I have been waiting for these election results all day. And since somehow the link I have is borking the site, I’ll paraphrase here:
Jefferson County, Colorado has voted to recall all three board members that were voted in when a lot of out of state money poured in for their campaigns.
You may or may not be aware, but last year students began walking out of class and actively protesting for days when the board tried to turn their advanced college prep classes into jokes.
Teachers and parents took up the cause and started the recall process. The same out of state money tried to swing the vote but were unsuccessful. I’m hoping this starts a tide of recalls in the state.
I’ll post a link to the information in the comments. And yes, I’m contacting Tommy to let him know I broke everything.
ETA: John just PM’d me and said it wasn’t me and it wasn’t the link, so here it is.
When I was browsing my local election news, I came across this: http://patch.com/connecticut/thelymes/s/fe2rw/pastor-staged-crime-scene-faked-own-assault-blamed-muslims-prosecutor
TaMara (BHF)
Sorry for pulling this – I just freaked out thinking I broke everything on my first post. I was afraid I was going to have to go into hiding.
@TaMara (BHF): I saw your post and then it disappeared! I’m glad it’s back.
Inbound posts are apparently now crosslinked across the front page – that’s a problem in the post generation routines for displaying the site.
There’s no way you ‘did’ that, Tamara, although your post may have triggered whatever bug is going off. (A bug’s a bug – if there is one, it’ll appear, apparently randomly very often.)
[‘Get ready for the entire front page to be sent into the great beyond and regenerated, I expect.’]
So happy about the Jeffco recall. This is a good thing for our schools.
Also really happy here in Westminster that (so far at least, not final) the anti-affordable housing people seem to have lost in their attempt to take over City Council. There are a lot of anti-growth forces out in Westminster and Arvada and these local issues don’t get much attention. But the projects they are against are fairly small and not at all intrusive. I hope they get implemented now without more trouble.
It’s strange, but Democrats seem to have done very well in local races in Mississippi of all places.
My little burb north of Atlanta, just voted out the incumbents because of their ties to developers. Wahoo. Sometimes our voice does make a difference. The mayor was on public radio a few weeks ago, stating that he wasn’t concerned because incumbents don’t lose.
The news out of JeffCo is excellent. The TP’ers chased out before they could do more damage. And in other Colorado election news, the City of Denver gets to keep their windfall from the sales of recreational MJ. this windfall was one of the reasons that I supported legalization, and I’m glad the government is able to keep the money instead of returning it to the MJ businesses.
TaMara (BHF)
@jnfr: Wow, I didn’t even know that was going on. Glad to hear it. In Longmont we seem to be on the right track, so hoping the election won’t change that.
A nice piece of news out of Ohio. Sherrod Brown’s daughter Liz has just been elected to the Columbus City Council.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Cool.
In effed-up news, police dispatchers didn’t know what to do with reports of man carrying gun in an open-carry state, right before mass shooting.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Or alternatively: Oh no, not another political dynasty – fuck that!
Here’s hoping the Indianapolis results are a harbinger of doom for the state’s GOP in 2016.
Well, out here in Hippieland, voters in San Mateo and Marin County are so far voting in favor the school bond and sales tax measures on the ballot.
School board members? Not clear in your original post.
. . . Okay, the linked article makes it clear. Never mind.
@goblue72: Well.. here in the deep south, we just tossed the incumbents on the city council. That’s a big step for us.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah. I don’t know a thing about her, apart from her antecedents, but if she’s good enough for Connie Schultz, she’s good enough for me.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Naah. If she’s good enough for Sherrod Brown, she’s good enough for me.
@JPL: Bad incumbents I hope?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I was just covering my bases.
ETA: Are you in Britain right now?
@goblue72: Yes.. but the result was still surprising. The mayor was on the Atlanta NPR station touting that incumbents don’t lose. One of the winners moved from Concord, MA. He won with over seventy percent of the vote. As they say all politics are local, but this was a huge upset.
TaMara (BHF)
@Steeplejack: LOL, well the first three times I tried to post it, it was probably clear. As panic set in, my writing deteriorated.
@JPL: Atlanta City Council?
@Omnes Omnibus:
In Britain? No. I would like to be, but I am not. Why did you think I was?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: You made a comment earlier about seeing a show that sounded quite British.
Local elections do matter and the news out of Washington State is not good. Tim Eyman, a crook and full-time initiative filer got a constitutional amendment on the ballot this year to require a 2/3 majority in the legislature to raise taxes. He’s had 2/3 majority initiatives in the past, and they won handily, but the State Supreme Court struck it down as unconstitutional. Now, once again, the people will act to make government nearly impossible in Washington. The state is under a court order to fully fund education, which it has never done, but there isn’t enough money to do. Even without the amendment, Democrats haven’t been able to raise revenue, since the GOP controls one house. Now, it’s hard to imagine that they won’t have to shred the social safety net (which has been fraying badly for years) to come up with money.
Eyman is under investigation — not the first time — for “illegal profiteering on initiatives.” Even though he’s a scam artist and crook the people routinely support his initiatives, which often promise to save them money, while leaving the state shorter and shorter on funds.
Grim times.
@TriassicSands: Ugh. I just moved back to Bay Area from Seattle recently. Tim Eyman is just the worst.
Any sense if its possible to go to the courts again to overturn it?
@Omnes Omnibus:
The Importance of Being Earnest
Yes, saw it earlier this evening. It was wonderful. David Suchet (Poirot) was Lady Bracknell :-)
This was one of the numerous live-to-cinema performances I indulge in. The Met Opera Live in HD, Bolshoi Ballet, National Theatre (London), and here and there stand-alone productions from other theatres, festivals, dance companies, etc. They cost more than a normal movie ticket, but a great deal less than seeing them live, assuming one even lived close enough to London or NYC or Moscow to attend. Next week, I’m seeing the Ballet Hispanico from Lincoln Center.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Got it. I thought it was live live.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Yesterday, the “Hamilton” fan club was dreaming about the possibility of them doing a Fathom show. I’m sure Fathom would love to do it, but it would be up to the producers to work out the contracts.
Nom de Plume
Hey, I saw a tweet earlier that 9% of Kentucky just lost their health insurance, but I can’t find it anywhere. Does anyone else know where to find it?
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
I have no idea how that end of things is negotiated, but i’ll bet it would be a very popular choice!
It will be fought in the courts, but I don’t know the specifics at this time. This is what the Seattle Times reported:
It’s more Eyman strong-arm tactics to force the state to either bankrupt itself or gut the social safety net and education. He is truly evil. Since the state isn’t permitted to bankrupt itself…the outcome would be predictable. The initiative is losing in King, Jefferson, Thurston, and San Juan counties and winning in every other county (at this time). The people of Washington State continue to follow most of the rest of the country’s voters down the path of ignorance.
So let’s use it as scare tactics to pump up turnout for the Presidential elections.
Republicans have made hay for YEARS on things like abortion. If these people insist on being societal monsters with AK47s, make ’em own it. You can’t really make them own that unless they’re openly doing it. This is a perverse gift (provided we can get people we like out of the place, as if we had Biafran disaster areas inside US borders, which we pretty much do)
@Nom de Plume:
Check out Richard Mayhew’s post just below this one.
john fremont
@Wag: Me too. Glad to see that passed here.