Rand Paul has finally found someone he wants to go to war with: @BuzzFeedAndrew! https://t.co/P1WWeEpvjU
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) October 27, 2015
Of course he’s not “important” — at this point Jim Gilmore has a better chance of becoming the Republican nominee than Rand Paul — but it’s always entertaining to watch Libertarians make fools of themselves, and Senator Rand is Prince Regent of the Fools Libertarians. From the Washington Post article:
… “That guy,” Paul said dismissively, referring to Kaczynski. “The only criticisms have come from some guy who’s a partisan. We discount partisans. However, there’s a ridiculous cottage industry out there of people who think they’re smarter than everyone else, and because certain quotes are disputed – well, yeah! If you want to say something’s not a Thomas Jefferson quote, you can get a whole book on whether it’s a quote or not.”
Kacynzski has challenged Paul’s research since 2013, when the senator began raising his profile as a Republican reformer. After the Buzzfeed reporter found language in one of Paul’s books (and several speeches) that mirrored language published by think tanks and Wikipedia, the senator’s staff started including citations in the printed versions of his remarks. That practice ceased after a while; Paul’s irritation did not…
Those who do not remember history are condemned to believe Rand Paul's version.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) October 27, 2015
But I suppose it’s a slippery slope from checking Founders’ quotes to denying that the Holocaust was caused by gun control
— David Frum (@davidfrum) October 27, 2015
Quick — Rand needs a distraction!
BREAKING: @RandPaul says he will filibuster the new debt ceiling bill: https://t.co/MyzTgMNbEy pic.twitter.com/40ZR2LzSxI
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) October 27, 2015
One note of caution on Rand Paul debt limit filibuster threat: he threatened the same in 2011. https://t.co/h8rpwQW8CO
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 27, 2015
I know this thread is about Rand Paul, not Jeb!, but I wrote this (mostly for efgoldman) and I don’t want it to get stale.
Pore Jeb is dead,
Pore Jeb Bush is dead,
He’s lookin’ oh so peaceful and serene.
He’s such a loser chump,
Trailing Rubio and Trump,
Kasich, Carson, Cruz, and Carly Fiorine.
Pore Jeb is done.
He said he would run
Because he bears his family’s famous name.
It turns out he is toast,
‘Cause he thought that he could coast
And win the nomination by acclaim.
(Then they’ll get up, all them Foxy Foxes and CNN types, to pay tribute to Jeb. And all them Villagers will be moanin’ and weepin’ because they thought Jeb was the Promised One. Only it turned out he ain’t, and he jes’ cain’t get the poll nummers he needs, not the money he craves, even though everyone in his fam’ly tried their durndest to turn things around fer ‘im.)
This is the end.
Jeb had to attend
A conference with Poppy, Bar and bro.
He looks like he’s asleep,
It’s a shame that he won’t keep,
But it’s autumn and we’re runnin’ out of dough.
Pore Jeb is dead,
Quinnipiac said
(And every other poll that you can cite).
If he’d give a few more fucks
He would see those big BRINKS. TRUCKS.
Dumpin’ money on his doorstep overnight.
Pore ¡Jeb!
Pore ¿Jeb?
Mets take a 4-3 lead in the 8th!
ETA: Rand Paul sux!
David Koch
Buckner redux
A year ago, I thought Rand Paul would be doing well in the 2016 GOP nomination sweepstakes, and be perfectly positioned as the rebellion-from-the-establishment front-runner to put up a strong challenge to the conventional establishment favorite Jeb!, and those two would be the clear front-runners going into Iowa and New Hampshire. What ironically happened to Paul and Jeb! is that they both got run over and seriously injured by the Clown car driven by Trump, Carson, and Cruz, with little chance of recovery in time to get back on track for the nomination.
Who’d have thunk that a year ago? We could see crazy Cruz nailing down a viable third or fourth place spot as the protest candidate of the bat-shit insane far right (but with vanishingly little chance of actually winning the nomination), but NO ONE really saw Trump or Carson coming as such dominating front-runners for the nomination at this point.
We’re gonna need a smaller violin.
“There’s a ridiculous cottage industry out there of people who think they’re smarter than everyone else.”
But enough about libertarians.
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne That is full of awesome. I will have it as an earworm all night, but it’s worth it.
randy khan
@David Koch: Not quite as bad, but I’ll take it.
This is surely the strangest primary I’ve ever seen. Kasich had a nutty today that sounded almost moderate (even though he’s awful on women’s issues). Not that it will get him much attention. Carson is sucking up the crazy Xtians, Trump is still popular because who knows, poor Jeb is lost in a hoodie, and who knows what nonsense will come out of their cakeholes tomorrow. The Money Guys have to be looking at Hillary real hard. At least they can do business with her. They can’t do business with these guys.
@Chris: Seriously. The ironic thing is that the smart people whom Rand is whining about are real scholars who give a damn about the research that Rand obviously bullshitted his way through.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
**golf clap**
Just heard a news report that the girl that beat up by the cop in was considered disruptive because she was not participating in class.
OK, then. It that story is true, that explains a lot. Something really messed up in that school district besides a crazy cop, including how they teach.
I teach. I have to deal with students that refuse to participate in those happy classroom jolly time learning activities. Little brats, they don’t appreciate all the time and effort I put into designing a really FUN learning activity.
But, it never occurred to me to try to solve the problem by calling them disruptive and yanking them from class.
I act all nice, and have a comfy informal talk with them to find out what the issue is (don’t understand enough to participate, not interested, what?). What a chump I am. I should call a cop to beat the stuffing out of them and take them to jail. That’s the ticket.
Will be interesting to hear more about this mes.
Hillary is on Colbert tonight.
Also, too, I miss Ralph Kiner, Lindsey Nelson, and Bob Murphy.
Ugh. Revising my resume again. Bleh.
Anyway, Paul is wrong, and it is slam dunk obvious. Why is he making a fuss about it?
‘Cause he wants to make stuff up and use argument by authority, double cursed because it is uncertain whether the authority ever said it or not.
Oh let him. And Rubio and the Cruz. I want to find out how that green eggs and ham story ends.
I taught high school for 35 years. The teacher is incompetent.
@Chris: I was thinking he meant librarians.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Rachel Maddow said a couple of times that this bill can’t actually be filibustered, each Senator can have up to an hour to comment. She didn’t say what rule she was referring to
@David Koch: They’re replaying the Buckner play now.
Betty Cracker
Is it wrong that I take so much satisfaction in seeing a smarmy, arrogant weasel like Rand Paul fail so spectacularly? I feel like a NASCAR fan who secretly watches just for the crashes…
He catapulted from the back of the pack to first place when he called Mexicans rapists and murderers.
That’s good.
Holy cow! Happy KC fans!
@Betty Cracker:
Nothing wrong with you. I do wonder where his daddy’s rabid fans have found a home.
Betty Cracker
Holy shit, what a game!
David Koch
gotta say it.
gotta say it.
how often do you get the chance.
It’s a whole new ballgame.
Mike R
@Chris: That will leave a mark.
Keith P.
This lovely gem was at Politico.
Free baseball!
Steeplejack (phone)
Game 1 has turned out to be pretty good. The Royals just tied it up in the bottom of the ninth with a one-run homer. Crunch time.
. . . And now extra innings.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@SiubhanDuinne: Genius.
@benw: 4 all! Gordo widda dongo.
Heard a little bit of the repeat Chris Hayes program on MSNBC. He had another student — one of the ones who took video, and was subsequently cuffed by the same officer. It does sound, from what she (and an attorney) said, that the teacher called in administration and the school gendarmerie because the first girl was looking at her phone instead of participating in class. Rude? Yes indeed. Self-defeating? Of course. In violation of class/school rules? Very likely. But I can’t think of any possible circumstances in which that kind of behavior merits being slammed around by the school cop (incidentally, the young woman being interviewed said that everyone at that school knows him as “Officer Slam”). This is just so distressing, and I don’t have a clue where to begin to put a halt to it.
I don’t even know if I’m watching Bernie Sanders or Raul Castro:
What the hell is wrong with you people?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Keith P.: that’s hilarious, “Governor, you’re in stall two, Senator, stall three…”
Pssst, guys, they’re trying to tell you something!
Steeplejack (phone)
I deployed freshly washed flannel sheets on the bed today, so I’m looking forward to sleeping like a baby tonight. The housecat, as usual, will be nestled in her faux sheepskin throw on her side of the bed.
Villago Delenda Est
@Chris: Nail. Hammer. Hit.
sm*t cl*de
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You misunderstand. Rand’s description of historians and fact-checkers as “partisan” isn’t a complaint about their political leanings, but rather that they have a partisan, one-sided, small-minded allegiance to reality.
Come the Revolution, all you people will be rounded up and put into re-education camps where you’ll be allowed to preform useful labor.
Viva La Internacional Comunista!.
@efgoldman: Baseball doesn’t care. If a first baseman makes an error against the Mets in the WS we’re talking about the Buckner play, damn the torpedoes!
His ability to sell himself beyond the Kentucky border is best expressed as a negative value. He’s all theirs and shall remain thus, to the relief of the rest of us. See, also: Cruz, Ted.
Davis just sick. Dealing sliders like he’s working White Castle. More cutters than a suucide hotline.
Give us six Raul Castro quotes so we can compare and contrast. What, you don’t have any? Quelle surprise.
Steeplejack (phone)
So you’re having trouble perceiving reality? We’ve been telling you that ages.
Now let the healing begin.
M. Bouffant
@srv: People like you.
so your
boyblowhard begging iowans to make him no. 1 again, how does that make you feel?trollhattan
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I think it was a Stuart Smalley thing.
@srv: You wouldn’t recognize a real communist if he bit you in the arse.
I kinda hope Hillary picks one of the Castro brothers as veep. Republicans won’t be able to resist insulting Latinos on a daily basis over Clinton/Castro. Remember how they spent months talking about Barack Hussein Obama? That worked out well.
@SiubhanDuinne: Whatever looking at your phone is, it isn’t disrupting class unless then thing in making lots of noise.
Sounds like a school district with some problems, including zero tolerance policies and ridiculous punitive sanctions for every damn thing that doesn’t go strictly according to their rules.
@efgoldman: as a lifelong Yankee fan, ’86 was quite a dilemma for me. At the time I can’t say I really hated the Red Sox team; more like I pitied them (the fans were/are a different matter). The Mets, I despised. Soooo I ended up rooting for the Sox; AL team and all. What a fucking mistake.
Go KC.
(With apologies to Bob Dylan)
Mama, take this campaign from me
I can’t use it any more
It’s getting dark, too dark to see
I’m feelin’ like I’m knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Mama, put my swift-boats in the ground
I can’t use them any more
That long cold black cloud is coming down
I’m feelin’ like I’m knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door, ooh yeah
Knock, knock, knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
Babs stay right here with me
‘Cause I can’t see you anymore
This ain’t the way it’s supposed to be
I feel I’m knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
GOP won’t you remember me?
I can’t be with you anymore
A smear artist’s life is never free
I feel I’m knocking on the Koch brothers’ door
@efgoldman: And governors. We don’t need another Jan Brewer replacing a Janet Napolitano.
@amk: How does it make me feel that the people who voted Gopher from Love Boat to Congress have judgement issues?
I wish you were smarter, because then I’d know how dumb you are.
Shit. Tied in the 11th inning.
@Emma: srv has the wrong Dem candidate. HRC worked as an intern in summer of 1971 for Bob Treuhaft’s law firm in Oakland CA. Treuhaft and his wife, Jessica Mitford, were members of the Communist Party in the 1950’s, although by the time Hillary was working for Treuhaft, he and Mitford had long since left the CP, and Mitford had acquired a reputation as a muckraking journalist (e.g. her book The American Way of Death).
This fact, along with Hillary’s work for the Children’s Defense Fund, are to me much more of a tell than her early fling as a Goldwater Girl.
Wow, that throw looked like it went right by the head of the batter running down the first base line.
Nice play.
eta Hmmm, getting tricky switching back and forth between the game and my Tuesday guilty pleasure: iZombie.
@amk: I think you left a mark on the poor boy.
Betty Cracker
Let’s go Mets!
ah, temper, temper … just because iowans trashed your nut?
eta: and yet your boy keeps begging them? why?
I understand Barack Obama once borrowed Saul Alinsky’s aftershave in the 1980s.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: It was cologne.
@trollhattan: Saul no longer needed it, having died in 1972.
ETA: Unless it was Zombie Saul Alinsky he borrowed it from.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oooh, the strong stuff!
Omnes Omnibus
@divF: Zombie Reagan gave it to him as a birthday gift.
One could surmise he needed it more, but really, those around him would.
Young dealing. More curves than a Hustler. More fast balls than Ron Jeremy.
@Omnes Omnibus:
“Arrrr, taaaake. Frrrrom me aaaaand Naaaancy! Arrrrr.”
Not dissimilar to a typical cabinet meeting, term 2.
I guess I’m not too familiar with the East, but has Bartolo Colón always been this, how to say, statuesque?
eta Well, he can still field his position. So there’s that.
Steeplejack (phone)
Mmm, Aramis . . .
Bartolo Colon on to pitch the bottom of the 12th. Let’s see whether old age and treachery overcomes youth and strength.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Davidoff, Good Life.
@trollhattan: You saw the note on the card. Cool.
Sounds like a very conservative school district in a very conservative state. Of course this wouldn’t be the first time that has been noticed about SC, the state that’s too small for a republic, too large to be an insane asylum.
@SiubhanDuinne: I admit I couldn’t place the tune, but I found the original. OMG, you’re a Filk Genius!
@mclaren: That’s not bad either. Source?
Steeplejack (phone)
Shouldn’t you be on a gooseneck phone dictating to the sports desk at the Daily Blab?
I don’t know why people banter back and forth with srv. I doubt if he’s for real, but if he is, he supports a guy who actually spent money looking for Barack Obamas birth certificate. I’m sure the Chinese and the Russians will be really intimidated by a president who was scammed by the likes of Jerome Cosi, Orly Taitz, and the kooks at WorldNet Daily.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dogwood: s/he goes through phases, for a long time s/he was a Purity Pony Progressive
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): His actual imagery is awfully ’70s for a gooseneck phone.
@dogwood: srv has been here forever. srv is a pure troll; s/he will always find a way to poke at the commentariat.
Steeplejack (phone)
Gee, really? Next you’re going to tell me they don’t use those gooseneck phones anymore.
Great song. Especially like:
Top of the thirteenth. I wanna go to bed, but …
Nice to see everyone running out their dropped third strikes. It is the World Series, after all.
eta dropped
Wally Ballou
Third-longest game (and longest Game 1) in World Series history. Helluva start to the Fall Classic.
@Betty Cracker: If that’s wrong, then You and I can be roommates in hell and enjoy our wrongness together.
Because watching karma get these people is just SCRUMPTIOUS.
I don’t think anything has beat finding out that Josh Duggar had two Ashley Madison accounts, though. MY GOD, I ENJOYED THAT.
Betty Cracker
@01jack: Same boat! I have to get up long before sunrise to shuttle my kiddo to catch a bus for a trip. If this goes on much longer, I might as well brew a pot of coffee and stay up!
If Vitter loses next month, that would be pretty sweet too.
@SiubhanDuinne: Very nice.
Though now I’ve got Gordon MacRae’s voice stuck in my head. That was my dad’s favorite movie.
I vaguely remember when the last switchboard in California was retired, I think around 15 years ago. Some central valley town.
The Hotel Congress in Tucson, however, still uses the same one they did back when the Dillinger Gang was captured there.
eta Here’s the article I remembered. Nice of the LA Times to get their archive online.
@Betty Cracker: And I’m not even watching/listening – I’m only following the live blog on The Guardian, but I’m totally tied up in this great game.
@amk: Factual statement is anger – this must be some new form of PC microaggression.
Perhaps I should channel Hillary’s angry feminism or Sander’s shouting misogyny – it must be very confusing for y’all right now, I’ll try to be more sensitive.
Win or lose, your candidates will never have moments like this:
@dogwood: I have a visceral, almost arousing response to watching right-wing assholes lose or be humiliated.
@dogwood: BJ is snarky enough that for years while I was a frequent but not obsessive reader, I got big laffs out of srv’s comments, because they came across as pure snark, maybe a little OTT, but amusing enough. When I started reading more consistently, they seemed more trollish. Lately the desperation has been more evident.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, it’s a pretty sad Troll Fail if a significant % of ppl think it’s snark, or aren’t sure – which I’ve seen happen often enough.
Betty Cracker
And here we go 14th inning. I think this ties for longest World Series game ever?
Wally Ballou
@Betty Cracker: Game 2 in 1916 and Game 3 in 2005 both went to the bottom of the 14th. The latter game is the longest in terms of elapsed time (5:41).
Omnes Omnibus
@SectionH: I expect that, if HRC wins the nom, srv will show up as a bitter Bernie-bot. If Bernie wins, srv will be a bitter Hill-bot. Or go full Lessig.
Trump’s channeling Jon Stewart? Funny thing: Jon Stewart has in fact and deed aided veterans in need. Name a single thing Trump has done for veterans.
I’m a child of the seventies, so that was long out of use by the time I was learning phone numbers, but I remember my grandmother and others occasionally using ALbany and five-digits.
And then there’s PEnnsylvania 6-5000…
While y’all are watching sportsball, here are some pictures of wildflowers blooming in the Atacama Desert. Evidently a rare occurrence.
This game is exhausting.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nobody expects the
Spanish Inquisitionfull Lessig.ETA: Or wants it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): Well, that is why srv might well bring it.
Bob Dylan, “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.”
Steeplejack (phone)
Perry Mason’s phone number was MAdison 5-1190.
That’s one way to put any comparison to Buckner away.
Omnes Omnibus
@SectionH: Knocking on Heaven’s Door.
Betty Cracker
Wow. What a game. Night, jackals!
Steeplejack (phone)
@Betty Cracker:
Night-night. Flannel sheets, here I come.
@mclaren: @Omnes Omnibus:
Sorry to be unclear. I’m familiar with the Dylan original. My question to mclaren was the source of the lyrics posted.
Omnes Omnibus
@SectionH: I thought you were, but I like excuses to post links to good songs.
ETA: My parents had the album the song was on and back when I was a kid that song raised the hairs on my neck.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s ok. I often can hear the song without going to the link, but it never hurts.
I srsly admire people who can finish a filk song. Mr S and I have written some great stanzas to a few tunes, but we’ve never been able to complete an entire one.
Steeplejack (phone)
I would guess mclaren wrote them.
Omnes Omnibus
@SectionH: I just went to Wikipedia and I still have no idea what “filk” means.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Folk song, I’m guessing.
Ive read the blog for at least 12 years, and there’ve been some classic trolls. I’m not unfamiliar with srv, just don’t think he’s interesting or particularly amusing.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): I sort of figured it means reframing lyrics to to a song.
@Steeplejack (phone): Really? Why? Suibhan says she wrote the lyrics she posted. That I believe. mclaren just posted, and to their credit makes no claims about origin, so I was curious to know if mclaren knew the source of those lyrics. If I’d written them, I’d damn well say so, so it seemed likely they’d come from somewhere. If the answer was “some unattributed meme I liked” – fine. If it was, “let me ask my friend…” then
My grandmother worked the switchboard at Indiana University for years. When they took it out in the sixties, they converted the place into the computer center. It was right below the student gym; the computers in those days were water-cooled so they ran the pool water through the cooling system to heat it for the swimmers.
Omnes Omnibus
@SectionH: It seems pretty obvious that the lyrics that mclaren posted were a modification of a well-known song. Do you doubt that? Are you upset that mclaren didn’t cite the original song?
ETA: Fuck, if I am stepping up to defend mclaren, I would suggest that your attack is not persuasive.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ok, sorry, that was me taking a chance, because there are a lot of science fiction fans here, and so many fannish terms have passed into general blog-speak, that I thought I’d use it and see if it was understood. (But, srsly, if you google “filk” however, you – or at least I – get a very succinct definition of the word.)
Yes, it’s based on “folk song” – which got tweaked into specifically meaning putting specifically sf-ish words to familiar tunes.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m sorry I always post so slowly – no, I wasn’t attacking mclaren.
Omnes Omnibus
@SectionH: Okay, if you want to be picky, where would sf-ish meanings come into this conversation? And why?
Ack. Is there some sort of BJ feed I’m missing? Which would let me keep up better.
Or is that only going to be when the New BJ is rolled out last Wednesday?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I thought it was just a typo. I didn’t see the sci-fi/fantasy angle in mclaren’s(?) lyrics. And I haven’t heard filk used for general “to the tune of” compositions. But I’m not really plugged in.
Rich (In Name Only) in Reno
Well ,as Abe Lincoln once said, “That there Rand Paul feller is the biggest dang liar in all o’ Kentucky.”
@Omnes Omnibus: They wouldn’t necessarily. I was overreaching about which terms might be generally familiar on BJ. My bad, or annoying, Sorry.
The “picky” was that googling – not going to wikipedia – would have delivered a decent definition of “filk”.
@Steeplejack (phone): You’re not basically wrong. It did start out as a typo.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): One apparently learns and is schooled. I was just put in a position of defending mclaren. Image my horror. Apparently “filk” is a term in some corner of the internet. We have failed society for not knowing that.
Man, I remember when people used phone numbers and extensions. They’d leave voicemail, ugh. Even running that through speech recognition software is a bit dodgy, especially on oddball terms that you’d want to search for.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Steeplejack (phone):
Okay, I just saw “filk genius” at 88. So, yet another
stupidInternet demimonde built up around a semi-common activity.Steeplejack (phone)
Because the awesomeness that is mclaren requires no attribution. The labored, almost funny humor is right in his wheelhouse, and a Google search doesn’t reveal those lyrics anywhere else, so that’s how I arrived at my conclusion. The filk community may disagree.
I’m right there with you. On election night in 2008, I visited several of the Palin fan sites just to laugh my ass off & raise a glass. So much fun.
@Origuy: My current computer is water cooled.
@Steeplejack (phone): Damn, son. You may be right. You have more experience with mclaren than I do.
Yes, obviously I `wrote’ that song, if by write you mean run off a trivial satirical variant of the original Dylan song. And no, it’s obviously not filk since it’s not sci-fi or fantasy oriented. It’s just a satire.
@mclaren: Nothing “obvious” about it, but Cool! I’d love to see you post many more of your satiric takes.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Steeplejack (phone): That comment is way too short to be mclaren’s original work.
Where is Anne Laurie when we need her?
Filking predates widespread use of the Internet by a couple decade. It was a social phenomenon arising from 70s era science fiction conventions. There was a schedule with a typo, referring to “filk” songs rather than “folk” songs. It was thought to be funny and became an in-joke.
A shibboleth for the fans of Yog-Sothoth, as it were.
J R in WV
I left a msg at your blog. I would happy to look at your resume and provide advice. I’ve read hundreds while hiring back when I managed projects, and have grammar skills and can spell, also, too. ;-)
@xenos: Yeah. I think they got that. Something I said pissed them off.
Um, it was “filk Genius” as a compliment to Suibhan. “comment 88”. Or possibly “schooling” Omnes about his “wikipedia haz nothing” because googling “filk” gets you an actual definition of “filk.” I apologized about thinking that maybe BJ generally might vaguely recognize the word.
Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke. Or learn a new term.
Excellent analysis. Of the self refuting variety.
Matt McIrvin
@SectionH: I always thought the greatest troll success was to keep people right on that edge, thinking you might be a troll but not being sure, guessing forever. Trolls want to mess with people, after all. If you just come off as a sincere ignoramus, that’s unremarkable, because those people are a dime a dozen.
@Matt McIrvin: Well yes. But I was “tuned” to expect snark from BJ commenters, so I used to laugh quite a lot at his comments.
I’m not sure where that lands him as a troll. On my scale, and yours,100% failure.
Lately, as I said elsewhere, “the desperation” is showing. Sad, really, because I think srv had their human moments. Or maybe I’m projecting about human moments.
Self-important, delusional little prick. If there was ever a real-world example of a man trying to overcompensate for a small penis, Aqua Buddha is Exhibit A. I’m guessing the curly-haired little optician is hung like a hamster!
Paul in KY
@jl: He’s pretty good at sounding indignant. Used it well when whatever dumbasses hit him with the Aqua Buddha ad back when he ran for Senate.
The dumbass thing was releasing it early, when he could act indignant. Things like that should be released the day before the election.
Yesterday was my first day as a substitute teacher at a junior high. I had some significant challenges, including having to break up a potential fight involving an EBD child, numerous noise disruptions and inappropriate remarks etc.
I never felt the need to get the school SRO to go beat a kid. I handled things myself. Nobody got hurt and the kids actually said they hoped I would be back the next day.
Actually, that’s a great idea. Kaczynski probably does have enough material just from Rand to write a book on made up quotes.