I don’t know which translation of the Bible the good pastor is using to populate his message board. Perhaps some of the biblical scholars in the audience might want to comment. Open thread.
by @mistermix.bsky.social| 104 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
I don’t know which translation of the Bible the good pastor is using to populate his message board. Perhaps some of the biblical scholars in the audience might want to comment. Open thread.
Comments are closed.
10 In just a little while, the wicked will be no more;
though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
11 But the meek shall inherit the land
and delight themselves in abundant peace.
12 The wicked plots against the righteous
and gnashes his teeth at him,
13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
for he sees that his day is coming.
14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows
to bring down the poor and needy,
to slay those whose way is upright;
15 their sword shall enter their own heart,
and their bows shall be broken.
16 Better is the little that the righteous has
than the abundance of many wicked.
17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken,
but the Lord upholds the righteous.
18 The Lord knows the days of the blameless,
and their heritage will remain forever;
19 they are not put to shame in evil times;
in the days of famine they have abundance.
20 But the wicked will perish;
the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures;
they vanish—like smoke they vanish away.
21 The wicked borrows but does not pay back,
but the righteous is generous and gives;
22 for those blessed by the Lord[c] shall inherit the land,
but those cursed by him shall be cut off.
23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
when he delights in his way;
24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
for the Lord upholds his hand.
Standard Christian YOU SINNERS WILL ALL BURN IN HELLFIRE FOREVER !!!!! … because God <3's you bullshit.
ETA: found on every page of the bibble, if one looks for it & squints the right way.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
They’ve probably been listening to the “Hamilton” soundtrack nonstop like everyone else in NYC and decided to do their Lin-Manuel Miranda imitation.
Accept no imitations.
Is there a good pastor?
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus:
Look at you with your fancy formatting and shit.
@Baud: Yea, verily, it was looked upon, and the fancy formatting was good, and they did rejoice, and burnt the fatted calf as an offering. And verily, the shit was looked upon as well, and it was good, and the rejoicing was in multitudes.
ETA: something is missing for me (an image?) from the OP
TaMara (BHF)
@efgoldman: That’s in the TBV (Tea Bagger Version). Translated directly from the original Aramaic. Accept no substitutes.
‘Payback is a bitch’ is definitely a sentiment in many Hebrew Psalms, but it’s almost always for hostility – as in the above. ‘Attack us violently, and God will totally side with us. He likes peaceful and generous people.’ The idiot in the teeny tiny image above has gone ‘Oh, I must be righteous, and homosexuals must be wicked’ without paying any attention to the context. Since it’s about violence, greed, and oppression, he’s teetering on the edge of that psalm’s definition of ‘wicked.’
Blessed are the kerners, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the font makers, for they shall be remembered with likable skeletons in popular computer games.
Except for the Comic Sans guy. Woe be unto him.
Was just thinking of a couple of different things about how a segment of our population wants go back in time, to live in a religious fairy tale. A place that doesn’t exist, never existed, would have sucked donkey dicks if it had existed and which they justify by making up religious bullshit.
And then I look here….
Dude. You mess with Sans, you are going to have a bad time.
Watching the brilliant “From Dusk Till Dawn” in honor of the holiday.
I forgot how great this movie is.
Lee Rudolph
Oh, when the Sans go marching in…
I have no idea what this thread is about, but:
Not even the craziest shit that’s come out of “ATLAH” in recent years.
Fun Fact: The building in Harlem that ATLAH uses for its church was once the headquarters of the International Peace Mission Movement in the 1930s, then led by cult leader George Baker (a.k.a. “Father Divine”), who claimed that a Pennsylvania man named Samuel Morris was God and that he, Baker, was his prophet. That is, before Baker figured out that Morris was not, in fact, God, and that Baker himself was, in fact, God. Baker was the primary inspiration of a much more more noteworthy cult leader; Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple, he of cyanide-flavored kool-aid fame.
So maybe there’s something wrong with the water in that place.
So the entire GOP is in the shit then
Iowa Old Lady
Mr IOL is out of town at a bridge tournament, so I’m in charge of giving out candy. Assuming that after another hour or so when trick or treating starts there’s enough left to give out.
@efgoldman: you shall know that my name is THE LORD when I lay my judgement upon you.
Or words to that effect.
Amir Khalid
Is there a video or something in the post? All I see is a wee little rectangle above a few lines of text.
@Amir Khalid: Click on the rectangle.
Felonius Monk
@Iowa Old Lady: Hmm. Sounds like IOL got a sweet tooth.
@RandomMonster: “Help! Help! I’m being referred to as a possible VP. Come and see the snark mistaken for sexism inherent in the system.”
Tying 2 threads together.
Smiling Mortician
@MattF: At which point it becomes a YOOOOOGE image. Like, really big.
Amir Khalid
Ah, got it. Thanks. That translation must be from the Pulp Fiction edition of the Bible.
M. Bouffant
Payback is a bitch is from The Book of Badassians, where you’ll also find
uh huh
uh huh
SlateVerified account
High-profile New York charter school kept list of kids it wanted to force into quitting http://slate.me/1XGwjRl
Iowa Old Lady
@Felonius Monk: Peanut butter cups are the food of the gods.
Oh, so that’s what this is about. How about some baking instead? Mini pastry puff feta squash & spinach sammiches. The plan is to help hand out candy and feed my friends at their place. and then help out another friend by attending her charity bash while dressed in exotic dress of femaleness, feel awkward, not dance at all and leave rather hopelessly about midnight, so I can get some sleep.
Coincidentally it’s exactly what my 3-year-old said when he got an apple trick or treating.
Felonius Monk
@Amir Khalid:
Are not all editions of the Bible basically pulp fiction?
Felonius Monk
@Iowa Old Lady: Yes, they are. And a bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms (which I only recently discovered) does not last the day in this house. :)
Sorry, I got nothing.
But surfing the Web earlier today, I discovered that it is possible to buy individual pages of a Gutenberg Bible, for less than $100,000. Common Old Testament, that is. A “premium scripture passage” doubles the price.
I’m half-amused, half-appalled.
I see a little black square I can’t read on my ‘punter. Then below it ‘One Odd Tip for a Flat Stomach’. That rings a bell, is that the passage?
This mofo here…..
Why Did Eva Moskowitz Publish a Student’s Disciplinary Record?
The head of Success Academies may have overreached in her response to a PBS NewsHour report.
By Michelle Goldberg
Anyone who has reported on campus sexual assault knows that school administrations rarely respond, even when they feel unfairly maligned, because they fear violating the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA. Passed in 1974, FERPA is a federal law that bans the release of students’ personal information without their consent. “Schools are not supposed to talk about their students, even when the media is saying, ‘Hey, I can’t believe you did this,’ ” says Derek W. Black, a professor at the University of South Carolina School of Law who specializes in education law. “And sometimes that means the media doesn’t get the story straight, but it does protect the student.”
That’s why it was so surprising when Eva Moskowitz, the high-profile head of Success Academy, a network of New York City charter schools, responded to a negative PBS story by releasing the disciplinary record of an ex-student featured in it. Black says this was probably illegal, and it has left the student’s mother, Fatima Geidi, furious and frantic with worry over her 10-year-old son’s reputation. “For a grown woman, an adult, to attack a child is disgusting,” Geidi told me. “There’s no other way around it.”
With the help of Leonie Haimson, co-founder of the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy, Fatima Geidi sent Moskowitz a cease-and-desist letter, demanding that her son’s information be taken down. “I’ve seen violations of FERPA, but not in such an obvious, egregious way,” Haimson told me. “Not in a press release sent to the media and posted online. I have not seen this level of violation.”
Moskowitz is unapologetic. In a letter to Geidi, she wrote, “The First Amendment limits a person’s ability to use privacy rights to prevent others from speaking. When somebody chooses to make statements to the press, they waive their privacy rights on the topics they have discussed, particularly when, as here, those statements are inaccurate.”
Hungry Joe
Open thread, right?
Yesterday on NPR, AP’s political correspondent, opining on Jeb’s descent, declared that Jeb was “a stellar governor” of Florida who “did a great job.” No push-back from the NPR (“All Things Considered”) anchor. A minute later the correspondent dismissed Sanders as “the Democrats’ Donald Trump,” finishing up with “Sanders is fading.” Thanks from the anchor, thank you from the AP guy. Then … on to the next segment.
Since this is an open thread let me gripe a little bit about the Sanders’ and Clinton’s supporters. Honestly, it’s way too early for the Clinton supporters to be clutching their pearls over every utterance. They need to stop with the accusations of sexism. It will lose it’s meaning when the asshole republicans do what they do best – offensive douchebaggery.
And the Bernie supporters are no better. They are horrible beyond words. They make me dislike a candidate that I actually like. Bernie deserves better than these self-righteous assholes.
2007 was the first time I’ve ever got involved in any election. And I don’t remember disliking supporters this early in the game. By the spring of 2008 I was pretty sick of one segment of HRC supporters but that only started when that whole PUMA crap began.
Baud supporters are the bee’s knees.
OK the little black square is still there, but right below is a pic of bargain airport hotels I might be interested in. I don’t remember that in the Bible. I am getting very puzzled.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Hungry Joe: Whenever I see someone associated with AP, I wonder if they were hired/mentored/advised by Ron Fournier. There was a story in the last days of the run up to the Iran vote about a “secret side deal” that was almost comically bad journalism, in which an anonymous Senator was quoted about how this could blow up the whole thing! Had me wondering if John McCain’s almost-campaign press secretary didn’t arrange a meeting and help craft the story.
Liz Sidoti, who helped Fournier pick out the sprinkled donuts McCain likes at that laughable candidate forum in ’08 has since washed the inkstains off her wretched hands and become chief flack for a big oil company, BP I think.
Liberal media, my tired ass.
Try this.
@jl: Click on the little rectangle.
Roger Moore
This is really easy to do with Psalms. If you are looking at just a piece of one, you’re almost certainly doing it wrong. They’re mostly short enough that it doesn’t make sense to excerpt them except to take them out of context.
Felonius Monk
We are also the cat’s pajamas!
@Baud: supporters?
And lo, the Lord anointed David’s head with oil,
and gave him a leather pouch upon which was stitched, “Bad Muthafucka.”
And the Lord looked upon David with love, and said,
“You my homie, bro. Remember, I always got your back.”
schrodinger's cat
@rikyrah: I saw that interview, she seems like a piece of work. I also think that Success Academy sounds very Orwellian, big brother like.
Mike J
A lot of people seemed to like MLK.
Hungry Joe
@Baud: If you’re serious, why haven’t you released your tax returns? Your boxers/briefs position? A picture of yourself snarfing down a giant sausage at a state fair?
As I’ve said before, you’re angling for Veep. I’m on to you, man.
Mary G
I live right around the corner from this place. Now with real firing cannon shots, which are driving me nuts even though it isn’t even dark yet here. The block of my street just up from me goes similarly crazy, which results in hordes of people bringing children from pretty much all over the world to treat and treat. The cops have to come to direct traffic.
The last year my mom gave out candy was 2008 or so. She bought 1200 mini candy bars, gave them out one at a time, and ran out in 35 minutes. Ever since then I have turned out all the lights and hidden in my room on Halloween.
This year there was even an article in the local paper, giving addresses. Now I have housemates who are determined to celebrate and give out candy. I have just sent them out for more. Bah humbug.
@Felonius Monk:
And the caterpillar’s boots!
About that Pastor Manning guy:
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Have you no love for the Latimore translation?
@Hungry Joe: Sounds like the AP correspondent was delivering an opinion, not trying to be a neutral observer. I don’t know why he was on, but if the segment gives time to political ball washers, there is no point in the NPR host trying to bring “balance” and certainly not give his or her own opinion. The presumption is that the listener is smart enough to see through the fluff.
I count sockpuppets.
Methinks Reverend Manning is the one in need of better understanding of whom Psalm 37:10-23 is more likely addressing as “the wicked” and whom are the “righteous”, and maybe visit John 8:7 while he’s at it, to give the lesson better context (“Whoever is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a stone…”)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: Egad! What people must spend on stuff like that.
My parents used to go out to dinner and a movie on Halloween, the one movie my dad saw in a year. I live in a semi-rural area now and don’t get TorT’ers, but even when I used to live in a more suburban neighborhood I got surprisingly few. One year: One kid, and he didn’t even have a costume. Told me it got uncomfortable so he went home and took it off.
Steeplejack (phone)
FWIW, on this phone there’s a tiny rectangle under mistermix’s byline that, if you click on it, expands into a picture of a church marquee.
ETA: “You sodomites and freaks have soiled Harlem but ye shall be moved. Payback is a bitch.” Psalms.
This one could probably be read to mean roughly the same thing as Payback Is A Bitch:
But I’ll be damned (much to the delight of The Blood of Jesus Atlah World Missionary Church, I’m sure) if I can figure out where Manning or his billboard supervisor came up with “You Sodomites and Freaks Have Soiled Harlem …”
Felonius Monk
@Poopyman: I hereby issue a much needed correction to the sign causing all this controversy:
James David Manning,
PastorASSHOLEOmnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Lattimore translated the New Testament.
@Hungry Joe:
Romney showed it wasn’t necessary.
The “sausage” owner wouldn’t consent.
I’m no Hillary supporter or Bernie supporter, but I found the offer of VPship to be very smug, arrogant, condescending and premature. It did seem sexist too, but only mildly sexist. It was also similar to the Hillary ’08 talk of offering then frontrunner Barack Obama the VP position. Hubris does not win votes and candidate Sanders will need to help his campaign team understand that.
Felonius Monk
@Mike J: True
I just had my first and possibly only trick-or-treater for the night, and it was a sad affair. A boy 7 or 8 years old and his mom. The kid looked petrified and stood off to the side while his mother pushed and prodded him towards the door. He finally stepped up and opened his bag, and I dropped a couple of bars in. His mother said thank you.
Very odd.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: Wrong thread, I think.
@rikyrah: This is so not news. Alas.
Our waste-of-time Governor (well, I suspect he’s better than Coakley — low bar) wants to increase the number of charter schools, again. Trust me, Governor, charter schools will not make a damn bit of difference; people with kids will still either move to Lexington or Newton or Dover, or pony up for private schools. The charters aren’t showing significant MCAS score differences because they’re each drawing from the same municipal pool as the public schools. The problem that charters are supposed to solve is still here, and the charters aren’t solving it.
Want to improve scores? Quit spending your time on test prep; reinstate elementary music, art, PE, and foreign language, and support the teachers who have half of their classes from immigrant families. Dump the charters. D’oh!
We had 13 kids before HerrDoktor took WarriorGirl out (in her Clara Oswin Oswald costume); not a one since. Oh, well.
Felonius Monk
Sounds like the ideal place for GOP headquarters.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: It was mostly a joke, since I do know the difference between testaments, and which he did. The New Testament seems somehow more gentle.
I also know how to spell his name correctly, all indications to the contrary notwithstanding. The joke (funnier though it could be) is how he’s better known for translating “myths” that the US Xianist faithful agree are myths.
Humor fail. But I did amuse candy collecting kiddos with my kitten ears headband.
@Amir Khalid:
I even missed the rectangle, but on your suggestion I scrolled back up and clicked on it. Now all has been made manifest.
That’s fucking HILARIOUS.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I thought you trying to out pedant me so I responded in kind. No one ever comes to my building, the bastards.
@RSA: That’s been true since about 1500 :)
Gutenberg didn’t bind all of his bible pages, they were already novelty items back in the 1400s.
I have a friend with a page, which he got eons (~30 years) ago and did not pay even 5 figures for.
There were also calendar pages, individual pages from recipe books, and indulgences.
@FlyingToaster: How cool! Thanks.
The Dude
Atlah? Sounds awfully Muslin to me.
@Iowa Old Lady: I am home sick today, and am feeling sorry for myself, so I have been enjoying the mini milk chocolate PB cups from Trader Joe’s. Holy balls. So delicious.
@Omnes Omnibus: Someone dragged it up here.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: Okay. I was just checking. I’ve accidentally posted in the wrong thread on occasion…
As for trick-or-treat, the first Hallowe’en I was in my current apartment, about 11 years ago, I didn’t know what to expect so I stocked up on individually-wrapped candy — about half of it peanut butter stuff, which I will never eat, and the other half stuff that would last me through the winter if it didn’t get handed out.
I ended up with NO little kids in costume, which I would have found enchanting. I did get probably 20-25 teenagers over the course of the evening, 2 or 3 at a time, with no costumes, no makeup, no nothing except a bag and an expectation that they were entitled to free candy.
Well, fuck that. I have contrived to make every Hallowe’en since then (or designated T&T night) a night when I’m simply not home. Right now I’m in a sports bar drinking red wine and waiting for the start of Game 4 of the World Series.
The Bible? Meh.
Handing out candy. Rachel, my young neighbor, showed up as Rosie the Riveter. I wuz impressed.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
It was the smug, arrogant and condescending thing that makes it read as sexist since most sexist comments fit into those categories. I suppose it’s possible to have a smug, arrogant, and condescending comment that isn’t sexist (or racist), but when you’ve already checked off those three boxes, people start looking for the usual value-added to be stuck on as well.
You can have a peanut butter sandwich without jelly, but people will be a little surprised.
@Anoniminous: Oyster’s ice skates
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Which is not to say I wouldn’t try to out-pedant you, because we both know that ain’t true. This year we had more kiddos than the previous 4 we’ve lived here put together.
I wore the kitty ears to do a honk and wave at noon for a senior services (won’t raise your taxes) levy in a neighboring county. My honk and wave career is complete: I received a wave (raise of a cell phone in my direction and nod) from the driver of a car across the street, which had just pulled away from a stoplight. And it was a man driving a late model black BMW. I’ll never be able to exceed that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@01jack: the tapir’s cardigan!
@Hungry Joe: So what you’re saying is NPR(Nice Polite Republicans) still sucks? Just like they did 10 years ago when I quit listening to them.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@SiubhanDuinne: I once had a standoff with a teenaged male who had a pillowcase and no costume. He was part of a trio; the other two cooperated when I told them “you gotta play the game to get candy.” Was sulky and tried to out tough me with a hard look, no doubt thinking something along the lines of “she’s a little old lady (in his eyes), so I’m gonna win this one.” It was a slightly awkward ~3 or 4 minutes in which I said thinks like “say the words to get the candy” or variations thereof, while he was busy showing his bros how tough he was. I never raised my voice, nor did I back down; I sat on my chair on my porch and declined to hand over candy. Finally he said “trick or treat,” with an indignant sigh and got his piece of candy. I suspect it may have been a sore subject if his pals brought it up.
@jl: You need to click on the little rectangle, it opens a photo of a “church” name and supposed Bible quote.
@Baud: What about your donors. I need to vet your donors before I endorse you.
I have chosen not to corrupt my campaign by accepting donations.
I spent an hour and a half in the building lobby this afternoon, in Yarn Monster. The only adult handing out candy that was dressed up. There was a discussion among a couple of adults if we still give candy to non-resident kids. We had so much candy that I wouldn’t think it would matter. Besides if we didn’t have the lobby party, the kids would try to find a way to get into the building anyway. Word is that other buildings in the complex didn’t have many people volunteering to hand our candy; Building 4 (my building) was one maybe the busiest one. I enjoy doing the candy gig. And there is a sign you can hang on your door that you gave to the lobby party and tells kids not to ring your bell. (It works.)
@PurpleGirl: Glad you were doing the yarn monster thing.
I think my happiest kid Halloweens were when we lived on military bases, and the neighborhood parents would dress up and scare us. From coffins, from dark houses. It was so fun.
“You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat”
Mnemosyne (tablet)
It appears the way to do it in my building is to set the candy outside the door. I went out grocery shopping and came back and it appears we had a few takers.
I wore my Princess Anna (from “Frozen”) dress to the grocery store, because what’s the point of being a grown-up if you’re not allowed to have fun? A teenage girl said she liked my dress and the two teenage boys at the checkstand liked it because it’s a little too small and I’m a 36D.
Gads, if a trick or treater ever showed up here I’d freak out.
“Is there a good pastor?”
Yes. Check out the UCC. Officially, it stands for United Church of Christ. I say it stands for United Communists for Christ, but the pastor insists it stands for Unitarian Concern for Christ. YMMV, of course.
Yes. Check out the UCC. Officially, it stands for United Church of Christ. I say it stands for United Communists for Christ, but the pastor insists it stands for Unitarian Concern for Christ. YMMV, of course.
Mark 13:14 said
That parenthetical aside is in red in the KJV, meaning Christ’s direct words as recorded in the HOLY BIBLE.
Tell me how Jesus can speak in a literal parenthetical aside, to someone not present for a hundred years.
I know I know. GOD!
Virginia (fka Abo Gato)
Well, we’ve had some fun with crazy religious nuts for the last two nights. We’re In Key West where a bacchanal is going on. Apparently the nuts spend someone else’s money to come to this every year to scream at revelers that we are sinners and going straight to hell.
Last time we did this it was 2008 and the group then was the Westboro crowd. This time they don’t have the god hates fags signs but big crosses and banners about Jesus. This group also has some black guys holding those banners so it’s not a lily white group but the screamers are all white. Boy, do they hate everyone.
My husband hates them and loves to get in their faces. Last night a man screamer told him that he was going to fry in a burning hell because we were there and he was wearing a toga. He told me I was a harlot because I had a skimpy dress on. He told hubs that he should rebuke me, then told hubs that obviously HE did not wear the pants in this family and his answer was of course not, I am wearing a toga. There was a woman who could have been Kim Davis’ twin and she was nearly frothing at the mouth. Of course, all this is amplified on bullhorns. I told the ugly lady she should calm down or she could have a stroke. Her answer to me was that I looked old enough to have a stroke. My response was that I am healthy, happy and not angry with anyone and not as likely as she is.
Anyhoo, same bunch there tonight with a new man screaming. A guy dressed as Jesus was taunting him and gyrating in front of the screamer. The screamer told him God loves him and the answer was of course he did, he was his son! The crowd roared. A cute guy came up and asked what the screamer was doing later as he really would like to suck his dick.
They walk up and down Duval street bullhorning everyone and carrying the banners and the police let them do it but they also allow the back and forth exchange with the revelers as long as no one actually touches anyone. A nice gay guy kept asking a screamer why those people hated him so much and all we get are screams.
Sorry for the long post but we just got back to the hotel and have been discussing this experience. Still dumbfounded. Googled and found out this group is named Team Jesus Preachers. Wow, they even have a team. How juvenile.
Well Pastor Manning did claim that sperm is the creams of the blood
I LIKE Comic Sans. I used to work with little kids and it was the only font that used the same letter formation we were expecting them to use. So they could read it and I still like it.
Kenneth Guffnagle
This is probably a Black church in Harlem! We Democrats forget that there’s a large segment of Black voters who, while being staunch Democrats, are quite socially conservative, which unfortunately includes sometimes being virulently anti-gay.