So this is incredibly disturbing: two brothers in South Carolina are facing charges that they treated Christopher Smith, a mentally handicapped black employee, like a slave, beating him regularly and paying him what amounted to less than $3,000 a year in salary. He also lived in a cockroach-infested apartment described as “sub-human.” Two attorneys are filing a civil suit on Smith’s behalf after he was rescued by social workers after an anonymous tip:
Smith was routinely called the N-word, according to the suit. He was savagely beaten with a frying pan, hot tongs, butcher knives, belt buckles and fists. He worked 18-hour shifts Monday through Saturday and 11-hour shifts on Sundays with no breaks, receiving little pay. … He was targeted for abuse by the Edwards brothers, they said, because he is black.
Team Blackness also discussed a House member who claims he’s not racist concerning Syria because he had a black roommate, Democratic presidential nominee fails on Black Lives Matter, and what an “anti-white” symbol looks like.
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I didn’t see this post in the RSS feed.
On top of being racist t dudes also sound masochistic. I bet it gave them a feeling of power if not pleasure to treat this man badly.
Paul in KY
If true, these 2 douchbags should get LWOPed, and the people who heard his screams, etc. & did not immediately call police should all do a stretch in jail.
I pray Mr. Smith gets his justice & some peace of mind.
If even half of these allegations are true, I would sure hope that a civil suit is not all there is.
I would assume the Justice Department is on it.
Ohio Mom
I forget the exact statistic because I can’t bear remembering it, but the percentage of people with disabilities who are abused at some point in their lives is huge, something like over 80 percent. Even so, what happened to Mr.Smith is absolutely off the charts.
Read this and was like..
put these muthaphuckas UNDER THE JAIL.
This is ridiculous.
Evil azz muthaphuckas.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Ohio Mom:
It is unfortunately terribly common, because it’s often difficult for mentally handicapped people to explain or report what happened to them, so assholes delberately target them. The intersection here is probably that he was easy to abuse because he was mentally handicapped, but people either didn’t notice or didn’t care because he was black. Thank god for the one caring person who finally reported it and got him freed.
Not only do those assholes need to spend the rest of their lives in prison, they also should be required to pay for Mr. Smith’s care in a nice group home where he can be safe and have friends.
Sandia Blanca
This is utterly disgusting–can’t even think of an appropriate punishment for these evil people.