I love this:
President Obama on Monday mocked Republican presidential candidates as thin-skinned for lashing out at CNBC over the network’s handling of last week’s primary debate.
“They say, ‘when I talk to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, he’s going to straighten out,'” he said at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York City. “And then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators.”
“If you can’t handle those guys, I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you,” Obama added.
The high-dollar event at the Richard Rodgers Theatre featured a special showing of the Broadway musical “Hamilton.”
Obama, who took his daughters Malia and Sasha to see the critically acclaimed show in July, said he was “annoyed” he did not get to see it again.
“Michelle and I love this show. It also happens to be the only thing Dick Cheney and I agree on,” he joked.
Chilling at the theater, poking fun at the wingnuts. My man.
Four more years, please.
Corner Stone
Jimmy Carter is an FP’er here now?
Wow! Amazeballs.
Seriously. No-fucks Obama is now my favorite over even singing Obama and I got this Obama.
Corner Stone
Oh, geeze. Sorry about that. It’s a post by Black Jimmy Carter. Who I am guessing is an SNL character or something?
I saw Gloria Borger, Don Lemon and some wingnut talking head grudgingly compliment POTUS on his campaigning skills.
Corner Stone
No, wait. It’s “in Black Jimmy Carter” but it’s “by John Cole”.
@Corner Stone: I thought the tag was Metrosexual, black Abraham Lincoln?
I’ll be sad when Obama’s term is over, but one consolation is that he will be even freer to mock repubs. He’s going to be a lot fun on the campaign trail.
@Corner Stone: lol. I did a double take when I saw that. I was like, “is that a new FPager?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I was watching Idiot Princeling the Younger try to slag Rubio as a rightwing Obama, “we can’t afford to take another chance” or some such, and I wondered if that overgrown spoiled brat has any idea how badly Obama would wipe the floor with him if they were actually general election opponents
After seeing him crack up at Baby Pope this weekend, this makes me love him even more.
Attention, wingnuts: THIS is the kinda guy I wanna have a beer with.
If Obama had acted in his first term like he has in his second, he would have been one of the five greatest presidents.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Zinsky: Uh huh. Joe Lieberman and Blanche Lincoln and Evan Bayh would have supported Medicare expansion and a bigger stimulus if Obama had told more jokes.
Betty Cracker
So glad PBO is mocking those whiny bastards. They can’t resist overreaching, and now they’re making complete fools of themselves.
@Zinsky: You might have enjoyed him more in private, but there are a lot of people in Congress with sensitive egos that he needed help from.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
We’ve started a BJ Hamilfan club, so I guess POTUS is our honorary fan club president.
He was, after all, in the room where Lin-Manuel Miranda performed the opening number in 2009:
Attention wingnuts: he’s yanking your wienies, and we can see how much it hurts.
“I never gave anybody hell! I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.”
– Harry S. Truman
Old Dan and Little Anne
Rachel Maddow played the clip of Obama dissing them. It was brilliant.
More like this please, Sir.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Jeb Bush has stolen Bob Newhart’s old bit about being Lincoln’s political consultant.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Candy is not an ulterior motive?
Omnes Omnibus
The little fuckers wanted candy, and you know it.
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
I’m liking our club, except for Cheney. You’ll have to do something about him Madam President.
I often wonder how much more popular Obama would be if he were white. I think there was some survey recently that showed more support from republicans on the same policies if they thought Trump had proposed them rather than Obama. When you consider the prejudice, republican intransigence and problems inherited coming into office, he is one of the greatest presidents we’ve had.
This one might be even better
@Old Dan and Little Anne: Yeah, the video is even better than the transcript.
@Corner Stone:
That’s how the taglines work on the new site – at least for now…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Candy, Candy, Candy
I can’t let you go.
All my life, you’re haunting me
I love you so.
Little known fact, Iggy wrote that song about fun-size Kit Kats and Sweet-Tarts
@Suzanne: Was this halloween at the white house always a thing or did the Obamas introduce it? Not that I would’ve wanted to go when I was a kid. I don’t think Clinton was as good with the kids as Obama.
I’m too lazy to find a source on google. But I remember the RWR presidency. His policies all pretty much polled like shit but people loved that son of a bitch
Corner Stone
@seaboogie: New site? Huh?
Omnes Omnibus
Why would you say that?
@Gian: Yeah RWR was a better actor when he was president.
Huh? Plunkett won superbowls.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t think Clinton had the same superpowers:
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve never seen him interact with kids. I am not throwing shade at his skills as a gifted politician. Obama seems to truly enjoy to be around kids.
@Anya: I don’t know.
I must have been drunk or stoned the first time I saw this, because oh my God, did I laugh.
@bluehill: I’ll be sad, too. But at least we’ll have President Sanders to carry on!
Also, not to be a big old wet blanket, but traditionally the sitting President doesn’t campaign for his successor. Obama might give a speech at the convention, but probably won’t go on the stump. :(
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Corner Stone: You make me laff. Does the redesign give you a headache reading it?
@benw: I dissagree. think he’ll campaign hard for HRC.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@benw: I wonder how much non-traditional media he can/will do. More podcasts, talk shows… he could reach a lot of Dems targets and call it a farewell tour and stay under the Halperin/Fournier radar
BO will continue to change the world for the better once he leaves office.
I wish we didn’t have term limits, in his case. In other cases, I’m very glad, so I guess you have to take the good with the bad.
@Corner Stone: Did you hit the “I don’t like new things” button?
Corner Stone
BOOM! Stands!
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Since we saw “Son of Frankenstein” last week, we’re now watching “Young Frankenstein” with the Mel Brooks commentary since so much of the plot is based on that specific movie.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne (tablet): @Anya: There isn’t same amount of video from Clinton’s tenure as there is from Obama’s, but it seems to me like you are projecting. My memories of news coverage about the Easter egg stuff and all that were that Clinton went over very well with kids. I am just wondering why the Clinton comment was needed. I bet both Obama and Clinton were far more popular with kids than HW was.
@benw: I think he’ll campaign for other Democrats. I think we’ll have plenty of opportunities to see him trolling Republicans.
Corner Stone
@seaboogie: Don’t like threaded comments and I don’t want to go back to a site that will cease to exist, in some format.
Amir Khalid
Term limits wouldn’t have prevented the damage W did in his eight years.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think he’ll see what the nominee wants from him, but I’d imagine he’ll have no problem making fun of the republican candidate in the forums you’re speaking of. Colbert would be a great one.
Corner Stone
Man, Luck is making this thing a gat damm game, late.
@Omnes Omnibus: Because no one is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d heard it’s gotten bad over at the Great Orange Satan. Kos doesn’t even post there anymore. It’s too D-Kos-y
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Lack of term limits would have allowed Clinton to run for a third term, which I think he could have won.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I can’t think of a single instance prior to now, except possibly Clinton, where the 22nd Amendment would have made a difference:
It didn’t apply to Truman, since he was already president when it passed.
I don’t get the sense that Eisenhower would have run for a third term, anyway; if nothing else, he would have followed the extralegal tradition of only two terms.
Kennedy was dead.
Johnson withdrew from a race he could have run in.
Nixon resigned.
Ford lost.
Carter lost.
By 1988, I think Reagan was far enough gone that they would have had trouble making him a credible candidate. That also would have led to Nancy arguing vociferously against it since it might have exposed his Alzheimer’s.
Bush I lost.
Clinton, maybe, though the public may have wanted to see the end of him and supported tradition despite liking him.
Bush II was deeply unpopular and wouldn’t have won in 2008.
That leaves us with Obama, and I’m not sure he would really want to run again.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Good point.
Corner Stone
NOPE. Damn. This game somehow got good.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Meh. I just wanted to post that video again because it always cracks me up. I don’t really care either way.
@Anya: I think you misspelled Bern. :)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: it will be interesting to see how Obama supports the Democrat in the general. He’s super smart and I bet he understands the importance of another D prez. My opinion is that he can’t “stay under the Halperin/Fournier radar” because the second he does ANYTHING they’ll be screaming about how horrible and partisan and “refusing to meet in the middle” he is. I doubt a farewell tour will throw them off the scent.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Clinton and Obama, and that’s it.
Corner Stone
Man I need to go to F’ng bed. Sheesh.
@Anya: I remember, back in the days when people were touting Steve Forbes (remember him?)– I argued that a good basic test of leadership is whether a candidate could lead a group of second graders across the street. Stevie failed that test, Obama wins it.
Amir Khalid
He’ll be campaigning for her, of course.
@Quincy: Ouch, paul fucking ryan cupping nis nutz.
Corner Stone
Damn. A run play?
Corner Stone
Nizzailed it!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@benw: tongues may cluck and fingers wag, but they’ll be distracted by the horserace, and they really can’t fault him for doing “non-political” media and making it political. I find Zach Galifinakis irritating as all get out, but people said that Obama reached some people with that Ferns thing. I’m out of touch with what middle aged fat white guys like, but I imagine Obama will figure out how to reach the people he wants to reach. He wants to preserve his legacy, and the best way to do that is to get [Dem nominee] elected.
Corner Stone
Holy shit! Ginn just straight dropped that fucking ball.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Quincy: Oh man that’s beautiful. Obama trolling Boehner et al with Chris Rock.
I assumed it meant Randy Vataha had come out of retirement to play for the Colts.
@Amir Khalid: Him, goddamit, Bernie is a him! :)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: for reasons best left unexplored, I’m TOTALLY in touch with what middle aged fat white guys like.
Amir Khalid
But he isn’t a Democrat.
Is anyone else that uses an iPad and/or an iPhone finding scrolling more difficult on the new site? I need to touch this page harder and swipe/scroll more slowly and deliberately.
Omnes Omnibus
Yes. And?
Man, this GEICO ad with Peter Pan really sucks. I wish someone would give that little fucker a John Cole neck-punch.
Corner Stone
Corner Stone
@Suzanne: Stop your whining and watch the instructional video.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: Steeplejack, is that you? Why, you don’t look a day over 70. Amirite?
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: FTW!
Corner Stone
Here we go, Gano, here we go!
Mnemosyne (tablet)
For some reason, I have that problem on the iPhone but not the iPad. I switched to the mobile version on the iPhone and that worked better.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Actually, I think the peak is over for the worst infighting. Oh, it’s still massive, but over the past couple of weeks a bit of sanity is starting to enter into some comment threads. Everyday a hard core Sanders supporter flames out with a “Clinton is evil and she will destroy the Republic” diary, but more and more people are responding with more “meh” than anything else. There will be fireworks a plenty until Super Tuesday I am sure, but the latest polls from Iowa are starting to throw cold water on the Bern. The rational Sanders people are getting their minds around his impossible task and the others are more Clinton-haters than they are Sanders supporters.
But today they are throwing Tom Harkin under the bus and all of the Boomer and Gen-X generations. So, you know, a normal day.
@Amir Khalid: He’s not!? OMG this is bad. Have you told the Democratic party so they can get him out of their debates!?
@Corner Stone:
Grr! Why do they think that would make anybody want to buy anything?!
On the other hand, the kraken in the golf pond is pretty funny. “That may not be enough club.”
ETA: Do not like the way the new site is overriding Ctrl-Click and doing some weird fancy thing instead of just “open in new tab.” And, yes, I know I can right-click, but I’ve got ingrained habits.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@benw: Yeah, I should be, is what I meant. I’ve no idea what the yoot’s are into.
@magurakurin: what did Harkin do? Endorse the unHoly HIldebeast?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No, he made a comment that both Sanders and Clinton are establishment candidates. He said nice things about both of them, but the doom and gloom crew over at KOS took issue with Harkin’s comments. They are calling him a shill and a surrogate sent out to take a shot at Sanders. It is pretty convoluted since they have spent the last three months claiming all of Sander’s proposal enjoy widespread mainstream support, but now they are citing those same now “radical proposals” as proof that a 27 year lifetime member of Congress isn’t part of the establishment. Lots of parsing over the actual meaning of “establishment” as well.
I know, I need a life.
@Corner Stone: Nothing in the video addresses the weird scrolling.
I swear, this site is the only one that has all these problems.
@Corner Stone: And get your panties outta your ass crack and chill.
@Suzanne: forget about it. After a couple of weeks you’ll have little memory of what the site was and you’ll be used to what it is now and all will be well with the world. Sort of like how Victory Gin always got a little bit more oilier and crappy all the time, but slow enough that no one really noticed or remember what real gin tasted like.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: But now you know what Tommy’s voice sounds like.
Seth Owen
Obama on the Supreme Court would be sweet. He’s qualified, analytical, prinipled and might very well enjoy needling the rump righties as the court moves left into social Justice. Especially if he gets to replace Scalia …
If you watch Wet Hot American Summer on Netflix, there is a whole season of that little fucker acting like that. I guess he’s typecast.
I think Corner Stone was snarking you. And, yes, the “instructional” video is basic to the max. Or, uh, min.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Seth Owen: Even better… to serve with him in replacement of Kennedy. But I suspect he and Michelle want to replenish the old coffers and get Sasha and Malia through college as private citizens. But yeah I would love to see him on the USSC.
let’s see if the tweet appears
eta: nope
@Omnes Omnibus:
Do we know that that’s Tommy’s voice? It doesn’t match what I hear as I read his comments.
Omnes Omnibus
@Seth Owen: No. Just no. Obama, as an ex-Pres., can do a lot in many ways. Obama as a Supreme Court Justice would be extreme limited in what he could accomplish. Any liberal law professor or lower court judge would be fine on the Court.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
I have a cartoon where the main character comes home from work after suffering from panty angst all day.
It’s one of those things that men just can’t understand.
Thanks, that sounds like “miss it if you can” viewing.
So did the Catholic church, but they eventually mostly grew out of it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: The stumbles over certain wordings indicate Tommy to me. The pointing to the obvious also says Tommy. I may well be wrong.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
We Californians are still pulling for Goodwin Liu to be the next nominee. He’s currently on the CA Supreme Court, so they can’t say he’s not experienced enough.
Presumed the voice was that of the partner Tommy has mentioned.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So that thing where Dan Coats and Joe “You Lie” Wilson were gonna be outed as Klansmen was fake. This is real. There are pictures.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Apropos of nothing — the world’s greatest wedding video (according to Mo Rocca, anyway). If you hate classic Broadway musicals, don’t bother clicking:
Lin-Manuel Miranda had already won his first set of Tony Awards, for “In The Heights,” when he got married, so I’m sure his wife expected some kind of Broadway surprise. I just don’t think she expected her own father to kick it off.
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
I like Mo Rocca’s show My Grandmother’s Ravioli, particularly the one where he watched Korean historical soap operas with an old Italian lady and the one where he wanted to get adopted into the über-WASP family in Connecticut (Massachusetts?).
@Steeplejack: Korean historical soaps are really good.
ETA: I watch them since madame is a SeoulGirl.
The few bits I’ve seen do look good.
@Steeplejack: I’ll admit that sometimes I have to ask her for the context. I think a rough knowledge of Korean history is assumed. Being that she was raised there, she got that in primary and secondary school.
There’s a Korean channel (with English subtitles) on the MHz mini-network on my cable system, and occasionally I’ll watch something. There was a really trippy series about district attorneys who were also vampires. I never got why that was a thing—would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that pitch meeting—but it did make for some interesting episodes.
And some of the ephemeral series created around various K-pop stars are really out there.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Because I am not a morning person, particularly on Sundays, I had no idea that “CBS Sunday Morning” does arts coverage, not politics. Here’s their package on “Hamilton” with Mo Rocca reporting:
As the president said above, “Hamilton” is the only thing he and Dick Cheney can agree on.
I’m off to bed. I’ve got an appointment at 8:00 a.m. with my new doctor at Kaiser, and I want to be at my run-down, (slightly past) middle-aged best.
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
Mo Rocca is a versatile guy. I remember when he was “just” a standup comic. My Grandmother’s Ravioli is really good; it’s actually sort of an oral history project that happens to focus on food.
sm*t cl*de
I am informed via Politico that Obama has “set loose a new Willy Horton” and thereby doomed his re-election prospects.
@Zinsky: I think he might be close to being one of the five greatest presidents anyway. Certainly in the top ten, considering all he’s done against the worst congressional opposition in history. And all of that nonsense abetted by the media, who, I firmly believe, will be excoriated by History
Another Holocene Human
@magurakurin: I thought DKos posters were all boomers and above. There are college students on there?
@Another Holocene Human:
I thought DKos was mostly Gen-Xers and older Millenials.
Paul in KY
@bluehill: He was a better actor than generally given credit. Played genial old man very well.
Bobby Thomson
@Suzanne: nothing in the video addresses anything.
Bobby Thomson
@Mnemosyne (tablet): he’s good people.