cutting class in this genteel, leafy city when they heard the siren’s whoop and saw the blue light in the rearview mirror of their black pickup. Two police officers pulled them over for minor infractions that included expired plates and failing to hang a flag from a load of scrap metal in the pickup’s bed. But what happened next was nothing like a routine traffic stop.
Uncertain whether to get out of the car, Rufus Scales said, he reached to restrain his brother from opening the door. A black officer stunned him with a Taser, he said, and a white officer yanked him from the driver’s seat. Temporarily paralyzed by the shock, he said, he fell face down, and the officer dragged him across the asphalt.
Rufus Scales emerged from the encounter with four traffic tickets; a charge of assaulting an officer, later dismissed; a chipped tooth; and a split upper lip that required five stitches.
@Elizabelle: “We call ourselves ‘The Aristocrats.'”
Ok, folks. Got my full-on ITIS going on right now. All week, I dreamt of the meal I had today. For my Chicago folks, I took myself to Lem’s and got me a Large tip/Hot link combo, hot & mild sauce.
For the non-Chicagoans…Lem’s is a shack that sits in the middle of the street. No place to sit down..just get yourself in there – maybe 6 people can fit in there at a time, and get your order and go. Until about a year ago, Lem’s didn’t even take credit cards. So, you know what kind of place it is..
Stuff’s so greasy, it’s seeping through the paperbag before you can get home.
So, you get your Lem’s , another plate, paper towels, and babywipes….
And, here comes the ITIS..LOL
Sometimes, you just want the ITIS…
My sister in Minnesota called while I was eating, and when I told her it was Lem’s, she was like, ‘ have a few tips for me.’
@efgoldman: Bull… feathers. Conservatives were the ones who couldn’t let go of Jim Crow and segregation. Who believed a woman had a place and it was firmly under the thumb of a man. Who believed America had the right to take whatever it wanted from the rest of the world. Spare me the reasonable conservative bs.
Amir Khalid
When you consider how pitiful the sons of Bar are, Shelob might actually be the more appropriate comparison for her.
As we democrats get ready to make a woman the first nominee of a political party, I would like to remind everyone about what’s coming. The mysogyny republicans heaved upon Hillary when she was First Lady was abhorrent. We’ve seen the same stuff when it comes to women like Cecile Richards and Sandra Fluke, and don’t forget the disrespect of Michelle Obama. It seems every post that involves Jeb Bush ends up with snide comments about Barbara the “shelob”,and as a woman I find it cringeworthy and offensive. As with any public figure I have impressions of Barbara Bush, some negative and some positive, but what I can say for sure about her and any other First Lady is she never made a law or stared a war or handed out tax cuts to anyone. I might be a chorus of one here, but I wish this crap would stop.
South Florida does not have a QB who can throw ten yards down the field. If we lose to SMU today we are terrible,
never mind, Flowers just threw a 40 yard bomb.
I don’t know. The whole thing seems more like something out of The Sopranos. The Bush crime family gather together for a war council, and Bar is consigliere.
Problem is, so far Jeb! is more Fredo than he is a Sonny Corleone, let alone a Michael.
we know. as bad as the Republicans have been about Obama – claiming he’s not even American because he was too African(American) for their tastes – they will be just as bad about Hillary being a woman. They won’t go after her on her birth certificate, but they are going to dredge up every nasty story about her from 1992 and earlier and stick to it until people believe the lies.
In Oakland, that BBQ was called Flint’s, back in the 90s.
As the lowest-ranked new hire* in my department at SF’s most racially diverse law firm, I was sent on BART on a 4th Friday (firm buys, each dept. goes out for its own) to bring back lunch. It took the guys 3 bites to put down their plates, look at each other, and burst out laughing.
I had returned from the mother ship with…the white girl cut. Those tips were not burnt, they were inedible. The fatty end of the brisket. Etc. They put all that Friday’s leavings into 4 mixed plates and sent me out the door knowing no better. And thus the ‘last hired’ tradition of lunch pickup was reshaped for the duration of my stay in the job.
*In addition to being last hired, I was also the only white person in the room.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Olivia Soprano was originally supposed to be a major character through the whole series, but unfortunately Nancy Marchand died of cancer after the first season. Not that either W or Jeb match Tony Soprano in intelligence or cunning.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Caliph Garrett: Kerryon My Wayward Son,
There’ll be peace when U. R. Dunn,
La’ya weary head to rest,
Dontcha cry, No’more.
Still in hospital. Starting physical therapy tomorrow. Her strength is starting to come back, hope to be home in a few days.
Holy Moly! The Man in the High Castle is gearing up on Amazon
Looks like the first two episodes are free to stream.
The pilot was quite good. And chilling.
Free to Amazon Prime members. Not sure what the season price will be for everyone else.
@dogwood: Seconded.
@Mnemosyne (tablet): Marchand was also great as Margaret Pynchon on “Lou Grant,” perhaps also a nod to another powerful matriarch, Buffy Chandler, wife of LA Times publisher Norman, and momma of Otis.
Right now, Jeb! can’t even match Daffy Duck in intelligence or cunning.
BTW: I went to Amazon to see if the album or MP3 for “Alexander Hamilton” was available. Turns out it’s currently free as part of Amazon prime music. Now I have no excuse, and definitely a sign from the gods, along with the availability of the first two episodes of the tv adaptation of “The Man in the High Castle.” Woo hoo!
@Mandalay: Taibbi maligns the fair name of schnauzer!
@efgoldman: I was at his last game, the Liberty Bowl against the Illini!
@efgoldman: Actually I do know that. My frame is older too. But that paean to conservatism set me off because of its implication that all good things came from conservatism. And the hippie trope was old and stale twenty years ago.
Come on, get it right. ;) The worst conservative scum have a fetish over Obama being “half white,” and presumably wise in the ways of the White Devil, or not authentically black like a Herman Cain or Ben Carson
They’ve already tried this, and it will only have resonance with the small core of dedicated haters.
Some fool whose name I didn’t bother to remember has already been making the media circuit with a book about how Hillary was the Harpy of the White House, terrorizing “the common man,” from the staff to her Secret Service detail. Another stooge, maybe Ed Klein, has given interviews about her unwomanly ambition and calculated phoniness.
You are very correct that they will go after her, but they are stupid and unimaginative trolls whose efforts hopefully will be futile.
Corner Stone
Nothing else needs to be said about Jim Wright’s stupid fucking paean to “real, genuine, honorable, holy, loving, paragons of society that were conservatives back when blacks were still being lynched”.*
Yeah, they nurtured the shot outta some stuff. While telling Mamie to hotshoe it while serving their guests.
There has never, ever, ever been a reasonable Conservative Republican. They went from being abolitionists who in the abstract desired the end of slavery but in reality hated black people, to being privileged white people who made god damn sure no blackies challenged their status quo. They were reasonable and nurturing and interested in governing *only because* blacks, Mexicans and POC had NO POWER TO CHALLENGE THEM.
Fuck Jim Wright. Fuck him up his stupid ass.
ETA* Lynched in the real deal rope lynching. They are still being lynched but it’s now mostly by firearm. That’s just what it is.
Fuck Ronald Reagan. Fuck him up his stupid ass.
@Roger Moore:
that was my read on the name also. but my post would not have been so clever however.
Steeplejack (phone)
The gratuitous hippie-punching in that piece is not attractive.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack (phone): The whole thing is fucking bullshit.
Republicans were nurturing and hippies (aka Democrats in case that wasn’t fucking clear) were high as a kite and stunk like mud and old sweaty sex.
Fuck that POS, and anyone who says it’s worth reading.
Bill Murray
While I know many Democrats like to say bad things about the Green Party, they ran an all female ticket in 2012
Steeplejack (phone)
@Corner Stone:
You made a great point:
LOTR is a wonderful book, but not for the reasons you might guess.
It’s so domestic – i.e. stressing the importance of Home. And so many wonderful details.
Paul in KY
Kerryon my wayward son…..