Soooo… last night, the blog was all like this…
… and we still got out-Sillied by the GOP…
Ben Carson: Egyptian Pyramids Built For Grain Storage, Not By Aliens Or As Tombs via @buzzfeedpol @buzzfeednews
— Ben Smith (@BuzzFeedBen) November 4, 2015
All that grain would explain the cat worship, tbqh
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) November 4, 2015
I am really looking forward to Egyptian Twitter waking up in a few hours and weighing in on Ben Carson's opinions of the Pyramids.
— Liam Stack (@liamstack) November 5, 2015
Apart from such minor embarrassments, what’s on the agenda for the day?
Holy cow! Gifs on the front page. This whole endeavor now makes sense.
(/s, Tommy)
Speaking of minor embarrassments
h/t LGM
Leave da kid alone. . .
I think Carson has… issues. Cutting up people’s brains is one thing, but doing it professionally– I’d never even consider that.
@Baud: Yeah, his son had nothing to do with it.
@OzarkHillbilly: Exactly. W hired these guys, but– somehow– he’s not held responsible.
Randy P
@Baud: So he’s admitting that Cheney was Acting President 2001-2008?
Mustang Bobby
@MattF: Do we really want a president who gets his daily briefing from the National Enquirer?
Anne Laurie
You were there, man. Tell me those gifs don’t describe events better than words can!
@MattF: Neurosurgeons do more than cut up brains. A neurosurgeon did the hemilaminectomy I had at L5-S1. I preferred a neurosurgeon to do that because of experience with small, fine structures and nerves.
Anne Laurie
@Randy P:
Nah, it’s just that his son — a fine young man! — was just too darned trusting for his own good. Like every parents whose rotten spawn gets picked up after a crime spree, it was all the fault of Bad Companions!
And, of course, Darth Cheney is proud of being described as the “iron ass” ringleader, so all’s good in GOPville.
The buck stops way over there. ➡➡➡
@Anne Laurie:
Well, the first one suggests deliberate malfeasance. So I’m curious about the hidden accusation.
AL: Loved the cat gifs.
ETA: If there are some hidden meanings in them, I’m clueless.
@PurpleGirl: That’s interesting. My dad once told me about a hand surgeon who did his work with a microscope.
Amir Khalid
@Mustang Bobby:
You’ve already had Ronald Reagan.
Dr. Carson is cray-cray.
@Anne Laurie:
I guess thats one way to look at it. I looked at it as “why the hell didn’t you warn your gin-soak, coke-addled son that those guys were noting but trouble & shouldn’t be trusted near power?”
assholes that all make me wish there really were hell
@BillinGlendaleCA: Just had a thought — Will the Discovery Channel people ask him to do a show for the Ancient Aliens series for them? Fits right in with their other presenters.
@PurpleGirl: Nope, he doesn’t believe that aliens built the pyramids, Joseph did to store the grain. I think he belongs on “Drunk History”.
ETA: Even Joe Scar thought that it’s puzzling that the Bible failed to mention the pyramids if they were used to store Joseph’s grain.
@Anne Laurie: Of his son’s role, Bush Sr told his biographer: “He’s my son, he did his best and I’m for him. It’s that simple an equation.”
Another Holocene Human
@Schlemazel: Actually, I’m sure he did and it burned him to no end that the Nixonites he’d kept out of his admin showed up in W’s. And it was absolutely no secret at the time that GHWB didn’t approve of the Iraq adventure.
On the topic of Dr. Ben I saw a ‘dueling quotes’ post from him on FB. The top quote is how liberals hate him because he is a conservative, not like those people who suck on the government teat. The bottom quote is from his biography (do I even need to tell you the rest?) in which he explains how proud he was that by the time he reached 9th grade his mom was off all government assistance . . . except food stamps & they wouldn’t have made it without help.
He is just another entitled asshole who thinks he made it on his own and everyone else is just a lazy loser.
@Another Holocene Human:
That would have been a more valuable and more interesting addition to his book that the load of crap quoted.
@Another Holocene Human: George W Bush said his father “would never say to me: ‘Hey, you need to rein in Cheney. He’s ruining your administration.’ It would be out of character for him to do that.
the Guardian
David Koch
Guess who thinks eGhazi is a valid issue for investigation?
So much for promising not to go negative.
@MattF: I think that is how they sewer my ulnar nerve back together last May.
Specifically, he says on FOX that blacks these days are lazy and welfare should be taken away from them. You think that isn’t central to his wingnut popularity?
Anne Laurie
What, the gifs? Nah, a leap (of faith) was taken, and unforeseen consequences ensued. After much metaphorical pacing in circles, fussing about details, things reverted to new-normal and we all strolled off with our (styrofoam-glittered) tails held high…
@Anne Laurie:
I was referring to the guy who put the box at the edge of the stairs.
@raven: sewed
Fun days ahead.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Well, it would be a way to balance theories about the pyramids. Carson could explain why he doesn’t think aliens built them. Also Discovery Channel has a number of shows about Biblical history. Carson’s theories would fit there too. A whole new place for him to grift.
W also hired Karl (we’re an empire now creating our own realities) Rove. W’s whole administration was loaded with war hawks that Bush Sr could have blamed for leading his boy astray.
Does it make a difference that the pyramid quote dates back to a commencement speech in 1998?
I keep wondering how you got the picture of Vivian Snowflake (white cat) doing her box ride down the stairs. She is normally curled up next to my wife as I depart for my morning commute.
@BillinGlendaleCA: But so are all my Republican friends.
@raven: Well that’s a relief, I was thinking sewering nerves raises the risk of infection by quite a bit.
Tenar Darell
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yep. Bless his heart but oh hell yes. If he weren’t running I’d worry about that “poor confused neurosurgeon,” since he is I worry about the insanity he’s injecting into our national bloodstream. It’s crossing right into our brains!
Wait, is he a new weird form of zombie? Like one that can talk, but they don’t make sense? The monotone, the speech pattern, the communicable nature of the ideas! Mind zombies I tell you, aiee!
How would it?
@DivaCowboy: Nope. It still puts him in crank territory.
Speaking of neurosurgeons
Ortíz became disoriented, and when he started vomiting his mother rushed him to the hospital, where neurosurgeon Soren Singel found the real culprit: a tapeworm larva lodged in his brain.
Worse, it had embedded itself in a cyst that was stemming the flow of water to his brain, Singel told the Napa Valley Register.
Singel drilled a hole above Ortiz’s eyebrow and fished out the worm and the cyst with a neuroendoscope equipped with a grasping tool. “The worm was still wiggling when we pulled it out,” Singel told the Register.:
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
The shock that has greeted this claim is just another reminder of how far out of the mainstream my childhood church was.
I expect that shock from my other half; he has only a vague memory of the story of Joseph and Potiphar. He read the headline to me, and I rattled off the whole chain of “logic” that underlies the claim. (I did forget to mention that Joseph and Imhotep being the same person is a part of this, though.)
@OzarkHillbilly: Halloween is over, dude.
O yes of little faith.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I;m still in Deutschland, 6 timezones from home. Either I’ve adapted to the time or my judgment is not to be trusted about this or anything else.
I haven’t seen any election results because USA Today doesn’t make it to the Schwartzwald, but I see that the fun couple Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat failed to overcome the fallout from multiple scandals and lost their elections to replace themselves after being turned out of the MI Legislature for being canoodling, lying idiots. Good.
As for the OP, Carson is so weird, one has to wonder about prion disease occasionally. Human brain tissue is dangerous stuff. Ask any cannibal. In this case, it’s just evangelical ‘everything in the entire world is contained in the bible’ crap.
I guess it’s time to find out if he sold us out and is worse than Bush.
HW is less entitled than his kids, but I’ve definitely noticed that the Bushes are true ‘aristocrats’. Their family is better than everyone else, true kings ordained by God. In HW’s sons it’s grown to outrageous proportions. At least W was friendly about thinking he was always right. Jeb:( gets angry and, to judge by the Schaivo incident, vengeful if someone so much as suggests he might be wrong. I’m sure it’s central to his flailing campaign.
@Another Holocene Human:
Yeah, I recall the GHWB retainers doing what they could to stop it (James Baker, for one). Heck, even the Pope sent someone to try to stop it. But war criminals in the W administration (and their sycophants in the media) were all for it. What could go wrong?
Dear Dog, the amount of horror that has flowed from that.
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
A followup question for Dr. Carson:
“Given what you know of the labor and resources available in ancient Egypt, could you have advised them on a more efficient method of storing grain than colossal stone buildings?”
Stupid phone, yes should be ye.
Just Add Boom
“Only about 13 months left to earn that Peace Prize.
“The Pentagon is unable to account for more than $500 million in U.S. military aid given to Yemen, amid fears that the weaponry, aircraft and equipment is at risk of being seized by Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.”
As long as someone is killing someone, everybody wins.” The only respectable source of news on Yemen I find is Dan Larison’s blog. love it when we arm both sides in a war, or at least Lockheed Martin loves it.
@DivaCowboy: Nope, he was asked about and still says he believes it.
CAUTION: The following is a nature fact some people will find nightmare fuel.
This is a Thing That Happens. Tapeworm larvae form cysts in their hosts, and humans pick them up from a variety of undercooked meats. There’s one kind – I forget which – that likes nervous tissue, and often burrows through your eyes. That one usually does damage so minor you don’t notice, but if caught at just the right time you can see it through the pupil. Every once in awhile a cyst forms in a very, very unfortunate place. There are a couple of species where the cysts are fatal and terrifying, but the really dangerous one you get off wolf fur and thus it’s seriously, seriously rare in humans.
It makes me so happy to see liberals echo right-wing memes. We’re usually such a polarized country.
Mike E
I blame
ObamaBill Gates.Gimlet
Perhaps a statue of Baphomet.
WASHINGTON — Starting in December, the likeness of former Vice President Dick Cheney will grace the U.S. Capitol, in accordance with a Senate tradition honoring former vice presidents.
A Senate resolution was introduced recently”authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for the unveiling of the marble bust of Vice President Richard Cheney on December 3, 2015.”
@DivaCowboy: He says he still believes it.
So it was out of character for HW to say something when it might have helped? Yup that sounds right.
Wasn’t HW the person who suggested Cheney to W?
Was that whole thing some sort of father to son lesson that went horribly wrong and broke the world?
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I saw on TV that each of those pyramids cost $25,000 to build. Dick Clark said so.
@Baud: Grossing other people out is never out of style.
Congrats on your snow, California.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Rameses II probably claimed that if he’d had to pay all of those slaves it would have put him out of the pyramid business. Which would have angered RA, who put him on this earth to make pretend strikethrough(permanent monuments to his glory) grain bins.
@Anne Laurie:
I agree with your take there. Poppy is just engaging in some good ol’ fashioned white-washing of the Bush name, and a little mild revisionism, to boot, in order to help ¡El Jeb! shore up his flagging and increasingly quixotic presidential campaign.
Nate Dawg
Husband got up, saw this thing about Ben Carson and the pyramids on his Facebook feed, said “what the fuck?”, then went back to bed.
Probably won’t remember it tomorrow. Like Ben Carson’s future presidency, just a bad dream.
Ultraviolet Thunder
You know, there was a time when I was willing to consider the possibility that Trump was a wiseass trolling all of us. But not Carson. He’s just a stone idiot, all the way down.
Speaking as a father, I wouldn’t say a damn thing either. We raise ’em, we teach ’em everything we can, and then we let ’em go, and pray and hope and keep our fingers crossed. We also keep our mouths shut, because unsolicited advice is not only unwanted it is guaranteed to have the exact opposite effect than the one desired.
It’s their world. We are lucky they let us in it at all.
@Frankensteinbeck: Then there are those of us who like to watch TV shows like Monsters Inside Me which regularly features worms and creatures which invade the human body or those ER shows which also sometimes features stories of doctors finding worms inside a patient. While I usually look aside so as not to see the worm (or whatever) I find the investigation work fascinating to follow.
Germy Shoemangler
IRL for us ordinary people I agree. If the fate of the free world depended on it and you saddled him with the exact person you thought was destroying it, it would be reasonable to say something.
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: Dude. I haven’t had breakfast yet.
Iowa Old Lady
I’m sure Carson is better at history and archeology because he’s an amateur. Just like politicians, professionals get confused by their research and experience.
Germy Shoemangler
Invariably, when I order fish or beef at a restaurant (or enjoy it at home) I find a very thin, somewhat long, white stringy thing inside. In the past, I always assumed it was a vein, but then a few months ago I saw a news report that said these are actually…
Germy Shoemangler
Man Killed By His Tapeworm’s Cancer
A Colombian HIV-positive man who’d gone off his meds died when a tapeworm in his body developed cancer and spread tumors to his lungs. It’s the first known case of a person dying of a disease that had infected their parasite.
I for one welcome our new worm overlords.
@Anne Laurie: And many of the same war mongers are on Jeb!’s foreign policy team.
But he didn’t. W appointed Cheney to head up his VP search committee and after some time Cheney came to the conclusion that the best person for the job was… Himself. HW may have suggested Cheney to head up the search but I rather suspect the conversation went like
“Hey Dad, do you think Cheney could help with this?” (the thought first being implanted by some evil nefarious villainous worm working for Darth Cheney)
“Sure, I don’t see why not.”
Germy Shoemangler
@D58826: Is this H.W.’s way of obliquely warning Jeb not to go down that same path?
Iowa Old Lady
@Germy Shoemangler: @Germy Shoemangler: OMG. I have to put my head down between my knees. Stop it!
@Gin & Tonic: rubs his hands together with evil glee
@D58826: All of them……. /snark
@Baud: “Heh heh heh…” he hissed, “my job here is done.”
Matt McIrvin
@BillinGlendaleCA: I understand the pharaoh at that time did a mean Elvis impersonation.
Germy Shoemangler
And a new website where they’re wildly over-promising on the benefits of the trade deal.
I don’t know why the US does this with every trade deal. After 30 years of making the same exact promises on trade deals, one would think they would just skip the marketing campaign. It harms their credibility- it just adds to the anger when the promises don’t pan out, when nothing is enforced. We’re not going to seriously sanction any of these countries if they violate because any kind of serious sanction would be considered aggressive and hostile as far as our relations with that country and companies who operate in or trade with that country would object. Never have, never will.
Tenar Darell
@Germy Shoemangler: Eww! Eww! Eww! Satisfied? My gross out quota is filled. Now, would you please stop Germy? (OK, that truly sounds weird to be asking someone on the webs whose first nym is “Germy” to stop talking about worms. LOL).
Is overpromising limited to trade deals? It seems like a staple of politics in general.
Remember the incident that began all that “war on police” talk?
Yeah, it was a staged suicide. Somebody figured out there were too many hands in the cookie jar and that they belonged to the sainted Lt Charles Joseph Gliniewicz.
Lake County Major Crimes Task Force commander George Filenko, who led the two-month investigation into the 1 September death of Fox Lake police lieutenant Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, said the popular officer embezzled thousands of dollars from the Fox Lake Police Explorer program for seven years. He said Gliniewicz spent the money on things like mortgage payments, travel expenses, gym memberships and adult websites. Filenko said in total, the money pilfered by Gliniewicz was in the “five figures”.
“We have determined this staged suicide was the end result of extensive criminal acts that Gliniewicz had been committing – in fact he was under increasing levels of personal stress from scrutiny of his management of the Fox Lake Police Explorer program,” Filenko said at a news conference announcing the investigation’s findings.
I saw that in the news. Really an amazing and tragic story. Unfortunately, the news isn’t covering as much the false claims that were initially made, from what I’ve seen.
@OzarkHillbilly: Cheney reportedly used the VP search as a pretext for digging up dirt on other conservatives. Not a nice person.
In all the coverage I heard last night, not an iota of sympathy for the men falsely accused. Because of course, it could be true.
@Baud: What false claims? Fear mongering? Over stating the facts? It has been pointed out, time and again, that killings of POs is down this year. But nobody hears that.
@David Koch: Sanders is treading on thin ice here. Polling indicates that over 70% of Democrats are satisfied with Clinton’s answers regarding the emails. To many Democrats it is over, further discussion of it will most likely be viewed as partisan sniping. This isn’t a good point of attack for Sanders. I bet donuts to dollars (since donuts are cost more than a dollar now) that this is the work of Tad “three time loser” Devine. Perhaps the best we can hope for now is Clinton blowing him out in Iowa and also bagging a win in NH. The Sanders campaign will then probably face a relatively peaceful and quiet death sometime around the beginning of April when it becomes nearly impossible mathematical to get enough delegates and his money dries up completely. I’m all for Sanders pushing his message, but if he is going to parrot right wing attack points, fuck him. Crush his ass.
I thought HW was the one who suggested Cheney to W to head the search committee for a VP.
Sure they over-promise on domestic laws or policy but they do the same promises every time with trade deals- they can’t predict how such a complex set of rules and changes and economies and huge private and public sector actors will play out in and between all these countries. The specific job numbers they use are silly and insulting. The think tank they relied upon to come up with the numbers won’t even translate their economic predictions into “US jobs”- they got burned on that with NAFTA so they don’t promise “US jobs” anymore.
They should admit the labor and environmental and consumer provisions are unenforceable and they should also admit that trade deals aren’t about labor and environmental and consumer protections. Trade deals are about lowering barriers to trade and all of those protections ARE barriers to trade.
@MomSense: As I said, he may have, I certainly wasn’t a witness to the conversation, but if HW is the father I think he is, than no.
@Baud: Now we can finally see the truth about how he sold out labor to his bankster running-dog masters on Wall Street:
Carson could singlehandedly crush the myth that doctors are brilliant in all things, and drive home the point that the skill set is closer to that of an electrician or a plumber, albeit with more lavish training.
This being ‘Murka, what will probably transpire will be a “both sides” reworking of archaeological discipline and the understanding of 5 millennia of Egyptian writing because “he’s a brain surgeon, which means he is smart about things”.
There’s this debate on the ideological “the more free trade the better” side that really sums up the huge chasm between how these deals are presented publicly and how people who understand it talk about them. The free traders are currently debating what to do about “the low income people in rich countries” problem- those people don’t benefit from trade deals. There’s two sides to this debate- the free traders who want to tell them to just suck it up and take a hit for the team and the free traders who want to offer them some kind of domestic law mitigation or compensation. The thing is the basic truth is accepted- low income people in rich countries will be taking a hit. To me I’m like “really? them again“? I don’t know Baud, how many times can we hit these people before they don’t get back up again?
@Tenar Darell:
Ben is not a Zombie!!!
I get tired of people saying this.
Ben sleeps. Ipso Facto Ben is not a zombie.
Maybe some other form of undead that sleeps, sure, that’s possible, but NOT A ZOMBIE!!!
@Anne Laurie: You were there, man. Tell me those gifs don’t describe events better than words can!
Somebody found the mustard.
[‘Sadly, there is no picture of a jar of mustard in lost and found.’]
I’m just hoping he isn’t a Wendigo because those things are truly terrifying.
The key here, however, is enforcement. It would be up to the US government, for example, to make a determination that Vietnam has not lived up to its commitments. I’m not sanguine about this prospect, given that there are powerful interests in this country that might not want to see labor standards enforced.
@Kay: To my mostly ignorant mind, the strongest argument the ant-TPP people have is that we shouldn’t be entering into any more trade deals right now because the federal government has so far failed to implement other domestic and international policies to reflect the new trade reality. For example, we don’t have an international agreement on climate change or labor rights, and there is no way the current GOP would let that happen or enact domestic laws protecting those interests. So there should be a pause until we right the ship in these other areas.
I think the “protect jobs” argument is harder because it leads to an open ended question of how far we go to protect jobs. My impression is that most people think, on average, that trade is a good thing that should be promoted.
My two cents (which is probably worth only half as much).
@Iowa Old Lady: I see what you did there.
I’ve been shouting to the rooftops that Kentucky Dems need to shake the box and upend “tough choice” rhetoric and talk about tax code and fiscal restructuring. I’d love it if someone said “you notice how when conservative politicians from privileged backgrounds call for ‘tough choices’, those who feel the most pain are the working poor and impoverished, never the privileged? We need fundamental structural change in order to create and maintain our infrastructure AND human capital, as well as public investment in having a reserve for the unexpected. For 30 years, conservatives have been feeding us a set of lies – tax cuts generate economic success, gutting regulation stimulates markets, religious charity can meet needs adequately. This has been an abject failure, which is evident in crumbling roads, collapsing bridges, fracking quakes, chemical releases, mine collapses, huge income inequality and the economic gutting of the middle quintiles of the population. And as for Christian charity? It’s failure to address needs was what spurred the notion of public welfare to begin with.”
IMHO, the ship has pretty much sailed on this issue – trade barriers (as they are usually defined) are the lowest they’ve ever been and that’s not going to change. That, in turn, means that arguments about protecting jobs are going to fall on deaf ears.
By the same token, at least from what I’ve been reading by experts, the TPP will probably have little effect on jobs either way: it won’t have the negative effect that its critics are arguing, but neither will it have the beneficial effect that its supporters are arguing. The main goal from the US standpoint appears to be IP protections.
Silly man. Everyone knows the pyramids were mega abortion clinics, voter registration centers and razor sharpeners, not grain elevators.
Beginning to suspect Carson may have practiced his surgical skills on himself. Multiple times.
That’s my impression too. I’m glad we finally have the final agreement so at least we won’t have to rely on people’s speculation about what it does.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
A large percentage of the population already believes the pyramids were built by space aliens. You know, that whole Star Gate and Promethus thing is based off of.
The Pale Scot
OMG! You mean Carson is a zombie like the ones in iZombie, don’t you?
He’ll continue to be a coherent, thinking zombie as long as he access to BRAINS!
Like Liv More gets a job at a coroner’s so as to have a steady supply of BRAINS! available.
Carson became neurosurgeon. Just how many “Ben removed half my brain” people are there? What happened to all those removed “half brains” anyway?
OMG! Carson is removing and eating half of the brain of Republicans! All of them!
NOW so much is starting to make sense. I bet he can control them like a Voodoo Bokor.
Zombie Bokor Carson is guiding the actions of a nation of zombie Republicans.
What part of this ISN’T making sense.
@Baud: I saw this was coming out and you beat me to it. Supposedly it goes after Cheney a bit for acting to independently and being too hard line but the article I was reading pulled a quote on Rummy that was great – “I think he served the president badly. I don’t like what he did, and I think it hurt the president having his iron-ass view of everything,”
@The Pale Scot:
Damn. Cutting people open and eating them is what Wendigos do! Oh no!
Hmm. Liz and Dick’s reactions should prove amusing.
Wendigo with Peter Pan.
No one is arguing to “protect jobs”. The President presents the opposition argument like that but he knows better, because he was once a fair trader. Fair trade people actually have a nuanced and informed argument that includes what you talked about- how they cannot continue to make everyone who makes less than 40k a year take every single hit without some kind of major planning and coherent scheme.
Baud, the White House worked full-out for a year on this trade deal. Is it really unreasonable to ask that the President get something from Republicans in return? Republicans want this. That’s why nearly the entire support was on the GOP side. It isn’t comparable to the health care law, at all. This was a private sector/GOP priority. All the under 40k crowd get in return is funding the same retraining plan Democrats have offered for 30 years? It’s a huge group of people. The vast majority of people in this county make 40k or less.
The only way they could make it worse is to go on a tour where they lecture people on “upskilling”. They should send Arne Duncan out again, to drone on and on about the “skills gap”- another in the long list of things he knows nothing about. He’s absolutely loathed outside of DC. I guess that’s why he’s the administration face of “retraining”.
Scott Walker couldn’t even stay in a GOP primary lecturing working people on how they have to “upskill”. They really think this is a good political approach?
I agree 100%. I watched a forum that the Facebook CEO held on “the middle class” which was actually quite good- she asked very good questions. The panel was three former US Treasury secretaries- 2 under Democrats- Clinton/Obama, 1 under Bush. It was truly alarming because they have nothing. They didn’t answer the questions, and it wasn’t “dodging”- they just have nothing. Paulson would rouse himself occasionally to defend his free market ideology, but clearly his heart wasn’t in it. They really may as well have said “we don’t know what to do, so we’ll just let the chips fall”.
Excellent rant!
Bobby Thomson
@Frankensteinbeck: reminds me of filaria flies.
Felonius Monk
I guess that instead of saying “It’s not rocket science”, we must say “It’s not brain surgery”.
Bobby Thomson
@magurakurin: that’s where I was in 2008 after Clinton went ad hominem. I say the same thing now re: Sanders.
Tenar Darell
@gene108: Okay, cogitating on new monster paradigm and name. Co-writer?
Keep on telling the truth, Kay.
@Tenar Darell
Sniffles the Phlegm Fatale.
Tenar Darell
@Tenar Darell: argh, I forgot the iZombie form, if you eat brains, you don’t go full zombie, and you do sleep! (See @The Pale Scot:)
I have a question.
Anyone here with links to any Egyptian Twitter accounts? What are they saying today?
There’s a whole group of liberal free traders who have decided the best defense is offense- they turn it around to “do you want workers in Vietnam to make less?” I mean, come on. This is not responsive to their concerns. Bullying them into “admitting” they make more than 11 dollars a week so therefore should stop whining and pull for team World Worker just isn’t helpful. How about addressing their real and immediate concerns instead of shutting them down?
@ET: Hmmmmmmm. Cabinet officers serve at the pleasure of the President. If W was pleased with Rummy (until 2005) then everyone knows where the buck stops (yes I know it’s Obama’s fault). The VP has almost no role other than what the President delegates to him. Since Chaney had his own policy shop and was going around the government sticking his nose in things it is because W either authorized it of was to sleepy to notice what was happening. Maybe W is like like Col. Blake in MASH who signed anything Radar stuck under his nose. Either way the responsibility falls on W. Remember he was the DECIDER!!
Paul in KY
@BillinGlendaleCA: It might have been a scam on Joesph’s part. Trying to sell grain timeshares to gullible Egyptians.
U.S. Trade Rep’s website has been FUBAR for most of the morning. Had to go to New Zealand to find the full text.
Paul in KY
@Germy Shoemangler: Amberjacks have these things. If you wanted to eat one, you were supposed to smoke it.
If you’re among the “we” you’re referring to (and to be clear, I’m making this point rhetorically, I don’t think you are) I think I see the beginning of a problem right there.
The argument is easier or harder depending on whether it’s your job that’s being protected or cut.
@Baud: ::shrugs::
@PurpleGirl: I kept hoping that he evolved, but apparently he is now doubling down.