…until you realize that these guys, were they to be nominated, would get 45% of the vote just for showing up.
But still, some mid – day recreation, first from the kiddie table:
In a fundraising email flagged by The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel on Thursday, the Republican candidate bragged about his ability to take on “radical world leaders.”
Damn, women can be pretty terrifying, eh, Ricky my boy?
Alright. I admit that the closest Santorum is going to get to anything oval will be if he sits on a hula hoop, but still, that’s a Republican former senator who made an actual impact, for a time, on the presidential race as recently as four years ago. That he’s not been gently, kindly escorted off stage in a nicely padded and very secure topcoat is a measure of how batshit insane half of the American body political has become.
But not as terrifying a measure as the current status of our next contributor:
Carson also defended the idea Wednesday evening when asked by reporters about it.
“The pyramids were made in a way that they had hermetically sealed compartments. You wouldn’t need hermetically sealed compartments for a sepulcher. You would need that if you were trying to preserve grain for a long period of time,” he said, according to MSNBC.
The only consolation I can take from the fact that the current GOP frontrunner doesn’t want you to pay any attention to that stupid archaeology stuff is that it isn’t just climate expertise he disdains. He’s an equal opportunity science denialist.
OK. That’s no consolation at all.
I’d point and laugh — but then you’d see my own terror in the trembling of my finger tip.
Seriously: that people like Santorum and Carson matter even momentarily in a presidential race is more than just a measure of GOP pathology. It’s a sign of its own version of endtimes. I think I want to save the full thumbsucker for another post, but the derangement of so much of the electorate (Houston voters freak out over even the remote possibility of a penis in a women’s bathroom?!) is not just-a-once-every-four-years freak show. It’s not even on some level political, or not entirely so. The world is apocaplyptically misbehaving for a lot of folks, and Carson and Santorum are as much as anything the straws in the wind of that much greater dislocation.
And with that, I’m galumphing into dread pundit territory. Run away! (and talk amongst yourselves).
Image: Antonio Parreiras, The crazy man from Chevillat, 1920.
ETA: Perhaps I went a little overboard on the categories. Ah well….
ETA 2: OK, for readability porpoises, just removed some categories. Killjoys.
When I saw the Santorum thing on TPM, my first thought was hmmmm, why are they posting something about Mr. WASHEDUP? Then I see he’s still running for Pres. Is he even polling in the margin of error for 0%?
Also, the only thing oval he qualifies to be in the vicinity of is a toilet seat.
This is so true… Can’t wait for three weeks from now when 42% of Republican respondents tell a pollster the pyramids were for grain storage.
credit goes to https://twitter.com/jbarro
Rick Santorum has taken on ISIS? In what capacity? The last time man-on-dog held an elected position everyone still though ISIS was an Egyptian goddess.
And you don’t have to limit yourself to the certifiably certifiable. Good old Ted Cruz, for one, just keeps looking crazier– He’s snuggling up to David Barton, who is, as noted in the linked article, a ‘self-taught’ historian with some… unusual… ideas about Thomas Jefferson.
It occurs to me that we need a special ‘air-quote’ punctuation mark. Call it the ‘snark mark’?
Amir Khalid
Speaking of nitpicking:
I thought hula hoops were circular.
Oh, you meant nut picking! Whoops, my bad.
Your trembling fingertip created a lovely new word.
Gin & Tonic
I’m confused. How has little Ricky “taken on ISIS”? He left the US Senate at the end of 2006, a time at which I’d bet no non-specialist Americans had even heard the name. He’s not taken on any role since then that would put him in any position at all vis-a-vis ISIS.
Gin & Tonic
I’m not even going to attempt to edit, but it appears Calouste is fleeter of finger than I am.
Betty Cracker
@MattF: And we could get Snark Marks tattooed on our forearms!
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Ah, but if he sat on it in the other axis, it would *become* oval.
Forget tax returns, I think every candidate should have to disclose their FaceBook feeds. I want to see just how nutty they are.
Nate Dawg
Reading the opening line was very difficult. The title leads into the first sentence (which is missing an important comma) and has 5 lines of bolded tags separating them, with very little space in between the tags and first line.
Tags went from being a snarky “heh” at the end of the post to an annoying distraction that disrupts the flow of the writing.
@JPL: the most amazing thing about that Carson speech is that he just tosses out “there are some scientists suggesting they were made by aliens” like that’s not a fucking absolutely bananas thing to say.
C.V. Danes
Yes, there are some people who believe God created the Earth and all that. And in a rational society they’d be getting treatment for their affliction.
Gin & Tonic
@Nate Dawg: Clearly you do not understand the awesomeness of WordPress and categories.
The Other Chuck
Actually there is one, it’s called the “sarcmark”. Google for it. The “inventor” of it has done everything possible to make it as fucking stupid an idea as possible (including commercializing it up the wazoo) so I’m happy to see it languish forever in obscurity.
C.V. Danes
@SatanicPanic: Seriously! As if aliens would even need grain storage facilities!
I’ll admit to having a less-than-expert understanding/recollection of the Book of Genesis, but I don’t recall Carson’s theory (that Joseph built the pyramids) actually appearing in there. Yes, there’s a story about Joseph having a dream symbolizing a coming famine, and urging Pharoah to store grain, but no mention of pyramids.
ETA: This is all offered in the spirit of nutpicking, of course.
@Gin & Tonic: He must be thinking of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, who was/is quite beloved by neo-pagan feminist types. Santorum does not like those types of ladies, not at all.
Tom Levenson
@Nate Dawg: Ok, Ok, Ok…fixed the comma and made a homeopathc gesture towards category pruning.
@SatanicPanic: That might be why journalists have trouble challenging Carson’s statements. When the only thing that comes to mind is Are you batshit insane, then it might be time to just say hmmm.
@Gin & Tonic: Maybe he did a guest appearance on Archer?
@C.V. Danes: I’m usually in favor of people reading, but then I meet people like Carson who believe these crackpots things and when you ask they’re like “I read it somewhere”. And then I start to wonder how much our society would be improved if Keeping up the Kardashians had higher ratings.
Nate Dawg
@Tom Levenson: Tom, I adore your posts. Sorry the new format is crimping your style. ;-)
Gin & Tonic
@Tom Levenson: There’s been some energetic discussion with Tommy about categories in a few of the other threads. While his views seem to me to be among the minority, he’s driving.
Amir Khalid
I know even less about the Bible than you; but is it not the lesson of Genesis that ABACAB doesn’t really care?
Carson’s campaign is built on internet rumors. If only the Jewish people had guns, then………….. bothers me the most.
Can someone please ask Ben Carson about the dinosaurs? Please?
@JPL: yeah, where do you start with a guy like that? When I meet someone like that in real life I don’t think to correct them, I think about what’s the best to excuse myself from the conversation
C.V. Danes
@SatanicPanic: Yeah. There seems to be a rather large percentage of our population who are either stupid or intellectually lazy. Some days I think more stupid, and other days more lazy, but at the end of the day, dumb is dumb.
Paul in KY
@sukabi: Satanum only likes polls where the +/- is 5 or more. That way he can plausibly say he has 5% support.
Yes, yes, yes, Republican idiots, etc. etc.
More importantly, am I the only who thinks the front pagers are going overboard with the tags/categories? Does this post or any of them actually need 9? Yes, I am probably some old Luddite who won’t get with today’s hyper-indexed tags-are-your-future present, but it’s kinda annoying. While it’s been an issue, it’s now highlighted in the new design as the tags bookend the posts.
Another Holocene Human
@sukabi: I’d be worried about that toilet seat, after all this is the guy who thinks paper napkins are fundamentally different from paper towels. I shudder to think about his bathroom habits. Bring a plunger.
C.V. Danes
@rk: I think his answer would be “yabba dabba do!”
I think what’s going on here is that Carson is conflating a number of different “facts” that he’s picked up over the years and is so self-confident in his own abilities – and so intellectually incurious about things outside of his narrow fields of interest – he’s never bothered to seek clarification on them.
So, for example, the pyramids. The design and construction of the first pyramid is credited to the Egyptian historical figure/hero Imhotep. Certain fundamentalists believe that Imhotep was Joseph (of the Technicolor Dreamcoat). They put forth a theory that the various shafts and rooms in the first mastabas and the step pyramid were, in fact, used for storing grain. This is bunk – they’re burial chambers. But they really want Joseph to be in the historical record and, since the historical record shows no knowledge of a Grand Vizier of the Pharaoh named Joseph, they’ll just make someone else Joseph.
Anyway – that’s what Carson is talking about. He heard or read some “Biblical historian” go on about Joseph being Imhotep and the mastabas and step pyramid being granaries and translated that to the Great Pyramids being granaries (because he didn’t know about the step pyramid, nor did he care).
And what this really means is that this is another example of why the fundamentalists LOVE HIM SO MUCH. And why this bit of ignorance won’t hurt him one bit. Because his core demographic is hearing this – and hearing the press attack him for it – and thinking “that man is speaking the truth and those Satanists in the press are making fun of him for it.” This is the kind of history that fundamentalist Christian homeschoolers teach their children, so they’re sure that he’s right. Because they know that the pyramids were built to store grain – it was in that book their junior high aged kid was reading last week!
Amir Khalid
Interesting, this: people who remember Dr Ben as a youth have no recollection of him being a violent person then.
At first I was thinking the pyramid thing was just stupid and laughable, and it still is, but the fact the Carson thinks these huge structures that took thousands of people and at least a couple of decades to construct were built for grain storage just seems so bizarre and misinformed for someone supposedly so smart. Why did your heals in the sand over this of all things? I can ultimately only think it comes down to the ego centric nature of some doctors. Especially surgeons.
Paul in KY
@JPL: They are also probably thinking “let’s see what else pops out of that mouth. Don’t want him to clam up”
Bobby Thomson
@Tom Levenson: the problem wasn’t your tags. It’s that they don’t belong in the front at all.
Another Holocene Human
Great. FML. Apparently Dunkies coffee was too much caffeine this morning. Now I’m discombobulated and still have a meeting to prepare for.
Another Holocene Human
@Calouste: Wasn’t ISIS Gary 7’s alien shape-shifting cat?
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: I’m probably supposed to know more about the bible than you, but I’m drawing a blank on ‘ABACAB’. Wasn’t that a Santana album? Will have to google.
Bobby Thomson
@rk: I think the reaction to his response would depress you. Have you ever talked to people? They’re not very smart.
Soylent Green
Although a large segment of the electorate shares Ben Carson’s bible-addled gullibility and willful ignorance, the man has zero chance of being elected president.
Also, the pyramids were built millennia before the Hebrews came to town (and there is no proof that they ever actually set foot in Egypt), but why quibble over a few details?
@NonyNony: where did he get that shit about aliens though? That’s what struck me as really nuts.
Is the fact that humanity has no evidence of alien life controversial now?
Another Holocene Human
@MattF: Wait, David Barton, that evangelical douche who’s been doing the book talk circuit for years flogging that Christian Nation nonsense is self-taught?
And they put that fuck on TV?!?!!
I can spout bullshit about history on teevee. I’m self-taught too. (I have a degree. It is not in a relevant topic.) Whence my speaking fees?
Pretty sure Jon Stewart buffaloed him one night, tho.
A.k.a. the new voter in the 2020 elections. Their plan is working to perfection.
@Amir Khalid: Not a Phil Collins/Genesis fan myself, but that did get a laugh out of me.
FWIW, the reason that Joseph didn’t build the pyramids is that they were long since built, the pyramids at Giza having been built by pharaohs in the 4th dynasty, and all known pyramid fields constructed between the 3rd and 12th Dynasties*. The Hapiru arrived in Egypt during the 18th Dynasty, and left during the 19th. By that time, the royal families were being interred in the Valleys of the Kings and Queens, opposite Luxor.
The OT specifically says that the Hebrews in Goshen were building Pharaoh’s Treasure Cities.
It would be nice if Xtianists bothered to read their own freaking Scripture. Or teach History. Or Math. Or Science.
*There are two pyramids built by pharaohs of the 25th dynasty. Who knows why.
@Paul in KY: Phil Collins, IIRC.
Another Holocene Human
@Nate Dawg:
I am using Chrome/Macbook and I literally don’t even see the tags unless I’m looking for them. What browser/computer combo are you using that they’re so big? #confused
Paul in KY
@NonyNony: I think the Egyptian grain storing story was in a Goofus & Gallant lesson those 11th grade homeschoolers had last week…
@Paul in KY: You’re thinking of Abraxas (great album btw – Samba Pa Ti is one of the most beautiful songs of the 1960s IMHO). Abacab is a song by the band Genesis.
Bobby Thomson
@Paul in KY: kids today.
ETA: nice work, Tommy! I can post links from my phone now without them getting bolluxed!
Bobby Thomson
@dedc79: that album was very stimulating.
Another Holocene Human
@SatanicPanic: Jerry Springer was certainly more educational than the 700 Club. All of these queers and sex workers and subculture freaks speaking for themselves instead of nasty old piece of work grifter Pat Robertson speaking for them.
Paul in KY
@Poopyman: I googled it & finally figured out Amir was joking!
Iowa Old Lady
I notice the pundits are careful to say “Doctor Carson.” When I was in grad school, a fellow student asked the prof if he wanted to be addressed as “Doctor.” He said only doctors of medicine and education demanded that. It’s an irrelevant title in a presidential race. Hell, it was an irrelevant title even in almost every moment of my professional life. I made people call me that only if they ticked me off.
Paul in KY
@dedc79: Ha! I have found out it is also an album. Excelsior! Also!
The History Channel. Or “In Search Of”. Or a fundamentalist Biblical historian citing the History Channel or In Search Of.
Seriously – if you’re a fairly incurious person and you watch one of those Ancient Alien shows you might walk away with an impression that “some scientists think that the pyramids were built as tombs for the Pharaohs, some think that they were built by aliens. There are two sides, so it’s a 50-50 chance that its one or the other”. Because that’s how those shows are constructed – hell if you aren’t very skeptical you might walk away thinking that the evidence is overwhelming that aliens built the damn things because the shows spend 58 minutes highlighting the crackpots and 2 minutes to let the scientists come in and present the evidence that they’re crackpots.
So again – Carson hears some Biblical historian talk about how some think that the pyramids were built as tombs, some think that they were spaceports for aliens from another planet, but really they’re granaries built by Joseph as described in the Bible. Add a general background of “aliens built the pyramids” from pop culture and a dash of Carson not giving a fuck about checking out evidence for himself and you end up with him making weird claims about scientists believing in aliens.
Amir Khalid
@Iowa Old Lady:
I notice that no one calls Howard Dean, or Paul père and fils, by that title, even though all three men are physicians.
@NonyNony: I’m thinking he probably was reading von Daniken back in the day.
ETA: ZOMG! Just Googled and found he’s still alive! I thought he’d kicked it decades ago.
Hamilton Jordan once said, “I always wanted to see the pyramids.”
Gin & Tonic
@Librarian: Those weren’t granaries, IIRC. More for milk, I think.
@Amir Khalid: It’s my theory that Ben Carson, a moron, was a hard-working, studious, probably somewhat quiet, youth who made good use of the opportunities provided to him by government assistance to become a successful surgeon.
As Ben Carson, a moron, climbed the societal ladder, he started to notice that the people who became his peers held his boring, hard-working, government-assisted (poor!) background against him. As he couldn’t invent himself a pair of rich parents and a bunch of excesses in St. Tropez and the Bahamas, he decided to make up some bad behavior that would fit in with the known and easily verifiable parts of his biography. And of course he needed to down play and attack government assistance, because he needs to feel he made it because he was special, not because a lot of people with the right help could have done the same.
It’s so sad in a way, the guy made it so far from where he started in life, and it still isn’t enough to him.
Death Panel Truck
@dedc79: Abacab is an LP as well. (Yes, LP – I’m old, and I have a closet full of them.)
My favorite response to Carson’s pyramid “theory” so far.
@Amir Khalid:
I have been skeptical of those stories. With what we know of his history of fantasizing, why wouldn’t he make up his teenage past too?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Nate Dawg:
But removing them from the top, and I quote, “is’nt even up for discussion.” Related to, or perhaps becuase
Hilarity continues to ensue. Too soon?
ETA: @Gin & Tonic: I should have known you’d get there first.
@NonyNony: yikes. You’re probably right.
You think that’s nuts? A 6000 year old earth created in 6 days? (BTW, if you look at Genesis it wasn’t until the FOURTH DAY that God got around to creating the sun and moon and stars, so what’s all that about “the sunrise and sunset of the first day…” (Might have it a bit wrong, too lazy to go look it up again.)
Anyhoo, I have run across a Catholic crackpot who has written a three-volume opus on why Galileo was Wrong and the Church was Right. In other words, the earth is immovable and stationary and the whole universe revolves around it.
Google it. And weep.
@NonyNony: Can I just say how incredibly much I’m looking forward to the next debate? This whole circus is really ramping up here:
– Trump trying to negotiate debate requirements on his own
– Carson going nuts about pyramids (aliens, grain storage, Joseph as a pharaoh if I heard that right?)
– Rubio ascendant! Cruz too!!
– Bush and W and “41” and Rumsfeld and Cheney and 9/11 and Iraq and, and, and…
– Trump vs Ryan on Social Security/Medicare cuts (i.e., the 2nd Republican Civil War)
– and hanging over all of this, the media calling out the field as a whole for a) their lies and b) their need to be coddled with softball questions
I seriously think Obama should moderate the next debate. Can you imagine?
(When is the next debate, btw?)
gogol's wife
I hate change, I liked the old site, I have no idea how to use the new site, but I have to say there’s something cheery about the new one. I’m semi-housebound with a sprained ankle (I can go to work but that’s about it), and the ongoing drama with the site has kept me amused. I really don’t understand how the images with the posts work or why they turn gray immediately, but for some reason the whole thing is lifting my spirits. Go figure.
Dollars to donuts (mmmm, Jesus donuts) Carson thinks the damn things are hollow and would hold All the Grain! I have no idea how much net storage space is inside a standard Mark 2.1 Pyramid but it can’t be more than a few percent of the total structure. i.e., the Most Expensive, Least Efficient Silo Ever Built.
Cuckservative tomes are out of style:
Jebbie’s daddy has to trash his W’s own appointees to get any headlines.
Gin & Tonic
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I try, mostly, to be objective and factual. But I’ve worked in IT for over 30 years now, and one of the things I learned a long time ago is that telling the users of software that they are using it incorrectly is very seldom a winning strategy.
After Kentucky’s shining turn yesterday, the Republicans should reward them by holding a debate in the Creation Museum. I would so watch that.
@Jeffro: The next debate is on Fox Business channel, and will be next week (Nov. 10th).
And because it’s on Fox Business Channel I expect the moderators to be asking questions more like “Dr. Carson, on a scale of 9 to 10 just how brilliant is your tax plan” and “Mr Rubio, would you like to have 2 minutes to discuss exactly how much of a shrew Hillary Clinton is?” and “Mr. Trump – why not spend 2 minutes here telling us just how YOOOGE you’re going to grow the economy if elected.”
Nothing substantive, and nothing even entertaining. Just softball questions from moderators as toothless as a comb that’s been run through a garbage disposal.
@dedc79: Bravo.
Corner Stone
@Gin & Tonic: Nate will learn, my friend, as we shall teach him or her. For when the time comes and the ultimate question is put to each of us I know we will humbly respond, “Yes, our childrens are learning”.
@pat: Didn’t one of the recent Popes (JPII, Benedict or Francis) admit that Galileo was right and the Church was wrong?
Gin & Tonic
@Calouste: JPII set up a commission to review the case in 1979. In 1992 he accepted their findings that the Inquisition had acted in good faith at the time, but was mistaken.
Benny, no surprise, was much more vague about this, and was never quoted as publicly accepting the findings. In fact, he appeared to be supportive of some theologian/philosophers who were still anti-Galileo.
@NonyNony: Thanks for the date/time! I should probably give my liver a heads-up.
I know they will be looking for softballs, but everyone save for Trump & Carson should be looking for ways to knock some fellow GOP heads around up there. If nothing changes…if they don’t differentiate themselves in some significant way these next 70-80 days…then they’ll head into the primaries about where they’re at now.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Corner Stone: Was it wrong that I took your “Damn” (“upon rereading”) as a compliment last evening? Be gentle.
Doug R
I thought the pyramids were replaced with inflatable pyramids? I know this because I saw it on that documentary despicable me.
@Amir Khalid: Howard Dean was a governor and often referred to as such, likewise with Rep. and Sen. Paul. Always referring to Ben Carson as “Doctor” does seem a bit pretentious, but he doesn’t really have any other fancy title to use. Donald Trump is “the Donald” and doesn’t need any measly title of honor.
@Paul in KY:
Amir is referring to one of the mystical ‘names of God’. Abracadabra is a magic word because it’s derived from one! They come from pre-Christian Kabbalists, are wrapped up in numerology, and the Christian alchemists were absolutely nuts about them.
@trollhattan: pshaw, you talk about volume, but let me remind you- anything is possible with god.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Huh. They’re not useful, so let’s have them in bold at the top and bottom of posts on the front page.
BREAKING: Carson Campaign discovers Ancient Burial Site in Iowa:
Corner Stone
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): That isn’t even up for discussion!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@RSA: But they’d be useful if we only understood and used them correctly.
@Corner Stone: Cool. Nothing else is either, since we don’t know enough to understand.
I’d best go check on my cook off chili, lest I find myself subject to a gag order. Please tell Steep and G&T to just speak for me until my return.
I thought that was spelled “gawwd” but anyway, point taken.
Sancticlounious thinks he beat Rachel Maddow in a debate. I’m pretty sure he was wearing his PJs and was asleep, for that.
Tim C.
Could someone please photoshop a picture of Tunch eating a readability porpoise?
@C.V. Danes: There is a gulf of distinction between believing that some divinity created the universe (Earth included) – and believing that Gawd created the Heavens and the Earth in six terrestrial days and tested on the seventh, and that any scientific discoveries that question that are Tools of Satan to mislead the Righteous, like what dingbats like Carson believe.
Again we hit the Xtian distinction, where some fundie subunit is trying to gain sympathy for his/her cause from otherwise-rational Christendom, even though were the shoe on the other foot said Xtian would leave all the “heretics” to stew.
My ick factor for Carson just went up six notches.
Steeplejack (phone)
That’s how you do software development! BJ designers, take note.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Steeplejack (phone):
No edit. FYWP.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack (phone): I was going to go with the public school reformer joke but I like yours better.
Corner Stone
@Tim C.: Do I even want to know?
@Iowa Old Lady: That’s because so-called “Doctor’s” aren’t really PhD’s in that they never do original research what-so-ever. At least in education, they do have to write an acceptable thesis … .
@Paul in KY: I read the bible closely and boy, if most people here knew some of the things it says compared to what the crazy christians say, they’d shit themselves. For instance, the bible talks of Gods (note the plural) and that they came to earth, f%cked a lot of human females and these gave us the race of giants (not the football players, by the way.) For real – it say gods! Talk about confusing … .
Another Holocene Human
@NonyNony: Yes, he’s like Gish of gallop fame or Bananaman Ray Comfort or Ken Ham.
Another Holocene Human
@Amir Khalid: Being violent makes his “witness” better.
Another Holocene Human
@Soylent Green: The Egyptians invaded the Hebes, though!
Omnes Omnibus
@Cermet: No, they aren’t PhDs; they are MDs. Still a doctorate. You are tossing out the reverse of the MDs snipe at PhDs – “not a real doctor.” IMO if the diploma says doctor or doctorate, the person has a doctorate. Whether the honorific is socially appropriate is another matter.
@Cermet: To be a true believing Christian, it is necessary to willfully misread the Bible along with everything else. Really. You can keep telling them about Elohim and Nephilim until you turn blue–it won’t matter.
@gogol’s wife: It’s a IRL soap opera and we all get a role.
@Iowa Old Lady:
But Carson is a medical doctor. Why address him merely as Mr?
On the other hand, he is not any kind of historian. I don’t even know what the point of his pyramid story might be.
And if the pyramids contained grain, wouldn’t that then be a government infrastructure project?
@Amir KhalidWhere do you want tomorrow’s Internets delivered? I would send you today’s, but they’d be stale on arrival.
It just dawned on me. Given the small capacity, and given what Egyptians were know to have down with their grains, Carson has mistaken for grain silos what is far more likely a brewery.
True enough but, looking at those numbers, it’s also worth recalling how many people don’t vote at all.
@Steeplejack (phone): RESTED on the 7th. Also, “subunit” should have been “wingnut”. FYAC.
What, they would have shot the pharoh, and not had to build all those … granaries?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
I’m late coming back to this, but… LOL.
Paul in KY
@Frankensteinbeck: Oh, OK! Thank you for info.
Paul in KY
@Cermet: Lot of interesting stuff in Old Testament. Also states that magic is real. Pharaoh’s priests were able to do some crazy shit (according to Bible).