Apparently Aladdin and Princess Jasmine are terrorist masterminds, who knew?
30% of Republican primary voters nationally say they support bombing Agrabah. Agrabah is the country from Aladdin. #NotTheOnion
— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) December 18, 2015
I’m gonna go ahead and bet that factoring in Democrats that we end up with that fabulous TWENTY-SEVEN PERCENT of all American voters will agree to anything thing yet again, yadda yadda America has a dangerous military Genie deficit SO LET’S BOMB AGRABAH AND GET THAT JAFAR DUDE YEEEHAAAAAA.
On the other hand, Iago is pretty suspicious for a parrot…
EDIT: Full PPP poll results in PDF form here. Far scarier than bombing a fictional country is the very real problem that having 46% of your voters wanting a national database of Muslims presents, assholes.
EDIT 2: Yep, 19% of Democrats also want to bomb a fictional Disney sultanate.
Snarki, child of Loki
The Pentagon R&D project for “Stealth Carpets” is running over budget and behind schedule, so …
Gentlemen! We cannot allow a Carpet GAP!
Billy Bob said he would support the bombing before the pollster could say just where.
Gin & Tonic
I’m surprised the number is as low as 30%. By my estimation, at least 65% of Republican primary voters are fucking morons.
Guy in the comments: “To be fair, it IS a brutal dictatorship.”
Maybe if we could show them the world?
Mrs J is going to make another batch of doggie treats and promised to add extra garlic because today is my birthday.
@jeffreyw: Happy Birthday Dawg! My bride’s is tomorrow !
@Snarki, child of Loki:
It’s behind schedule because the Republicans on the oversight committee will not authorize inspections of the underside and, anyway, the janitors are now all in Gitmo – along with their brooms.
Speaking of fiction, they made a TV movie of Stephen King’s 11-22-63.
Man goes back in time trying to prevent JFK’s murder. Things don’t work out.
@raven: Wish her well for me!
Great, the repub base is primed for war. They have demonized an entire religion to an extent that they can justify almost any action. Sound familiar. I think most godwin attempts to be hyperbolic, but am less and less sure if the Trump comparison is unreasonable.
Years ago, Spy magazine went around asking Congressmen to comment on ethnic cleansing in Freedonia. They got answers:
Scott S.
To be fair, I didn’t remember Agrabah was from Aladdin either.
I do wonder, though, if Republicans have decided that movie was Secret Terrorist Propaganda now.
@dmsilev: Hail to Freedonia!
Paul in KY
@jeffreyw: Best wishes to you!
Now and then I’ll sample RW media.
A long car trip, I’ll tune into some radio hate talk. Rush, Hannity, Savage, plus the local wannabees who labor in the expectation they’ll be swept up into the bigtime if they hate enough.
Wall to wall commercials, for one thing. They all talk for about a minute, then spend five minutes on ads. Capitalism!
“LifeLock” is a product they hawk again and again. So I wasn’t surprised when I read this:
Paul in KY
@raven: Best wishes on your wife’s birthday!
@Paul in KY: Thanks, she said no gifts because of the $ spent on the addition but I was born at night. . .but not last night!
So, we finally breach the (in)famous 27% rule? Peak wingnut has been surely achieved now?
My offspring were young children when Aladdin came out. We saw it in the theater and then I bought the VHS tape for their repeat entertainment.
I recall there was a controversy over the “hey, it’s barbaric but at least it’s home” lyrics. I’m not sure, but I think they had to re-record some of the words for the home release.
But yes, this latest poll reveals the utter IGNORANCE of the repub base.
Don’t they know Atlantis has been threatening to send some artists, philosophers and poets here to undermine our freedom? Hail Atlantis!
Just the whole new part.
@raven: I’m sure she will be “Soooooo surprised!” Happy B-day to her.
Paul in KY
@raven: Hee hee!!
For all people who believe HRC is history’s biggest monster, here’s a quote about the GOP frontrunner:
The GOP Wrong For Us
I think this is an excellent ad. I wish it would appear on tv during every broadcast and cable news broadcast, rather than the pharma ads. But I suspect it will languish in obscurity.
It has cats!
@Germy: The movie will be better than the book. For running-time reasons if no other, the movie will have to cut the several hundred pages where the hero follows Oswald around, doing absolutely nothing except watching his mundane comings and goings. I am guessing the reason this wasn’t edited out is because STEPHEN KING!!!!!! was the writer.
Djinn and chthonic.
@Pogonip: I haven’t read the book. Last King book I read was Bag Of Bones, which I liked, but then I read Cell, which made me feel like he phoned it in.
Do you recommend the JFK book?
They could use a new, fantastic point of view.
@Germy: “…at least it’s an ethos.”
Just One More Canuck
The people who weren’t sure about bombing Agrabah wanted to know if it had a lot of oil
@Germy: I had to look at it to see the cats. Yay cats.
Iowa Old Lady
I wouldn’t have known what Agrabah was, but I hope I’d have had the sense to say that. I wonder if chronically ignorant people are less willing to admit their ignorance. They’re used to it, after all.
@Iowa Old Lady: I think they assumed it was ISIS controlled, which considering today’s news reports are ALL ISIS, ALL the time, I can’t really blame them for it. I’d have made the same assumption, difference being I would have answered “No.”
@Scott S.:
Dude, you’re missing the point, which is: These morons are in favor of bombing any country with an Arab-sounding name. Congratulations to our liberal media for ramping up the Muslim-hate to “Let’s start another war, who cares what happened last time!” levels.
@Gin & Tonic:
Apparently at least 30% of Republicans (and 19% of Democrats) are in favor of bombing anybody that sounds vaguely “Muslim”. Although to be fair we don’t know how the poll works – some of them may have just mashed the Yes button as soon as they heard the word “bombing” and are just warmongers who are in favor of dropping bombs just to drop bombs.
I say “at least” because there may be a few who realized that Agrabah was a fictional country and moved their responses to “not sure” because of the confusion.
(Honestly I bet that you could get that number way up if you asked if they were in favor of bombing the “Rebel Alliance”. I also am curious on what the partisan split would be on the destruction of Alderaan. I’ll be that as a vaguely Middle Eastern sounding name, bombing Al-deran would get more than 30% of the polls.)
Gin & Tonic
@Germy: So looks like Trump is getting Bob in Portland’s vote.
Amir Khalid
I dunno. I think what King wanted to do there was immerse his readers in America as it was between 1958 and 1963, a place very different from America now. Your mileage may vary on its relevance to the plot, but for me it does give the events some kind of social and historical context.
Exchange of the Day
December 18, 2015
Business Insider captured this exchange between Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough and Donald Trump:
Scarborough: “Well, I mean, it’s also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously that would be a concern, would it not?”
Trump: “He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader. Unlike what we have in this country.”
Scarborough: “But again: He kills journalists that don’t agree with him.”
Trump: “I think our country does plenty of killing, also, Joe, so, you know. There’s a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on. A lot of stupidity. And that’s the way it is.”
But Friday during his “Morning Joe” interview, Trump said he always “felt fine” about Putin and touted the Russian president’s poll numbers. Putin’s position in his country is bolstered by the Russian government’s control over much of the Russian news media.
Trump contrasted Putin’s numbers with President Barack Obama’s.
“I think he’s up in the 80s. You see where Obama’s in the 30s and low-40s. And he’s up in the 80s,” Trump said. “And I don’t know who does the polls. Maybe he does the polls, but I think they’re done by American companies, actually.”
Hell, yeah — bomb them back to the Flintstone Age!
Alain the site fixer
@Chris: test
Alain the site fixer
Xmas errands and lunch then comment numbers and more tweaks to mobile site.
@PurpleGirl: The meowing caught the attention of my cat. This is the first political ad she has shown any interest in.
@bluehill: best way to calm them down would be to reinstate the draft, no deferrments for anal cysts, college, or silver spoons. The current bunch of soldiers have done multiple tours in a war zone. Time to spread the pain around.
Because, this is who they are.
Nearly 50% of Trump Supporters in Iowa Think Japanese Internment Camps Were a Good Idea
By Zeeshan Aleem December 15, 2015
People looking to condemn Donald Trump’s presidential campaign are quick to point to the frontrunner’s support among prominent white supremacists and mobs eager for a fight. But defenders of the real estate magnate argue that those supporters are fringe followers, out of sync with the thrust of Trump’s ideology.
A new poll, however, illustrates at least one shockingly backward view that’s pervasive among a key contingent of his fans.
According to a Public Policy Polling survey of usual Republican primary voters in Iowa, 48% of Trump voters say they support the use of Japanese internment during World War II, while only 21% oppose it. That’s a departure from Republicans overall in the state, among whom 29% support it and 39% are opposed. The poll found that supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Ben Carson all opposed the policy in greater numbers than supported it — in the latter case, by a margin of 4 to 1.
The most interesting thing about this poll, aside from the advanced age of the respondents, is the overwhelming (4:1) support for background checks for all gun purchases and for barring those on the terrorist watch list from purchase. The candidates seem to be getting away with ignoring that position.
That and the fact that the Cruz/Trump head to head is a tie….bad times right there.
@Germy: That was a New Twilight Zone episode. Kennedy not dying led to the Soviet leader getting assassinated instead, which caused further instabilities. The time traveler then took Kennedy’s place, and Kennedy went on to lecture in the future.
Is there a random collection of letters many Americans wouldn’t be in favor of bombing?
My brother, not known to be a big Stephen King fan, did like the J.F.K. book a lot. I have it on my Nook but haven’t read it yet.
I did just finish reading Michael Connelly’s latest Hieronymus Bosch novel, The Crossing. Wouldn’t say he phoned it in, but I thought I detected “on hold” music a few times. It was okay but formulaic. Still better than Lee Child’s latest Reacher novel, Make Me, which was a phoned-in job.
To be fair though, I have seen those brooms marching in lock step carrying suspicious looking buckets being lead by a dark character wearing what might have been a turban!
Mixed cartoon metaphor
If this little bit of “ratf***ing” of Ted Cruz is not all the evidence we need to know that the Republican Senate leadership really, really loathes Cruz, and that Marco Rubio is the fair haired boy, secret hope of the establishhment.
It is dismaying that Marco (and Ben Carson) leads Hilary in national and key battleground states. A lot of young, particularly male voters apparently don’t want vote for someone they see like their grandmother.
All off Hjnvoiagbfxc must die in flame!
And now I’m hearing that music in my head. I guess it’s not so bad since I have just finished singing all the songs from Aladdin and “you ain’t never had a friend” was becoming a bit of an earworm problem.
Guy I work with came in today with that dreadful Lennon xmas song stuck in his head so I replaced it with Alvin and the chipmunks one. He did not thank me!
Boy it’s a good thing bombs and fuel don’t cost money! Otherwise some might question the average Republican’s commitment to being a fiscal conservative.
Bombing, like tax cuts, pays for itself , in GOPworld
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: I predict the Trump-Putin mutual knob-slobbering won’t dent Trump’s poll numbers in the least. American wingnuts have openly admired Putin for years. And I don’t know where Scarborough gets the idea that murdering journalists would bother the Trumpenproletariat. Hell, they’d probably cheer if Trump bumped off a few uppity American journos.
I think some of them might hear “Rebel” and assume the Alliance was a neo-Confederate movement. In which case the vote is “no.”
OTOH, tell them about this “Ackbar” admiral and I just bet they’ll change their minds.
I think there was a clue in the title…
@Alain the site fixer:
gogol's wife
I just have Hamilton raps going through my head all day. Can’t stop, can’t stop, this is worse than my Shirley Temple craze.
I’m pretty sure that’s in Greenland.
@gogol’s wife:
I guess I am lucky, rap never plants a seed in my brain. Sadly I do get songs I hate stuck in there though. Never ones I like
@Betty Cracker: They absolutely don’t care abour where they’re being lead or the moarity of the actions they are lead to do (bomb jjgihgfyijg!) so long as it’s decisevely lead with a firmly manly hand and probably a flag pin and god bless stuck in somewhere next to the tattered boilerplate about no taxes all the guns. So long as it’s a parade!
Gotta be Iceland.
@Steeplejack: Meh. Bomb ’em all. Let Odin sort ’em out.
Okay, no argument there.
Happy Crimble!
A Beatles xmas mashup for balloon-juicers big and small.
@Iowa Old Lady:
If they weren’t so ignorant they’d know they were ignorant. But then they wouldn’t be so ignorant and wouldn’t have to explain that they didn’t know. Because they weren’t so ignorant. I’ve just assumed that a percentage of the population likes to be ignorant, it saves all that time reading, thinking, understanding or even just thinking of reading.
I would hope so, but if it ever got to that point, they would couch this in patriotic language so these poor kids would be running to sign up. Trump and his ilk has people seemingly willing to accept things that are clearly unconstitutional, but they don’t care because it deals with a group they despise. Is this what “first they came for …” looks like? A real slippery slope?
Villago Delenda Est
If you want to take out a bunch of Daesh supporters, the opportunity was there in Vegas Tuesday night.
@Germy: Ugh, Cell. He has mentioned that The Stand is one of his most popular books. I guess that is why he did it twice.
I would only recommend 11/25/63 (or whatever the date is) if you are a really diehard King fan. You would do better to read Joyland or Revival. Revival’s hero is a Mary Sue like all new-unimproved-King heroes but it’s mildly entertaining anyway.
Doug R
@sukabi: No draft, just one year manditory service both genders including peace corps. Starting with Dick Cheney and Donald trumpet, of course.
…and what have you done?
Paul in KY
@Belafon: I don’t think Jack Kennedy would have given up being President to be a ‘lecturer’.
@Poopyman: Or Iceland and is the start of a volcanic island.
For a seasonal note, here’s the 12 days of Christmas from Aladdin. Fair Warning, it’s Panto Aladdin. But ranking up there with Boston Charlie personally.
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: Hopefully, that will hurt him with our journalists.
I think this is more our style.
@Schlemazel: Lennon’s Xmas song borrowed heavily from an old folk tune. Peter Paul & Mary did a version of it in the early ’60s: Stewball
Lennon was a magpie; he admitted it himself.
Paul in KY
@Ruckus: Will say that if you can’t read worth a crap, it can be frustrating & time consuming.
IMO, the absolute best subject one can master here in U.S. is English & reading comprehension.
People say bad things about Jafar but at least he’s a leader, amirite?
I never pretended I am nice
I’m not a fan of stewball but that other one is horrific. Hate it. The one from McCartney is no better
@Paul in KY: “Kennedy” had to die in Dallas. It just didn’t have to be Kennedy. I meant to imply that the killing of Kennedy had to occur, and the time traveler took his place for the shooting.
Paul in KY
@Belafon: Oh, sorta like A Tale of Two Cities! Thanks for explanation.
I read that the Sultan of Agrabah was a petromillionaire, living in lavish style while his population starved. The army spends their time persecuting petty criminals and damaging the property of the hard-working merchant class. Doesn’t seem to be any arable land around, so the population seems intent on plundering antiquities for foreign capital.
The GOP has begun reaching out to the prime minister, Jiffer? Jaffer? Anyhow, he seems a pragmatic sort with whom the can strike deals. I’m sure he has a high base of popular support.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
I agree, that Jaffer, Jiffe? He may be a bit of hippy when it comes to tropical birds, he does seem like the kind of can do guy who can keep Argabah American. Word has It Obummer hasn’t even appointed an ambassador to The Sultanate of Argabah, hopefully a Cruize Trump presidency will fix that.
Bomb Jar Jar.
@Gin & Tonic: Even if they are right about not bombing Agrabah, they can still be morons.