Update: We’re all fixed. Apparently there was a glitch and it is now corrected!
Hey, I get to step on my own post. I feel like both John and AL and Betty C all rolled into one!
Anyhow, something funky seems to be happening with the comment moderation filter. I’ve just cleared out about 20 comments. Other than the one obvious spam one trying to sell us all something, I didn’t see anything in any of the comments that should have landed them in limbo. I’m sure the tech folks will be checking in to sort it out. So please be patient – one of us with the keys to that vault may not be constantly around to free your insights.
Viagra Viagra
Penis Penis
Trump Cruz
I usually read the blog on my Kindle, and I have to say it’s still far superior to this.
Poor Alain and mix.
Alain the site fixer
Ok, think I fixed that. Stay tuned, I’m prepping a site maintenance announcement and then tomorrow I’m updating the theme which means some colors and styles will be bad until I re-edit them. Pre-apologies to all.
ETA I am not in front of my pc full-time today as I am prepping for major home repairs and general holiday fun. So, email me urgent issues, Front Pagers!
Villago Delenda Est
You’re not the boss of me! I’ll adjust my set when I damn well please!
Alain the site fixer
@satby: I hope that the next iteration of the comments works very well for you, especially on your Kindle! I’m prepping a post explaining upcoming maintenance, etc. that I’ll post later today and I mention a bit about the new comments. It will be better, but a bit different, like any new thing.
Amir Khalid
Put a beat on that and offer it to Baud!2016 as a campaign song.
Amir Khalid
@Alain the site fixer:
@Alain the site fixer:
also. too. direct links. tweets
schrodinger's cat
@BGinCHI: Wow being in Norway gives special powers it seems.
@Amir Khalid: I have faith. I’m also a tad frightened.
Steeplejack (tablet)
And the portions are so small!
@Amir Khalid: I was thinking of it as more of a chant.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Amir Khalid:
Srsly. Serenity now!
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: We control the horizontal and the vertical!
@schrodinger’s cat: There isn’t as much raiding and pillaging as I’d hoped.
Villago Delenda Est
@srv: Let’s just ban FreiRepublic, RedState, and Breitbart. That will be a good start.
@srv: Apart from the economic fortunes of Atlantic City, presumably.
@Adam L Silverman: “Outer Limits” ref FTW.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Triple-Erick can sling burgers with an assault rifle over his shoulder. Pro tip: ask for a different shift than TE’s..
@srv: rwnj’s will be the first casualty. Can’t wait for their whiny howling.
Amir Khalid
The same tech that works so well at filtering out work-at-home solicitations, Nigerian e-mail scams, and any mention of the actress who played Hermione Granger? Yeah, that’ll work.
More of a spring thing. Scotland keeps an eye eastward after the meltoff.
schrodinger's cat
OT Blogpimping
The stark beauty of early December. You can has photos.
Just a reminder:
The Way of Cats Fund Drive
is still in progress.
Holiday Spirit? Love cats and kittens? Just want to see kitten Mithrandir at his smallest and fuzziest?
Click on the link.
Thanks so much! I really could not keep going without the donations, folks. As we have seen here, over the last few weeks, it is tough keeping a blog going.
Would you? For the kitties!
I just read over at Raw Story that a Muslim group in San Bernadino area have started a fund for victims of the massacre with goal of $100,000 before end of Dec to help with funerals, hospital bills, mortgages, etc. Muslims United for San Bernadino Families have already reached $83,000. My first thought was have any gun rights groups done the same?
No doubt your second thought was BWAhahahahahahahha
schrodinger's cat
@WereBear: Quick question : I noticed some missing patches of fur on my orange kitteh, she has been over grooming her right hind paw but she seems perfectly healthy otherwise. She has never done this before. What do you think could be the problem?
@trollhattan: That’s what all the sharpening must be about then.
My reaction was snorting, yeah, right.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: insect bite or an abrasion. Happens with my dogs on occasion.
@schrodinger’s cat: Short term, a small injury she is cleaning. If it continues, though, it can be a sign of stress, a change in food, or some underlying medical issue.
I always ask myself: “What has changed?”
schrodinger's cat
@WereBear: I haven’t changed her food or litter or anything. She does tend to get hairball blockages in winter. She has short but dense fur. I use Laxatone (per vet’s advice) twice a week. Should I increase the frequency?
@schrodinger’s cat: Does she like coconut oil? I find that works better. Just a dab on the area she is over-grooming might help!
@schrodinger’s cat: I always wished I had one of the Star Trek medical tricorders; the one Dr. McCoy used. Just wave it over my cat for an instant diagnosis.
The medical tricorder has a detachable, high-resolution, hand-held scanner that sends life-sign information to the tricorder itself. It can check all vital organ functions, detect the presence of dangerous organisms, and human physiology. Its data banks also contain information on non-human races known to the Federation, thereby making it possible to treat other life-forms.
I’d just set it to “cat” and find out what the hell is bothering my cat.
Scientists are working to create “real life” tricorders:
The Scanadu Scout Medical Tricorder is a device straight out of the Star Trek. This device is packed with sensors … bring the Tricorder in direct contact with your left temple for 10 seconds and it will analyse your vitals, including the temperature, heart rate, oximetry, ECG, respiratory rate, blood pressure, urine analysis and emotional stress level. The results of this analysis will be recorded and shown to you via a smartphone app.
— February 2014 in The New Indian Express
Betty Cracker
@Adam L Silverman: What sort of dogs do you have and how many?
Felonius Monk
@BGinCHI: Are those the words to some sort of Norwegian fertility rite?
Mnemosyne (tablet)
I tried taking my temperature this morning and it came up at 97.1 degrees. Not a typo. Hopefully I just need a new thermometer.
john b
@Germy: How are they going to get a urine analysis from my temple?!?! My aim isn’t THAT bad.
@Mnemosyne (tablet): That’s about my usual temperature. Remember that 98.6 is only the average normal. YTMV.
@Germy: And what happens if you hold it to your RIGHT temple?
@john b: I’m glad you didn’t ask about a stool sample.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
BTW, there’s some good news for Chicago-based Hamilmaniacs.
That tall Irish-looking guy you’ll see at the front of the line will be my brother-in-law. Go ahead and talk to him, he’s a sweetie. And if you know any nice men looking for a good husband, bring them along for an introduction.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
I’m usually at 97.9 — 98.6 is verging on a mild fever for me. Still, that was unusually low even for me, and a little freaky.
@Betty Cracker:
And what are their names and how long have you had them and could we please see pictures?
And what the hell have they done with the mustard?
@Betty Cracker:
Yes. I do not believe we’ve gotten this information from Adam yet. I didn’t even know he had a dog, let alone multiples. I thought it was in the BJ FPer contract that all FPers must first post about their animals and that pictures of said animals are mandatory. On a regular basis.
What does Trump mean when he says that he wants his ban on Muslims coming into the US until our representatives get a handle on things? It was 2 idiots committing terrorism who then died. I think it was also workplace violence for attacking his coworkers but that angle seems to be lost in the blame an entire religion for 2 idiots going on. What is there to get a handle on?
I realize a big part of this is people’s profound misplacing of risk. Plenty of articles about it, but depressing to see not just Trump but the pants-wetting media falling for this.
And I won’t even get into the idiocy of asking Bill Gates to turn off the Internet. Trump is pretty stupid. He seems to operate on the assumption that the world is just powerful, rich folks in committee chambers making decisions & then they just buzz the receptionist, tell her their decision and it’s done, oh and by the way, where’s the mid afternoon cookies? How did he ever succeed in any business?
Yes! Right next to the “mandatory tap dancing” tryouts!
…oh hey, Spam works now.
@Adam L Silverman: Adam, if you ever have a section or chapter on Turkish-Russian relations in your writings, slip this image in somewhere, just to ensure everyone is reading.
Oleg Kashin sure seems to like taunting The Bear; I hope he avoids a repeat of the last time that sort of thing resulted in a severe beating.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Scroll down to Anne Laurie’s morning open thread and you’ll see one Constitutional law expert’s reaction to Trump’s speech. It starts with, and I quote, “Oh, for the love of God.”
Also, Trump makes money by licensing his name, not by being any good a running a business. He is, after all, the guy who managed to go bankrupt running a ca$ino, the easiest way to make money in the known universe.
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: I currently have two. I have a black lab/german shepherd or malinois mix named Rosie. She just turned five at the end of November. Her little sister is Ruby. Ruby is a chocolate lab/boxer and some sort of small hound/small hound mix and she turned two on OCT 7. Her mother was a lab/boxer mix. John and AL put up a pet rescue bleg for her here back in 2014. The shelter she came into pregnant at the end of 2013, where Ruby was born, was having trouble placing her and so was the rescue organization that was trying to get her at least a foster home. No one has any idea what her dad was other than small hound or hound mix.
Back to Ruby. She’s got crystal eyes, so her dad may have been a Catahoula Leopard Dog or Leopard Dog mix. But he also could have been a beagle mix. She retrieves like a retriever, paws like a boxer, and scent tracks like a hound – and occasionally bays as well!
Both girls were from the same foster family that is part of Furry Friends Rescue in Central, PA. When I moved to PA for my assignment in Carlisle my oldest dog at the time was a greyhound/terrier mix. We moved just after she had treatment for a brain tumor and was in remission. She died the following January at 13 and 1/2. My surviving dog, a black lab/Australian shepherd mix, had only been around other dogs. So I contacted Furry Friends, started the vetting process to be approved for adoption, and when Rosie showed up on the site about two months later we began the process to get her. When Rosie’s big sister died in November 2013, I contacted the foster family, explained what happened, and said I wanted to get Rosie a sister or brother within about three to four months. So they started looking for me, were contacted about bringing Ruby and one of her sisters into foster from the shelter, and we went from there. Basically I get dogs for my dogs.
With the exception of my Blue Tick who died right before I went off for predployment train up, all my dogs have been puppies when I get them – usually around 4 months. I prefer to get them young, get them integrated into the household from an early age, including basic and intermediate, dog training, and go from there. Rosie is very outgoing and social, but has grown into a calm lady. Ruby is exceedingly dad focused. She’s easy to train because of that, but she’s very reticent around other people and dogs. A lot of times at the dog park she’ll just sit at my feet rather than go run around. If its just her and her sister, she tears around that place like a nut. A few dogs and she’ll play a bit. More than four or five other dogs, she goes, sniffs, and comes back and sits directly in front of me. But she can’t wait to go to the dog park! So its socializing her little by little. She doesn’t nip or bite or anything like that.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: As I have heard all too often: if you needed to know that information, you already would!
Adam L Silverman
@sharl: That’ll get the rubber hoses going!
@Alain the site fixer: no really: it’s FINE on the Kindle. No tweaks needed.