Someone mentioned key lime pie in the thread downstairs. Nom nom!
Feel free to continue to hash over the GOP debate, talk about something more worthwhile (e.g., pie, prime rib roast, innovative new uses for dryer lint, etc.) or whatever. Open thread!
Betty Cracker
I think it’s possible to leave a comment now…
Yes! Pie is served!
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
Cept I posted a link to a hysterical wolf hall parody in the last thread – which I will repeat here, just cuz i love it so
Reasons why I would Make An Excellent Tudor Era lady-in-waiting and you should consider me for that position. –
BTW – anybody see Rosenthal’s Opinion piece in NY times tonight re Trumps Jackbooted Thugs in Vegas? Pretty Harsh – even if he didn’t violate Godwins lawy
Dryer lint art – it’s a thing
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
um – did I freeze this thread in my vain attempt to post a link? is BJ that fragile? Oh, dear. – Betty? Where did i everybody go?
If so, i feel both undeservedly powerful and very contrite! I shall go outside to smoke while the juice gets healed.
Mike J
LAPD found no bias in all 1,356 complaints filed against officers
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
If so, i feel both undeservedly powerful and very contrite! I shall go outside to smoke while the juice gets healed.
Just awakened from a much needed nap.
Is the ‘debate’ over yet?
Did Trump publicly vow to make Pluto a planet again?
Mnemosyne (tablet)
I’m probably way late to this story, but WTF is up with this Gypsy Blanchard murder case?
Short version as far as I can tell: mother DeeDee Blanchard was found stabbed to death, and they feared that her disabled daughter Gypsy was in danger. Then it turned out that the daughter was not and never had been disabled, but her mother had been forcing her to fake disability since she was a child so her mother could con people. Gypsy eventually got tired of being abused and convinced her boyfriend to help murder her mother.
If even half of what they say about her mother is true, then frankly I can’t blame Gypsy one bit. Her mother was a fucking monster. It’s a really, really bizarre story.
Major Major Major Major
Reminded me of the Fry & Laurie skit Young Tory of the Year, especially when Cruz opened his Backpfeifengesicht
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
oh, and Betty? You were absolutely right – I am LOVING the new car – once I figured out all the bells and whistles. Remote start – why oh why didn’t I buy one the first winter i got back to North Dakota? That is a GREAT invention.
Night, all
When did Van Jones become a hack? Last time I heard from him was when the wingers got him fired from his whitehouse job. Anyway, he was on CNN praising Carly Fiorina’s debate performance. He claimed that she offers solutions and knows the issues. He then claimed that Rubio is the one the Dems are scared off because of all his assets: can get the latino vote, can get Florida, and so different from Hillary Clinton, he’s a threat to her, among other crap.
I’m still hoping the next GOP “debate” (d)evolves into a fistfight. It would be more entertaining and less emotionally scarring to witness, and the only ones at risk of TBI would be the candidates. As it stands, I worry about headdesking too hard and leaving myself impaired.
Thoughtful Today
Rubio polls very well against Clinton. A string of polls had him beating her.
And he has several demographic advantages (on paper) over her.
Van Jones has math, politics, and history on his side.
But sure, aside from favorable polls, demographic advantages, and history….
If you didn’t know Trump was a billionaire you’d wonder what the inarticulate know-nothing was doing on stage. He makes Sarah Palin seem like a statesman. It’s striking that this guy is leading the polls. And this outside all of his demagogic opportunism and juvenile name calling.
@Thoughtful Today:
Rrright. Just because, stop-all-the-immigrants rubio is a cuban, all the latinos will vote for him. Both you & van are clueless.
@amk: Most of the Latino community doesn’t have alot of affinity for Cubans.
Amir Khalid
@Thoughtful Today:
Rubio’s still trailing Trump in the polls by twenty-odd percentage points. He’s got to catch up to Trump and beat him to the nomination before he can exploit any polling advantage over Hilary.
It’s true that the forty-something Rubio is a generation younger than Hillary, who is in her late sixties. On the other hand, he’s a Republican, and his political positions are much less popular than hers. You yourself favour a candidate in his mid-seventies.
At this early stage, with nearly a year’s worth of national and global events still to unfold, and a month and a half ahead of the first primaries, I wouldn’t take seriously head-to-head polling between any Democrat and any Republican. It is too speculative to be of use.
Thoughtful Today
I stand by what I said:
Rubio polls very well against Clinton. A string of polls had him beating her.
And he has several demographic advantages (on paper) over her.
On paper.
Amir Khalid
@Thoughtful Today:
In other words, you don’t have a counter-argument.
Another Holocene Human
@Mnemosyne (tablet): Sounds like Mama was a very evil woman and this was the only way she thought she could get out from under her thumb. Very sad.
I wonder if there’s some sexism there, not that the facts and this woman’s future dangerousness shouldn’t be considered, but when a male kills a parent they forget about mitigating circumstances.
The truth is, sex has nothing to do with whether an adult child, due to a sheltered, controlling, and, crucially, physically and emotionally abusive upbringing, simply lacks the maturity, knowledge of how the world works, and skills to find more peaceful solutions to their problems.
I’m not blanket excusing patricides here. Danny Rollins killed his mother after a lifetime of abuse, very classic case. But he didn’t just hate her, he hated all women, and stalked and killed several girls before he was caught. Rollins was executed by the State of Florida but he was in prison for a while before his number came up, and a former Fla corrections officer* assured me that nobody liked Danny even in prison.
*I’ve worked with a number of former state corrections officers after Rick Scott laid thousands of them off. Some of them had trouble adjusting to life outside the prison.
Another Holocene Human
@Anya: He started doing bits on TV, in addition to whatever project he had going on.
I think he’s just not all that bright, albeit very likeable.
Thoughtful Today
lol, Amir, I’m sincerely not arguing with you, I could quibble, but I’m not, in fact, you add context that’s occasionally appreciated, I just read it with a jaundiced eye.
amk completely invents concerns, though. They benefit from a second reading.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Thoughtful Today:
Erm, what is your problem with using the “reply” button?
Betty Cracker
@reality-based (the original, not the troll): I’m so glad it worked out for you!
@Amir Khalid:
So was neues?
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Another Holocene Human:
From some of the stories I’ve seen, boys usually lash out at their abusers at a younger age, so part of it is the justice system’s knee-jerk assumption that if there’s a conflict between parents and kids, the parents are always right and the kids are always wrong. If it goes on so long that they start killing others before they get around to their parent(s), it’s usually too late. IIRC, the notorious serial killer Edmund Kemper was another one who killed several women before he killed the woman he was really angry with, his abusive mother.
In my layperson’s opinion, I think about 10 years in prison for each of them would be a just sentence, especially if they can put Gypsy in a locked mental health facility for the intensive therapy she’s going to need. In a weird way, it would almost be crueler to acquit her and cut her loose to try and find therapy on her own. She’s going to need some very intense inpatient care to recover.