The bag? It is bereft of fucks:
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The bag? It is bereft of fucks:
Open thread!
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[…] Obama gets it exactly right in this devastating take down of the chicken hawks in the other […]
Awwww yeah.
Yes we can
Omnes Omnibus
Lamh36 will be so happy when she wakes up tomorrow.
Exurban Mom
I keep thinking about the scene from American President, where he says something like: “They are interested in two things, and two things only: to make you afraid of it, and tell you who’s to blame for it.” That is our country right now.
@Exurban Mom:
Sometimes art does imitate life.
I am amazed the Repukes can get away with denigrating America so much and so often. Everything’s terrible! Of course, for political reasons.
The minute the Repukes recapture the White House, Fox News flips the switch and all media turns USA! USA! USA! Love or it leave it LIBTARD!
I didn’t know this was a parliamentary government which could call special elections. My understanding is that if we want a president out of office early she/he has to be impeached by the house and impeachment approved/upheld by the senate. I guess that my lurnnun of history and goburment is all fucked up.
Has John Cole’s support of VICE GAMING already been discussed? If I missed it, could I get a link?
@efgoldman: “save us Obi-Don, you’re our only hope!”
@efgoldman: Zooks. :-( There’s enough stupid, silly stuff out there. I don’t need to add to it.
It would be fun if the counter “broke” at 99,999 signatures. Seeing the Trump and the Teabaggers get upset by another phoney outrage-of-the-day would be fun.
(Thanks for the pointer, though.)
@Ruckus: Yup, it’s not Constitutional. I’m sure the White House will deal with it in an appropriate fashion, teh ol’ bitbucket.
Wow, the Martian Manhunter! Hadn’t thought of him in decades.
I’m getting a notice that the video on this page requires DRM software that Firefox does not support. Never seen the notice before—anywhere—just informing the powers that be.
Original Lee
Meanwhile, the brave brave governor of Maryland says he doesn’t want Syrian refugees. Apparently his compassion is exhausted by letting Baltimore be a sanctuary city (although only with private money). He’s a Republican, natch.
Y’know, there are other front pagers where I have to look at the byline to see who is writing the post. But I can always tell a Betty Cracker post immediately.
I say this in total admiration.
@efgoldman: That srv is a real cut-up.
We must accept the mutant immigrants.
He’s no Vision.
Back from the store.
A joke? You haven’t seem my FB feed. I mean you could be right, but I’m not betting money on it.
Original Lee
Obama is right. The world is watching. And the conclusion is that nothing can get done unless they leave Congress out of it. Cf. the WTO agriculture negotiations, where six countries are proposing a compromise that specifically does not require the U.S. to change any laws.
Afraid, irresponsible, wasteful. These are good words to start tagging to the Republican brand. Sells better than how we really feel: cowards, idiots, crooks. Small steps…
? Martin
A Coward for President.
Huh. I’m on Firefox 42.0, which I downloaded a couple of weeks ago, and Firefox is saying it’s up to date.
Betty Cracker
@Steeplejack: Could be some fuckery on the part of MSNBC. I looked high and low for embeds elsewhere to avoid inflicting an MSNBC vid on y’all, but none of the usual suspects have it posted yet.
Anyone following the standoff in Paris right now? Looks like the gendarmes may have cornered some rats. MSNBC correspondent Laura Haim has the most charming accent.
@Steeplejack: Had no prob on my Android phone
Might be that an add-on you have for FF is incompatible with version 42.
Had a similar problem show up involving my cookie manager add-on after updating to 42. Add-on developer acknowledged there was a conflict but provided no fix yet, so disabled that one and installed another which was compatible with FF 42. Since then, no probs.
Click Tools – – Add-ons – – Extensions and see if any you have installed are flagged as either incompatible or cautionary.
Turning away those Syrian refugees is a great idea. We need to keep out of America the next Steve Jobs, the next Gordon Moore, the next Richard Feynman, the next Nikoka Tesla.
We all need to crawl under our beds and put a tarp over our heads and whimper in mindless fear. That’s AMERICA!
@? Martin:
I specifically like the Cruz statement about them coming with US passports. If not mistaken, you have to be a citizen of a country to get a legal passport from that country. So it might just be a tad difficult for a Syrian refuge to obtain a US passport.
@Betty Cracker:
No blame. I looked for the video somewhere else to provide a better link than Lamh36’s and couldn’t find one either.
Good to know.
@Steeplejack: You laugh because you’re soft.
Was going to edit and add something like that, along the line of “Fucking morons, all of them went to college which means they probably know how to read. How much time out of their busy schedule would it take to learn how the government actually works. That might make their desire of dismantling it easier. Maybe college isn’t all it’s cracked up to be or they still offer degrees in basket weaving. No, that can’t be it, to get a degree in basket weaving they would have had to have made at least one basket and I don’t see one of them with the skill to do that.”
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Meanwhile, here in a sane state with a sane governor, Jerry Brown says we’ll take some refugees, no problem.
Jerry’s not perfect, but he did once challenge Chris Christie to a footrace, so I will forgive him for his weird knee-jerk anti-bicycle stances.
Let’s look at this objectively.
Tdump must have a degree in comb forwards (different that comb over, much less crowded a major).
Carson, well we are pretty sure he has some sort of a degree with some life sciences required, he did go to med school and held a license. Hasn’t seemed to stick with him very well.
Let’s cut to the chase, they all majored in pants pissing.
David Koch
Amir Khalid
Amir Khalid
RIP Jonah Lomu.
That thing on his head is old enough to vote, why shouldn’t it have a degree?
Looking at the Paris attack a different way.
129 dead, 7 attackers = 18.43/attacker. More of course may come, many are seriously injured.
Sandy Hook, 27 dead, 1 attacker = 27/attacker.
And we did nothing about this, fucking nothing. No calls to attempt to keep this from happening.
In 2013 the CDC reports that 11,208 homicides by gun, not counting legal shootings, suicides or injuries in this country. And we do nothing. Not a fucking thing.
But some assholes thousands of miles away do the same thing and conservatives shit themselves. Is this a great country or what?
@Amir Khalid:
You don’t know Don Tate? Famous brother to Don’t Tate and Tater Tate.
@NotMax: Zook was half baby, half dog, and all naked. It was weird.
Thanks for the disturbing childhood memory, I live for those.
Have you seen this? Ironic.
Republican state Rep. Tony Dale is concerned that Texas’ lax gun laws could allow Syrian refugees to launch terror attacks on American soil. .,,
… There is no waiting period to purchase a gun in Texas, which has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country. Starting in January, Texans will be able to openly carry handguns as well.
@Amir Khalid: A giant in more ways than one.
I was just watching the farewell haka the kids at his old school did for him yesterday.
Nate Dawg
Looks like they caught (or killed) that little bitch Abelhammid Abaaoud. Hopefully wiped that sick smile off his smug face.
Win. I hope prominent Democrats shamelessly steal that from you.
Any polls out that ask parents of small children if they have a bigger fear of right wing gunmen shooting up a school or a terrorist from Syria blowing up the mall on a Sunday?
We average about 2 Paris attacks a week from gun deaths here in the US. If only those cheese eating surrender monkeys had gun laws like ours they could have prevented the Paris attacks (ed: how does a handgun stop a suicide bomber?) and only had our regular drip, drip, drip of gun deaths.
I’d go as far as saying it’s infinitely more likely to get gunned down on the street by a deranged right winger than a terrorist. Should we be denying right wingers the right to move about freely?
? Martin
We did something. We loosened up gun laws. You are missing the key driver here:
White person killing people = mentally ill
Black person killing people = killing machine bred through black gene pool
Muslim person killing people = evil incarnate sent by the devil (probably Obama)
That white person is like being struck by lightning. It can’t be helped and when its your turn its your turn. But those other categories – well, they’re predestined to kill us so genocide is of course appropriate. Moral, even.
Parisians: We will go about our daily life and not let the terrorists win.
GOP: Ahhhh! Helllp! Poor refugees are massing to take over all the Farm & Fleets!
Jim Parish
Actually, there is a constitutional way to make Trump (or anyone else eligible) president quickly:
1) The vice-president resigns
2) The president appoints Trump vice-president, with congressional approval
3) The president resigns.
Pretty much the entire power structure has to agree on it, but it can be done.
@? Martin:
No, No, No. You’ve lived in Commie CA too long; if you’re armed with an AK as Jesus intended you’d take out that crazy white guy before he got you.
G.O.P.: Refugees are the new Ebola.
@NotMax: So the dustup last night about Tommy just sort of died huh?
apparently. i guess the unhappy ones need to ask for a refund.
@tybee: I’d rather be fishin!
ditto but the forecast for the weekend does not look promising.
did you see where the DNR will raise the troot limit to 14″ next year?
@tybee: actually, you jest, but money was raised and paid for this upgrade.
Funny — ha, ha, although he seemed to stop short of US responsibility for creating those widows and orphans. But I guess that would have ruined the joke.
@EricNNY: I kind of like that. The party that wets in its pants in the presence of 5-year old orphans.
1. This hysteria, which actually goes back 10 years and covers White America’s anxiety about all the Brown brothers and sisters coming north (who knew ISIS and Al Qaeda had so many Spanish speaking Catholics and Evangelicals in their ranks?), is just that, hysteria, sprung from bigotry, and racism.
2. The proximate cause of the hysteria is the story that at the site of one of the Paris attacks a Syrian passport was found. It appears that it was forgery or plant and that all the actual perpetrators were all French or Belgian nationals.
3. Interesting story in Vox about the political situation that has evolved over the last 25 years where “war,” or at least aerial bombing, has become almost the “first” resort for not just the right wing fever swamps, for our political, media, and national security elite, despite the now over 50 year history that bombing guerrilla and insurgent conflicts is not a particularly effective way to defeat such organizations and entities. Also, the reaction likely in the U.S. when some idiot with a gun does a mass killing who happens to associated with an Islamist group.
The only real dust raised resulted from a certain someone’s hackles snapping to attention and defensively lashing out yet again about the rabble not internetting properly.
parrot drones
What’s up, I log on to your new stuff named “Balloon Juice” regularly.