In case you cared. Round two of antibiotics, and still sleeping a boatload. Starting finally feeling a little bit better.
Still Alive
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This post is in: Open Threads
In case you cared. Round two of antibiotics, and still sleeping a boatload. Starting finally feeling a little bit better.
Comments are closed.
Corner Stone
The comment number is a lie!
@Corner Stone: No, it’s just very far removed from the post.
Bobby Thomson
@Corner Stone: mmmmmmmm. Cake.
It also helps to use Mucinex and Delsym. Copious amounts of mucous will be produced, but getting it out of there will lessen the duration of the infection.
Well PTL. I might have said pound sand hoping you would transliterate that to push fluids, but in your present state…
Roy Greene
I care! You need to take a high quality probiotic, daily. You get sick way too much. Remember all good health stems from your gut bacteria. It’s the least you can do now that you stopped drinking.
Roy Greene
Will f.lux fix the numbered comments? :)
Thank you for the update. I’ll restate what Roy said. Start taking a good quality probiotic. We need your snark because the election is heating up.
Shantanu Saha
Why is the (admittedly pleasant) scene of fall color on EVERY post on the front page?
TaMara (BHF)
Glad to see you’re still with us. [[[hugs]]]
Mike J
@Shantanu Saha: The same reason the random quote isn’t randomising, I’d guess. Scotty and the boys down in engineering are down in the Jefferies tubes actively working on the site.
Glad to see you are doing better, John. I second debbie’s suggestion of Mucinex and Delsym.
gogol's wife
Feel better, John.
Is everybody else seeing the same tranquil lake landscape at the top of every single post?
What’s Russian for “Oopsies”? I’ll say it’s “Oh borscht!”
In any case, Oh, borscht!
Has Vlad taken delivery of his eyepatch and fat white cat, yet?
Glad you’re feeling better, John. I expect that another round of antibiotics and a good night’s sleep will show a vast improvement from today to tomorrow.
@gogol’s wife:
I’m certainly more tranquiler.
You, and Perry Como.
Am I…?”: A Photo Series and Documentary Film Explore the Complexities of Black Woman’s Identities.
Written by Nadia A. Sesay.
It makes sense that a question about self-identity begins with “Am I…?” This is the starting point for both photographer Endia Beal, in her newest photo series, “Am I What You’re Looking For?” and for Nadia Sasso, filmmaker of “Am I: Too African to be American or Too American to be African?”
Endia Beal captures the anxiousness of young African American female undergraduate students who are preparing for their first job interviews. The reservations the women express come from uncertainties they feel on how to best present themselves in the workplace. For many, if not most, black women, occupying professional settings and navigating through these very white spaces often means sacrificing facets of not only their physical identifies, but their characters too. These attempts at ‘fitting in’ and camouflaging oneself often come from the need to not be categorized as any of the negative stereotypes associated with black womanhood, as a form of survival.
Good u finally went to the doc…why are men do stubborn bout that!
Vlad, the Putin waxes dangerously nostalgic for the good old days of Soviet hegemony fever dreams. Problem is he’ll bankrupt the Russian economy again in search of a former (unrealized) “glory”.
schrodinger's cat
Am I in Wyoming or in the Delta Quadrant? there is so much empty space everywhere
@Lamh36: Denial. Socialization. Mule-headed stubbornness.
Pick any three!
Glad we still have Cole to kick around :)
Amir Khalid
That was no oopsie. The Russians probably could develop such a weapon, at that: it’s an existing technology, only bigger. Whether they could work up the nerve to drop it on anyone — or even to credibly threaten to do it — well, that’s a whole nother question. No one has in the past 70 years; there must be a reason for that.
Germy Shoemangler
Andy White has died at the age of 85.
He was the session drummer for EMI who was called in to play on the Beatles “Love Me Do” and “P.S. I Love You”
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@schrodinger’s cat:
Just because it’s one of my favorite movie quotes and I never get to use it:
Hope you’re feeling better soon. We do care, snarling pack of jackals or no.
TaMara (BHF)
@Shantanu Saha: Hey, that’s my photo. I didn’t even realize until I read your comment. The repeating is another ghosting glitch that seems to happen when we’re “under construction”. Like John’s cold, it will clear up eventually.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Great line, which movie?
I’m liking the comment numbers. They’re YUUUGE!
Betty Cracker
Glad you’re on the mend!
@Germy Shoemangler: So he spent about 65 years kicking himself in the rear?
schrodinger's cat
All you wanted to know about the latest assembly elections in Bihar, India and did not know whom to ask. Modi’s party was vanquished did not even win 1/3 of the total seats. Modi’s party does not control India’s upper house and his control got even more tenuous after these elections.
I go in detail about the origin of the toxic ideology that fuels Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his fellow travelers. T
At what point does BJ hold a fundraiser to get Zandar the hell out of Kentucky? Just wow.
@beltane: Also, too, very klassy with the bold and the italics.
schrodinger's cat
@beltane: The space around them is YOOGER. I feel like a woolly mammoth wandering around in the last ice age
Germy Shoemangler
@WereBear: No, he was never going to be a Beatle (like Pete Best) he was just called in when producer George Martin got nervous about Ringo’s abilities. Back then, producers liked to throw their weight around in the studio. It never happened again.
Andy had a long and varied career, and never wanted to be in the group. I heard an alternate take (Ringo drumming on Love Me Do) and it sounds great. Andy was a nice man, but there was no reason to call him in.
We do care, we just show it weird ways. Glad you’re getting a bit better, and I would echo the comments about probiotics. They do help your immune system. Take it easy and get all the way better!
I am not a number, I am a free comment!
Germy Shoemangler
@schrodinger’s cat: The comment numbers will be floating in the next Thanksgiving Day parade. Let’s all comment profusely and make this year’s Macy’s Day an unforgettable one.
Was gonna say “You are Number Six” but it’s actually thirty-eight. Not as lyrical.
@trollhattan: how did it not occur to them to make Ark Encounter a water slide park?
Bobby Thomson
@Lamh36: a shitty medical insurance/delivery service system, accompanied by doctors who refuse to prescribe antibiotics unless you actually have pneumonia, making it not worth your while to burn sick time to sit in a disease ridden series of rooms all for a perfunctory, “rest, fluids, OTC remedy” and a huge copay.
Does that about cover it?
Germy Shoemangler
@Bobby Thomson: I thought the problem was doctors overprescribing antibiotics? And antibiotic-resistant infections on the rise?
His partners are Ken Shem and Ken Japheth.
Bobby Thomson
@Germy Shoemangler: so they say, but that generally has not been my experience. And if that IS the problem, why should anyone ever go to the doctor for common cold or flu symptoms, however crippling?
J R in WV
Glad you’re feeling better. We do care! Except for the trolls… who aren’t quite human, are they?
Seconds on probiotics and nutritional supplements. Several family members have used them and lived a long life. Grandma didn’t take any vitamins, and lived to be 92, so go figure…
Anyway, best of luck recovering.
@Benw: @SiubhanDuinne:
We should so be on their board. We could make the place YOOOGE and classy and so much more fun. “Solve this Deuteronomy quiz about spilling seed and win a map to Noah’s secret bourbon bar.”
John Revolta
@trollhattan: Ooo. I wonder if they’ll have unicorns and T. Rexeses crying, just outside the hatch?
That’s got boondoggle written all over it. Does Kentucky really think they will recoup that huge investment? Maybe I’m wrong but last I read other Creation Museums not doing that well.
@PaulW: Love :)
@Germy Shoemangler: Aw, that’s great. And group cohesion is a delicate thing. The Beatles did well at that, all things considered.
Bill Arnold
My iPhone 4 now can fit the same number of balloon-juice comments on a screen as a full up laptop with Firefox, and with a similar font on the iPhone 4.
Germy Shoemangler
@Bobby Thomson: Colds are caused by viruses. Antibiotics only work for bacterial infections.
Glad to know you’re getting better, Cole.
Germy Shoemangler
I clicked on “JUMP TO LAST COMMENT” and it took me to comment #1.
@Bill Arnold:
Whoa! I gotta get me an iPhone 4.
ForUS50 @FORUS50
.@deray Can you share this? Virginia Beach Police on black woman they killed: It was accidental with newborn in car.
1:57 PM – 12 Nov 2015
Amir Khalid
I know many of us have said how much they missed him. THE BALLOON MAN IS BACK!! Snoopy dance!
@Amir Khalid: Except he’s everywhere, in every post
gogol's wife
@Amir Khalid:
Yes, although is he the same man?
Now I’m going to see if the back button works.
It took me to comment #1. I guess that’s something.
Didn’t realize Noah was a Christian, but if Ham implies that, it must be so.
Jay C
While I quite agree about the “boondoggle” part, it’s probably more likely that the “tax incentives” mentioned are waivers of taxes due on any income over the incentive period – IOW, forgone revenue in the future, rather than money paid out now.
Thiough, IMO, the Ark Park is more likely than its namesake to end up underwater….
What – no Underline? Fine. Hows about arrows pointing at the numbers from top and bottom, left and right? Of course it goes without saying that either the number or the arrows should be blinking like Christmas lights.
Doug R
@John Revolta:
Check out the play “Honkey” now available on PBS on Black identity. Riveting.
Germy Shoemangler
from the associated press:
Roger Moore
Are they going to show exactly how they would manage to package every species of animal in the world and enough food for all of them into the space? Will they provide work schedules for how they cleared out all the feces (except for that needed to feed the dung beetles)?
Bill Arnold
I just tried “User-Agent Switcher 0.1.3” and it works fine to force firefox to use a mobile site, but i mostly use my firefox for other things.
Amir Khalid
Steady on with the suggestions. You don’t want to get Mr God Mode all riled up at commenters trying to redesign the site by committee. Who knows what he might do.
Not exactly an investment, more like encouragement.
Amir Khalid
@Germy Shoemangler:
KFC has already been offering home delivery in Malaysia for some time now. I guess we were part of the pilot project.
@Amir Khalid: Righty-O, Agent 67!
@Roger Moore:
It’s a thorny problem. I’d start with “How many cubits per brontosaur?” and go from there. Will they have a microbe room or do they still hold disease being caused by impure thoughts and/or æther?
Bill Arnold
@Roger Moore:
It will be particularly interesting to hear about their approach to several levels of hyperparasitism. (Mostly wasps.)
Germy Shoemangler
@Amir Khalid: They should deliver hot chicken soup. Good for the soul (and Cole)
Keith G
@Roy Greene:
As a placebo maybe. There is no scientific study that I have seen that says otherwise.
You would be just as well off obtaining some tiger penis from your friendly neighborhood Vietnamese herbalist.
Amir Khalid
@Germy Shoemangler:
Now you’ve got me wondering what fried-chicken soup might taste like.
Keith G
Dang, I forgot that a p*nis will put me in moderation. How Victorian.
@Bill Arnold:
Guessing they’ll settle for merely demonstrating hyperparasitism daily (great word BTW, must store for future use).
joel hanes
…why are men do stubborn bout that
Control and mastery issues.
Glad you are feeling better.
I am not seeing fall scenes, just a Balloon man on every post. I think maybe whatever the most recent post picks is being duplicated? Firefox on a mac. Love comment numbers.
Felonius Monk
Divulging personal medical information is a violation of the HIPAA privacy rule. Do we have to go to jail now because we read this? :)
Bobby Thomson
@Germy Shoemangler: and if that’s the case, no one should be going to the doctor because the doctor can’t or at least won’t do jack shit.
Or we could just blame men’s ego issues.
Amir Khalid
Via TPM, news that Dr Ben’s campaign has intel assets in or near Syria who insist that China’s military is there. Well, at least Armstrong Williams says so.
@Felonius Monk: divulging health information of others, without proper permission, is is more likely the relevant violation.
Who is this John Cole? What’s his UserID number? Its probably really high.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Don’t know if anyone replied to you yet – I believe that is from Blazing Saddles when the sheriff first meets the Gene Wilder character.
What fresh hell is this? Now there are now flashing arrows on every FP post?
Show up early, no numbers. Come back later, numbers but about a mile above the comment. Now numbers with the comment right under it. Progress!!!
Germy Shoemangler
To paraphrase Woollcott, there’s nothing wrong with this website that a miracle can’t fix.
Germy Shoemangler
I like that the quoted sentences are in a larger point size than the rest of the comment. It looks better, IMO
J R in WV
In our experience, when people with compromised immune systems have viral infections, frequently doctors will prescribe antibiotics to prevent the patient from acquiring a bacterial infection while suffering from the viral infection.
Mrs J had septic shock, which is a blow to your immune system. Ever since she gets more antibiotics than the average customer. Maybe John’s medical folks worry that he has less of an immune system than some folks – he is sick more often than some of us, after all.
I’m willing to cut everyone some slack on this medical issue, as well as the site rebuild. But this is Balloon-Juice, so some will cut no slack, and others will not even notice the slack that needed cutting. Is that clear? not really…….
Remodel question: is there a pie filter update? I see (and can use) the pie filter stuff buttons, but no filter is occurring.
Germy Shoemangler
@les: where is the pie filter?
@Germy Shoemangler: I was wondering where the script that alternates colors of responses went. Do I have to re-enable it each time I start Firefox?
Germy Shoemangler
@catclub: I don’t know. I didn’t even know you could do that.
I’m completely at sea here.
@J R in WV:
During her last fifteen years or so my mom’s doctor was wonderful in staying on top of her colds, wanting to see her right away any time one occurred. She had had a bad pneumonia bout that scarred her lungs and made her more susceptible to more of the same–a viscous cycle. He wasn’t able to keep her out of the hospital completely but was certainly able to stave off quite a few trips by prescribing antibiotics as a preventive measure. Definitely not for everybody but I’m certain her life was extended by many years due to his diligence.
Germy Shoemangler
@trollhattan: And that’s the definition of a good doctor. Someone who knows what to prescribe, and when necessary. My parents, during their last illnesses, had mostly good doctors, but also a few terrible doctors.
Mike J
Cleek’s or the other one? Either way, I’d guess the authors are waiting for the new comment system to be put in before they fix it. If it doesn’t happen I’ll fix one of them.
@Germy Shoemangler: It was the More Better Balloon Juice script.
I enabled it and the responses had alternating backgrounds – white and light blue. Now that is gone.
I assume the newer versions (I installed just a few days ago) of BJ bork that older script.
The Golux
Funny thing about that movie: There are a zillion memorable quotes (“…you know, morons.”; “…little bastard shot me in the ass.”; “It’s twue! It’s twue!”), but when you actually watch the film, it doesn’t flow as well as it could, especially when compared to “Young Frankenstein”.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Golux: There are few comedies that would fare well compared to “Young Frankenstein.” It’s like saying “That’s a nice sculpture but it really doesn’t hold up well against Michelangelo’s David.”
Sweet Jeebus, how much more horrible can this get?
Seems like a good time to reiterate a request for a “Pony” button.
I was at first wondering if Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty might have called in that “expert witness” who always testifies that police shootings were justified (for the record, that’s William J. Lewinski). But no, it was this Ken Katsaris guy, who way back when was Sheriff of Leon County, Florida, and who earned his fame in the capture of Ted Bundy. Katsaris left that government job a long time ago, and is now in business for himself, apparently providing high-end whitewashing jobs.
But I’d settle for a more succincter “Recent Posts”, sans italics, underlines, arrows and flashing lights. I’m easy that way.
Reasonable is the last word I’d use.
Well of course we care, John; however, you need to get yourself well because your insightful commentary is missing (not to mention the on going saga of Thurston).
Prescott Cactus
@Amir Khalid: Carson campaign already back peddling this. Claims he meant Chinese restaurants. Two Le Ho Fook’s franchises have opened near Aleppo. . .
Summarizes everything wrong with Shithole America. Colds are caused by rhinoviruses, flu is caused by the influenza virus.
Neither one responds to antibiotics, which are effective only against bacterial infections.
You’d have better luck getting yourself bled with leeches, or hiring a medicine man to prance around in a wooden mask and cast spells to get rid of the evil ju-ju.
@Prescott Cactus:
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook’s
Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein
Werewolves of London!