"There's no Planet B — this is it," @HillaryClinton says collecting endorsement from @LCVoters. #fitn
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) November 9, 2015
Probably a Hitchhiker’s Guide telephone-sanitizer joke lurking in there somewhere… Alex Seitz-Wald at MSNBC:
Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the deep-pocketed League of Conservation Voters Action Fund Monday in New Hampshire, the environmental group confirmed to MSNBC.
Clinton was joined by the group’s president, Gene Karpinski, and former Environmental Protection Agency head Carol Browner at an “Environmentalists for Hillary” event in Nashua where she’ll officially pick up the nod.
It’s the earliest LCV has endorsed a presidential candidate. The group is consistently one of the biggest spenders on the Democratic side of the aisle, dropping nearly $30 million in the 2014 cycle alone. Clinton keynoted the group’s annual fundraising dinner in December of last year and made a hard pitch for why she’s a committed green, receiving praise from Karpinski…
Background, from the Washington Post:
… The decision to back Clinton over two Democratic rivals with equally strong, if not stronger, liberal environmental records shows the extent to which some environmentalists are concerned the Obama administration’s policies could be rolled back under a Republican president. The group’s president, Gene Karpinski, said it needs to activate volunteers and donors early to make sure Clinton is strongly positioned for the general election.
The LCV Action Fund picked Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley because “the stakes are so high” and Clinton “has proved she’s an effective leader who can stand up to the big polluters and push forward an aggressive plan to tackle climate change,” Karpinski said…
As secretary of state, Clinton helped negotiate a nonbinding climate agreement in Copenhagen six years ago and worked to phase out polluting cookstoves in developing countries. She recently released an energy plan that pledges the United States will generate enough renewable energy in 2027 to provide roughly a third of the nation’s overall supply, and that by the end of her first term there would be more than 500 million solar panels installed across the country…
Even as the Obama administration has elevated environmental issues and the Democrats seeking to replace him have pledged to go further, however, members of the GOP presidential field have stiffened their opposition to those policies. Every Republican presidential candidate except for Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who was recently cut from the GOP’s undercard debate because he is polling under 2 percent, has questioned the need for mandatory limits on greenhouse-gas emissions linked to climate change…
David Koch
Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes are in shock that O’Malley criticized Sanders for being a socialist. They think it’s out of bounds.
Their response is a jaw dropper. Have they no sense of history on how the corporate media and republicans viciously attack democrats? If Sanders became the frontrunner do they think their dear friends Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, as well as Steve Schmidt and Michael Steele would give Sanders a free pass on being a Socialist? Of course not. The jackals would be attacking him and rad baiting him every 10 seconds.
It’s as if they slept though the past 2 campaign cycles. In 2012, when a non-romeny would emerge, Mittens’s super pac & the corporate media would carpet bomb him/her to bits. In 2008, Obama didn’t receive any scrutiny until he became the frontrunner. Once he did, a firestorm erupted on Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, his birth place, whitey tape, whether he put his hand on his heart during the pledge of allegiance, etc., etc.. It was withering.
It’s as if living in the bubble of liberal manhattan has left them ignorant to the cutthroat history of presidential campaigns.
Patricia Kayden
“the group’s president, Gene Karpinski, said it needs to activate volunteers and donors early to make sure Clinton is strongly positioned for the general election.”
Yep. Any Republican in the White House would be a disaster on so many levels. Hope that Clinton can mimic President Obama’s great job of getting out the vote.
Corner Stone
Planet B…Planet B…Plan B? Plan B!
Have to pass right by Planet B to get to Planet X.
@Patricia Kayden:
I really like Gene Karpinski and have been a big fan since ’88 or so. He is a pragmatist and will definitely be there for the slog parts of a campaign.
Obviously Hillary hasn’t heard of the Multiverse…..
David Koch
PPP Poll South Carolina Nov 7-8 (Sept in parenthesis)
Who won the SC Democratic Presidential Forum
Who would you vote for in SC primary?
Clinton………………72% (54) +18
Sanders…………….18% ( 9) + 9
O’Malley……………..5% ( 2) + 3
(Whites) Who would you vote for in SC primary
(Blacks) Who would you vote for in SC primary
Purpose of ancient pyrimads (GOP only)
Bury dead……………72%
Grain elevators……..7%
Not sure……………..15%
Can ¿Jeb? Fix it (GOP only)
Not sure……………..19%
Germy Shoemangler
Gentleman scolds woman for not paying attention to Trump
Does Trump still pay people by the hour to sit behind him for his speeches? Was she off the clock? She didn’t like being scolded.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Sort of on topic, but when Christianists run around saying we can trash the earth however we please because God gave it to us, I wonder what the hell kind of families they grew up in that it was acceptable to destroy a gift because it was given to you. If your dad gave you a car and you totaled it three days later, don’t you think he’d be pissed?
Germy Shoemangler
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): I always thought it had something to do with the Next Life being the important one; this earthly one being just a temporary annoyance.
Fair Economist
@David Koch: O’Malley’s criticism is a little vague. I think it’s perfectly legit to criticize Sanders for not being in the Democratic party, because a significant part of the right’s power, here and in other countries, is that the left splits. In the US it’s puritarians refusing to join or be active in the Democratic party, resulting in the Democratic candidates being even further to the right, causing the Overton window to shift because power in the US is in the hands of the two major parties. To be fair, the splittist dynamic is far more destructive in other countries like the UK and Canada where splittism on the left lets the right actually be in power most of the time even with a distinctly leftist electorate. But it’s still bad here.
Now if O’Malley was dinging Sanders for espousing his (mildly) Socialist principles, as opposed to for encouraging socialists to stay out of the Democratic party, the proper response is “Stuff it, O’Malley!” But looking at his phrasing, the criticism seems to be for working outside of the Dem party, not for the actual principles.
Racism has been an issue at the University of Missouri for years, writes @BrentNYT
@Germy Shoemangler: Saw that. I can almost hear her saying “fuq off” in my head…lol
67,000 people in South Carolina are gonna have to start shopping for health insurance all over again.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): James Watt, Reagan’s Interior secretary, used to say the same thing. Let’s clear-cut the forests and auction off Yellowstone, the Rapture is coming soon anyway.
I saw him walking around in Jackson Hole once. My boyfriend grabbed the back of my jacket to keep me from going over there and giving him a piece of my mind. Might have spit on him too. Bastard.
I like the idea of renewable power plants, but the biggest source of CO2 emissions in the USA is from transportation.
Until we tackle our transportation infrastructure, we’re just ignoring the bigger problem here.
I’m not sure, even if we had the political will to make changes, we would be successful.
A large section of Americans are married emotionally to the idea of gas powered engine, not only for the range it provides, but also for the tinkering opportunities, as well as the sound / feel, I think electric cars would not provide.
So can we stop blaming Obama for not closing Gitmo yet?
UPDATED: Congress OKs bill that bans moving Guantanamo detainees to the U.S.
My dog just ate a banana peel. I’m waiting for the vomiting to start. (Vet says it won’t harm the dog but to expect vomiting.)
Another great evening for me.
@David Koch:
Unpossible, Ben Carson tells me he’s the only candidate EVER to have question about his past raised.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): They think daddy will give them a new toy, i.e. their god will fix the planet for them. Keep in mind that these people literally believe in magic, in the creation of something out of nothing, that the physical laws of the universe are not universal.
Patricia Kayden
@Germy Shoemangler: Dang. Why is a Black woman at a Trump-the-Racist rally anyways? Wonder if she went there just to purposely be on camera reading a book about racism right behind him. If so, well played, Lady.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Maybe, maybe not, but I doubt he’d go out and buy you a new one. God won’t either.
Patricia Kayden
@kc: How do we blame President Obama for this? That’s my only question.
Germy Shoemangler
@Patricia Kayden: People of color are often positioned directly behind the GOP candidate. This accomplishes two things: It makes it look like the candidate enjoys diverse support, and it prevents the person from asking questions.
They do this with young people as well. The young woman who was belittled by Kasich a few weeks back (“I don’t have any Taylor Swift tickets”) was at first pushed toward a seat directly behind him. She refused the seat, and sat in front of him instead.
@David Koch: I know Bernie holds positions much closer to my own. I also know what happens to people who run on positions much closer to my own. Hence my leaning towards voting for Hillary when the time comes. Because the alternative is unthinkable.
Also too (among hundreds of other examples), from the election of 1884:
“Ma, Ma, Where’s my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
Germy Shoemangler
Another odd Ben Carson story
How he refused a DNA test to settle a blackmail paternity suit. He doesn’t trust DNA tests, apparently.
As the case advanced, I was asked to provide a blood specimen to facilitate DNA testing. I refused on the basis of the incompetence of any governmental agency that was willing to pursue a paternity suit on such flimsy grounds. I said that level of incompetence would probably result in my blood specimen being found at a murder scene and me spending the rest of my life in prison.
@OzarkHillbilly: What you said. I am far more liberal than my party as a whole. Why not a single person that I supported in the primary made it to the general. It appears it is going to happen again this year. But every time I put my big boy pants on and vote, I ALWAYS vote, for a person I really don’t want to vote for but they are better than the Republican. Far better.
Roger Moore
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
I don’t think that’s their exact argument. As I understand it, they say that we literally can’t trash the Earth because God wouldn’t let us. I wonder if those people have ever read the Bible. God most certainly does let people fuck things up royally, and then he punishes them severely for doing so. That’s the story behind the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, big chunks of Jeremiah, etc.
Germy Shoemangler
@Tommy: I wish EVERYONE had your attitude about voting. The low level of participation in this country is disgraceful.
David Koch
@OzarkHillbilly: I don’t think the positions are the problem. If Elizabeth Warren ran on those very same positions it wouldn’t be a problem at all. You can hold all those positions and still favor a mixed market view of capitalism like Paul Krugman or FDR. But once you insist on calling yourself an easy to demagogue label then you create an unnecessary and debilitating liability.
@Roger Moore: If I am not mistaken in my reading of the Old Testament, God kind of killed us all because we sinned. As you noted the Great Flood.
I’m not usually into this kind of movie, but it looks like it might be good.
Have voted in (counts fingers) 11 presidential elections (never once for a presidential candidate with an R next to the name) and Obama remains the first I’ve voted for to win, which was tres exciting – both times..
DETAILS: NY Attorney General’s office determines DraftKings and FanDuel are illegal gambling sites:
Gin & Tonic
So the NYS AG says “daily fantasy” is illegal gambling. Self-evidently true, but not good for the business.
Gin & Tonic
Looks like I owe lamh36 a beverage of her choice.
The Sailor
If it isn’t too off topic: “Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck lacerated a kidney and partially tore an abdominal muscle in Sunday’s game against the Denver Broncos, the Colts announced Tuesday.
“The injuries happened at the end of an early fourth quarter scramble when Andrew was doing everything he could to get us the win””
He got the win. against probably the 2nd best team in the league. Fuck.
(Hi Corner Stone)
Back to what some of you are talking about: Are you fucking kidding me!? Who cares what the pollsters say this early?
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: Wow, you have 11 fingers? I’m impressed.
One hand can wash the other–more green electricity can charge more electric cars. It’s telling, though, that the transportation component of Brown’s 50% renewable legislation was killed by the petroleum and gas industry. Even in commie California they call the shots.
David Koch
@Germy Shoemangler:
Why is he soft on crime? Why does he hate cops?
@Germy Shoemangler: Ben shouldn’t be worried, God is by his side. I wonder if someone was paid off.
@Germy Shoemangler: My mother runs elections in her district. Only recently started to vote with us. Mom always knew I voted, for lack of a better word, against her. Knowing that if she found out I didn’t vote she would beat my ass. I get really emotional talking about voting. Mom calls me after every election almost in tears. Well actual tears at time. That more people don’t vote.
@NotMax: I have never voted for a Republican either, just saying.
@David Koch: BING BING BING!!!! Give the man a prize! Seriously, I do not think Bernie is that far out of the main stream, I think the American electorate doesn’t listen. It is the same with religion. I am an atheist. A Dog Damn Died in the Wool Dog Forsaken Atheist. I can not stand religious justifications for political positions, and yet time and again I will vote for people who engage in such language because I know, yes I know, they would never get elected if they didn’t.
This world ain’t perfect. Never will be. But if I can help it to be just a little bit better…. I can die with that.
Roger Moore
And power electric locomotives and various forms of public transit. There are even electric trucks out there today.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Which still says something to me about the way they were raised. As Bill said, if I totaled a car that I got from my daddy as a gift, I wouldn’t expect to get a shiny new one. Did none of them get the “Grandma spent good money on that gift to show how much she loves you, so you need to take good care of it” lecture from their parents?
(For the record, my dad did buy me a car when I agreed to go to community college for my first year, and I drove it until some a-holes stole it and stripped it for parts 8 years later. I still miss that car.)
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Germy Shoemangler:
Sounds like someone thought OJ was framed.
Though it seems weird that they would ask for a blood sample and not a cheek swab. Did they also want to do blood typing?
Have voted for R’s for other offices downticket.
Ones such as Jacob Javits (senator).
Seems like ancient history when there were still decent, competent, sane choices on that side.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Germy Shoemangler: The stupidest tell that this odd
story has exaggerations (at the very least) is
Absolutely ridiculous assertion; laughable even. Legal offices do not make phone calls to operating rooms. And no attendant is about to suggest a surgeon scrub out of an OR to take a a phone call.
@OzarkHillbilly: One of the things that always stuns me, and it took me a few years to explain to the far right family my brother married into, is just because I am a liberal doesn’t mean I am against capitalism. You have a good idea you should get paid for it. I will never have a billion dollar idea but if I did I want to get paid for it. Thinking if I am worth a few billion I should pay more in taxes doesn’t make me against capitalism.
@NotMax: As have I. I often talk about how neat my little town is. Pretty much all Republicans. I don’t mind for a second voting for them because they seem to be good at their jobs.
Amir Khalid
The Guardian is live-blogging the first few questions put to the kiddie table. Nothing of interest so far.
David Koch
@OzarkHillbilly: exactly. Huey Long was a very cunning person. When charged as a socialist, he wasn’t naive enough to admit it, instead the wily Long turned it around and said his share-the-wealth polices were based on the sermon on the mount. To attack him they would first have to come through jesus and no one would dare. And that’s the hallmark of an effective politician.
a different chris
@David Koch: Clearly, the only explanation for why Bernie would choose such a divisive non-Democrat label for himself is that he knew it would piss you off. Just you. That’s how devious and hateful he is, I tells ya.
@David Koch: Long did some amazing things. But maybe the most corrupt major politician of the last hundred years. Not sure we want to put him up as a stalwart of our causes.
@Gin & Tonic: “You have 6 fingers on your right hand. There’s someone looking for you.”
David Koch
@a different chris: it doesn’t piss me off at all, as he’s not going to win. but for Maddow and Hayes to think it won’t be a liability in a general election is laughably naive.
Germy Shoemangler
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): None of his anecdotes make any sense. The all sound lost in translation, like Carson mumbled something to a ghost writer who misplaced his notepad and had to rely (the next day) on his memory of the conversation.
Mike J
What about Planet Claire?
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: I knew she came from there.
@Amir Khalid:
Bailed on it. Just couldn’t do it. Moderators asking lie-filled questions to lie-filled candidates.
The two women were had that Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader style of looks that Fox Biz News likes.
For GOP, it may feel like “serious issues” though, as the questions were economic. Though, of course, all that made-up, it’s horrible, GOP had nothing to do with it, there is no recovery from that thing the GOP did not do kind of economy. And the answers were all no IRS and get government out of the way.
Will sample the Main Card later. Maybe.
Germy Shoemangler
I always thought it was the “Basic Instinct” Sharon Stone look they were going for.
The hair, makeup, clothes and camera angles.
@MazeDancer: I can’t believe I am going to give something of a shot out to Fox. But at least they are streaming it. As somebody that cut my cable a year or so ago I find it kind of strange how hard it can be to see like a debate or Obama saying this or that. I got a HDTV antenna but nothing seems to be on network TV anymore.
Gin & Tonic
@Germy Shoemangler: If they give that camera angle, I might just tune in.
Betty Cracker
Jindal is going after Christie hammer and tongs at the kiddie klatch. Christie turns every question into an attack on Hillary. He’s saying Hillary will enact single payer!
Keith G
@David Koch:
Of course, Sanders is not in anyway a socialist. So for O’Malley to say this about the Senator sniffs of a desperate attempt to get more “points” by damaging Sanders. I figured O’Malley for weak tea and this sort of shows it.
hmm No questions on Keystone pipeline yet?
@Fair Economist:
Why stop there? How about loyalty oaths? Show trials?
Thoughtful Today
Hillary’s Presidency of the Young Republicans, her years as Walmart’s Board Member, her money-making speeches to the giant banks, none of that will protect her from being called a socialist by her Republican
enemiesopponents.Republicans have been calling Dems, including Corporate Dems, ‘socialists’ for longer than most here have been alive. It’s largely lost it’s sting, especially with younger voters who have been extremely excited by Bernie’s message.
Older voters still feel stung by the word. It’s a huge generational gap.
Omnes Omnibus
@Thoughtful Today:
Haven’t we reached the statute of limitations on that one?
Where she pushed for and got improvements in corporate practices on equal rights and environmental issues…
Do you know what she said to them or is it a malum in se?
Germy Shoemangler
I know I must sound like a broken record talking about the recent Bill O’Reilly/George F. Will dust up. I mentioned it on several threads.
But I saw this new twist:
The Feud Is Part of a Fox News Civil War.
@Germy Shoemangler: Let’s hope for injuries on all sides!
David Koch
@Keith G:
It’s a term he has applied to himself hundreds of times.
On a personal level I don’t care. But on a national political level it is foolish.
@Thoughtful Today: Yes. I said in another comment here I said it took me years to explain to the far right party my brother married into I wasn’t a socialist. It might have not helped my cause saying there is nothing wrong with socialism. Just not my cup of tea. But if what Bernie says is socialist, and I don’t think it is, I am with him about 110%.
Southern Goth
Seems to be neck and neck, between electricity and transportation.
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report: 1990-2013
Amir Khalid
@Keith G:
Bernie is of a quite different political stripe, isn’t he — a European-style social democrat.
@Thoughtful Today:
Did you forget to close a strike-through tag?
You could be right that Bernie’s supporters don’t give a damn if the Republicans call him a socialist, and might even like the label. But I don’t see why Hillary’s supporters would believe she was a socialist just because it’s a name Republicans call her. They’ve been calling her all kinds of things for a quarter of a century. And the sort of low-information voters who might be persuaded by such things were most likely never going to vote for her anyway.
We have a new national park today. The Manhattan Project National Historical Park will be jointly administered by the NPS and the Department of Energy. It includes the Hanford, WA, Oak Ridge, TN, and Los Alamos, NM sites that were involved in the development of the atomic bomb.
@Southern Goth: It is my experience you can’t get people out of cars. None. I have a pretty kick ass pubic transportation system in my little town. When I first moved back here and went to walk two blocks to catch a bus, people that lived around me stopped to ask if I needed a ride. It was such a foreign concept to them not to drive.
Betty Cracker
@Germy Shoemangler: Fascinating. I finally got around to watching the O’Reilly-Will video. Well worth the time just to watch Rage-o-Holic O’Reilly get all splotchy and spitty.
Thoughtful Today
-> Hillary supporter asks if there’s a “statute of limitations” on the fact she was the President of the Young Republicans.
I’ve never been a Republican, have you?
-> Hillary’s Walmart Board Membership was during the years Walmart was crushing Unions and just before her husband’s Presidential trade policies helped outsource manufacturing in ways that vastly enriched the billionaire heirs of Walmart.
-> Money making speeches to the banksters are the best signal of how those banks will be treated during Hillary’s Presidency.
Welp…stay-cation is over. I have to go back to work tomorrow.
Amir Khalid
This medical retiree wishes he had a job to go back to.
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
If only that were so!
The Other Chuck
<takei>Oh my</takei>
@Amir Khalid: Oh…don’t get me wrong, I’m def appreciative of having a job I pretty much love….but it’s always the last day of a vacation when you realize you didn’t get half what you wanted done…and it’s too late. ;-)
@Thoughtful Today: Wow, you’re still here, trolling?
What next? Is RtR going to show up for the debate thread tonight, with another shiny new nym?
Look, I know you’re a troll, but please note the actual reality we live in, not the crazy-ass one inside your noggin.
Hillary was a young R because her parents were Republicans. And then she grew up and went to law school and wasn’t one any more. Get over yourself.
She was on the board at WalMart when Congress passed the laws and her husband signed them. She wasn’t in Congress; she wasn’t in a position to stop them. It’s unlikely that Bill Clinton could have stopped most of them with a veto. Free trade was (and is) the trope-o-the-day.
Rule number one when dealing with banksters (or ad agencies): take the money, if they’ll give it to you. Badmouth them as much as you want, but take the fucking money. Most of us are capitalists, here; if Donald Fucking Trump offers me cash to talk to his staff, I’ll take the money and lecture the working stiffs on, oh, Gerstner’s theories of intelligence and how to apply them to computer-assisted-instruction — Gerstner is wrong once you get to the details, but it’s a sufficiently good approximation for improving your instructional designs.
Donald Trump is an asshole, but I’ll cash the damn check.
Southern Goth
@Tommy: I was just pointing out that, according to EPA numbers, the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions is from electricity.
Though not by much more than transportation.
Omnes Omnibus
@Thoughtful Today: I haven’t been a Republican, but Elizabeth Warren was – for a long, long time, far longer and more recently than Hillary was. Same with John Cole and a number of other commenters on this site. So again, I wonder if there is a statute of limitations on that kind of thing. Oh yeah, wasn’t Reagan a Democrat for years? Should we have some lingering respect for him because of that?
Yeah, you are right that she did little about labor issues while she was on the Walmart board. Given who the other board members were, do you think she would have any success? As I noted, she got the company to make progress on other progressive issues.
I take it you are admitting that you don’t know what she said to the bankers.
@The Other Chuck: What I love about it, and I love many things about it, but if you are of the social security age it is free. I think the only time Republicans and Democrats came together in my state was over this. Somehow we got together as a group and said don’t fuck with this.
Fair Economist
@Cervantes: Can the melodrama. Every time a leftist chooses to act outside of the Democratic Party the party gets a little more rightist and drags the country a little bit to the right. It’s worthy of criticism; it’s not criminal activity.
@Southern Goth: I am in total agreement with you. Total. I just don’t see how you get people out of cars.
Matt McIrvin
@gene108: Here’s a breakdown (as of 2013):
Transportation is 27% of the total, slightly behind grid power generation and slightly ahead of industry. And not all of the transportation footprint is going to be passenger cars.
So it’s significant, but it’s not the biggest chunk. I think that at this point the biggest obstacle to mass adoption of electric cars is that ones with decent range are still too expensive. But that seems set to change in the near future.
David Koch
Jindal and Christy are ripping each other apart on who hates the poors more.
Thoughtful Today
… Toaster & Omnes:
Hillary’s anti-union corporate board membership of Walmart is far more condemnable than her being the President of the Young Republicans. But one logically followed the other.
Her husband’s right-wing economic trade policies as President just happening to help the Billionaire Walmart heirs …
… /sigh
Roger Moore
You can get people out of cars, but you have to either provide them with a good reason to want to get out of their cars or a social environment where getting out of the car is seen as a viable alternative. I’m always impressed when I go into Sierra Madre, the next town over from Pasadena, because there’s a strong walking culture there. It’s a small town with a traditional downtown, and the city has a culture of walking to the downtown to go to the business there. Some parents even let their kids walk to school unaccompanied.
BREAKING: Slager sues police organization for failing to defend him in #WalterScott case. http://bit.ly/1Myxb6Y
@Thoughtful Today: ->
She grew up in a Republican family, so the Young Republican thing and the Goldwater Girl thing were not surprising. With so few women in politics — even now, never mind back then — I’d rather she got into politics the way she did than not at all. After all, how long did it take before she was helping to investigate and prosecute Nixon’s crimes?
No, I have criticized her for many things — and will continue as needed — but her youthful adventures with Republicanism I am not going to hold against her.
Germy Shoemangler
@Roger Moore:
I agree. And the problem I’ve seen is the half-assed, patchwork way towns try to make themselves walkable. Sidewalks appear only in front of new commercial construction, but then the sidewalks disappear for many blocks. Or the sidewalks are so narrow that two people can’t walk side by side. Or a public transportation hub that you have to drive to. Etc.
@Roger Moore: I want to think you are right and I am wrong. I do. I might live in about the safest town in America. People drive two blocks to pick up their children from the bus stop so they don’t walk home.
@Fair Economist:
bin Lurkin'
I’m an old gearhead who is now into EVs big time, build my own. I still enjoy the sound of good running motor, everything from a cackling shrieking “Flexible Flyer” Kaw 750 two stroke triple to a top fuel dragster but I also find the complete silence of an EV awesome in that it feels like the Hand of God pushing you down the road.
EVs are a different kind of performance, one of the Tesla Motors founders (not Musk) told a story in an interview I watched about a venture capitalist who was thinking of investing in the company coming to try out one of their original Roadster prototypes, drove it around for a while and was impressed. About fifteen minutes after he got in his own car and left they got a call from him saying “What the hell did you do to my Porsche? I just spent a quarter million on this thing and now it drives like shit.”. The latest Tesla P90D does zero to sixty in 2.6 seconds, that was serious custom built, balls to the wall street racer territory back when I did that type of thing and the P90D is a four door seven passenger capable luxury barge with all the modern conveniences that’s about as quick as a 707 horsepower Dodge Hellcat.
An EV outright won the Pikes Peak Hill Climb in the Unlimited class this year, you can race any damn thing you bring to the track in that class if it passes the safety scrutineers. The real limit to EV performance at the moment is the battery and battery technology is progressing so quickly that a recent “top dog” 18650 cell (18mm diameter x 65mm long) was booted off the throne after only five days. A Tesla uses nearly 7,000 18650 cells for its pack.
Amir Khalid
@Thoughtful Today:
– Do you know if Hillary is currently a Republican?
– Do you know whether Hillary, as a non-executive director, supported or opposed the union-busting practices at Walmart? Do you know if she had enough support among other directors to influence corporate policy either way?
– I take it you consider the speeches malum in se, and her speaking fees bribery by another name. But do you know what she said in those speeches — that is, can you point to any specific pandering to banksterism, or to any overt/implied promises to favour the banking sector?
Thoughtful Today
I’m old enough to remember Goldwater being seen as insane right-wing extremist.
But, sure, these days that’s called ‘moderate’.
@Germy Shoemangler: Well sidewalks is a thing. I don’t have them in much of my town. I got a ticket a few months ago because I was walking in the “street.” I am like where I am supposed to walk? I think I might have lost my temper which didn’t help things. But I am like where am I supposed to walk?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Roger Moore:
We are apparently living in the second most walkable neighborhood of Burbank. Whoo-hoo. I don’t see many kids walking to school by themselves (we’re a few blocks from an elementary school) but we do see their moms and dads walking them there.
Thoughtful Today
Amir, I know that the string of right-wing policies that Hillary has supported in the 21st Century show a lifetime of conservatism.
As I’ve mentioned, I assumed that Hillary expected a lot of Republican women to vote for her in the General until she called them her “enemy”.
It was pointlessly impolitic.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: You may find this 2007 NYT article about HRC and Walmart interesting.
Mike J
@bin Lurkin’:
I have been so sick of the whining from a vocal minority of F1 fans. They say the current cars aren’t loud enough, since they’re running 6 cylinders + about 1/3 of their power comes from electric. There were rumblings earlier in the season about changing back to the big v8s. Happily, the engine manufacturers really like the hybrid system. It allows them to develop tech that will someday be useful in real cars and still race. On top of that, there’s no way to finish a race with a huge gas guzzling engine and no refueling allowed, and refueling is a huge safety issue.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): That is a very happy thing.
Germy Shoemangler
I don’t know why I like this so much
The abrupt ending somehow adds to it.
Roger Moore
@Germy Shoemangler:
I walk for exercise, and sidewalk quality is a huge deal for me, especially at this time of year when a lot of my walking is done before sunrise. Busy streets with lousy sidewalks are the worst. I’d actually prefer that there be no sidewalk than a bad one, because a bad one lets people pretend they’ve done enough to let people walk places while actually discouraging them.
Amir Khalid
@Thoughtful Today:
You should bear in mind that Hillary calls the Republican party an enemy because that’s what it has been to her for decades. She has never said anything hostile about Republican voters, women or otherwise.
Roger Moore
As I said, there’s two parts to getting people out of their cars. Having good places to go by car is only the first step. Once you have that, you have to develop a culture of walking. When people see their neighbors walking around the neighborhood, they’ll start to follow along.
@Thoughtful Today:
With this I agree (again).
No idea what Republican women will do, but what Clinton said was … not calculated enough!
Gin & Tonic
@Tommy: I just don’t see how you get people out of cars.
Have them live in cities. My son is 28 years old, works, has an active social life, travels, has been all over the world. Has never owned a car. Doesn’t miss it.
@Roger Moore: Roger if you came to stay with me tomorrow and we went for a walk, which I bet we’d do, there are not sidewalks. My town does so many things well but not this.
Germy Shoemangler
@Roger Moore:
I have trouble walking on roads with no sidewalks because the car and truck drivers don’t recognize my walking space. I literally had a car speed within a few inches of me one afternoon; if I’d stuck my arm out I could have touched the car as it flew by. I like a sidewalk, some trees for barrier, and then the street.
Saw a recent segment of “Adam Ruins Everything” and he mentions the origins of the term “jay walker” around the time cars were taking over.
@Roger Moore: Yup.
Cedars of Lebanon:
That’s the wood that David used to build his place and Solomon the Temple.
It doesn’t take much checking for people to find, if they’re willing to look, that the Earth is finite even if (one believes) God did give it to us to use.
Of course, consistent thinking is a rare human quality. :-(
Jerzy Russian
@Thoughtful Today: We have a two party system in this country, and Hillary Clinton will win the nomination of the Democratic Party. The winner of the nomination of the Republican Party will be at best a clown, and at worst a psychopath, and will get at least 45% of the national vote. On election day you will vote for Hillary Clinton, and you will be happy about it. If not, I will personally track you down and punch you in the neck.
Amir Khalid
@Thoughtful Today: The New York Times article at Omnes’ link refutes all your talking points about Hillary’s time as a director of Wal-mart.
@Gin & Tonic: That was how I got used to not using a car. Living in DC. I have a 2001 Passat and it has less than 35,000 miles on it. I don’t drive that much.
@Gin & Tonic:
Right hand, count starting with the pinky: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. Okay? Six.
Plus five more on the other hand, that makes 11.
Gin & Tonic
@SiubhanDuinne: Can’t argue with that logic.
@Thoughtful Today:
Have you asked Elizabeth Warren that question yet? Whatever. Sanders isn’t going to win the nomination. In fact, he probably isn’t even going to win New Hampshire. Maybe he wins Vermont, but by the time the Vermont primary comes around…maybe not. There is a good chance Clinton is going to win all 50 states plus the other extra primaries (what are there 7 extra?) It’s over.
Thoughtful Today
Hillary, while Walmart Board Member, was part of Walmart’s attack on Unions. I don’t want to overestimate her power on Walton’s Board. She’s not heir to the billions Walton left his children. She’s only one of many that served that money.
Part of her strength is insights into Corporate interests at the most elite level on earth.
Those elite interests will be well served.
Roger Moore
@Germy Shoemangler:
There’s a busy street near me where I refuse to walk because I can practically reach out and touch the cars from the sidewalk; there’s no strip between the sidewalk and the street and no parking lane, either, so the cars are driving by at high speed within arm’s reach of the sidewalk. I don’t know that it’s actually unsafe, but it makes me so nervous that I’ll take a slightly longer route that puts me on side streets instead. I feel safer walking on the street on those side streets- they lack sidewalks- than I do on the sidewalk on the busy street.
As far as the strip between the sidewalk and the street, it does a lot more than just serve as a barrier. It also serves as a place to stick street signs, light posts, utility equipment, trash cans for pickup, and all the other stuff people want to put near the street. If you don’t have a place for that stuff, pedestrians wind up having to dodge it, and occasionally having to go into the street to do it. That space also provides distance for driveways to ramp down to street level without walkers having to go up and down for each one. Having that there is part of what I think of as good sidewalk design. A bad sidewalk is almost as useless as no sidewalk, but it lets people think they’re doing enough for pedestrians.
Roger Moore
It’s very simple for me. My left thumb is 1, left index finger is 2, left middle finger is 4, left ring finger is 8, and left pinkie is 16. That lets me count to 31 on one hand. The right thumb is 32, index finger 64, middle finger 128, ring finger 256, and pinkie 512. It’s exceptionally geeky to count in binary, but it does mean I can get to 1023 on my fingers.
Amir Khalid
@Thoughtful Today:
Did you read the NYT story at Omnes’ link?
@bin Lurkin’: The Tesla was delayed reaching the market because, IIRC, they promised a 2-speed transmission and they couldn’t find or develop one that would survive all the torque from the electric motor.
I think transmissions are still an issue for really high performance EVs.
But you’re right that batteries have been the problem with EVs (for about the last 150+ years). It’s good to see that progress is still being made there.
@Jerzy Russian:
With or without show trial?
(Just kidding.)
Amir Khalid
Guardian live-blog:
How does he figure that?
Matt McIrvin
@bin Lurkin’: There’s always the option of just putting in speakers that make a roaring noise when the car is operating, if people want it. Some gasoline-powered performance cars already do that anyway, sweetening the engine noise with fake noise played through the stereo. It’s just a question of how far one can take the charade. I know advocates for the blind would consider it a welcome safety measure.
Thoughtful Today
Jerzy Russian:
I will celebrate that Hillary is the best Republican anyone can vote for.
The Other Chuck
@Thoughtful Today: The host of this blog was once a Republican. A raving wingnut in fact. So perhaps you should find this place too impure to grace with your presence. Won’t break my heart, that’s for sure.
Amir Khalid
@Jerzy Russian:
I doubt Gedankenloses Heute will be happy about having to vote for Hillary.
@Thoughtful Today:
Thoughtful Today
Some of my favorite people are Republicans. Family. Friends.
I’ll remind them how conservative Hillary’s life has been and a few might vote for her.
Hopefully none see her as an enemy.
@Omnes Omnibus:
From your link:
Why is HRC remaining “largely silent” in the face of Wal-Mart’s vehement anti-unionism “interesting”? It’s exactly what we’d expect from HIllary and Bill.
And how does this “refute every point [Thoughtful Today] has made?”
Is there some alternate universe is which the word “On other topics, like Wal-Mart’s vehement anti-unionism, for example, she was largely silent” mean “HRC championed the cause of working people and tried to promote unions while at Wal-Mart”?
You just linked to an article that explicitly says the opposite of what you claim it says.
bin Lurkin'
No, a transmission is a crutch for an electric drive system that is either underpowered or has not been optimized. Battery, motor and drive electronics improvement have made multiple gears unnecessary and in fact counterproductive, better to take the cost, weight and bulk of a transmission and put it into more battery, more sophisticated and robust electronic drive and a bigger motor.
The problems Tesla had with transmissions is due to the fact that the supplier they used turned out to be incompetent. Maximum torque loading in the drivetrain is limited to what the tires can put to the pavement, anything more just spins the wheels with no further torque loading on the drivetrain. Maximum torque is reached just after the tires begin to slip slightly, spinning them wildly takes less torque than that. Tesla has a launch control that includes wheel sensors and an accelerometer which maintains the optimum amount of tire slip during moments of high acceleration.
I’m finding that there is at least as much to maximizing EV performance as there is to maximize performance with intermittent combustion engines. The Devil, as always, is in the details.
Anne Laurie
@Roger Moore: Hey, if people want to walk for exercise, they can either pay for a gym membership or join their friendly local mall-walkers group! (/snark — but why to you think malls *have* mall-walker groups?)
@The Other Chuck:
Shorter The Other Chuck:
“You have a choice between being raped by Hillary Clinton’s anti union policies, or anally raped with a chainsaw by the Republican candidates’ anti union anti-middle-class anti-woman anti-children anti-gay anti-bottom-99% policies…and that’s what we call DEMOCRACY!”
Omnes Omnibus
Would you like to point out where I suggested anything like that?
As far as the interesting comment goes, I thought Amir would find the article interesting given the questions he had asked. Therefore, I suggested that he might find it interesting.
I didn’t claim that the article said a damned thing.
J R in WV
@Roger Moore:
That’s your middle finger by itself, in binary. 00100 (binary) = 4 (decimal)
@Thoughtful Today:
It is also a middle finger – just for Thoughtless Today, who can’t believe that someone could be a Republican back in the day, and have overcome that craziness to become a sane Democrat.
Like Tommy’s mom, my mom voted for Democratic presidential candidates her last two elections, because she saw the poisonous evil of the Republican candidates and their hate.
The need to vote against Republicans kept her alive 3 or 4 extra years – go Mothers all over the land!!
@Thoughtful Today:
In all fairness, Hillary Clinton’s biggest constituency isn’t the corporate anti-union anti-blue-collar elites, it’s the military/prison/police/surveillance/torture complex.
Hillary Clinton has already said she’s in favor of an increase in the minimum wage but wants to leave it up to the individual states — which is another way of saying “I’m in favor of doing absolutely nothing about the minimum wage until workers starve so badly that they riot and we have to call out the Department of Homeland Security to shoot them en masse.” But at least Hillary isn’t in favor of eliminating the minimum wage, like all the Republican candidates.
Hillary’s big priority, though, is more endless unwinnable wars, and burning brown babies in third world countries. Hillary wants to greatly increase America’s brown-baby-burning budget and she has publicly stated that she wants America to have “a more assertive foreign policy” — i.e., she not only wants to burn lots of brown babies, she wants to roast them with white phosphorus the way the U.S. army did at Fallujah (a major violation of the Geneva Convention and a huge war crime) and she also wants to use lots of depleted uranium artillery to blast those brown babies’ intestines across many across many acres of desert (the radiation levels at Fallujah from the depleted uranium shells used by the U.S. army were higher after America got through slaughtering the inhabitants than the radiation levels recorded at Nagasaki after the atomic bombing in 1945).
Hillary is a big proponent of mass murder, child torture, blowing up young brides with drone-fired missiles, and indiscriminately gunning down Third world families at U.S. army checkpoints. She voted for those policies repeatedly under the Drunk-Driving C-Student’s presidency, and repeatedly defended those atrocities as Secretary of State under Obama’s presidency.
Most of all, Hillary wants to do for America what she’s done for Iraq and Afghanistan. Hillary is strongly in favor of more surveillance, more militarized policing, more muggers with badges kicking down the wrong doors and emptying their M-16s into innocent families here in America. Because this shows that Democrats can be tough on crime and show the electorate that Democrats have real cajones when it comes to foreign policy.
Real cajones like JFK, who almost blew up the world with the insane Cuban Missile Crisis — a crisis he deliberately started by secretly moving short-range ballistic missiles into Turkey to threaten the USSR. Hillary has said that she admires the “muscular liberalism” of JFK. Because burning brown babies and heavily militarized police gunning down innocent Americans isn’t enough…we also need to see if we can nearly blow up the world the way JFK almost did.
Good times. The Democrats are back on track! Vietnam Part Deux, here we come!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Amir Khalid said “The New York Times article at Omnes’ link refutes all your [Thought Today’s] talking points about Hillary’s time as a director of Wal-mart.”
Here’s the
@Amir Khalid:
People who play internet lawyer to try to get all cutesy and clever about what they implied get short shrift.
@Jerzy Russian:
There, fixed that for ya.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: I am not responsible for what Amir said. Then again, I did say this: Yeah, you are right that she did little about labor issues while she was on the Walmart board.
Show me a link that shows that I claimed the article said any or stand revealed a liar. It won’t require much a search; if it exists, it’s on this thread.
Admit it, you fucked up.
The Golux
@Germy Shoemangler:
A guy I know was paid $100 to cheer for Donald T. Rump when he announced his candidacy.
@Amir Khalid:
Well, let’s see…how about the $400, 000 speech Hillary Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs, where her daughter Chelsea’s husband Mark Mezvinsky works as a hedge trader, in which
That the kind of Wall Street crime lord asskissing you’re talking about?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Au contraire, buckaroo. You fucked up by trying to play cute and implying that you were just offering an “interesting” article for people to peruse when your clear intent was to astroturf Thoughtful Today’s documented facts out of existence.
And BTW — claiming “Hillary did little” about Wal-Marts anti-union policy is another cute internet-lawyer scam. No, HIllary didn’t do jack shit. Hillary did nothing. Hillary did zip. Hillary did bupkiss. Hillary did nada.
As far as Wal-Mart’s ferocious anti-union assaults on the working poor, Hillary just stood aside let it happen. That’s why I’m not a big Hillary fan.
Omnes Omnibus
@mclaren: You can’t really be that dumb. I stated that she did little for labor while there and posted an article that said the same. You are now trying to suggest that I claimed the opposite?
Yes, that crazy-ass reality inside Thoughtful Today’s noggin, where Hillary Clinton raked in $400,000 for giving a speech to Goldman Sachs bankers (a firm repeatedly fined and sanctioned by the SEC for gross criminal fraud) saying that “bashing the bankers is…unprodutive.”
Riiiiiight. That crazy-ass reality inside Thoughtful Today’s noggin where Hillary has said America needs a “more assertive” foreign policy, and where she’s gathered massive numbers of defense contractors and foreign policy hawks around her campaign.
That “crazy-ass reality.”
As opposed to the real world, where Hillary daughter didn’t marry one of Goldman Sachs’ hedge fund traders, and where Hillary Clinton didn’t vote in favor of the failed futile insane Iraq War and where Hillary Clinton didn’t stand in front of the press daily trying to defend Obama’s indefensible drone murders of children and women in wedding parties.
Earth to FlyingToaster…come in FlyingToaster…
People who speak documented facts you don’t like are not “trolls.” They’re just people you don’t like because their inconvenient facts and uncomfortable logic makes you realize how much you’ve been lying to yourself about what most Democrats really stand for.
I was raised in the burbs in the 70’s. CARS were the key to manhood, my lads and I all got mustangs and tricked them out. We were fairly certain that that was how we got our girlfriends.
IDIOTS we were. They wanted us not the dang cars. I have since owned some nice collector cars I adored. BUT I am a green building designer, so I had to walk-the-talk. I sold all my cars, and I walk everywhere, and love my electric bike. I am in central PDX, and the Youngs are biking in massive numbers. Join us !
@bin Lurkin’:
Eh? Electric motors have near-maximum torque at 0 rpm. That’s one reason why transmissions for them are so difficult to design (it’s hard to spread stresses out over bearings when they’re static) . Sure, if the tires slip, or you have a clutch, there’s less stress on the drivetrain. But it’s tricky to have slippage when you haven’t even started moving yet. ;-)
Thoughtful Today
Elizabeth Warren is one of the best Democratic voices in the Democratic Party, she understands how the financial world and the shadier billionaires have been screwing the middle class far better than Hillary and Elizabeth often explains it more succinctly than Bernie.
Credit Elizabeth Warren’s leadership on issues that are extremely serious to the vast majority of Americans of every political stripe.
Elizabeth’s issues should be at the heart of the Democratic Party instead of the warmed over Clintonian triangulation with it’s myriad conservative outcomes that we’re stuck with.
Roger Moore
He actually said that maximum torque loading on the drivetrain is achieved when the tires are just slipping, not the maximum torque from the motor. If I understand what he’s saying, the motor will never actually produce its theoretical 0 speed torque because the traction control will limit the torque to prevent the wheels from spinning.
@Amir Khalid: It most certainly does not.
What I read about Hil at Wal-Mart is just what I might have expected: she got some things out of it, left other stuff on the table, and made connections that would serve her in future. It’s called being a politician. I refuse to see that as ‘Hil tries and fails to overthrow Wal-Mart’s evilness’, she knew what she was doing.
As for the ‘losing votes by calling Republicans the enemy’, that I like. It shows she’s choosing sides yet again and throwing somebody under the bus yet again. But this time it’s not the working-people demographic and it isn’t the lefties. This time, she (correctly) sees the Republicans are imploding and she can do better by betraying them.
Hillary is not going to tack to the center to win Republican voters. She’s going to identify the zeitgeist and try to get in front of that. I think it’s a rather soulless exercise but ironically it would make her a better President if she genuinely believes the bankers, WalMart, etc. are fucked. Because she will definitely smile at them, take their money, and then throw them under the bus. We used to call that triangulating, but it’s gone up a level and 2015 Hillary is actively trying to work out what DIRECTION things are going, and get in front of that so she can be ‘triangulated’ in the middle of where people are GOING to be.
Maybe her Wal-Mart experience taught her what’s out there and her getting-votes experience tells her what the American people really want to do with monsters like that. So, earlier she happily sided with the monsters, but now she’s always been at war with Eastasia. Not because hating Eastasia is ‘triangulation’, but because she figures they will eventually be that unpopular, as will the Republicans?
@Roger Moore: Ok, that’s fine.
But that doesn’t explain why transmissions for EVs break. ;-)
Yes, there are reasons why you might not want to have a transmission on an EV. But there are still reasons why you might want to have one as well.