MODERATOR: would you kill baby Hitler?
JEB: Hell yes
KASICH: with my bare hands
CRUZ: I notice Obama hasn't
RUBIO: my father was a bartender
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) November 9, 2015
Sure, they'd murder Baby Hitler, but would the GOP candidates give Hitler's mom an abortion?
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) November 9, 2015
Tonight's Fox-moderated GOP debate is being hosted by a city that, for a decent chunk of the 20th century, was run by actual socialists
— Ned Resnikoff (@resnikoff) November 10, 2015
I'm curious how Rand will do tonight given that Christie won't be there to loudly call him a weenie whenever he tries to talk
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) November 10, 2015
Okay, I missed the undercard (doubt I missed much, actually). Here’s the Guardian‘s liveblog.
Here’s the Rude Pundit’s audioblog. (I owe someone a hat tip for that link.)
Santorum: I love welders
Huckabee: I love kids
Christie: Hillary Clinton is a garbage monster
— James Poulos (@jamespoulos) November 11, 2015
It has gotten so bad between debate moderators & candidates that they if they don't like q – they bash it and don't even pretend to answer.
— Betsy Fischer Martin (@BFischerMartin) November 11, 2015
Rick Santorum just scared my cat.
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) November 11, 2015
It really bothers me when Jindal and others say the poor pay no taxes. They pay all kinds of taxes, just not income taxes.
— Michael Grunwald (@MikeGrunwald) November 11, 2015
I actually have to say, as someone who spends a lot of time on the campaign trail, that people rarely ask about taxes. #fwiw
— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) November 11, 2015
Is there some prize Santorum wins for pivoting from a question about the Fed to the sanctity of marriage?
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) November 11, 2015
Hell, the way they talk about Yellen, you’d think some other country had the strongest recovery from 2008. Nope! Us.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) November 11, 2015
Christie answering a question about getting Americans jobs by saying how excited he is to fire federal workers
— brendan james (@deep_beige) November 11, 2015
Mike Huckabee literally just made a "buddy, let me tell you about my wife" joke
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) November 11, 2015
My first dog was a black lab named Byron. He died many years ago. He has a much better chance of being president than GOP undercard field.
— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) November 11, 2015
Fox Business Channel pundits agree that their undercard debate was better run than the debate on "that other business channel"
— Neil Irwin (@Neil_Irwin) November 11, 2015
Yeah, guess we’re up to speed now.
Jeb should be asked about the Mufti, who we’ve been told made Hitler look like an amateur by comparison.
David Koch
Christie and Piyush Jindal ripped each other apart over who hates the poors more.
Apparently the most-commonly-searched question about Jeb? on Google is ‘Is Jeb Bush still running for President?’. Feel the Jebmentum!
Christie vetoed legislation to make it easier to vote in NJ while Cuomo is giving all state workers $15.00 minimum wage starting in NYC in 2016 and in the rest of the state in 2021.
Some random Fox “analyst” about the debates: “You’ve got to go through the whole inventory” of candidates. It’s all irregulars and factory seconds, right?
RUBIO: my father was a bartender
…and his mother won the Derby…
[‘…he’s spent much of his life as a wastebasket…’]
Betty Cracker
Gyad, the national anthem. When did that start?
@Betty Cracker: they’ll do ‘god bless america’ at halftime, too.
fucking hell. They have that idiot Lou Dobbs as one of the moderators?
@Anoniminous: No, just pre- and post-debate “analysis”.
Germy Shoemangler
@Betty Cracker:
I remember when flag pins were a weird affectation. Now they’re mandatory.
mai naem mobile
Okay,so does Maria Antoinette Bartiromo give the candidates french kisses or blow jobs?
“Tonight’s rules are simple. There are no rules. You each have a crowbar behind your podium. Begin”
Jesus even Carly has a flag pin jammed on to her otherwise perfectly fine dress .
Rand Paul’s pin doesn’t appear to be an American flag anyone have any insight ?
Hot patooties it’s RAYGUNS!!!
That’s a relief.
First question: “The minimum wage sucks. Comment?”
Oh this is going to be good.
mai naem mobile
Oh lookee here, an Oxbridge accented Brit to give the debate some outsourced class. Wonder if Trumpy demanded that to keep the debate classy?
Trump: “Wages are too high”. And yes, that is an actual quote.
@dmsilev: yeah, that’s why they’re still excluding guys like Gilmore and Graham…..
Germy Shoemangler
He actually said that??? And are rents too low?
@dmsilev: Incredible.
Carson just said (paraphrasing and iirc) every time we raise the minimum wage we increase unemployment. Sure, buddy.
Wait, a job is how Carson learned to be respectable? I thought he Found Jesus.
Should have watched the Louisiana Governor debate. Edwards called Vitter a liar and a cheater.
I hope there is video showing Vitter’s face.
Trump demonstrating he knows nothing of economics.
Betty Cracker
Again, Carson wants to pull the ladder he ascended behind him.
PS: Did y’all know Rubio’s father was a bartender? It’s trooo!
Mike J
Marmite: best condiment or only condiment worth discussing?
you couldn’t pay me to watch this…glad you all are so I don’t have to.
Besides, I’m starting a new earlier schedule at work tomorrow, so I’ve got to go to sleep at least 2 hours earlier
Won’t bog down the thread with anymore OT
Peace out guys.
@Germy Shoemangler: He said taxes were too high and wages were too high, and that’s why we can’t compete globally.
A twofer: Carson demonstrates he knows nothing of economics or AA history.
Germy Shoemangler
from the business insider
Corner Stone
Rubio: Terminators are here now. They are real and they are killing our low wage jobs.
Rubio: not enough jobs that pay well, but don’t raise the minimum wage? (I think that’s what he said, sorry, I’m distracted). Maybe I’ll open the wine now.
Bill E Pilgrim
Okay so this satirical version of the debate is already coming true.
“Fewer” dumbass, learn to speak english.
Corner Stone
Maria B doesn’t seem to be too good at this.
mai naem mobile
Carson lies yet again about three year old grandaughter wanting to watch him debate.
Iowa Old Lady
Holy crap. Wages are too high. Did the audience like that?
The audiences aren’t as nuts this time as in 2012. I miss the audience crazy.
Dr. Carson just told us the minimum wage is the reason AA unemployment is so high.
I thought you’d want to know. ;-0
mai naem mobile
Rubios hair looks awful. He damn well fix his hair if I’m going to have to look at him for 4 years.
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile: Is it wrong of me to comment on this? Dammit, this New Era of Civility is Hard ™
Corner Stone
When did Kasich become Bernie Sanders?
Corner Stone
“Thrice” for the win!
mai naem mobile
Maria looks like she’s been drinking all day. Like the way she used to look when she came on Mornin’ Ho.
Cut taxes, spend more money on military. Wa La a balanced budget.
Rubio just lost the philosopher vote.
Man, these questions are so even-handed and devoid of biasing assumptions.
Cliff in NH
In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.
@chromeagnomen: How about ‘Louie, Louie’, or ‘Sweet Caroline’?
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile: She does look pretty bad. There. I said it.
@mai naem mobile: You’d be drinking too if you had to moderate this thing!
I can’t watch anymore. Cruz just said our economy is growing at 1%. I don’t think that is remotely true.
The 1920s. Definitely an economic era of prosperity. Never mind that whole “start of Great Depression” thing.
Corner Stone
Did he? Is it fair to argue that vote never actually existed?
Bill E Pilgrim
Cruz is holding up Calvin Coolidge and the 1920s as a model?
Good lord….
Feudalism Now!
Listen, when we can compete with wages in Malaysia, Myanmar and Somalia, we will bring manufacturing back to this country. No one will be able to afford what we make, but we will build it!
Corner Stone
@dmsilev: Coolidge yesterday, Coolidge today, Coolidge forever!
Sitting on a sofa on a
Sunday afternoonTuesday evening.Going to the candidates’ debate.
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose
Every way you look at this you lose.
Let’s get right back to the way it was when my brother was president. The good ole days!
Corner Stone
Bush keeps tripping over his own tongue. They couldn’t prep him better than this?
Jeb sounds really nervous.
David Koch
These morons are boring.
Hillary is going to massacre them next fall.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Tommy: He averaged out the entire time of Obama’s two terms. Including the depth of the crash when it was in the minus column.
I’m sitting here wondering how Republicans can be running on “economic growth” when unemployment is 5% and growth is clearly picking up, and then I heard that and thought oh right. They mislead. That’s how.
Corner Stone
Storytime with Carly! ™
The missus is back, I’m going to have to turn off the debate and follow it here.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
All the he wingnuts I know think Silent Cal is the shizzle. I think it’s because Raygun always slobbered his knob.
Carly, answering the question she hoped she’d get.
Betty Cracker
See what Fiorina tried to do there? Hope the British dood pushes back. Dems are the job creators.
Carson, like the rest, are such ignorant assholes. Okay, so the reason you got a job back in 1969, when he would have been 18, is because wages were nice and low. And now, the reason black kids can’t get a job is because the minimum wage is too damn high. Right.
Federal minimum wage today $7.25
1969 $1.30 (2015 adj. $8.43)
he got a raise the next year
1970 $1.45 (2015 adj. $8.89)
and the next year
1971 $1.60 (2015 adj. $9.40)
Inflation, how does work?
Corner Stone
“We must command the commanding heights!”
Gin & Tonic
@Mike J: I have eaten Marmite. I have not eaten shit, yet I think I’d prefer it.
Betty Cracker
@Betty Cracker: Sadly, no!
I’m too busy NaNo-ing and coming down with a viral flu thingee. So I’m in no mood for shenanigans.
Also, I need your word counts. YOUR NOVELS MUST BE DONE. IT HAS BEEN FORETOLD.
Corner Stone
CEOs get paid 300X their average worker because a city somewhere has a Democratic Mayor?
Rand Paul, you so silly.
These guys are complete liars. Shameless that none of the moderators push back, but of course Rupert probably told them to be docile after the pushback on CNBC last time.
! great reference – any of these clowns could easily win Upper-Middle Class Twit of the Year
Rand: Largest Income Disparity in Dem Cities.
Rand, that’s because even the most regressive billionaire won’t live in your or any other Repug shithole state.
Iowa Old Lady
@PaulW: “And they were very, very, very, very happy also too.” That’s words for you, baby.
Germy Shoemangler
@Betty Cracker: no pushback from the moderators. Them’s the rules.
@Corner Stone: Don’t forget to blame the Fed. Because reasons.
David Koch
Baby doc blaming
jewish“new york” bankersBill E Pilgrim
@geg6: Amazing. But I mean he specifically touted the 1920s and its “tremendous growth” as what he would recreate if elected President. Do they actually think that all was well until FDR became President in 1933 and invented a time machine to go back to the late 1920s and crash everything with his socialist policies?
You know what — I don’t want to know. I fear the answer is yes.
Just saw some insanely idiotic ad from Discovery about RACING EXTINCTION!!!11
Bring on the comet.
What I saw was “Carly completely ignoring the question”.
I am on the verge of giving up on this one. So far it’s worthless. The moderators are shit scared of pushing back, and the candidates are just ignoring the questions and saying whatever they rehearsed in front of the bathroom mirror this morning.
David Koch
Kasich – If elected I will balance the budget by replacing MEdicare with Blood Letting and Leech Therapy.
CEO/ worker wage disparity is the fault of Democraric Mayors. Hahahahaha!
This is the worst collection of Presidential candidates in my long lifetime.
Matt McIrvin
@Bill E Pilgrim: Large parts of the country, including parts inhabited by a piece of the Republican base, are really not doing well at all. I could see that if you lived in a collapsing rural area you’d figure the economic recovery was a complete fraud.
Paul “The bottom line is, if you want less income inequality, move to a city with a Republican mayor, or a state with a Republican governor.””
Yeah, like Kansas.
Benghazi! Drink up!
Liar blowing smoke by lying about Hillary Benghazi “Lying”.
SiubhanDuinne (phone)
Carson, what the actual fuck?
Mike in NC
@Germy Shoemangler: So the Republican economic model for the future is Cambodia. Good to know.
Betty Cracker
Yay, more The Donald! It was a snooze-fest.
David Koch
@Anoniminous: yeah, move to red town in Kentucky were everyone is poor.
The Wall Will Be YOOOOGE
Bill E Pilgrim
@Bill E Pilgrim:
That answer from Carson was the third panel from the end, verbatim.
That one panel perfectly satirizes all of the questions so far, every single one.
they all think our wages are too high but their combined wealth is $4.6bn – most is tRump’s but other than Rubio I believe they are all in the 1% (source: Guardian)
Corner Stone
Trump is really bad at the debate forums. Not his bag, baby.
@dmsilev: My neighborhood must have a lot of desperate singles. When I tried searching for “is (candidate)” I kept getting “married” as the auto-complete option. Except for Santorum and Graham. They may be desperate but they’re not that desperate.
Corner Stone
Kasich is playing the Adm Stockman of this debate.
Betty Cracker
Bye, Kasich.
My only interest is if lil jebbie will finally nail his own coffin today.
Trump: “You should let Jeb speak”.
That’s probably the clearest indication yet that Jeb? is toast.
The one place I want to be right now more than any other on earth is Larry David’s living room.
Meanwhile, if you can’t stand the DSM V come to life and are craving sanity and intelligence, I’m holding a virtual book sale at my place. Every title I’ve ever published is going at rock bottom prices.
Serious question: Is Carson fully conscious?
He always sounds to me like he’s coming out of a coma….
David Koch
They’re really slipping – It took a half hour to mention Reagan, and then in an unfavorable light
Corner Stone
Dammit, missed the Trump quip there.
Been there done that with the 2012 crowd. Dear God, that was 4 years already?
SiubhanDuinne (phone)
Ooh, boos for Donald!
Corner Stone
That silent gap Bush stumbled into was fucking deafening.
@David Koch: Who did that and have they stoned him yet?
Bill E Pilgrim
@Matt McIrvin: Oh I don’t disagree that things aren’t great and especially in specific areas. Also it’s been a crappy, lackluster recovery that took far too long, because everyone jumped on the austerity bandwagon, even Obama at one point in 2011. Not as bad as the UK, but still. But the economic news has all been good lately, so it’s just a weird time for them to use that particular tack, usually if one things goes the opposite of what they claim, they turn to something else, gays or god or whatever.
Corner Stone
Rubio: We’re fucked.
Betty Cracker
And Trump’s NYC “on line” construction confuses millions of Republicans, who now imagine Mexicans sneaking into the US through a series of tubes…
Corner Stone
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I think you mean “for two years”.
Did fox give Rubio his questions in advance? I ask because he sure seems to have his answers memorized.
Nate Dawg
Jeb fumbles his quip and pivots to silence. #Jebcanfuckit
mai naem mobile
Fiorina’s stories sound like Tom Friedman’s cab driver stories.
“The Democrats are laughing”. Finally, something Ted Cruz says something we can agree with.
Corner Stone
Mild applause for Cruz’s immigration death pronouncement?
Corner Stone
Cruz is not fucking this chicken all that well.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Long, hard day at work (where I apparently am paid too much), so I’m having trouble tracking comments. Is it Cruz who said the 1920s were great?
Corner Stone
Are you a philosopher?
Cruz: illegal immigrant journalists are the worst kind
Corner Stone
mai naem mobile
@dedc79: Rubio always sounds like that. He’s just very well prepped with carefully memorized answers. He’ll sound worse as the number of candidates go down.
Corner Stone
The “secret sauce” of America is mayo and thousand island mixed together. There. I said it.
@mai naem mobile:
I am not really familiar with her, although I know her name and I think I read a magazine article about her 15-20 years ago. But I’ve been thinking that between Maria and Carly tonight, we’re probably looking at enough money spent on Botox to finance a coup in a small dictatorship.
Betty Cracker
They sure are letting Fiorino drone on.
Mary G
You guys are brave. I can’t even read the live blog all the way through this time. Glad to hear that Jeb continues to suck.
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, but that serves to lower her appeal, so I am for it. What a liar!
Fiona is a Silicon Valley professional. She has Teh Sauce! She knows how to take a leading, highly respected, global business and plow it into the ground.
Corner Stone
“Yes, hi. I’d like to speak to someone who can help me, please. Yes, I’m looking to understand what your costs are for a 40 year old woman who needs long term cancer treatment. No, no I’m not wealthy. I work as an HR assista…hello? Hello, are you there?”
Mike in NC
@Bill E Pilgrim: Repubs will never admit that Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover were the architects of the Great Depression. They blame FDR, and assholes like George Will and Roger Ailes have pimped that stupid idea for many years.
Debate is off, wine and whiskey are being drunk, blogs and twitters are being looked at. Shoegaze music is on the radio.
Wait, Democrats = helicopters now?
mai naem mobile
Because I’m so shallow, I want to note that Fiorinas top looks like a Hanes sweatshirt and Cruz visibly appears to be losing hair at each debate. His.head will look like Jason Alexanders by election day.
Corner Stone
Even more importantly, she knows how to become personally fabulously wealthy while doing so! It’s the American Dream we all will one day have a shot at!
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: ::shudder::
Thoughtful Today
The question to anti-choice militants:
Would you give Hitler’s mom an abortion?
Corner Stone
Facebook data? That’s an actual thing they keep mentioning?
David Koch
Fiorina is right – why can’t people unconscious from an auto wreck shop for their health care
@amk: Please FSM make this come true tonight!
@Corner Stone:
We will all be millionaires! Any day now.
Thoughtful Today
Godwin trigger moderation. heh.
Green Footballs. Too much.
They didn’t need to, because the questions being asked are completely irrelevant in this debate anyway.
Rubio’s answer is always the same: “immigrant parents”…”seeking a better life”…”my father was a bartender”…”American Dream”…”21st century”….
And the moderators have their tongues so far up the candidates’ asses that their faces are covered in shit. Worthless servile scum.
Corner Stone
I just can’t watch Carson speak without hearing Bad Lip Reading doing his audio.
@Corner Stone:
You have a problem with the way Facebook does its metrics? Listen, I participate in every Facebook poll (not to mention the vocabulary tests and which Disney princess is most like me) so I know for a fact they are legit.
God has a tax plan?
@dedc79: oh the winners tonight will most certainly be Rubio and Cruz, no doubt
@mai naem mobile:
Actually, if he started looking like Jason Alexander, it might be an improvement.
(And THAT sentence has never before been uttered — well, written — in these United States.)
@SiubhanDuinne: so which princess are you?
mai naem mobile
@SiubhanDuinne: WTF has Maria done to her hair? She used to do a regular nice brown/auburn thing. Fox hair is no good on Maria.
David Koch
@Anoniminous: Did God sacrifice Jesus for supply side taxes
Corner Stone
Point of order here. My benevolent overlord, and one of my only two friends, Bella Q, has requested we repurpose “legit” to restore it back to it’s former glory of “legitimate”. As a wordsmith yourself I am sure you can get on board her campaign.
@Corner Stone:
LOL, I know, right? “Lessee, this little piece goes over here….”
Iowa Old Lady
Q to Ben Carson: Whose tax plan would God endorse?
I kid you not. That is just….lunatic.
All of them, Katie.
Corner Stone
Ted Cruz is fucking crazy. His tax plan is fucking nonsense crazy.
Omnes Omnibus
@benw: All of them, Katie.
My favorite line is, “This boy doesn’t know when he is losing . . . doesn’t know when he is winning either, he has no external sensory perception what so ever”
that fits all of the 16 GOP field.
Corner Stone
This audience just doesn’t want the deets Cruz is laying out there. He is awful.
@David Koch:
It’s Supply Side Jesus!
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Darn you to heck.
@Corner Stone:
That’s actually funny, although you couldn’t have known it, because as far as I know I have never — well, hardly ever — used “legit” before that comment!
Corner Stone
More Kasich, he says! More Kasich, he cries! More Kasich, he begs!
@SiubhanDuinne: @Omnes Omnibus: how many commenters answered with “all of them, Katie”?
All of them, Katie.
Corner Stone
Can Bush get through an answer without stepping on his dick? Yes! He actually can!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Said Phil, the prince of insufficient light.
Corner Stone
Rubio has a lot of really heavily memorized answers. None of them go with the question he was asked, but he certainly has them memorized well.
Betty Cracker
Pretty sure Cruz named Commerce twice when listing the five agencies he’d eliminate. Dodged a Rick Perry “oops” moment there…
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s an August 3rd thing. They wouldn’t understand.
mai naem mobile
Can you imagine what Jeb is thinking? He’s got to be thinking ten times what Hillary was thinking of Obama in ’08. ‘WTF? I’m the brother and son of POTUS’s and this no nothing nutcase and blowhard reality show star are beating me?’
Corner Stone
God dammit FYWP. I just had a brilliant comment eated. FUCK.
Corner Stone
Anyways, something like Rubio just handed Rand’s ass to him. He went 9/11 on him off a rebuttal to a question on EITC.
Corner Stone
Does Trump understand we finance the largest military in the world by the next 9 largest combined?
@Corner Stone:
Didn’t he (very rapidly) say that the cost of his plan over 10 years was $3.1 trillion???
I guess Ted will address waste, fraud and abuse to cover that.
Lord Baldrick
@Betty Cracker: The Man From Calgary is going to have problems walking that one back.
Maybe he will become ‘The Canadian Rick Perry’.
“The IRS tax code has more words than the Bible” — Ted Cruz
And these means exactly what, fuckwad? What a stupid fucking comment! How can anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size think this comment makes any sense??
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: No.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel: Nice.
Corner Stone
Christ. I actually agree with Trump on the currency manipulation stuff.
Who’s winning?
Trump is against the TPP. First thing I’ve heard from Muskrat Head that I agree with.
Hillary Clinton.
Amir Khalid
@Feudalism Now!:
Another Holocene Human
@SFAW: Jason Alexander came to my no good burgh to rally volunteers to hit the phones and pavement for Barack Obama. He is an okay guy in my book. A mensch. (Even if I always privately thought his characters were lame.) IMO there’s nothing wrong with the way he looks.
Corner Stone
Whomever is fucking with the server about now may decide to stop doing that shit.
Corner Stone
I seriously think Maria B is quite medicated at this point.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: I saw that. ::grins::
Corner Stone
Nigeria? That’s full of black people. What amount of fucks do we give about terrorist attacks in that dark hellhole?
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: New regime, man.
Corner Stone
Holy shit. Take territory in Iraq?
Another Holocene Human
@Zinsky: rofl!
Betty Cracker
Carson wonders how to make jihadists look like “losers” — give them a podium at the next GOP debate?
@Betty Cracker:
Do you suppose Carson took a few too many hits from the anaesthesia mask? He has a seriously creepy and weird affect.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: BJ’s own Chalabi?
Corner Stone
That’s two answers where Bush did not step on his own dick! Jeb-mentum!
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Good taste in hats?
Corner Stone
My FBN feed looks like it hired the BJ website redesign team for this debate. Keeps cutting to black off and on. And I don’t mean Bennie the Blade.
Amir Khalid
When it comes to Middle East policy, Dr Ben is as shallow a thinker as any other Republican candidate.
@Amir Khalid:
In the US, shallow thinking about Mid East policy is a given.
Gotta say I liked Carly’s line — “I’ve also met Vladimir Putin. Not in a green room. In a meeting.”
Oh SNAP, Donald.
Amir Khalid
The Guardian:
This man is ignorant of international law.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Thoughtful Today:
No, your “naked” hyperlink triggered moderation. Feature of the interim commenting system.
Corner Stone
Ok, Bush broke his streak. Dick=stepped on.
He sounds like he’s taken hits from something.
Possibly a stupid machine.
Oooh, lovely, she got under his skin. “Why does she have to keep interrupting everything?” LOL, I’m actually enjoying this.
Corner Stone
Rubio is surprisingly strident in this debate.
Maybe but the republicans have lowered the bar so far that light couldn’t limbo under it.
Does Kasich sound like he’s talking with marbles in his mouth?
Corner Stone
“Trip around the world” ?
How much does that cost nowadays? How about a half and half?
Corner Stone
@Baud: He has been really populist and out there all night. May have taken it out of him to go so hard early. Or he may have had a stroke.
According to Kasich, we have no better ally in the world beside Israel, the United Kingdom is on line 2 Governor.
Betty Cracker
Did Kasich just say “no more criticizing Israel in public”? Wow.
Kasich: “No more criticizing Israel in public!”.
And he’s the moderate one.
@Baud: Yes.
anyone think we have a winner here tonite? will the VSP say ?JEB? did well?
@Corner Stone:
Dr. Carson is right there. How lucky!
Corner Stone
“Tell Congress to stop the CFPB now! Before they…deny you.”
Wow. I’m sorry I missed most of the debate. This is a historic moment.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): TT wants to be targeted by the system for his views. It would validate his viewpoint.
Hey anybody else see the anti-CFPB commercial? Stupid.
ETA: Guess CS did.
Corner Stone
Jeb did not do well.
I think Rubio and Kasich made ground in their specific arenas.
Cruz sucked balls, Carly lied all the time, Trump held steady, Rand is a joke and Carson is wayyy out in center field.
Read thru the thread, kind of missing RtR. !Jeb¡s little puppet was good for a few laughs…want me a Brinks Truck.
@Another Holocene Human:
Not surprised. My comment had nothing to do with whether he’s a good guy, of course.
Yes, he’s quite stunning, in a clasically-nebbishy way.
He’s right too. The rules of origin deregulation means China can provide more and more components and just pass through another country that is a party to the deal as long as the other country assembles. I’m not clear how we “beat China to the punch” with this deal. It looks to me like they made out great.
@Corner Stone: Tend to agree with your assessment.
Kasich just said that he supports TPP. Is that new?
Comrade Lizzie.
Corner Stone
I am sorry but Ben Carson was made to be the Bad Lip Reading candidate. It’s so bad I simply can not ignore it.
Stupid regulated soap.
You realize that the intersection of Rethug primary voters and your qualifier is a Null Set, right?
Nate Dawg
Once again, Dr. Carson has no idea of what economic externalization is. No idea that NOT having regulation has a real cost too. What a stupid fucking man.
I saw it earlier as a stand-alone, but I m watching the debate on my phone and the commercials are blocked out.
Back to the Business got Big because Big Guvmint.
So Kasich is translating from Jebese, could work.
US – China trade is complex. (how’s that for understatement? :-) Since we aren’t buying their cheap consumer goods anymore the TPP people had to give them something so they wouldn’t dump the eleventy trillion in bonds, cash, and cash equivalents they hold. In reality, high-tech manufacturing left these shores decades ago, the US no longer has the infrastructure and JIT networks needed to do high-tech manufacturing anyway so might as well let the ChiComs have what they already have & not make a fuss.
Betty Cracker
@Corner Stone: Sounds about right, except the Trump bubble seems to be deflating. He got booed a couple of times. His act is wearing thin.
@Corner Stone:
I think Ted Cruz is right up there too. Really hope the BLR folks do more of these debates.
Corner Stone
It’s obvious that Sabina does not exist.
@Nate Dawg:
What a stupid fucking man.
Think about the people who are willing to follow him and vote for him.
Corner Stone
God, the gold standard again.
@Corner Stone: I was just starting feel sorry for Sabina. Damn you CS.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Got some? Can I have some?
There’s Gold in Them Thar Rubes
@Corner Stone: Sure, you just love the philosopher kings at the Fed.
The audience seems ok with fucking over depositors.
Now I want to run for philosopher king instead of president.
Corner Stone
Shut the FUCK up Carly on “saving” or “creating” jobs.
Cavuto twice asked Cruz if he really would do nothing if the Bank of America was about to fail.
Straight-talking-Ted realized he had blown it, looked confused and lost, and waffled.
Nate Dawg
This is just an alternate reality–inflation exists, the government caused the economic crisis, raising wages ways leads to lowered employment, and on and on and on.
Wait, this isn’t over yet? When will it end?
Corner Stone
I’d rather have more welders, tbh.
@Renie: That doesn’t make sense; how can Cuomo be doing something good and Christie bad? I heard there is no difference between the parties. Does not compute…
The Demon Ewe is channeling Reagan, but with none of Raygun’s (faux) folky charm
@Corner Stone: Well, welders are paid better.
Corner Stone
How good is it that the first commercial after the hard break is a climate change coming let’s do something about it now, Pope Francis spot.
Gold, Jerry! That’s pure gold!
No, it;s not new. Kasich supports it and so does Portman. Portman is up in ’16 and Ted Strickland will use it against him.
Portman knows he’s vulnerable on it. I once met a group of paid campaigners for Portman who were passing out flyers saying Portman supports “fair trade”, in 2010. “Fair trade” is a specific trade position in Ohio. It means a certain set of policies. Using “fair trade” was meant to deceive people- it’s like a shortcut- there are “fair” traders and “free” traders. Portman is a free trader. Sherrod Brown is a fair trader.
It’s just hugely important here, because of things like this:
Everyone benefits. Whatever they negotiate is basically injected right into the local economy. Obama’s trade argument, where companies make more so that will eventually trickle down to wages….that just pales in comparison to this immediate reality.
Corner Stone
Maria B teeing it up for Rubio!
@Corner Stone: How’d that commercial get in there?
Corner Stone
C’mon, Rubio! You’re sounding like Jeb!
Marco is beginning to lose track of his lines, and needs a prompter.
Trump is fairly quiet.
Betty Cracker
Someone should let Rubio know the 21st century started awhile back…
Rubio’s hair really is bad, it seems to have a plastic sheen.
We abandoned Israel, really Ted? Who was that guy who met with Obama in the Oval this week? Looked like Bibi.
Do you have enough money in your Baud! SuperPac to pay for business cards with the new title?
@Corner Stone: That’s what my wife said.
Betty Cracker
@Misterpuff: Demon Ewe — gonna steal that one!
No. President it is.
@BillinGlendaleCA: What we really need are Welder-kings.
ETA: too late
Corner Stone
“Explosion” of natural gas? Probably should not put those terms together.
New debate thread up.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I haven’t watched any of this debate. So, could somebody tell me whether they did truly ask about killing baby Hitler? I mean, shit, I know this should be a joke, and that it should be an obvious one… But I can’t tell any longer.
This is petty and catty and lookist, but honestly, I’m not sure how Maria B. can even move her lips to form words given all the collagen she has apparently had injected.
@Corner Stone: LOL.
@Betty Cracker:
Right – he uses that phrase in every answer.
Perhaps his minders told him that it somehow associates him with the future or something, but it just sounds scripted and stupid. Especially when he says it for the ninth time.
They should stop making fun of people who criticize this trade deal because if they understand this trade deal less than Donald Trump does, they don’t understand it at all, so probably aren’t in a position to be sneering.
This is from the experts on Twitter:
Except what he said was basically correct. China can use it as a back door.
Corner Stone
Carly talking about rich getting richer and poor getting poorer while the middle class is crushed is so far beyond the shit it is unbelievable.
Corner Stone
Ted Cruz is awful. He has no chance.
Corner Stone
Maria B is clearly hammered.
@Corner Stone:
It’s interesting to me only to the extent that Republicans feel they have to say it. That by itself is pretty big, if you remember way back to 2012 when they wanted to change Labor Day to “job creators day”.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: This is news?
Corner Stone
Does Lou Dobbs have a replacement nose? It looks like a small clowns nose.
Original Lee
@PaulW: I had a tummy bug for two days so am somewhat behind.